The Clinton New Era, 1919-11-13, Page 4(
N'1M�'•,uwr, uww
+„„ �„�'"�' Ij` ,' " ' ' " v..T_ '� 'tk✓' ''. ,Mill the any oltwIL alto file (111y+ my I
Iat . arise In your hearts {': I'r ler l :I(i•lt]
Il. .). i t1` those tt ho ht lit t ( ht the
inspiration of the Bible fMet words
o +l F an, final. Lot us lhetOfolt nett the
outstanding reatults of the Hilig(loin
d� yah'�•q,r��+�t g"° qt T ic* , � � a r �ot�� � rt as (lislilayed In till-
Irauti] innlfolL.
09RC�1P'?l.Yf%11�4:s , e �,, r I, Jeaua Christ the Glorified !'Ing
It you Were Our of
@, on Mount Zion (c,').
Jerusalem ants been rid of otos_ p• . ' v "�r}�8 �l-p"�° ' tt t Pa tit cif vowiis 7'hc Rlorilled Kit; ou th's hiunnt
cluitoes, 1110 cause of eniddnl[cs, for lull fr�rtil-D✓ and bruur t tt, I ,, "("tela t,L its was lhtenrletl to ) nlhnl,�e Lho Al,•:;+1-
aetion un all ch uh,es •u•. Will- uuic 1{lugd„ut „hen C!lulst returns to
Inally generalt„ns, by ;tit Ameriean ^C,opJlri a t 41=. vowaCo. toxin is ou diphrh,.l+r,ur raft inat',a, un the Munnt or (Alves in Jerusalelu ,
sanitarian tubo obtained his e�perl- small -put, wouhlut3anfeel lilinriv,ag (I(tell 1):4.17) Phis Is 81111 to Lite
it a trial?
euce In the canal zone. ,, o tut. a, 111 rr er Ile ruiseu nis Peps is lite disoovvrt I future, 'Jud Will he Iltcrally 1`11111111011.
Au eccentric ceutrlful;al ptllrlip t: v.] a,,d l::oliled ,.roes the fire tit Peils ate little 1,ddet.n, cortiaieinry II, The Glcri;icd Saints With Christ
driven by the fall belt hex been in 1, tr•t• certain ,t. ,"Intl t
,ug. never IObrang Illicit. a fen rt }u, b,• (Vv. :;0, 31).
v:ufa,{ to aid 1`h a,ulin sytlenl of ;, ,,y 11,•Wt .7011 go ,to bed?" he i'I)nY ernssea a rrn'11re tend slanted wit•u p,a.ul i! 161i t , L ,r 4 t+^ 1. iluat'8,,rltu ttu8 auce denied tut eu-
light :uU+nnub}las when c:averted ht- ato}y Vila 11 o r I ) r" 4r l-1. wit
p "rte, Up n stet•') 11111: hie: Presently Httzel U'unra into l uh•titiut, uppoars uuw ht
i0 true,., or trt•t•.n•s, t breathed dvtvu t t -.0 I tar („ !lsc,
which eoulrl loot: away oc r : n I .•o , f sv(.otl• hnla;, (It, U •,.I u r „ 1' l 1..,"I,,.j „Iury I, sroeoutirsg , ihtt irdo,:ltltn! uP
,;;,, ;1 I,, t • ,lit, f•,"het' eye- lctn4 ut.dulull Ir hi' it 'br•uty g000nd Lite io1}„•+I•,1 au 1 1 t. .:l , Ibe I lid°tvtro will fars8,lhrnpgh death
�'b¢� ,•N ,
hi l- t..•.. tit ,, , s r r, r tit til , r fitrtil n,t, u t . 1!oro and there ridpos ' of lila Gr , ( nal ll L, t r l w int(. Ili'! K1119doul, Bl:u,v 4 Ills:uuls Of
I I ,, r A", 11111 stnoll rurth hol'Ay above the general of filo ur l"l "1 r Lho-: ro,h:I•nu;rl hate fallen antic) IllA tit
undr:+t s tt.: i 1"w" ilte roolin of the Lur,l shall he Iwvuk-
1t ::i•i c 'i,;. 'C,:1 i m .,: thio,,, roll, and 111•aantiy she could descry n F
/A8w !. F F'^n+• III 'a tt-r1. w1))f: ),y1 I , -,,,, -
h'll La :,I! t : n•r u huud:cd y^are 1"11110 -rapped uvniulnbt range.• They t , cued lu,pn.+s into the 1{In dual.
