The Clinton News Record, 1919-9-11, Page 5Septemberl l th 1919 Clinton New ..Record Or Interest to:You and Me , The tall fair season le oa.• • •...• tlave you .located yourname) on the voters' list yet ? • . , The Prince of:Wales' bought ten war gsavings stamps in Ottawa. 1. Weather prophets are already pre- �dicting a long and, severe winter. Who said the Senate was slow ? It gave the Ile to the,slan4er by ap- proving three treaties' in one day ~last week.: • • A ' A 'wild man is reported to be wan- ' eying naked in the woods around 1Whitechurch, Probably the high cost ..of clothing and shoes has something ita;do with it.. • • • A city man says that it is his rule iso offer his seat in a street ear only :5o elderly women. We see that poor man's finish when the ladies wine to 'understand itis idea. • , • A Toronto daily paper the other .day published..the picture of a lady whom it described as the maker of '"the best brown' bread in the coun- try." That's' soinething• of a claim. It would be hard to beat the brown bread we had for. breakfast this 'morning. It it is finally decided that careless - mess or greed had anything' to do with creating or nmaintaining, the condi- tions causing the explosion' in the Port Colborne elevator and the loss -01 the lives of eight persons, those .responsible should be made to boar the consequences. • • • The license system had a good long ienings in Canada and no one will :.say it did much for anybody -outside the brewers, , distillers and dealers. Let us give •the Prohibition law as long and as fair a trial. Its benefits ;will be felt by a far larger percent - ,age ot the people. . • • Speaking of giving up one's seat 'in :a street car, another man says he ;has reached the age where he's grate- ful to any, girl who will accept a seat :from him. ."I'm aging a ,'bit, you :see," he says, "and am in mortal ,terror of the day when I shall enter a street car and some bright -faced, kind-hearted young girl will rise and offer her lee to me." . • • At this writing The Globe's popu- larity in Toronto does not seem to .be so great 'as it was the night the ,Union Government was' returned. - The Globe. Serves it right, too. After its re- sponsibility in regard to the bring- .ing about of ,a, union of the two par- ties the Globe should have 'continued .support of the. Union Government un- til its work is finished, The Globe's 'desire to get a slap at the Govern- ment is responsible for its present ;predicament. • • w To ratify or not to ratify, "that is the question" with the Dominion Parliament just at `!)resent. Both •Canada and the United States have ,grown tip and will, be obliged, wheth- er they like it or not, to take the •es t i "ties f nationhood, An' in a o mslb h o not , P • •(lividual who reaches the Age of man- hoodandstill ltood or womanhood is in- capable capable or refuses to take the re- sponsibilities which come with the years is either pitiful or contempt- ible. Does not the same • rule ' hold good in the case of nations ? A na- tion cannot "live unto itself" any .more than an individual can. • • • 'at Marriages .LOBB-ELLIOTT-At The Maples, Goderich township, 'on Sept. 9th, by the Rev. J, F. Parke, Alma Catherine, only daughter of Mrs, W. l.1, Elliott, to. Frederick -Wil- t flan Lobb. 'ZEATS 141ENNEL-In St. Paul's ° church, Clinton, on. Sept. 10th, by the Rev, S. E. McKegney, An- nie E,, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Roht, Menne]. of Clinton, to Harold T, Zeats of Toronto, PROUTY-GREEN-At Bayfield, on Sept, 8rd, by the Rev, E. L. Anderson, Janet E. Green. to T. Clayton Prouty of Exeter,. LIVINGSTONE-BROWN •'-• In Sea - forth, on Sept, Brd, Marion, sec- ond daughter of Rev. and Mrs, F: H. Brown of Seatortb, to Dr, G. 0. Livingstone of Toronto. Births glLLTO TT -In Toronto, on Sept, 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs, W. S. E1 - :r Nott, formerly Miss Claire Lind- say, a daughter. ADAMS -In .Hullett, on Sept, 4th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams, a daughter, )COSI1INS-At Cornwall, on August/ 2601, to Rev. and Mrs., C. W. De- ' Witt Ciosens of Bryanstown, a slaughter. BISBEE-In Wingham, on Sept. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. G.. Bisbee, a son. Deaths NOBLE -Suddenly, in Clinton, on Sept. 8th, Mary Aim Birney, widow ofthe lite Jerratt Noble of 'Mullett, aged 77 years, SMALL -Ie Clinton, on Sept. 0th, Alice Small, daughter of Mrs. James Smith, UiRMSTRONG-In Stanley, on Sept. 0th, James Whiddon, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Arm- strohg, aged 4 Months and 11 days, rt7 VIC11-Te Goderich on Aug. 28th, soddenly, Alfred I3owlok, aged 30 years: 11OOBIl von $r1L10 ON PRINCESS' west, -Six rooms, summer kit - chum wood and conA elied, good cement cellar, lien house and; run, MO trees and good gardon,-AP- ply Geo. Burnett; • 10-tf, MR. J, J, CONNELL W111HOLD an auction sale of the following farm stock and implements at Lot 35r Coy, 10, Goderioh township, on Friday; Sept. 19th, at 1,30 sharp Irorses-1 team snares 4 and 5 years old, 1 driving snare Q years, old, good delver and quiet ; 1 three year old driving filly, Cattle -15 steers and heifers rising 2 and 8 years old, 2 cows, springers, to calve in Oct. 5 and 6 years old, 1 milking cow to calve in March, 4 years. old., Pfgs-1 brood Sow with litter, 2, young brood sows about 8 months old. Poultry -50 Itpns and chickens, White Leghorns, good on- es, some Barred Rocks, • 12 geese. Intplelnents-h1 ssey4llarris binder, Deering mower, Deering rake, walk Ong plow, gang plow, scuifler, set diamond harrows, horse turnip seeder, 2 buggies, ono nearly new, light wagon, .heavy wagon and hay rack, seed drill, pig rack, pig box, cutter, pair of bob sleighs nearly new, turnip pulper, weigh scales capacity 000 lbs., fanning mill, team harness, plow harness, single harness, light hatne harness, De Laval cream separator, Happy Thought range, coal heater, wood heater, some household furniture, a small quantity of hay, forks, chains, etc. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash ; over that amount 6 months' credit on approv- ed joint notes or 3 percent. dis- count for cash on credit amounts. -J J. Connell, proprietor ; Geo. I3, Elliott, Auctioneer., 10-2 CLEARING ATJCTION SALE OF .Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. -Tho under- signed has received instructions to sell by public auction at Lot 28, Huron Road, Goderich township on Wednesday, Sept. 24th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following : Horses -1 mare 4 years old, 1 geld- ing 4 years old, 1 driving horse 0 yrs. good roadster. Cattle -1 cow 8 yrs. old, miring, due Jan. 1st, 1 cow '4 yrs. old, milking, due. May 28th, 1 cow 4 yrs, old, milking, due Apr. 28th, 1 cow 3 yrs. old, milking, due June 2nd, 1 ``,arrow cow, 1 heifer 2 yrs. old with calf at foot 6 weeks old, 1 heifer 2 yrs. old due Nov. 10th, 3 two-year-old steers, 10 yearlings, 6 spring cal- ves. Sheep -19 grade Leicester sheep, 7 ewe lambs. Pigs -1 sow due before sale, 11 store. hogs about 1.00 lbs. About 35 Barred Rock pullets, few White Leghorns, Good Collie dog, About' 1 acre corn, 3 loads straw, few rows mangolds, quantity woven fence wire, seine - lumber and`ecdat, 20 cords m'aplb wood 14 inches long. Implements - 7 -1 t. Massey -Harris binder, 10 -ft. Massey -Harris rake (nearly new), Massey -Harris mower, 12 -hoe Mas- sey -Harris drill, 0-1.t: steel roller (nearly new), set 4-sectionTiron harrows, Massey cultivator, 2 -horse Oliver corn cultivator (leanly new) 2 seu0lers, root. pulper, 2 walking plows, gang plow,. 