The Clinton News Record, 1920-7-29, Page 7;young wonlen to lake lila 1.10'ses'
Training Course in rho u0jllrio hlaspital
for Due Insane, Toc'onte. Three yaart
4'0111'80 in 1,01101331 UUl'eing seeeree a
431' o nate (Flo'od's IlIlfiema 'f1.Om the
Provincial Secretary's Department or the
Ontario. < Overnment.
wave—egret Year: $20.00 per month
board, uniform, and laundering. fecund
Year: 030,00 per month, board, un0fol'm,
laundering and high net of living !)anus.
111 1201.0) elainpder6.06 g, land Month, 0(1 coatt(lof
living bonus.
Write for par•tlau1nl•s to the
Medical SJtweriutendont,
see Queen .Street west, .. T01onto
Grasses of, Canadian Prairies
Make Mountains of Butter
Alberta's 1920 eoulrlbutloil to the
butter market*Mtn a fair sized lump
weigifl tell and One-half minion
Pounds that put $5,512,500 into the
btttel n cors pockets. The quality
of tills butter was uncluestlo3 blaa s
attested by the fact that Alberta car-
ried off the first tlireo prizes for block
butter" at 1113 recent National .Dairy
Council Exhibition Hold at Winnipeg,
r oct r•
Albot•ta's butter output increased u
ing the past foltr years almost 40% in
volume and over 123% in value.
There aro 05 co-operative creamer-
ies in the province—all community
owned and operated, and. 13 privately
owned and operated. In addition to
these there are in the larger .centres
such as Calgary, lelmonton, Leth-
bridge anti Mediciee Hat, large cen-
tralized creameries' or dairies% These
°pet'ato collection branches or cream
buying stations along the railway
Cheese making 11as become a cone
siclerable Industry too, but does not
keep pace in growth with the butter
industry, -as .farmers generally prefer
to sell their cream and feed the Milk
by-product to growing stock. Eleven
cheese factories are in operation in
the province and turned out in 1920
a half nmillion pounds valued at $140,-
Dairying is fast becoming one of the
big industries of the prattle provinces,
following close on the heels of grain
growing and stock raising. Mixed
farming has been strongly advocated
to Canadian farmers and they have
seen its advantages. To -day it Is
generally practised, If a crop fails,
disaster Is not the result, there is al-
ways plenty of grazing and fodder to
insure the weekly cream check for the
man with a dairy herd. The progress
of the dairying industry has been very
much helped by the increa'secl cultiva-
tion in irrigated territories, Alfalfa
is the greatest fodder yet die,covet'ed
for dairy cattle, and is bringing won-
derful prosperity to districts such as
Coeldale-an'd Brooks,
Gas Treatment in Cabinet
Cures Injured Horses.
The rehabilitation of horses, whose
condition has suffered by neglect dur-
ing their war service is receiving con-
sidel'atlen in Germany, and those af-
flicted with scabs and sores are being
treated by a new method. The horse
is placed in a closed stall, like a cabi-
net, its head protruding from an oval
window, throughe a curtain with an
elastic hood. A form of gas withheal-
ing qualities is then piped into the
Natives of Abyssinia give to their
tired or exhausted horses'myrrh from
the trees along the roadside.
Western Wool Production.
Aflprgxhotcly. three leuuerea and
seventy -Sive ca11tracte have bee31 en-
tered into this eeasoil by gr0Weee .in
the ln'oviece bf Sealutteheeeaii, and
the Can(l01111 CO -opera -lee 1\Toel
trowel's, laid^, -Mister which the ga•ow-
1 rse ,clips will be marketed through
te.e assoolatioi, Those eentracts re-
present over 31,000 sheep and • over
221,000 pounds Of wool already de-
finitely In.sigltt, Apin'o)ilnftoly one
Illiti0rea and fifty contracts have been
received from Manitoba, TWO show•
tng is as good, anti possibly better,
than the average at this time of the
season in past years, aocaxding to the
:i b t •e .. the r G er atiy0
dlstrfOt manager 4f to op
Wool Growers for Manitoba anti Sae-
katehewan,' "1 anticipate an inereoioo
oe 1.00,000 pounds of wool handled this
year over last year," he states.