tntgrL It 1:,, lot; - ou thu day before. tubber boots have eau Invented
„ e frr,,f r w. s-:, on to t.cll. Yol"ll lie tarred the'eltd of'n Ihlrk patch of to "' now glorl[iud, reprteents f '
Uu •'t lit Tin❑ N -, :, r', 111,•, I. . P rail I 1.,;'1' +. , r. -,I Use clean coal, keep the binia,•d
!•-.r,•rt•- „ r;c ,t1.•r Ian.••:.' i1i''':,II.," shrub. and 13i}I p;llietl up in n FmRI atunoaco:uIneuvetal;h vo)..u,,:...;,.:, Ute r,•deeuud tebu 8hui1 puss iuw the } e - with hollows beiweat) their•.auter.snt•-
•I,�i k",.,w ,c+I IV wited v•po :.n 1' ;"' !; e„rn ,:edea, illi• npet ng. Front rt cat5u swing ng at his IC:Icrdum tlutin h uan.=lal)un. Many r dealt, keep lltr lirapnt tilled, ke,:p the
p:•: ! i f t C eOf",L 6',11, not 113 face, and linin,ns, -which. can be'fill-
:,•., .. ;::•, ��' i 1 ': •... i ;.,,tntinh inu:unl oho- bell he tont: out n Itnh; of field glasses, ... "hull be Iiriu:; upon tilt uurih n•hou tela a.,li 1`lt empty, h,llow' lite printed t'ulus
,t...w. ttS;F w•Xvl,m 6rr'' :.:.11 li , l•. 1.;, , I r ,
;t! „ c r :,,,, ; .'„ •,: sat unto t:,o bhtnhots Just and.leisurely snrveyed the country. Lurie s:hall culill., ld elaUl tv,t,tnnt dY concerning dmupers an,.t ,(,u will ;are, ed ,with hat tva.4r :o kaon thew ar-
).'uu r••v, Iry anu):••ritthooanr, 41111 (lilt'. ul1llu;i.n„•r,
mitt" , f n, 1:• a i„ I'L401 • rh o o,,; ever rn her r,lr-,pee. and "11'ell? hazel }ntttri,guted. ht 11(1 Chan od and Utus paw blln thu mono
audar?U it(vdil, t,-Iamptupn; 1^„ in Y. I ars' feet warm.
r.,o,,t c,.oul..ttl,•:!. tires it,: ,:,,-,.:.;; ,n41t`t ftp .:a that It "Nothing In stkfit, is there?" Bill said pasL�,w•s) Lo fells ('r., `lurunt,,. ':.ley Xla;a11nttt (1 Gut•. IG:SU-C;;; 1 '1'hes, 4. .,.�.�...-.�,�.,,...•.r.�.� .x...,..,w,.
Th.11 b Is le -.118,1.1 . o of=an Ilt.r thntiglitfully. ,"If the"'inn'Nvas` out, trial packet will timn be scntyrn,. AI! a, iixperlin¢nts with tilt .iso of elect
evti•,laely I,v t!,i: that :•`r "!•! ttld her face -but diff not prevent her now: runny I eao't•Gpot that Soda druggists and stures sell Puns,.;ur.bum, 'They talk of thwvery thin-- whic11 ������ ��� Q�+� c Iricity to stimulate the 'gri,wth of
knot •• it ao,l v,' tin'•, i,t L.. 1'.0[11 se,:tug. C'rrtac trail:' .. ,;;, a.,,3•_� ! the dt,*o Iles refused to believe, 11111110- ,� oats in Wales tnere'isod tett; yield of
„ �,,, rl f:�� u rOR FLETC!LlER-S
be:n City of cbt-tp j••won•;, in til. Ili spite of herself silt+ slept fitfully. Ilon't you know this country at ( 4 ± ly, the death of Christ. I gran .35 par cont: and ;that of straw
trod Now anu then she uouid viake with n all?+' site said'gbn,tnllY. t f t l r '
}=i:` J ill. Israel, In tate Flesh, In Conneo• g Q�.l vwM6 f 17 u
£dew to u• t. p o ,cal if „ a i* hold slam to a hah'•fri hn u f realization` I thought I didi" he 'replied. "But E` p'r'cant• l
1, Ito ton I, - .hit I. Sort uL',.:;,• h,��- +,.y, �;+^ tion With the ;Kingdom, Represented •,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,",�,,,","„
of her •sJrrvnurdir,{;.. 111.,1 phtiht, and I e:ia't >,"em to get my bearings to by Peter, James and John (v. 'S). ,
