The Clinton News Record, 1919-8-21, Page 8FROM TIE TORN TO THE $Rouo iS .. BY MOTOR Tho A 13 0 Alttt/mobile 80011 Gui[1e of 00pages, 75 Seotiollal Mane, Key itlap, Legend and eenlplete Index, All Roads clearly shown, 'annoyed Oounty 11oado in IdeaVY ,Ited Liege. have ct house of hie owu, he's not al• togotiier thrilled at tho,iclea of brie 1f Your dealer can't supply y„ we 1.I01180, For One thing there's too will mail one direct for $1.00, much publicity about it, Kitchener In Many Cases Followed by Rein AUTO �iJIID1L ;{ COMPANY hack it, et eonrse, when 11e was at the Within 30 Hours. • 182 King St East 'FOrOnt0 ! War Ofilee, • ly nominal, 'liernhctoll, In; Ge, Dux- 1ai,.. .. ., 4s ss + '""`""'. 44 ham, vvac holt) le.. calcite by the ser- •vide et Wee grains of eeppe'r. other ltu1112, the rent eekeii was elm rasa, or tt gift arrow, feathered with tl 'il 1 t ce ft's ie i.ol , tl• lel o a Unca of tile oddest of 814l tenures was that ander wllieb Kingston Bus- sell, in Dorset, ;was boli;, By the terms of the agreement, the tenant 11011, when8vier rellith'0d, to count or tell the Icing's cl esshuen, and to put 1110211 ill a bag When fin lama wish. TernmY Was Surprised. Though "the Prince, will be glad to SMYCLES jou• to the limo Per the best 1010 0,1.411,1. Tatty row and save rnoany. bays 'l1mnc real of treed bicycles at prices ranging from $19,00. to $29.02. AfeLeotL. 770'I{!list lei.- 11'1 t,sT0 onto, 000x.,00--sssccm , .. 00,,jr ,W m RINGS AROUND THE SUN, I I' happened, says tin English writer, toRings around the sun or moon arls be passing throne the courtyard called halos, They may be one evening just as tee great Mali, deigned' as somewhat cOtiiltlicated ar- rungemoltts of tires and circles of dressed in eivvie, was coming out of light surrounding the'sen or the moon his front door. A very "tired" loop• nocanspariiod by ot1ters tangent to or Mg t'.'. sty who Was walking in front intersecthrg them` vriU'. spots of M went up to Mei '1I say, gnv'nor," he special brightness called parheliaaP' said, "can yotl-get this way to vie. 11011'1110 at the points of tangeneY and toric?" "Ii" lookese11t'him hard for intor'seetton, Parlhslla are utast often a moment, and Pointed toward the observed about sunrise or sunset, fro - 114a11. But before he could utter n quently when the Intersecting arcs word of 0explanation the Tonuny had themselves invisible; except at fled with a mutterednor-burn t10 the points of intersection, In order of and an air of such noisy precipltatioli frequency halos average about 22 de- that the corporal of the gnarls came groes, 40 degrees, or 90 degrees in out to see what was the matter. It radius, but on rare occasions other was the only limo I saw Iistchener sizes have been observed. ' gribeenHalos are observed only when there °p is present in the higher atmosphere QUEER R 'NTS E STRANGE- COVENANTS ENTERED INTO IN OLD LEASES. A Recent Irish incident Recalls Sense Quaint Examples of Payment In Kind. Sante of Lord Massereene's tenants In Co. Antrim still hold their farms on leases which reserve to their landlord certain duties; such as's() Many 'days' wore of a man• and a horse, so Many ducks, capons, or 1ten5. They have recently been warned that they must either perform these duties or else agree to an increase in rent proportionate to their value. anaemia of young girls may be inner - Few people have the least idea of iced, or it may be caused by bad air, the amazing number and variety of unsuitable food, hasty and irregular queer covenants entered into in old eating, insufficient out-of-door eter- leases, cise and not enough rest and sleep. Isere is a sample of one such ancient It comes on gradually,. beginning lease in the enact words in which it with languor, indisposition to mental was originally granted: or bodily exertion, irritability and a "I, 'William, Icing, give to thee, feeling of fatigue. Later comes pal - Saab , n With den, my hop and my hop pitation of the Heart, headache clizzi- lands, \with all the bounds up and nese following a steeping position, down front