The Clinton New Era, 1920-5-13, Page 3SUBSCRIPTION RATES lid CA 3AI5A Three months ,,, •.,,,•, •,' $ 40 Half year 1,$0 Year , , ,., . .-If not' paid in advance, $2.00 per annum -- Office Phone 30. WORLD-WIDE NEWSY INTEREST I STEMS OF I The Ottawa Civil Service and Parlia- ment will adopt daylight saving on the '1st May, with the city. Capt. J. W. Steinhoff, ex -Mayor of `Wallaceburg Iles presented the town with a fine memorial park amathetic grounds some ten acres in extent. Dr. James E, Sprague a prominent medical practitioner and writer, member of several fraternal organizations, for more than twenty-five years License Commissioner for North Hastings and for many years School Trustee in Stirl- ing died at Belleville, aged seventy-five. Britain is completing negotiations for sale of a number of warships to Chile. The Labor party of Great Britain is urging Premier Lloyd George to accept for Britain a mandate for Palestine. Bolshalvik attempts to threaten China by advancing from Indoga valley, north west of Chita, have been frustrated by Japanese and all -Russian forces. Potatoes sold at Chatham Saturday for $6,25 a bag, or St,to a peck. The recent cold spell considerably in creased the yield of maple syrup. W,.OiD'S PHOSPHODIFIE. The Great English Preparation. Tones and invigorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood n for Nervous old Veins: Used Debility, Mental and Brain Worry .despondency, Loss of Energy, Palpitation of The Heart, Failing Memory. Price SI per box, six for $5. Sold by all druggists, or mailed in plain.. pkhlet mailed f ee.THE WOOD MEDICINE CO. . on receiof price. New TORONTO,ONT. The Third P ge SUBSCRIPTIONS OUTSIDE: Q ' CANADA (Advance Only) Qreat Britain .. , , ... United States . , , , , . , , , , . , , , 2.40 France ., ,•,,,.,,,.,,,,• 2.40 Halifax yesterday- had a snowstorm which reached the proportions of a buts zard. When taking a short cut home from work Saturday Edward Bedford was kill ed by a G. T, R. train at Galt. George Walker formerly prosperous farmer of West Zorra township but living retired for some years at Inger- son, died in his eighty-third year. The tercentenary of the Ven. Mar- guerite Bourgeois, founder of the Con fregation de Notre Dance, was celebrat- ed Saturday at Montreal. • • The Turkish Nationalist have occup- ied the town of Hadjin, a short distance northwest of Marash. Onc,persOn was, killed and 45 others injured when the Paris -Cherbourg Ex- press left the rails yesterday. The Arch bishop of Paris was on board. The Swedish Parliament has passed the new marriage law abolishing the bus band's personal guardianship and depriv ing him of the legal right to dispose of his wifes personal property, The Provincial 'Treasurer announced some stiff increases in the taxes levied on banks and insurance companies. A deputation representative of Hydro municipalities waited on Premier Drury in connection with the guarantee of bonds for projected Hydro -radials. A mentorand.um indicating that ex- tensive timber limits had been granted without tender immediately prior to the last Provincial election, was laid before i ' in the Depart- ment l st at e iuive 'ud s the g t 1 g g of Lands, Forests and Mines. The Scottish Trades Union Congress has passed a resolution in favor of liq uor prohibition, THE CLINTON NEW ERA One hundred persons were kilted in an I encounter between 'Communists and Serbian troops in front of the Hotel Moscow at Belgrade, The attempt by the Irish section of the Liverpool dock workers to hold up traffic till the hunger strickers In Worm wood Scrubbs Prison were released has failed. • Use of gas to combat the grasshopp- er plague in the West is to be tried after all. The British Food Ministry has decid- ed not to buy the new season's Canad- ian cheese. Sgt. Mayor Fiinter and his two young sons were suffocated by smoke in a fire at their home in Pembroke. Elias Boughner, County Clerk of Nov - folk for about twenty -years is dead as a result of burns and shock he received a week ago when an explosion 'of gas occurred in his vault. Sir Richard Lake, Lieutenant -Govern- or of Saskatchewan ]las just passed through Ottawa on his way home to' Regina after attending the Red Cross convention at Geneva. Sir Richard's term of office expires next fall when it is expected that the Federal Govern nient will appoint a successor. 