The Clinton New Era, 1919-11-13, Page 3.60 SUBSCRIPTION RATES IN CANADA Three months . .. . 4 . , , $ 40 } Half year , , 1111. , , .75 Year . , . „ 1,50 —If not paid in advance, $2,00 per annum— SUBSCRIPTIONS OUTS=OF CANADA„,,, (Advance Only Great Britain ,,, ,,,;,,,,,,,,,., ii,fD United $tat'es 2;d 11,,,,...,.4,,,,.,., 2.40 France ,11$1444 11.,,, tD ,,. ,,.ra Office Phone 30. THJd CLINTON Ng ERA. Thursday, November 13th, 1919 ROYAL YEAST CAKES There is more energy in a pound of good bread made in the home with Royal Yeast Cakes than in a,. pound of meat. Bread making is a simple operation and requires no pre- vious experience. Full instructions in Royal Yeast Bake Book, mailed free on request. E. W . GILLETT CO. LTD. • TORONTO )III �1t► ;, t��lil!! Buy a Victory Bond Today — PERMANENT WAR r ° with, Nevertheless, when informa- tion is supplied by the next of kin in reference to a grave in a cemetery for which construction has not yet been commenced, the particulars are acknowledeed and carefully not for future use. It must be recognized that a work of this nature cannot be hurriedly carried out if it Is to satisfy the sentiments of the rust of kin, be carefully maintained, and search Restored Her Health. MEMORIALS ELCOME REjlEf I. Provision is now being Made by FRiY1 EciEmA the imperial WO Graves Commission for Permanent Memorials to be erect- ed on the graves in all theatres of war. These memorials will bear the Regimental Badge, Number, Rank, Name and Initials or thristlan Names of the soldier, date of death, and the name of the unit, The appropriate religious emblem will also be carved on the memorial, and a space has been provided for the text of inscrip- tion chosen by the next of kin which will be engraved at his or her own cost, Cemetery !Register Experience has proved that the next of kin are in many cases anxious that there should be recorded in the War Cemeteries some fuller Information as to the fallen soldier than it is possible to inscribe on the Memorial. 1'o provide for this, the Imperial War Graves Commission have de- cided to place in each cemetery a com- plete register of the names of the soldier buried there. 'rhis register will contain the in- formation submitted by the next of, kin in regard to parentage and birth' place of the soldier, and any further Particulars of his military and civilian Ij "Beauty is only Skin Deep” but a beautiful skin is possible only when the liver and kidneys are active, and the bowels functionate properly. The secret of beauty as well as of health is to maintain perfect digestion and elimination. • .'S "' ILLS hip to preserve beauty and maintain health, because they influence liver, kidneys, skin and stomach to functionate in harmony and efficiently. Worth a Guinea a box. Soldererlwher■ iaCaeada. iebexes,25c.,5fte. Treatment That Sips notifying Resells Wastno, ON . "I had an attack of Weeping Revenst so baditliatmyelot anewould be wet through- at,timers. laenfourmont)as, Dsuffered terribly, I eou'd get no relief 'spill .1 tried „Fro il-a-liner" anal' ;Soothw•8alva". Abbogether, I have used three hoses of "Soothe -Salve and two of "Fruit -a -titres", and am entirely welt." G. W, HALL. Roth these favorite remedies are Gold by dealers at 50e, a box, 6 for 63:50, or sent on reeeipt of prise by Fruit—the Limited, Ottawa, "fiireii•n-tites" isobar put up ha a trial sine whish melba for 25e. career that may be desired, When a cemetery is finally closed and ready for construction to com- mence. forms are sent to the next of kin asking for the text or inscription chosen for the memorial for the ceme- tery register. i5ter r The next of kin are asked to return these forms to the Imperial War Graves Commission in London. There are instances continually arising where the next of kin in replying to the forms sent to them and giving the information they desire recorded, ask what provision is being made to mark permanently the grave of an- other member of the family who is buried elsewhere. Work of Verification Unfortunately owing to the vastness of the work of verification, it is im- possible to send forms iii respect of all such graves to the next of kin at one and the same time. Althought it might appear that the grave has been over- looked, this not the case, as an- other form will be sent at a later date when the cemetery where the grave in question lies is being dealt House Phone THIS WEAK, NERVOUS MOTHER Tab How Lydia E.Plai khalifs Bach grave already recorded must Vegetable Compound roust be made to locate as many as possible of the graves of those whose last resting place is still unregistered. Fromday ' to day, in all theatres of war new figures are being located, single graves and small groups are gradualily being concentrated in the nearest main cemetery with all due cart and reverence. Completion of Work The completion of the work under- taken by tot. Commission will be greatly facilitated if the next of kin will co-operate in the task of verifica- tion by returning the forms with as little delay as possible, . remembering that delay in forination