The Clinton New Era, 1920-11-18, Page 1i'astablished 1665, Vol. 5$, No.21
r Y.
To the Sight Jonteel Toilet articles are beautiful; To the
Nose they are delightful; To the Skin they are refreshing; To
the Ear, every person sounds their praise. They are put up
in the following forms—
J O N TEE. L;- Perfume, Face Powder, Contpiarts
Rouge Soap, Talcum, Cold Cream;" Combination Cream.'
All delightfully refreshing and used by particular people of
refinement. Sold only at
S. i+. IEEb 2 ii ; Phm, B,
V V''MlW V V WVld
Capital. and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 Branches
We invite a call from farmers seeking a good
Banking connection giving courteous and efficient
service. Savings Department at all Branches.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Tile Royal gar*
Reserve Funds
Total Assets ,-..
Incorporated 4869.
... 417,000,000
•• ... • • • ., .6587,000,000
700 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requirements, Interest
paidon Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
o°°°°°an °°°oj MOTHERS' ALLOWANCES
Mr, J, L, Kerr was in Toronto
over the. week end,
Miss Winnie Thompson spent the
week end with friends at London, 1
Miss A, Wallace returned last
week from her visit to Port Burwell
and other' points.
1•I ns a ar•—
e all Obs ry Mrs. S. Coop -1
er, of C1l'nton, was the guest of Miss
Acheson, last week.
Mrs. J, L. Kerr. and Miss Mary
Kerr are visiting in Toronto. They
wilt probably stay there until Christ-
Mrs. George Brown returned to
Toronto last Saturday after spending
the past twp months and a half with
her daughter, Mrs. J. L, Kerr,
Mr. Walter Lowe was . in town for
a few days and returned. to his home
in Hamilton. He reports that. there
ae'e lots out .of employment at Ham-
ilton at present.
Mr. Richard Horsley and son
George, returned home Monday even-
ing from Alberta, where they were '
working at harvesting. They tell us I
it was below zero when they left for '
The Council of the Corporation of
Huron will meet in the Council Cham-
ber, Goderich, at 3 o'clock in the '
afternoon of Tuesday, the 7th day of
December 1920. A11 acounts against ,
the' County must be in the hands of
the Clerk not later than Monday pre-
ceding the meeting of Council.
County Clerk.
Goderich, November 15th, 1920
The County Mothers' Allowance
Board met during tate .past week to ad-
just claims under the act. Some fif-
teen 'ln all were dealth with, and most
of these had to be returned to the
makers of them, as they were in most
eases Imperfectly filled in, improperly.
certified as to signature, or certificates
asked for' not supplied, This is very
unfortunate, as it causes a great deal
of unnecessarytriable le and
o b delay, and
could be easily avoided, if the forms
were carefully read and its provisions
complied with,
The following points should be ob-
served, by those' making, application:
'2. Certificates asked for Must be
sent In as required. It will not do to
say you can furnish them if wanted or
that somebody has seen thein. These
certificates must be obtained, except
original marriage, certificates, froth the
Registrar General, Toronto, for which
a charge of 25 cents each is made.
Municipal clerk's certificates will not
do, neither will copies taken from
church regist'ers,.by minister, Medi-
cal certificates of incapacitation or in-
sanity must also be included,
2 Get your municipal clerk or some
one used to filling :legal documents to
do the writing and have a J. P. if pos-
sible take your declaration. Don't get
some relative or interested person to
do eitherthe filling or the witnessing
or taking your declaration.
3 Only a widow or a mother Whose
husband is permanently incapacitated
or an inmate of the asylum for insane
and who has at least two children un-
der 14 years of age, and who wishes
to snake a •tonne for theta, should ap-
ly, .
4. Applications must be made in
duplicate, one for the Local Board and
Ione for the general board at Toronto.
Both must be sent with all the certifi-
cates or documents to either Rev. E,
R. Garrett, Secretary, Hensall, or Geo.
W. Holman, chairman,1.Goderich,
5, All statements made will be
verified by a government inspector who
will visit the home of the applicant
to confirm the facts as recorded in
the application by a personal investiga-
G. The members of the Local Board
receive no pay for services rendered
and rely upon those snaking applica-
tion to do all in their power to snake
their duties as pleasant as possible by
furnishing then with all the facts and
i documents required.
