The Clinton New Era, 1920-9-2, Page 7PAPE 15 SEE THE NEW FALL COATS A T 1 MEN'S STORE - Custom Tailoring Men's ?urnnftitting Phone t03 Opposite Public Mr -ire rown's 1 The Fly Season is now at its Worst. Try a gallon of ours. Crenoid Fly Destroyer for the sake of your horses and cattle. SEE OUR LINE OF ELECTRIC GOODS ---- TOASTERS — 3 -HEAT GRILLS — CAN. WESTINGHOUSE IRONS ALSO A FULL LINE OF LAMP BULBS Corless c VTenner HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL Phone 53 TRY A few of the baseball fans went to ` Wingham last Thursday to see the Car w gilt and Wingham game. Some report o ,-�` .ns that it was not as fast ball as was play A Fes, Went To Wingham, FOR PLUM LNG HEATING AND ROOFING Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 e cl a Furnaces Lead There is a Reason Ask Us. Pc 1 Double Feed Doors Thele is no danger of hit- ting' I:he ;t1ea atutl ,pilling Baal ell Over the flnnr with ,,, 1 Sulal 1e fend it s. ' k., • .•r Sutter az Perd Ant ed in the Huron district. jTrains For Lyndon Fair. On the London Huron and Bruce a. train will leave Wingham at 6.20 a.sn, and will arrive in London at 9,15 a.m. on September 15, 16 and 17. On these dates a train will leave London at 10,50 p. m, ariving in Wingham at 1.35 A Successful Meeting. A very successful outdoor •meeting, of the Women's Institute was held on the lawn of Mrs. H, Fowler, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Rev. Anderson gave an excellent talk on "Making the most of our opportunities as citizens." An in- . teresting discussion followed the.taik. Children -Cry, FOR FLETCHER'S I CASTORIA WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and House Furnishings. Phone 67 Next` Royal Bank Preparing for furnaces. - Work is progressing at St• Paul's church for the Installation of, the steam heating system which will be put in shortly. Clop Had Meeting. I The Bane Bali Club held a meeting on Thursday evening Nast and is the treasur er presented good financial statement which showed a ground balance, The club is on the look out for uniforms for next year, Minor Locals. September, - Days are shortening, C. C. I. opens on Tuesday morning next. Council sv::1 meet ow Tuesday even- ing of next week, Alondaa Seept 6th wilt be Labor Day and a public holiday, Places of business will be closed. Lights On Ali Vehicles. On account of motorists running into or colliding with horse; drwn vehicles in some districts an agitation has be- gun to remedy netters and it is ex- pected that before long the Hou, F, C. Biggs will be asked to introduce legis- lation compelling all vehicles, including horse drawn rigs to carry lights at night, To Lessen Transportation.- Silveruoods' have ._inaugurated, a truck servicefronm Kincardine to Lon- don in an effort to lessen the cost of transportation. The truck comes up one day and back the next day bringing ice cream and taking back creanm, eggs and poultry. If this service can be made to pay we cannot see why the rail roads should ask for higher rates, Toronto Fsetories Marking Time. ' • "Toronto is no place for people out of work to come to from other parts of the province," states J.A. Milner sup erintendent of • the Ontario govern SUGARment employment bureau Ohl says ablehat hif this advice b heeded ed,lsl Mr. able hardship will be obviated, Mr. Miller states that a number of men have been laid off work in Toronto factor- ies while other histories are.prdctically marking time. - ((({ Will not come down for some Hines Ford Owner's Picnic. 1 as the Canadian Refineries are loaded up with high priced raw sugar. We were able to procure a limited supply which we will sell wit+le ,11 lasts at $2,00 less per -hundred than present wholesale price., • —GET SOME WHiLE 1T LASTS - 0 Fred. W. If/ YyWIgg i> 'h The Corner Grocery Ili Phone 45.. ,' etBig time is arranged for Friday Sep, - ember 10th an Victoria Park, Brussels, y D. M, Scott, the Ford Agent. A frac or demonstration will be put on in the orenoon and a program of Ball games thietic sports, &c, in the sftrnoon and r b' a 1 o b y a promenade Concert in the vening, A fine Band has been secured. ood Prizes will be given for best de - orated Ford