The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-22, Page 3SUESI;RIPTION RATES IN CA NADA
'Three mantles .. .. , , ,
]Half year ,, ,...,,,, , $ .755
Year , , e „ „ 9.559
^lf flat paid in advance, $2,00 per annum—•'
The Third Page
Office Phone 30,
Ylt .91.100.61(0.4•14•01.41
Canada Sends Three
Over to Assist the Scats
WOMENProminent Men Plan to Take Part
• is Local Option Fight..
Please. Read This Letter And
See What Normal Health
Will Do. For You.
Berwick, Ont.—"I had organic trou-
ble, and after taking Lydia F,, Pink-
isam's Vegetable Compound and Hived
Medicine all my troubles passed away.
II was made strong and well and have
been ever since,. Now we have a fine
baby boy six months old, and I know
that 1 would not have this baby and
would still be suffering if it had not
been for your remedies. My husband
and myself say that your remedies
are worth their weight in gold, and 1
recommend them to my friends. One
of my aunts is taking them now, "—,
Mre. NAPormole LAVIGNE, Berwick,
• Ontario, Canada.
Among the virtues of Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound is its abil-
ity to correct sterility in many cases,
This fact is well established as evi-
denced by the above letter and hundreds
of others we have published in these
In many' other homes, once childless,
there are now children because of the
fact that Lydia E.?inkham's Vegetable
Compound :makes women normal,
healthy and strong..
If you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound will help you, write to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential),
Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter
will be opened, read and answered by a
woman, and held in strict confidence.
(RY C. P. A. TaleKraPh.)
Lethbridge, Alta.—The Lethbridge
Brick Company have commenced
operations with a capacity of715,000
' ibricks a day, which they expect to
'increase shortly to the full capacity
Of 35;000 bricks, ..,
Sydney; N. S. --A large. order ton'
rods and bars has been secured from
the Japanese government by the
• "Dominion Steel Corporation, which
will keep ,the rod and liar mill in
operation for along time to colrle.
Edmonton, Alta,—A new market
lo. the Alberta potato crop was
opened up recently when a first
consignment of a carload of this
• vegetable was sent to San Francisco.
Winnipeg; Man.—The drat paper
bas• raannfecturing company in the
Hest wili,be established herein the
near. future. The Western Canada
Paper .BaO Co. is at present being
organized by A. Seabrook, and *nip-
-went costing $50,000 being purchased
fort the plant,
•Charlottetown, P.E,I,—With the
slogan/ of, "Spend your vacation in
• Canada" being taken,up everywhere, ,
• Prince Edward Island is looking
forirard to a large holiday trfee
'and' a great Maur of ' viettiors,
Virden, plan. -Dairying -is making
rapid striders in9 Manitoba, fa 1912,
56 cars of'ereahery Nutter were im-
• 'portal; In '197.3 the number dropped.
to 36, and in 1914 to 20 cars. In
1915, 60cars were exported; in 1016,.
69 care; In 1917; 96 cars; in 1918,
176 Cars; and in 1919, i80 eariotryds
tett Waite province.
• St. John's; Nfld.—The Minister of
• ,. Marine and Fisheries, who hasjust;
returned •'front tele S7nited Kingdom
• and hlurope, states that great la -
'tweet 'in' Newfoundland aflaire fa
befog tatkeu in fenglaltd and that
eaokalista' are more inclined that
ever to embark on the exploitation
or the ehlony's natural resources.
Banters, N. S.—Arrangements have
been' made to employ a wireless "
oettioDed 9nkeries protection cruiser
during the' conning season tor,the
purpose , of Scouting mackerel in
order that fishermen may be &deiced
of the arrival of seloole, their
location, approximate atm and
aireetloe. and movement.
