The Clinton News Record, 1920-9-9, Page 8BA1A11 'fdltBg� 99vi19 111tY dA!''
A SCI1001_. DRESS • It Iti}!4 , .$ 1pa[1A9d rra
Eu broiideryDeaer. ea 64
9646—Girl's Coat. Price, 25 cents.
In 6 sizes, 4 to 14 years. Size 12 re -
cadres, with nap, 2% yds. 54 ins., lin-
ing 2% yds, 36 ins. wade.
9571—Girl's Dress. Sizes 6 to 14.
Price, 25 cents. • Transfer Design "No.
These patterns may 'be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co:; 70 Bond street,
Toronto, Dept: W.
Children who suffer from constipa-
tion, indigestion or any of the other
ailments due to a clogged condition of
the bowels will find prompt relief
through the use of Baby's Qwn Tab-
lets. The Tablets• are 'a mild but
thorough laxative which can always
be_ depended' upon to regulate the
bowels and sweeteu the stomach.
They are .absolutely safe and aro sold
under a guarantee to be entirely free
from opiates or -other injurious drugs.
Concerning them Mrs. Thomas A.
Boutot, Lake Baker, N.B., writes: "I
am pleased to state that Baby's Own
Tablets were of ' great help to me
when my baby was suffering from
constipation." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by nail at 65
cents a box from The Dr. Williams
Medicfn:o Co„ Brockville, Ont,
Peeps into Palaces.
The other day, an eager public was
informed the ex -Kaiser had discovered
his true vocation as a tailor's cutter,
and the fierce light that beats upon a
throne has just illumined a matte -
menial adventure of His Majesty of
Greece. Popular taste in literature is
fickle, but a volume purporting to dis-
close the personal history of nionarcbs
is always assured 00 readers.
One is mildly interested to learn
that Julius Caesar laved to. oil his hair;
later, lie became bald, and the man of
to -day whose locks are scanty rejoices
-that a considerate Roman Senate al-
lowedtho conqueror of Gaul to wear
a laurel wreath to cover the deficiency.
Napoleon had a weakness for dress,.
simple bitt tasteful, and we are in-
formed that'his familiar grey coat was
of excellent' cut and texture. Out of
the 2800 a year he set apart for his
wardrobe, a generous proportion was
spent on white breeches, one spot on
which meant rejection.
he direct contrast to the many
forms possessed by the ex -Kaiser,
Frederick tho Great had one for etate
occasions, anti it lasted him all his life.
Ordinarily ho was shabby, and had a
curious habit of carrying ,snuff loose
in his waistcoat pockets.
Royal gluttons are by no means un-
common. William of Orange was an
excellent trencherman, and would sit
five and six hours at table. Napoleon
paralyzed his faculties by failing to
digest a shoulder of mutton stuffed
with anions, and, in consequence, lost
the battle of Leipzig. Frederick ate
enormously, and, in keeping with his
snuff -taking, was passionately fond of
pepper. Every dish came to the royal
table . as hot as possible, a climate.
stance which led a gaest to remark
that a certain pie looked and tasted
"as if it had been baked in hell,"
An orgy of ripe peaches and new ale
proved fatal to King John, of Magna
Charts fame, and the invincible Ate
niada was dispatched by a Spanish
Monarch whose digestion had been
ruined by over -indulgence in pastry,
Lord Roberts's antipathy 'to eats Is
well remembered, but, centuries be -
foie, Henry VIII: of France ' had a
bimilar dislike, and could not remain
in a room with the domestic tabby,
The sight of an apple made Ladislaus,
King of Poland, tremble violently,
while Ivan II, Czar of Moeoow, must
perforce have led the life of a recluse,
for he fainted regularly at the appear-
ance of a woman.
c1 'ow'Cr"Statian" of ,the Finest
of Police Forces, Famous
the Work' Over.
How many people aro aware that
Scotland Yard draws its mune from
the "magnificent palace, with tarso
pleasure gaounds extending to the
,Tllalnese' which was onto the old 1.1011-
don home of Scotland's kings? '
It wits on t:he•site of this old-time
royal palace that Ilia Metropolitan
1'oiice read their.11eadnuarters, when
the "now police" wero formed• by Sir
Robert .'Peel In 1829, And when, a
quarter of 11 century o.go, these rather
sordid ivatters were exchanged for
the ,somewhat grim and rortrees-like
building which dominates the Thames
at Westminstea the name went with
them, and the prefix "New" was added;
to it,
New Scotland Yard Is the "power•-
station'.' of the finest police force in
the world. It is the centre of a vast
system of crime -prevention and detec-
tion welch spreads its network over
anarea of nearly 700 square miles.
