The Clinton New Era, 1920-6-17, Page 6PAGE 6
Custom Tatlort*g
Men's Furnishing
Phone 103
Opposite Public Library
Perfection Oil Stoves
That tells the story in a Nutshell of the benefits and
results of using one of our • PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves.
Many makes of oM stoves. have come and gone but this one
goes on givng satisfaction to the owner. Buy PERFECTION
-Oil Stoves at
Phone 53.
Successor to R. Rowland.
a x
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
Neela Furnaces Lead
There is a Reason
Ask Us.,
for Canning
This is the Season for
Pineapples for Canning
A Fresh stock of Pine-
apples, Groceries, Fruit
and Vegetables always
in stock.
Fred. W.- Wigg
The corner Grocery
Phone 45.
Dry Goods and H'ouSe
Phone 67
Next Royal Bank
Had a Small Crowd.
Owing to the heat, moonlight ex-
cursion. and other meetings, the at-
tendance at "The i3ilrth of a Nation"
picture on Monday night was a very
slim one,
Died ;n Goderich.
The funeral of Myrtle Carrick daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert .Carrick
formerly of Mitten took place on
Monday afternoon to Clinton Cemetery
She was 14 years of age and died on
Friday after a short illness.
Bowling Tourney Postponed till Friday.
The Bowling tourney which was t0
have been played here on Wednesday.
was called off on account of the rain
and will be played on Friday of this
week. The prizes and trophy are on
exhibition at Alorrish's Clothing store.
Holidays. -
County Treasurer Lane and County
Clerk G. W. Holman will be granted a
vacation this year. During the absence
of the Treasurer, MF. dolman will act
as Treasurer and during absence of Mr.
Holman, Mr. Lane will act as Clerk.
This is a new role. '
and Wood for Sale
— O—
any who wish to leave their order for
Spring delivery can do so by leaving
their orders at my residence, Huron St.
or Phone 155.
Terms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155.
The Red Star Washer makes wash day welcome. It works
easily a boy of 6
it when loaded. h abolishes
all the drudgery of wash day.
Docs the work in half the
time it take's to do it, by hand.
'fhe Red Star Washer is easy to operate
because the mechanism rides on Iwo sets
at ball bearings. The fly wheel is large.
The lid is easy lo lift, and you can raise
the dasher from the clothes before you
open the lid, so the clothes will not come
up with it or tear. The mechanism is
very simple and compact, and so strong
that the Red Star will last a generation
ansa always run as well as when new.
Ptosis and have us fend ave up,
es call sod ens item os our Inmn
Sutter &Pe
11111111101111111 11 111111I01111111111111(0 11111111111111111010111111101ml111
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One, S. 5. Picnic, C. C. 1. Team Won.
• The annual picnic of the Ontario S. The 'C, C. I. baseball term won froth
$, will be held on Wednesday; July 7th. Goderich here on Friday night by a
score of 8-7. The boys put up a pretty
1101 11 11
Local 'News
111111 muni
. Mr. F. W. Wigg and family have mov-
ed to the house lately occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. E, 13. Nunniford,
Big Crowd went to Moonlight.
There was a big crowd left. town on
Monday night to take in the moon-
light on Monday evening at Goderich,
W. C. T. U. Friday Evening,
good argument. •;na
Minor Locals,
Base Bali—Goderich vs, Clinton on
Friday evening of this week.
Quite a few took in the Greyhound
excursion this week to Detroit, '
The open air band coieerts ai•e
drawing good crowds on Thursday even
The Chautauqua will be -held here
The W, C. T. U. will meet on Fri- from July 13th to 17. See programs,
day evening at the house of Mrs. C. J.
Wallis. ' All members are asked t0 et- Improvements.
tend this special meeting.
Season Opens,
Local anglers welcome the opening
of the bass fishing season on. Wednes-
day, June 16. Bass fishing in county
waters is always very popular. There
have been many good catches of trout
during the past few weeks.
Married Wednesday Morning.
The Bowling Club house was re-
decorated last, week for the howling
The Ladies Aid of Ontario St., church
are having the parsonage papered and
painted and also placing solve net/
Mr. Lorne Murch has erected a neat
verandah at his home on Victoria St.
Early Wednesday morning Rev. D. N. Order Your Supply of
McCamus tied the matrimonial knot
between Miss Mabel Kerr and Mr. Thos.
Watt of town. The happy couple left
on the London train to take the boat
up the lakes and will extend their trip
to the Western provinces. The best
wishes accompany them. They will
reside in Clinton upon their return.,
Sent. up for Trial.
