The Clinton New Era, 1919-11-6, Page 1Establish (1 1 65, Vol, 54, No,
W. H. Kerr ec Son, Editors and Publishers.
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Better Flue to rot Your Money
Now, frankly, do you know of a better place to put your
nlbney than in Victory Bonds? You have Canada's promise
that you will be1'ep;lid the full amount stated in the face of the
bonds' you will get 2,1/ / more than you get in the savings
banks, and you will always .'find a ready market for Victory
Bonds. invest every dollar you can get together in Victory
This space donated to the Victory Loan 1919 Campaign by--
, � 3, Tao r..."VrEa Philia B.
is W1111 TEM C LUBCII S, w
neayskencostutsovannescsossoSt. Paul's Church
Service as usual, Preacher the Reim-,
Ontario Street Church
I The League meeting on Monday
night was in charge of the Christian
Endeavor Committee, Mrs. McMurray
gave a splendid topic on "Our Duty
to God." Miss M, Gibbings sang at solo.
Twenty -aline leaguers responded to the
Roll Call,
Baptist Church
Next Lord's Day service at the usual
hour t t. A,M. 80, P,A1,
tt,A.M, the Pastor.
17. P.M. Rev, J.E, McCauley of Goderich
will speak.
Three More Reasons For Buying
Victory Bonds �'
Goderich District Meeting
Willis Church
Rev. Mr. Macfarlane, of Bayfield, will
conduct the services on Sunday.
BUY VICTORY BONDS—Because Canada must raise the stoney to carry out iter
obligations to her army,
BUY VICTORY BONDS—Because Canada must raise the money if she is to ex-
tend credit to Britain and secure further orders for Canadian products.
BUY VICTORY BONDS—Because they contbine the three factors that consti-
tute an ideal investment --absolute security, good income yield, and
ready saleability.
This space donated to the Victory Loan 10-19 Campaign by—
t t''n
Roy .� a
xr^. Yw•r..n•. INCORPORATED 1%
Capital and Reserve $8,800,000.
The Molsons Bank offers you a safe and convenient
1,.positary for your money, and allows you intereest on
ams. The u..e of cheques obviates carrying sums of
loney when paying accounts. Moreover such pay -
'lents cannot be disputed.
Over 1011 Branches.
hroughout Canada give the best possible attention to
hebanking requirements of any .Molsons Bank custom-
'rs. •
'avings Department conducted on up-to-date system.
!-l. R. SHARP, Manager . . . Clinton Branch
u _ .F on't Give
3 )
u Lend
hi deciding how many Victory Bonds you wi;l buy; remember -
this iznpertaot point:—you•' as a not giving—yots are• lending to
your country! .
You are leading at a good rate of interest.
You are lending ora the highestsecurity.
You are lending=to maintain your own and your country's pros-
1n your own personal interest you should' make strenuous
efforts to buy as many Victory Bonds as you possibly can.
You couldn't put your money in a better place.
You want to save money—everybody does.
It is the only way to get ahead.
And Canada needs to borrow your money to bridge the gap
from War to Peace. .
It's your duty to lend.
Take the proper view of this Victory Loan.
Say to yourself—"I am going to buy all the Victory Bonds I
can pay for now and in the next ten months."
What if it is an Wort to pay for them.
Look ahead a little.
Think of what you will own when your Victory Bonds are final-
ly paid for.
Every cent you pay on your Victory Bonds you LEND to your
country—you save! ,
Remember that, and
Buy Victory Bonds
Every Dollar Spent in Canada
This Space Donated to the Victory
Loan 1919 Campaign By
The Ntorrish Clothing
4 14,44!$4I'e ltWa.t tt11` .if :ter i *into
r/ daeia i
Following is the program for the
Financial District Meeting of Goderich
District, to be held in Losdesbor,r
Methodist church on Tuesday, Nov. I5,
Afternoon Session
1,45—Davatiunai Exereisea,
2 00—District Business
3.00—Reports of Circuits, re National r,,
Campaign Organization. n:
-1a 5—Hymn c,
4.35—Address, Rev. W. Ii. Graham, B. i at „ a n, R e e * as
A., President of the Conference, *
Offering, I'he President of the Women's Pa -
"Intercession," Rev. R. riotie Society wishes to meet the mem-'
J. A1cCnrmick.
5 25—ll alt hour of Sung and Prayer. bers for a short time, In the Council
conducted by Rea, IL D. Moyer. Chamber Friday afternoon at three
Evening Session. thirty o'clock.