2 -furrow Verity riding plow (nearly news, potvet horse clipper with sheep clippieg attachment (nearly • new), clover seeder, corn planter, corn shelter, fanning mill, set platform scales 2000 lbs., bag -holding truck, grind-' stone, wheelbarrow, ladders, pole support wheel, wagon, box and rack, covered baggy, open buggy, buggy pole, cutter, cutter pole, set bobsleighs; sugar kettle, water bar- rel, vinegar barrel, crosscut saw, bucksaw, hoes, forks, tools, etc„ 2 sets single harness, one new, set double light harness, 2 sets double heavy harness, collars, 2 chick coops, 2 all -wool horse -blankets, Saskatchewan robe, rugs, household: furniture consisting of bedroom, deningrootn and kitchen furniture, stoves, 2 wood heaters, one wood or coal, washing machine (nearly hew), 'one wringer, large Daisy clntrn, 2 large milk cans, De Laval separator (nearly new), cream can, lawn mower (new), some carpet and linoleum, bedsprings and mat- tresses, hanging lamp, sewing ma- ed to be voters have been entered on chine, quantity canned' fruits. and them, may not less than 5 clear days numerous other articles. Every- thing will be sold as the proprietor has disposed ot Ids 'rami and is giving up farming. Terms -Alt sums of $10 and under, cash over. that amount 6 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes, Discount of (3 percent. per aniiam for cash on credit amounts, Wood, feed and hens, cash, -S, '1'. Walter, Proprietor ; Thos, Gundry, Ant, tiotieer, • 10-2 YOUNG 1'IGS IFOR, • SA1.17,•-PA.'1',) rick 90:00y, MR. No, 1, 'Phone' 18 -.-637, Clinton. 03-2 THE TEMPERANCE, 2tEK411F11V- AUNT ACT, 1818.. Form 10 Ontario •Flection Apt, 1018 (Referred to in Section 84) Notieo of Sittings of,ReeYisfng 1:trTieers Electoral l)lstriot of Centre Hurop to wit 1 Take notice that the voters lists for polling sub -divisions' numbered 1 and 2 an the municipality of the vil- lage of Brussels.; numbered 1, 2, 8 and 4 in the town. of Clinton ; -num- bered 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the township of Colborne ; numborod'.1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the town of Goderich ; numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 7 In the 'township of Grey ; 1, .2, 8, 4, 5, 6 and 7 in the township of Hullett ; numbered,1, 2, 3 and 4 in the town- ship of McKillop, and numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the town of Seaforth, have been prepared by the enumerat- ors and have been delivered to the Clerk of this Board by the Return- ing Officer ; And that His ,honor Judge Lewis H. Dickson has been appointed Re- vising Officer for the purpose of hear- ing complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the Town of Goderich,; His honor Judge E. N. Lewis has been appointed fievising Officer for the Purpose of hearing complaints and appeals as to the said lists for the township of Grey . and the village of Brussels ; R. 0, Reynolds, Es- quire, has-been appointed Revising Officer to hear complaints and ap- peals as to the sant. voters' lists for the 'Townships of Colborne and Hul- lett ; D. McDonald, Esquire, has been appointed .Revising Officer to hear complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists for the Town- ship of McKillop and Town of Sea - forth ; C. Seager has been appointed Revising Officer to hear complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists for the Town of. Clinton. And Further 'rake Notice that the sittings of the said Revising Officers will he held as follows: In the Chambers of his honor Judge Dickson -in the Court House, Town of Goderich, on the 24th day of Sep- tember, 1919, to hear complaints as to the said voters lists for polling sub -divisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the said Town of Goderich ; Tn the Chambers of his'honor Judge Dickson in the Court House, Town of Goderich, on the 25th day of September, 1019, to_ hear complaints as to the said voters lists for poll- ing subdivisions Nos. 5, 0 and 7 in the said Town of Goderich ; In the township Hall, Ethel, on the 21th day of September, 1919, to hear complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists for the town- ship of Grey ; In• the Town Hall, Brussels, on -the 27th day of September, 1919, to heat complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists„for the said Village of Brussels ; In the Township Hall, Carlow, on the 2401 day of September, 