when.ver she tied wake and look past work out corrgctly. I'rn awfuliy sorry
If von would til;;, t" 1•u:' Villa•": Israel shall be called Prom their hiding rrr �� , .� t ysp
the i1PP it nits to ger itoulin_: Bila \Vu^ to keep you fit such ti pickld, But it __-__.• _ _ *x 9 „, +, t- I
notring but l,i.,l, (I'lAil.:,s acs '" can't rt e. helped." piare atilbng all nations of tho earth • k•t`r '(. - '-+,
dctt.t staff stretched out in Iha red glow, hes and shall be gathered to Jesus Christ {+iF t �I � � x
brown head plilotct (1 on .,one folded He took up the lend rope and moved t tl , uJt f t ,i t l 1`..a ' ° ,•
11 nr1 ^'•an , t t,,,,i, o:, p"r�on rc,•t the Icing, Its the eeutrai people in the d �^
on. They dropped over the ridge IV -PROVED UPilF03.1I?t?1IliVAT10r7AL " ` , r Iv'rl: t 4 ?k,4�
9,:ad uta prigs•., (,,•, . I•nfrztr arra. Gintldnm (I•:z. 37:_1 s7). SI> rt�j. €+ ` ys
-------- -- Then alt at once sl,e nal:cued oaf: of crest and once'more 1ntp, the woods.threeI °r + ?' t
�y 1. Peter proposes to build tab- 8 r a r + sr
snund tilutuber ,vitt n violent shirt. • Itoriring 23111 made his neat halt beside
a spring, sacl fell to the
its p� eruacles (v. S'd). The L'eusL of Taber- ', y i +1•' w•r ir(' + v`.r
a t, Yl l Sid Ro'ovor hot, was shafting the tnsturt. p g• g p� rilignuncles.bete isrtv'urd to file glorious ,
Iia over her and Iuti.hiu4, parks. J7�
.BOW01VT nit,l 01AIVInIll s "What are you going to do?" Hazel reign of Christ. Peter caught a e r.< � �
"Arise, 11liss ,looping RritUty 1" to pp � tt��
IL (t 9' l!i i fiE3"e'Itiw' f' �.li"t'klCvQey said boyishly. "I3rclil;fnct s rendY" asked. gl3mpso oP the significance of the trans•t „r ty . 0,l-.,)' y� 1149 �hr H 0.
,Heevent buck to the firs, Ilazel sat Cook a bite, and let the horses LEssom that he
lits pile Feast showed tl env rh�stiv^ 113, rtno 517
that s, thought of the Feast of Taber -
up, G ,
app Patting•ltrr tousled 1^t)r into 8011;0 ..^.''a•re," he told her. "Do you realize (Sy REV. P.. A, k'L•rrwaTliR, n. D.,' �' Goo
�• ;gf "9 �g,N 'q
uncles, and therefore of the Ditllenlum. ttr� 4 r�ggU nQaf�"1t
semblance at order. Cff in the runt that we've been going since daylight? .Teacher of English t?ibia in 'Lite moody,„ The dlvine voice (v, 3G). At this
a reddish streak e nrld skyward into It's near noon. 770"808 have to eat and $this Institute of Chlraga.>P
1 (CopYrlglht, 1919, western New. aver Union) time God himself uttered his words, as. �C"t 'j�'
u rest once lu a while, just the same as 6 � .y0"Yi4, i
somber•gray. ht Lhe west, black night Suring them that this one In glory was j
human beings."
gave ground slowly, his son Jesus' Christ. :�' +t ✓1L Ip, ,t'. f
".Fell, it's another duy," she wills -
logic of this Hazel could not. (_(:$$Oft FOR NOVEMBER 16 tirti" iity�r "'t +
���TD�� D®�D� Pored, as she had whispered to herself well dory, since she herself was tired IV. The Multitude at the Foot of the j •: s +
once before, a wonder if there well acrd ravenously hungry. By her watch WITNESSES OF CHRIST'S GLORY. Mountain fvv. 37-43).
ever be any more like it?" tt was just Boon.
