The Clinton New Era, 1920-4-22, Page 1•
Established 1865,, Vol, $4, No. •43
Kerr & Son, Editors and. Publishers.
e 9
WVtin��w+v v��w v.,e vvvyvvVVVVvvvvv * * *
A Genuine Strength and Body Builder.
The Ideal Tonic for Old and Young.
Sold at the Rexall Sto re.
"W. S. o LANLOO Phm, B.
/bWootakwAim NVbvvvvvVWVNVWW.0www40,Re'woN ovv
Over120 Branches
Many of our customers who started in a small way, have now
a well established business through the assistance and eo-operation of
this Bank over a period of years..
Open an account in this Bank where your interests will he
faithftilly'1ooked after by experienced ofeers.
Tho Manager is always accessible.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
Tile Royal Bapk
Incorporated 1869.
Capital and Reserve .. $33,750,000
Total Assets .. , .. $505,000,000
630 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requirements. hi-
terest paid on deposits.
• Safety lleposit Boxes to rent.
R. E. MANNING, Manager . Clinton Branch
Minister of Finance is Now the
Most Harassed Man at the Cap.
ital Preparing Budget—Land
Taxes, Levy on Capit,l and '"
Excise Duty Suggested as Pro. i<
ducers. +}
Special to Toronto Star
Ottawa, Ont., ,April 20—The budget
speech wi41, It is anticipated, be de-
iivlered during the first or second week
in May, At . the present time the
Minister of Finance is probably the
most harassed man in the Government,
inasmuch as upon his shoulders falls the
task of snaking both ends meet at a time
when expenditures and revenues are
very far apart indeed.
The problem before him is explain-
able in a few words. Ordinary ex-
penditures for the coating fiscal year
are estimated at $440,000,000 other
expenditures bring the total up to
$540,0.00,000, without taking into ac-
count probable supplementary esti-
mates. The total revenues for the past
fiscal year amounted to $380,000,000.
'The follosi'ilig .letter was re-
eeiVed from Mr. 11. J, D, Cooke,"
Returning Officer for Centre
I-lurou`at the •last Ontario I;Ie-
Godericlt; April 19, 1920
W, H, Kerr & Son,
Clinton, ant,,
Re Centre Huron
Dear Sirs: 1• think that S months
is store than "e utile long for
an account to whit,"
I have been urging settlement
for months past but for some
+' reason my appeals have been
* ignored or at any rata they have
tE not borne fruit. No portion of
* my account as Returning 081-
* cer has been paid. The Gov-
++ eminent saw fl1 to send me a
+' cheque for the Deputies, at the
* sante time stating that my ac-
count would be dealt with later
+t --and they mast have meant
• this statnnent to be construed
• literally.
m 1 have given the powers that
+` be another reminder today,
s Yours truly,
On the same basis of revenue, there; ;, H. J. D. Cooke.
fore, the Minister is faced with a deficit * R,0, Centre Huron
of $60,000,000 on ordinary expendit-
ures alone and a total deficit of $16, w to ,t r. :u •x * sin .r *
0,000,000. Arid the Minister has de -
000000000000000 Small Charges to unite OUCK ANPE '
•ONames of City Congregations, is0 0O0A0000000O000inNisber,tobeAnnounced
Mr. Wallitse D
Diehl, is the guest of at Joint, Session of e- !
his grandmother, Mrs, McGarva, nominations in Near ' Items cif Interest Picked Up -fere
Miss Mhtfu Pinning, of Betteek, was Future. i and There About the Town.
a visitor in town over the week end.
Mr. Percy (ouch was up from Kit- The co-operative committee, cont-' ___
thenar; for the week encs with his fain- posed of members from the London Trees Budding,
Presbytery and the London Methodist
il,v, The buds on the trees ar
e Just ready ad
yCoufereuce were in session last Thurs- Mrs. Iinsc, lc of Winnipeg, le iu,urs+ and with ofev days of nalt
visiting her brother, Mrs, Pratt, Rotten- day at London, .discussing the uniting weather they will be out in all their
of sante of the Presbyterian and
bury street.Methodist charges in this district that green freshness.
