The Clinton News Record, 1918-1-10, Page 8a
Clinton Newa-Record
oiss Myrtle Johnston, Who has
been tatting a curse's treinieg in
(1Oderieh, is borne for a few holi-
ilfes, 1Ym, Dennison was called to
her old home owing to the midden
death of her mother, who c resided
near Theelmiavilie.
Miss Tillie Morrison and Mess Zile
to restulre their duties alter speed-
ing their 11o11dnys in this vicinity,
Mr. George Reid, who has spent
the last twelve years in the west,
is renewing aequitintancee hereabouts.
Mr, Hervey Heid left home on the
ileth to join his battalion for over^
soils. -
Quite a large number of the youth
peopseembled at the home of
Mr, Win. Hayter last Thursday+night
to tender the young couple a mime -
ea Beatty have retuned to '1'Oronto laneous shower.
recently returned from the front, give his thrilling and
instructive presentation on the subject
In Wesley Church on
Biionadaj Evening, Januarg 14th
(Epworth League anniversary)
Admission 26c and 15c Half proceeds for Patriotic
Big Patriotic Concert
Under the auspices of the Girls' Auxiliary
JANUARY the 15th
The Valentine Girl"
"Behind the eurtala of the future lie
Happier years thug the year genu by."
Mrs. Clay Rance McKinnon, Elocutionist
and local talent.
Admission: 'Tuesday Matinee 15c cL 25e, Evening tae & 35c
Every Shoe Requirement
This house of Good Shoes
asks the consideration of people
who care for Shoes of Special
Merit and the best of Shoe Value
at any stated price.
Satisfactory Toes Repairs
The W. D. Fair Co.
"Often the Cheapest
Always the Best."
, n a ,: , wir nu men emwmie up
itllJ fir' - - _ _. 'mule
Miss L. Graham fie spending the win-
ter with friends in London,
Miss Taylor of London spent 'a
oouPle of daps in town lust week,
MITIS Stone, who spent her vacation
at her home at Essex, returned to
Olintoa Saturday.
iters. Margaret Sparks of Brantford
is here on a visit with her daugh-
ter, Mrs. W. B. Moulton.
Mr. Will Dyer, of Wingham event
the week -end as the guest of hie
cousin, leIre. James Finch.
Mrs. MoIlveen returned Saturday
from a fortnight's visit with ber
sons at Watford and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs, Donald Macdonald are
spending the winter with their
daughter, Mrs. J. T, Mustard of
Mr. T. Hawkins• was in Hamilton fon
a few days Last week with his
family, who spent the vacation per-
iod, there,
Mr. Eldred Archibald of Montreal
spent a few days during the past
week as a guest at the horns of
Mrs. Farran,
Miss Harriet Cahtelon returned the
card of the week from Toronto,
where she spent the' mid -winter
. holiday season,
err. J, Maethio of Aurora was the
guest of his sister, Mrs. aeorge
(Ladd of town during the C'bristmas
holiday period.
Miss Lizzie Burnett left on Saturday
for Sarnia, where, she will spend a
fortnight as the guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs.. Thos. Dunbar.
Miss Edua Waxman, who spent the
vacation at her home in town, re-
turned to Raglan to resume her
teaching duties on Thursday last.
Chas. Cook, for years an employee of
the Doherty Organ Factory, but
later living in Stratford, is, now
with the Nordheinter Piano Co.,
Arcs. Margaret Thompson is quite
i11, the friends of the family will
regret to hear. But it is lioped
that care' and skilful nursing will
soon restore her.
Miss Pearl Foster, who had been vis-
iting her aunt, Mrs. Kerr of Vic-
toria street, during the midwinter
vacation, returned to Windsor on
Saturday. afternocn.
