The Clinton New Era, 1920-6-17, Page 1T; LINTON
Established 1865, Vol, 54, No, 51 CLINTON, O N T A R 10, THURSDAY JUNE 17th, 1920. W. H. Kerr & on, Editors and Publishes„.
Want the News from Your Section.
Will You Help?'
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A Genuine Strength and Body Builder.
The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young.
Sold at the Rexall Store.
77. S. R►, 1-10 L a Phis. 13.
Over 120 Branch**
'Systematic saving etrengthens character by inducing self-denial
and creating independence.
The easiest method of saving is by depositing a certain portion
of your earnings regularly , in THE MOLSONS BANK. With the
addition of interest at current rates a substantial sum is soon acquired.
Small accounts receive the same attention as larger ones—
efficient courteous service to all.
H. R Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rad -
21 -19
O 0.
Warden Petty of Hensall, was in
town on Saturday afternoon,
Reeve S. T. Plum, of Brussels, spent
a couple of days in town this week,
Mrs. George Brown, of Toronto, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs, J. L. Ken.
Dt, .. W. Thompson spit a few
days last Week with hts mother 'fit St,
.Mrs. Harry Bartliff and Master Bruce
are visiting with friends in London for
a week or so.
A Senator William Proudfoot, of Gode-
rich, was a visitor in town on Satur-
day afternoon.
Blyth Standard — Mrs, J. Bean, of
Clinton, visited at the home of Mrs.
Slater last week.
Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ford, of Goderich
were renewing old( acquaintances In
town over Sunday.
Editor Roberton, of the Goderich
Signal, gave the New Era a call on
Tuesday afternoon,
Mr. John Torrance, House of Re-
fuge .inspector, was in Brussels last
Saturday'. on business.
Mr' "Heck" Huller, of Detroit, came
' up on the Greyhound and spent a few
• days at the parental home.
ww•� Mr. Lew Manning, of Toronto, is
spending the holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Manning.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. A, Haber and Mrs.
Jessie 'Burlison, of Romeo, Mich., are
guests of Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Mason.
..Mrs. Argent leavesFridaymorning
g r g
for to spend a month or so at Herschel,
Saskatchewan, to visit her daughter,
Mrs. J. B. Wittinghanr, Miss Hannah
Argent, will meet her mother and ac-
company her out west from Toronto.
The engagement is announced of
Lucinda J. Shouldice, Owen sound.
second: daughter of the late Mr, and
Mrs. W. J. Shouldice, Shouldice,
Ont , to Rev. Eric L. Anderson, E. A.,
f i Bayfield, Ont., the wedding to take
place quietly the last week in June,
pileoyal ark
Incorporated 1869.
Capital ... .517,000,000
Reserve Funds .. , .518,000,000
Total Assets $550,000,000
- 630 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requirements. Interest
paid on Deposits. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
0 Men's Suits
To Clear at $22.50
This 1®t consists of
broken lines and sizes
in fancy worsted. and
tweeds. A number of
x -a
them are all wool and
worth fro m
For Quick Selling Your
Choice for $22.50
The Ntorrish Clothing (19,
ii Square Deal for Every 3talu
Tri F,.
The New Era
for Job Werk in
Special New Music
For Lawn Socials
On account of busy season
those desiring services of the
Band should leave orders as
soon as possible.
Write E. C. Andrews;
Phone 187. or
O 0
O The Motor Vehicles Act of 0
o Ontario says its regards to tine 0
O use of humps on cars. Section 0
O 6 sub-sectiou 2:— Whenever 0
O on a highway after dusk and 0
O before dawn, every motor vehl- 0
O cle iiiall carry three lighted 0
aa lamps in a conspicouous posi- 0
O lion, one on each side of the 0
O front and one on the back of 0
O the vehicle except in the ease 0
O of a motor bicycle without a 0
O side car, which shall carry one 0
O lamp on fhe front and one on 0
O the back of the vehicle. Any 0
O lamp so used shall be clearly 0
O visible ata distance of at least 0
O two hundred feet, "-
... F. Mutch,
Phone 7.
