The Clinton News Record, 1919-10-30, Page 3Ifs AS$AM quality gives it that rich flavor r' L IIP s good teak. Sold only i rl sealed Y� aelkages 122 Yv TUE. WET) 'JI'HU FRI. SAL \ NAVe im p..\\ \''._ Srl'A.liT '1Tlaia PC) 11I,'1ltY ]10A.Tt 111(1111', \, (Wexperimental Faros Note) The poultry year should begin Nolieilibcr 1st, At that tinge ,the old stook should be mulled out, the cockerels divided from the pullets and the pullets selected from the flock anal put into winter quarters. Don't Keep Uhl IIe11S,—Only the best of those bens that aro ono and a half; years o1)1 should bei kept. 110000 of them with all the older ones should Have beeh:dieeosed of last spring but in oasesthis was not done do away with them now. Even if they were culled then, bo over thein again now.ahrl see that' noth- ing that will not likely produce „Is retaliled. -G'ull the ]Marl) Mou1ters.—Iii 'sel- opting the hens that you intoiid to keep do not take thee0 birds that are looklug,olefin and well feathered bat rather those that aro more or less shaggy' 111 aptear0n00• The 01100 that. are still tnoalting, they are the layers ; those that/ ,bare =mite(' and have a 11100 new 0083 of loathers wore not persistent layers. '_ They pit laying too soon and had nothing to do, but 'grow leathers. This ex- plains Why they have their new coat before their more industrious sisters, Early Pullets Best —Select as' winterlayers, the early, well-111atU0- cd -pullets., These 01(001)1 he care- fully handled, put into their own house, lett well and given every op- portunity to -produce. Pullets that are but half, grown or tat -that . will not be matured for ,anon- �..___ tits yet should be culled out with the cockerel$, crate fell and market- ed, Such pullets will be a bill .of expense all' winter. and should not bo kept on any (Jxcuse, Crate Feed Surplus; -No 'matter \i]hat class of lairds that aro culled out for •marleet • 1t will pay to finish them before Icllling, Even with the high' prices of feed one cannot afford to market poor, stuff. For: further partieulara on crape deeding, write the Poultry Division, Experimental ai1'.9 �r;,@(((�',1 SII f ->JI `',o•',.75r' gttiti .'. I,y, �,•',V'tr f".. i�-.... .. ...°. Farm, Ottawa. Keep Accounts.—We sugge st that, perSon who wants to make his poultry par -begin at once to keep track of receipts. and expenditure. To assist) in this,, blanks have been prepared by the Poultry Dfwision, Experimental Farm, Ottawa, which will be sent on application to those who will promise to return each month a copy filled in. Those com- plying 1vill receive suggestions on how to improve their results, based on the information given lin their re- ports. Ir. C„ELFORD, t' Dominion Poultry Hgqsbandman, Central Experimental Path, Ottawa tilctory Loan 1919 Is Bridoe Between War and Peace, Pgrloultural (inti industrial Pros- peity Of (;anailo (Depends on Snceess of the taoan, Why is it necessary to hazeurither Victory Loan? Iave you heard 0710 auery.,? Or have yoe asked it? The Vietory Loan of this year stands out as the bridge between war and peace. The war le over. Our bore won that. The recansteuetion period' is dawning and we at home must win that, ' - , Much of the money that Canada is asking for will be needed to clean up trio war debt. The expenses of demobilization were heavy, and there is still much of It unpaid, Now'"tlrat our nlenare back, let it not be said that' we repudiated the debt for bringing them back) ' Tho Beit and wounded soldiers still in hospitals are expectifig teat Can- ada will\care for them and there de- pendents until they have been re- turned to health and strength, 'Pile hospital services must be maintained at all strength as long as there, are returned- men needing attention. Many men through disability 1ixo unable to return to their pre-war occupations, The Department of Sol- diers' Civil Ne -establishment is do- ing aline work in training returned soldiers in trades and professions that they can earn a living at, and is following up the training and see- ing that they .obtain remunerative l" e• VANCOUVER 4-44i WINNIPEG TORONTO) oth Ways Commenoing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, leaving TORONTO (UNION STATION) 9.15 1 P.M. DAILY YJIOST MODERN EQt31PMENT., Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars. First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Oar through the Rockies. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Canadian National all the way. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Via O.T.R., North Day, Cochrane and Canadian National. • Further information from Canadian National Ticket Agents, or 143 'GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, TORONTO Toronto - Winnipeg Compartmont—absarvatlon Library Cars Peace and Prosperity—via the Vic- tory Loan; IIe has one leg 1 You bane two ' hands to help him --hands to hold Victory Bonds. More • Bonds to buy—Finish the Fight. • And this Victory Loan this Fall. Pay for,. Victory Bonds: Are you saving ? Victory Loan is coming. ' - We have Victory, but it is not paid for yet. Victory -Bought but not paid for. Spend sparingly -Save for Victory Bonds. Watch talose dollars—Victory needs thein. f employment. The maintaining of this branch of reconstructive service calls for much funds, and the Victory Loan will be used to pay for it as well as the other purposes. Under the. Soldiers' Land Settle- ment Act, enough money is lent to returned soldiers to enable them to buy and stock a farm. This money will be repaid at a low rate of in- terest. The soldier is thus given a chance to 1'e -instate himself in civil life, and production is given a boost. Of the total amount of the forth- coming loan, $24,000,000 has been apportioned to finance these soldier - farmers. Pensions to the disabled and de- pendents of our glorious dead, as well as the authorized gratuities will -be other items on the expense sheet. These are some of the obligations owing to the returned soldier who is now in health, The maintaining of Canada's pros- perity is an important reason why the Victory Loan should be a smashing success. The money is needed to finance the credits to overseas coun- tries so that they mar Continue their trade relations with us. If Canada Cannot give these credits other coun- tries will, and then Canada will lose all that great overseas trade'tbat has been the mainstay of our agricultural and industrial life for so long. As an investment Victory Bonds are eminent. Paying 531: per cent.,'sell- ing above par on the open market, and guaranteed by the .Dominion- what further reason can you have for hesitating? The '4atory Loan 1919 ought to ,.be oversubscribed,. and all right-thinking citizens will do. their utmost to see that such a re- sult is obtained. CANADA'S LARGE$T E';CINEEkJNGPRO Hydro -Electric Power Commission Carrying on Wonderful Power Development Work at Niagara • Falls—A Second Panama Canal Operating the larges(shovels`in i.lte'werl1, ana reversing the Bow of a river, the Ilydro Bleatrie Power Con1n11ssiot1: of Ontario is carrying on an enormous engineering prOlect at Niagara Palle, practically with- out the use or steam, There are many startling phases to this work, which is the largest' onglneerieg feat attempted in the Dominion,pf Canada, and the biggest engineering job at present being carried on in the North ArnerIeall conthlent. t In. order to got.water o he new power house which will be erected just above Queoneton, the Com- mission otdll utilize four -and a quar- ter miles of the Wieland River, {�ty���,o�.:HY It Rr,-�, 6-m LLCT KV LOPMENT A AT AG r A men present a striking iploturo, The weary househeiclor pal:el: ily feeding; ., the furnace, shovel by shovel, ft'onl the ton or twa or coal, lits winter's supply, will inarvel at the enormity, of the eleerr10 . shovels which pick tip from Dight to- 'ten torts . of -- material, lift it 70 feet into the ally and deposit it into waiting 0arsy all within the short • space' of 40 seconds, Trains, Slanted by eloctriclocomo- tives, convey the mud and slay to the clump at St. David's. Tho bold - dors and rocicfront the canal aro borne"away to .the stone crusher on the cliff above 0ueenston, and con vorted into material for roadways, rallroad roadbed and 1'iprap which 10111 line( the shores of the canal. BOEY$0,li(50:1,10 0011 TO CARE FOR WOUNDED Money Brom Victory Loan Will Be Used to lie -establish Soldiers. ( Our soldiers in France faced perils other than those of shell and gas and machine-gun fire. There was the peril of tuberculosis.: IBD to August last 3,909 soldiers suffering from this disease had been returned to Canada. These were placed in sani- toriums under the direction of the Department of Soldiers' Civil. Re- ,,gstablishment, and they are One of the departments of that branch that must be maintained, and come 'under the head of capital war outlay.' All of these men and some 20,000 others, disabled or 31.1, will be,looked after with money raised through the Victory Loan 1919. It is the- sacred duty -of Canadians that the money, is forthcoming. utaw \la � tr�f�• iy J ra o. f 1 r CCr p` 7:S u • f,erfA Yfc� s"S 14. irt.'t et y 'If you want. a good tractor -and you neeckthe best tractor --don't watch the price -ticket. Look at the tractor. You'll be able to pick; out the good tractor, just the saute as you can pick out a. good horse. That's why we want you to see the Moline - Universal Tractor. When you do, you'll 'sae its stiperiorities. 