1910, to .hear complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists for the said township of Colborne ; In the Township Hall, Londeshoro, on the 25th'day 01 September, 1910, to hear complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists for the said Township' I d 1'p of Il Iett , In the Township Hall, on the hear m 24th day of September, 1919, t o complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists for the said town- ship of McKillop ; In the Town Hall, Seaforth, on the 25th day of September, 1919, to hear complaints and appeals as to Ole said voters' lists, for the said Town of Seaforth ; In. the Town Hall, Clinton, on the 24th day of September, 1919, to hear complaints and appeals as to the said voters' lists For the said 'Town of Clinton ; Such sittings to commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. And Further Take Notice that any voter who desires to complain that the names of any persons entitled to be entered on the said lists have been omitted from the same, or that the names of persons who are not entitle i-TIGHEST PRICES PATI) FO.R ALL • Made of apples at ,Bayfield evapora- tor: T.'`., 10. 'Werner. 09-3 FIOUS11 FOR SALT;-8-ROOME1) house on Ontario street. Good cellar, electric lights, town water, feuit trees and small ' fruits. d were ot land. Apply on premises to Mrs, Moggrldge or ,to W. Brydene, Clinton. 00-11 STOViS.FOR SALE -An Art Souv- enir, with oven, a Laurel coal heater and two wood heaters, All fn,good condition. Apply to Miss Rudd, 00-t?. APPLES WANTED. -THE I VAP- orator will open about Sept. 150. Will take all 'classes and ell sizes et apples. Highest market price paid, -Town zee• Case, 00--tf FOR SALE-IHOU7311 ON RAT'l'b)N- haiy street, Clinton. Fruit trees' dud stable on premises, -•-Apply to m1, lh Lowery, North Iiay,,Ont. 08-1F. before the date fixed for the sittings of the Revising Officer, •apply, cote - plain or appeal to have his own name of the name of any other, person-cor- rocted' in,' entered on or removed from the said lists. And- further take notice that such appeals must be by notice in writ- ing in the prescribed teem signed by the complainant, and, given or left for Min at his residence or place of business to the Clerk of the Revising Officer, as follows : To L. L. Knox, Godetrcb, for the Town ot Goderich ; to. A. H. McDon- ald, Ethel, as to the said lists for the township of Grey ; to F. 8, Scott, Brussels, for the Villago of Brussels to Tsaac Hetherington, R. R. 1, Shepparton,, for the 'Township of Colborne ; to J. Finglan0, Lon- desboro,for the Township of Hul- lett ; to M.; Murals, MR. 1., Sea - forth, Mr the 'Township of McKillop; to J. A. Wilson, Seaforth, for the To'vu of Seaforth ; to D. L. Mac- 1)8515oit, Clinton, for the 'J'own of Clinton, ' IRWTS II, DTCKSON, chairman, Voters' Registration: Board, County of Huron., Copies of the' Vetere' Lists may be seen with. the. Municipal Clerks, Post Masters, 11. .1. D. Cooke, Goderich, Chief lennumerator, the local minuet- erators for the several polling sub- divisions, the fnmeltcrs of the var., Mus itittnicipal councils, and with the undersigned, - C. SI:AGp1T1, Clerk, Voters' Registration Board, Goderioh. 09-2 GET THEM 'HABIT of phoning 111. and when up town of aalliiig at' our store, Wo Will look after your wants darefully,. hook over our specials for 'this weds. Try a pound or half polmd of our bulk teas. Prices and quality are hard to beat, Laundry Soap 7.5 bars for FRET1 ,,,,,$1.Q0 lit 0 cans Cleanser , ,,,, .25 2 pkgs. Ammonia ,,. .25 8 Oakes Lavender bath A Brown Betty Tea Pot soap '15 given free with your Palm Olive Special- 3 .cakes for .,,29 purchases. of Aroma Tea, 12 cakes for 1,12 Fuil range of Pickling black or mixed. • A"sk uii Spices and extra how. Sole agents for quality Vinegar for pickling season. tows. JOHNSON & COMPANY Special Bulk Tea Prices: 1 ib, Special blank or fnix4d ,,,50 1 lb, Royal Blend, black or mixed ,,,,., .60 1 Ib. Princess Blend, blit, or mixed ,70 1 Ib, Japan Green- .50 1 lb. Rose Japan Green ,. „ ,., .70 Special Prices in 5 and 10 lb. lots. Phone:tri Retail Grocer License No. 8-7241' E,tone orders promptly eared for. Sold only in sealed packages AUCTION SALE -OF HOUSE AND lot, at 1.30 p.m., on Saturday, Sept. 20th, the estate of the late Mrs. George I3anley.. House is situated on Ontario street, has 8 rooms, summer kitchen and 'wood- shed. Electric light. and town water. Stable on premises. Pos- session given at once. Also fur- niture and household effects. Seo small bills for particulars of fur- niture.