The Clinton New Era, 1920-3-18, Page 1s.tahlishad 1865, Vol, 54, No. 38
THURSDAY MARCH, 18tia, 1920.
W. H. Kerr 8 Son, Editors end Publishers,
say'A 'rX""tnaa le:raurG us^ ea1",, =„.ntcp *CO ?a " ,�'•"''""""�•
0, t44,..a.,dv,^,alta,,V,"0 a04"mw,entr,.eaas,V <R'ta ae v+eg.nekovv.VV 'YVVv,e'v ey1
We are well prepiu'ed to help you fight the I ht , Be ow a st m
of our vet') useful preparations: Laxative Bromide of Quinine Tablets
Paraformic Throat Lozinges • Medicated Throat Disos
lrormolid Throat Ease Warble
Gorenicidal. Seep, also Em Jae•sn and Tasteless Cod Liver Oil
s. ..1 UM RI 7 i'hrn. 13.
.:+utvv4mdrsossso rvvvwwwwoOMrgWV v,rwvtssovvvvvvvvvessesissvvveJVarov
Over 120 Branches
Many Y,
of S
Open a r,c
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton
customers who started in a small wa have now
a well established -business
our enslished business throw h the Assistance end cooperation of
. this Bank over a periodyears.
n a • ount hi this Bank where your interests will be
faithfully looked after by experienced °Mears,
The Manager is always accessible.
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
T 0.c R 1 a pig •
Incorporated 1869. t,
Capital and Reserve $33,750,000
Total Assets $505,000,000
630 Branches
Special attention to Farmers' requirements. !Il
terest paid on deposits.
Safety Deposit Boxes to refit.
R. E. MANNING, Manager Clinton Branch
Spying Suits
No matter what size, if you are extra large
slighter than the average, unusvally tall or
chunky, you'll find that we have Clothing
that will
Fit Your Figure Perfectly
Suits made in choice patterns of new Spring
that will suit your individvality.
,StUI T P',t'VG'S
Tail, red by the expert makers, Perfect in
it making.
od u
® S
every detail of g•
'?2. , 1,J'�. $30. to $50.
sr teuese est a sense'lr,�s'sgunsse acv, xu5veY 'akemeses etavrrar noose test seaArs'v'.oaanessem.eses Mrvosinteretereaseessetsisse a�dpsermessies etteiisteeirsaat}das,'�rry�'i pas stsearsioss N
000000000000008 , . H. ,B. J,Y 'Le SLAMS, 'BANGS AND ADVICE on. � r, +'ruryr«
0 ()via rig, T �A,CUPs ' To be Electrified 2 TO THE DRURY GOVT. Cannot Come
If you have been Clothes Troubled, We ask
you to come here for relief.
;t "'tllellskl:•II" 111.esa) for II:verV NOD
Mr, James Dunford lots been on the 1
sick lists,
Miss Cll:lrlotte Sheeley of Bridgeport
was home fur the week end,,
Mr, Perry Plumsteel is confined: to
his home with an attack of quinsy,
Mrs. Jack Butler spent the week cad
at the Parental home lu 1Vinghaut.
M.essers Bail and Atkrnsou have both'
been on 'the sick list during r to pas
Mr, and Mrs, Walter ,Mair spent the
week end with their son, Mr. W. A.
Mair at Ripley,
Mr, G. M. Harris, Superiutendant of
the Clinton Knitting Co, is in New York
this week on business.
The many friends of Mrs. Bawden
will hope for a speedy restoration' in
her usual good health: iy,
Ripley Express: — Mr. W. A. Mair
and wife, spent the week end at the
hone of Mr. Mair in Clinton.
Mr, and Mrs, Chas. McDonald, of
Mensal!, were visitors on 'Tuesday with
the forhter's sister, Mrs, Bawden.
Mr, S. E. Stothers is expected to de-
liver an address at the annual social of
the Beigrave Fanner Club tonight.
Mrs. E. Armstrong of town, who hal
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mary
WWieatley in Toronto, is back home a-
gain. -
Brussels Post Dr. T. ;1', McRae
s a week
a rev da, st
• tai aside
for t
w'.tS d
L•om :15 attack of tonsiittis. Ile is able
to be about as usual, now.
Miss Irene Gould,' nurse, who has
been in Portage la Prairie since last
June, is visiting at the parentiil home,
She came last Thursday.
Probable Move of Government in
The Pro.hnchl ltt,ltwa system omnp, Sprirtg Show 'Directors Are Now . While many volumes have been pub-,
Taking over the Road --- St, tool" y Fished dealing with crime and criminals.