The 'association is encouraging the
pro -
0 growers '6� of p western
1v0 1 AYeitie1
this ear and
• rise• t to etlel ti i
li s to O 1 Y
6 g
ship in car lots (e,g„ 20,000 poupds)
from Iocel points, Wherever they
will do so, a special representative of.
the Co-operative will be sent to take
a i loads
of the wool , s it s d
and ship it direct to the warehouses.
The object of this procedure is to ma-
terially lesson freight charges and
impaling expenses•
Ts Always Full of Life and
Energy—Failures Are Weak
• and Bloodless.
Some men seem to have all the Tuck.
If there are any good things going
these leen seem to get them. They
make other people do their will—they
are leaders, "If they are business men
they are successful; if they are work -
10011 they get the foreman's job. They
have the power of influencing people,
The same thing Is true of women.
Some have the charm that makes men
seek them out; others are always neg-
lected. 13at this ie not luck. It is due
to a personal gift—vitality, area and
women of this sort are never weak,
puny invalids. They may not be big,.
but they are full o•f life and energy.
The whole thing is a matter of good
blood, good nerves and good health.
Everyone would wish to be like this
and the qualities that make for vitali-
ty and energy are 'purely a matter of
health. By building up the blood and
nerves, sleeplessness, want of energy,
weakness of the bath, stooping should-
ers, headaches and the ineffectual
sort of presence which realty conies
from weakness can ail be got rid of.
Dr. Williams Pink Pills have made.
many weak, tired mien vigorous and
healthy, and many pale, dejected girls
and women, plump, rosy and attrac-
tive by improving their blood and ton-
ing up their nerves. If yon are weak,
ailing, low-spirited or unhealthy, try
Dr. Williams Pink Pills and note their
speedy, beneficial effect.
You can get these pills through any
medicine dealer or by mail at 00 cents
a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The
Dr, Williams Medicine Co,, Brockville,
A teacher gave iter classes a test in
which she asked them to name five of
Shakespeare's plays. Among the titles
receivedwerethese: "I{ing Litui," "A
Merchant of` Venus," "Old Fellow,"
"McBath," "Omelet."
Latest Dress Models
0561—Ladies' Dress (to be slipped
on over the head; with chemisette; two
styles of sleeve; two-piece skirt, pleat-
ed or. gathered; ,straight lower edge;
87 or 35 -inch length from waistline).
Price, 80 cents. In '7 sizes, 84 to 46
ins, bust measure. Size 36 requires,
37 -inch length, 8% yds. 36 ins; wide;
contrasting, % yd. 86 ins. Wede, Width
around bottom, 1% yds.
9573—Ladies' Dress (two styles of
vest and sleeve; with or without de-
tachable overdress; 87 or 35 -inch
length from waistline). Price, 30 cents(
In 7 sizes, 34 to 40 ins. bust measure,
Size 86 requires, 37-1inch length, -tiger-
We want Agents wire etlll- regi seem
an Al lnvettniont, \.8 win 1raelc you
up Rind (Inlet you to Inline sales.
This will ]3rine you en':1 the invost.
0110 a Mee Meanie, ••
Write for Information.
Ontario Production Co., Ltd.
.214 Manning Chambers )131dg.
A University on Wheels.
Agriculture ls the Dominion'$ me-
anie?' industry, Back of Canada's pro -
gross 010,11105 the ftiriner,'and the come
try's advancement in agriculture Sri re
netted In every phase of the Dentin,
y The soft]
nt Of
lands, bettor farming -and every pro-
gressive move of agriculture 1s the
concern ail every resident in Canada
ire matter what 11,1E3 profession; 'the
railwa s. the governments, Industries
and mrtnufactur.os', and the consuming
public are alike interested. The.
