The Clinton News Record, 1920-12-2, Page 7it
he prepared, not only for :the family,
but alae fel hired men working on
the farm, Meanwhile, the ehildre'n,
if there are any, have to leek after
themselves as 'best they can,A rem-
edy must be found fcr this etato of
ideate if at till possible. The welfare
of the future geoenation demands it.
As a beginning there should be a
building; expert available whose ad-
vice could be ,sought by all dwellers
on fame, in 'backwoods, lumber
camps, etc. One of the principal
dirties of this official would be to
advise and=•euperviee as regards the
arrangement of the kitchen, pantry,
etc. At present there is a luck of
Method in the .aeriingemenb o1 the
cooking..atove, kitchen table, sink,
pantry, cupboards, etc. In her daily
round df work the womae of the house
could be saved a lot of useleoa walk-
ing about if the various features of
the kitchen were arranged in such
juxtaposition that, for in.stanee„ She
could get from the baking table to
the stove with the fewest number of
steps, and that the pantry where the
baking materials aro kept is convene-
ent to the table, and that the sink is
so situated. that the dishes can ,be 'con-
veniently got to it from the table
when the meal is finished. Moreover,
tho height of the table and sink should
;be carefully adjusted. A working
surface that is too low or too high
•causes unnecessary fatigue.. In the
baking of such a comparatively sim-
ple thing as a pie, a methodical
rangement of the kitchen furniture
can cut its half the number of steps
the woman, has ord'lnmily to take for
the task. Having shelves near the
stove, for instance, is even more con-
venient than having a large-sized
pantry. One would hardly believe
;offhand that the contrast in two
kitchens should' be so narked, and
-yet I. have .seen on arranged -hodge-
podge . and the other methodically::
The lessened amount of .work that
has to be. done in the latter case is
The question o:f electric power is as
important to lural Canada as sun-
shine is to growing -flowers. The com
fort and convenience of en electric
supply to farm houses in the country,
in mining eamps, ete., cannot be over-
estimated. Could such a boon be
brought about it would revolubionize
•country life all over this groat Do-
minion. If a competent League •of
Nations can be formulated to take.
care of international affair's and al-
low nit -Vous to utilize theenormous
grants formerly used for offensive
and defensive purposes, in bringing
the products of science and -civiliza-
tttan within reach of the people of this
and other countries, the hoar will not
have been fought in vain; An oil
engine and dynamo supplied at cost
by the Government and installed to
every outlying settlement would he
an incalculable boon. The stoney
necessary for this engine and dyna-
mo could be advanced to settlers on
terms similar to those on which the
grants for clearing the land', farm
implements, etc., are now advanced.
In any ease the serious problems
that confront the dwellers in the
country must be tackled scientifical-
ly, or the rural population will con-
tinue flocking to our already over-
crowded 'cities. No greater or more
important task confronts the Govern-
ment to -day.
People who live in rural districts
in Canada have many probleirts to
face, 'There is moll aynipa'thy to be
felt for the hundreds of families
yearly who leave the farm and conte
to seek the more eongelrlal, comfort-
able life of the city.' Country life in
Canada does not offer many attrac-
tions to people of ether countries on
account of the shortage of dramatic
servants, which makes life on Cana-
dian farms e long eontinuotza drudg-
ery for ..both sten and women. Not
only the scarcity of farm and domes-
tic help is a serious problem, but the
lack of convenien!ees in the home
makes matters worse, and brings ex-
tra' toil to the women in the house.
In the case of a family where theiee
are young children, 'one can readily
see what tl. menace this state of things
is to child welfare, and yet the up-
bringing of healthy children is ane of
the most important features of fam-
ily life wherever one's lot may be
cast. •
Of course among the better class
of country and farm houses many
necessary eonvenieneos are now -in-
stalled. But in those houses where
the people are of the settler class
and 'struggling to get their fins -twee
on a firm footing, there are often
just the bare necessities of life. The
homes of these settlers are now scat-
tered all over the country, and since
the war their numbeee have increased
rapidly and are still increasing as
the land settlement schemes of the
l- • Governmentare getting materialized.
Most of these families are of good
sturdy British stack and the very
kind of settlers this country needs.
It is the duty of the Government to
do everything in their power to main-
tain the health and efficiency of these
pioneers,and the most 'effective. way
. seems to be through the Maternal and
'Ghiid•• Welfare: Clinics that• -are -being
-demonstrated all• over the . province.