Compniesijos Issf'rmw Towed of
Mr, George McLennan Is in London
Mr, A. Wilkin is spending today in
Mr. Jack Hawkins is helping his
brother, Mr, Thos. Hawkins,
CP.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shanahan spent
the week end at St. Thomas.
Mr. Charlie Thompson, of Toronto,
has been visiting his father, Dr. C. W.
t$ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McKinnon and
daughter of the Soo are spending their
vacation in town,
Mrs. Pollock and family left this
week for Montreal where they will
make their home.
Dr, and Mrs. I•iamblyn, of Detroit,
were calling on friends in and around
'Clinton this week.
\1rs, A. J. Grigg' and M. Hugh Grigg
were visitors at Detroit this week, go-
ing down on the Greyhound.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Springier, of Brant-
ford, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, P.
W. Wigg, during the past week,
Miss Lilly Rouse, of Stratford, was
in town on Monday attending the fun-
eral of her uncle, the late Win. East.
Mr. and Mrs. Lattornel and Miss
Edith, of St. Thomas, were visitors
with Col. and Mrs, H. B. Combe on
Sunday. f
Mr. Carl Draper is at London this
week attending the Grand Lodge of
I. 0. 0. F„ representing the Clinton
Lodge. -
Mrs, Lavern, of Detroit and Mrs. Fred
Argent, of Blyth, were here attending
the funeral of their brother, the late
Wm. East.
and Mrs, Chas, Twitchell of Win-
dsor, cane up on the Greyhound and
ate the guests of the latter's another,
Mrs, A. Forbes,
t'Mr. Roy Forrester and Miss Helen
rrester were in Mitchell last week
attending the funeral of their uncle,
the late Mr. Elliott,
Reducton to so into Effect
at Once.
The Hydro Electric Conitnission has
authorized a reduction in the Clinton
rates for residental and Cotisniercial'
purposes, to take effect at once,
The house rate has been reduced
from 4/e and 2%c to 40 and 2c. The
minimum net rate is 75c. The Commer-
cial charges are reduced from 9p, 4%c
and ,90 to 8c, 4c, and 0,8c, with a min-
imum rate of..75c.
The street lighting has also been re-
duced from $62.50 per light, for an
all-night service to $11 per light of
100 watts.
With the
54, all
Base B
'4 in League
Goderich plays their first game here
on Friday night. A good game is on
the program.
Zurich won at Crediton on Tuesday
night by a score of 5 to 2. The home
team presented Zurich with three runs
by overthrows. Ed. Canntelon was the
umpire. The return game at Zurich is
played tonight (Thursday).
Great was the Slaughter. '
After playing four excellent innings
the whole team, with the exception of
the pitcher blew up and Crediton made
8 runs in the 5th and 5 in the 6th.
Butler pitched good enough ball to win
two or three games and had six strike-
outs to his credit Weir had 7 strike-
outs, ibtrt some of floe Clinton players
got some healthy swips at hien, Tasker
putting the ball over the fence, but with
fast fielding could only snake it for 3
bases. Fred Kerr of Crediton and Jas.
Reynolds, of town were the umpires.
Following was the score by Innings:
Crediton —0 0 o 0 8 5 0-13
Clinton - —0 o 0 0 0 2 2— 4
The big game of the season will be
played next Tuesday night at 6 o'clock
Messrs. David Forrester, of Toronto
and Mr. Andrew Forrester, of Hamil-
ton,, were in town lust week, coming up
home after attending the funeral of
their uncle at Mitchell on Friday 'last.
4 Mr. }tarry Stanbury, of Detroit, was
in gown for a few days this week, at-
tending the funeral of his brother-in-
law, the !ate War. East. His old friends
• were glad to see mint back in the old
Mr, and Mrs, Fred Brown and.dau-
ghter of Brantford, and Mr. and Mrs,
Jas, Brown and daughter, of the Cana-
dian Soo, have been here owing to the
illness and death of the gentlemen's
rother-inn-law, the Tate W.nn, East.
