The Clinton New Era, 1920-5-27, Page 7PALL s • `HE CLINTON NEW ERA. NEW DRAPERIES, RUGS AND LXNOXEQMS Now that the waren weather is here, Spring cleaning will go forward in .earnest, and there's nothing adds zest to the work, like something new in the way of furnishings . -. new curtains for one room, a rug for another, fresh linoleum for the kitchen and SQ on, HINTS OF TI -IE NEW , DRA PERIES. These include the newest patterns and colorings 10 Cretonnes, Chintzes, Shadow Cloths, Voiles, Scrims, Marquisettes, etc, Many are imported and exclusively handled by EXQUISITE FLOOR COVERINGS. To attain the most pleasing results in redecorating and refurnishing the lionie you'll find the' choosing of the Rugs a matter of first importance. We fully recognized this fact in choosing our splendid New Spring Stock and you'll find here a variety and width of choice second to none in this part of the country; furthermore, by buying in liberal quantity we were able to secure•best manufacturers' prices as• well as exceptional quality and choice of -new designs._ That's why we invite comparsion and are so solicitous of your seeing our display. • CATCHING THE ENTHUSIASM OF GOOD QUALITY and your business dealings with us will carry no regrets. MEN'S STORE Custom ` T iortat Men's Furnishing Phone 103 Opposite Public Library rown's WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Hous+ Furnishings, Phone 67 Next Royal. Bank YOUR ATTENTION Obstinate Coughs 1. is called when wanting your supplies. This week we offer at Special price:— PURE LAUNDRY SOAP -4 Bars for 25c ; 16 Bars for $1.00. 3 Boxes, Matches 25c 2 boxes Corn Flakes 25c 3 cakes Palm Olive Soap for 35e Brooms,75c; 95c; $L15 Rex 'Catsup ..15c & 25 2 •cans Pork and Bears 35c GET THE J € H R PRONE 111 TRY Some of our— Chick Feed Pap -for -Peeps 'Makes Chicks healthy and strong. HABIT Or DEALING AT BULK TEA S0c per pound. 90c for 2 lbs. 52.0o for 5 lbs. Canned Apples Prunes Raisins Dates, Peaches, .Pumpkin -for Pies or Dessert— SHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO 1r5,''fteits3?s l �,diE"+ cert -K AUTO FIRE Insurance at Modera to Rates. WINDSTORM Insurance is as impo rtant as Fire Insurance on all classes of buildings. The Rate is Cheap. LIVE STOCK Insurance pays you for loss by Accident or Disease of your valuable stock. GENERAL Fire Insurance of all kinds. Call and see Me. Charles B. Hale. HURON STREET, CLINTON, ONT. COOKS THE FOOD BUT NOT THE COOK Perfection Oil Stoves HAVE, ATTAINED PERFECTION IN THE COOK'S ESTIMATION That tells the story in a Nutshell of the benefits and results of using one of our PERFECTION Oil Cook Stoves. Many makes of oil. stoves have come and gone but this one goes on givng satisfaction to the owner. 13uy PERFECTION Oil Stoves at Phone 53. W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. TRY T. Hawkins FOR PLUMBING HEATING AND ROOFING •-0— Repairing Promptly Done Phone 53 Ueda Furnaces The e r is aReason Ash Us. Lead The Corner Grocery Phone 45. We have a splendid assortment of Seeds for Spring Gardening-- DUTCH SETS MULTIPLYERS SEED CORN GARDEN and FLOWER SEEDS Cinch Clenser makes Houseclean - mg easy, 'Cry a can for Cleaning your Woodwork and Windows, I 0-0-0 Try our 'l'ea's and Coffee in Bulk Fred. W. ;yt�..Oral Wigg 44 1:r 4041,' ,r'' 1 aa' Obstinate Colds The Kind That Stick, The Kind That Turn To BRONCHITIS, The Kind That End In CO `:511 WI PTI OF<i, Became a Serious Matter W NEGLECTED. AR obstinate coughs and colds yield quickly to the curative powers of F. r. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. This old and well-known remedy has been on the market for the past 30 years. You will find that a dose or two will stop the cough, soothe the throat and bronchial tubes, and if the cold has be- come settled on the lungs the healing properties of this famous cough syrup will soon bring complete and permanent relief. There are many imitations of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine ,Syrup on the market. Get the original when you ask for it, Put up in a yellowwrapper; 3 pine 'trees the trade mark; price 25e. and 50c. Manufactured only by The T, Milburn Co._ Limited, Toronto, Ont. SCRANTON . COAL any who wish to leave their order for Spring delivery can do so by leaving their orders at my residence, Huron Si:. or Phone 155. Terms --Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. WARD RESIDENCE --HURON STRUT Order Your Supply of Scranton Coal While we are not getting much coal at present we are booking a lot of orders, and being optimistic about the situation, we feel justified in advising you to place your order flow, so as to be early on our delivery lists, We have in stock the following: At CLiNTON— Ebony Cubs Cannel, the cannel de luxe Hardwood, a limited ea:atify specially priced Cut Rails, in both hardwood and cedar Canada Cement, the standard in cement At BRUCEFIELD Hemlock Lumber of high quality Dressed Lumber in V match and floor, Ing ;2X, 3X and .5X Shingles in 5(1, ]Zed Cedar Fibre Board, cheaper and better than plaster Cannel l.oal makes a real hot fire Canada .Cement thea' cheapest building material 11 in the market for any of the above tines, it will pay you to give us a call, and we will help you to solve your dliflculUes, Our service is free. Make use of it, JNO. B. MUSTARD Clinton & ' Brsteefieid, Phone for Chafed No. 74, Phone for tSrucefield 11 on 518. TO OUR .:$U.SCRIBERS Our Lists have been corrected up to Wednesday of this weellc, aftd the little label on your New Era, if 'not marked Eioee. 