Mrs, Cl, S. Hawke," of Tiverton, was are not self-sustaining. When the ar- Doing Some Good Work.
calling on old friends in town during rangements are completed the matter .
the past week. cii these wc- The Street Committee has had the
Mr, W. Clement, G.T,R, operator, of inatiothens whichargesh areitot be united to cae(.aboaut drag out on the back streets and they
attended a railway meeting at Strat- eighteen charges will be affected), the are doing a good job. If all the back
matter will be put before a Joint meet- streets could be rounded up it would.
tog of the Methodist Conference and make a decided improvement,
the London Presbytery. Not until such Coming to the Midway,
time as these meet will the names of
the eharges which are to be united be The Express Co., are going to move
made public. from the "Palace" block and will oc-
cupy the store south of Mr, W. R.
Counter's jewelry store, The midway
stilt holds its own for the busiest spot
in town.
+t ford on Tuesday,
a •
* Mr. Morley Counter left on Saturday
afternoon for Hamilton where he has
* e accepted a position.
+. Mrs, Will McDonald, left Tuesday
afternoon for Leamington, after spend-
* (ng several weeks here,
Mrs. Mary tVlclntyre spent last week
'•} at Winghain and Owen Sound, in the
* interest of the Clinton Knitting Co.
+` Mr, Harold, 11111, of the Royal Bank
staff, had Isis right hand tied -up for tt
* week or so, from blood posioning.
a Mrs. F. '1. McDonell, of Detroit, who
has been visiting at Exeter is spending
'x a few days here with her nelces, the
Misses Bowden, before returning., to
dared in the House that at the•present 547, or half a billion dollars in excess
time, he has absolutely no intention of of the actual cost of the war. Just
floating another popular -loan. it would where the extra stoney went to is not
therefore appear that new sources of 'clear from the financial statements of
taxation are to be sought, for there is the Department of Finance.
no reason to believe that the present Assuming that the $106,000,000 cul -
sources will produce any more than
did during
the last fiscal year.
White's Estimate Wrong.
Of the total revenues for the- past
year customs and excise as usual pro- ed only the insignificant amount of
vided the bulk, a total of $210,000,000 $200,000,000 from her new war tax -
in all, while miscellaneous provided es. It would therefore appear that bor-
$to6,000,000. The bulk of the latter rowings and war taxes were in excess
was produced from excess profits and of the actual cost of the. war to an =-
income which contributed nearly double mint of about $700,000,000. It certain
the amount secured the year before. It ly will he one of the tasks of the Fin-
is interesting to note that while Sir • once Minister to explain these figures in
Thomas White estimated the IncnIn rev his budget.
mutes -from the customs tarriff due to Naturally there is much speculation
the reductions which he "made in his as to the probable new sources of rev -
last budget at 8+5,000,000 there was entre which the Minister will propose.
actually an increase of 520,000.000 Retrenchment is not evident in the es-
- in customs receipts during the year. timates which have already been brou-
• In spite of the record revenues cur- ght down, though there are many con
ing the period' a surplus of revenues siclarable but inevitable reductions. The
Messrs. Sherlock and Manning, of
London, were here visiting their piano
factory this week. Mr. Sherlock has
only recently returned from the south
whee he has spent the winter,
lected in revenues last year and listed A number of young ladies of St.
as "miscellaneous"
largely represents s
Paul's and a halfIt dozen other
income and excess profits taxation. lady friends gathered at the Rectory
then the Dominion during the war secur on Wednesday evening to present Miss
Dorothy R:tttenbury with a few useful
articles before leaving town.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart an-
nounce the engagement of their eldest
daughter, Jean Douglas to Mr. Alastair
John Crearer, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. P. D. Crearer, of Hamilton, the
marriage to take place May 15th.
1 Spring Suits
i M
No matter what size, if you are extra large
slighter than the average, unusvally tall or
chunky, you'll find that we have Clothing
Ithat will
Fit Your Figure Perfectly
Suits made in choice patterns of new Spring
SUITINGS that will suit your individvality.
Tailored by the expert makers, Perfect in
every detail of good Suit making.
$22. $25. $30. to $50.
If you have been Clothes Troubled, we ask
you to come here for. relief.