ear, best lady driver; old- st driver, and also for foot races and titer stunts, The admission will he free tit each person attending is asked to ring their baskets. for lunch or supper, veryt owner of a Ford car within a rad it of 25 antes is.asked to come to russets Pic-nic on September Toth, to tjny the fun and have a gond .time, SCRANTON COAL s drool Bocics Not 'Here and Wood frrrr Sale' fse it ag to fi any who Wisii to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron St. or Phone 155. Teams,--Striotly Cask—l'hane RE51DI1NOE-'-HURON STREET In connection with the 'opening of heel the local booksellers agree that ere will be a somewhat serious short e this year. A number of the standard xis are out of print and are very elf. cult to obtain. One of- the stationers rpplied the following list of the books of which there will probably be ,t scar- eityt Public School -History of England and Canadal 11. S. Chemistry; H, 5., Junior :Algebra; P. S. Speller; Standard Note Books; Pruner, First, second, Third, and Fourth'Bosks; Il, S. French Reader; H. 5, history of Canda and Public School Arithmetic,' We have not beard any of the" pupils feeling sor ry about the sfioet:ngp, SU rug CL,.lIVT0C4' 1111111111111 11111I11 lilt III IDI 11111111113 II 1111111111111111 LW E' 110j111111111 11111111111 IO 1111 III 1111111111111111.11110' 11111 Loyal News 111 11 111 1 ImigignotttomllUll;'lllUtVI11Vteu° IiP'glgglU G� (sitSlOMaringqVlliSMqJuODlqOlqqqmin Trains Late Now, The G. '1',- R, train^ way are •away late this the Exhibition trafflea Cate„ Dienelesesl. The case of a Hullett young man charged by the Chief of Felice wifFh speeding was dismissed by P. M. An; draws on Tuesday everting, • • Sacred Band.' Concert, !y. Toronto ;eel- awing to The Clinton Kiltie Band will give, a sacred band concert on Sunday even- ing Sept, 12th. Their weekly open air concerts are now through for the seas Ott, U. F. 0. Meeting. The Clinton branch 0f -the U, F, O; will meet on Thursday evening Sept. 9th when Air. Thos. McMillan, who is on the commission investigating Rural Credits, Will give an address on that subject. - Will Give Monthly Concerts The Kittle Band are making arrange-, meats to hold a monthly concert dur- ing the fall and winter in the town Hall, Besides the band•local outside tal- ent will be engaged, Further particul- ars will be given later. Centring Horn, The citizens from town wino have been camping -at Bayfield. alt summer are returning to town, It has been a pleasant slimmer at the lakeside. Cards 'of Thanks, Mr, and Mrs, Jas Livermore wish to thank their friends and neighbors, for the many acts of kindness and express- ions of sympathy during their relent bereavement, Thole Will Soon Be, Fall Fair campaign, ' illhnery openings, A wind-up to holiday seam*, - Evidences of Jack frost bites. Pall advertisements of bargains, No $1.50 5 year weekly newspapers. Special trains, Special trains will run on the L. H. and B. for London Fair on the 15; 16 and 1.7th leaving the Junction at 7.1.1 a.m. and arriving at London at_ 9.15 a.m. and leaving London at night at 10.50,p, in, arriving at Clinton station at 12.40 a.m, The return fare on these' dates is $2,40 Godorich Industrial Exhibition Next Week. Inspector Was Here, The Godertch-Faif is earlier than. us ',uai- this. year—Wednesday, Thursday, Miss J. W. Ogif ie, St. Thomas; In and Friday, September 8, 9, and 10, Spector of Factories,shops, etc, tin- The program for this year is probably der the department of labour, was in the best ever presented, The formal town this week oe her inspection tour opening will take place on Thursday, Miss Ogilvie stated to the New Era the 9111, at 2.30 p.m. when Hon. that we had a nice clean town—and Manning Doherty, Minister of Agricui- we know it. Town Team Won. The Town team defeated -the Duher- ture, will give an address. There will be four track events, for good purses; Thursday farmers trot of pace( purse 8100), 2.20 trot, or pace (purse $250) ty Factory on Wednesday evening by a Friday -2.30 trot or pace purse 8200 score of 10-8. Earl Cooper had 1 t 2.12 trot of pace (purse $2S0), Other strikout to his credit and Butler had 7 attractions are; Btondini wonderfua Some ragged errors were made and also some classy fielding was shown by the players. Following was the lineup:— Dohertys—Fulford 2 13; Welsk 1f; E. Cooper p; Draper s s; Tasker Int; G. Cooper 'CI.; Anderson rf; Forrester 3 B; Livermore cf:*""" Town 'Tann—Hawkins c; Stanbury 1 13; McNeil 3 13; Diehl s.s.; McEwen 11; Butler p;Atorrts 2 B.; Potter rt; Mutch cf; Doherty — 3 0 0 1' 0 0 2 2 0 ---•. 