-A,. ur- niture, A„ Welsh and R. Welsh, Executors, W. Brydone Solibitor, G. H. Elliott, auctioneer. 09-3 FARM FOR SALE, -LOT 55 AND half of lot 36, concession 8, Tuck- ersmith, six miles distant from towns of Seaforth• and Clinton ; convenient to school; fifty acres choice pasture land, ten acres tim- ber, beech.and maple ; •large apple orchard also orchard or small fruit, remainder tinder cultivation. Ideal stock farm, well fertilized, fenced and drained. Large bank barn, silo, implement sited, hog pen and other outbuildings. Never -failing water supply. One and a half story brick house, large cellar, cis tern, telephone and rural mail. Ire- mediate possession given. For fur- ther particulars apply on • eternises or address -A. Elcoat, Seaforth R. R. No. 3. 09-i p. FA1UI FOR SALE, -LOT NO, 31 and the nortleliart of Lot 32 in the second concession of Goderich township containing 110 acres on which there is a frame house and a large barn with stabling, under- neath. -There are two orchards and two wells and about 15 acres of bush. Most ofC termin pas- ture th f is as- titre and hay,. This farm Is well situated being 4 mites from 13aY - field and 8 miles from Goderich. On one of the best, roads in the county. -Apply to Geo. E. Greens- lade, Bayfield, Ont. 07-0 FARM FOIL SALE, LOT 29, CON - cession 2, Tuckersmitb, II.R.S., containing 100 acres, 95 cleared ;' 5 acres hard -wood timber ; 1 acre orchard ; 35 acres under- cultiva- tion ; balance in hay and grass ; mostly tile drained ; also a run- ning stream across one corner ; 13' 'storey brick house ; brick kitchen, 11x18 ; also good woodshed ; hard and soft water inside ; bank barn 30x50 with water inside ; barn No. 2 301..50, up- on stones ; also flow- ing spring 8 rods from barn with cement trough ; largo . hen house. This farm is well situated being 5 ' miles from Clinton and 6 miles from Seaforth, 5 miles from Bruce - field, 1 mile from school and across the road to church. This farm will be sold reasonable it sold at once. Apply to Francis J. Coleman, Sea - forth, RR. No..8. Phone 19 on. 014, Clinton. 07-11 FOR SALE THE SIX -ROOMED house and lot, No. 685, on Maple street, formerly occupied by Mr. George Taylor ; pleasantly situat- ed ; good garden. If sold at once, $350.00 -Apply to Miss Washing- ton, Rattenbury St. 06-0? PROPERTY FOR SALE. -ON RAT- tenbury street, west, just oft main street, a good 9 -roomed 2 -story frame house. Electric lights, wat- erworks, furnace and soft water. Garden and small barn in good re- pair, Will be sold cheap, -Apply to J. P. Sheppard. -03-tt GIRLS WANTED! to work on stitching . machines in stitching room of shoe factory. lexperlen- ced help preferred hut will tape inexperienced . and teach them it they arc mechanically inclined, Good • wages paid its, beginners, and highest inion wages paid on piece work, MURRAY SHOE CO., LTD. Cor. Itielmtond .G; Picadilly opp. C'.P.lt. Station London, Ont. 09--3 PLUMS AND PEARS WANTED. - 5000 baskets of plums and 5000 baskets of pears for .which we will pay the highest market price. Baskets supplied,-Cantelon Bros. 05-0 FOR SALE. -A SECOND-HAND IN- dian motorcycle. In excellent con- dition. Presto tank and head- light ; horn, good tires. For. quick sale, cheap. -E. H. Epps de Son, Varna. • --01 FARM FOR SALE -ONE HUNDRED and forty-two acres of land con- sisting of Lot 1, 'concession 1, and part lot 1, concession 2, Stanley township, adjoining the village of Kippers. Five minute walk to G. T, R. station, churches or stores. Six acres of bush, water all the year round, and all seeded to grass. One acre of good orehard ; two barns, one on a stone wall ; drive shed, and frame house. For terms and particulars apply to Samuel Thompson; R.R. No. 1, Brueefield. 