The Clinton News Record, 1919-10-2, Page 8CLINTON'S' LEADING JIi�WLLIi tY STORE Cope here for Watches, Clocks, Brooches, I�ixlgs, Phonograpbs, Records, in act everything found in an up•to•date jewelry store Your Repair Work will receive prompt and careful attention. R. H. JOHNSON Jeweler an% Optician NEXT HOVEY'S DRUG STORE Pinion 1News•Record October 2 id, 1919 i Men's Clothing Special Order The new clothes are now here and are a beautiful assortment of Suitings and Overcoatings It will pay you well to look them over and get our prices Some very special. values in Men's and Boys Work Shoes Plumsteel Bros. THE STORE THAT SELLS FOR LESS, PHONE 25 CLOTHING NEW IDEA PATTERNS, Shoe Caution Make yonr shoe purchase these days with special care! If you are not an Expert at Shoe Buying -you will do well to make your purchases where you know you are safe and taking no risks We offer you protection against Inflated Prices for Inferior Shoes and Uncertain Shoe Values We Are At Your Service Our name behind your Shoes will be your best Insurance! It means what it always has meant—the utmost in Quality at the price and this means the utmost in Shoe Economy, Shoe Economy must be judged by the cost per pair—not by the price per pair. FRED. JACKSON JUST R LITTLE NOTE to advise you that we make a specialty of dainty bedroom : furniture for dainty people:_ ''4 To know how attractive aro these beds, dressing tables, and other bedroom accessories, you must see them. Descrip- tion would not do justice -to their beauty. Mention of price would not do justice to their. quality, JAS. DUNFORD Undertaker and Funerai Director. 28 -iff Phone 28 "OUR WEEKLY LIMERICK I• There are days in the early Fall before the fres are started, when a small oil stove fits in just right. Not the kind -that smokes and gives off iisagreeablc fumes, but the PERFEC TION AND 1.i0T BLAST. --=ol.11l, SPECIALS THIS Wp,EI . Seven or eight hundred pouisds soil spring wire slightly damaged, at half price, only four cents per pOUnd. Nev is a good time to put your roof in good order for the coining UR and winter, We have a good stock of the Brantford Roofing and the celebrated ,Elastin Carbon Rodin g paint. It pays to use t117 best when the price is all the same.' f ARLANDBROSw There once was a man by name bir, Grove, Who for heating, felt the need of a small'ofl stove, So he came to our store, Where we have them galore, And he phoned thus-- "It hus—"It was just what we needed, by Jove." 1fH. W,11. Fair Cor For School Books and Supplies a'Orten the Cheapest Always the Bei .'a . a Mrs. Sheeley spent the week -end in Kitchener. Mrs. F. M. Holmes Is visiting friends in Detroit. Mrs. S. Kemp is visiting her sister, Mrs. Davis, of Toronto. Mr. Fred Sloman of Toronto was home over the week -end. Miss Perkins of Perth is the) guest of Mrs, R. Thompson this week. Mrs., R. J. Cluff visited friends in Goderich,for a few days this week. Mr. Syd Watts spent the week -end with Stratford and London friends. Miss MCKernou of London is the guest this week of Miss A. Bart - 115. Miss Helen Dunne of London is the guest of Clinton friends this week. week. Mr. Harvey Potter has returned to Toronto to resume his studies at the University. Rev. Mr. btautell of London took tho,services in St. Paul's church on Sunday last. Mr. Barry Cantelon of Toronto vis- ited friends in town for a few days this week. Hiss Isabel Gunn lett last week for 'l.'otouto, where she intends taking a course iu medicine. Miss Kate Parke spent the week-enri at Mrs. R. J. Cdutl's and lett on Monday for New York. Mr. J. 1t. Rumball of Toronto spent from Friday until Monday with his aunt, :hiss Rudd. Mrs. .1. S. Armstrong of Ontario, California, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Wm. Cooper of town. Mrs. C. D. Bouck and Miss Ione left Tuesday for Morrisburg to attend the funeral of the former's father. Misses Ruth McMath, IIarriet Can- telon and Elinor Kemp have gone to Toronto to take a course at Faculty. Mrs. Geo. Trunhley of Buffalo and her son, Teddy, spent the week -end as the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs. D. Steep of Stapleton. Misses :Margaret: McTaggart, Marion McCamus and Gertrude Wallis have returned to Toronto to resume their studies at the University. Mr, and Mrs. Washington and family of Auburn spent Sunday as guests at Mrs. Washington's old home, Woodland's Farm, Huron Road. Lieut: E. IL Cooper and daughter, Miss Mester, of London, England, are visiting this week at the home of the. former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Cooper. 