3 Town tens—0003.1003x-10 Minor Locals Gnderich Fair canes on early this year. - 1Ye have been having fall weather lately, Judging from the report of the crops in Huron county the farmers must be making lots of money these days. No wonder so nnauy f them have cars. The school children are not worry- ing about the repairs at the school not being finished. They will be content to wait a few weeks more before going hack to their•books. The CCI, reopens on the Tuesday following Labor Day Sept. 70, People are remarking ' that the two machine guns which have been placed in front of the town hall are not much of an ornament. The guns should be mounted on a concrete base and kept as an exhibit. . The weekly band concerts are 'over and will be much missed as they have been greatly enjoyed during tire- past three months. • high --wire performer; John, A. Kelly, ventriloquist and comedian; special exhibit from Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa; music by 33rd. Regi- ment band. Grand Midway features. Note the dates and be sure to visit the , best district fair in Western Ontario. YOUR ROOF On the selection of your roofing material depends the appearance, value and durability of your building. What kind of roofing could be better than 3 -ply of everlasting Shingles? The cheapest is not usually the best although the best is usually the cheap- est, We have the best in three different grades, 2X, 3X and 5X at popular cur- rent prices. AT BRUCEFIELD—We also handle all kinds of Rough Mitt Dressed Lumber, Canada Fibre Board, Canada Cement, llard and Soft Coal, etc. AT CLINTON:— — We handle aft kinds of Coal and Wood and Canada Cement. e us lave your nqu r es, We think Felling Stories. '"`'; • 1 Jve can supply You. "Bill" Powell visiting to the Hurolt "!11:17... Expositor about "The Harpurhey That Was" relates a story of Mr, John Rens fort) and his arrival in Clinton and we publish it now. -'-Johns Ransford of Clin ton tells this story of Bill Rattenbury, Sr„ who kept the hotel in Clinton now gone like its owner. Mr, Ransford an Englishman arrived in Clinton in 1868 and like his countrymen had to have a bath every • morning. Now ' baths in Huron County in 1 868 were mostly con fined to the rivers and creeks ancrthe washtubs, particularly the latter in the winter. John Ransford rapped on his room door and Biil Rattenbury a broad Yorkshire ratan, answered the summ- ons. "We can fix you up a bit with the woman's washtub," replied Bill, So he departed for or tke tub mid the pump, To his odd he munitioned his Devonshire hostler, They tilled the tut, nearly full and endeavored to get it up the stairs in the. hotel,' Bill-Rattenbury wore top boots with the trousers stuck down in side there, as was the fashion of the clay leaving the top part open for ',eater or snow and other things to get inside, i 1,e Devonshire !testier hacked up the stairs lifting life tut,, with 11111 Rtttien- lsur't's assistance a step ata lime. Wat er will -always seek the lowest levet, and upon this occasion the lowest level was the inside of hill ltaltenbury's lop boils, Al every ••step hill's boots grew fuller of water till 11 ran over the tops, Bill blasted the Dcvnnsdtine host! er and the latter defended himself in the dialect of tate "Downs," and Bill Ration bsuy talked just ;is pointedly in north country accents, The result was that alien tine hob got to the head of tied stairs, it con lathed not so mucic water as was in Bill's boots. st is but just to William Rattenbury to say that ire kept a fine hotel. To get a meal to -day like they used, to put tip in that old house for a quarter a five dollar bill wouldn't supply it, But 1 must get on, or I'll :sever get to Iiarpurhey, - JOU. B. MUSTARD Clanton & - Brucefield. P;tone