These. eltniea * i1t charge:•of
trained nurses working in conjunction
• with. doctors who will endeavor .to
c rectify many of •the physical. defects
of childhood that without this super-
vishn week" likely become more
marked, and result in the child be-
coming physically defective all
through life. With the aid of a big
motor truck fitted up with all the re-
quirements of a clinic room, a special--
pecial-let in children's diseases, assisted 'by
a nurse, will visit every part of the
In another tirticle I will describe in
more detail the work that this travel-
ling clinic will do, and how important
it is in the great efforts now being!
trade in the interests of Child Wel-
fare. In the meantime, however,
some,means must be suggested to re -1
lieve the mother front the drudgery!
of housework, and allow her time to
look after the health of her children
and their physical development. Even
• infant fending—the most important
thing to be attended to in the first
few mouths of life—is not carried
out eoientifically in the care of bottle-
fed 'babies. The mothers often do not
know. how to feed the child, and when
they' have some scientific knowledge,
there is little time to put it into prac-
tice on account of the round of duties
from dawn till dusk. Some women
even start the early morning work by
bringing in the cows and milking
them, after which breakfast hes to
An old country couple came up to
Lannon town, to see the place w'er'e
the roses on the cheeks of the maidens
outshone the roses round the door.
They saw many things that they had
never seen "down on the farm,' and
then along the road came rolling an
electric 'tramcar.
Imagination and Fact,
Little I)rnestiae, who was spending
her vacation in the country with her
farther, sought him out oue day with
this announcement:
"Oh, daddy, I have just found a
place where there are millions and
hundreds of apples. See, I have
brought you two!"
The Profitable Skunk.
The advantages of the artificial
raising of the fox, beaver, and musk-
rat, epecilicelly, have been often point-
ed out, and stere it is proposed to de-
vote a few words to that much abused
animal, the skunk, The fact that the
animal is to be found in, practically
every part of the American continent,
and that the pelt has sold as high as
tea dollar's, is sufficient to attract the
attention bf fur farmers and induce a
study into the feasibility and advan-
tages of the industry.
Many years ago Ernest Thompson
Seton, the well known nature writer
and naturalist to the M•attftoba Govorn-
ment, advocated a more extensive arti-
ficial propagation of the skunk, and
himself operated a most successful
ranch of title kind. Because, largely
•of a prejudice against the little animal
and its method of defence, skunk
farming has never been firmly estab-
Ilshed in Canada- as an industry, al-
though the advantages and posnibille
ties• are obviously so groat, Success
on ether\ parts of the American coin,
thrum ana elsewhere have demonatrat-
ed the feabibility of establishing the
industry firmly and profitably in the
The eltunk le widely /mind over the
Canadian Dominion in every corner
and hook where it cart find food suited
to its.•needds, and netwithetandfng ilio
*act that it to persistently hunted,
trapped and worried by dogs, it COM,
times to thrive and mttltiply In 0100o
proximity to settlenteuts, Tilt" aninial
1 merrier( timid riot vioiotts end: is
practically omnivorous, devouring
large quantities of insects including
grasshoppers, crickets, beetles and
caterpillars. In captivity, its feeding
is very economical, the diet consisting
of meat, fish, cooked cereals, vege-
tables and milk. The food problem is
most easily solved where the ranch is
established within reach of a hotel.
The contents Miele. daily garbage can
will feed a eoneiderable number,
Tho skunk multiplies rapidly with
litters of from six to twelve, the per-
iod of gestation being eight weeks.
Descenting May be performed when
the animals are five weeks old and ell
poeaibility of future nuisance may be
eliminated, but 1n domestic raising
thio is not really necessary, contrary
to gelterai belief, as the metals b0-
caro remarkably tame and. friendly
With tbcse handling them and never
bring into play the powerful eyespots,
nature has geese them eicoopt when
barely frightened by some intruder.
Slcunk ranching could be saccoea-
fully merle(' on in prate:Melly every
section o -f Canada, for the• aninnal 10
indigenous to every part and would
rind hie natural o0nditions wbsrover
a farm was located. In wire onolosed
pons' of suitable land the animals will
make their own burrows and dens and
need little Atte-Atkin beyond feeding.
The demand for pelts is steady and
6eiforal, and the high prides prevailing
during the past few years lnalte okunit
ranches very profitable eotteerits and
augur 'e euccessfui future, for any 'do•
Veloptnent along these li'nesg ,.
Tell the Story of'Watery B3lood—
trlow to Regain a Good Color
and health.