11Messrs, L. J. Wasmann and Fred Sloman have returned to Toronto, the former to enter Faculty, the latter to resume his Arts course at Varsity. Mr. J. H. Freeman of,Stapleton has moved out to his farm in Mullett township. The friends of the fam- ily wish theme success in their new surroundings. Mrs. Geo. Davies and•bJiss Margaret, who have been spending the past few weeks with Parkhill, Leaming- ton and Detroit friends, returned hoose Werinesday. Mrs, James MacMurehey returned Monday evening from Toronto. She had accompanied her slaughter, Miss Mary, who has entered the Univer- sity, and had spent several days in the city. Mr. and Ivirs. W. G. • Doherty of Chicago have been visiting the former's parents in town during the past week. Mr. Doherty came over in his 'fine 95-h.p., electric lit, Lexington -Howard car. Mrs. McKee of Edmonton is the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. Doherty. Mrs. McKee came east as a delegate to the mission- ary gathering of the Methodist Church held in Toronto last -week. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hessian of Brid- .geport, Conn., motored up from Toronto last ' week and visited their cousins, the Misses Betntley. Mr. Hessian is an old Clinton boy and is always welcomed warm- ly when he visits the home town. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Mckinnon and • Master Billy have been here from Toronto visiting prior to their re- moval to Moncton, N.I3., where they intend making their -home. Mrs. MacKinnon and hilly will ro- main here until Mr. Mae'Kinnon gets settled at Moncton. Mr, and. Mrs, J, C. Macdonald of Fort Huron, who have been visit- ing in this section for some weeks, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Macdonald,. They returned home oh Saturday. Mr., D, Macdonald, we regret r to say, is not in very geed health., 1 NEW ADR and ATERIALS SUI Lovely New Fabrics and Plenty of them That You will Like to See and that we are Anxious to Show You. COME IN AND SEE OUR New Dress Goods Silks Coatings Suitings winter Coats !WOMEN'S STOKE Iii Ggods„ House Furnishings phone 6P', Next Royal Bank R w 7s MEN'S STORE Custom Tailoring and (phone 103) Men's Furnishings OPPosite Public Library, Kippen. A number from here attended the anniversary services at Hillsgreen on Sunday and report most helpful meetings. Mr. McLean of hgmond- ville was the speaker. Mr. Gordon Pybus of the tenth concession of Tuckersmith has sold his farm to itt. Wm. Martin, who has had bit. Dwight Fisher's farm rented for the past four years. We understand Mr. Pybus intends to go west to his brother Norman. Stanley Township Will McGregor, son of Mr. Hugh McGregor, fell from an apple tree one day last week and broke his leg. Auburn 'Phe Baptist church is withdrawing their service next Sunday on account of anniversary in the bethodist church. Special Thanksgiving ser- vice Oct, 12th. A meeting in connection with the referendums campaign will be held in the Forester's hall, Auburn, Monday, Oet. Gth, to be addressed by Capt. Raycraft and Dr. Emerson of Goder- ich. Lon esboro. A meeting in connection with the referendums campaign will be held in the township hall, Thursday, Oct. Ilth, to be addressed by Capt.. Ray - craft and Dr, Emmerson of Goderich. WEEKLY DANCES BAIYFIELD Jowett's Pavillion DANCING EVERY TUESDAY and TI-IURSDAY EVENING UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE BLACKSTONE-BUCKLEY OR- CiIESTRA I Also MENESETUNG 110 T5 Every Wednesday. FOLLOW THE CROWD 1 MON, TUE. WEI). 'Y,, Fa* Commencing SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5th, leaving TORONTO (UNION STATION) 9.15 P.M. DAILY MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Standard Sleeping, pining, Tourist and Colonist Cars. First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Car through the Rockies. Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday Canadian National ail the way. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Via Q.T.R., North Bay, Coohrano and Canadian National. turthor Information from Canadian t atlonal Ticket Agoota, or 143 GENERAL PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, TORONTO Toronto Winnipeg CoMpartmant—Observation Library Cara Mass Meeting -t- TOWN IIALL CLINT.i I Tuesday, Oct. 7tK address by C'.i.PT. W. 0. MARTIN OF IIAMIL. , TON AND OTHERS, A representative of the. C'itizens'' Liberty League is invited. Clinton Junk :sealers Buying all kinds of junk and Poultry Paying the highest prices M. RANIRAS Phone 137 Albert St. NOW IS THE TIME to have your furnace overhauled or a new one installed. Stoves moved and pipes put up in, good shape. Call and see our lines of electric fixtures and lamps. Aluminum, tinware and granite. home Heade pipes our specialty. J. A. SUTTER Phone 147 w Phone 146 Estimates given, A E. WOOD WALL PAPERS, MOJLDTNG,y, SIGNS, ETC. INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING We protect your floors, furaiture, Me" by plenty of drop sheets. Ontario Street ,