'fhe two names most prominently mentioned by Westerners for next Lieutenant-Gover nor of Saskatchewan are Mr. George E. McCraney of Saskatoon and Mr. Arthur, Hitchcock of Moose Jaw, Mr. McCraney being somewhat the favorite. William Jennings Bryan in 'a state went issued declared that the recent primaries were a warning that Demo- crat Senators should lose no time ,in voting for the ratification of the Peace Treaty. "Pussyfoot" insurance is the term which has been applied to a rate of ten shillings per one hundred pounds sterl ing now being offered in the London market to cover the risk of the passing of an act of Parliament within twelve months prohibiting the sale of alcholic liquors in England. While 23 conductors and chauffeurs of the Fifth Avenue Coach Company were congregated in front of the cotn- i piny soffice 'three masked. band en - is tered and at the point of revolvers took 51,Soo from two cashiers and escaped. General Denikine, former Commander You'll get goy satisfaction this toolr aL0 ‘41.10 For Sale at First -Class Hardware Stores First -dais materials andtakilled workmanship.,coupled with)erfect' balance; make "GOLD MEDAL Tools best for every farrner.' ' Ease of motion and:maximum work are • the rule when you use " GOLD MEDAL" Tools, because' of their right construction. Ask your neighbor how he likes the "GOLD MEDAL" line..Heavy duty tools should all be as good as "GOLD MEDAL" quality. All Sensible Fanners Insist Upon "GOLD. MEDAL" Harvest Tools Women should take warning from attest symptoms! aa heat flashes, shortness of breath, excessive nervousness, irritability, and the blues — which indicate the approach of the inevitable a Change " that comes to all women nearing middle age. We have published vol- umea of . proof that Lydia E. Pinkham'e Vege- table Oompound is the greatest aid women can have daring this trying period. Read About Tbese Two Women : lrremont, 0,—" 1 was passing through the critical period of life, being forty-six yours of age and had all the symp- tomsiucldent to that cbaugo--heat dashes, nervousness and was to a general run-down condition, so 1t was hard for 'ate to do my work. Lydia E. 1'lnkhean's Vegetable Compound was recommbnded to me as the) boot remedy for my troubles, which it surely proved to be. 1 feel bet- ter and stronger to story way (since takingit, and the an- noying symptoms have disapppeared."•—hre. M. Goborcss, An Napoleon St., Fremont, Ohio. Vxbana Ill.—"Daring Change of Life, In addition to its annoying symptoms I had en attack of grippe which ranted all winter and left me in a weakened condition. I felt at times that I would never be well again. 1 read of Lydia it. Pinkltam'a Vegetable Compound and what it did for women ppaeuing¢ through the Change of Lifeso 1 told my drafter l would try it. I soon began to gain in strength and the annoying symptoms disappeared and your Vogo- table Compound tae made me a well, strong woman so I Ilk, do an lay oa housework. I cannot reoommond Lydia ill. I'lnkhata'me Vegetable Compound Ice highly to women ,se�tng throbgb ltbo Change of Llfe."—Mrs. FRAME sos,1,93.s s'astb OeohndeStreet, 'Urbana, Ill, tlAleinetts Elverywlxese Depend. 1iTpon Vegeti t i le Thursday, May 13th, 1920, e d rwo LIM ell The angora were those'' "' of Mr. J. W. Boenard, of 539 Craig St, E., Montreal, Ile says, —"A fall- ing beaus badly smashed my hand. Two .Angers were 00 severely crushed that the doctors said they Would have to' he amputated, Nat- urally I didn't want this, BO de, cided to try Zana -Bolt brat. I ap- plied Zam-Buk daily, and by the time I had used $4 worth, the in- jury was completely healed. My fingers were saved!" Jut another illuetratlon of the healing power of Zam-Buk. Acci- dents will happen. It may be your turn next.' Better get a box and keep 1t handy. Accidents are lees frequent than akin diseases, and remember this— Zam-Buk is just as good for eczema, ulcers, skin diseases, sad piles, as for cute, burns, bruises. All druggists and stores 50c. box, or tor {1.25. Refuse substitutes, of the anti -Bolshevik army in South Russia, reached London from 'Constant inupel. Hiis visit is an -official one. The Empire Theatre and the adjoin ing Queen's Hotel in Leicester Square have been sold for £430,000, The Daily Mirror says the purchase has been made by American interest which lately have been seeking hotel sites in London. me crown p]'sssse soon TUTU or Isis wife and treated her with neglect, and presently the day came when the crown princess felt that she was sur- rounded by enemies and had, not a 'friend at 'band. The author proceedg in great detail to describe the die- treesing life which the princess was forced to lead. At St. Multi, Swit- zerland, where site was stopping for a while, not Wag after. the birth of het• first ebild, occurred a shocking scene in which the crown prince openly assaulted bis wile, so that the occupants of tate hotel wore startled by her screams and rushed to her aid. Later, the crown prince being heav- illy in debt, he persuaded his wife to loan hitt some of the most valu- able of her jewels, which be pawned in Vienna to raise the necessary sum to meet pressing liabilities. And