Fresh stock on hand at
both places. Secure what
you want for those odd jobs
you are' going to db before
.-. 16 .161 44 ell ii M liYrS--.••.• -•••
5 K - K 1►
1 •, r..•. }. vv .' n .I n. Ja"'•�.
3o, .Only Men's Ovdreoats in a
variety of
• pa.ttera0'
le ddt
.,r, ' �0 to caltres.•
*eta Q'7i'•5'a4tiirdayl.$3.5
,.ms_.�, ciy.11a ...�e+ jYY1' 1.a-;•ar;1.lar^rhY
20 Only
belted or plain.
Special for I�
ken's T aiipeted 'Rcitnco%tes
in. $18 to $20 Valdes'
,..x.yormi.rarerote4ieseNsmaw •,•1:46610=6.1=15116:01
Come early and make your selection before
the sizes are broken
T ein:or0i5h Clothing Co,
A Soit8Llt'e PI+,a! Icor wilt',' ii`atl
.qg�{ aa•• . -p ,� '['��+• �o ,rte
for Job Worm .. >
Legislation 192o
Notes on Legislation Considered and Enacted
,during the Session. of 1920
Continued from, Last, Week
A fund composed, of eglial contributions from: the Goyer9n est,
;and the 'Civil ,servants is establisred, the cgntrio�ltipns, itaeing ,graded
riir'om tw''o a,rd doe -half per cent. d salary to qv per cent., acrording
o the age of thio civil serlvant at the time of entering the service,or at
e'C('.om" iencemetr7mt bt the Act
Retire'rtient ts, made compulsory (sybject,to;,excoptions,in special
*Liswhere with' the consent 'of an, enmployee lae.;may,,be •r, talnecl;iq;.
,Fti`e'serllice) at'seve ty years of'agb and•optipnai;on_the,:pgrt,of.;the
l sn.-
at 1 r• n SI The r iC l '
se v t a'� f- ve.. et to e '. s fx t o
.•.i. • � +•�eY f;1. . log, a Walb.e, ►
afifileth,.of;the salary ,nj'ul pliedby,tht;number.,of..years,Service nut ..•
„ �-Y et i r: .- i 4 gated .,...
,e e ip hilt OM is m •.t $2,090
xCett', g -t Willy,,4, ,azpnunt., o .6., o.Q per annuli];
• (Coatiriu'7 . On ,Page .-2), : '
. a. '.. ,.. T. '1
We will open'- the Pdi a Brock" oh
1$aifin� boight over the entire stock of Wall
papers from W. D. Pair we will be able to
supply wallpaper from 10 cents a roll and
In addition to this we have a carload of paper
just ari'iived: We will hang your wall paper
during the winter months at the folloliving
prices: --Walls, 13c.; ceiling, 13c, borders 2c.
Repainting autoobiles, cutters and buggies
atfollowing prices;-- Automobiles, $25;
biratg es, $11, cutters $8, including three
We refrrnish,all' kinds of furniturnit
Pirlll ine Of Paints, Oils and Varnishes Ira
Fordwich, - Nov, 1.1—Three years
ago the citizens of Howich Township
decided to erect a suitable memorial to
her 19 men who gave their lives in
the Great ' War. The memorial has
taken the form of a soldiers' monument
erected in Fordwich, in a park donated,
by the iritizens of the village. To -day
that monument was unveiled and ded-
icated in loving and sacred - memory
of our fallen heroes and neighbors.
The township committee spared no
pains or energy to snake the ceremony
a fitting one, A well-prepared pro-
gram was printed anti distributed, so
that all might join,
At 2 o'clock Bugler Harry Richards,
late 133rd Battalion, sounded the call
to assemble and fall in and a military
guard marched from the public school
and lined up on their side of the tnonu'
menti The chairman, Rev. A. Laing,
gave a brief outline of the movement
which led up to the service and also
reminded the people for what thetnon-
,anent stands. Other speakers includ-
ed John J.oynt, M. P. P. ; Lieut. -Col.