7,30—Song Service. The Choir,
7.45—Devotional Exercises, Rev. J, W.•
Johnson, COUNC"I, BUYS
N,00—stddress, Rev. W. II. Graham, j fit•' �T BONDS
B. A. l IS.�Il I1�!V13Y
National Anthem,
Each Circuit will send their Minute 1
Men and others to make a delegati ns - Will invest $5,200 M Bonds — A Short
of at least four from each Church. Session Monday.
Tea will be served in the school -
Mrs. O. Graelts recently returned
from a month's visit with her son and
daughter at Sarycuse,
Mr. Asa Bolton, of Brantford, was
home for the week end,
Mr. Matthew Levy of Sarnia was in
town aver Sunday with his parents and
to see his son, Master Donald.
Mrs. Grant and Mrs. Williard, of St.
Marys are the guests of Mrs• John
Wiseman. The visitors are mother and
neice respectfully of the hostess.
Miss Elizabeth Whitely is in Ottawa
visiting her sister, 34rs, Lawrence and
Mrs. II. B. Combe was a visitor In
Landon last week,
Mr. Malcoln, McTaggart, of Ridley
College, St, Catharines, was home for
the week end,
Barrister D. Holmes, of Wingham was
in town 00 Friday.
Mr, and Mrs. John Levy and family
of Colborne, motored to Clinton on
Sunday to see Itis brother James Levy
before leaving for California,
Ale. W. ingies, of Stratford, speaat the
week end in town.
Mr. Robert ReiJ. of Toronto, spent
the week end in town. He is a wel-
come visitor.
Mrs. Phoenix and Master Bobs, of
Hamilton, are visiting the •fonner's
mothers, Mrs, R. J. Cluff,
The, many friends o1 Mr. Iiarry Man-
roeare glad to know he is tt}iing 'as+
Nell as can be expected. He"is' in 5t.
Joseph's hospital'at London.
Rev. Mr, Snyder, of Brantford, was
ill town ort Sunday.
Dramatic Soprano
Miss 'Ethel Murray. Cellist .
• ' a td assisting Artists,
Season. Ticlvet..$2.'0
Selsutate .Tick0 75c
a: ..
Try. TileNew Era •
Work r Jab in
145 Estimates Chill
A31 1600
Interior and
We, protect your floors, furni-
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
Wall Papers,
Signs, Etc.
sa.":atia•• int
81 Isaac Street
W 11°4 O'NEIL,
ti H :', F.J '{ I v` GU ()CV*
I"is ti.' 4P'
Council met on Monday evening
with Mayor Cooper in the chair and
Reeve ford, Councillors Paisley, Lang-
ford, McMurray, Johnson, 'Carter were
present, Councillor McEwen was ab-
Minutes of last regular meeting was
read and confirmed, -
Cotntnunications .. •
From \V Brydone, Town Solicitor,
re Clinton Creamery, offer •to pay . to
the town $1200 for discharge of mor-
tgage,- held by the,totyn on their pro-
•erty, '
Town • Has two Crowns for Flag, and
Will, it is Expected Have Four
When Campaign Closes.
The first Prince of Wiles flag it/ he
u'on in lluron ',.aunty teas presented
,m Tuesday at noun to the Town of
Representatives. of the Headquarter
ytatf raised the flag over the town hall
in front of which students of the school
and Boys Scouts were lined up for the
The Clinton Kittle Band played "0
Canada" as the 11ag was hoisted and
when the flag reached the peak they
played "God Save the King,•
The Boy Scouts acted as ,a guard of
'lanai Cooper made a short address
on behalf of the town,
The heavy rant storm, did not seem
to dampen the arder of the citizens at
County Has Raised $1,753,150 up to
Last Night. — Three Prizes are
Now Offered for Essay.