✓ Montreal; P,Q.—A total sunt of 0,-
093,120 wee totalized at the fur
auction salee here, Prices were
proportionately higher than et the
New York and St. Louts "Sales,
'beaver bringing as high as $100
each, nfoleakln ;1,60, muskrat ;7,50,
wolf $45,25, white fox ;70.00, titch
!13,30, lynx $412,50. fisher $346.90, sil-
ver fox $1,295;00,
Victoria, f3 C.—Canadian Holstein
rattle are highly regarded in Aus-
tralia, according to I3, A, 'Simmons,.
who "reeenfiy delivered a small herd
of these cattle there. He claims that
the holstein' bred in the MOM:mete
are not as good es the Canadian bred
stock and is making preparatlone
to a:meltable another herd for ex-
Regina, Sask.—More settlers are
menthe htto Seakatebewau from the
United Statee this spring than at any
time since the outbreak of the war,;
according td,tlgures which have been'
received by tonal C.P.R. °$elms,
While 'tine ttidtl5 is considerable, ft,
Is Bald by these same,'railwavnien to;
Os nothing to what may be exlfeotep.-
later 'in tb' nu -totem.. Dusiteni the
!lest three weeks of the , nstoatb.
•Wcnty nether' arrived Isere from
U, . 11,of f
p n,s oft their way rtti land
lies bed taken up, Five carloads nA.' effects were renrfstered at
Forihl as peer)i2g through to points
ri tht province and rtvsaty-three
tars to Alberta points, Sbttlers etre
deo coming though TChgegete'std
IOmereort, the trete int tine latter
nem beteg 'partic)r)uely hsavy. and
ut rims as 45 earion.ig of effebtat
egestnp thfrottg•h the tenet of entry
at a way,
Three prominent' l;anadians are sell-
ailIng for Scotisund- to lneip the prohibits
ionists-ofthat country in the great local
option tight coming on there. These
Rev, John Dailey, M.A.
Ceoil J, 13e11,
W, 15, SmaIJliield',
Mr. Bell- and Mr. Bailey are field
secretaries of the Ontario Brinch of
that chroura ekIst diseases which
bavo defied all other treatments
yield to Zaut-Bok ?
It is ibeeauee Zion -Buie is gereil-
cidal, and also has Ouch power of
penetration that it reaches disease
in the underlying tissues • and came
from the "root" up. ,'I'hat lathe
only 'way a permanent 'cure caa, be
Mr. II, 0.I3uckley of 461 79,Droad-
wa•Y, Portland, Oregon, says: "For
chronic skin' diseases there is
nothing like Zani-Buk. For fifteen
years I had eczema, and I tried an
endless number of so-called 'mune,
cures,' but nothing was capable of
curing me permanently stntil`I used
Zam-Buie, Ten months' use of Zam.
Buk has effected a complete cure,"
For ulcers, abscesses, boils, ring-
worm, blood -poisoning, piles, burns;,
scalds and cuts, Zam-Bait is equaIis,
good. All dealers or Zan) -flak Co.,
Toronto, 50e. box, 3 for $1.25,
the Dominion Alliance. Mr. SmaUfield
is a well-known journalist of Renfrew.
These gentlemen are going in response
to an urgent request for help
from Can-
ada, sent by tbe United d Tem era cofor
of Scotland to the Dominion Aili-
But They Are Nearly Always Due
to Thin Wtery BIood.
Do notthink that because your stout
ach is easily upset you are' the victim
of some serious malady. One of the
most common predisposing causes of in
digestion is anaemia, or thin-, watery
blood, In fact it has become generally
recognized that healthy activity of the
stomach is impossible unless the blood
is rich and red.