Miss Prebie Borden, of Boston motor-
ed up from Hamilton last Friday with
her .uncle, Chas. F. Libby, with whom
she will stop during the summer vaca-
tion, Her father Is a cousin of the
Premier, and is hoping that her visit to
his native country may 'prove a benefit
to her,
Phone 14b rEstimates Given
Interior and
We protect your floors, furni•
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
Wall Papers,
Silts, Etc,
81 Isaac Street
Hon. F. C. Biggs Guest of Huron
County Council in Clinton
on Tuesday.
"Although Huron 'County roads will
compare favorably with most of the
counties Of Ontario it is still quite not-
iceable that most every objection and
defect may be seen as one drives thro-
ugh your county and notices the con-
struction of roads," was the remark of
Deputy Minister of Highways W, A. Mc-
Lean of Toronto, at a banquet given in
honor of Hon. P. C. Biggs and himself
Items of Interest Picked Up Helm
and There About the Towi sa
Ministerial Association.
'rhe Ministerial Association will nategF.
next Monday afternoon, June alit, art r
2.30 sharp in Willis church.
Exaams. are on.
The first form students finished vans'
by the Council of Huron County at the 1 ing their exams last Friday. The Lowea.
Rattenbury Hotel to -day, 'school candidates are busy writing fits:
Mr. McLean however assured the i week, The Middle School started err
County Council that his department Wednesday of this week. Those fn
was willing to co-operate as fully as Fourth form are also writing 5o it. tr. 4. ".
possible in assisting the municipalities
to get the best results from their ef-
forts and money expended, and for this
purpose the engineers would come to
county not 5o much as inspectors but
as assistants or instructors..,
Standarize 1,824 Miles.
Hon. F, C. Biggs made a practical
business ma»'s speech and greatly pleas
ed the members of the Council by his
candid explanation of the various acts
passed and amended at the last session
of the Legislature, He emphasized the
fact that instead of limiting their efforts
when the East and West cross bats
for the world's championship. These
two teams played two strenuous games
last year and each have blood in their
eye for the big. match next Tuesday
might. The proceeds will be for the
aged and infirm league team. -
✓ i•
Willis Church
Rev. Mr. Macfarlane, of Bayfield, took
the evening service on Sunday night.
Rev. Mr. Hogg will preach at Nairn
next Sunday.
Ontario Street Methodist
Tlte, Epworth League on ,Monday
night was' Missionary night and Miss
Wiltse gave a good paper on "Sumner
Schools" Two delegates were ap-
pointed to attend{ the Summer School
at Alma College, they being Misses Eva
Carter and Grace Walker.
wy Baptist Church
The Pastor will preach at both set -
vices. in the evening the subject will
be,; "Thrown Overboard", (Timis is
the second of a series on Jonah.)
Come and wo'silip with us, Our
services are short during the warns
St, P
out's Church
fioly Cnt,nnunionn 8,30, Morning
Prayer 11 ams, Even song 7 p.m.
'Special Vestry Mt.etittg Monday
evening di 8.
Clinton's Games at Home.
Zurich, May 31.
Crediton, June 10
*Goderich, June 14
Zurich, Jute 21
Goderich, July 9.
Crediton, July 1.5
Godericit, July 23
Zurich, Aug 2.
Crediton, Aug. 10,
Clinton's Games Away,
At Crediton, June 3
At Zurich, June 7.
a'At Goderich, June 16
At Zurich, June 24
At Crediton, June 28
At Goderich, July 5
At Goderich, Juiy 21.
At Zurich, Atrg. 5
At Crediton, Aug. t3.
rather anxious .time for the students_
.W. C. Picnic.
A picnic tea will be held on tile Paver,
of Mrs. R. Govier, Thursday, Jurtelied r: •
at 3 p.m. This is to take the pracl a#i
the regular • monthly meeting of the"se -
Women's Institute. As it is the begun"•-•
ing of a new year, all members are re•
quested to be present,
Hospital Donations.