The Morrish Clothing Ce,
+4 begil,;1t'CC ileal 9aer E T.ry Man
Try The , Era_
or. Job or Y
over ordinary expenditures of only 550, customs tariff cannot be expected. to
000,0000 is recorded, while capital ex bring more, if as notch revenue as it
penditures, paid Out of loans amounted did during the past fiscal year, The ex -
to the formidable. sum of $388,000,- cess profits tax it is rumored is to be
000 of which 5343,000,000 was for dropped and not. again. revived. The in -
war. The total ordinary expenditures for cometax so. far has not been expected
th4 preceding year were in excess by but there are, indications of a tighten-
- 575,000,000. The net dept of the Do- int up in the methods of collection. As
minion when the war broke out wits , compared with New Zealand, Aus'tra-
$337 000,000 At the end of the fiscal iia the United States and Great Britain
year Just past it was tremblingthe two the collections in Canada from this
billion mark and has reached a total of source have been highly disappointing,
! 51,935,000,000. And this does not real Talk of Many Schemes.
1y represent the debt of the Dominion.
The gross debt would better represent Speculation regarding new sources
it, inasmuch as a very large proportion is varied. A levy upon capital is suggest i
of the so -called -assets of the Dominion ed by some as the proper method by i
are of little value so far les revenue is which the present anomalous situation
concerned- and might just as well be of. a wealthy country and an almost !.,
written off, The gross debt is three I hankeupt treasury may he adjusted. A
billions,t` land tax has its advocates as has also
Borrowed Over Two Billion. I the imposition of succession duties,
both these taxes being in force in Aus-
Probably a better idea of the Dontin- tralia and NewZealand. It is pointed
ion's overhead charges on which 51100 1 out, however, that in Canada many of
interest must be paid may be' gained
the Provinces
have adoptedted such
fronan examination of the figures re- posts. While no reductions in the tariff
. garding the funded' debt At the end worth rconsideritt.g , are anticipated
i of the fiscal year the total funded debt, 1 there are rumors that an internal ex-
1 was 52,514,826,549, of which 82,047, i cise duty may be imposed upon Can -
1 952, d27 represented borrowings in 1 adlin-nada goods, so that the treasury
'Canada bearing interest at five and a may benefit and the Canadian mane
half per cent. The total expenditures 011 facturer may, pay for the protection
war up, to the end of the last fiscal which he enjoys, 1n the meantime the
I year were $1,677,337,37.1, If the fund- secrets of the budget are locked in the
ed debt when the war broke out Is de -
breast of the Finance Minister, though.
ducted from fiscal debt at the end of i
the last 110041 year, it will be shown that
the Government during the war actual
ly borrowed a sum totalling $2,177,826,
Stratford herald—Mrs. W. J. L
who was married in Clinton on Good
Friday, is ill with 'appendicitis 111 the
General Hospital here. The operation
took place on'Sunday morning and Mrs.
Lawson is progressing quite favorably.
A,'1'iverton correspondent says of a
former Cllntonian:—"Rev, 'Cr S. Hawke
arrived home from London on Saturday
I1ct• 'there' is little improvement in
his voice and he will not be able to take
his work for some time to come." Old
friends here hope he_ will soon be as
hearty -as ever.: ;Xt.11ai�•.ke is doing a
gond work and we wish his success.
Phoii 146 Estimates Given
Interior and
. xterior
We protect your Boors, tuttiti•
ture, etc„ by plenty of draft
Wail Papers,
Mouldings, r
.Signs, s
13.1 Zsaae Street
certain facts its set forth above are
Ou'i'uesday evening of this week the'
t base ball "bu7gs", of the
Doherty Piano Co , met and ,"§a.
elected Officers and estdi1 POSTAL WAR TAX TO Miss ;,1t', Carter
plaits for the coming sea -t' CONTINUE THIS YEAR, Miss M. J. Draper . , , :. 1,00
son. The" Club hada Soh- , W. D. Taylor 1,00
Tessftul seast5it last SUflliner, <(
One of the thiiigs that ought to
become fixed habits in every house-
hold in Clinton Is that of sending
The New Era tile news items that
they +nay know of; tell us of your
news and any neighborhood or other
items that will be of interest to
yourself, your neighbors or your
Every lodge, church body or
social organization should have some
representative who will Pto
m t l
and carefully after its news report-
ing. if you think some organization
has .better news service than your
own, it is probably because that o•-
gaunization looks after such natters
Write your stents and send them
in when possible. Or telephone.