The figures handed out today from
the Victory Loan Headquarters shows
that Huron has raised $1.753,150 and
the objective is 52,700,000.
The figures from the various districts
around Clinton are.i ,•
From Mr, M. D. AicTaggai;t, side•' (lintuu—Oble�tive <'115,000; has
walk along •side of his property, and. raised$175,10D. •
asking for an electric light. at the,eur-• ,Goderich Tp, --Objective 5100,000;
ner of Shipley and John street, i n ' itis raised $8o,50. •
Prom Bell Telephone Co askine, p,er-'', ,••liultse •'(R, -,-•f? tective 5t 10,o0o;
miss un to erect' two poles bit Mill • . 1tas reaised $71,550.
'street, '
Stender, Tp., and Bayfneld-- Object-
F(tnn A,'.O F'titiison G.'I',I2: lgii`ut,; . ,e-•r3o cure• has mind 462,100.
'i t n ,f rtilMa crossing ••irp• with l ucl.ersatilth Tit. 011eelfve 25, -
asking .the Council' to take . up • the., n . -`. •, at
t nes ' i v ' o0o;ha3 raised •$.45,40a
the Ontario K uhvaty;/TiDard
offer -
rhe County Or anvation are • Fuel I Conunls+ic I,
Y b
From l Y1a tM1rio
,the in�.theee, prizes for ilt,e,liest Essay on
fera lit crit .inftuatirdgon supplyasking for in- "Why 1 should buy a- Victory Bond
intohnh to regards, to of coal 1513." The prizes aka: 1st, $15 in gold;
:n town. -
Prom the horticultural Society, ask- 2nd,. 5.0 in. gold; and3•rd, $5 in gold.
Ing that Council help thaw to Their The contest is open to any pupil at-
vurt, by' .t print,
tegding 111e public school this term.
I •McTaggart Bros , aof town made a
What Cuoneil Did.
high water mark'in -the Coftnty when
The request of the Bel[ Telephone they, took 550,000 in Bands last week.
Co , was granted on motion of Reeve
Ford and Councillor Paisley,
On motion of 'Councillors McMurray
and Langford, the Horticultural:,Society
was given 5100 to help in their work, 1
The Clerk was instructed to take up
the question of railway crossing with 1
the Railway Board.
On motion of Councillors Paisley
and Langford, the Council will accept
the offer of the Clinton Creamery of
$1200 and will grant the discharge of
mortgage. The money will be invest-
ed in a Victory Bond.
The "faith" in the Fuel Controller
was not very strong, and his letter was
fyled on Auction of Councillors John-
son and Carter,
Reeve Ford in speaking of the
"Memorial lots" at the Cemetery, he
stated that Goderich Township, was
tv1llit1Z to do its share, n
Fire and Water Committee made their
report; --That Fire 'Chief purchase one
shut-off nozzle and one chemical ex-
tinguisher; also a couple of brooms.
The report was adopted on motion of
Councillors Johnson and Langford.
Property Committee recommendeed
that a roof be put over the crusher at
Park and that the repaired parts be
painted. The recotnmendation was ad-
A new culvert at Dr, Axon's conger
will be instalied at John and Albert
street, under the direction of the Street
C,ontmittce.. .
The Finance Committee's report was
red and adopted, Items may be read
on\antotiter column.
There was no Court of Revision this
I,year, as their was no appeals, the
1 Mayor reported.
On recommendation of 'the Finance
Min4ister, the Council wti) take $4,000
in Victory Bonds, out of the Sinking
Ott' motion of Councillors Langford
and McMurray, that the suns of $200
be accepted from the Perrin estate In
full of back taxes on storehouse at 0,
T. R: station.
The Chief of Police is busy trying td
tit:t all the back taxes cleaned up by
the end of the year.