regarding one grave, may seriously impede the con- struction and completion of a cemet- ery. x w NAMES OF TIE WESTERN PROVINCES Following are the origin of the names of the four Western Provinces of Canada: Manitoba—it is derived from the word "Manitoba" (the Great Spirit) and "ba" (passing), Thus Manitoba is supposed to mean the "Passing of the Spirit.") It is taken from the Cree language. Manitou or Manito means the Spirit,' otherwise the Sup- reme Being, other Indian 'languages. Saskatchewan—Saskatchewan is a Cree word meaning "Swiftly Flow- ing River," Anglicized in the word Swift Current. Alberta—The Province takes Its name from Her Royal Bigness Prin- cess Louise Uaroline Alberta, wife of the Marquis of Lorne, afterward the 9th Duke of Argyll, The old prov- isional district of Alberta, which is naw included in the Province was created in 1882, during the Marquis of Lorne's administration as Governor - Philadelphia, Pa.—"I was seryweak, always tired, my back ached, and I Felt eiekly moat of the time. I went to a doeter and be laid I bad nervous indi- gestion, which ad- ded to sly weak eonditiott hep sue worrying moat of the time—.and he raid if I ssnld not stop 4hat, I could not get well. I hatted somachabest Lydia E. Finkhaasra Vegetable Coss- psasd my husband wanted are to fry it: I took it fere week and felt a.0 ale let- ter. I kept itapfor three sreatpa, and I foal doe sad can eat an,Tthl�tg stow wPtgoetalistaewornarrowness. '—Drs. J. Wog'rnea e , hTOrth• Taylor'St•. PkifadalytLia Pe. The esajae ty of mothers ngvaiaya overtire, tlmre are se malty dnaaads ! Poa hhitir me aeinedit•aft to invarlablti�r a sad wgakttrened ran-testher<ata, nerireusedteoitirta vrtth M' whiees,, bask soon irritator/ay reeeregd lIi s dot and noon- agars eorroxe stili �t Itis atseek pp�tnear in that Lyda► . Flnihea;'a Vtegetsbie Ceatpegred will resters a ss a1 beeltehy rendition, as it did.to A4i's, Worldslbse. General of Canada, British Columbia—Columbia is an- other name for America, and British was placed before it, ASTO R I For Infants and Children THE FESTIVAL OF HALLOWE'EN What boy or girt, or older person for that matter, filled with the zest and exuberance of life, does not look for- ward to the rollicking fun and folly of the good old festival of Hallowe'en or AllHallows Eye, the name given to designate the 31st of October. Though now known for the most part as the eve of tate Christian festival Hallowe'en and the quaint ceremonies long antedate Christianity, The two chief characteristics of the ancient celebration were the lighting of bonfires and the belief that of all nights in the year this is the one during which ghosts and witches are most lik- ely to wander abroad. And so to -night happy throngs of old and young will mingle together In happy observance of this custom, hold fancydress parties, decorate themselves with quaint cos- tumes, array themselves as ghosts, or enjoy those wonderful) masquerades that are so dear to the heart. It is a time of relaxation and recreation, of hilarious fun and frolic, of departure from the formal and conventional, that makes even the hearts older grown to be warm and young. The Druids of ancient Britian lighted their fires in honour of the Sun-god in thanksgiven for the harvest. On the -Druidic ceremonies were grafted some of the customs of the Roman festival 01 Pomona, in which nuts and apples, as representing the winter store of fruits, played an important part. Thus the custom of roasting nuts, and the sport known as "apple ducking"—att- empting to seize with the teeth • an apple floating in a tub of water ---were once the universal occupation of the young folks in medieval England on the 31st of October, How strange an old custom and sent - intent have in the hearts of all people) And how strange that we in Canada to - nig -ht will be celebrating a festival that has inherited some of its cltarcter- istics from the practices of the Druid rites before the Romans invaded Brit- ain, And stranger yet, that any relic of ancient custom should survive all the changes and vicissitudes, and revo- lutions of human society, centuries after tite altars of the Druids had van - shed forever and new races had taken heir place. in Us* For Over 30 Years r Always bears ��-�•� Signature of . 't'e'a oK HEALTH FOR THE 9. •// -?ter 4.. 7'J7G• .�"',�iy ,., �i"Gr'L•. wit i"i reams Fond parents dream of a 'bright 'future fox their children. 4. 