The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-22, Page 6PAGE s CLINT•ON NEW ERS And Sold a MEN'S STORE Custom Tailorine Men's Furnish:az Phone 103 Opposite Public Library wn's WOMAN'S STORE Dry Goods and Hound Furnishings. Phone 67 Next Royal Bank HAVE YOU LOST Your Appetite if you hove ---try some of our Pork and Beans with Tomato Sauce; Catsups; Pickles; Etc. PORK & BEANS with Tomato. Sauce - 2 large cans for 35c 6 large cans for$1.00 SPAGHETTI with Tomato Sauce -- Per 12 oz, Tin ..I0c FOR PIES or PUDDING 2 cans Pumpkin .25c 2 pkgs. Corn Starch 25c Raisins, Prunes, Rice, Tapioca, etc 3 bars Laundry soap25c GET THE IIABIT OF DEALING AT BROOM SPECIAL for FRIDAY and SATURDAY No. 100 for 6Sc No. 8 for 95c GET ONE WHILE TtLEY LAST BULK PICKLES Mustard, per quart .40c Mixed, per quart ..40c Sweet, per quart ...50c Rex Catsup ,1Sc and 25 DOMINION MATCHES 3 Boxes for 25c • TOILET SOAP 3 bars Lavender Bath 25' LAUNDRY SOAP JOHNSON e PHONE 111. PHONE ORDERS CAREFULLY ATTENDED TO AUTO FIRE Insurance at Modera to Rates. WINDSTORM Insurance is as imp° ?tent as Fire Insurance on all classes of buildings. The Rate is Cheap, LIVE STOCK Insurance pays you far loss .by Accident or Disease of your valuable stock. GENERAL Fire Insurance of al 1 kinds. Cali and see Me. Charles B. Hale. HURON STREET, CLINTON, ONT. The Hardware Store of Better Valines 0 PREPARE FOR SPR`t.r et Buy Bruce's celebrated Seeds and reduce the High Cost of Living. Buy new up-to-date Garden Tools and see what a pleasure it is to use them. Sprayers and Sprinklers to 'supply the Moisture when heeded. A Complete up-to-date Stock at W. H. DAVISON Successor to R. Rowland. Perfection Oil Cook Stoves s;utva Inouas u9an SPRING IS HERE, Are you ready with your Pans and Buckets? • Have a few sheets of Sap Pan Iron Order yours early so as to be sure of getting one. T. Hawkins Plumbing and Heating } The Corner Grocery Phone 45. We have a splendid assortment of Seeds for Spring Gardening*. DUTCH SETS MUi TIPLYERS 'SEED ' CORN GARDEN and'FLOWER SEEDS Cinch Clenser makes Houseclean- ing easy, Try a can for Cleaning your Woodwork and Windows, Try aur Tea's and Coffee in Bulk Fred, W, Wigg eitztvkAtostititaiko . Improvements. The house recently purchased by -Mr. J. Wiseman on Kirk street, has been shingled and rewired. Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman will be moving shortly. Mr. A. J. Holloway has had a sun room built at his haute ou Ontario street. DO NOT DISMISS CO NST PATION AS A TRIFLE. IT I8 NOT. Half the ills of life are caused by allowing the bowele to become eon. stipated. When the bowels become constipated the stomach gets out of order, the liver does not work properly, and then follows the violent sick and bilious headaches, sourness of the tatomach,, biliousness, heartburn, water brash, or the painful, irritating internal bleeding or protruding piles. Keep your bowels regular with Mil- burn'- Laxa-Liver Pills and you need never be constipated. Mrs. C. Henderson, Trail, 1.1.0., writes: ---"I have been troubled with sick headaches and constipation moat all any life. Have not now been troubled for e long time. I have great faith in Mil - burn's Laxa.Liver Pills since using diem," Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 28e A vial at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn L'o, Limited, Toronto, tint. SCRANTON COAL —0— any who wish to leave their order for Sprtn g delivery can do so lay leaving their orders at my residence,,liuron St, or Phone 155. Terms --Strictly Cash—Phone 155. E. WARD RESIDENCE --HURON STREET Order Your Supply of SCRANTON COAL in purchasing the fiollawaj'-Forbes Coal Business, we secured what we call a straight line connection, with the two great America n Coal Mining Institutions namely: The D. L & W. Coal Co„ whet own and control the famous Serails too Coal belts, and furnish us with their STANDARD ANTHRACITE, The D. & H. Coal Co. who send us their celebrated LACKA- WANA COAL. By a