Its kingdom stretches for fifteen
miles in every direction. from Charing
Cross, and it counts fourteen pollee
courts within its bounds. Its army of
constables, and sergeants, inspectors
and superintendents, number over 22,-
000; and it has outposts as far away
as Pembroke dockyard .and Rosyth.
In New Scotland Yard• is a room
wiljoh- holds more secrets tliah any
other in London. It is the nerve-
ceutre of lilngland'e detective sys-tem,.
for it is In this room that the council,
composed of tho chief experts in every
branch of crime, hold their meetings
to unravel the tangled skeins of
A Room of Secrets,
Within a tow minutes after a mys-
terious murder has been reported to
the nearest Police station the news has
been flashed to New Scotland Yard, and
almost before the loeal men have.
started their inquiries a member of
the council appears on the scene and
takes charge of the operations. If the
problem is a simple one, the services
of the council are usually not required.
But if there is no sufficient clue to the
assassin, or he has made good his es-
cape, the council takes the case in
hand, -
All the available evidence is thor•
oughly sifted, deductions are made, a
plan of campaign is drawn up, and the
whole of the complicated and . far-
reaching machinery de Scotland Yard
is set to work, ander the collective
guidance of the cleverest detective
brains in England.
No loss wonderful is Scotland Yard's
work in tracking persons lost in Lon-
don, who number- over 30,000 in an
average year, Let us take a typical
ease, that of a young clerk who dis-
appears `as -completely as 1f the earth'
had swallowed him.
Within a few minutes of the disap-
pearance being reported to Scotland
Yard a description of the missing
youth is being telegraphed to every
station in London. Two or more
"special inquiry officers" are quickly
on the trail. They inquire at every
hospital, search every doubtful resort,
and every nook and coiner where
there is any hope of discovering him
or getting a clue.
At Scotland Yard the printing
presses are soon busy pouring out
copies of the "Gazette," containing
fuller details of the lost clerk, and
these are distributed to every police.
station in London, wbere the descrip-
tion is read to each batch of con-
It there is any reason to suspect
crime, the work of search is taken up
by the Criminal Investigation Depart-
ment, 'Detectives are soon "ferreting"
in all directions, questioning everyone
who knows the young man as to his
habits, haunts, when and where they
last saw him, and so on; and explor-
ing every dark plane in London to
which he might conceivably have been
Waited for the Bounce.
As the 'visa police recruit Strolled
along on his first. tarn of night duty,
loud yells of "Fire." rent the air. He
bolted quickly to the spot and found
a house well alight, with a man ltaif
hanging out of an upstairs window. •
"Tielp! Helps" he yelled. If I jump,
will you catch me?"
'Sure, an' 01 will!" rep/led the
policeman readily.
So the Juan jumped, only to crash to
the greuud and lie there stunned.
When, a few, minutes later, he re-
covered consciousness, he looked up
at the constable reproachfully and
no mored feebly:
"I thought you said you could catch
tie?" '
"Begerrali!" replied the Ii'ishn an,
"0i was only waiting for yezto bou lee
and O1' -d have had yez!"
No cooking 1 $'Ilwcossa;i it
and the likable flavor a
this wheat„aaj , molted
barn food is e.l ►, a.Wed
Only 'by its econionly,
Grocers' everylfhere
sell Crap Grapowkitzts,
Care of-Ilome and. Children f?f'
tent 'Causes a Breakdown.
Tho.wolean at home, deep 10 house -
held .tlutice and tbo eaves of mother,
110ot1, needs occasional help to keep
eel' In good bealt11; The demands UP -
on a mother's health are many and
severe,. Her own health trials 14111
her children's welfare exact 'heavy
tolls, while flurried meals, broken rest
and much indoor living tend to weak-
en her Constitution, No wonder that
the woman at home le often •Indis-
po'sod through weakness, headaches,,
backaches ,and. nervousness,; Too
many women' have grown to accept
these visitations as a part of the lot
of motherhood. But 1112111' and-variee
as her health troubles aro, the Cause
is simple aria relief at hand. When
well, 1t Is the woman's good blood
that keeps her well; when 'ill she
trust melte her blood rich t0 renew
her health, The nursing mother more
than any other woman in the world
needs rich blood and plenty of it.