04-0 FARM FOR SALE -94 ACRES, part of lots 25 and 20, con. 17, (Base Line) Goderich Tp., 1 mile from school, 1.7 miles north of Clinton. Good state of cultiva- tion ; all seeded but 40 acres, Hydro passes between house and barn on sideroad. Good bearing orchard, some small fruits. Com- fortable 10 -roomed frame house, new cistern and good well. Barn 30x60, stone. stable 25x55 with hay mow above ; driving house and hen • house. Reason for selling, cannot: get required help to work, -Mrs. Joseph Colclough, Clinton. -02 PROPERTY FOR SALE -3 acres of garden and orchard on the London Road, 6 roomed house, bank barn 20x40, driving 'shed, hen house. Possession given in autumn. Apply on premises to Mrs. Phillip Row- clitie. -00 FARMS FOR SALE -THE R. MAR - shall estate, lot 52, .S,H.. 51, Bay- field Road, and N.H. lot 38 in the 14th con., Goderich tp., containing 167 acres in all, more or less. On the premises are a good barn with. stabling underneath, driving shed, a comfortable house, young or- chard, 4 acres of bush and lots of water. Good grain or grass farm ; situate 2 miles south of Clinton, one mile from school. Will sell lot 38 containing 34 acres, separate, good pasture with plenty of water. H. Powell, Executor. 00-0 FOR SALE -A DESIRABLE 7 - roomed house on Princess St., east, half acre of land with fruit trees and berry bushes, town wet.- er,--Apply on premises, Mrs. Akam. -98-0 HOUSE FOR SALE -2 STORY brick house on William street, all modern conveniences. -Apply on premises to T. T. Murphy. -93 FARM,FOR SALE. -ONE HUN- dred acres, best of soil ; good buildings, .close to school and church ; 07 miles from Clinton. Will bo sold on reasonable terms. - Apply A. E. Matheson, R. R. No. 8, Seaforth, Phone 17 on 614, Clinton Central. -61 FOR SALE. -8 -ROOMED HOUSE on Rattenbnry street, west. Good cellar, 14- acres garden, with fruit' troes.-Apply on premises to Miss L. Smith. -84 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE-SEC- ond-hand Chevrolet, eleetrio start - et, one man top, in good running order. --Address P.O. Box 100, Clin- ton. --94 HOUSE FOR SALE -GOOD FRAME house on Rattenbnry street, west. 8 rooms, sleeping porch, summer Melton and woodshed. Good cel- lar, furnace, electric lights, town and soft water. Garden with fruit trees and a chicken 110U50,- A91plq. on premises to Miss Southcombe, -52 Y' Ph+RS011 OR PL7ASONS teonpasoing or destroying Property on the premises of the estate of the late William U, Woods will be prosoeuted aeoorAing to law. - 1,114 Woods, Bayfield, 01--24 FARM FOR SALE -92* ACRES OF splendid farm laud In good state of oultilation. Onit are a,..comfort- able storey and a half brick house with new steel roof, a good cellar, a barn 49x60 and straw shed 2248 With foundation under all, room to lite up 28 head of cattle and 5 horses' besides 3 box stalls, root room, teed room, separator 'room and immesh room. Cement floors throughout except 2 box stalls and 'root house. A stone pig pen 24x24, a hen house 24x10 and a drive shed 2430. • There is a never failing ,spring creek, a good well and cis- tern, about, 1} acres of orchard. This is a desirable property 2n miles from Clinton, good gravel road. I want to sell at once as health makes it necessary for me Ito give up farming for the present. Would sell stook, implements- and crop if so desired. -Apply Leonard 17. Weir, Lot 27, Con, 4, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. --49 • Scranton Coal We have the pleasure of being the agent for this celebrated product. Also ask us about Cannel, Soft Coal, Coke and Pea Coal. Canada Cement The recognized standard in cement, and after all the cheapest building material in the world today. Buffalo Brand Fertilizer We purpose carrying a stock of these result -giving goods at our Clinton Yards. Slabs Try a load of our short slabs, 'Just the thing, for summer fuel or cool evenings. Most heat for the least money. Easily split and easily lit. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD ' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 018. POULTRY WANTED HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday 'of each week till Septa 20th, every day after that. W. MARQUIS -86 R.R. No. 1, Clinton. TELive CORNERLt LivSTORE and e Cream of Barley CREAM OF BARLEY, 'A BREAK- FAST CEREAL COOKED IN THREE MINUTES Directions -One cup of Cream of Barley wet well with cold` water in- to a smooth, soft cream, pour;'boail- ing water, about a pint, and stir three minutes, adding salt to taste. THIS IS THE WEEK FOR PEACHES, CALL AND GET YOUR SUPPLY BEFORE .IT IS T00 LATE. -- E. E. E. HUNNIFORD Phone .:4 0 'SEED CORN • We now have a full stock of the best grades of Seed Corn obtainable. Before ordering your season's supply, call and see our stock. ,Once you see it we feel quite sura you will bo well satisfied with the quality, and also the prices. SEED POTATOES Seed potatoes have been added to our stock, These potatoes aro of a well known variety "Northern On- tario." They aro a large, firm, clear skinned potato and will make good seed. The price is very; reasonable for this exceptional variety of Pota- to and you will not make any mis- take if you buy your supply at once.. BABY CHICK FEED Have you tried our Baby Chick Feed ? We are handling this Chick Feed in two grades, coarse and flee. It is made of the best grain and is free of dust and dirt. Sold 111 any quantity. Special price on large amounts, Large stock of Flour always on hand. Highest prices paid for grain of all kinds, .n. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOTJR AND FEi1». ?bones 1 Elevator 100,' Residence 141 Retail License No, 0.28(18. Wholesale License No. 13-82 Mazola What is it? A pure salad and cook- ing oil. Pure Oil from corn the newest a n d cheapest shortening in the market to -day. Absolutely pure. Used also for salad in place of olive oil. W. T. O'Ne!l The Hub Grocery 61815 VtIANTED fur knitters and learners 1150 WOMEN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED FOR PLUMBING, EAVETROUGHING, LIGHTNING RODS AND METAL WORK+ OF ALL KINDS GO TO .4 THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces PHONE 33, • Sinop over Rowland's Hardwarii. • NOTICE The partnership heretofore ex- isting between J. A, Ford and Angus McLeod has been dis- solved by mutual consent, Ar- rangements for the settlement of all accounts owing tho' erre must,bemade by calling, at the shop before Oct. let,; Ford &McLeo d Live Poultry Wanted ! 4000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS. 1000 DUCKS - each week from now, until the end oil December. We pay for all poultry on a quality basis delivered eiuh empty, crops. We pay - special prices for, properly milk -fed poultry, and wo would strongly advise. all producers to finish their ,poultry as it will flay, you well M do so. GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N„ W. Trewartha, ' •Phone 191 Manager or Holmeavllle 4 on 141 Canada Food Board -License No. 2,-001 CREAM WANTED' 1 Farmers having cream to sell write us for .cans and full parties. lats. Our markets are the hest, Service the most prompt. Firm the most reliable, And prices the highest consistent With an honest test which we guar- antee. Remember our Creamery, Co. is • thoroughly established and thriving concern and now one of 06 largest in Canada. You cannot maks any, mistake in shipping to us. Patrons holding Our cane are re- quested not to make use of In sending cream to other creameries or cream buyers. Write today for cans. 'rin° Seaforth Creamery Co. C. A, BARBER, MANAGER BOARS FOR SERVICE Champion Bred Big p g Type YORKSHIRE AND CITIISTER- WISITE BOARS. A. C. LEVEY, no' S 1199 ' Cr„rwro V', ding At home 0V0ry forettobnk