Federal and Peovlecial Goverunents
and the railways, with a keen realiza-
tion of tills, have ceaselessly worked -
for the progress and development 0f
this itedustry through the establish-
ment of expertnletrtal farms, .the cir-
culation of literature, and other pro-
pagaitda natter and many other meth-
ods. They have never ceased to ad-
vacate better farming, the scientific
solely of soils', crops and systems, land
conservation, and all that tends for
greater and healthier production, en-
richment of land, and improvement In
living and social conditions in rural
No better system of education and
aid to more successful farming has
been devised than the "better farming
train," Or as it has conte to bo popu-
larly termed, "tape University on.
"Wheels," which journeys through the
Prairie Provinces of the West under
the auspices of the Provincial Depart-
ments of Agriculture and Education
and the Canadian Pacific. Railway. It
is in truth a travelling university of
agriculture bringing an agricultural
bourse to the farmer's home with its
intensive classes and demonstrations
of thei highest educational value.
The train has two large machinery
cars- carrying the livestock and feed,
and two large fiat cars, one fitted up
with pens' to carry sheep and hogs,
and the other for use as a demonstra-
tion car. These are fitted up in Win-
nipeg under the direction of Profes-
sor A. M. -Shaw, professor In animal
beebandry at Manitoba Univer itl•.
Three large coaches are used in dis-
playing field husbandry exhibits, and
another car for the dairy, mechanical,
building, and poultry displays.
Moving picture car films of an enter-
taining character are shown, ea well
as those of an educational value. Two
coaches are •Otted up as lecture cap
for Inen and another for women. A
nursery car is provided which con-
tains sandpiles, slides and cribs, in
charge of capable nuroes, where
mothers may leave their children
whilst attending lectures.
The train and entire equipment 1s
furnished free by the Canadian Pacific
Railway, which has spared no pains
to make the better farming trainof
the greatest possible service and as-
sistance to Canada's agriculturalists,
9543 9100 - '
ed, 3t/,r yds. 36 itis. wide; plain, 1%
yds. 40 ins. wide vest, ee yd. 21 ins.
Width, 1% yds. A most satisfactory
and becoming model is illustrated
9550—Ladies' Dress (with vest;
two-piece skirt, with or without side
panels; 37 or 35 -inch length from
waistline). Price, 30 cents. In '7 sizes,
34 to 46 iris. bust measure. Size 86
requires, plaid, 5% yds. 32 ins. wide;
plain, % yd. 27 ins. wide. Width, 1%
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co,, 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Good Ju
leads ±hou an s of
housewives to serve
in place of foods that require
hours of drudgery in a, hilt
kitchen.. Needs JVo &war
Comes ready dy _ o eat from the
"Theis son 'for Grape Tut
Whales as Divers.
Although it is a common. belief
among sailors tbat whales, when they
"sound," descend to enormous depths
in the ocean, and although it has been
estimated that tile larger whales com-
monly dive to a depth of almost two-
thirds .of a mile, yet a member of an
Antarctic expedition challenges these
statements, and avers that about 300
'feet is the maximum depth to which
a whale can dive. Ile bases his state-
ment partly on the fact that the fish
on which they feed, and to obtain
which they are accustomed to sound,
dwell near the surface, and partly an
the fact that at the depth of 1,000
Yards or more the pressure is so great
that they could not withstand it, and
that their muscular strength is not
sufficient to propel them into the. re-
gions where it prevails,
July—The month of oppressive Treat;
red )lot days and sweltering nights;
is extremely hard on little ones.
Diarrhoea, dysentry, colic and cholera
Mennen carry off thousands of prec-
ious little lives every summer, The
another must be constantly on her
guard to prevent these troubles or if
they come on suddenly to fight them.
No other medicine is of such ald to
mothers during tete hot glimmer as is
Baby's .Own Tablets. They regulate
the bowels and stomach, and an oc-
casional dose will prevent summer
complaint, or if the trouble does come
on suddenly will banish! it. Tho Tab-
lets are cold by medicine dealers or
by Snail at 26 cents a box from The Dr.
Williams Medicine Coe Brockville,
agic °akae
1Ontil'ely aside from gaciet.10ne of ta1120
refo1'lll, tealproclty 6(11.41 free made lie•
twoon Canada anl1. the 'United States
w011111 Ilolp to pat an end to the cm -
stent lawbreaking that gees gni along
the ,uol'tler. 11 is estimated. that eight
thousand Persons aro enga9.e•d 131 smug-
gling' )pods emcee the line.