20 or Jan -,21, will indicate to you. that you are in arrears, and we would like you to remit today, the amount that will pay you up t4 Dec, 1920. We night mention that a few years ago news- print cost .us 2 / cetats a pound, l'reight prepaid, A_ shipment this week cost 6 cents a pound and freight to pay, so that any reader will see that $1,50 does not go very far to keep up paper bills. Since the war began over 1200 publications in Canada and United States have ceased to exist and the Canadian newspapers continue to suspend while news- print manufacturers from the crown pulp lands is ship- ped at huge prices across the border, when the pulp lands are practically exhausted, And all to enable a few, corporations to make huge profits while the Dom- inion, which owns the lands, receives a fleabite, We look forward to many of our Subscribers• . paying up before the end of May, Our rates at present at $1.50 in Canada and $2.00 elsewhere, 'l'hursday, May 27111, 1920, ,,1111111111111111111111115 1111 ill 111111111 11111111111 11511111111111 111 511114111111111111114111111111111111159 15111111:4111155111 111511111111111115111111111111 Local News MIImmllm BImmOmlmmumQIRimmmimR12 1111 imiiimamiemsimiiimummsiimommsmunl>Inuumniumiu is A Trophy. Donated. The Taylor Bros., former Cllntonians, and Well known bowlers have donated a silver cup to be played for at the Clinton tourney each year. The cup will be here in a few days. The Bowlers are delighted at the action of the Tay- lor Bros., in remembering the old town. The Club is making arrangements for the invitation tourney to be held oat June 16, Horse had to be Destroyed. Saturday evening the horse of Mr. F. Kerschcnski, of the Township of Colborne, broke loose in the 'Commer- cial Hotel barn, and. after many at- tempts to capture it got out on the Huron Road, and started for home, at the L: 11. & B, crossing it got in on the track and kept on going south, and safely crossed toe Bayfield Rd. bridge ! but when crossing the Maitiaud River bridge, went down between •the ties and broke Its leg. The horse managed to' get back off the bridge and was found Sunday morning on the side of the track. The owner was notified and the horse was killed. 11 is a severe loss to the owner as it was an excellent driver. Doctors Need More Money. The doctors have joined the crowd who are .:advancing wages, The Huron County Medical Association met at Clin ton last week and among other things decided that they would have to advance their fees. There itis been practically no change in their charges since before ' the war and as the cost of living is ad vancing rather than lessening while tate cost of drugs and other materiels neces- sary to their work has increased en- ormously they -feel that it is only fair that they should receive more for their services as well as others to enable them to work to the best advantages for the good of all, So hereafter an office consulation will cost $1,00 to 510.00; day visits in town are advanc- ed dvanceed from 51.50 to $2 00; night visits (9 p.m. to 8. a.m.) to half as much more than day visits. For country visits there will be added to these fees 75c to $1.00 a mile' one way. A normal confinement in town will be 515.00 to 525 00 while in the country mileage as above will be added. Anesthetics for dental work will now cost from 56,00 to 510.00 and for all other eases 56.00 to 525,00. Other fees are advanced proportionately and any medicines or appliances supplied will cost extra. 1100151110015 0080,05100000 WITH TOR CHIURCBRS. `, sesissr.os.trs..sp.sea, Baptist Church The services next LOrd's. Day at 11 and 7 o'clock. The Pastor will preach in the morn- ing and Mr. Thos. White, Bible Society Coiporteur, will speak and sing in the evening. You are invited to thse services. Wesley Church Messrs. A. T. Cooper and J. A. Irwin were appointed at District Meet- ing to represent Wesley church at Ole London Conference t0 be held at Stratford next week: 'She election of Society rcpreaentat, fives resulted in the choice of Jas. Jackson, John Jervis Ernest Jackson,' Henry Snyder, Win. Higgins, and R. , T, Jettkies and Dr. Fowler, The subject for Sunday ntornittg will be The Scriptural observance of iitt'Lord's Day. London Conference Meets in Strat- ford next Wednesdar Ontario St. Church. • League service was held leaf Tues- day evening at 8 pant„ Silas Mcl'auls having charge of tate