heaven to earth, from frequent headaches and breathless- earth to hell, for thee and thine to nese. In .a major"sty of eases consti- d}vell, from me and mine to tee and patien is present, There may be no thine; fora bow and a broad -arrow, great loss of flesh, but usually the when I comp to hent sooth, upon Yarrow. Ill complexion taken on a g 30eeuish-yol- witness that this is 0th, I bite this wax w)th my tooth in the presence of Magee, Maud, and lalargory, and my third son, Henry," The' document is much shorter than any modern lease, and not half so (lit, -•ticult to understand. It amounts to this -that the Icing gave Boyden these DELICATE YOUNG GIRLS .00.d sheet which meteorologists terns Ohxo-stratus. , Tho floating par- ticles forming this cloud sheet are ice Need New Red Blood t6 Give crystals, as..the cloud is always lbove the plane of permanent freezing tem- Thein Health and Strength. peratures. Those are the highest Does your daughter., inherit a deli- clouds known, the average height be- cate organization from you? The ing five to sit miles, When the sun lour pallor. Cases of this kind, if neglected, be- come seribus, but if taken in time there is no need to worry. The treat- ment is quite easy and simple. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which are free from any harmful or habit-forming drug, are just the tonic needed to lands in perpetual leasehold on condi- remedy this wretched state of health, tion. that he himself received hospi- Though it is not noticeable, improve- tality when he canoe hunting,and meat actually begins with the first was provided with instruhnehts of the dose. As the blood is made richt and. chase, red, the palloe leaves the face, Any number of tenants held land on strength and activity gradually re- " similar terms. Some had to provide turn' and if the treatment is continued arrows, some spears, 303710 horses or until the last symptom disappears, the dogs. William de Grey held his land danger of a relapse is vary slight. nt Hokenhali, in the •County of Not- • If any symptom of anaemia ap- tingham, by the service of carrying a pears, prudence slggest3 that Dr. gerfalcon from Michaelmas till Lent at \Vi111ams' Pink Pills should be given the king's court. at once, and the sooner they are taken "Booting" Corn. the more speedily will the trouble be Hightesty, also in Nottingham, was overcome. You can .get these pills held. upon condition to find dogs to through any dealer in medicine, or by destroy :valves and foxes. mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes The tenant of Herchin, in Latina- for $2.60 from The Dr. Williams' shire, got a good estate free on con- Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. clition that, whenever the king came - - to Lancashire, the tenant should meet • Their Idea of Luxury. him with a horn and a white wand, conduct hini through the county, and remain with hint. until he left it. Sometimes tho service rendered in lieu of rent was the provision of some 'delicacy for the royal table. Walter de Burgh held Rakley, in Norfolk, by • paying two muicls of red wine and • two hundreds of pears, called per- maines, yearly. From tenants at Westbury, in Wilts, honey and ale had to be sent to the king. We hear of wool Iambs, hemp, flax, butter, and cheese being paid instead of money as rents for farms during the middle ages. Freme's lands, in Gloucestershire, were held by what was called harlot service, Thomas Freme, of Lypiatt, • paid to the owner, Loral Berkeley, twenty ho}seshoes and their nails. It may be mentioned_ that a horseshoe was more valuable in those days than in these. Rent in kind paid for .land at Had- denham,-in Bucks, was called "boot- ing corn," which means that it- was paid as bate, boot, or compensation, At Grimston, in Norfolk, all resi- dents having a cart and horse were obliged to do several days' work year. • ly in reclaiming the common. But their food wtss given them free while they did this work, • At the same place, all -tenants who pastured their cows on the common did one day's Work