Dr. Williatns Pink Pills have been
found moat valuable in- cases'of indi-
gestion, nervous dypepsia and stomach
weakaess, just because they are a blodd
builder and nerve tonic. The rich, red
blood they make not only imparts a
healthy digestion but carries color to
the cheeks and lips and gives vigor to
the muscles. One important point to
remember is that Dr, Williams Pink
Pills contain pat harmful drugs or opiat-
es and are thus to be preferred to pre
parations that 'sorely stimulate for a
time. Before you begirt worrying un-
necessarily about your state .of health
try the tonic treatment of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills, You will be surprised to see
how rapidly your appetite returns and
your whole debilitated system revives,
as the new, rich blood courses through
your body, Here is the statement of one
person among thousands who have used
Dr. Williams Pink Pills to their own
great advantage, Mrs. A. Veniot, Hotta
ford, N. S. 'hays:—"For about two years
i was a great sufferer .from indigestion
which seethed, to carry with it a com-
plication of other troubles, Every meal
1 took brought with it misery as it was
followed by pain, and sometimes', nau-
sea and vomiting, At other times gas
would form in the stomach to such an
extent that my heart would palpitate
at an alarming rate. These conditions
brought on extreme )lervousness and
irritability and l found my general heal
th so much affected that the least exert-
ion would tire nue, and 7 slept but poor
ly. f had been doctoring for several
months with no result beyond slight
temporary relief when 1 was advised by
a friend to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills.
I decided to follow this advise and got
a half dozen boxes, Good results soon
began to show from this .treatment, and
the further continued use of the pills -
have made me a well woman, i can cheer
fully recommend D•r, Williams Pink
to similar sufferers."
You can procure br. Willams Pink,
pills through any dealer in medicine or.
they will be sent to you by mail at 5o
cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 by
writing direct to The Dr. Williams Med
ioine Cm, Brockville, Ont.
The Commiestonbrs of the ,three
Scandinavian countries for the recovery
of debts owned by Russia are fneeting
ie Copenhagen.
With the arrival of the German bat-
tlesl ps Nam t41id Ostfriesland at the
Firth of Forth on Wednesday the com-
plete surrender' of the German war-
ships has been tirade, •
-n n
riareauessesiontaraisW� i
A man at sixty years of age is
either a failure or success.
Bl 1CHAM S PILLS have been,
Made for sixty years and have
the largest sale of any medicine
it the +world l Millions use
droll aronp�,�Dns
A Fedefated Labor on has been `plus inoerredse
o O
formed at fleet ifla`
r Mee
ev ,
• The area of Saskatchewan is 251,700
square utiles. Of this 8,329 square
.mites are covered with water, leaving
243,381 square miles of laird.
Saskatchewan is, of present, a little
more than six times as large as Austria,
as reduced by the Treaty of Versailles.
Austria, 'however has a population of
9,500,000. The population of Saska-
tchewan is about 700,000.
Saskatchewan is more than double
the combined area of England, Wales,
Scotland and Ireland, and more than
twenty times the size of Belgium.
The mean tetitperature of Saskatche-
dan is 36 degrees Pareitheit. During
the growing season it is about 55 de-
grees. The mean anneal precipitation
is about 16.75 inches,, This is nearly
all rah), the snowfall being light.
In Saskatchewan, as in other parts
of the West, the Crown lands belong to
the Dominion Government, and are ad-
ministered by the Department of the
enterior, Ottawa. ! '
The Athabaska Rivet, the most sou-
therly of .the three great- tributaries .of
the Mackenzie Rlve'r,,; rises in .the
Rock Mountains at an altitude•of 5,700
feet above the sea level.
A large part of the• valley,'of 'the
Athabaska is in the Province of Alberta,
1t is a land of great promise.
The water power possibilities on the
Athabaska River are very great, It is
predicted that within a relatively short
time they will be utilized.
in this part of .the Northland still
exist herds of Wood buffalo, which are
the sole remnant, living in a tneturai
state, of the million's of bison which ex-
isted when the North-West was first
opened up. '
The Grand Prairie, is the heart•of the
Peace River country, is about 75 rattles
across, . Another prairie follows the
course of the river for 25 tulles.