Marys Branch First — Bruce to ped out by the Ontario Government /Wilting Hon•' Mr, Doherty 1' he dealshout the theati part of Europe
promises better conditions for motor- Minister of Agriculture,
` uul Anisates, very
London SCribtS. Dream by 1sls, t, e; little has beet, said.
--!® -- Mr. A. J. •MCMttCf'ay, r� f U!' on thus subject with
London, March 12 — Electrification
of the SL Mitrys branch of the Grand
Irian k from London will in all proba-
bility be, one of the first improve-
ments )rade by the Government after
taking over the road, according to in -
taking over; the road, according to' fn- Hume. "
formattr.ia divulged following a con-
ference • night of Grand Trunk and London Spring Show.
Ontario will travel faster in more
and two d Stanley rififciais within the •than one respect when the roads pro- The Directors have now
past two days, rant is Con toted, 1
Rumors of the two roads uniting b p written t118 Minister of Agri -
cm the erection of the union depot, ---o•-- 1 culture, Hun, Mr. Doherty, '
without waiting for probable similar tion. 1'. C. Biggs has served notice to see if he Will come and
action on the part of the Canadian that the. gol'enmeut is cot going to deliver' an address that even
Pacific RaIsvay whs cu1rrent friday, pay maintenance grants to counties
and admission was made 1n London and that are not keeping the county roads ilig.
Port •Stanley. circles that' (Ise city- up to a reasonable standard,.
!lope Ilan. F. C. Briggs New roads Secretary of the Centre i bl#' a, regard to India. Few
will be paved with something better eon -
Huron Agricultural io iely ( people have'IIIIY eon -
(Iran good intention. • ceptlon of the work.
--l0-- • i received word from Pi'emie,r I lane i» India to re-
The Ontario drys," with Hon, Mr, 1 !.)fury, that it Would he int- 1 forrn the many outcast tribes of heredi-
Raney's latest statement -1n view,, may posSihle for him' to` accept Vary criminals who for years past have
conclude that there's something in a' their Invltfitloll to attelic4 the been the despair of the police and pub
lie authorities in that country. Through
the Indian Empire in some provinces
more. than 111 others many outcast tribes
are found some as despised settlers on
the outskirts of villages, ostensibly
earning at livelihood by the lowest forms
of menial labor; some as nomads living
nominally by the sale of live stock (gen
entity pilfered to be sold) by exhibit-.
Ions of dancing and rough music, and
sometimes admittedly by the prostitut-
ion of their women, in many of these'
tribes the individuals are professional
A Race of Criminals.
owned road expects much more liar- —•-!•-- ' PROFESSES OCCULT POWER
monious relations with the! Grand ,The fact that Mr. J. C. Elliott; wino
Trunk under iovernntesjt ownership was a leading Liberal member end Lib-.
is tjjte with orad Whip in the fast Ontario Clouse, for i
Legal Miss Gladys 'Clsovven. who has been
on the Royal Bank staff' for some years
has accepted a position in Toronto and
will leave shortly for that city.
Mr, end Mrs. E. E. 1•lunniford, atre in
London this Week. Mr. liugniford
underwent a slight operation at St.
Joseph's hospital there on Tuesday
Mr. Laurie Greig left on Wednesday
for Woodstock, being transeered from
the Maisons Bank here to that city.
We ndsli:Our young townsman success -
in his new position.
Mrs. Geo, Brown, of Toronto„ and
daughter, Mrs. R. W. Moore of Saska-
toon, are the guests of Mrs. J. L. Kerr.
-The visitors are mother and sister, re-
spectively of the hostess.
'Mr, James Snell was in Toronto this
week .attending the Director's meeting
of the Canadian Sheep Breeders Asso-
ciation: He goes to London on the
2011s to attend the Western Fair Board
Rev, Capt. McKegney M, C. is the
delegate for Clinteni G, W. V. A. Branch
to the Ontario Convention being held
at Peterboro. Mr, McKegney is on the
Constitution and law, Committee at the
convention. .
Two former 0.0.1., students were
honoured by being elected".to positions
on the Executive of the University Col-
lege Literary Society. Mr, Harry Shaw
was elected curator Slid 'dr, Louis Mc-
Kay was one -elected ns a second year
Alvin Leonard who is attending Var-
sity .was one of those who tank part
entitled he ' Rt
' the ht
a clot Ani t
an a pageant,
than have prevailed t pastWeird Story Toldn Case at
the latter road under private ownership. has been appointed legislative counsel Osgoode Hali — Located Lost.