To be elm dowel in health, and t0
toss their attractiveness le the trouble
nested -title of many young girls, Their
palled cheeks and dull eyes tell every,
one that they are doomed to days of
wretched beadacbes and are victim
of breathlessness and bloodlessness,
The anaeinie girl, if she neglects her
health, pray be a sufferer all her life;
for an active happy woman cannot be
developed out of a bloodless, consump-
tive 'erectile girl, without the help of
new, rich, red blood,
Pale, weak girls should take heed.
Illoodlessuess must not be neglected.
Plenty of good air,' a nourishing diet
and rest will help you, but the cure
You need most promptly is now blood.
Good now blood In abundance, such
as makes all the difference between
sound health and poor health to girls
and wallies, is supplied by Dr. Wil-
liams Ptak Pills. Their one._mission
is to make new blood which reaches
every organ and every nerve In the
body, bringing to anaemic girls and
women new color, `bright eyes, an
elastin step and a feeling of joy in
living. The value ere Dr. Williams
Pink Phis . to young girls as .shaven by
the cure of Miss Bessie Clarke, R.R.
No. 1, Stevelisville, Out., who says.:
"Two years ago, while studying for
the entrance examination, my health
broke down and I fell away to a mere
shadow oL my former self. When the
day for the examinations came, I
should have been in bed instead of
trying them, but I went on with the
work and when through was almost
on the verge of collapse. I thought
then that a rest would Help me, but I
did not 'regain my strength. Then
my mother was advised to have me
try Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and after
taking them for about a month I found
-myself neatored to health, with 'good
color and,,a change . for the better,
which people • who • knew me readily
noticed. I am very thankful for what
Dr. Williams Pink Pills did for me,
and hope any experience will benefit
some other weals girl."
You can gat Dr. Williams Pink Pills,
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail, postpaid, at 50 cents a box, or
six boxes far $2.50 from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
On the Art of Reading.
Professor Sir Arthur Quiller -Couch,
in the course of his lively lectures
"On the Art of Reading," gives same
examples of Irish peasants' sayings
with the large simplicity, the cadence,
the accent of Scriptural speech, The
best Is the ilenedictionabestowed upon
one of the two authors of the lncom-
ptuable "Irish R. M." by an old wo-
man fn. Skibberdeen:
"Sure ye're always laughing! That
ye m0y Laugh in the sight of the Glory
of Heaven!"
The writer once thought -of staking
alt anthology of such wild flowers of
wayside speech. He would have in-
cluded in it some far -travelled say-
ings, such as that of the freighter in
the alkaline districts of Alberta, who
said, pointing with his whip to an
intensely blue lane on the horizon,
"Bitter as a dying man's sweat is
that satire water," and the perfect de-
finition of a ghost implied in the words
of a Newfoundland fisherman, "There
i sees 'em warming theirselves in the
Once a mother has used Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones site would
not be without them. They are the
ideal home remedy for the baby; being
guaranteed to be absolutely free from
opiates or other harmful drugs. They
ars a gentle but thorough laxative and
have been proved of the greatest aid
in cases• of constipation, indigestion,
colic, colds. and simple fevers. Con-
cerning them Mrs. Ernest Gagne,
Beausejour, Que., writes: "I have used
Baby's Own Tablets for constipation
and colic and have found thont so suc-
eeseful that I would not be without
them, I would strongly recommend
every mother to keep a box in the
house.", The Tablets• are sold by
medicine dealere or by mall at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont.
To Match.
A teacher said to his class in 1Ing.
liah composition:
"Now, I mesh -every member of the
class would write out a convensation
between a -grocer and oue of his cus-
tomers, introducing some pathetic in-
cident or reference,"
Among the compositions handed in
was the following: i
"What do you want?" milted the
The woman replied: "A pound of
"Green or black?" asked tete mer-
"1 thick 191 take black," she mid;
"it's for a entwine"
Salada Tea Reduced 15 Cents
A Pound.
Every effort is being made to supply
the retail dealers with Blown Label
"SALADA" at the reduced price of
66 emits per pound. However, it will
take some Ifitlo thee before all' have
it In stock, lit spite Of every exertion
ott the part of the Connpauy, ea they
hate tone of thousands of customers
throughout Canada from the Atlantic'
to the. Pdoiflo,
lioroils never get plump, no matter
how at!bundattt their food,
Tile total 'yuan' debt of Germany Is
265,000,000,000, maiko, normally 665,.
i nprde.I.Infj»,00t 0119.goi fe eipptc
No. 9731—Misses' Coat. Price, 30
cents. Full length or shorter; con-
✓ ertible collar. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20
years. Size 16, longer length, with-
out nap, 8% yds. 48 ins. vitae; with
slap, 31/s yds. 54 ins. wide; ]lining, 3%
yds. 36 ins. wide; without nap, shorter
Aength, 23'4 yds. 48 ins, wide; wlibh
nap, 21/4 yds. 54 ins. wide; lining, 21/4
Yds. 86 ins. wide.