Thera is ono way to get this good
blood so necessary to perfect health,
and that Is through the_,use of Dr. Veil -
Banes' Pink Pills. These phis make
new blood, and through - their. use
thousands of weak, ailing wives and
Mothers have bean . made bright,
cheerful and strong, If you are ailing,
easily tired or depressed, it is a duty
you owe yourself and your family to
give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair
trial. What this medicine has done
for -others it will surely do for you,
You eau get Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine
or by mail at 60c. a box or six boxes
for 52.50 from The Dr, Williams' Medi-
ciue'Co., Brockville, Ont,
Some Talker,
"Mother thinks a lot of you, Mr.
Archibald Noodle looked at his
fiancee's little brother with a smile of
gratification on his face. lIe felt in
his Pocket, and fingered a penny doubt -
"Why do you say that?" he asked at
last. -
"She said youwere a born politi-
The peony curve Out of the delight-
ed suitor's pocket, and he asked for
"Yes," continued the youngster.'
"she said you'd been Banging around
our Maggie for twelve months, doing
a lot of talking, but you haven't con•
witted yourself yet."
Get rid of every bit of that
ugly dandruff and stop
falling hair .\
A little "Danderine" cools, cleanses
and makes the feverish, itchy scalp
so>:t-and pliable; then this stimulating
tonic penetrates to the famished .hair
roots, revitalizing and invigorating
every hair in the head, thus stopping
the hair falling out, pr getting thin,
clry or fading.
After a few applications of "Dander-
ino" you Seldom find a fallen hair or
a particle of dandruff, besides every
hair shows new life, vigor, brightness,
more color and thickness.
A few cents buys a bottle of de-
lightful "Danderine" at any drug or
toilet counter,
Both Ends Missing.
An absentenindod man went into a
store to buy a jar. He saw one that
was turned upside down and cried:
"How absurd! The jar has, no
Turning it over, he was olmee more
astonished. "Why, the bottom's gone,
too!" he exclaimed.
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited,
Dear Sirs,—I had a Bleeding Tumor
on my face. for a long time and tried a
number of remedies without any good
results. I .was advised to try MIN-
ARD'S LINIMENT, and after using
several bottles it healed all up and dis-
appeared altogether. '
Belleisle Station, Kings Co., NB,
Sept. 17, 1904. '-
Taking No Chances,
All the village knew that 11irs, Jack-
son was not exactly generous. In fact,
her few activities wero things to
avoid, if poseible,
But when she invited Mr, and Mrs.
Binges to supper one everting they
telt that they had to go since Mr,
Jackson was their landlord.
During the forenoon of the great
day, Mrs. Jackson, met Bridget the
I4lnkes',10014 of all work, in the local
grocery store,
"Geed-ffiot'niug, $ridget,"' said the
With a gracious smile, "I hope your
Maderand mistress are teeming ire
mind that I meet 'thein to come to
supper with the this evening at 8
ecce: l 1"
"]ilii oda, an' they're remembering all
rofghtl" replied the girl frankly, "Sere
an' Mabel they ordered a substantial
ineai et home foe 415 o'clock,"
Mlnard'e Li».linent fisheyes Distemper
f trartoe but True.
In the firsteiec. months of' the: year
0,415 new salnplulfos, with a total sant-
tai. ea $2,243,001,583 ,were registered
In 7 nnclan, •
Tho amount o0 taxetion per person
in the United K11100211 is 5110,12 per
head in the current financial' year,
compared with 417,70 in the year and•
ee March 31st, 1.014.,
A single atria of an 'least Arricnn
bull elephant lots boon known to weigh
2861e, but the average tusk of the old
wild bull elephantsof today is said to.
be not more than 401b.
Six per oe11t, of .eo21 used lo do-
mestic fireplaces remains unoo11sured
as soot, Taking 40eh millions tons as
the amount nneetely burnt in Great
Britain, the lose represents 2,430,000
tons, •
Tho latest aviation novelty is a fiy-
,ing "Dlack-Maria." The San lrreneisco
police authorities have recently pus
charted an aeroplane, which they use
for the purpose of conveying prisoners
to jail In dfstant'parts of tole country.