Jnder Lease.' by the Drury government, in order to Articles.
assist in the legal work required dur- 1
Under the old 99 -year lease under ing the session, is one to which no ex -
thigh the Grand Trunk uses cit) -owned (Wednesday's Globe.} a
caption is likely to be taken, unless A tale involving supposed conuun-
land,' the Port Stanley Railway was to it be pia: ;toward Ferguson and his ,
have terminal facilities, provided by the itCbe hyvative following. The question, kation with the dead and one which is
Grand Trunk, which road was to sell est itself, in man)' respects the weirdest that has
however, will naturally suggest collie before the Ontario Courts in
tickets, handle baggage and provide Ituw came the selection to be made been declared by ethnologists to show
waitin roomsfor the other road.. The many years, reached Osgoode Hall yes -
Grand Trunk, at the time the Port terday. it was originally told before
away with? Were applications fur the clear connection with the gipsy tribes
Stanley was electrified, objected toJudge Henry Dickson of Huron county,
position advertised for, and if not, of Europe and Western Asia. Whether
overhand wires at its local terminal, and came to Osgoode Itali,hecause the through tendencies inherited from gen
why Hat? taw er who defended the principal iu �'
and on this .ground broke the agree- ) orations of vagrant ancestors, or from
stent, but is 5(1(1'en o •in g the full use the trial requested a stated case to bring y
1) S If the U, F. 0. can do the seeming_1y connate causes brought about b their
of Ail)' land, although in partial recon- before the Appellate Division. He wishes caste degradation, these people have
pense the land onwhich the present impossible and lead a trek back to the the court to determine whether the
land they will I'e doing no less a fay. evidence which had been offered was now adopted crime aS the easiest suffic-
Port Stanley, terminal is eituated waslent for the sustenance of life; in fact
returued'ta the use of the city. The °r to the city lhan•ihey do for them" sufficient to warrant s conviction.
selves but it's a hard task they have Alts;, Maggie Pollock, sister and house crime is with them a social and relig-
leaFe has ,tel o 50 years to run. Set for themselves, and if 'they can't ions obligation, Among then a young
From the Port Stanley standpoint, towner of at farmer near Blyth, Morris
do it nobody :can. unto is not considered eligible for marr-
other radials should also be permitted I township, Huron county, is the person iage until he has committed a°sucewss-
--�®-- '• about whom tate case revolves, Through fel burglary, Il tthe gods of the tribe
The U. F. 0. turned their first part- the years. She claimed at her trial, she are urglaiy, and ash gods led to ribe
lamentary furrow Tuesday. had gradually come to realize that she ore their assistance in all propitiated
(criminal, 55-
--O.-- ! s'as possessed of a peculiar occult gift
Having decided to do away with the and throughout the country her reputat 1
patronage system, the Drury govern- ion of being able to reveal the hiding i Inefficient Methods of Reform.
meta logically announces that the en- places of lost, stolen or strayed pro-, The hew up to t91t furnished the -
uuteraiclr system of preparing the vot- perty had became known. Consequen-' police with no means of dealing with
er's lists is to be done away with and thy if her neighht,rs mislaid anything these people other than by the cusum -
the old method of compiling the lists they' clime to her asked her far the 11- au procedu re of arrest, conviction and
returned to. The only reason why' the formation they desired and generally imprisonment when crime could be
enumerator system was brought 1)110 left a small monetary gift. 1 brought 1.0',36 to them says 1 corrGs-
heing teas to provide jobs for the faith- Ring was Lost. ; pondent u, the London 'Plates 'r'rwut
fed, and to place the electoral machin- ' Not only is the case itself rentinis- time to time spasmodic' eftofts at t•e-
ery in the bands of the party in power. I cent of the days of witchcraft. 'rhe very forst had been made in the way of agric.
indictment on which she was orign- unmet settlements, but these, generally
Some of these criminal rases are be-
lieved to be pure descendants of the
aborigines of India, driven out of their
former heritage by a succession of in-
vading races, and now regarded as so un
clean that they are not suffered to
drink of the same poll as their super-
iors, Others, notably the Donis, have
to use the same union depot, and in
line with this contention is advanced
the probable electrification of the Lon-
don, Huron and Bruce line shortly fol-
lowing the electrification of the St,
Marys branch.
Radial not Probable.