This pattern may be obtaled Prom
your Iocal McCall dealer, or from the
McCall Co,, 70 Bond St., Toronto,
Dept. W.
Gold Is Everywhere.
It is reported that gold has been
found In the lee of the great glacier
of Monte Rosa, and that search ie
being made for the seam or vein from
which th'e yellow flakes originally
The fact is that gold, though the
most precious• of metals is con non
use, le by far the most widely dis-
tributed, There le hardly any country
o s. earth, from the eduator to the.
poles, where it is not found.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only --look for the name California on
the package, then you aro sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless phyalo for the little atom -
tote liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full directions on
e ach bottle. Son must say "Cale
The British Premier's Offer.
It is Colonel Repington who tells of
a certain luncheon during the war at
10 Downing Street—a Iuncheon, by the
way, of the simpleat character. There
was one maid to wait, the menu con-
onseating of cutlets and vegetables, milk
pudding, French plums, and water.
During rho meal the chances of in-
vasion were discussed, and Mr. Lloyd
George offered to eat a sausage for
every German landed over 60,000,
"Pape's Diapepsin" Corrects
"Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest,
surest relief for Indigestion, Gases,
Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer-
mentation or Stomach Distress caused
by acidity. A few tablets give almost
immediate stomach relief and shortly
tate atotnaab is corrected so you can
eat favorite footle without fear. Largo
case tests only 60 cents at drug store.
Absolutely harmless and pleasant.
Millions helped annually. Largest sell-
ing stomach corrector in world.—Adv.
Those Children.
A little girl who was an unnoticed
listener at dinner the other day sud-
denly piped up with "Mamma, is
everybody wicked?"
"Why, no, my child, of course not,"
answered the niotllee "Why do You
ask such a question as that?"
"'Because yon haven't said a nice
thing about anyone to -day,"
The meal was finished in silence,
`They Work while you Sleep' •
"All shot to .pieces"? You are bil-
lions, constipated! You teal hoadaohy,
full of cold, (tiny, unstrung. Your
steals don't lit—breath Is bad, skin
sallow. Take Casemate to'nlglrt for
your Titer and bowels end wake up
cleat', onorgetio and cheerful. No
griping --no' inoonvenienoe. (lltildron
love descants to10, 20, 00 cents...
Last year 146,628 People emigrated
from Great Britain, and 4,801 ;from
, to rcl`,p fyilltidrit f[allelfe t t olrlst gee
Tho'loronta ltospltal for :Epee-
ebles, in aflllletton, with liollsvae
Val Allied 1Ioepltale, New }erre
(,lief effete a three years' Ceuese
of aralaine to young women, hay.
• ing the required oiluaatlgn, and
dealt'ous of booming nurses. TWO
iloopikal has adopted the eight-
hour nystern . The pupils recetvo
uniforms of the Scheel, a monthly
allOWaitpe and tt'aveLlintr exlloltOON
to and frena New lock," Dor
further Information apply to the
The Argument.
Au argument as to the origin of
bagpipes had waxed loud and long be-
tween a Scotsman and an Irishman,
ascii-of whom claimed that hie own'
country had produced, the ilistriment.
Finally the Irishman clinched mat.
tors by remarking;
"Well, the truth is, the Irish in-
vinted the polpos and made a priseut
av-tlrlm to the Scots. And the Scots
haven't seen the joke yeti"
Girls! Save Your I-iairf
Make It Abundant!
Immediately after a "Lranderine"
massage, your hair takes on new life,
lustre and wondrous beauty, appear.
ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be.
cauae ,each hair seems to fluff and
thicken. Don't let your hair stay life.
less, colorless, plain or scraggly. You,
too, wantlots of long, strong, beauti-'
fur hair.
A • 85 -cent bottle of delightful "Dan-
derine freshens your scalp checks
dandruff and falling hale. This stimu.
lating "beauty -tonic" gives to thin,,
dull, fading hair that youthful bright-
ness and abundant thickness—Ali
It is not generally knovm that tele
fur seal was once a land animal. The
baby seals are actively afraid of wa-
ter; they would drown if thrown into
it, and have to learn to swim by re-
peated efforts. When once they have
been taught to swim, however, they
soon forget to walk.