A soldier presented himself at the
Australian Commonwealth Treasury
and said: "Tam a 220 note, and -want
to be cashed." • He said he had swal-
lowed a note at Fleurbaix when he ex•
petted to bo captured. He'remember
ed the number', As that note turned
out to be the only one missing from a
'particular issue, the man- was given a
new one.
Vilna, in Russia, is probably the
only place in the world where geese
are shed. The geese are made to walk
first through tar and afterwards
through sand. Each goose is thus pro-
vided with a d'urabl'e pair of boots, and
is enabled to make the long journey
to the goose fair at Warsaw without
getting sore feet or requiring the ser-
vices of a Chiropodist. -
The greatest bank is the Bank of
England, In London; the oldest col-
lege is University College, Oxford,
founded in 1050; the largest library,
the National, in Paris, containing near-
ly 3,000,000 volumes. The largest
theatre is the Paris Opera House,
covering three acres; the largest
bronze statue, that of Peter the Great,
in Petrograd,' weighing 1,100 tons. The
largest college is in Cairo, with over
10,000 students and 310 teachers.
Lift Off Corns! No Pain!
Doesu 1. h rt a bit! Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then slizort.
1y you can lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezcne" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without soreness or irritation.
The flying conditions on the aerial
routes to the Continent are corrected
every hour.
Minard's Liniment For Dandruff.
Ideas taken out for airings on leads
are often to be seen in the Berlin
Horses can
only do so much
loads as easy as
you can.
Mica Axle Grease
Helps the horse by pm..
venting friction between
the wheel and the hub.
It coats the hub
with a smooth
hard surface—
lubricates thor-
oughly. Takes
the strain off
harness and
Eureka Harness oil
Penetrates into the hor-
nets—makes it waterproof
--repels insects' -keeps
straps and trigs
strong tend pli-
able. Prevents
cracking and
brfeaking of
stitches. It is'
a pure mineral
oil, free from
acids .and can-
not become
Ttnbberlal ham Axle Grease and
Imoc,lal hureka harness Oil ere well
And favorably known everywhere. No
(letter prod nets can be obtained at any
Now is the time
to get rid of it
Nature is pulling for you•
The warm weather's here—,
This is your chance—
grasp it—take
Get it out of your system the.,.
easiest way!.
Sold by reliable druggists for o
dollar, Ask our agent or write
US for a flee sample. Temple -
ton's, 142 King St. W„ Toronto, as
ChiR®Qk Salmon.
Par and ;away the largest of all the
salmons Is the "chinoolt," which is
otherwise known as the. Columbia
river salmon, It sometimes attains a
weight of 100 pounds, .In food quality
it is unsurpassed and its flesh is us-
ually of a rich red color,
In recent years the annual catch of
salmon on the Pacific coast, including
British Columbia and Alaska, has
averaged 580,000,000 pounds, . with a
market value of nearly 340,000,000. In
1918 thequantity of salmon canned
was 7,825;212 cases of forty-eight one -
pound cans,
-"California Syrup of Figs"
- Child's Best Laxative
, Watsth a as faig as Sousa
Tile flint watches over made were
as big as soup plates asul as heavy as
:they wero cumbersome,
Time Emperor. Charles V., for in.
stance, hd.d one which weighed twon•
ty-seven Pounds, '
a`he watches of•tbat day vverg-nnloll,-
like ordinary clocks,. Tiley were eylilz'
drioal in shape, finely chased, and had
a hinged lid on one sidb to,expose the
A costly and elaborate watch was
made for Sultan Abdul•1Vledjid by
Messrs). Hart and Solt, of Cornitill, h2
1844, It was made of twenty-two carat
gold,: and was ilve inches in diameter.
It chimed the hours and quarters, but
was without a bell, the striking parts
being Made of wires,
It possessed a powerful and resonant
tone, was exceptionally harmonious,
and sounded like a cathedral clock.
Twelve hundred guineas was its cost,
Buy your out-of-town supplies with
Dominion lexpress Money ()Mere.
]Five Dollars costs throe cents,,
In Nevvvay a girl must possess
certificate showing her ability as
cook before she may marry:
Two hundred appl'cations for pa-
tents in England have recently been
filed by Raupps, of Essen;
Tn the •school of oxperieft'ce sera
vets serve as .a diploma,
Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Colds, ata.