1'he r jre ;nh ©f the literary;;:and •.rxmusical 'education they are ^going to give their daughter, and of the high iposition she will take in her sphere of womanhood , They dream of the education they are going to give their son and vision him some day as * clergyman, a taauous' lawyer an eminent physician, a prominent financier,. ora captain of' industry. : But to: rtdake these'.. c#'reatrloi•cc9ttie, true • • —or :even partly true-->Fecipir'es foresight planning and money, • • , e To provide the Rooney what plan so '•' wise as to buy Victory Bonds for each child? Thousands of parents bought Victory Bonds for 'their children in 1917 and 1.918. Surely you will be among the thousands :of • loving paxents who will buy 'CTictory '& Bkmds for their children—this year? ' Victory Bonds may be bought on instal. frients at such easy terms that every parent who so wishes maty buy t, 21 • 3• } Victor3rBonds ForYour Children 1(s,e,nsed. b�y, Canute s. Vitt�. ialto•ointill 'Novo* tiit*ts o1111uteNovo*ofWii Ce nsrrtitite oil Mote • • The ,baby of to -day is the man 'or women of to -morrow. Thus the soc- cess of the future man or women •'•- pends upon the baby's present fare. if 1f 'the baby is sickly and ill nourished it is not to be expected that he, will grow intera strong active man who will hold his own in the business i world a few years •hence, • Mothers it :is • a duty you owe the future to'keep your 1 little ones well now This can •be easily. done ,if Baby's Own Tablets are kept, in• the house. Theta lets area milt'' but thorough laxative,which regulate the bowels. arid' sweetn the` stomach and,' strong: Cpticern'ing them Merl•+ W," tDrser, Etginbutg, •O'nt;'+writes'i_"r. have a fine healthy boy.fhree years and have. used Baby's Own .Tahltts for him ever since he was• aanialf .baby. , cer.- 1 tainly think theta a •aplended medicine," The Tablets are sold, by medicine deal ers or by ,,pp��3il at 2$ . ceptts„a box from"' Thetills, Dr;Ort.i. Wftlinms Medicine Co., Brock--` 1 , WHAT REPORT.,OP COMMITTEE ON' . , S:''C.. R ::'PROVIDES Ottawa,' Nov., t,= -A summary of the recommendation's provided 'in the report, of, the parliamentary' comniti tee op soldiers re-established include: 1 ' t iRiefund of transportation :'to de- pendents who returned prior to armisti- ce. i• 2' Gratuities far Canadians in Int- i peral units, ' 1 • Special committee' on p.enstons •modlficatious for next session. 1 4 .Arrangement with Canadian pa- t trofic fund for additional assistance in needy cases particularly of widows and I children . " . , 'That Wing ng Persisted' S k Skeiltliever Se Ilesisotoii. The eonstaftt haeking, melees, , per aidtnot.eaug1s that itidka to ,you ia•sp to 61 everything you htrve done fa get ilia or it igesnOltoeger, The lonaor the, osegli:etatim,.the, more • tatribns menage it: b.eoide�i tq yore hUltii. It is a very`esey mnt♦tieto get rid of the cold atthe oliteett,•by':ifiisg' Dr. Woo” ' No way Pow Sin*. In nderiy every case it will alloy rite iollarennatlon, soothe 'the ' isrlititien,theal• the dressed mews* iiaaint.rlt tke ittags. and beoraehisl t>stieb, 'an( tbta rat the system of all the bud «dtfett;s of :he liugerieg cough or cold, Dr, Weed's: Dwell Pine $ynsap has beat ariivr4sliy urea for the rpaat ;813 yeses, ratil tai dreeit, . has keel its poemstacwa o s, it id only maned 8be4 a eyes/ , ieshta4ieaas boons basin pia s+aal. co the sweet, Igen') dowel, +m1' of thenal ao•solfod Syrs pg• dist' the. art:Oast 114r., Pia up in a yelflow wile i 3 silos reset 41te tamale nook; preao' end )toe. ttfianelabtutrd °say Ily 1' C• *OuselCo , i united, '7`iiroiii's, many a girl's complexion will be found to disappear if Zam•lluk fs applied with regularity. Mips Bary Krall, et Gilbert Plains, Me.za., wrlaee: "After hay- ing bad diailguring pimples an my face for two years, and having tried all kinds of treatment In rale, I had about given up hope of etre getting rid of them, when I pew an advertisement recommendtsg Zam•Huk for this trouble. I trent for a sample box, and even this small quantity brought a little irn- provessaent. Now, after perrevera Ing for some months with Una' F,uk,tny face le entirely rid of the eruption." 50c. box, all dealers. 5 Special machinery to deal with sol- dier unemployment this winter, 6 Special inquiry as to problem cases. 7 Providing free clothing to patients undergoing long treatment in S. C. R. hospitals. 8 Life insurance investigation - 9 lfouseing, no action recommend- ed. 10 No general assistance in re-estab- lishment or education,but special Loa- ns of $500 each In needycasesFor dis- abled men, " YOU ARE PROUD OF CLINTON But have you a full realization of how the future prosperity of Clinton depends upon the 'Victory Lan 191,9?. The need of the help of every citizen in this cam- paign is imperative, - Space Donated to Victory Loan 1919 by J. IL PAXMAN, Garage Phone 80 ' : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. LIVE POULTRY WANTED • 1r 4000 CHICKENS —0777 , 2000 HENS • 1000 DUCKS" Each week from now until the end Of December, we pay for all Poultry on a quality basis delivered with empty crops. We pay special prices for properly milk -fed poultry, and we would strong- iv,alivise ail. producers to finish thefir poultry as it will pay y.ou to do so. 4 ori -1 tpilois & Co, Li111ii6# d°•+••, .k149, .,rh4'''488 'hs tw.tis.4itte Fiona - r.:. , sttn:..0,94(stat",1111 Motes Brandt Phone hill® IC W. Teeweetha, Monster or Holmesville 4 int tn2'. 1 PIANOS Beidee pelrchasini yens saw Aiwa or organ let tM skew yes the neitiot sive in severed well- ivanw.e and old ►1ash- dui Makes. 1 METRUM NTs RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS See OW/' stylish cabinet tiesl19ro in $he best maws. C. Hoar