6„ You'll see why farmers have proved four things about the Moline -Universal Tractor. 1. Osie -man control. 2. It will do more work. 3. Itcosts less to operate. and keep up: 4. It lasts. longer.. The reason lies in 1V4oline con- strttet%o$. - line t ger Tract b.. its The Moline is 'designed correctly. It is a one -roan out- fit—you sit on the seat, of the implement where you always sat. You can back up with any implement attached. You can turn short. You ca» cultivate. You have ample steady power for any work--irvthe field or on the belt. 'The high-grade Moline motor is sparing with fuel and oil. It' costs. less money to plow an acre with a Moline. In addition you have an easy starting engine, electrically governed, which can be stopped and started when you please. Eleatic starter. The careful Moline construction does away with most repairs and replacements. ements Motory \up away from the dost. All moving parte are enclosed. Gears 101k'.,,\ oil, Hyatt Yeller Hearings, livery one of these things means longer life in the Molina When you see the Moline Tractor work— When you .know that more farmers operate • Morins than any other make—You will begin to realize the tremendous earning power of the Moline., You need a Moline on your farm, You neat it now+ AU we went ou to do is. to come ill and sea. tate tractor. We'll let it sell itself, I 'rite -Wnlyts•C}tverlaud'l,td. t Dclhr :Ara 1•'-¢.' •` .Our lctoline-tiliVersnl Tractor hassaved cs' nt least 2 men and 10 horses It can 1,11 operated and maintained for loss than It casts to keep 8 or 4 Iter1e1. . • Voyt Termite, Oat, (Shut eill alcencrson 13rag: rrecocvnlc, Soak. Credits Must Be Established for Sale of -Surplus Products. Success et Victory Loan 1919 Will Insure Steady Markets for Ii'iumers. It takes some six bushels of wheat to teed the average personlin Canada. annually, Roughly, therefore, the, eight million people here consume about 50,000,000 bushels each year. But even hi -a poor year the crop is some five times that; amount, and the surplus must be sold if the farm- ers are to •get a return for their time and lobar. But the sale of the crop must be financed. Great Britain, which provides our greatest market, has not the ready cash; and so Can- ada must find means Of raising the money. Hence the Victory Loan 1919. In view of the fact that the pros- perity of that Dominion is dependent to a considerable extent upon, the sale of her sbrplus grain the niece-, city of the money being forthoohlit 0 is patent. Your dollar may be the last straw' that sweeps the Victory Loan over the top. Would you take the chance of making It a failure? tend your money that your pay entelope may be always filled, as will follow the success or the Victory, Loan, I EL1CT'0IC T120IN Bnttc 1-0ADED causing this sluggish stream to iiow' backward and to talco water froth the Niagara River instead of empty- ing into it above the Fells. Con- necting with the Welland River is a power canal, stretching from Queenston and encircling the city of Niagara Falls, Ont., which will be. eight and a quarter miles long when completed. The original survey for the Niagara development was made in 1914, and the construction work be- gun in May, 1817. The commis- sion expedts to have the new plant in working order In 1922. War con- ditions handicapped the engineers, but this year's operations were begun on a• gigantic scale.. A trip over the right of way will Impress the 'ob- server with the vast scope of the undertaking which, in its completed State000,000,, w00.ill cost approximately 927,- Two miles above the brinlc of Niagara Falls a steam dredge is gnawing away at the channel of the Welland River, removing in generous chunks the river bottom and a por- tion ofllog Island. n_blch guards the entrance to this historic oreek. The lone dredge and its attendant togs are the only pieces of equipment en- gaged on the entire Niagara develop- ment which are not, owned by the Hydro -Electric, Power Commission. They, with sit .or seven switch engines, are the only apparatus in use on the development which re- quire steam in their operation. Even the drills employed on the rook deposits Lsf'the canal right of way aro operated by air, electrically compressed. A - mils or two inland a lingo clamshell swung from an aerial cableway, drops into the river incl then emerges, . bringing with it generousbites from the river' bot- toni, . which are depbslted on the river bank at the foot ofthe' tower from where the operator directs the activities of the clamshell. Deposits of earth and clay along the north hank -of the river reveal the effect- iveness of the clamshell in this: par- tieular portion of the development. .A. short ride from Niagara Falls over new roadways built by the commission from crushed 'limestone removed - from