Couneli adjourned at 51.15 pain,
Former Clinton Lady Recounts Six
Years' Experiences in Asia and in
War Zone,
The Toronto Star of Wednesday has
the following reference to Dr. Guest,
a former Clinton young lady, who has
Just returned from India:—
Six busy, useful years of service in
India was the story told of by Dr. Edna
Guest of the Medical Alumnae of Tor-
onto 1Mb ersits, at a meeting in Sher -
bourne House 'Club Tuesday afternoon.
Dr. Guest referred to the changes
that had taken place in the medical
world, of 'Toronto dsring her absence,
foremost among which were the es-
tablishment of the Woolen's College
hospital on Rusholnte road, and the
large increase in the number of Tor-
onto women who had taken up the
practice of surgery.
As a medical officer during the
war, Dr. Guest served in England,
France and Corsica. She paid a glow-•
tag tribute to the work of the Red
Cross in supplying comforts and little
luxuries for the wounded men. While
at the Northamptonshire Military Hos-
pital, she said, the Wren were able to
have fresh fruits and any other luxur-
aen ordered fur then solely through the
iustrumenLtllay of the Red Cross. Dr.
Guest had a most absorbing tale to tell
of the stress of work under the most
trying conditions of the spring of 1915
in France.
Among her India experiences one of
the mn,1 interesting was a visit paid to
the wife of a ;Maharajah in his own
princely palace. The event was a most
unrarallele,: one. Dr. Guest spent
some time In the Ludhiana Medical,
College, India.
Air. Will Pin ner,.of.Vancauv'er, B, C.,
was the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr,
Harry BartlilT this week. M. Pinner
had business at Detroit with an 5111)
fia•m, and took a run tap to
- see old friends,
Mrs. Sherritt, of Petrolia, is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Ralph 'l'iplady, Rat-
tenbury street.
Mr. Bart. Lavis was in Oshawa, on
Friday for another Chevrolet car.
Rural Dean Clarke, of Goderich, was
1 visitor in town. on Friday Iasi.
Dr Gunn was a visitor in 'Toronto
I q� g+ MASTER -
(1115 week,
43. �, F. GRAND lglf STER Rev. Mr, Hogg will conduct Women's
COMING 1'0 issionary •1'hankutTering services at
CLINTONl� lv-ayfield on Sunday.
Miss Violet McGuire, of Stratford,
:accompanied by a girl friend spent
:he week end at the parental home,
Miss Broder, of Morrlsburg, is the
guest of her sister, Mrs, G. D. and Mrs,
D. McTaggart.
Mrs. (Rev.) Hogg, leaves today for
New York where she will visit her bro-
ther, Mr. Newton Wylie.
Dr. iloward Fowler left last Thurs-
day for his annual trip to the "deer"
Rev. S. Anderson will take the eve-
ning service at Seaforth Methodist
church on Sunday, On Monday even-
ing the church will burn the mora -
r^^^^' gage.
Mr, and Mrs. Phos, Mason have re
turned from a three weeks' visit in
Detroit and'vicioity, .
Big Rally of Oddfellows in Town on
Friday — District Lodges Coming
to Meet Grandmaster.
L11Mo-it will have a big crowd of Odd'.
fellows on Friday night, to welcome the
1. 0. O, F. Grand Master of Ontario, Dr.
Hermiston, of Toronto. The District
lodges have been Invited to attend the
Ali Oddfellows ate invited to attend
the meeting on Friday evening, This
will be the official visit of the Grand
Master for this District.
tIOLLAND---On October 15th tes 115'.
and Mrs, Ndbie holland, a daughter,
SLOWMAN•-•-tri Hayenmore, $ask„
on October 15111, Mr, and Mra. drank
Slowniati, of a sort (Prams Aleitaridet.l
VA est; aa1.Dt5tte, t'?s uoce
118-tuVtri WGEK aM1riOlE
yrtaNO- of DN166C1i4.'5Oi't LAMES
OtiR'('8 WE:OOTTt .14,4.134 'CttMC
tsR otme ol.i *vs t.10ttC,@'3 AN'.