This is representative of the nations 1 �" e,.•�='�)�F4 i
BIII bobbled out his hdrsee: on 1110 LESSON TEXT -Lune 9:28-36. which shall be brought Into the King-
ing CHAPTER V. grass below the spring,' made a fire, GOLDEN TEXT -Thee is my beloved dont *which shall be established over I
+7HE BRIDGE FROM WAR TO - and set to wont cooking, He worked. son: hear ye hila, -Marx 9:7. Israel (see Isaiah 11:10-12). The poo• i fit'"
silently at the meal - getting, fried � 1
In Deep Water. 9; Milrk 9:2-8; II Peter 1:16-1`e, ple here were. grievously oppressed by TEi
PEACE The datatt tlll'll9t aside night's sem- steaks of venison, an� Oiled' pot OP PR-RY AND JUNIOR TOPIC -Peter
cc the devil. Therearetimes when the )
her curtains while they ate, revealing, coffee. ked They. I: repacked. Alto- and John with Jesus on the mountain. � �
and smoked while he repacked. Alto- SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC -Th. devil 18 especially active in 1119 Op -
a sky overcast with slaty, clouds, What getter, he 11111 not constrrne more than RIo''y of Josue Christ. prelWon of men. About the time ofAP
with her wanderings of the night be- fortminutes at the soon halt HazelChrtat'a first coming he did his best s
fore and the journey through tbe•dark , While it to true that Il- this lesson ry�
Space Donated to Victor Loan i9t9 by novo woefully saddle sore, would fain THE���fe��a ��� 3
Y with Roaring Bill, she had absolutely the disciples are witnesses of Christie AS I
Gave rested longer, artsl, [n default of glory, the full truth Is that the mans- t1 e, for heeknowsld that his Wee In "r" +^""+ "•_" L FORD' --
T Idea of either direction ft the of y, resting, tried to walk and lead Silk.Ill Ill ILI Ill Ill Ill fit tit (11
The Infolding timber shut oft the out• Roaring Bill offered. no objection to feettas of Christ In glory was to give stem
look. to the diaeoura,ged disciples a fore-' • I
that. But he hit n faster gait, She PEIDT y
Do you suppose I can get home Il- gleam of the discipleweeKingdom. The COAL EXPERT TPLLS 1
DR. F. A. AXON time to open school?" sits Inquired could not keep Up, head he did not, �v
p q pes of the disciples were crtltihed �
slacken pace when she t)egga to tall
.DENT[TIT anxiously. when Christ •atrseriaced his death oat '
Roaring BIII srukled. "I don't know;' behind. So she mounted 'arekwnrdlq, til® �� ��, were unable to ,bee '-
crown and Bridge {York n specialty, be answered. "It all depends." and Silk jolted acid shook her with his t Vll`tery e•elel Blare unable
deco out the ash pit every day and sprinkle
'Gradna.te of C.O.D.S.,. cbmago, and B4O,D.F trOttlE� nnt:H be eungtlt''up with ,his
Toronto. "You know where' you .are now, desaa took wah Iklm Peter, James, ;the ashes slightly before removing
etayaeld on Mondave, Hav tat to O dOa't yea?' eke asked. ' mates, Bill eased ?ver 111E shoulder. r, It
„ 'You're IeatelH4 ttist'i he called "d 7ehq, and want into the raountala `th'em. ri +,::t
"Not exactly," he responded. But W We chief aim In rettirrIaait If soft coal is used, the Gad of the
D R. A.: FOWLER, I wilt before long hope.+, book "7fani'tl b•: �plei:. t• ipin a .pacti
train by,,knd T•' ° � APsrt late. R fire should be never entirely covered
OB1YT1t3T. The ambiguity. of ills Gnawer did not The we><r► on
without.JeNilti teeorttty eo Ilk'Wsailidt .