Vegetation in the Peace River coup-
try,is very 1pxuriant. The grass is more
like`tltat of Manitoba than that of Sas-
A railway extending from Edmonton
to the north-west, is buiit, into the
Peace River country, and .a branch
reaches south to Grated Prairie,
From Winnipeg to the Pas, where
cc nnection is made with the Hudson,
Bay Railway, the distance is 483 miles,
via the Canadian Northern Railway.
• The Pas is a thriving northers, town
with a considerable trade in furs ,and
fish, with a large lumbering industry.
The town is provided with • schools,
churches,`and a hospital.
Rivers -Baillie,,
Exeter Times: --Mr., and Mrs.
lam Rivers Rivers were in Sinicoe last week
attending the marriage of their son Lin
yd, The following account of the wedd
Ing was taken frau Brantford- paper on
Monday. "A quiet wedding took place
yesterday at 10 a.m, at the home of _Aid.
and Mrs. Byron B. 1301111, Norfolk street
north, when their only daughter, Miss
Mary Gertrude, and 'Mr, Thomas Lloyd
Rivers, of Exeter, were joined in wed-
lock. The -ceremony was performed by
Rev. A. B. Parney in the presence of the
immediate relatives. The young couple
went west on the the Wabash and will
reside at Merlin, after their honeymoon.
Both Mr, and Mrs. Rivers are held in
high esteem in Sintcoe, where they have
a' host of friands. The young bride gime
pp from childhood and had exceptional
gifts that endeared her to hes associates.
Rivers was In the etnplay of the local
branch of the Molson's Batik at the
outbreak of the war, With two ,other
•brothers he eniisted promptly for over-
seas and tfie three all returned the
eradltt of yesterday bringing a decotat•
ion for distinguished service."
Work was Magee on two blast furna-
'sa at tSjibwav foe the (Canadian Steel
"(trparetion, to cost 114,000,000 each..
Oeorge Walters, .aged 'eighty, who
hsd been mete ei' of the guard of
lntnour of Napoleon( til„ died ut Monts
ford. '
'Fhul'sciay, April 22nd, 1920,
From the Board of Health
;Advant;e Only) '
Great B[�ritaiin , .. , .... ... , , ...:R $1,$1,:$0'p'
United States R ,. , I , , , , . . 1 t . , ..... "2.00
Fiance ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,4., `.4,90
House Phone 95,
Another tong winter has passed and.your town has beep fortunate-
ly free from contagious diseases,' with the exception of the' lipift0111ic
of Influenza which has been of a mild type. in Clinton compared' with
that of our neighbouring towns.
There :Mist be some good reason for this condition, which is
Very apparent if y,,cu .516p 'and think. for a Moment.
For several years you have made in :nest instances, your best
endeavours to keep ,our Town Sanitary; made it possible to have the
best water obtainable.. Health bylaws far in advance of other Towns
and even of many Cities; together with a natural soil suitable for
goods drainage, has been 'the main reasons for the Health results
It behooves us to improve upon ousr already goad po-s(tion and by,
so doing continue our high state of protection' against disease.
To do this the Spying "CLEAN-UP" must be made early and
thorougll. See that your drains are open. . Look at your Septic
Tanks. Many are not properly installed and few have the necessary
permit from the Board of'Health, Inspect your plumbing,
Get your cellars cleaned out and let the sun shine in them. 'There
is•no Better disinfectant than Sunlight. • .
The same old complaint continues—that the Householder does
not provide Dry. Earth or Ashes for the Closets. Have a memol•y.
The Pig question is always uppermost and complaints from neigh-
bours—that the pens are not kept clean; always prove true, remember
that 100 feet is the .limit from a dwelling and then only if the peps
are clean. '
Keep your Garbage' in a container weil covered, Have your
Manure removed from stable early and thus avoid having breeding
places for flies. •
By May 15th let us have the Town cleaning finished, after that
the M. O. 'H. and inspector will make our examination and report.
Respectfuiiy Yours,
Inspector, M. O. H.