MIR D41hl+Y LtK£ ' S!$ twl.met
co.*, ,FIGILIAOIS 't.1 W' -4A'D JRS
Y4E`Ser Bello rdf YEE OP. f Awl
latEN$+N PCC 1bt6 V 1DP * -
MY GO6\361: is o SAVE vs
t.o'C`tk 11p6E. 19.0$"4114 VIE
*194440 OOZE !g Ot6l,14Eb 4t4
@4Ct4:VTFythKr t'
Mr. and Mrs, C. Burnett, of Princess
street announce the engagement of
. their youngest daughter, Elizabeth Anna
,to Mr. Albert Colciough, second son of
the late Joseph Colciough and Mrs.
Colciough of the Base Line, Goderich
Township, The marriage will take
place its November.
Wild Geese.
A }lock of wild geese, of oiler A 100,
passed over the town Sunday morning
about 11.45. The were going south-
' Ward, and this is a pretty good iudt-
teation that wittier is around the corner,
The costliness of strikes is evi-
denced by the fact that the railway
strike in Britain cost the' rrovern•
ment (50,000,000, and the loss to
the business interests la estirnate4l at
$250,000,000. The sunny paths of
conciliation 'adjtisttnetit and peace,
are the better methods,
A 'fabric device that forms webs be-
tween the fingers when worm an t',e
Mand has been invented by an Indian
man t0 give swimmers additional power,
Electrically driven ventiiating farts
have been installed in the Siutplon tun-
nel through the 5w'isswltalidn Aips to
keep tine Air moving,
Page Two.
Local News
Black Diamond Chips,
Something About Milk
Canada's Trade Stability
Bulbs For Brightening
Page Three
Local News
Making 'Corn Silage
St. Catharines Aged Voter
Page Four
District 'News
••tt of Canadian Learning
an ice House •
Page Five
Pacts About Canada
• Queen:s University
Local News
Page Six
Our 5:...a1—•' 'orth of 53."
�e:niiu: Pe
Pw� Seven
Sunday ":ha Lessons
33rd Co., Placed in Cathadrel.
P-•^ Eight
Local News u
(adds and Ends of the Council'
Stanley ;Mtn Gets Promotion
n 4 1 .
w 14 ,
d R
Local News
� ,gksilrsvtpsplm„?,$)4, r
Council met Monday night.
The Guy's had their usual street par-
ade at noon today.
There was service in St. Joseph's.
church on Saturday morning.
Many are talking of going to Bruce=
held tonight to the fowl supper in the
Presbyterian church.
Clinton is leading the Country in the
Victory Loan and was the first to wisp
the Prince of Wales Honour Flag,,
May Bell Marks and Marks Brothers
Company •had good crowds et their
show on Tuesday and Wedltesday, even-
A Patriotic 'Halloween dance was held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening
after the Bazaar, A good. crowd was.
present and Phalen's Orchestra were'
liberal with their music.
Mr, Frar. k A. Copus, ,of Stratford,
D. D. G. M of the Masonic Order of
South Huron District No. 4, will pay
his official visit to Clinton Lodge on
Friday evening. . A big night is ex-
pected in the Masonic circle.
if Principal Bouck had ordered trier
boys• to ring the school bell on Naito -
ween night it would have been hard
work; but as he did not—It was a lab-
our of love and the boys certainly kept .
the hell busy during the night.
When ordering our sale bills you
would find It of great advantage to •
have the, list of articles also run in the
New Era, The New Ere covers a very
Wide E•eld and possibly one bid 'would
more than cover the extra Cost.
Don't fail to hear Bertha Pawner and
Company at the Town Hall on Satur-
day. This will be the musieia) treat
of the year, There are still lots of
seats vacant yet and course tickets
may he had for the Girl's Auxiliary,
Some people Were the foolish' virr'
,tins on Tuesday n:ght, th:y had no oil
in their lamps. We heard that same
had to take the oil out of the coil stoves
go off very often, but when a break
get ulf Very often but when a break (,C•
occurs, the blansehnld had better be