when the jewels were missed and the matter of their absence became pub- lic the ea•owu prince told his father, the Balser, that his wife bad herself pawned the jewels to raise money to pay theclaims of •dresstuakers and milliners. At this time the crown princess returned to her home in Schwerin with the intention of secur- ing a separation from her husband. Meantime active preparations were making fdg war, and of these pre- parations the crown princess was well aware and would have been glad to warn her relatives, but was prevented by her position as a Ger- man princess. At the wedding of the Kaiser's only daughter, Indeed, she did venture to warn the Czar in a whisper of impending trouble, but be failed to comprehend her meaning and incautiously betrayed her, and tine Kaiser afterward assured her that If he should go to war he cer- tainly slralld not attack Russia. Nevertheless the crown princess saw trouble impending for. Russia. Sne was closely connected with the m- perial house of Russia and she had been brought up in France, vnere she had ninny friends, Otfleially, then, she was in Lie position of an enemy of Many whoa. she loved. Nevertheless during Ilia war, the writer i.elis us. Cecile bore herself Bhh great tact, tui. BIAS un;s.s alar Oh tier husbnnd':t family, vatic ea- zardecl ter as a it eaiall. tre-44•'J44444 yam' -(4: 4 -4 S.t•4..f..•••(, Wife of Ea -Crown Prince Knew Much Unhappiness In German Royal Family RINCESS CATHERINE RAD- ZIWILL, once intimately acquainted with the Teutonic courts, had given a Peep be- hind the scenes of the unhappy mar- ried life of Ceclle, daughter of the reigning house of the little Duchy of Mecklenburg -Schwerin, and wife of the former. Crown Prince of Ger- many. Her mother, a Russian prin- cess, was' never in lore with'Germany and the Germane, and after her mar- riage to the prince, who later became the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg - Schwerin, took no pleasure' in the German society of her new home, and .spent the•"greaten' pati .of 'her .life abroad, usually in the south of France. Her daughter, Cecile, who was born at Schwerin, September 20, 1888; 'sitared her mother's antipathy to Germans. -Nevertheless, after one or two—refusals,. she consented to marry the German Crown Prince, and repented at her leisure. The'eagage- ment of the prince and princess was distasteful both to• the Kaiser and to the grand duchess, the mother of Princess Cecile. To the Kaiser it was distateofnf •because he heantily dis- liked the grand duchess ataa Russian and by ;reason of her unconcealed dislike of •him. To the' grand duchess it wae'dIBLaateful because of her con- tempt for everything German, but she was willing' to thwart the Kais- er's desires,' and so gave her consent to tho marriage. The Kaiser was piqued that the danghter of a woman whom base cordially, disliked should hesitate an Instant over the question of accepting•as her husband the heti. to the German throne, and his royal will watt aroused, ' And so the match was Anally made up. At. Florence, In which the two young people .were for a while stay- ing, prior to the marriage,. occurred the • first quarrel between the two, the occasion being the cruel act of EARLY SYMPTOMS OF BLOODLESSNESS Shown By Pallor of the Face and Lips—Howl to Obtain New Blood. p your eye ra d H0000 Phone 95. tPK5i1��! g The one Tea that never disappoints the most critical tastes. 1 of a Sealed Packet is Your Safeguard. ' toe ;tem or June 400 at'e garea even: j CHOOSING LUBRICANTS possible cultiva fertility; with the loll in a stats of high fertility; bettor bay- ing been clover sod well fertilized t with barnyard manure to which has Practical Advice Regarding Use been added a considerable quantity, of commercial fertilizer, about 800 lbs. per acre. Thorough spraying to control leaf diseases and the Colorado ,Beetle should be given throughout Adhesion and t'ohesion-11i""111' the season, For the late seed the Vegetable and Fish Oils All (n Green Mountain or Mural New Yorker K is used. The planting is generally; Use—Plaumting Potatoes for Seed. done about June 1st to June 5th under similar conditions to the for- mer, In all eases it is necessary to select a soil that does not dry out during the summer time, as potatoes for seed should not be subjected to a check at any time during their, growing period. of Machine Oils. They Should Possess the Qualities o1 Anaemia or lack of blood is so grad- ual twits approach that It is often well developed before the patient is suffic- iently alarmed to consult a doctor or take proper treatment to restore the blood to a healthy condition. The earliest symptom of anaemia is Toss of color especially in the lips, gums and membranes lining the eyelids. Then comes