One instance has been reported 1n
which .a party of eehoo1bo)10 0Qasti3ig
in an old pung clown a 13111 that Mapes
across thee boundary; apparently for
eau, took with theist at evel•y trip a
cileet of tea, until iifby chests bad
been smuggled lllte Maine, contrary to
Again, an "aqueduct" of shall lead
pipe, half at 80110 long, was suel'o'tly
laid tram a tavern in the iDonlinion to
a public lrqueo on the other side of tile
lino, through which huncrede of bar -
role' of gin affil other liquors were
pumped. Nor are such "aqueducts"
always restriated lii
uoas. A wood-
cn spout was used for years to convoy
outs across tho bouu.dery,
The lawbreakers were a New Brune-
wick- tanner named Cudley and a
h7 r acrose. Io line naiadAr
trong. Armstrong raised about six
hundred bushels of oats on his farm
and sold ten tines that quantity to
tiie lumber mare. The customs- of.-
ficers, watched his premises and
searched them at times, but were
never able to dls'eover anything wrong
until after he moved away, when they
found a square spout, made of boards
and buried Wider the snow and piles
of breeh, which oxtencled. from Cud-
ley's barn to a bin in the Maine man's
granary. Inside Ulla conduit was a
long belt provided with tin cups and
attached to a winch that could be
turned by a crank in Cudloyee barn.
As the ground sloped from Now Bruns-
wick to Maine, a very slight exertion
of strength oarrled a stream of oats
into the United States,
5 ---
What Did It Mean?
They sat on a sodden bench In the
park and were evidently a newly'mar-
ried couple on their honeymoon'.
The weather was cold, but their love
was warm, and the palpitation of their
hearts kept time with their chattering
teeth. Her eyes were blue, 05 was her
nese. One manly aria encircled ilei'
slender waist, the other held up an
The rainalrops gently trickling down
their backs did not serve to cool their
ardor in the least, and every shiver
seemed to cement the honeymooners
more closely together.
"It's awfully nice out here in the
Park," she murmured. "I think To-
ronto fa a lovely place for a honey -
Moore; don't you, dear?"
"Yes, darling," lie replied, in an ab-
stracted manner. "I shall always
come here in the future."
And then a great solid chunk of cool-
ness seemed suddenly to come be-
tween them.
British Manufacturers Plan
Floating Exhibit.
The proposal l0 send a "trade ship"
to the Seaports of the world as a trade -
getting exhibit of British -made goods
now being cotteilered by British
manufacturers. If the proposal ie
adopted, a steamship called the
"Federation," after the Federation of
British Industefes, Will be constructed
as an example of British engineering.
Into this ship five or six hundred
manufacturers will lead samples of
their wares, in the charge of personal
repreco'ntatives. Carrying those
agent.% with their exhibits --anti ltsolf
an exhibit—tire ,ship will then eoya.go
0 vatio0e ports in South Atueriea.
Subsequent trips will be made to the
Mediterranean, ecanlinaele, the Bal-
tic] ports,, the Far East, and Australia.
Polish the leather travelling bag
with linseed oil,
MIna rd's Lillhuent for valeeverywhoro
A little
'"D•allderine" checks
dandruff and stops
hair falling
Get a small bottle of "Danderine" at
any drug store for a few cents, pour a
little into your hand and rub well lute
the scalp with the finger tips. By
morning most, if not all, of this awful
scurf w111 have disappeared. Two or
three applications ofteneeemove every
bit of dandruff and stop falling hair.
Every hair on scalp shortly shows
more life, vigor, brightness, thickness
and color.