ter their landlord at harvest time. .. Cheap Rents Tho town of 'Yarmouth is, we be: rieve still nominally bound to send .t the sheriffs one hundred herrings, baked in 'twenty-four pasties, to 13e delivered to the king, So lately as the year 1778 the sheriffsattended in per - .ton with their offering, Some et the rents asked were euro - or the moon is observed through such a cloud sheet, refraction and reflec- tion of some of the sun's rays by the ice crystals produce rings in which the colors when visible are invariably arranged,with the reel on the inside of the arcs. Halos are good weather sigps. Many weather proverbs based upon the ob- servation of halos are founded upon sbund sclentiRo principles. Studies of the relatipn of halos to -rainfall show that during tllo summer months 56 to 00 per cent. of all halos are followed by rasa within 36 hours. During the winter months 70 to 76 per cent. are so folloivetl, GIRDS OF PARADISE. ,Brilliant Plumes Adorn the Natives of New Guinea. • An 13ssay on Geese. '1'11e felleviilg' pllieeeitipll. ole,:g025e was written lit a western: city by a selloolbeyl Geese ie it heavy -set bird with a. ont 1 a e. t and. a 1 h 211 n 1 3110 k t l Ile, I 1 Ono other, 1113 feet Is sot cur -far back '011 his running _,;car that they Nearly Miss hie body, Sonne 110030 la 501111ers aild ,has a 01101 In ,his tail, Ganders don't lay or set 'rimy just oat, loot and go iiwinnulng. 1t I bad to be a geese I would rather be a gander, Geese do not give mill1, bet give ogee, but for me glee me liberty or give 1118 death. , Lost and Found and Lost Again, if professors are not all absent - Minded, all absent-minded men in the humorous payers aro pootessoh's, ..Tile Pi'ofeteor-I went to the rail- way office to -day and g'ot that umbrel- la I left an the trails last week, Hie Wife -That's good, Where is it now? The Professor -Eh? 13y Jove, 1 - really, my dear, 1'tn 001110 I left it 0n the train, SIMMER HEAT HARD ON BABY No• season' of the year is so clan- gerous to the life of little ones as is the summer, The, excessive heat throws the little stomach o>;it of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at liana the baby may be beyond all human !help before the mother re- alizes he is 111. Sumner is the sea- -son when diarrhoea, cholera infan- tum, dysentery and colic are most pre- valeet, Any one of those troubles may prove• deadly if not promptly treated. During the summer the mother's best friend 1s Baby's Own Tablets, They regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach and keep baby healthy. The Tablets' aro sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from Tho Dr, Wililams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. Muscles or Brahms? A cartoon in a city paper repre- sents a slender, intellectual looking young man as applying"' for employ- ment at a factory office and asking about the rate of pay: Tho boss re- plies: "Twenty dollars a week for brains; 42 for muscle. In the same paper appear, side by side in the "Help Wanted;' columns, two' notices, one offering 818 a week ter a "bookkeeper with long experi- ence," and the other offering $28 for a bootblack. New Guinea is the hone of a large These facts might be duplicated al - percentage of the world's birds of most anywhere. ' Tho old standards Paradise. The supply or these beautl- seem strangely reversed to -day. Is it going to continue so? ful birdsts fast failing. Not only do the women of Europe and America demand feathers for their bonnets, but tate natives of New Guinea and sur- rounding islands make lavish use of the plumage as head dresses. Some precautions are 1;000 taken to prevent visitors to New Guinea front killing the ''most beautiful birds in the world," but the natives are left alone, and they continue to deck themselves out in capes and headpieces mole gor- geous than any seen on our stage beauties or the wives of our million- aires. In New Guinea it is the man who affects birds of paradise decorations, The women, like the female bird oY paradise, are inconspicuous in dull