its right of Nay, ,brings- one to .the canal proper, where the activities of huge electric shovels, electric trains and gangs of THE DmnT DIPPER 0011011 TIICWCLU1nI g1VEa� Victory 7Banda are the fodder that lkeeps the machinery of Canada's in -,' world ntnriing at trill apeed.l Tho stdno crusher, which has a capacity of 4,000 cubic yards, is wen worth a visit. The rocks from. the excavations are cast into a trough opening into gigantic steel laws which grind and munch, breaking the, largest pieces into smaller bits that are carried away on a belt con- veyor. A eerles of crushers reduce the rocks to a form 'where they may be utilized for building purposes and stored for future use. Fifty-five miles of railway, all elec- trified, and tapping flve trunk lines, are required in the construction work on the development. On this railway the commission has in opera- tion more electric locomotives than any railway system in Canada. At Present 2,000 men are .employed on the big job, These men are housed and. feel by the commission, A sur- geon, an ambulance and' a hospital maintained -lay the commission aro at the disposal of the employees in case of accident. The adoption of the newest safety crevices has minimized the danger of accident on the de- velopment, and the commission has devoted a great deal of time to safety first propaganda in order to safe- guard the men in its employ. About 2,500 acres, or 50 per cent. of tho lands acquired by the--oomnlisaton for its right of way, have been con- verted into farms, and the produce from the farms is sold to the em- ployees of the commission, The cent - mission maintains its own telephone system on the development, and it has connections throughout the prov- ince. Garages, machine shops and office buildings line the right of way. By establishing its power house at Qu(enston the Tlydro-Eleatrto Power Commission Is enabled to take ad- vantage of the fitll drop of .both Ni- agara Falls and the Gorge, a total drop of 806 feet,.. affording 100 per cont. more olectria power from. the same amount of water. ®The largest' electric units in the world, 65,000 horsepower generators, will bo in- stalled in the power house,to pro- duce electrical energy for distribution throughout the Province of Ontario: This great work is a striking ex- ample of the big vision and initiative 60 Sir Adam Beck, under whose di- rection the commission carriee on its functions, This work is one which gives the ,people of Ontario just cause for pride in achievement.. LLA. .Sc ALLAN, Blyth ' l w, Cintadlan Distributors: Willys-OVer'lafxd, Ltd., Wett Toronto Made by Moline Plow Co., Moline, Ill. k VICTORY ;BONDS $EO.At,1,510-- Yeu will get 5l per cent interest rn 5 s d f utiO0y. You Evill y;et lull 0,10 fer your fnoiaoy grrlo tienlly at ady tido Ceti ikay, 'tettalte it, - !tali will have an ilivastiilcnt flack Off Op liy the entire beaenree0 of Otte.... *Os Y•.C•i1D tt Iv sitt WHEN When ambition Things drag Dent, cause that again .Hacking's It takes cheeks Health, your Tonic for me,I could suffered do little on the the first full treatment that.[ glad %much Hacking>s $2.60, it for told, 1ACKIrG43 iiiii .r^ t � your good and that are. on from give up; other medicines will Build be Strong away of your O boxes. dealer today, and Builder M,rs. II, Hinchcliffe ,t 1laoking's was on not sleep with for me. recommendation bolt I and able that/ have g ood.1, Heart 11 your you or Insist t'i ` t3: YOUR: ALL health the desire worth day to Don't Up and and "that younger of and that Heart thepointof 110r my 13eart Y improved of six t0 return at and Druggist we will ea 1ladldngts. .:14 i a' ? u y' , ”-' " ec • k r •fr HEALTH IS LOST loaves you then to succeed in life, while do not interest you day. Weaken, do not be have failed to benefit Strengthen the body Vigorous—, ' Heart and Nerve tired feeling" aridbrings days. r ou rs if are VitalityY Backings Heart and Nerve giro thein a fair trial. will succeed when others of Wingham writes and Nerve Itemedy a Complete Nervous plan my household ditties; and my Nerves and took .Backing's heart and of one of any friends, se much In health boxes and am nowf6eling to my work with renewed last found a niedioine that NerVo Retnody sotto for does nothavoit he bo glad to fiend it 10 I#IMIIyZD ' ' '`'' . a`ca,, FAILS I you lose -. and discouraged you, here so. that Remedy back it you desire Y Remedy It is,the have as follows-- has done Breakdown. for the doctors Nem After that x se aweh Vigor' Inas done 500 a box, will bo glad you by Listowel. •4 v.�,. �.. s energy, you just be- is one yen will - • the rosy hr thorn from Waster failed. wonders years could itemedy taking took the better 2, zest) 0 0 for to got mall post Oitt -' -• r . 1 p ..• 1A 'i (� idY ; .