eaeaps her, •She puaafed• over It whilebecause, the gases will than be given •
01hoes over O'NEILT 6to,Le, * 4+"4 41` tis iia..: , w
9l#tr embtetl sedately behind the other trrtnatas ' +qny ' °o ��} off faster than they can be consumed-
lipaoisi ones taken to make dentel krei hewer. - ahe hoped that kill: w,t watt iditpdo" ap f iia t apuid,'d¢e ae dlAitK is G►h M � and a great deaf of stroke, arid- soot
TAedliastpowhiin sl- pooltils. knew where'he Was. Olaf, if .tie 11111. TravaileK' gtergi''csltintei+ rrjtatlrrNld'I .ilia Kea, gtNeil etNM?toi • will result. One of the best methods C"P-1w�,�l� �•
%7--4 ttaaber Ball`!@ t etetLtnW: elle .l�llraelbr 'R_it wase" se 11)8!0 , is'to' push back the live coats almost
ellit--+tot ahb raLhsed: tC e""t-ittn the b * i�, �ti t "gown to tits rate$• and Put tpe fresh "
Piano Taulo� ollatudavtft' And Illss'$fi a to wlltell„ >l�tei:It1i llb�rAN coal fn•tlle ace left. The area will
etienty flet' llwie of lltralller attrtlta tit• t1�blIkft,ar ftttlyt reitytltt te► 'wll:l�q•,1tt 1AA1Ilrfgr ElitIM1 sp g
..+... ItAsle �i+lisl Ii♦f; • RIISiMI, !'�Mlt!',Ad%r �Mtf+" then pass over the fire and be burned,
lir. duinel• Doherty wishes to is-' taA� IlftiF:,Well a Me1t•st Ietlt•s'eleslt, Ur ie ,eslMFet elllli M11M if the furnace has a round firapot, the it ;
tote the yygblle ,tilt}! 4e 1`e priw "r tT_aJ b l(s Aaat}a�, iii ^D�Ir �1" �t► n IhMli' fresh coal may be plied in the centre
pared to Liu ' fibs piano tuaiss, M ;7gttlke !►t !!'I sIM11 til . JIttM�a ettilt esus b1�o 1Miel1. tlMq leaving flue coats around • -the edge.
t Rt � Use plent of wood and allow. it tp
oee s act tta�+ rand yli pbina ''nye neltt or, throsttk tllalpttl+te''ie�t � � � t�pt/�� tills► oftlft'EU+d WIft OVA wt', barn u free! before starting a (lard
OrAers 1101`1 't' W bo$erty'i pilo 'earn Ers�t, iIM edrwr lin►ttld ntrwrt,e! 'hitt * we -*W �le�'11lkMt • !tdd'iU tMt M 'coal 8 p y j
44 re. Put ao the coat ip shalt
ill, wl!! mecN+{s nrotlant stblltttxl) ttbilq rneiiiliw iltAt' �itoe "Alla ihRy' l ru•• Itwer ,.y�. tAPMIM`' quautitles ;at first ,fid ve lt' titu' to 0 1
�! 1�� �ItV Keee'a rest t1` ltt>iillf►I '
THOMAS <<7�IX�r7 i ' 0ef et lt•slMelf1t!ls�lsE°tt *firms '"'"€ p 1l-; burn brightly before adding ttwre.
lstaN 1oa1t> At- [t wttu 1''" 4ttMil tttiU'-111ij1� Keep the fireyiot filled to fhe level
lhgM!: i11it "
Live stock ,ltd eXenerml Altotloa ase',#•tll!/tiMldR of'. the aro arae" at. all times in order
"1011,411WIII'•tlis,6a"4t't• �; +7iMselhd eRt71lIM4NtltiMl�!
"itvest •4Aet'to obtain economical results. This sp-
9�0nn Ault't•tMRe•taeµt tgtals0 111` Mite awe. Mutt tame rtlhw+
`F" )t rAlr %A Oil* ;1s t tha/!R' plies to both hard and soft coal. A
aa.eo e[ WttY • s foil,:' deea'ra et l4l rt1•Mltlt. , Arlt!/' a+•itrta! *► low fee wastes coal. Do not put on i
a. eiBe1 011nSge,->,t+ n• • ur a+LtAno ; UOi�e NN 110 lellq lMs sAsll lite'
ea+ r!/ms rea*pnabla. • grt.iv '.,pro ad +� q >rbOn M ,' "d, iiiat t! fff Vii; too much coal at ove time or .tile fire WALED
t�u�tt�i� ,.w
di eonatca' eulR 1M! % tib Al" ::'$1 a 't' 'aMMi ,�i;>�1t�t will be smothered, r. ALED TIGHT � �N!ILrli'e
)I I r eat Ablaut tiC�• to to Mw' NMi . 1
*601; {1040. )14-1 A, t113erssddestM Rrtlen You 1`x the furnace for tke
i1(jf9(i14fLi• '1' A '• itet►ttlit'. Ei w0:s►ates rat belts will". a �l K:mid il�lfii '•• �ba
night 0o matter what kind of coal you
Iesdlelt ooae Irrsekthletwa �'� Mad► er ole mo It niot be UP"%. tilllail to 00, two 1�11� 4.1 use, fill the firepot with fresh coal to
ogler totugtr ue(t� isfs6 Ai lrwiira to aa•tttt ltpat, WAlk". t�tra4 tb a Ir itslt ati tae! ; Ake level of the fire' door ant:. allow
C. GAlViatftR AI! trent dtli'eedir opt, tM IUW tel iootb » t Lha' gas to burn off. Then close 'the
DR J. gu> ra *Setst•4y t1Nt'rdiitawt! eai0 eFetillMkltMiM ; g
W: offiCg ,tlOUlt3 "Xtas 1100'1 saeial to tydlse the Itt. btil 4X• life tteeplrs1l 1ltpertlltMt b damper to the ashpil door and open
DotM> the check damper. In the morning,
1 30 p m to 3.30 p. a . gp!► t)►atte•tiastt""Iltuit! tul4tr"'ad. A ! wao was witlf htie► ulitl 1"11101 shake Qown the fire' and proceed as
7J30'p. m: to 9.00 p. m wire ofd all that,heP, I d. P.east' teHd, "r'a11?