straight line connection we mean that we are their sole agents fbr the community, and although an im- poster nay claim to be distributing their coal, It is an titter iiupossibifity, and only goes to show that he Is Will- ing°to admit that we have the best coal available, New dealers can only resort to job - hers, which means that the quality may be irregular, as tine coal barons will not take nn any new dealer no matter how well equipped he a nay be, touch less a Municipal 'Coal Yard, So act accordingly end place your order nose at tiie old stand, as the 1920 allotments are being Inside according to punt business. • Now is the time for a nice cheery open grate fire, Try our EBONY CUBE, CANNEL And in tate kitchen, range 'you will like our CHESTNUT -COKE Or if yon wantt to get 1Wvay front the coal question. try a load of WOOD. We are bound to satisfy yott, and Will give you rail service, • NO, B.: MUSTARD Cliltitbm & Bruce tt end. Phone for Ctiutan No. 74, Phone For hructfielt i i on 018. Tltursdity, April 22nd,' 1920, pVI001UlV UpiUV1W0IiNm11RlllOVNVi 1pll4l' VVIIIemDaIIDs i ews 11111l1II1111101>QOIOUI•101511Ill!ffa0111EM)A!!IUVOIi SIMIlU11116'UdphtlllllM1dVIiIIIIIIMIIIUIUIllIIllIMIUIIIIII111111I111111111POR1111✓Illi EIIIIIU Muybel .. • • It looks as i1 'Our Lady of the Snows' would be 'Queen of the May' this year. Adjouvned Court Case, The case of Roy vs, Cartwright, which was commenced in Division Court on the 8111 and adjourned until Tues- day, wits finished. Judge Lewis reserved hls, decision. A Pleasant Eventing, " The teachers Of the School of 'Gam - mares:, entertained the pupils to a movie show at true Princess Theatre last` Fri- day evening and afterwards to lunch and a Social evening in the school room, Ail report a very pleasant evening. Brotherhood Meeting. Sunday was Brotherhood Sunday in Clinton when u campaign in the inter- ests of the Federation of Brotherhoods ' was conducted by represeuttitives who occupied various pulpits in the town After the regular service in the even- ing, a mass meeting was helot in the town hall addressed by Rev. Mr. Snell, of London, and Alr. Snyder, of Brant- ford, The latter has been making a canvass of the town this week. White Star Line General Manager Dead. Charles F. Beilman, general nnanag of. the White Star line and City Cour cillor of Detroit, vice-president of th Commonwealth State Bank , and form president of the Board of Commerc died at his home last week. His dent resulted from heart trouble following a attack of pneumonia some months ag His son, Charles 1', Biebnan Jr., It visited here on various occasions i the interests of their boat the "Gre hound." Yesu . wo an e y wochung che YOU have sung this, .VES you have. It is the Chin - 4. ese version of"Jesus loves 11'te, -this 1 know." it '1' would do your heart good to see crowds of little child,- ren. hild•ren. in the streets of Pekin clap their hands, and sing. --7 yiSU ai wo, wochung Che! TrHE awakening of China will • come through -bringing the children to Christ. TO teach them t� know and to • love Jesus is one of the pri- viliges of the Salvation Army. iN China they have a number of Corps, Officers, and Ca- dets, a Girls' Industrial School and a Training institute. er The SEA..@ W anion e .Army 1i 308 Citadels o. as n A Former Clintonian, The Globe refiring to some note wrlters who will contribute occasion articles to its colums, says: "Lydia Cbnunander n pioneer in the woman move -meat in the United States, and brilliant writer on women's aetivitie will contribute regular articles of vit interest to the women readers of th Globe," If we mistake not Miss Conan ander was born in 'Clinton, At any rat she was a resident here fora conside able length of time when here lathe conducted a dry goods business here i the days of long ago, His Widow Gets the Estate, David Weismilter, formerly Presiden of the London Mutual Insurance Co., and long a resident of Huron, who died On Feb. 26. left n wilt probated at $57,445, on application of his widow, Louisa Catharine Weismtlier, ' The fam- i1y residence at 124 Dowling, Toronto, valued at $20,000, was made oyrer to his wife in November last. The will, made Nov,' 'Hit, devises the entire es- tate to the wldmv, who is also appointed executrix. 