By establishing imperial air routes
and new aeroplane mail services,, by
encouraging civil aviation and -by do=
ing what it can to make night flying
safe, Great Britain is 'building an air
force that will Tins together tore wide-
ly separated domains of the British
Empire, and that will form a trained
reserve to stippleoosnt the ftg'hthtg
forces in time of war. For some years
to come Egypt will be the centre of
the system of air routes. 'Thence air
lanes will lead to the Cape, India and
This le to certify that fourteen years
ago I got the cords of my lett wrist
nearly severed, and was for about nine
months that I had no use of my hand,
and tried other Linitneuts, also doc-
tors, and was receiving no benefit. ley
a persuasion from a friend I got MIN -
AIM'S LINIMENT and used one bot-
tle, which completely relieved me, and
have' been using MINARD'S LINI-
MENT in my fancily ever since and
find it the sante as when I first used
it, and would never pe witlroiit it.
Aug. 31st, 1903. l\ietapeclia, Pae,
The British Columbia Forest Se -
vice is installing nine sets of Marconi.
wireless telephones. Four sets will be
used on land, and the remaining fide
sets -will be !placed on the larger pa-
trol 1au11chee of the department. '
When ordering geode by mail send
a Dominion Express Money Order,
Tin farthings and lia11'ponnies were
issued in England in the reign of
James Il'.
Mineed's Lerliteent teed by lchyslolane
Zanzibar 11ns nearly 4,000,000 clove
trees in beat^ing and supplies more
than 00 percent, of the world's cloves,
IssiJG 130,
Now is the time
• to get riot of
NatureNatureturc is pul t11i1 g for
warn weather's here
This is your chance
grasp it—take
_e 8 t uncia
T � (� �i �1
Get it out of your system the
easiest way!
Sold by reliable druggists for a;
dollar. Asir our age!t or write
us for a free sample. TTemple-
i o11's, 142 Icing 91,W,, Toronto. se
!Immigration of Children to
1n0. 1 �lAl d. commut-
ingThe Ml lteste G i :tis tom 1 1
ing on the report of the Canadien
Govsr'Iunent's i11s11eeter of British
immigrant children, expressos grati-
Rcation that the migration of cltildreu
from orphanages to the Dominion me
pears shortly to be resumed. Since
1916 this migration was praclecally
suspenlded, the report shows.
The paper outlines the unusual op-
pertunities offered in Canada, both 111
industries and agriculture, and points
to the increased number 'of children
now in institution]] xis a result of the.
war as -an argument for again opening
the gates of Canada t0 the youthful
emigrant. •
More teen ten thousand applications
for children have been received by the
cliied•saving" institutions of England
since the annual migration. was sus"
evaded. Manly of these apelloations
are from agricultural districts, it ie•
said, and a large portion of the appli-
cants are childless.
Historic Window.Broken
by Cleaners,
Tllero was gloom the other day at
'Marlborough House, the residence of
Queen Alexandra, The 00000103 "signa-
ture Window," which the Queen -
mother regarded as a precious. 9006030
Mon, was broken by window•cicaucl's,
The window overloohs S't, James',
I'!11311 from the room which formerly
wac King Edward's study, It bore the.
,s'ign'atures• of over. fifty Royal per301b
ages, guests at the Palace, who had
inscribed their names with (11a mona&
Among the autographs, were those
of tete ox.ICaleer, the late Gear of Rue -
eta, the tato Entprcas 10410011e and 111e
I9ing2 Of Norway anal Sweden. On
ono occasion Ding Edward showed the
window le the lata ;I, Ipierpont Mor-
gan, and the .American millionaire of-
feved $23,000 to tape 1t -to, New Yorlc,
but Lilo offer was refused,
Don't streak or ruin your material in n
poor dye. Insist on "Diamond Dyes."
Easy directions hi package.
Lift Right Off Without Pain
Doesn't littrt a bit! urolp a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right off with fingers.
four druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or cora between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without soreness or irritation,
We may defy a world of 'eneanie's,
but the people we love have us in their
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Bulk Carlota
'o,90 OITQP3 30,r",Q )@.?7aD x.S
.m0110o'a 1'ioiaeer Dog i",nmotriee
Book an
and •mow to 'Pesd
Mailed free to any AS-
dreas by the Author.
Olay Glover C•i., 000.
113 'Vest 81st Scree:
. Now .VorO,
Appear At Your
If yen receive' a sudden
caller man unexpected In-
vitation yeti can feel con-
fident of elWays anocarina
at your best. h. but a feW
Moments It renders to your
shin a wonderfully pure,
soft complexion that is
beyond comparison.