Bulk Carlota
(i x93593 CEDAR CHESTS
Abaomutely moth -proof dna wonder-
fully hnndeonte pieces of ftuuiture.
Biroot front yon.
Write for free inuatrated llteretuvi.
Eurake Refrigerator Co., Limited
Owen nounct, Ont.
Pionser now iibemoales
ri09h on
and !Oow to Weoe.
Mailers Free to. any Ad-
dress by.the .Author,
02ay Mover Co,, Sn9.
118 West Slat Street
,Now York, U.S.A.
sfl4CE,'0 1410
Brighten your Home
Furniture end other woodwork looks lnightez
and is more easily cleaned when coated with
i,� ,li!�'sg ��l+r�V ��+• n ^� ' ri�y. +$-t ^�"'euy�<i'r
8`x67. ��11�� �. t t'•. �'� '.�1. y,.
z.' fir'"+Das .0 ra •i r,y
Cord or
Accept "Calftornia" Syrup of telgs
only—look for the name Californla on
tkeepackage, then you are sure your
ebIbI •la having the best and most
-harmless physio for the little atom•
sch, deer and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Rill directions on
each bottle. You must say "Cali.
There are five claimants for the
honor •of having suggested the" apron"
defence used to'guard London.againse
Minard's Liniment For Burns, Etc.
A good many persons spend much
of their time in telling others how
busy they are.
Appear At Your
1f you receive' a sudden
caller or an unexpected In-
v,tation you can feet con-
fident of always appssring
at your best. In but a few
moments it renders to your
skin a wondcriully purr,
soft conmplexio:t that Is
beyond coin ,L'on.
Mrs. Lilian Taylor
Tells How Cuticaara
ReddHer Baby
"Our baby wan two =oho old
when his face became veru red aztd
terribly itchy,, and bo
wan fairly crazy mb- .
bang and scratching
till the elan briga and
bled. He could not
[5" sleep, and did 1'100140o
! 1 but cry. Elle faces looked
as though he might be diodgured
for life.
"I thought 2 would give Cuticum
Soap and Ointment a trial. I found
tho free sample ao good that I bought
marc and two cakes of Cuticum Soap
and a fifty cent boxof Cuticure Oint-
ment healed hhn:" (Signed) Mrs.
1✓llisst 11,1. Taylor, Box p0, Brame
bridge, Muslrokn, Ora., Dec.110,'18.
Cuticum Soap to cleanse and 'pa-
rify, Cuticura Ointment to Gotten
and soothe and Cuticula Talcum to
powder and porfume are ideal Cor
daily toilet purposes.
Soap 25o, Oinloocna 25 end ret. Sold
threughbutChet/minion, CanadtanDepoti
L ,ogee, Limited, 5t. Paul Bt,. Montrset,
Cuticure Coop sbayoo withoutneug.
E'xtr'avagant claims and
exaggerated statements
may sell tires—bur: they
can never rnake tires give
mileage or service.
About Partridge Tires
little need be said. Their
reputation for durability
and dependability tinder
all road conditions, justi-
fies the statement
"You can't buy
better tires."
Gdme c25 TheiriVairie
Not Aspirin at Alt without the "Bayer Cross
For Colds, Pain, headache, Neural- package whieli contains complete die
,gds, Toothache, Earaohe, and for sections. Then you are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Nett- Aspirin—the germine Aspirin pre -
'Otis, telco Aspirin marked with the scribed by physicians for over Mee -
tame "Bayer" or you are not taking teen years. '.Clow made in Canada.
Aspirin at all. Bandy tin boxes contatuleg 12 tee-
A.ceept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost but a few cents. Druggists
Aspirin' in emi unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer" packages.
There As 01213' one Aspirin-+"Bayes"—Yon must say "idayer"
Aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Mane-
aeetic eldestor of 8rtllerliolotd, while is I1 well known that Aspirin oleate nayor
rOAnu8MCCuTO, to twain the 51,0110 n6alnst )mltetlone, .rho Tobleln or nay,. C0019103"
w111 bo slain»ed with their general trade mark, the "Bayer C0•0118."
THE freshness, and flavor,
not equalled, nor approached by any
other chewing tobacco. That is why
ANCHOR PLUG is supreme.
�1�2 i.n.'41
No, 27a- e0,