shortness of breath on slight ex- ertion such as going up stairs palpitat- ion of the heart increased pallor of the face and lips, if this thinning of the blood is not corrected it will proceed rapidly:until a complete breakdown in health follows when there may be dis-' orders of the stomach, heaaches and back -aches, dizziness and fainting spells. The most effective and prompt way to increase and enrich the blood at a time like this is through'the fair use of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, These pills have restored to good health thousands of weak anaemic people among them Miss Mae Johnston, of Port Arthur, Ont., who says: --"Between the ages of six- teen and eighteen I worked in a tele- phone office ant it was very trying on nerves and health. 1 becanfe bloodless, and so pale that friends often said 1 look ed comsumptive. One night 1 had to be taken home from the office and a doct- or was called in who told me 1 must not go hack for a time, Sometimes I would faint and to walk up stairs would leave me utterly breathless. As 1 did not app ear to be getting any tetter one of my girl friends whose toolbar bad used Dr. Williams Pink Pills 'with great benefit advised me to try these. I took the Pills veru faithfully for some time with the result that thy restored me to good health, and now when anyone tells me they feel weak or rundown 1 always re- commend Dr. Williams P nk Pills as 1 feel so thankful for the help they gave into."k i 11 you have any of the symptoms des- cribed by Miss Johnston try building up the blood with br. Williams Pink Pills, Eat nourishing food exercise a little in the open air daily and watch the color return to cheeks and lips. You can run no risk in giving br. Williams Pink Pills a trial as they can not injure the nett delicate system. You can get these pills ihrought any dealer in medicine, or by Mail at 50 cents a box ur six boxes for ;$2,50' from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brockville, nt, (Contributed by Ontarlo Department or Agriculture. Toronto.) RILE possibly every care and attention Is given to the mechanism of tarin machinery, few; if any, give consideration to the quality of the lubricants used. The elliciency of any power is ser•- lously affected by poor or improper lirbricalion of surfaces in frictional contact, indeed, it is estimated at about 50 per cent. of the available amount of energy 1n useful work. The object of lubrication is ant nnly to reduce friction, but also t0 carry awe,,,y whatever excess of bra' may be generated, for a certain, amount of work will produce a given Quantity of heat, but the carrylne away of the heat itt only an incidental condition, for heating of the bearing should not arise. Oils for lubricating pum•pe=sal should possess two qualities ----that o! cohesion a.nd adhesion. Their p cohe- sive properties s • e Ile in the character r p of their molecules to cling to each other, and their adhesive quality to stick to anything else. The union of these two properties make up what Is known as viscosity, that is the body of the lubricant, This In a greater degree than any other factor deter - riling' alb lubricating value of the oils. While viscosity of an oil dttt'.r- mines its value as a lubricant, fluid- ity indicates its adaptability to any one particular machine, 11 is because of the struggle between viscosity and fluidity that the same oil will not do for the honey engine shalt, and for light weight machinery. Each re- quires an ell with just attractant "body" to carry the load without be- ing squeezed out of.. •Lie bearing. •Bey'on'd thItt condition the more Auld •.:aid easier moving the oil the better. A thick lubricating Alm of good resisting body is needed for the line shaft, of an ocean liner, but a drop of the same oil would put a watch out of commission. Practically all the lubricants now in use are of the mineral oil founda- tion treated to free them from acid, and to improve their suitability for special. purposes. Sperm oil ill ape- cially good for high speed light machinery: for heavy bearings cantor oil, but both are expensive, For great apreasu're at Slow speed lard, tallow, and other solid lubricants are suit- able. If pressure is great, and speed high, castor, sperm, and heavy min- eral ons are used. For low pressure at high speed, olive, sperm, rape and reined petroleum give satisfaction. Vegetable and fish oils are drying are very much more satisfactory ells, that le, they oxidize rapidly, causing gumming or clogging of the than the uncertain Hen.bearlesge to which they are applied. A mineral oil does not, oxidise, nei- ther,• sloes an animal oil. But mineral oils have a low Saab point: that Is, they fire at a low temperature. Ani- mal Dile develop fatty acids; these corrode and pit the foetal they are used to lubricate. Adulterants of various kinds are added to oils and greases to give them "body." Gum, soap, time, resin, tar, soda and free aciclt all have their own distinct purpose to serve. Sim- ple tests may be applied to lubricants for quality and viscosity. To test for acid saturate a tit of cotton waste with the suspected 011, and lay ti open upon the surface of pollahed steel or brass for twenty-four hours. 