An old farmer, says the Edinburgh tutors, Weekly Scotsman, who, by hard work To obtain the much priced feathers and parsimonious habits, had got to- the New Guinea natives set out for gather a little fortune, decided that the the forest, knowing that the birth of time had at last arrived when he Was Paradise seeks to conceal his rainbow justified in ordering a family carriage. hues in the dense foliage of the trees, ISe went to a carriage builder's and 1f they can find no 17aunt of the cle• described in detail the hind of vehicle sired birds they start calling in excel - he wished to buy. lent imitation of the shrill, ugly cry "Now, 1 suppose you want rubber of the bird of paradise to its mate. tires," said the carriage builder. This ruse is usually successful, and • "No, sari" replied the old farmer in a bird shows itself only to be snared or shot down with arrows.. In mating season the male bird dances before the female he desires as a mate to display his Beautiful feathers, and at such a time so ab• sorbed are the birds in their own af- fairs that large numbers are taken easily by the wily natives. tones of resentment. "My folk ain't 'that kind: '7Vhen they're riding they want to know it." The "Zoo" Mouse. Jock, fresh from the Highlands, was. visiting the London "Zoo." Seeing so many strange animals, be called out to an attendant: "Here, mon! Ye nicht tell's the names o' thae bit beasties," "Certainly," said the attendant. "That large black one is 0 bear:" "Ay!„ • "And that one with the 6111011 horns is a wapti" „Aye" "And that one with the large horns is a moose." •"A moose! Awa', mon! If that's a moose, then what are ver rats like?" Life is made up of compensations. By the time a man is' olcl enough to realize what a lot he does not know, he in too old to worry about it. To preserve` whole lemons for months, niece a gayer of dry, fine sand an. ,inch deep in an earthenware jar, then a row of lemons with stalk end downward and so lemons do not touch one another; cover with sand three inches in depth, theft another layer of lemons. Repeat -this until jar is full. Stone in a dry, cool place. If tea or coffee disagrees ±he sure way out is Juo rine NSTArt Fasr No loss of pleasure, .0 a distinct gain. in health, Not an experiment No Raise h- Pt'4ce Ask 'the lyocer LEMONS WHITEN AND BEAUTIFY THE SKIN. THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE ASPIRIN Make this beauty ,lotion cheaply for your face, neck, arms and hands. At the cost of a smell jar of ordinary cold cream one can prepare a full quar- ter pint of the most wonderful lemon skin softener and complexion beauti- fier, by squeezing the juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard.wiiite. Gare should be taken to strain the junco through a fine clout so' no lemon pulp -gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for Months, Blyei'y woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach end remove such blemishes as freckles. sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener and beautifier. Just try ill Get three ounces et orchard white at any drug store and tura lemons from the grocer and make up a gaarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it daily into, tlto tone, neck, arms and hands. it is marvelous 00 smoothen rough, red hands,. . SAVING KAISER'S STATUES. ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. if YOU Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on the. Tablets, Refuse Them -They Are Not Aspirin At All. 14, i ;.1 ,'tt,. iI e .S➢ L;) ! gig o rm ll Experienced on Wbolons and Worsteds. Good pay and steady .employ” ment, under ideal working eors' dilions, If you cannot call, write or telephone. THE BARRYIVIORE CLOTH COMPANY 1179 )ling St. West Toronto Telephone Parkdale 3200 Relieved His Mind,' A Porfalslllrp farmer of. the 0111 solitiol, who hall, against 111e bettor jadgiibcnt, allowed 1113 Ilanghter' 10 he "llnlshod" at an oxporlslvo board.. ri eb o111110 1101' 1 g s oob bore. a••lon6 puporelliotls corroetloft et his speech 111111 ideas. But one nigily.lie rellevod. lli55'lnlnd on the sub tic( te a circle of friends. Ito had a habit of jrrefacing tut)' utterance which ho conohlored weighty and sage with the formula -- "Fat ye ploy nay, and you tiling and ai 11,110'," 51) his mature judgement on boarding schools was delivered thus. -- "Fat ye may say, and yea thing and anil101, in n;a 0080nyhl bardin' ekllls teaches 'teething' bit cooviltsed ins. pidellee." 