Hensall the Horne
Town of the Onion Canada
Hundreds- of 'Tons of Dutch Sets
are Grown Yearly — $1,500
per acre •-- A Common Return
per Acre for the Crop is $1;000.
llensail, a small but thriving and en-
terprising little town of the Huron and
Bruce branch of the G. T, R. is noted
for ether things besides deep snowdrifts
for according to welt -established re-
cords, it has made a name for itself in
the salubrious'but none the less necess-.
radical of the vegetable world, the on-
In fact the town claims and it is
asserted Justly so, to be the home town
of the many families of onions, from the
Ili -smelling • green "onion to , ithe
mature 'and sanewhat 'obese Spanish
onion, which are located in every
known part of Canada. Here in this
snail Western Ontario town centres,
it is asserted the geneological tree of
the Dutch Set the forebear of the on-
ions of the Dominion,
Hundreds of Toiu.
Here are yearly grown hundreds of
tons of these small seed onions, which
are In due course shipped to the vari-
ous distributing companies in all 'parts
of the Dominion, As soon as the'sever
ity of the winter has passed the pre-
vious year's crop in shipped in cariots
to London and then to the seed com-
panies a't' Toronto and other points.Al-
ready this year large quantities have
been shipped and many tons are still
passing daily through London from the
Seeding for this year's ctop of Dutch
Sets will begin in .another week or so.
A large number of the farmers in the
Hensall district, attracted by the targe
amount of money which can be secured
from a small acreage, plant acres of the
onion. Seed is supplied by large seed
companies, who keep superintendents
In the „district to give advice to
the inexperienced growers and to buy
the crops in the fall,
Need Much Care
After careful mulching to lessen the
danger of weeds the Seed is sown
thickly in rows two or three inches
apart, The closer the seed is planted
together, the less liable the onions are
to grow large. To keep the onions '
free from weeds and the ground prop-
erly ,worked much labor is required, 1
three-quarters of an acre being enough
to keep one matt busy for a season,
By Juiy the ot)tans usually have
reached the proper alas and are then
Pulled. They are left of fleeg round for
tops to rot' off, and are turned once so
that the process may be aided.
Large ware houses have been built
in the town by three seed companies.
After tate onions have been cleaned they
are kept spread in shallow crakes
throughout the winter, In the spring
they are bagged and stripped.
gd,600 an .Acre,
ns prude ae '$1,500 an acre hat b,''en
Made fruits' growing the sets and, in
good years $1,000 an'a;:rc Is a catrimo:t.
occurrence Farmers are not the only
ones who' gow' these onions for tjle
majority of the boys and girls in the is
trict grow them in small plots for pock
et money. • , .,. ' +n— .7;-�t•Me=
The crop( of.last Sdntpter was con
sidered rather a failure, although'hun-
dre'ds'of tons were stored lit the ware
houses. To relieve the shortage the
different seed companies bought seed
onions • in the United States, These
have been disposed of first and so at
the preseet time olie company is still,
reported to have 90 tons in storage in
the sv rehouse at Hensall,
Children of all ages whether it be
the new-born babe or the growing
child—have to ba constantly guarded
as to their health. Upon the good
health of the little one largely depends
his strength and usefulness in atter
years. Baby's Own Tablets are -the ideal
home medicine for children of all ages.
They are gentle but thorough laxative
which are absolutely guaranteed to be
free from opiates or other harmful
drugs and which may be given to the
youngest child with perfect safety and
beneficial results, 'through their action
on the bowels and stomach they banish
constipation and ,indigestion; break
up colds and, simple fevers and (nuke
teething 'easy. Mothers, you, can crake
your little ones well and keep them well
by just keeping a box of the -Tablets
at hand and by giving an occasional
dose to the baby to keep his little bow
els regular and his stomach Sweet. The
Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or
by mall at 25 cents a box from Th Dr.