for Clinton No. 74. Phone for Bruccfield 11 on 618. TEETHING BABIES Thousands of Them Die Every Summer. When the baby starts to cut its teeth, then is the time the poor soother is under the6re ens ofgreat anxiety. . For some reason or other the bowels beeesnc •loose, And. diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, cnnnps and nanny other bowel com- plaints Manifest: themselves, 1.1he gaits become swollen, rankers forst 'in the mouth, and in ninny cases the olsild wn$I.ctt to a shadow, \Vlsen the child gets into 11s1s eon- dii.inn the butyls moist be very etosely Inad:ed niter, and for this •purpose we know of nothing to equal Fa. howler's lesit%trt of eskwbet•rv. '111,s ?darling ieti ndy line been. used for troth tet babies for the past 75 yenty, by' IJuut?tutdti of Ctsutui.an mothers Witt. woo lo' its (iiliaaet', ni.tt there. IS tit, mutter bni. should l,et1 It boliitt•uf it nn iumrl, litre, Gordon d-lib''urdv, Lalum, Alta, wt'ttt•t,'• • "1 have five eteldren untl they have nil bail summer t ompie rat, rbl'eeiai- ly while teri.htntt, f aia•nys lures n bottle of 17r, ftbwlti e I:4;t.t'atit of 1i'ild Strawberry in any 'home Sea one er tee, doses completely relieves them, 1 eon - 101 speak too highly of it for both ebildre'n and Multi)," • Mothers, don't temerirncnt with some new and smt•tfed remedy whit'lt may be dangerous to your fitbyy's health. • Get "Gr. XX''owleett" the remedy that has stood the test of time, Price liOe, tvlanufaetured • only by The; T. Kilburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,- Thursday, SCHOOL OPENING - means SCHOOL TEXT ,BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES ptellabi'r, end, 1'920. You are asked to invest" igate the merits of ,our stock. W.e invite this with the assurance that the advantage will be a mutual one. The W. D.. Fair eo. Often theQheapest—Alwfmys the Best BEST -RES-UL-TS Are obtained when you use our High 0 rade Vinegar and long, keeping and make the flavor you 1 Ike. ITS THE LiT'ALE THINGS THAT HELP ON WASH DAY -• TRY SOME Rinso Perless Tablets 3 pkgs for 2,5c Ford or Mocks No Rub per pkg 5c Wonder Wash 2 pkgs for 25c J PHONE 111 WHAT 'MOM JARS) 5 OR JAR RUBBERS FOR CANNING DON'T FORGET TANGLEFOOT TO CATCH THE FLIES GET THE HABIT 0 F DEALING AT Spices, They insure. TEA SPECIALS us bulk Tea ,..$2.68' 2 lbs bulk tea , ..$1.18' 1 lb bulk Tea . , , 60c TRY A BOTTLE OF ROSES LIME JUICE A GOOD HEALTHsb7 *DRINK N ON & e PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TG The `iC,LEVFt AND" icycle are sold in Clinton by J. H. PAXMAN The Garage that gives real Bicycle, Car and Battery Services SOLD FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS ORDER YOURS' TODAY Phone 80 - .Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. 3 10 -Day Sale • Having made special arrangenleists with our Com- pany at Guelph for this sale by taking•a 9"itflifed •'niirnber of pianos. 1 can quote you a price far below•factory'pri'ces to you to -day and if you are going to get a piano inside the next . two years. Now is your chance. is to advertiie our and 'ood is for 10 dayslonly,eafter ehich the regular factorydPrices s wll be used. a ., If you can not call on us write for prices and also- re,. member we canarrange to give you terms to suit"sp as to get in on this sale, Remember the name, Jonathan Hugill BOX 229. Phone .2t6. MUSIC STORE. SEAFORTH. ONT, gammosemormemonamW XF 811111118111!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIfIIfglgIIIIIQIIiqlllqlqlmlllqllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllNlqlqlllillll!IgllllgillqlllllqqqqllqIIII1IIiqfIqlllqltqilQlql�l!iiIIIIiPINNlllmlilll Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it conies to making such handsome Footwear. [iT Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautifui colorings in Browne or .Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp—Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. • $3.50; $4,50; , . $6.50; to $9.50. This Hoose of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard n - against Shoe Values at inflated prices • FRED. J.Re SON "SHOES THAT SATISFY"- ar annOnenceeeememonwehat eamonnumbotimbna,