The Clinton News Record, 1919-10-30, Page 4SCHO�L t A. SUPPUES COOPOr Xgent: C,N, Railway G.N.W. TelegraPli Clinton, ,Ontario 0 Aro you saving ? Victory Loan is coning. We have Victory, but it is not paid for yet. Victory—Bought but not paid for. Spend sparingly—,Save for Victory Bonds, , Watch those dollars—Victory needs them. GRAN RU FFaYILWly S1fS7,1=t1`:. The DoubleTrack Route —between-- kiONTREAL, TORONTO, DETROIT and CHICAGO. Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night. trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horn- ing, District Passenger Agent, Tor- onto.; A. O. Pattison, Depot Agent. JOHN RANSFORD & SON, Phone 57. Uptown Agents. CANADA'S FUTURE ) ' DEPENDS ON LOAN Grady filmploytncet end Prosperity Bergs on Victory Loam, -, Canada's future prosperity depends Co a great extent upon the pusses of the Victory Lawn. No country can exist open trade within Its own .boun- del les. .Canada eotllitson tie trade with Greet Britain and other allied countries to steep .filo flood of good times in the country, I'110 surplus p1'odeets of the farm: and the factory fled their way across the seas. The revenue of the fanner: and the fnanufneturer is dependent.. on this trade relationship boiug sus- tattled. The; cinPlQYineut of ivany Audi depends on the orders ' that come to the tiros. The pay envelope only comes well speedy employment. Great Britain and Overseas coun- tries are still desirous of continuing trade rolatious, " but, overwhelmed with war expenses, they luus1 .be, given credits for the time beteg. The 'farmer and the manufacturer must be paid for their products and manu- factured articles in cash, Therefore,. Canada crust fnanpo the proposition to keep the tide of commerce conning this way. ` But in order to have the money on hand to do' this great thing, Canada must borrow from her people. The Victory .Loan offers 'bonds to subscriber's paytng 6 % per Dent. in- terest. The guarantee behind the bonds makes them an'absolutely sate investment. Victory Bonds are e,e- °opted as collateral at any banit, and can easily) be turned into money at aprofit. It ls.then to the interests of every' Canadian to subscribe for all the Victory Bonds he can, for It is profitable, it le patriotic, and it is 1. necessary for the continued pros- perity of the country. CANADA NEEDS MONEY War Expenditures Still to Be Met From Proceeds of Vic- tory Loan. The war is over and won; but Can- ada's main expenditures for war will not be complete until well on into 1920. The $610,000,000 raised last year has all been spent, 5400,000,000 having been largely devoted to sol- diers—to maintaining them, bring- ing them home, providing the neces- sary medical services, training them. most of the balance of the loan was lent to Great Britain to enable her to buy our surplus products. And money is still necessary -- for sol- diers, for providing markets, for our surplus products, for the needs of reconstruction. And that is why an- other VIctory Loan is necessary. Canada still needs money, and needs it badly. Peace and Prosperity—via the Vic- tory Loan. 11 Dry Goods and House Furnishing Cone PHONE 78. /Fall ter Co. Fora and Ready.to. Wear Garments Ova a^ `firs thou it be 14''s� ct^rm faun iii lli'l030 w11f°i ISC.311P4Egitre Woman who choose to pay twenty; twenty-five, thirty .or thirty hive dollar, °tall field .a selection e1 n: ' 1` here at these prices tllelt=: ii.l, nt u'ure: up to the . n'loht exacting requirements of eorreetnbris of style with quality that will give la good .account of it eIf'in day to day wear; We will appeeciate fan opportunity to show you our range, We have one of t e lest stocks of Ladies' iigh-class Coats and Furs in the county Clint ofl News •J eeord October 301 (919 Canadians s TMs is a call to Nati nal &?wise The Victory Loan 1919 which operas to..cla y. QU are citizens of no mean country. Canada is 'a fair, free land, Canada is your country. Canada—now—has need to borrow from. you—Lend: Lend without restraint of politics or fine distinctions of creed or party. The leaders of the political parties endorse the Loan. It is CANADA that asks: And,why To clean up the last of the War's commitments and expenses; To establish beyond all question the capacity and credit of your country; To care for the wounded and maimed soldier; To finance the bonus of the returned soldier already paid; To enable the fruits. of Victpry to be garnered; To ensure the prosperity of you, her citizens. The guns of war are silent --but they are not yet cool. The Victory Loan 1919 is a War Loan. Canada's book of war is gloriously written --make this, the closing chapter, a worthy one, The responsibility is yours. LEND! 41404 Sze °falai Prosfieetus' an another 'age: Issued, by Canada's Victory Loan Conunitfee iu cd-ayeration with. the 1Nlinirter of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. DEA ualit !i53.,�, ;Flub Mlarehliz gg Pio'y. 4fi€1. The 'company , 1 headed by then f'>apalilti yotrllIndy. Miss 'May Marks, who has a wide reputation as a leading lady oi' exceptional talent, The Soldier do i` asVYnfe, Little you'd ears what I your feet,, Ribbon or crest or shawl— laid at lyhat.1if 7 bring you nothing, sweet, Nor maybe conte bonne at all ? Ah, but you'll know,. Brave heart, you'll know Two things I'll have 1eepi; to send. : kly honor, for which you bade ire go, And my love --my love to the end. —Boy Victory T3onds' — 1zLr,i t,1ixT13I,1- SEX i.ar1 Akers, lcuincr -"..tate Treasur- cr,'naw a 'ibpeka blinker, relates that a utast ca11011 at the, bank the other day and said 1 "I want a-clleque- hoolc rover Inc a lady that fords in tlic middle,"- I eases City ;star. 1Io bas OIC leg 1 You have• two bands to 11011) hint --bands to' hold Victory Bonds. -r—Bity Victory 13o11ds • 41, oNfRIVOKimmI meevos.....11 Manama aking Always In Sight ?TARE 1•11•1110 nialMiltopitmit011 clear glass door is only one of the A. modern features of this dependable range. Its baking qualities you know. across or lengthwise, making it easy to cook The top will take the boiler either ls!the regular dinner on wash -day. Grates work smoothly. Hot water reservoir is enamel, and may be removed for cleaning. A dependable the:, mometer takes ail guess -work out of baking. No other range will quite satiety you once you see the. Pandora. era. Sold by too A. SUTTER A Good Investment, Speculation is one thing. Invest- ment is another. The majority of citizens want an investment, nota speculation, And they want -a safe investment, Viotory Bonds fill that requirement as does no other invest. meat. Beeatie behind every bond there is the natiouai wealth of Can- ada— a wealth so -great that it stag. gars the imagination. . Canadian Bank Clearings. That Canada 10 well able to cull - port the Victory Loan ie °dearly shown by the Canadian "bank clear. Ings for the current year. They in- dicate that the year's total will ex.. coed $15,000,000,000 continued with $13,770,000,000 in 1918. And the -year's total clearings should be throe ,times those' of 1990. - Must Subscribe More Dividing the people of Canada into throe classes — the comparatively poor, the moderately wealthy, and the very wealthy ...- it would sequin that if contributions to tiro Victory Loans constitute sorvicci to the nue tion, 'the moderately wealthy chum 18 hardly doing its share. 01 the murrey subscribed to the Victory Loan 1918, two hundred and seventy -ono 111111ion dollars were In bonds of 5,0o0 and under, ninety-four millions 10 bonds 01 between• $fi,000 and 12b,- 000, and throe hnndred and one mil- Ilona In bonds of $25,000 miff over, Ile true to ycutaoll. Dur Victory • ldret. z , You did it before: You can de It. again. Buy Victory Bonds. Canadapledgedher last man and her last dollar. t:edema that pledge in Victory Bonds, 11 the fighting :were still raring, you wouldn't hesitate to buy Victory Bonds, To matte the Victory Loan a sue- Cess is a national obligation. it may bo that you aro the deciding factor. if you are concerned about the future welfare of Canada, buy a Vic- tory Bond and nlaitu it a suro thing: Don't forget the future of your children. Lay a good 'foundation, with a Victory Bond, Would you lend a soldier $50 if you knew it would save itis life?-- I3uy, Victory Bonds and keep the military hospitals up, i1 you appreciate, a good invest- ment you will buy a Victory Mond, too deceive no ono but yourself • when you Say you can't afford.a View tory; Dond, 1 More - .Bonds to buy—V inish tate Fight,' And this 'Victory Loath this Fail, I'ay fez' 'Victory, 1#obdsr. t'IIBRELI:A 131+LCNGEb. '1't) -- LODGE 1enator Loirre, while visiting in a rural district, dropped in on a hoy- hood friend, \tin happened to he a, Mellen of the peace. While chatting over old tunes a couple came in to get married. The justice married the pair and after accepting a i cdr^t.ato- fee, handed the - bride an um}n ella. Lodge observed tho Iiroc.ediui,s in: ' solemn silence, but. after, t11di" couple had gone he asked "Do you a1way=: do that, ArHum?" "3iarry them ?. 011, yes, . if they h;tvn a 11een:,e," "No, 1 -mean give the bride a pre,-, eat ?" ",1 present ? Why, wa'n't that her umbrella ?" "No," said Lodge peevishly, "it was mine:" VICTORY 1aONns BECAUSE -- You will get 5';'; .prr cent interest en your money, 'You will Ret full value for your money practirully at any time you; may require it, - You will- have tun favestment back- ed up by the entire resources of Can- ada. � '--Iluy Victory Bonds---, i -^a