That ahother radial would ever nclsv
be built following the route planned fur
the ane -time proposed North Middlesex
is very, probable, in the 01)111 1011 of
Phflili Pocock, who, believing that both
the Bruce and St. Marys lines of the
Grand Trunk •will he electrified does
not countenance the idea of the Pro-
vincial and Dominion Government run-
ning electrical fadigls in opposition to
one another.
The long discussed radial connection
with Grand Bend, Mr. Pocock thinks
will conte through an extension of the
Bruce, and In time the electrification{of
the Stratford -Sarnia branch will give
radial -connections between London and
Luean: Stub lines frau either the
Bruce or St. Marys branches would eve-
ntually be built into the territory be-
tween the two lines, giving radiad con-
nections to the hamlets and vicinities
of Bryaunston, Birr and Arva,
Against the sometimes proposed ex-
tension of the Springbank lint -of the
London' Street Railway to Lambeth, up-
on the. achievment of the long -discuss-
ed municipalization of the local tram-
way system is raised the argument that
not more Allan a mile of trackage woald
be saved as compared with the relay -
of the Nations" which was put on at the Ing of a line over the London and Lake
Brit route, whj,gh will give more direct
connection between Lambeth and Lon-
Annnuneenten1 that the Canadian
Pacific is in no wa,y committed to the
building of a branch ;line to Sarnia is
coupled witli the suggestion that poss-
Temperance convention last 'Thursday.
Ule appeared representing h111hand.t The
pageant W1ls said to have been Dine of
the finest things put on at the conven-
Estimates as �i�
oe146 t
. r -_.-.
.Interior and
The New Erg
for Job Work in
We protect yovr flaore, furni-
ture, etc., by plenty of drop
, Wall Papers,
Signs, Etc.
1 Isa
ac Street
• ally charged conveys, with its legal phi cnntroled by police agency, were en -
`raseology, something of the attmbsph- thistly lacking in the moral influences
1 ere of the days'when twitches were con- that are so essential to reform as dis-
[S HELD AT HENSALL demned to die in manners most nor- tinguished from stere punishment. "
ritile, t"rhe;y were not even effective/its deter.,
It was charged that 'in the mouth of ants as the immediate control being in
Lists of Prize Winners in Oats, Wheat, December 1918 she did unlawfully pre the Minds of ig-paid and often illiterate
Barley and Beans. I tend from her skill and knowledge in subordinates of the police departments,
1 an occult and crafty science, to discov- escapes and absences were frequentiy
HensallMarch t2—tlensall's inn + er when and in what manner certain connived at, Prison life was too corn-
ual spring, seed show was held in the goods and chattels, to cit, certaist grain instable in comparison with their ex -
town hall this afternoon, and consider -,:end oats, supposed to have been -stolen istence outside to present any real ter-
ing the slate of the roads and the wet from on•e, John Lienhardt, could he rors to these people, and was Far from
weather was well attended. Following found," and further, "that she did pre- conducive to any improvement of char -
are the principal prize winners. , tend to use a certain kind of witchcraft acter, in 191 1 the Government of in-
Whtte Oats 1, Robert McLaren Hen- , sorcery, enchantment or conjuration." dia passed an Act known as the Crimin-
sall; Wm. R. Dougall, Hay Township ' During the trail several remarkable al 'tribes Act, which furnished the
instances mile to light Testifying in
local Governments with powers to re -
Spring wheat Robert McLaren, Hen -
Barley t, W, R. Dougal 1,i15>' 2, Rob -
1 behalf of the accused girl Mrs. Grace gaster the members and restrict -the
Sinclair, wife of a Brussels barrister, movements of gangs and tribes habit-
ert Thompson, Hay. told of having consulted Miss Poloek unity addicted to the commission of
Beans Robert Thomson, play. 1'at u time when she had lost a diamond crime against property and with the
of indiatte
fr m h r mother. chat f e
Mr. T. L. Francher of Chatham, was rang, an heirloomn eson n
judge The president o fthe society is Although her mother 'had been dead confine such gangs and tribes to settle
Robert D. Bell, of Tuckersmitb. for six years, Mrs. Sinclair said the girl nlents, but the difficulty of finding
Mf, Keith McLaren of Se tforth, Is sec- hard said: "1 see your mother standing' ' suitable agency for the control of 131511
rotary, but owing to illness in its faro- 1 beside your chair." Continuing, she settlements still presented itself,
ily was made unable to attend, and the had informed Mrs. Sinclair that the The Salvation Army's Work.