NIr. F. Wilson, son of Mr. S. Wil-
son, Clinton, who has been witle
the Guiane Shoe Co„ Toronto, for
some time, has taken a position in
the shoe department of the Eaton
Mr. and i Mrs. J. McClymont re-
turned on Saturday from Toronto,
where they spent the holiday seas-
on. They intend removing to the
Qt.een City very soon, Mr, McCly+-
mont having accepted a position
Mr. 0, Tobbtttt, who has been oc-
cupying an important position as
instructor at the Sir Sandford
Fleming Vocational, training school,
Ottawa, for some time, ie now en-
joying a vacation at his home in
Mrs. Eph, Bali of Toronto, formerly
of Clinton, hes manyi friends in
this locality who will ho pleased to
know that after fifteen weeks in
hospital, though not fully restored
to health, she has recovered .sufilci-
eutiy to leave the hbspital,
Mr. II. i3. Chant has • been getting
out during the past st week after be-
ing confined to the house for seven
weeks owing to illness. His friends
aro pleased to see the genial Public
Utilities Superintendent take, his
place in the. business life of the
town once more,
Miss Ilene Miller loft Saturday for
Dungannon, where she has accepted
a position in, the telephone central.
Miss Miller spent some months as
a "hello girl" in the Dungannon
central once before and it is a good
recommendation for ber when they
offer her the positron a second
time, Clinton friends with her
Mr. Alex. Sloman, who has been in
the west for a couple of years, ar-
rived borne last week for a month's
. Mr. . o
stay, has been farm-
ing at ilarelmore, seine forty mil-
es or so from Swift Current. He
likes the west but is plod to get
back to Ontario and to the old
town of Clinton for a visit occas-
ionally. Ile left Saskatchewan the
day' after Christmas, being unable
owing to a slight indispo,ition to
et home beet=the festive holi-
day. lie reports the cold et Win-
nipeg, whore his train wes delayed
for several beets, es being very
February Styles
Ladies' Dross
New Idea Patterns
Watch this space for
a special announcement
each week. You will find
something worth investi-
1 his Week
A general clean-up of
Ladies' and Children's
Coats at real Eclean-up
A `few sweater coats
left to clear at lees than
present wholesale':prices
Special in men's khaki
or brown at 2,50.
"The Patterns that Keep You Young"
Simplify all dressmaking
problems. Theyinsane chic
style and a graceful figure.
Each pattern has a seam -
allowance and a most helpful
cutting diagram.
The store that sells for less
Phone 25
Simple but Elegant
Lire nary of the rockers, easy
chairs, '(livans, etc., shown in
our display.• Some are of period
design, others are the product
of modern thought and ski11, Of
course we have the mote mas-
sive pieces if you prefer them.
Come see the exhibit and matte
your choice.
Undertaker and Funeral Director.
28 - Phone t 28
January IQtht IMS
to make
Dry Goods, house Furnishings
phone 07
Next to Royal Bank
a !I
Petapie Yei.t Know
mass Dorothy Rorke is visiting friends
io London,
Mrs. H. I3. Combe and faintly are
-spending a few weeks with Mitchell
p•Ix. Henry Dowding of Vancouver, B.
C., is spending some weeks with
his mother.
Mr. W. B. Hale of Philadelphia is
visiting his brother, Mr. C'. B.
Hale of town.
Mrs. Wm. Ford returned on Tuesday
from a visit with fuer sister, Mrs.
Deihl of Stanley township.
Miss Bessie Porter returned home on
Monday after spending several
weeks with friends in Mullett town-
Miss Mary Chidiey, who has been
spending the holiday season with
'Coroato friends, returned hone this
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jennison of
Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., are visit
ing at the hone of Mr. R. Jenni-
son, the former's brother.