The donations to the Clinton Pulaik
Hospital for the month of May were es:.
to a few hundred miles of road it follows:—Unity Club $10; Mr, J. Jones
would be extended to 1,824 miles, and $2; Mrs, Jas. Holland $t. All of w'frit3E:,
their best efforts will be trade to have are gratefully acknowledged by film:
these brought up to standard as soon as Board. Kindly keep in mind the dactrr.
possible. 'He advocated two -track roads of Hospital Bazaar, Now is the time lc•-
and claimed that they would wear more snake quilts of fancy work.
than twice as long as roads with a single Centenarian Has Fall.
track. He strongly urged each township The following item has reference to
to have its own superintendent. who nn uncle of Mr. H. Plumsteel, of trc
would work under the county superint- ton. "Daniel Plumsteel, of St. Catts-
eudent and provincial officers so that arises, who will celebrate his tots;'--
roads would be uniformly constructed ' birthday next month, tripped and
and in the most efficient manner, I o,r the payment on St, Paul arid. .
Trees along the highways here are Sunday, and sustained a cut ors obs.
receiving every care by the department head, Ile was taken home in x rase
and the appointment of Mr. Moore for but was out for his customary wd'z-.
the special work of beautifying the ,reit morning.
highways would bring splendid results,
he said. Villages and towns.would now Won at Goderich.
receive larger grants and more cont- The Clinton Base ball team won it:•
missions because of amendments to the first game at Goderich on Wednesday
act passed 'at the last session. The new , night of this week with a team that:
Nonglare Headlight Act for motorists was changed around quite a bit. Fruit..
would come into effect in a few weeks McCaughey is laid up with a badly
and he advised motorists to buy only sprained foot from the last game into'.
lights approved by the department. I Carl Draper was away. They got . o
Consolidated Schools. run lead in the 1st and won out 1",..The minister referred t0 the inCreas- I a score of 12 to 3. The return gang-
ed grants to education and stated that will be on Friday night.
transportation was at present lire great -
Attended District Meeting of W. C.
est objection to consolidated schools. If
Ontario would spend five times as much I Eleven of the Officers and members..
on education as we spend on moving of the Clinton Women's Institute motet-
otetpictures Instead of one-fifth as at pres- ed to Wingham on Wednesday of last
geestn, it wn. ould b,e better for the rising , week to attend the District meeting_
eratiofThere were 150 workers there from..
'the 4 tegislat n..
ore were25evidacencespassed that theby GovernmenttheL- the different Branches in West Huron.
Mrs, Bunter, of Brampton, a very able.:
was on the job and not one word of and pleasing speaker pdidressed ''tlkt:s•
this legislation could be construed as I meeting. Good: reports were givers 1st
• each Branch and the
class legislation. The new Election Act t onvention. wo.,o
was eulogized and referred to as a i helpful throughout.
great advance. . Mair—Cole Nuptials.
J. M. Govenlock, M. P. P., for Centre
Huron, also addressed the gathering
and the Warden, G. C. Petty, of fieusall
presided. After a vote of thanks to
the visitors had been passed the gather-
ing broke up with the singing of "God
Save the King." •
Local News ,.
Titinklkikv4APIPWr SMP
Temperance Workers.
There will be a meeting ofd the
Referendum Committeeand all Tem-
perance workers in Wesley church next
Tuesday evening, June 22nd, at 8 p.m.
Passed Away Saturday.
Death. relieved Wm. East on Saturday
of all pain and suffering at the age of
65 years, 1•le was born in Clinton in
1855 when his father, the late Thos.