1t .is saldt thk (late Mr, Welsmiller made most of his Money af- ter removing to Toronto, It Costs More to be Sick. The Stratford doctors of the Perth ,Medical Association have decided to in- crease their present tariff rates, that have been in vogues now tor sone years --Dat' calls will now be $2.50; calls re- ceived after 6 p.nm, requiring to be made previous to 9 a,nn. the following morn- ing, shall be considered night calls and an additional fee of $i will be charged. An approximate charge of $1 per tulle shall be made for visits..in the country, fees for normal confine- ments shall be $25 instead of $IS as formerly. The New Era has enquired from the local doctors, who state while they have advanced their rates they do not come up to the Perth ones yet. Passed Away During Night. This morning Mr. William Fluker was found dead sitting in his chair at his home. Deceased has not been in rood health for some tine and was•unable to Ile clown, lie was down siiteet yester- day and fdt in good health, Consider- ing his troubles, Mrs, Pinker passed away only 22 days ago, ' Tiley were married in 1876 at Dungannon and re- sided at Auburn form several years Mov big to Clinton 19 years ago. Air. Tinker is surveyed by • a family of live dau- ghters and one son; W. J. Flukey, of Chtcagol Mrs, .E, McLaughlin, Vqu- couver; Mrs, R, J. Cameron, Rocanville Sask.; Mrs. Geo, Taylor and Mrs, W. C. Farquhar of Cllnton, and Miss May of Paris. The funeral arrangements had not been made at press time, Did Very Well. Monday evening the Jordans, nmsi- cial and literary entertainers; appeared i before a Clinton audiencein aha town, hall In connection with the Chautauqua Course. Program was an innovation in regard to its plan but while novel was interesting and very well enjoyed, The. song drama; i11 which Indian and. Chin- ese life were depicted, was cleverly done and' taking it all to all compared favorably with the better class of mus- teat and literary bills of fare. 'relent consisted of Mr. and MrS, .Jordon and their'daughfee Miss Methylt, All did their reepectrve "parts in good forst, Tiffs Company -was not in the Original plan but were arranged with to supply the dale for the. Carolina Girls, who were prevented front coming to Clin- ton, and Institutions in this -Territory --use ,them i d Some Lights Were Out. al The electric light at the Postofice'V' K and the lights in front of the Sloane 's block were out for a couple of nights a last week owing to some of the wires 5, playing otic, al Engagement Announced. 1- Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Evans, of Dub- e lin, annciunce the engagement of their r- daughter, Lucy, to Mr. Jack Quigley, ✓ of Clinton, the marriage to take place n shortly. Never Passes up a Good thing. Seaforlh Expositor:—Tlie snowfall t on Sunday last made good sleighing on Main street, but the only one the saw taking advantage or 'it was Mr. Dan, Shanahan who never passes up a .chance at anything. Another increase to the H.C. of L.. Newspapers have been notified that the postmaster general has decided to raise the rate of postage from one quarter of a cent per pound, to one cent. The financial burdens of the country publisher are increasing, Half Holidays for the Summer. Wingham merchants announce that commencing on May 5th, Wednesday afternoon will lee observed es a half holiday up till ithe end of September. What are our merchants going to do about the half-ho'iday this year? Depositors Are Paid. Depositors of the Standard Reliance Mortgage 'Corporation with claims of less that $25 have been paid by Ofi- cial Liquidator Clarkson, who has given cheques to some 1,800 people, the total sum amounting to about $14.500. What is