!Mir, W. G. Moss of Chatham and his
Custom Tailoring and
(phone 103) Men's Furnishings
Opposite Public Library
SOME NEW CITl7.I;Ns. Wedded on New Year's Day Wedded in Goderich Town
6 pretty wedding was solemnized ship Yesterday Evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Arne:trees
and two daughters, 'Misses .lona May at the home of neer. and Mrs. EphraimTho marriage took place yesteelay
and ALyrtle„ have moved in from Brown of Hullott township on Nee/ evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Con -
their, farm on the Goal= Linc, Stan- 1 Year's Day when their daughter Et. George Cook of the 12th concessionley, and have taken up their cost- i ta, became the bride of Mr, James of their daughter, Miss Sarah A., to
denco in the Greene resictcucc en W. Iloggarth. 141x. Joseph Henry Riley of Cnn-
Ilurat street. 'Che} aro new can- I To the seeeet strains of 4lendels- stance.
fortably settled and beginning to feet j sobn's Wedding March, played by The bride wore a handsome gow'+:e
at home. Clinton citizens welcome Mrs. 'Wm. Hoggarth, the bride's xis- of white silk and carried a white to town and trust that their Iter, the bride entered tthe drawing prayer book,
residence here may prove to he a room leaning on the arm of her The ceremony was performed b}
pleasant and permanent one. father, and took her place beside the Rev, W, B. Moulton. Miss Jean,
BROTHER KILLED IN ACTION. the groom under an arch of ever- the bride's sister, played the wee •
green and roses. She was charming- ding music. The bridal couple were
The following item taken from a ly gowned in pale .blue silk crepe-de-
paper refers to a, brother. of chene, hemned with seed pearls, wore ;tftox the ceremony and when the
the Rev. E. 0. Fnrde of [the Baptist the conventional bridal veil caught newly -wedded pair had received Or
church, Clinton : up with orange blossoms, and car- congratulations of those present all
vied a bouquet of carnations and sat doom to a sumptuous weddetie
Second -Lieut. J. Norbert, Fords, ferns. feast.
killed in action on the 30th October, The ceremony was performed by Mr. end Mrs. Riley will reside a1,
1017, was the eldest son of the late the Rev. C. 0. Kaiue of Liondesboro Constance, They have the good at
Jas. Alex, Forth, Rehoboth, S. C. and was witnessed by the immediate es of all for a happy married life t.••
Road, Dublin. The deceased officer, relatives and friends of the con -
who occupied a good position in Ran- tracting parties.
goon for the past eleven years, re- While the register was being signed
tt toed home in January, 1;710. Like Misses Flossie l3town lend Olive Cole
many other gallant sons of Empire, sang "Songs of Joy."
at the call of King and country, he ; When the newly -wedded pair bad
joined that London Regiment (Art- received the congratulations of the
wife and daughter of Clinton were fist's Rifles) at Romford, and after assembled guests all sat down to a
holiday visitors at the home of the training reached Frence iniMnp last.; sumptuous repast,
latter's mother, Mrs, Fawcett of A brother oficer writes, "I am very I Tho bride was the recipient of many
Mr. W. 0. McTaggart, who was re-
elected by acclamation as a mem-
ber of Toronto School Board, is a
'well known Huronian. Mrs. Cour-
tice, who was also re-elected io the
school board, has relations in Clin-
Mr. Hugh Atelier, who is engaged in
the automobile business in Bran-
don, Man., has been visiting his
sister., Mrs. W. 1I. Rath of town,
during the past week and renewing
acquaintances. hereabouts. Hugh
looks as if the west agreed with
Mr.. D. le. Prior has returned from a
visit with I')xetet and , Lisburne
Mende, Usborne is Mr. Prior's
honnt township and naturally he
thinks the grass lis greener and the
skies bluer there than anywhere
else, Anyway he likes to take a
rut down there to visit mid, scenes
every little while.
A social evening will be .held at
the home of Mrs• Albett Morrell, the
lith concession, on Thursday of next
week, 'A sale of misceilaneous ar-
ticles Will .be held and a silver col-
lection will be taken in aid of pat-
riotic work. I:nfrer neents will bo
served during the evening,. MI wet-
Miss Etta leteeerlen Spent Christ,
mus Under the parental roof.
Pbc Red Cross Society will meet
nt the home of ;Nle, T. Mason on
Jan. 24th.