St...d.. t:_vn.. a ]tt ! seposdeaey avrapt a�sr $e4 -.A." ...... ,
Othse heuri hi '' ehafiaswt' 0211`.
y ePp
- ■.:.
with the leers she strove to keep back.
ReAdsli'WW" we sw►ie ino nt'aeto.r"
office at R'e'sfdetfce, Victoria Street
If we wander armisl In 'the woods
tits "W*Bad coning of our Vold
RY, BIrYl>!ONpi y _
much longer, I'll stmlaly be a ateasnttoa
Iiio". lrlat, but me were et,s Witt am
l when'i get bask to Cariboo Dfaradows,
of maJaety, for he reoetrrd N
I won't have a 01X011,01 reputation left,
GOd the Il'aiher, honor and glary wttee'
wt11 probably result tai my losing the
theme`such a roleo to him from
•nGINTOti +
i school. You're a than, and,tt'a differ-
the ea6ilemt glory. This Is my betsla `
'• +
eat with you. You can't knob w11at a'
aA fie,; In whom I am wellpI r
H. /
n. T. R .A N. C
' girl bas to eostend with where no one
ad thde •Pelee we ourselves board eissia,
.Notary Public, Conveyancer,
out of heaven, whea we were wl Ulla
Financial and Real Estate
! Bosrin g IIIIII' looked 'flip, ' at her lrh-
Is'fAc h•1 vi,.
7 arwu�t.; And we Gave the
ldNI ukiNCE �AGEI*n dpresenting 14 Fire
• passively: ' ^,I ' know,'!, he, sgld, as 'If
w"eM at prophecy made more sure;
earaaas Companies..
be had read her libonght. "But wtat'im`eun
Wh to 'Ta•do well that Ye take heed.
Dlvis!ep /7011"1 OHtee..
a the difLreltenee? Cariboo Meadows Is.
IW.ualto,a,lamp sbiuinq, iu a dark plae%
only a fleabite. If you're right, and
t+b v you know-yoa're right, you can look
IYO. D. McTaggart Mi 1), MoTaggal
the, world In the eye and tell It col -
deposits 27rit4Ay, an .eXllected en'ey- , ter part bf Irks spsleeh sloe could' hale
a°i1e AICKiiin •�Iutm�e meIlt, 106i d +jitmt Btll rS)tragstaff went
tong way, to tsentences,-The hose brief sente;
When 1110 Oolulitioll of the toward demoitpihiag her'etiavictlon that
Fire Insurance %oe - liver is (neglected, biliousne'lls no man 4eeoverlooked an opportunity+',
E IxarM and isolated 'fbuin Pro!P 'seelykg"to `baeome chrofiic stud of taktag edFantage,,of 6"Wowaq •• 4
Y abruptly. p1` etsomewhere;'t is so
' p:
Orly" .Aly Ine4red. recurs eV two or t�T;Eellel a get rep too saddle sore to
l.liead0ffiCe-SeafgrtllrOnt wp*s, with severe SiCk head ride,:wailk a While.' I'll go slowerl' ,
aches. She Walked, 1 and the' exsttgt9e 'ye-,
v tlev^ed ilia aramplwg ache in -her. limbs.'
I r, 011 icats Rhy. not get right atter •thea Rtwria0 .1#let's klower pace .teas fa4't•.