East was running a brick yard near the
residence of C. 'J, Wallis. The fancily
later proved to Hullett township. In
1878 he married Mary Brown and they
came to Clinton to reside and, in 1579
he accepted a position with James Pair
sr, ih 1881 he because mill engineer
and for almost 30 years held that posi-
tion at Fair's mill, in September 1910
he was selected as Waterworks engineer
when that plant was run by gas pro-
ducers, Five years ago last February
he fell and received Injuries, which he
never fully recovered, but later was
able to 1ake•up the mall carrying from
postotice to station. Besides his wife
he is survived' by four brothers, Ilarry
fund Edward; of Hullett Twp., George of
Wingham and Johlt in Norfolk, Va., and
three. sisters, ir'irs, H. Stanbury, Detroit
Mrs. Levring, bowagiac, Mich., and
Mrs, Fred Argent of Blyth. The funeral
was held On Monday afternoon and the
services were conducted by Rev, D. N.
McCatrnus, pastor of the deceased. Tile
i pallbearers were: Messrs, H. Fitzsimons,
W, H. Hellyar, T. J, Wait, H. 13. Chant
Science Notes
With a two seated foot propelled
bicycle of German Invention the riders
sit beside one another and each drag a
pair of itattdle'Sars to steer it,
Its inventor has patented an almost
completed automatic motor driven
wrench a switch cutting off the electric
current wizen a nut is tightened.
Fishermen in Siam use boats with
low, sloping tides, painted white,
which --
fish SOth t they leap over the
sides of the craft into the nets.
For babies only a few months old
a portable crib has be.eri invented. that
can be folded and carried, with an oc-
ofit t
capon{ inside , a
like suit
Schools in radio telegraphy will be
..,.p.., will esiablish both wire- HAW a' u DOES' THE LABEL
conducted throughout Brazil by a new 'PAPER
On ;Tuesday morning, June 15tt
there was solemnized in Wesfeg'
Metliotlisl Church, ,Clinton, byl th-e-
Rev. D. N. McCanns, the marriage el -
Miss Flossie Jane Cole, only daughter -
of Mr, and Mrs, Peter 'Cole, of Goder- -
balt township, and Mr. John StewtarL..
Mair, second son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Titter -
K. Mair, of Clinton, The bride war -
attired in her travelling snit of navy
tricotine with corsage boquet of Opheba. 1•
rosebuds. Mr. and Mrs, Mair left ies,P-•
mediately after the ceremony for en
wedding tour to the United Statear.
A Tyndallda[I and
P Sheppard.
less telegraph and lelepitone servrt,es 1
New Brussels Rector. -
'rhe 'Brussels Post refers to the. n€racy
Rector, who Inas supplied at Middle -tont,
during the last few mortis;—ir fdiw. '
personal words by The :Pfet referrfsan:;'
to ReV, R. D. Mass, the newly appofse1:•'. -
ed rector of St. John's church:! BLtra,
sell, will not be out of price at utas
Juncture, He was born in Loudest:.,
England. and came to Canada in 1:9•12.
going to British Columbia. 4l yenta,:
were spent in the late war, goingl writ -
the 7th C,M.R.'s London, Ont., where
he was attending Huron College i3=
was 31/a years in connection. with- the •n
5th C. M. R., overseas and was a '
platoon Sergeant, seeing very, actin::_:
duty in many of the battles in Belgium
and France. Twice he was wounded.
the 2nd time 3 days before the aruvs;-
lice was proclaimed, when near &roc's:
in 1916, at the Ypress salient, Sex-
geant Mess was awarded n s tli1krt ,
medal for conspicuous braver"n.. C',•
returning. front the war he resumed' his
studies graduating a few weeks ages,
During his college days he supplied. It
Baylield, Lncan and iln lnesy 1I "tt' var-
lous periods. The reverend gentleman
is a member of the Masonic Order, arts '
the L. 0. L. and indulges. in foot bar.
and other sports as a pastime. As he
Inas not yet entered into matrimony E1..
John's rectory has been. leased by,' M.7..
Brown and family, of Oshawa. Mr.
Mess reserving rooms for himself there-
in, A meeting of the St. John's Vestey'::
was ,ole Monday night and prans
being formulated to energeticallypro.. .. ,
note the interest of the congregation I.0
ON which all tltt. utember, art expeeied t a
AD? join,