1f steel shows even a slight corro- sion or" if tile brass turns green, free acid is present. To test for gummy adulterants place a drop of oil upon a piece of glass inclined at such an angle as to permit it to flow gently down. If any gum, resins or otiaer viscosity producing elements are present, they will bo apparent by the color of the oil Streak, as the adul- terants deposit thetueoives upon the gtasfi•,},h•i,jte. form of sedtmeut. good eats, of lubricant will not break down, when rubbed be- tw�oeu the-ttngel• tips, as quickly, 1515 a t"b i' olie, .. It would be neonoray in three ways at least to use two dilislrent kinds of oil; eeetlortry of power, of machine wear, and of oil, and in addition there would be greater eiflCleney.— Jno. Evans, 0, A. College, Guelph. Planting Potatoes for' Seed. Jf• 55 * •N a •14 W m, 5 * 0 e • SCIENCE NOTES When a survey was made of the wilds 0f Bolivia ail longitude was figured by the aid of time signals sent by wireless from 4 ,$tuti9Li 120 miles from the base of dilerations, Fctl' lsti sir, Sole leather the United States 'Bureau of Standards has devel- olied.anachine that subjcets samples to cotidltions similar to those escoun- lered by boots and shoes. Apparatus has been Invented by a ti Norwegian with which carbide is being 'i,IUINCE.% cRt)tL11, the grown itrinee •iia killing viciously it small clog wtabaii the princess Wast, fondling. Thitt areatl•re1 was noon made up, but the princess had gained an Insight Into the ebaracter of her fiance, � k, m' marriage o oesu r rets in Jtriae, laCe4. performed In the ancient chapel of the old Castle of Merlin with groat ivaghiilcence. 'fila ('town princess speedily be- e:Una TiVorite with the Raiser, who 1 n' wn i i- her arta against the 10 t•t'.t c c o , p g lien that personage gave way to 1101 01 brtatality coin:non to his character, The mother of the prin- cess, by mason of the T slim"$ hat” 4 rail, w 510 itot mrtlottrad I» alert, T3crliit, used for fuel in benzine motor's for boats and be is experimenting with its use In petroleum engines. When a clock invented for hospital or sick room use strikes it summons a iittrsc and opens a door tis a cabinet, r , a is to he tout displal'fng Medicine that b a patient at that time. . An English railroad has built the heaviest single leaf rolling bascule being f o bridge in the world, the leaf b g i6O�'i feet. long 51111, with mutter, Weights, weighing 6,315,000 ytOands.' The United Slates Bureau Of Stand - ;Ards Is con/looting extensive tests With view or finding 5 method titer is,ttvtaft• sig enainelq scaling from 'sheet 'Steel atttaCoc in Weight With two ';es to to which they are applied. tb.o piece. They are planted .iare'tt. An abundance of water is absolute- i,y eeeential for liarirt. LIFT CORNS OR • • CALLUSES OFF Doesn't hurt! Lift any corn or callus off with fingers • v Don't suffer: A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any; arug store. Apply a few drops on the corns, calluses and "hard skin" on bot- tom of feet, then lift them off. .1t When Frreezone removes corns from ORS toes or, calluses froan the bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink sad healthy, and mover sore, tegdor, ®r ,Stxitate BROODER STOVES .. Now that Hatching season hae arrived we are its a place to sell ea limited number of Brooder Stover at very reasonable prices.. They Thin Defers eulirely to the produo- ticqu of seed potatoes; not those in- tended for humatr consumpitott. The ' gl'dwing of seed potatoes is better eilvided Into two seelloula, the early 1' and the sate. Per growing early p0- tatoes cif the Bash Cobbler variety t. trim .et (1 •t0 0 11ortld b u ante e the lod s type anc ftoo as possible from an7 which r9,.,L , Of the vavlauli edema* the potato akin or tuber. f rano should be from 8 to 12 ouneee ire 'Welt liv t nd itt ttp int0 pieces 2 Gil ail -Langlois & CO., lilmitai The up-to-date Finn Clinton Branch Phone 1 N. W. Tresi'srtha, Manager or Holmesviile 4 on 143. PIANOS Before purchasing your new piano or organ let us show you the newest de- signs in several well- known and old establish. ed makes. .. iNSTRUMENTS RENT- ED AT MODERATE PRICES PHONOGRAPHS cabinet 'ah cabs 4 1r See ow stylish designs in the heat makes. '°'°t HoareV ndmalN'ra 0:14,, etiu'i+4 ,z,,:�, r wi,,dGa lta? 4