Williams,,Medlcine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Ernest Bergeron, fvtanager for a Win-
dsor ehardware firm, was shot.. in the
head and dangerously wounded by
police. officers, who mistook hint for a
The Duke of Devonshire announces
his intention of settling down in Chats-
worth after Ms term as Governor -Gen -
dal of Canada, -
Only Tablets With "Bayer Cross"
Iare Aspirin—No others!
If you don't see the "Bayer 01ass"
oh the teblots, refuse them -=-that' are
out ;Aspirin at all.
Theist on genelet' "gayer Tablet% of
Aspit'tn" plainly etatnpel with thestifet
,.. y
'Iiayet L'mss"---Aspirin proscribed by
phreleiens for nineteen ,yetre and probed
mete'hy� oit110041 for 1{eudnelic, 'teeth -
ache, 1ara.ehe, lthetttn tlem Lt nt h, a
tt t go,
Colds. Neuritis, nod Pain ggenerally,
dandy tin knees of Tl tablet'—also
larger ",Bayer" packages. Made in
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered
in Caaada), of Mayer 1ltaanfaotttre or
lKnnn«tcceleaealeter of Selaeylieaeid,
While it Is wen heist's) that Aspirin
tuenne Bayer m)tnnfstoture, to aseiet the
rublie s, u`,nat, inittniions, the '1'ableto of
)sayer (on:pouy, Ltd., will sur 'etautpea
Wltsl their getout trade spark, itte
"l3syar Ctoss.,''
Pure, Clean, I ,Preserved '8/ sold only .in,
Sealed air -tight ;packets
0m0llx�i�l to preserve its nature
Used ilk Minns of -Tea-Pots Da ii
(13y C. P. n, Telegraph•)
Vancouver, B. 0,—The February
catch of fish ins the Fraser river
lisherles district is valued at ;34,638,
This is almost double the catch for
the same month last year.
Consul, Sask.—The Imperial Oil
Company has filed an oil claim on
twenty sections of land south of here
along Battle Creek, Welts .17111 be
sunk fu the spring.
Chicoutimi, P. Q.—Wor}t bas been
commenced on the erection of the
model city of Saguenay by the Price
Boer. Company, whieb will cost
about $20,000,000. • It will contain
400 houses at the outset, built of
brick and will ba electriciilly heated
and lighted.
1'-Iuutingdon, B. C.—Sumas Indian
Reserve, comprising 1.60 acres of
land watered by the Little Sumas,
has been purchased by the Soldier
Settlement Board for soldier settle-
ment and will be divided into four
Winnipeg, Man. --A sale of farm
lend, amounting to a quarter of a
million dollars, was effected recent-
ly to. Charles Applegate of Min-
neapolis, representing a number of
Iowa farmers, The land sold is in
the Humboldt district, and the Mar-
chasers"will arrive over the C.P.R,
in time to get the seed in this
Toronto, Ont.—Growing conditions
in the province are reported on all
sides as very favorable, rail wheat
being in very good shape and pre-
parations for seeding well under
way., Fruit growers are optimistic
over the season's prospects. Many
farms are changing hands and wages
of farm help. has reached the record
of from $600 to 750 per year.
Vancouver, B. C. — The steel
freighter, S.S. "War Charger," built
by J. Coughlan and Sons, waa regent-
ly sold to Greek operators for $1,-
900,000. • • .