3110 nest Time to Weed. Do not let any 1088110 go to seed, as that Will moan extra work next year, wending out the seedling weeds, start - el by 1 gardener's neglect this sea- son, :nr13 morning, before the sun is tin, ' is the beet time to weed, If tiro weeds aro left out on the top of the ground, exposed to the sun, until the Next Clay, ----- ^- 1 sun 1 kill tleonl the 1011 , HISTORIC .FURNITURE IN PALATIAL HOTEL Champlain, Jacques Cartier ,and Mentcalm, three of the heroic figures in the early settlement of North America along the St. Lawrence River have been happily united in a suite of rooms which have been named at - ter them at the famous Chateau Fron- tonac, in Quebec. This suite is in the baronial tower which forms one of the most noticeable landmarks in tit6f ancient city, and commands a won- derful panorama of the great river and of the blue Laurentian Mountains, Tho central room, named after Mont - calm k 111ll and used' as the sitting room, has among other curious furniture of two hundred years ago, a tabic and chair of rough design made by sol- dlors.who served under General Mont - calm In the Siege of Quebec in 1759, and actually used by the General up to the date of his last fatal battle with j the troops • of General Wolfe. The' writing desk in the same room was I formerly an altar in the old Ursuline Chapel, while the antique Grand- father's Clock used to figure out the ,tours and minutes in the Old Jesuit School, The habitants, or peasant proprietors of French Canada, . aro famous for their skill in handicraft, particularly weaving. The floor -cover ing used in these rooms is a specimen of this habitant handicraft, known as "catalogue," a washable material of fast dyes. The two adjoining rooms, one on each side, aro used as bedrooms, and except for the private bathrooms which have been built in to meet with the requirements of modern habit, are faithful replicas' of rosins in the seig- norial Chateau of 010 French Canada. The four poster beds, chairs, fire irons, crockery and charcoal burners are Actual autiques. Here can be seen the old warming pan of the pre -radia- t..; 'tor days and the old pipe lighters of lu:W the days before matches were invent- ed. The old fashioned open heard( with its bellows standing by and the fancily kettle give their welcome; and tell their tale of hospitable byegone days. 0n the walls hang old prints and priceless tapestries. -.0- When Thirteen Was a Dozen, 0 0 0 0--.0.-12.40 b With..the Fingers! Says Corns Lift Out • ; • Without Any Pails 0 w e c o o-0 0 Sore corns, corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly be lifted right out with the fingers it you will apply directly upon the corn 0 few drops of freezoue, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of tree. zone at any drug store, which is sulii- dent to rid one's feet .of every corn or-sallus without 1?eh1 or soreness' er the danger of infection. This now drug is an ether compound and while sticky, dries -the moment if is applied sad does not inflame or oven irritate the surrounding tissue. This announcement will interest. many women here, for it is said that the present high -heel footwear is put - Ling corers on practically 010'7 woman's feet. One-third to one-sixth of an ounce of potassium iodide to each 100 lbs. of feed will prevent hairless pigs. Do not USE more. Fj°4 % INTERESt PAYAELE HALF YEARLY Allowed on money left with us tot from three to ten years. Write for Booklet. The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Ofeco 20 King St. West, Yourdruggist gladly will glue you the genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" because genuine Aspirin now is made byt Canadians and owned by a Cana- dian Company. There is not a1 cent's Worth of Ger- man interest in Aspirin, all rights be- ing purchased from the U.S. Govern- ment. During the war, acid imitations were sold as Aspirin In pill boxes and varIous,other containers. But now you can get genuine Aspirin, plainly stamped with the safety "Bayer Cross" -Aspirin proved safe by millions for Headache, Toothache, Naracho, Rheu- matism, Lumbago, Colds, Neuritis; and Pain generally. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets, also larger ".13ayei" packages. Aspirin is the trade marls, registered in Canada, of Ba3'or Manufacture of A4oneacetic-acldester of Salleylicacid. Humane Animal Muzzle 1s Regulated 'by Gravity. The secret of a recently introduced humane muzzle, which allows the ani- mal Swearing it perfect freedom of the jaws when the head is In a lowered poSitiou, but which restrains when the ]read is raised, lips in a gravity - operated catch. This catch ,holds a robber -covered metal bar firmly under the lower jaw when the animal's nose ie not "pointed earthward, but is disci,. gaged be, the force of gravity when the nose is lowered, Germans in Thorn Fear Poles Will Destroy Them. The Germans are carefully remov- ing all bronze statues of former Kais- ers from Bromberg and Thorn lost the Poles destroy them on their arrival. The statue of Frederick the Great at Bromberg already alr er, Brom ea has been taken to Sclineidenmehl and re -erected. there. Tliat oY William the Groat will be removed h1 0 few clays and the former ISaieer'e statue at Thorn will be taken from the market with a .fes- tival parade, The Gorman Govern- ment will be asked to erect it else- where, Memorial% of Biemavek and other German chicle also will be re. 111010d fro'.d the bridge across the MN - title Itivor, A spider's web makes a good bare - Meter, When;in or ind rain ul is ahead, the insect tightens up the web elong- ating the filaments only when fine weather is coming, 5. There was a time in early English history when a heavy penalty was in - aided by the authorities for short weight, anti the fear of punishment was so groat that rather than run the risk of violating the law, bakers gener- ally threw in an extra loaf, when cus- tomers asked for a dozen loaves. Thus a "baker's dozen" came to bo not twelve pieces of tt given article, but thirteen. - " S Missare'0 Lintmeut Cares Distemper. Dishes that have become brown and burnt through baking in the oven may be easily cleaned if allowed to stand awhile in borax water. Mina1'd's Liniment -Cm, Limited. Gontlemen,--1 have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT on nPy vessel and in my family for years, and for the every -clay ills endaccidents of life I consider it ha,s 110 equal, 1 Would not start on a voyage without it, if it cost a dollar a bottle. CAPT, le. n. DI SJ'ARDIN, Schr, Starke, St. Ahdre, 1{amouraska, MONEY ORDERS. Pay your out-of-town accounts by Dominion I]51100es Money Orders. Five Dollars costs three cents. Anything exceeding hall a ton of waste per acre in a potato crop is regarded as abnormal in Great Bri- tain. Minard'a Liniment Onset. colds, Eta Horses are fond of alfalfa hay; for this reason it should be 04 to them in limited quantities. If fed judticiously it wi11 suffice as the sole roughage, even for working horses. . The Victoria tower of the ihouses of parliament at Westminster, took twenty years to build. T+s'om 'base to summit the tower contains 14,0 spaci- ous rooms, each fireproof and packed with state papers, the records of cen- turies o:i Ellglisll hrskary. Except for a few hours' stay at Ot- tawa, when certain State formalities must bo complied with', the first and only stop of Illy Royal highness the Prince of. Wales in Ontario until Oc- tober will bo at Toronto to open the Canadian NationIl lrlxhibition, L11a0rd41 itinhu811t Caeca Srll:rlthbid:t..... -**-.1701051'l r. 8410•'10. SINCE 61870 uses, t J01, dG s} pay ?:}t 30 �t WW-ir,,;Gxv' :N� •J\� STOP .Cl .7 tl,l'sS.iJlllt ''°D 'T` ' All grades, Write