meeting. The Misses \Valker favored the Leaguers If with an instrumental duet which was followed by a duet by Miss M: Gibbings at d Miss E Wiltse. Tile topic of the evening was rendered most excellently by Mr. Meraul3. Buys Fine Touring Car. Last Saturday Mr. W. Brydoue was in Toronto and purchased a fine Mit- cltell touring car and ueder the guid- ance of Mr. Nediger, returned with it. Dandelions Profuse. Gardeners are finding a great nuis- ance in the'heavy growth of dandelions this season. Everywhere lawns are found thickly dotted with the yellow weeds. Can Now Practice Law. Mr. Howard Roger 4;luff, son ;of , Canon and Mrs. W. Cluff, of Stratford, and well known to Clintonians, was sworn in and enrolled .as barrister -at - law and Solicitor at Osgoode Hall, Tol'- onto last Thursday. His many friends offer congratulations. OLD AND NEW TAX BUSINESS PROFIT TAX (Where Capital Exceeds $50,000) N ext Exemption. , Now Year Corporations 7% 10% individuals 10% 10% Profits from 15 to 20%50% 3.0% Profits from 15 to 25%50% 30% Profits from 20 to 30%75% So% Profits over 30% 75% 63% (Capital of $25,000 and $50,000) Exemption 10%n Profits over to% 25% 20% Income Tax INCOME TAXES incomes Under $6,000 Schedule A. Unmarried person. 1919 1920 Exempt 51000 51000 51,000 to 55,000 4% 4% $5,000 to ..6,000. 5% 10% Married persons. Exempt ...; ......52,000 52,000 52,000 to $5;000 4% 4% 55,000 to 56,000 5% 10% INCOMES OVER 56,000 Schedule B. in addition to Schedule A. 5 6,000 to $ 8,000 . , .io% t'5% $ 8,000 to 510,000 ....11% 1d% .17% 18% 19% 20% 21% 510,000 to 512,000 ....12% 512,000 to 514,000 ....13% 514,000 to $16,000 ....14% 516,000 to 518,00o 15% 518,000 to 20,000 16% And graded up to 5100,000 to 5150,00060% $150,000 to 5200,00064%n 5200,000 to 5300,00068% 5300,000 to 5500,00071% 5500,000 to $1,000,00072% Over $1,000,000 73% 1 65% 69% 73% 76% 77% 78% CULTIVATE HABIT OF SENDING IN HEWS Otte of the things that ought to become fixed habits in every house- hold in Clinton is that of sending The New Era the flews items that they may knot, of; hill us of your news and any neighborhood of other items that will be of interest to yourself, your neighbors or your friends, Every lodge, church body or social organization should have some representative who will promptly. and carefully after its news report- ing, i1 you think some organization has better news service Than .your own, it is probably because that oe- ganiaalion looks after such ntatiers better. Write your bents and send them' in when possible, Or. telephone them to Nct. 30, but please don't ask that long lists of names /be taken over telephone, as it not Only re- quires unfelt time, but Is fruitfui in possibilities of error, Above all, be early. Never wait till late nit 'Thursday to send alt item that c:tit be sent In days before, The New lira telephone number is 30 and at eights 95. Six then to your mind. REGARDING WALL PAPER Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, but noticeable mostly in the lower paced goods. We have heard re. ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, iow'ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at_ t ention from other shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede,. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy, The W. D. Fair eo. Often the Cheapest--Alweys the Best ROOFING We handle a full line of Galv. Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Iron and all kinds of Felt Roofing also Asphalt Slate. Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done Electrician sm Plumber HOUSE-CLEANING. TIME When you clean your parlor, paper it or paint it, you probably add some new furniture. You do it to make it a place for to entertain your friends and make home happy. All this will not be needed if you or your family 'nave to go out for the evening to get good music. Start those children now at the piano. You would hot think of keep- ing them Itotue from school till they were 14 years old, if you did few would succeed In getting a good education. Music is exactly the sante and when they start young and get regular pract- ice they will succeed. We are here to assist you in securing the best musical instrument at the best' prices, quality conside'ed. You owe It to yourself to call wh ether you buy or not. My new stand is opposite Daley's Garage. Jonathan Hugill 114ghest prices allowed for used Instruments of any kinds, 130X 229,, MUSIC STORE. Phone 216, SEAFORTH. ONT. i,!„v,n,,,w. r..www..n...,......�+i-...v.+rn•..,......................,...-,.. XFO1[Q?DS Well Dressed Women will wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear. Every Shoe a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the irritation perforated tip and vamp—Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert Fitting Service. $3.50; $4.50;..$6.50; to $9.50. This House of Good Shoes stand these days as a safeguard a. against Shoe Values at inflated prices F:5„Me:A:SON –"SHOES MAT SATISFY”–