Rural Route No. 1,
Mascouohe, Quebec, Oct. 16, 1919.
The Minard's Liniment People,
Sirs,—I feel that I should bo doing a
wrong If I neglected to write- you. I
have had four tumors growing on my
head for years, I had thein cut off by
a surgeon about fifteenyears ago, but
they grow againtell about three months
ago I had one ns large and shaped like
a lady's thimble on the very place whore
my hair should be parted, and It was
getting so embarrassing in public that
it wan a constant worry to me. About
three months ago I got a bottle of your
liniment for another purpose and saw on
the label good for tumors. Well I tried
it and kept at it for exactly two months,
with the result that it has entirely re-
moved all trace of the tumor, and were
it not that they had been cut fifteen
Years ago, no mark would be seen. I
have not been asked tsr this testimonial
and you can use 1t as you neo flt.
P.S.—I am a farmer and intend using
Mlnard's Liniment on my mare for a
strained tendon, and am hoping for sante
To enable airplane flights to !be
made et extreme altitudes a French-
man has invented apparabtis which
compresses tits air fad to the car-
buretors at normal atmospheric pres-
M(narces Liniment For Burns, Etch
Bocalwe Items of outlay, such as
land -rental, equipment, labor. land
preparation, seed and harvesting
°barges, are about tho same,
whether you get 20 bushels per
acre of wheat or 40 bushels; 40
bushels per sere of oats or 80
bushels; 5 tons silage par aore or
12 tons; SO butlhels of potatoes or
Ontario Agricultural College
Bulletin 'No. 278 (Prof. A. Leitch)
Per year
'those who parvesked.. .Income
Below 8.11 of aver,-SI01da, $808.00
81-900 688.00
91-100% 987.00
101-It0% 956.00
111.110% . 1298.00
Over 120% " " 1181.00
'Push your Drop yields above the
average and get the beg Labor
For Increased yiddelds in 1911, apply
For Ineormat:on2write
Improvement Bureau of the
Canadian Perttliser Ae5Ooiatiou
Merry O. Boll, 1x.S.A., Director
1111 Temple Bedding -• Toronto
M all
dru, Ott
Stu �S AtT db1J
TJIQIC wanting, eg,n'othinl�, conferee's
follows an application of Sleeted
Liniment, lust slap it on the strained,
overworked mnccio. treed for thoureatisis,
-too. I entrain iuitiiouf r,461(0
lsstig No, 40—'20, Concrete,
laxporjmonts by ibe hatted Statue
Ilnreati of Standards to develop a
metliod of accelerating the hardening
of condrate, especially when it le •td
he used . in wet or damp situations,
have shown that 4 per cent, of oalalum
011101'tde added to the mixing Water
increases the strength of oonerete at
tate age of one day 100 per cera, of
more, in some cases 111 two days the
strength equalled 76 per cent, or more
0f that normally itttained in one
Each Itaolcage of "Diamond Dyes" con -
lathe directions so 841100 that any
woman can stye any material without
et1'eaking, fading or running. Drugginb
has color ettrd—Take no other dyer
Gorman hosiery limens are under-
cutting their British rivals till the
latter retire from the field, then tete
price' of imported article will be great-
ly increased.
The safe way to send money by mail
is by Dominion Express' Money Order..
Male spiders are much smaller than
the females.
Mlnard's Liniment For Dandruff.
The Polar regions are the only sec-
tion of the globe free from rats.
Doehave been,nah'1j
CJR/,t9P PATrE-'nM 189Z
Classified Advertisement,.
TBEoN7,Tp vozzolo NPMiti ,. .
CD iscnuivs WANTIIO-.•.age ai to 30-*
r tive feet cline lllehae; s let ,; flr'.et
dyear $t,490, next two '}'earn 91,050; attop
iii rd year $1,060; snblOei 00 7 per cont,
eight sou for a cls t fund rend pension;
eight hours; one flay orf weeltly; 14 dare
annual leave; three -genre -sr nay When
Mee; urtiferme sumelad, .. Apply Orderly
Itootn, Peirce i1eatereat'ters, Termite
A1efORTALI'rx C1a1tTAIN — Sweden -
berg ti great Work on I•teaven and
Boil, and a real World beyond. Over 400
papa, only doe Destitute. R. 13. I,aw,.
480 lruoll¢ Ave:, Toronto.