Mr. Eddie Straughan had a very Suc-
cessful 1S00d4e0 and a dance in tbt'
sad 'indeed in writing to tell you of lovely gifts, the groom's gift being a
the death in action of your brother, handsome set of fox furs.
he was a fine boy and will be a very i Mr, and Mrs, Iloggarth have taken
great loss to the company. He died up their residence,{ on the Rh of Hui -
right gallantly doing his duty on lett and they have the good wishes
October 30th, and we are all proud
of him,'Lieutenant Fords was a
brother of Miss Fordo, and nephew of
itis, YI'iliuley, Avondale, Ballymena.
The first of a series of 0. 31. A.
hockey games was played in the
local rink on
Friday t
t befweee
the Clinton 'and Goderich junior
teams, The play was fast and in- 1 One of our popular poling mon, Mr.
tcresting, -a real good game, eve! th° Jos, H, Riley, was married on Wed -
local players had the best of it right nesday to, Miss Sadie Cook of Coder -
along only the visiting g 0 a 1 ieh township. 'Che young couple will
keeper was such a boil s t l c r .live in, the village, in the !burn
that it was • v c r y (110101111 formerly occupied by Mr. J. Price.
for the locals to scorn. The score We 'extend hearty congratulations,
when time was called stood 5-6 to ; Mr. George Clark has returned to
favor of the visitors. Followings Toronto atter spending the holidaps
with , his parents, Mr• and Mrs.
Robt. Clark.
Miss Margaret Love ells gone to
Toronto to write on her examina-
tions. \t'c wish her success.
Mks. Ben Snell is visiting her sis-
ter-in-law, Mrs. Latimer, at Leam-
Clinton played in Seaforth 00 Tees- At the meeting of 1(nitamtia Lodge,
day evening, losing in a score at 12 A, F. Ah A. M,, the following officers
—1, were duly installed by Right W, Ilro.
Topight Mitchell . and Clinton Dr, Cooper ; IPM., L. 'r. llel.ncoy ;
teems play on the local rink. It Weil., 0..' lwrharl ; S.W., John Ar -
will be a good, gauze and those who celibate' ; 1,W,, Wm, Ilristow ; sec -
would like to see the 'home team rotary, .1111111 11. Rid treisuter,
bring the cep to Clinton 5110111d (ry John Rankin ; S,t) , Charles liarber ;
down and watch it. The boys play J.D., ,T, l+", Ross ; 1.0., J. 0, ltuli-
'etter when they hum the "hatne en ; S.+t., George Bills ; J.S., Frank
folk" ate tatting an interest in them. 11,tellanil ; tyles, li, Jefftcy.
of a large circle of friends.
Miss Edith Riley, daughter of Mr.
Geo. Riley, has been very sick with
Pneumonia bet we are glad to say
she is now recovering,
Mr, Fred Fowler, our new school
teacher, is beginning to got ueed to
his pupils and his work,
the local line-up :
Goal A. McKenzie
Point, 0. Wheatley
Cover Point, W. Elliott.
(?entre, 11. Livermore
L. Wing, 1.., 1 -tuber
11. Wing, .F. \Vallis
t th
Extra Man, G. Murphy,
i Y•
Stanley Township
M. Oliver Fisher and hieeeeister
Mrs, Ernest -Paul of Pidgeon, elice.
were visitors during the past wee"
with their AIM, Mrs. 11, Deihl,
Stanley township is right in lit+•'
with the other townships, having re-
turned their old council by acclaim, -
tion, it avoided the trouble of an tr
ection on Monday,
dfiss }ludic, who has been vision,;
friends in Paisley and Ripley for the
past month, returned home cel Tues.
t ltd Mrs, ArthurBrune,l'l.
who have been visiting their parent
here, have returned to Galt.
A number of the young peopt.
drove toClintoninto1laststTburs
Thursday ti
to skate.
Mrs. W. T. llrunsdon spent 'ewe
dap of -this week with Blyth triode
Word was received here last wenn
that Bandsman Fred Clanney, wb,
enlisted with the' eird, had been 1111 -
ATT. and Mrs. C. Ruddele wee
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fothered:
near Westfield on Sunday ,}est.
Es rl'
While you Wait,
Byam & Su tier.
Plumbers and Piectriefats
phone '7