' Ottawa, Ont.—It is expected by
Industrie% interested that thcte will
he introduced at the present se•sion
of parliament legislation permitting
private firms to manufacture l)r-
dustrial alcohol, This Is at 'he pre-
sent a government monopoly and the
productton to considerably short of
the supply, the paint ln.dtistry anent;
others being badly affected,
Alsask, Sask.--.Gold was. found In
a shallow well on a tarot ten —aim
weet of here, and already twenty-
9ve claims have been taken out in
he sector. The gold was assayed at
Calgary and deolated to he the
genuine metal. The well is located
near'an old creek or river bed and
le sold to he tdeelly situates' for
placer mining,
Yorkton, Sack.—Two• Meal Hien
have started, a Belgian horse farm
and secured their nucleus St' seven
animate from George itupp of lamp-
man. famous all over the American
continent as a breeder of blab:chum
Belgians. Tbey alive purpose bring -
Ant rtock to the province from the
big Parma of the United States,
Quebec, P. Q.—Five new attt•t-
eulttrral diabetes have been created
itt the province for the advancement
and •'further development of modern
tartning. 'rh,e-e dtetrict'a ire sup-
plied with. agriculture' Peewee who
give advice on all branches of the
pursuit and encourage up-to-date
farming rnethods,
Fredericton, ef. B. --An Insistent
demand. has . been mane that a
tliormigh investigation of the pos-
slhlltt.iea at barineaeing the tides at
Lite head of the Bay of 'reedy, as a
' power development, propoeltion, be
made. Witt believed that with the
Strip of the railways the Project
could be parried out snccesesfully,
and some investigation work has
,been undertaken,
Fredericton, ,;17713—.--The�.—The transfer
of the crown lands held by the
estate of the late Sir Willlatn Vim
I5prpe a former president o. the
C',F.R, to the l)aihonsie Lumber 00„
a subsidiary of the t'nternationel
Paper Co, of New York, has been
tecotnpliohed. The lands ennsfet of
1221i ,%quare miles le Nortlnumbei'-
laud County, on i.)1 Serpentine
Calgary, Aita--A.rrangetnente have
boon made by the ,Belgian govern- ,
meat for credits amounting to' tett'
Million d'ollars for the pnrcltatte of
neatens Canadlan cattle, Slam tad
slgsulag of the armietlee, a serge
trade in ltreetoek has been mettn-
tninvi VOL Malone and Wreathe.
Church Windows
iirlt , !emorial Texts.
I.nndon, April 3, - A cifrious war
memorial ink been greeted at Swafflfant
Priin•, a tittle village in Cannbridt;eslrirc,
7lie inhabitslrtls, 'after some dis-
cussion, decided upon stained glass
windows for the parish church to re-
present: various war activities, with ex-,
planatory texts beneath, and this has
been carried out, an one side 'of a
vritidow is to be seen a tank, Ole in-
scription reading, "but the man that
shall touch them must be fenced with
Iran"; on the other side is a German
submarine enmeshed in a deep-sea net
with the words: "Though they be hid
from my sight in the bottom of the sea
thence will 1 command the serpent, and
he shall bite then." A third picture,
of a Red Cross nurse, caring for sol-
d.iers in hospitals is interpreted, "And
the Lord said; '1t is not good that man
should be alone; 1 will make trim a'help-
nteet for him',"
• •
Apply few drops then lift sore,
touchy corns off with
De'esn t &net a flit! Drop a 13tkle
Freerone on an aching corn, inatanttl1yy
/that corn stops hurting then you lift
it right out. Yes, magic! •
A. tiny mottle of Freezone coats but Ar
few cents at any drug itore, but is sena
cient to remove every bard corn, sett
corn, or corn between the toes, and tbe
calluses, without soreness or irritation.
Preezono is the sensational discovery
' f s Cincinnati genius, It is wonderful.
We have an unlimited market
-for live Poultry and are anxious
to obtain large Fat Hens.
Our price for Hens is as follows:
Fat Hens over 6
Fat Intens over 5
'Fat Hens over 4
lb S 30c per Tb.
lbs 28c per fb.
ib s 25e per lb
GoartMLOU IOIS & Co., L11111I0:
The up-to-date Firm .'41
metes Branch Phone?
N. W. Trewe+rtha, Manager
or liolmesville 4 on 142,
Before purchasing your
slew piano or organ let us
show you the newest de-
signs in several well-
known and old establish-
ed makes.
See ow styli9h cabinet
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