the Number of Your Car? Goderich Star—Mr. F. It Woods, the local issuer of automobile licenses, says he•iis kept busy every day, i:'Isaing et the rate of nearly 100 a day. The gross revenue hast week, he says, was about $6,000 and the total increase of licenses for the County of Huron is likely to reach 200 over last year. The number of people who du not own a car, or expect to Own one soon, is rap- idly growing less eacih year. To Help Townships. Hon. F. C, Biggs, Minister or Public Works, is' preparing a bill to help town ships in their local roadmaktng,- He will probably iutrodnce a measure that will allow residents who want to con- tribute to 'good roads to do so. This measure will make it possible for those who desire to secure better roads by. paying their own money to do so, The townships will be given greater freedom than they now possess, and given the right to accept the offer of citizens who are •willing to psty more than others for road improvement. Minor Locals, 8 more days ii April' The Hydro workmen have been fix- Ing up pates, wires, cid,,on the right- of-way, caused by the big wind' storni last fell, and are in:tking Clinton their headquarters. Messrs Dunn and Bradstreet report a quiet trade with the retailer. The slider weather has not yet been sufi- cently decided to move spring Stocks to any appreciative extent. The tine of the' trade Is, howevdr, optimistic. and slldpkeepers are carrying tate' heaviest stocks in years in zn'ticipation of a retort] season's business. REGARDING WALL PAC'`'ER. Prices, in general, are on a slightly higher level than last year, hut noticeable mostly in the lower priced goods, We have heard re- ports of a few low priced "spots" which how- ever, without exception have proved to be inferior goods or boasts made to distract at - t ention from other'shortcomings, these ex- ceptions we ready concede. Our new stock is being sampled and gives promise of being as varied and attractive in design and colorings as we have had in for- mer years, while our values are as good as we know where or how to buy. The fair e Often the Cheapest-- lwaYs the Best ,tomsamosaven er'a" :mss FING We handle a full line of Cala, Iron, Steel Shingles, Corrugated Iron and all kinds of Felt Roofing also Asphalt Slate. t: tiAIll Pumps, Pipes and Fittings always on hand. Repair work Promptly Done UTT Electrician Plumber HOUSE-CLEANING . TIME considered, You owe it to yourself to call wh ether you buy or not. My new stand is opposite Daley's Garage, When you clean your parlor, paper it or paint it, you probably add some new furniture, You do it to make it a place for to entertain your friends and make home happy, All this will not be needed if you or your faintly have to go out for the evening to get good music. Start those children now at the pians. You would not think of keep- ing theta home from school till they were 14 years old, if you did few would succeed In getting a good education. Music is exactly the same and when they start young and get regular pract- ice they will succeed. We are here to assist you in securing the best musical instrument at th.e best prices, quality Jonathan, Hugill Highest prices allowed for used instruments of any kinds, BOX 229, MUSIC STORE. SEAFORTH. ONT. 4 1 ,A7 P 0 I? D tl0illll°1llli'lin6yl'14i��,i11,3ie;!k1�l,ii-d.itilU�:116i!!h a�Y.d?f4lltull0�°wtrk�,�i'iraltT,O'�fifhl'�t�l{I9Nll Well Dressed Women wilt wear Oxfords this Season. We are now showing beautiful new models in these comfort- able Shoes. Shoemaking is certainly an Art when it comes to making such handsome Footwear, Every Shoe a Picture Oxfords in Dull or Patent Leathers. Beautiful Colorings in Brown or Mahogany. The new plain narrow toe and the imitation perforated tip and 'vamp --Louis or Cuban Heel. Expert' Fitting Service,. $3.50; .'4,5501, . $6.01, to $9.S0. This House of Good Shots stand little dayi as a safeguard a - against Shoal Values at inflated mice* perm . '$ OE`S 7I'11t!`l 6.krtsv t'",,,