R. T. Pritchard, of Fergus, and the local
clergy. Many of the Fordwich men
were under Col, Pritchard's command
in the 153rd,
Commend Citizens
Mr. Joynt congratulated the people
for what they had 'done and said the
Monument would be a worthy record
in clays to come of the spirit and de -
of the men of to -day,
Lieut. -Col. Pritchard also commend-
ed the citizens of the municipality for
erecting such a beautiful tribute in
memory of the fallen and brought the
news that this is the first bronze
statue of a soldier molded and cast in
Canada. Canadian soldiers, he said,
had never turned their hacks upon the
foe, had never failed to take an ob•
jective, or lost a foot of ground so
Telegrams of regret at inability to
attend were received from Rev. W. Ful-
ton Wallace, of Toronto, a Fordwich
boy; James Bowman, M. P,, and Lieut.
Col, D. Carmichael, of Toronto. The
last named. In his message said he
would have been glad to meet again
the men who returned, but wished to
tell then he was confident that they
would face the everyday problems of
Canadian citizens in the sante stead -
List, courage •with wlilch they encoun-
ered the enemy and bore tine hard-
ships of active serviee, and that .by.
so doing they 'would perform as great
service and earn• as much gratitude
as when 'they served in the artned
forces of the empire.
At the Utile of unveiling Lieut. Cor-
bett cabled his guars to 'attention and
thio bugler sounded "Last Post."
Reeve •P F Doig then unveiled the
monuniein, amid 'profound silence.
Rev. R. F, Jones, of the Anglican
church, who s'ei•ved overseas, offered
dedicatory 'prayer, and all joined -
in the`Lord`s Prayer. A massed choir
from "the diureses of the district rend
eredioir selections: "O Canada," "On -
wird' Clfrstilir Soldiers;" "0; God,'
Our Help in 'Ages Aast" and "Dear
Lord and Fattier 'cif Mankind" The
lVstionai •Anilient was siitlg in clos-
ing. -.
Alt'hoiigh the- weather was cold the
arge`essemblyi stood' in close attention
for 'nearly 'two hotirs. •
The Menitineitt
The 'monttnielit itself is on a con-
crete•foundation, is.of best Canadian
granite, surmounted ]iy full-size fig
bre of a soldier. The` whole stands
t6 feet above the base. At the
feet; of the soldier appears the mantes
of the 19men who e their
gave up
lives. On the sides appear the
amines of the principle battles in
,which they engaged. At the back
is a wreath and the dates of the war.
The figure of the soldier is int full
trench equipment depleting a main
jttst coining out of the line. ale has
received a letter from home and
stands in meditation,
, Births.
MERRILL:-1n Goderich Township,
;on November 4, 10 Mr. and Mrs. Ira
e son,
i •
WliITTINGHAM—At tlershel, Sas-
katchetga;n, to Mr, aiicl Mrs. 3, 13,
Whittingh,sm, of November 11111, 2
son, (rrederick Balfour,)
W. H, Kerr ie Son, Editors and Publish s.
11 Local News
Takeo a Position Here
Miss Cluff, of Goderich Township,
has taken a position with W. D. Fair &
Co, Mrs. Cluff will move to town
also for the winter.
W, C•
T.U. Meeting'
The W. C. T' -'U., will meet in
Wesley Church Lecture room "on
Friday afternoon at three o'clock,
Gifts of Clothing fol• the sale which
is to be sent to the "Indians of New
Ontario, will be gladly received at this
Special Services
On Saturday evening and Sunday
Mrs. Staff Capt. Maltby., of the U. S.,
but better known here as Capt. Nellie
Banks who was one of the first officers
here, will address Special Meetings at
the Army Barracks. A special invita-
tion is given to everybody, •
Death of Mrs. Isaac Dodd
• Last Thursday evening about mid-
night, Annie Steep, beloved wife of
Mr, Isaac Dodd, of Clinton,' passed away
after being in illheatth all summer, She
tbas a daughter of the late Henry Steep
and was born in Goderich Township in
2849 and was married to her partner
in life in 1S72 moving to Clinton to
reside. Beside her husband she leaves
one daughter, Mrs. Geo. W. Layton,
of the London Road, and three sisters,
Mrs, Miller and Mrs. A. Cantelon, of
Goderich Township and Mrs, John
Wise, of town; and one brother, Mr.