Police Magistrate Andrews had two
cases on Tuesday morning and sent
both up for trial. One was a magazine
agent who forged a check -and cashed
it at Seaforth; and the other case was Ebony Cubs Cannel, the cannel de luxe
Gordon Perrin, charged with stealing Hardwood, a limited quantity specially
wood from J. 13. Mustard. Chief Co. Priced
Constable Whitesides caught bins in Cut Rails, in both hardwood and cedar
the act while waiting for the other Canada Cement, the standard in cement
young man to conte off the late train
on Monday night.
Livermore—Stephenson Wedding.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the bride's hone on Rattenbury Street,
at high noon when Rev. S. Anderson, of
the -Ontario St. Methodist church, tied
the matrimonial bow between Miss
Grace Alice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Stephenson and Mr. Gordon material
Livermore, of London, son of Mr. I1. if ini the market for any of the above
Livermore of town. The young couple lines, it will pay you to give us a call,
and we swill help you to solve your
were unattended, and after the wedding diflicultizs.
dinner left on th afternoon train for Our service is free. Make use of it.
their hone in the Forest City, accom-
panied by the good wishes of their
many friends.
Scranton Coal
While we are not gettiins much coal
at present we are booking a lot of
orders, and being optimistic about the
situation, we feel justified in advising
you to place your order now, so as to
be early on our delivery lists.
We have in stock the following:
ilemlock Lumber of high quality
Dressed Lumber in V match and floor-
ing .
2X, 3X and 5X Shingles in B.C. Red
Fibre Board, cheaper and better than
Cannel Coal stakes a real trot fire
Canada Cement the cheapest building
Death of James S. Timmins.
The death occurred early last Satur-
day morning, of Mr. James S. Timmins,
at his late residence 90 Cowan Avenue,
Toronto. Mr. Timmins was well known
in mercantile life, having carried on
business in a number of places, Includ-
ing Blirewale and' Wingham. Ile was
a Conservative, and had several tines
been approached to stand for parlia-
mentary honors, but refused. lie was
a nteniber of Dunn Ave, Methodist
church. He leaves a wife, one daughter
and four sons, lie was three times mar-
ried, his second wife being a daughter
of the late Mrs. Morley,
Two Huronians Honored.
Two former Huronians got signal re-
cognition and honor last week, which
shows that they stand high in the es-
timation of those who know them best.
Mr, John S. McKinnon, a native of Blyth
and son of the late D. B•. McKinnon, so
long a prominent business man of that
village, but now President of the W. S.
McKinnon Wholesale house, Toronto,
was elected President of the Canadian
Manufacturer's Association, the largest)
Organization of its kind in Canada.
Rev. T. W. Nell, who at one time work
ed as a blacksmith in Londesboro, and
of which he is not a particle ashamed,
and brother of Mr. Albert Neil, Gode-
rich Township, was .elected President
of the Toronto Methodist Conference,
it being -the first occasion when a Min-
ister not in the active work of preach-
ing, has been elected, Both men have
justly earned the honor conferred on
thm, will fill their respective p4lices
with credit, and distinction, and on be-
half of their Huron friends we extend
our congratulations.
Doherty—Howard Wedding.
The Toronto Globe of Monday con-
tained the following—A quiet wedding
took place at Trinity Methodist church,
Bloo• street, on Saturday morning,
June 12, when Ruth A,, 'daughter of
Mrs. Howard and the late Mr. E. S.
!toward, was married to Captain William
J. Doherty, R.G.A„ son of the late Mr,
and Mrs, James Doherty of Clinton,
[Int, and grandson of the late Mrs,
Joseph Chidlcy, The ceremony was
conducted by Rev. E. E. iloward of
Brighton, grandfather of the bride, as-
sisted by Rev, Newton Powell. The
bride, who was given away by her
uncle, Rev. F. H. Hgwerd, of Sterling,
wore a navy blue travelling suit and
hat, her corsage bouquet being sweet-
heart roses. After tete ceremony the
Nippy couple left for a trip up the lakes
and to Winnipeg, Captain Doherty
served live years overseas, two years
in trance anti three years in the ea'//J111
campaign, receiving the Military 'Cross
.with Bar, Croix de. Guerre, Order of
Karage0rgtvle (Serbian) and Mons
Clinton & Brucefieid.
Phone for Clinton No. 74.
Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618.
I want 100 Strawberry
Pickers for the coming sea-
son. Nice, pleasant work
and good pay. No one want
ed under 10 years of age.
Apply at once to
Frank W. Andrews.
—0 --
1 will only have a limited
quantity of berries for 1oan1
trade this year as 1 have dis-
posed of the bulk of my crop
by contract, so those want-
ing strawberries had better
get their order in early.