for prices. TORONTO SALT WORKS Q. J. CLIFF • • TORONTO W, L, Mas;,31n01µ peau 13, x'otitod Victory fr. end 8911505 qfcVocto y1f0ods 845nt! hito morning lr2p0011, 91 t45 W. L, 1wlCKUT4NON &• CO, portiere in eovernmont wnit Mantesval naudn aterieuon meg., 10 rteEnda St. Toronto The' BritishGovernment mado a profit of 210,600,060 by 'miming pro - peaty against aircraft and bombard- ment risks; £11;01,0,000 was received( in premiums and only £2,1)70,000 paid out. Mipnre's Llatment (001.05 sarOot in Cow$ • "In the hour of langur a man is proven: the boaster hides, the egoist trembles; only he'whose care is for honor and for others forgets to be afraid, -Donald Hankey. 5'OZ Sena. r1\11N SHARES DAVIDSON CONSULT- It DATlED Cold Alines at 02.00 oer shale, 1V. Hyland, 217 George S Toronto, "lOR 5AL'17--•8 GASOLINl9 17NG1N1011, 0'uhio •g 'unit 0811100,, \1111 se11rnll Saw•and lot or separateDouble, all. now. P.O. Box 889, Montreal, r<aBWSPAPER, WICIKLY, IN L'1ti1CID Count•Splendid onportunity. \Trite Lox1` Wilson Publishing Co,. Limited. 13 .\Oelnide St. \V„ Toronto, VESA, EQU1t'1'1:11) N.LwSl'AI'ER and job printing plant In Easters Ontario, Insurance carried 11.600, WMM KO for 51,200. 01,. 70,10k sale. 1to% 99., \W10on Publishing Ch- i :11, Toronto, BEEP 'WANTED. ANTED \111N AS COUNTY RE- PRESENTATIVES 10 handle won- derful new Kasolhre-safer fur ford curs; save ten cents per gallon: exclusive territory; write to -day for particulars. Post Office Box 715, Toronto, Ont. POULTRY WANTED 7'IIAT Id'AYM x01 1' !t 5,1017 TN E 0 l ive L"oultrp, lranry Hens. 11000113. Eggs. St. Nolte I. \Velnrnue t l: San, 10-75 St. Jean Baptiste Market: Moat. real, Que. ISGMB BUILDERS; p. y111'1'J1 FOR OUR 2.171:17 110051 O8' 8 V' Rouse Plans, and information tell - 1n0 hely to save from Two to Four Hun- dred Dollars on YOU new Hoare, Ad- dress Pallid ay Company. 19 Jackson 77.. FTaniliton, Ont. MISCE110007E01.78. &1NCER. TUMORS. LUMPS. ETC.. J�Intornal and external, cured with- out pato 01' our home treatment Write es before tuo iota Dr. lielltuan afadlcaj Co.. Limited, Collinlwood. Ont WE have numerous inquiries f r o prospective purchasers for Western Farm Lands Send full particulars of your land to UNION TRUST COMPANY 1.1111'1'91) Winnipeg, Mon. Tse ram Da ices Fertilizers tilize as For Profit 'Writ'e for ,;gee Boiforfrs Ontario Fertilizers Limited I _ Toronto Clear Your Scalp and Skil With Cufici>i a After shaving and before bathing touch dandruff irritation, if any, with Cuticnra Ointment. Wash all off with CutictIra Soap andhot water, using plenty of Soap best applied with the hands. One Soap for all uses, shaving, shampooleg, bathing. Finally dust shaven parts with Cutt- cura Talcum. The Soap, Ointment and Talcum sold everywhere. ,E • N n 71. 1•. t the Exhibition this Year >cure YeL Hear . 855 THESE TWo WONDERFUL NEW INVENTIONS: 1, The "Ultona" that plays ALL, 2. The ALL -WOOS) OVAL TONE records with the exact TYI]I tiT-IT. OT1AMBE1Z-built Side a violin - records and correct winch eliminates metallic harsh- NDEDLTI. Nothing to take ore_ to put on. A simple twist 'less. LET Y ourt 11011Zs PL 'rl-im of the wrist ,uliusts It Instantly to JUDGE. a11 records. ""all Brunswick essuilding, Free Re Exhibit the cita O'Datlyentrance of the Process THE MUSICAL MERCHANDISE SALES COMPANY TORONTClI 816 YONGE STREET - ..moi. ; e's P QU400151i5 non si 1r+ �yyyy l t f rk N.m, eau YM1 1111; p{w.,,.'. Gnilud. localise! ra,,nnl ere10 1,11CS, 111011 6)910l0;,trOol n81 , Isf tYh lta tcnac,rt, uryr 0r05 t51 r iii oue !i��� 4�«,bk f Ask your GroGoy°c r 't.;'it 1'0e t `1 al. y1't HOUSEWIVES are finding new. and delicious uses for Com Starch every day=in fact, for every meal. Not alone smooth, creamy gravies and sauces, and simple puddings —but crisp, delicateastries; flaky rolls, bread and biscuits; rich tender cakes and pie fillings; and desserts such as you never thought it possible to make in your own kitchen. Insist on BENSON'S—no other Corn Starch can guarantee ec pee Purity and Delicacy. On the patic age 024 y\*Jr��ev, +.�tt1 f7iiTP��,