J. Connolly, Goderich, Presldentl Jas. trouble and eel It by ueint!' Dr. ,
ilvans, 8eechw.dd, Vice-Prelldenit Chase's iGidrte3r-I.kvor iltte to restore Coatinaal next Week
Thos. 8. Hays; 3eafort'hi Secretary tiie heath acid I advits• of the uvw. " '
Ffrea54CCC, coo mt r htl6gesmt a'.... .'I
Agents, aaho ,h ..,, ,
Ales. L4ltch. No, t, ( tiratonIt EAwetA, DWdoeaayeetem o 4 axon A Aerman scientist believes brat
llltity Joyi stlafortht 1ydt; CNetufsy !tt Wfilb title+ W" of this wet-.knowta klie
amen lrlilel J. W. Yea. tledelletel f!. p', 'ritieaiciae.' arttfic[al fake: that .have bee" b ,t, fk� a Mir Atop a 11111®
plralalh, 9t.dit3ea. built In his count decrease tiro �esaana on as e1rAi cera iiaettuh4l
„ 111110 rw a des. elf etr.'a'ber, ell dealarUw � t
iwabee sit I�SasW,on, sates k Cbl, 1,63., t Nie". temperature anti increase the Irani- that ** atopic hurkkng, ttlorft you It 6
leer of foggy days. t1 v ,ti elnf. Xis, Ilii- of '
>aMldasa9 ,�! Ellti+l `!"� - �• it�rr #titlls'af �I'resa6ka oGrts hitt 4::
ollwaH, Brod.► S Jan Jdtl ocelli• Wheh . a flood infarfeteit. ptith Ik5 ,XiM o%ial al iliy`dtrig atarar bltfc tr lislr�
"¢100111 M. McJtwitl , atonl�tpower piarit a' facfory ri .a IVltciligxit ' tiesil `111 sbsaays "ertrty 00* hail
�Fnpnatt✓. fla4alisht 0, F, tat cily, bell id the: ellAtsi of a 46'lt'dtse �i, at+ iditi t4dtwemq tura'tons,'and this
tile. 3; 1lAa1%etlli L (i, G*"s g• s taum* without %bee"" or itlritthtiait.
MMYAUAIte "Am" mdethI polder tliotof 4ruck to its Chain drfv- fteltidrie ill,tiu settltatlaittt d
111fitNAN�Id„ Hilt 16 or* -1. "rig 111111" ..,...t .uw ta4L' ef' 4 matrsait� tl'Aude 1114~
• i ; N.
® ,� i `• t ,
her ingredients must'be pure and good in order that`she ?#°
":.may have success with the pi'e. rake 4or pu a YYlg she is t�
r4akipg.� � She" knows she can be sure' of purity and u�nh I
forinly_ high cjU44ty in
r '
Every sparkling crystal e r ye t a t
is a solttteiy Pu re l ovei y 0, l� 1l $ ltgot %B the only `augur
proctia of Its nianufaa .' that, may iighth be
tune is safeguarded with unceating vigi- called '"Cnn,s, tin (Torn the g�'�itnd uo."
IsAce, Do ifill6a C Still Stu gr meas We Lia impart. tine freest of raw eeiw sugar
' end tcfineit I3 t our p'rida ie fit the r
to thet tleti:twal delioiouos'oos of p;Q OW we refin . Frottt4 p 454 . st
Canadiah sugar 6Ksets--i
a-^dwbRtotta too;tat't fxtitts.W1tI?ouC use,fs'dactlited^by,*OW,iO4griiant ad lreHlilt
Olt 'Olt their ftiefruit flih frkll; br. " Iiatrietiera.
it®iu4er[es at VVatlmmom-s` Chad,nm uta kitchosor
leedvely to go to the'devn.' Besides,
ty4rztve got a perverted Idea. People
�}' %� �t
••, wt
ti%r9trIt so ready tmgl. Q kau the bad eye
((�� 99
on someb¢dr else's says$. It wbuid
''� it ' r,
E lseaeral Sankln Busltatlse
�A,, o
rake a tot more than a flesh drum-
Apply few aro s then lift Bore
6rAdelCRoM ,
'• +
mer's n+ottd to convince mo that you're
a haughty Atittle girl, Pshaw :forget•:
• ' ,, t.
touchy Cortes off with '.;
a, ,
lUOUS headache spoils
It 1
tDrtifk [esned 'Interest allowed •
t' Bawl' colored hQt v but for'the fat-
deposits 27rit4Ay, an .eXllected en'ey- , ter part bf Irks spsleeh sloe could' hale
a°i1e AICKiiin •�Iutm�e meIlt, 106i d +jitmt Btll rS)tragstaff went
tong way, to tsentences,-The hose brief sente;
When 1110 Oolulitioll of the toward demoitpihiag her'etiavictlon that
Fire Insurance %oe - liver is (neglected, biliousne'lls no man 4eeoverlooked an opportunity+',
E IxarM and isolated 'fbuin Pro!P 'seelykg"to `baeome chrofiic stud of taktag edFantage,,of 6"Wowaq •• 4
Y abruptly. p1` etsomewhere;'t is so
' p:
Orly" .Aly Ine4red. recurs eV two or t�T;Eellel a get rep too saddle sore to
l.liead0ffiCe-SeafgrtllrOnt wp*s, with severe SiCk head ride,:wailk a While.' I'll go slowerl' ,
aches. She Walked, 1 and the' exsttgt9e 'ye-,
v tlev^ed ilia aramplwg ache in -her. limbs.'