"California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
Accept "California" Syrup of llgs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child fa having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stone
ach, liver end bowels. Cbildren love
Ste fruity taste. Trull directions on
each bottle. You must say "Cali.
Being good is creditable, but still
more creditable is being good for
Keep Minard's Liniment in the house.
Classified Advertisonvorntso
role elogpo
11.1e0le W11AlOJ($ WOl0PJI TWO
J 1 dollars, tit t:laty-f1vo cents. !ler-.
mini Lippert, 1Cltobcnel•.
WAIPTnn—Olalolty P2910596,
llscuivi UN13 TO VIVID '911OINANDi
_Se words, <let real money ie your
slorlos aro snappy. Write Short :Story
Il!tu•tet, u Colwnbine Ave., Toronto.
NfNfAIIAIUI PAhL.S b1191\ihRLA1.
•hospital offers to young women 10
to 3G years o1 age, having one year's
Iliglr 80130ol education, and who are de-
al(•oue of becoming nurses, 0 thorough
1h1oo-year course in nursing; the looepl-
tal has 010111 hour duty; candidates
qualifying will be accepted for entrance
September pest, 1Far fartho' particulars,
address "Superintendent" Memorial:Sae-.
plta1, Niagara Palls, N, -Y,
I Cut Your Fuer/ OIIls In HoIrby us/ng
Mnnulartural by
Peon Water Purifier
LtteNr 2
1 Camden et, Toronrto
On Face. Lai ire, Red,' Inflamed.
Lost Sleep, Cuticula Heals.
"Plmplee boon to appear on say
face. 'r'ace 5,3:re oeatteued all over
:t,c itl thn7 became largo and
; rest. I couldnothelpseretch-
Lag tee -a, and I was a fright-
- 1 fru eight. I wee aohatncd
to go among people. At
ai ;"ne siiy f_co ne.ecoInflam_d
teat I =etched and loos of
sleep ecoultcd.
"3 teed C ::io a Scrip end Oint-
ment, and c to lazing four cel es of
Cotic ro Sew end two boxes of
Oi nt m :et I waa healed." (Signed)
Isaac elcovcniotc, 705 3d Ave.,
Seattle, Wash., ,Jan. 28, 1010.,
Prevent further trouble by using
Oedema for all toilet purposes.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 8Oc. Sold
throughouttheDomiaion. CanedienDepot:
Lyman, Limited, St. Paul 5t., Montreal.
Bar Cuticure Soap shaves wieholitmug.
Cord or
Always Near
A mile and a half, or a day
and a half, or a world and a
half away.
Your journey back, will be
safe and sure if your
car is equipped the
Partridge way.
7� .t
1109 /
Came as Their Name
1e° 'e ea.tte56:'e,eueseeseelle eallWeee=1-
0 es... Kt
Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross"
For Colds, fain, 'Headache, Neural- package which eontains complete dt-
gia, Toothache, Earache, and for rection. Then you are getting real
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin—the genuine Aeplrin pre -
rites, talc Aspirin. marked with. 910 scribed by physicians for over nine -
name "Bayer or you are not ticking, teen ,yens. Now made in Canada.
Aspirin at all. Bandy tin boxes containing 12 tab -
Accept only "Bayer Tablets of lets cost hitt a few cents. • Druggists
irtn" in an unbroken "Bayer" also sell larger "Bayer packages.
Thel'e is only ono Aspirin -."Bayer"• -Yon must say "Bayer"
Aspirin Is tho trade mark (registered In Canada) or Bayer Manufacture of Mono-
aeotleaeldester o1 rtallcylleeeld, while It Is wall 1tnoW,1 the Aspirin means Boyar
manufacture, to assist the public against. imitations, lila Ta111015 or .001 r Caa,003y
,v111 be stemma with their general trado mark, the "0010,' Groes,"
NCHOR PLUG represents the
t. summit of achievement in expert
tobacco manufacturing.
No other chewing tobacco possesses the
"quality" of leafs and flavor, found it
. 44'41"--" ."1 -