Had Severe Cold
Many people have bronchitis end don't
know it.
Don't even know the danger of ne-
glecting it.
Bronchitis starts with a dry, abort,
painful, hacking cough, accompanied
with rapid wheezing, anda feeling of
oppression or tightness through 1 he chest.
At, first the raised -up phlegm. is or a
light color, but as the troublo progresees
it becomes of a yellowish or greenish
color, and in very often of a slimy nature,
streaked with blood.
Bronchitis should never be neglected.
Pifneiiitia,monits or Coosumotion nary follow
Mr. D. Tl. Borer, Edmonton, Alta.,
writes: --"Last winter I tools a severe
cmld which tinned tobronchitis, The
doctor I had could anon seem to relieve
it, and I had been 'trratttl by hien fon
might weeks. Then, a friend Canto in
and rerommcuded Ono to try Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup. After taking one
bottle 1 was greatly relieved. 8 got two
more bottler and ran say it haus quite
mired me. It has stopped my cough
and my spitting up lots of phlegm,
Have not had an attack since, I can
assure you would not be without a
bottle of ft in t,hm House, It has helped
my children also. I think it is a wonder-
ful remedy for coughs or bronchitis."
Dr. Wood's Norway lino Syrup, is
put up in a yellow wrapper; 8 rube trees
the trade
mark; price 25e. and See. i
Mantifactnred only ley The T, Milburn
co., Unshed, Toronto, Ont,
Thursday, Julie 17th, 1920,
prices, in general, are on a slightly higher 1
level than last year, but noticeable mostly in
the lower priced goods. We have heard re-
ports of a few low priced `spots" which how-
ever, without exception have proved to be
inferior goods or boasts made to distract at-
t ention from other shortcomings, these ex-
ceptions we ready concede.
Our new stock is being sampled and gives
promise of being as varied and attractive in
design and colorings as we have had in for-
mer years, while our values are as good as
we know where or how to buy.
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the Cheapest --Always the Best
is called when wanting your supplies. This week we offer at Special price:--•
PURE LAUNDRY SOAP -4 Bars for 25c ; 16 Bars for $1.00.
3 Boxes, Matches ..25a
2 boxes Corn Flakes 25.-
5.3 cakes Palm Olive
Soap for 35c
Brootnts,75c; 96c; $1.15
rex 'Catsup ..15c & 25
2 zaps Pork and
Beans 350
Some of our—
Chick Peed
Pap -for -Peeps
Makes Chicks Healthy
and strong.
Purchased House.
S a#>
50c per pound.
90c for 2 lbs;
$2.00 .... for 5 lbs.
Canned Apples
Prunes • Raisins
Dates, Peaches, Pumpkin
—for Pies or Dessert—
Airs, Wm. Glenn has purchased the
cottage from Mrs. Sheeley, next the
Ontario St. church, and will take pos-
session right away.
1)0 not 8u tier
another day With
Itchtng, Bleed-
ing, or Protrud-
ing Piles. No
surgical oper-
ation required,
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and afloat lasting benefit. 60e. a box nil
dealers, or Ednnanson, Dates x: Co., Limited,
Toronto. Sample Box free if you mention Oslo
paper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage.
Shipping Out Good Stock.
'Messrs. James Snell & Sons shipped
5 head of their Shorthorn cattle last
Friday at Seaforth to the Fairfield Stock
Farm, Carland, Michigan, Mr, Ii. B.
Peters being the buyer. On Monday
they shipped 12 head of Leicester
sheep to London, and from there will
go forward to Lethbridge where they
will likely compete against the Prince
of Wales flock at the fairs out West.
The Messrs. Snell also shipped a Lei-
cester ewe to Huntington Quebec.
When you clean your parlor, paper
it or paint it, you probably add some
new furniture. You do it to stake it a
place for to entertain your friends and
make house happy. All this will not
be needed if you or your family, have
to go out for the evening to ger good
music. Start those children now at the
piano. You would not think of keep-
ing them home from school t111 they
were 14 years old, if you did few would
succeed In getting a good education.
Music is exactly the same and when
they start young and get regular pract-
ice they will succeed. We are here to
assist you in securing tine best musical
instrument at the best prices, quality
conside •ed.
You owe it to yourself to call wh ether you buy or not: My new
stand is opposite Daley's Garage.
Jonathan, Hugill
Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds.
Phone 21 6.
Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords this Season..
We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort
able Shoes.
Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making suc
handsome Footwear. .
Every Shoe a Picture
Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers,
Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain
narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and vamp --Louis
or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service.
$3.50; $4.50;.. $6,50; to $9.50.
This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a•.
against Shoe 'Values at inflated prices