James Steep, of Clinton. The funeral
was held on Sunday afternoon, the ser-
vices being taken by Rev. S. Anderson,
of Ontario Street Church, and pastor
of the deceased. The pall -bearers were:
—Messrs. J. Wasmann, J. Harland, J.
Shephard, J. Flynn, J. Cornish and W.
3, Watt, The family wish to express
their thanks to the neighbors and
friends for all their kinddeeds, during
the sickness and death of Mrs. Dodd.
e wITu T$M CEtURCfl;,S.
eftoc e8ocaeoup000pe-.915
St. Paul's Church
lluly Communion—S:30. Morn-
ing Prayer -11. Evensong -7. Young
People's Class 2:30, Subject of Study,
"The Prayer Book," Rector: Rev. S. E.
Willis Church
There was a large attendance of
Orangemen at Willis Church ou Sunday
eveninti, when Rev, J. E. I•iogg preach,
ed an appropriate sermon to all present.
* * * x• w .. •:Y as * • as as
ea w
Women's Patriotic Society Meeting
There will be a meeting of the
Women's Patriotic Society held lm.
the Council Chamber, Friday after-
noon, November. 29111, at 3;30 o'clock.
A large attendance is hoped for as
there is business to transact,
P.aased; Away in Detroit
Following' an illness 01 several
months George Marano, head of the
George Harland Printing Company,
Detroit; and former past grand mas-
ter of the 1. 0. 0, F., of Milligan,
died at his residence, 8.72 Brooklyn
Avenue last We'dnesda'y night. Mr.
Harland 'went to Detroit 31 years age/
'and 20 years later founded the print-
ing Copany of which he was the head.
He was active in fraternal organisations
being a member of Santariton Logde,
1. 0, 0, F., past grand master of
State Lodge and a member of Pales-
tine Lodge, Masons. Surviving are
the widow, Mrs, .Adelaide Harland,
two daughters, Cecil and Mildred.
Hariand; two brothers, As T. and
William 3, Harland, Guelph, and four
sisters. He was a nephew of Messrs.
J. T. and W. S. Harland and of Mrs.
McCorvie, of town.
.* ^F' 4 * * ,a * 0* 0
• Zurich Mrs. Gertrude Ness had
the nnlsforfinie last Friday eveiiing to
fail and in doing, so broke several ribs,
also sustatgin + other tnnnor injures
Exeter musical oomniitt ee of
James Street Mertliodist chtrrchl whom
have leen, advertising for an organist
and choir lea r, have got in 'touch with
am,1VIr Aindr on
e, who is at present•,'a
usioal'direiaor of a chu'rch'in Bei-
;fasir irtiaird. In g cablegram re-
cetved last week the committee were
asked to hpltl their decision until they
received a 'fetter which, is'now on; fh'e
Brussels:=0n Sunday Oct. 10th,'
Wain. Tho'nisoh, formerly of`Brussels;
died in Torontd. By a fall tlfe dry pre-'
viotis he fractured fits 'skutt, Ile was
59' veers, G inoitths and.15 days old
Interment was made in Seaforth Gent-
etery. Deceased was born at Har•
purheyr and was a cooper by trade and
a good mechanic. tie is survived' by
twos isters Mrs R. Black' and Mrs, M
McLennan, of Wroxeter and a brother,
Jaiines, of Edmonton. Three brothers
have died 111 the past five years.
1 Deaths
McRAE-.-In Clinton, A4onday, Nov- •
ember 15th t t, lsahdfl d a Davi sonif, we
oodk • of the tate Art.liu Willixnn McRae.
D001-1—Int�:ilntot7, crit Tt,ursday.