them to No, 30, but please don't ask
Gulf long lists of names /be taken
over telephone, as it not only re-
quires touch time, but is fruitful in
possibilities of error,
Above all. • bet early. Never wait
till late on Thursday to send an item
that can be sent in days before,
The New Era telephone number is
,"30 ?and at nights 95, Fix themin
your mind.. ,
For some time past when the Meth-
odist'Conference and the London Pres-
bytery have held their regular 'meetings
it was the usual procedure for one or
other of the several small churches to
report that it was financially embarrass-
ed, and its this united' arrangement has Auto owners are required to keep
been carried out very well in Northern their license number clean so that it
Ontario, It is thought that it will sac- can be easily read at any time, other-
ceed in this district, turd benefit every wise they are liable to a fine. It is dif-
church concerned, ficutt to da so during the muddy sea-
son, but .the law must be observed or
G. T. R. BRAKEMAN IS trouble will ensue.
Keep Your Marker Clean.
A Handsome Trophy.
Goderich Signal•—A large and hand-
some silver cup, donated by tine West -
Thomas .Manning Receives , In- ern Canada Flour Mills Co., to the
juries at Exeter Goedrich lawn bowling club, has been
on view in H. T. Edwards' store window,
The cup is to be put up for rink cons -
petition at the annual tournament, in
which outside clubs compete, and will
become the property of any club win-
ning it three tunes in succession. This
generous gift will help to increase the
interest in lawn bowling in Godericlt
in this and future seasons,
freight t
While unloading way va' g
ter late Thursday afternoon, Brealceman
Thomas -Manning of the Grand Trunk
had a narrow escape from death when
a steel plate between the platform of
the freight shed and a box car fell upon
hint. Manning stepped upon the steel
plate which slid into the car precipitat
Ing him to the ground between th'e car
and the platform and the heavy plate
theft fell upon his chest bruising him
tsevere+4 i ,
First aid was rendered to hint by his
fellow members of the train crew- at
Exeter and upon his arrival at his home
at 128 Mamelon street Dr. F, B. Clegg
was called to attend him. He stated
that Manning may be suffering from in-
ternal injuries, the full extent of which
will not he known for a few days.
Donations are
The Treasurer of the Muskoka Free
Hospital for Consuntpatives desires
gratefully to acknowledge the following
contributions received in Clinton by
the Feiid Secretary !of ;the National
Sanitarium Association:—
Town Council ' $ 10,00
,McTaggart Bros. 5,00
W. Jackson 1 2,00
Fred, Jackson b ' 2,00
Pluntsteel Bros, 2.00
R. E. ,Manning 2,00
Clinton Creamery 2,00
Miss J. McDougall 2,00
Miss R, S. Edwards 2.00
D. L. Macpherson - 2.00
News Record 2,00
3. W, Treleaven 2.00
S. S ..
B tethers
1: Harland , .2.00
W. R,. Sharp .2.00
Jas. Scott 2.00
Miss D. 11. Helinkay 2.00
F, S. Fould's 2.00
J. L, ,Kerr 2,00
A. T, Cooper 1.00
C. D. Houck 1.00
Miss F. A. Rodaway 1,00
Miss 0, T. Walker 1,00
Miss M. Wiltse 1.00
A. J. Morrish 1,00
J. 'Schornhal..f 1,00
Thos. McKenzie 1.00
A. W. Seeley 1,00
W. 11. Davison 1,00
W. R. Counter L00
J. 9, Nosey .. . 1.00
Miss "M. J. Neaiitt • 1.00
3, P. Sheppard „ 1,00
Mics W, 13, 'Thompson 1.00
Miss E. L. Ford 1,00
Could He Beat the Train?
Godericlt Star:—One day recently,
Sheriff Reynolds who has won fame as
a pedestrian, while in Seaforth on a visit
decided to walk to Clinton and not ,wait
for the evening train. He had nearly
reached•the "hub" when the train pull-
ed past hint and then waited nearly an
hour for the Bruce train. The Sheriff
says he could easily have come to Gode-
rich ahead of the train, and Joe Kidd,
his whilome partner in long tracks,
says that would not he mucic of a trick
to beat a 0. T. R. train; but then Joe, as
C. P, R. agent, must be prejudiced. •
Brother Dead.