duties were performed by Mr. R7hert ring had been ahrown out of a south Sir John Itewutt, Lfeuten;uri Gos
, door. in the house with some dust, and ernrr of the. Uuiled Provinces. inti, ;t
meuren. that if patience were exorcised the miss -Ilse assistance of the Salvation Army ' '
Ing ring would be found when the suns' an andcavor to cope with the criminal
ibly this cmnipxny might decide an an .ala►"°M*;" Lemmmm4*ss. frtIdisappeared. Mrs, Sinclair did not wait 515m5111. An initial experiment Was
}however and with her hgshand melt- tried with the Domes at Gnrakphur,
• electric line to that point which would ! ,rtip, , ° 1
t1 15'l'S'.li TLe• . ,:",5"....."'"'lell dumttittes of Wow witiout finding These people wild truculent and in -
for t hie
carie roadh ab
in -
Make one more el� the leash ....eft.,
trace, of the missing' ring. Ac..
tractable at first refused to work rand
' it union radial depot would be desk -i arrasta+i5i
eordjngly, she wrote Miss Pollock, In- sometimes treated the officers With
able, to this event the Canadian Pacificgaptiat Church forming her ot, what she had done, and open d5113)1re and'vir,lenee. They Wold
night effect connections with the their
Services next Lord's Day ft. a, ml• 1 Miss Poiloek replied that her,ntessage sit about sulking aqd watch for the
ion depot only indirectly through their Ii anal 7 p.m.had been to "have patience" and await earliest opportunity to escape, in whidb
radial title; The subject —
Morning e White light of
tnature's will. After a thaw some weeks they frequently succeeded, for the Sat-
in the opinion of electric railway e»- •
'Tratit later the ring was found lying on the cation Army works on a system of wins
-thtisiasts the Grand 'Trunk main line Evening subject --•"Pilate', question." grfiei'iti in the position described by the ping by persuasion father than force,
will be onee dfo due time and tI The Evening subject thereis the first of a girl during her alleged enntntunion and in some eases three-fourths of the
may be no need for a union depot for series of ,canons leading up to Easter wtih'ihe spirit of Mrs. Sinclair's depart- inmates of it settlement have been kno-
Sunday. .. ' ed mother, ti's to scale the wails and decamp dor-
• Wesley •Ch+ti•ch �' 1
A Vale" hist, Night. ing the night. It is the work of the pol-
'The Ladies Aid had a ,splendld St. 1 ice 1.c pnrsaa and ming them Mack,
Patrick's supper in Wesley Hall of Wed- ` sad the Aet provides for 1atisrimoaMaeflt
nesday evening of this Week: A big (' La'st Tuesday Evening under the as a punishment For escape. llls1 release
Icrowd Was present to partake of tate i Girl's Club and Young People's society from goal they are again taken to the
bountiful spread, of Willis church, held a 'ale Oirisit settlement, and while many renew their
j{' "The Epworth League will hold a party and ihose.who were present, had efforts to escape the majority gratin:01y
tike imus" because li'e e"s a cellar tut- ; .ill- evening next Monday,' Linnett a •splendid time. ... hegira to see that the comparative 1ib-
SnC. g Y
der the said lone. { will'be served and Rev. Capt, Edwards Tho G. W, V. A lDanCiL esty and kind treatment they eHioy nm
Cheer uli! The sap will sonic be flow- of Seafttrth, will deliver an address, the settlement is prefaral'le to the hunt:
ing whets a vols is Adtitissioii 255. • , y`. On Wednesday.Eveni51 ttf this week ed life alter escape and the almost in<
c is the Ina pIc, n The .choir held a social evening 011 the 0. W: V, A, held a St, PatricI..45(1ee evltahh:nrar,'apture and imprisonment, '
taken ib aur ho�tties•on the question of
'Tuesday in the Wesley flail, in the Town hail and there were malty Effects of iia New System,
ittaple syrup and pancakes, the »minim-' Mr, Norman Holland's Sunday School from outside 19 add to the large atlen- 'The 111(5re of etulilol mei 1 •1;1150 to
k3- ae chesty of London the Inmates varies In the. different
airs decision wiptbe to lay them on the class. held a social Evening 011 'I`uesday dance, Lyric Ja.t, orchestra t
table, In the Wesley Hall, supplied an excellent program, settlements, Agriculture basket grid
steam lines, the Canadian Pacific re-
maining the only steam road tonclihig
Present attitude of IS S., in regard to
lin! League of Nations, is about asdi•
gnified as a Ciu'lie Chaplin mustache.
Some men sung "There's no place