November tt:zh. Annie ,seep, beloycd
p wife of Me. Iseult Dood, aged 71 years. '
Praiiessi lontltl Ad-yei'tlsln
, rho,phyetolan hilae 5 0,1 en h11i
i door. That in reVar, ftaincdt to
1 1ha pnseeirsnry,, ge'fParatlltolg faW
resorb 1I the sign holdover -'
Why net oarry your'!' n l-1;- cf
ttlp int "hemos tit tawe? Vow,
•,Disaitl sel,V 4 blasItiiee Wistlt''Ac t
and without loea:;,gf-y,thgfe alt':
dignity, tee/ 4.•
it ri
Married In Toronto °t
A very pretty wedding was solem-
nized at St. Paul's Church, Willow -
dale, on October 30th, by the Rev. Dr.
Cody, when Jean, daughter of Mrs_
W. Argent, of Clinton, `became the
bride of Mr, John Quinnell, son of
Mr, and Mrs, Quinnell, Wtllowdale-
The bride entered the church on the
arm of the groom's father who gave
her away. She wore a gown of duch-
esse satin with Joan of Arc shield
over dress of silver and bridal vel
and wreath of orange blossoms and
carrieda shower bouquet of bridal
roses. She also wore the groom's
gift, a string of pearls. Mrs, John
McWhirter, sister of the groom, was
matron of honor, wearing grey satins
with overdress of beaded georgette
and hat and shoes to match, Sire
carried a bouquet of red roses and.
also wore the groom's gift a pend-
ant of pearls and emeralds. The two
little flower girls, nieces of the grooms,
were Fredia" McWhirter and Elsie
Wilson, both frocked in mauve with
poke bonnets of white satin and
mauve with gold and silver trimming.
Each wore a signet ring, the gift of
the groom to then. The best man
:was the groom's brother-in-law, Mr.
John McWhirter, After the ceremony
the bridal party motored to the home
;ot tell groom's parents, whre a re-
ception was held. The happy couple
;will reside in Toronto for the winter.
Beath 'of. Mr`s. A. W.' McRae
Another ripened sheaf has been
.garnered in the person of Mrs. Isabella
McRae,. whose spirit took it's flight
on• Monday eventing of this week at
flier liome on Rattenbury Street. A
week ago she took a walk along the
street with tier •daughter amid it, iva`s'
il!iought_she would .•Itaave• outlived the
'iljliess from Which she siiffered slightly
dor ng'' the previous two months; bat
1 i1rbday. ntornnng ,another stage of the
paralysis: developed and on; Mondaj
night she' passed 'peacefully, away sur-;
1'rouiided by her fain ily who, had been
i called to'say their last "Good' ,Ntglll'
nigher" , b'ut who are • assured the
"the Moi•nitig Cometh," 1t is fifty:
three years since' Mrs. Mchde lett,
Inverness, Scotland and arrived is
Canada as a young brlde'to assist' her
hiisbaiid' 10' establish a home, settitiigt
in Clinton soon afterwards and where
she has since resided, Mrs. McRae
lived "for others" het• family very
ptop'erly receiving her lirst consider-
ation but there are many scores of
friends that her setcbee u
n tosaytat rF 1
dis ositioin has een , n inspiration tam
p 1, b 't p on
them and in iter home and church slue
w'ss always" Busy with good works."
Mrs, McRae leaves a faintly ,of eight;.
three daughters and five sons, Mrs,
Geo, D.'Rot-erto's,' and Airs. George
McLennan, of Clinton; Mrs, R. J.
Charlesworth, of Grand Forks, North
Dakota Arthur; George William and
Thomas, of Detroit; and James, of
Woodstock, iter husband pre-
deceased her nine years ago, The
funeral took place on Thursday after-
noon to the Clinton Cemetery, The
services at the home and graveside
were Conducted by Rev, J. E. Hogg,
minister of the church of her choice,
Willis Presbyterian and where she
was always in attendance when able
to go, The 'funeral Was largely at-
tended by old friends of the family
and surrounding Counn,try. Many
1ei,ttii'al` floral einbleiins ware placed
on the caskdt by the ntentbers of the
family, mid outer friends, The palt-
!learers were the five sons and ,tweA,
.tons i'it-haw, G. D. Rdbtrton tubi O