Mr., Ernest Lawson received word.
that his brother died on Sunday at
Stratford. The Daily Beacon stakes re-
ference to the death of the late James
Lawson.—After an itjness of seven
months the death took place on Sun-
day afternoon at 1.30 from pleurisy
following effects of influenza and a weak
heart of James Farnell Lawson, aged 27
years and 5 days, at Isis home 238 Erie
street. He was born in Londeshoro,
north of Clinton, where he lived flit
sixteen years ago when he moved to
Clinton for six years then to Stratford
where he has lived for the past ten
years. By trade Mr. Lawson ,was a
teamster anti worked several places in
the city. He was a member of the
Central Methodist church, ife leaves
to mourn their loss his parents, Mr..
and Mrs. Thomas Lawson, 238 Erie
street, three brothers, Ernest S., of
Clinton; Robert L., of Drutnbo and Wil-
liam John (twin brother) at home. The
funeral was held of Wednesday after -
afternoon, Rev. W, 1.1. Graham had
charge of the service, The bearers were
—Ernest Lawson, Robert Lawson, John
Lawson, James Brown, George Leach
and Wilmer Biggins. „v,a •f!
Rev. J. 13. Hogg 1,00
and with nearly all their re- ' ':)! lige iiierehaes to chi cosi of postai Rev, T, J. Snowden +,00
gular players still here will make tite`♦`SerVice will '•1lrobably':prevent a return H. E. Al, 1.00
local teams step some to heal thein. . this year to pre-war rates of postage, D, F A. Axon 1.00
Poliowing are the newly appointed
The tax 0f tine cent 0n all letters which H; Wiltse 1,00
was imposed by the War Revenue Act
ofiicu`rS;-••, .,,.wqt"'. of 1915 last year yielded a return '111 0 - , i
Pi,.s+tttltt�•-A. six million dollars, The stamp 'tela on
Viet? President --W, Lowe; r• t0ratthetciai paper such as .eleques,
yielded a further ten tuillittxt dbllai•s, The Saskatchewan Co-operative Ela
Manager C. Cooper;
Executive Committee- W. J. 'Cools,
W; Fulford, L. Huller.
lhulet' the aisplces of the Scotish
llOme Rale Association a meeting was A towel cabitndt so constructed that Active ne otiatiotts are .ill progress Corresponding Secretary -- LIMN'')
Russian field. tit on Satzndly, al which each giYest rxb 'have i clean rine is for the. rt�rl,,ttri�ifinn of /00,000 R Potter.
a resolution. was liddjlted asking the something new, Besides It will he int prisoners of war in Germany and 306,-
Ge vet'nh,ettt 'lo Pass a hill gtyli19 Scot~ posstl5le for ?he guest to tarry away the 000 ererman and Austrian prisoners in Treasurer -•«Harry lltll. j
land ccttat'rt11 of hotels Suotttisli wffawl,s; 't Wel,'that+;tlso will be sonethitg new. Siberia, Pianist ---Miss Minna Plnmsteel.
In the United States the pl,skal was tax
Secretary -Treasurer---G Cornish; has been removed In C,ankUa similar
elevator and flour atilt Jilit !outside tat Vice—Ne11ts,Anderson
soli will likely be tinpfiws'ible because of
Portage la Prairie; Man. 2nd Vice --Miss Emma Plumsteer.
the increased expetldlths'e of fhe Post- Six fiuildred million debars will be. 3rd Vive—miss Hel1etn Rody,w1+
office Department.
I needed this year by the U.S, railtyays J
, to. finance the purchase of new map.
A W1'l'11 TOR ORltR1'HIiS eli
M• etseefteletsellll+"+"!'As+'B
Baptist Church
Next Lord's Day services at 11 a.m.
and 7 p.10, The Pastor will preach at
both services, taking for 1i1 subject in
the evening: "An honest doubter con.
Miss Lida Pratt, of Cocantsda, lulls,
will address the service next Wednes-
day evening,"+April 28, a1 8 o'clock.
Miss Pratt is a very interesting speaker
and it will be a privilege to hear her.
Ontario SIMoet Church
The League meeting on Monday
night was An charge of the Social and
578.00 Literary •L;+onunitiae. After a game of
"Threes*" the officers for the corning
_ year were elected by ballot:—
allot -- , e
valor 'CO, will erect a million dollar President—A. 3. McMurray,
•nth Vice—S, McFaul, eft
Seeretpr-3—,ielen Anderson,