I r, 011 icats Rhy. not get right atter •thea Rtwria0 .1#let's klower pace .teas fa4't•.
J. Connolly, Goderich, Presldentl Jas. trouble and eel It by ueint!' Dr. ,
ilvans, 8eechw.dd, Vice-Prelldenit Chase's iGidrte3r-I.kvor iltte to restore Coatinaal next Week
Thos. 8. Hays; 3eafort'hi Secretary tiie heath acid I advits• of the uvw. " '
Ffrea54CCC, coo mt r htl6gesmt a'.... .'I
Agents, aaho ,h ..,, ,
Ales. L4ltch. No, t, ( tiratonIt EAwetA, DWdoeaayeetem o 4 axon A Aerman scientist believes brat
llltity Joyi stlafortht 1ydt; CNetufsy !tt Wfilb title+ W" of this wet-.knowta klie
amen lrlilel J. W. Yea. tledelletel f!. p', 'ritieaiciae.' arttfic[al fake: that .have bee" b ,t, fk� a Mir Atop a 11111®
plralalh, 9t.dit3ea. built In his count decrease tiro �esaana on as e1rAi cera iiaettuh4l
„ 111110 rw a des. elf etr.'a'ber, ell dealarUw � t
iwabee sit I�SasW,on, sates k Cbl, 1,63., t Nie". temperature anti increase the Irani- that ** atopic hurkkng, ttlorft you It 6
leer of foggy days. t1 v ,ti elnf. Xis, Ilii- of '
>aMldasa9 ,�! Ellti+l `!"� - �• it�rr #titlls'af �I'resa6ka oGrts hitt 4::
ollwaH, Brod.► S Jan Jdtl ocelli• Wheh . a flood infarfeteit. ptith Ik5 ,XiM o%ial al iliy`dtrig atarar bltfc tr lislr�
"¢100111 M. McJtwitl , atonl�tpower piarit a' facfory ri .a IVltciligxit ' tiesil `111 sbsaays "ertrty 00* hail
�Fnpnatt✓. fla4alisht 0, F, tat cily, bell id the: ellAtsi of a 46'lt'dtse �i, at+ iditi t4dtwemq tura'tons,'and this
tile. 3; 1lAa1%etlli L (i, G*"s g• s taum* without %bee"" or itlritthtiait.
MMYAUAIte "Am" mdethI polder tliotof 4ruck to its Chain drfv- fteltidrie ill,tiu settltatlaittt d
111fitNAN�Id„ Hilt 16 or* -1. "rig 111111" ..,...t .uw ta4L' ef' 4 matrsait� tl'Aude 1114~
• i ; N.
® ,� i `• t ,
her ingredients must'be pure and good in order that`she ?#°
":.may have success with the pi'e. rake 4or pu a YYlg she is t�
r4akipg.� � She" knows she can be sure' of purity and u�nh I
forinly_ high cjU44ty in
r '
Every sparkling crystal e r ye t a t
is a solttteiy Pu re l ovei y 0, l� 1l $ ltgot %B the only `augur
proctia of Its nianufaa .' that, may iighth be
tune is safeguarded with unceating vigi- called '"Cnn,s, tin (Torn the g�'�itnd uo."
IsAce, Do ifill6a C Still Stu gr meas We Lia impart. tine freest of raw eeiw sugar
' end tcfineit I3 t our p'rida ie fit the r
to thet tleti:twal delioiouos'oos of p;Q OW we refin . Frottt4 p 454 . st
Canadiah sugar 6Ksets--i
a-^dwbRtotta too;tat't fxtitts.W1tI?ouC use,fs'dactlited^by,*OW,iO4griiant ad lreHlilt
Olt 'Olt their ftiefruit flih frkll; br. " Iiatrietiera.
it®iu4er[es at VVatlmmom-s` Chad,nm uta kitchosor