WANTIID-1 , 011005 nerd Po al try or
all hinds. write rm. micas, Cross,
471 Rexton Road, Toronto.
Amerlaa'a Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book On
and 1. ow to Food
Malted Pre() to any Ad-
dress by tile Author.
M. Clay Glover Co„ Ino,
118 West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
Bulk Carlota
SINCE i3 1875
Wealthy people aro paying fano
prices for home-made rugs. Sixty dol-
lars was marked on one in a Boston
store window recently. Sixty cents- will
Start you making your own. Fascinat-
ing worst, easy to learn, just pulling
loops of rag or yarn through a burlap
Pattern, using cast-off clothing, Under-
wear, blankets, oto.—making beautiful
ruga of which you will be proud, and
from which you will take years of com-
fort, Nota fad, as we have been mak-
ing burlap patterns for hooked rugs for
nearly thirty years.
Send us 26c for a rug hook, and 36p
for a small door -mat pattern, 18 x.84
inches, stampedin colors on burlap, total
outlay 600, and • you are ready. to.start..
We will send you easy direotlons for
hooking if you ask for them.
Our design sheet, .showing ' s1x "sloes'
of patterns, and•booklet about Garrett's
Rug hooker, sent Free on request.
Oarr'ett's Rug Rooker is a little ma:
chine weighing six ounces, and costing
$6.00, for making rugs faster.
5 Eempt St., New Glasgow, N.S.
'/ ie FR/CE 25'1'
Soothes tircd nerves.
For restful sleep at
night apply
on the Forehead and back- of neck.
51.09 a tube.
THE 1.11M180 man t0„ t70.
Agents for Dr, Jules n00511i
IL �
306'doPSC W�evaS els
A Quick Relief
for Headache
A headache is frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gases
and acids resulting therefrom are
absorbed by the blood which in
turn irritates the nerves and
causes painful symptoms called
headache, neuralgia, rheuma-
tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of
Mother Seigel's Syrup will correct
faultydigestion and afford relief.
On Body and Face. Red and Itchy.
Cried For Hours. Lasted a Year.
"A rash started all over ray little
gel's body, and she had some on her
face. It started in a pimple
r, -e that was full of water, and
it got red and itchy. She
s' v' cried for hours. This trouble
lasted a year.
"Then 1 started with a free
sample of Cutieura Soap
and Ointment. , I bought more, and
I used four cakes of soap and three
boxes of Ointment which healed her."
(Signed) lairs. Dora Langly, 1032
Gertrude St., Verdun, Que., August
11, 1918.
The Cuticura Toilet Trio
Consisting of Soap, Ointment and
Talcum is an indispensable adjunct
of the daily toilet in maintaining
skin purity and skin health.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 end 50e. Sold
throughouttheDomiolon, CanadianDepot:
L man., Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal.
OffilCuticura Soap guavas without mut.
The woman in town or country has
tire same advantage as her sister in
the city In expert advice from the
beet -knows firm of Cleaners and
Dyers in Canada.
PARCELS from the country sent by
mail or express receive the same care-
ful attention as work delivered per -
Clothing or Household Fabrloa.
For years, the name of "Parker's"
has sfgnif ed perfection In this
work of making old things look like.
new, whether personal garments of
even the moat fragile material, or
household curtains., draperies, rage,
Write us for further particulars,
or send your parcels direct to
Qye Works Limited
CIO inert , y rs
791 Yonge St., Toronto
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
Por Colda, ro,lo4 :ttoadaoho, A1eural- package ;which contains rompletc
ggba, Toothache, Iuaraellol and for tedious. Then you ate getting real}
etheutnatism, I:,umbago, Sciatica, Neu- As irl,t-'4lto gelatine Aspirin prat
'setts, take Aspirin marked with the sorIbed by,phypeiolans for over teno4
Immo "Bayer" of you aro not taking tent years. Now made In Can
4S:epit'in at ail. • Handy tin boxes containing12 tto
Accept 018,7 "Ba.yer TaMebe of lots oosb but a for cents, 3rr giekll
Aspirin" lit air unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Mayer" weekQ�'
,al y
oro is only onto Asps rYta,w`50nyoie"--lion mfrs~ say "Bayer
Aspirin Is the trails mark (reglntered lo Canada) of Payor 13ablrfoeburo of MOO,.
aentleaeldester of hnlleylloaetd. where it 19 well known that 4405 Cln mope Parte
manufacture, to (001st the public against Imitations, ilio Ttt'lotP 01 .IltlZa Ao ar
,till] be 6tanapod with {holt 001101111 Ireav mark, 'blue "Tiso*C crow