The Clinton New Era, 1921-12-22, Page 1Esilliiisiaed 865, Vol,'S6, .r' o. a5 I�< CLINTON. ONTARIO, THURSDAY AIR veryb dy Have .....•••••swoodoes.,0101.0.4 • eeeleceutetiwepereect Ready For Christmas lvary Goode, Ebony, Goods, Perfumes, Candies Purges, Hot Water Bottles Bath Strays Exclusii e'Papetr"iee, Safety Rakors, Shaving: Brushes Cigars, Pipes, Etc. A.;ogrtis1ete Stock ardour Pricey will Surprise you Agreeably' • '. 3.R,w10.,L3Kmus • lig.'.,REXAU ,STORE i1NCORPiORATED1{55 M7 YL €NS: BANK Capital and Reaerve49,j00b,000i''� ` Over=:130'Brpnchet0 The cost of living s'failing, also ttie'prlce'of'tood stuff. •This • necessitates, in'creased', production: Produce more and deposit:your surplus in The Molsohs Bank where it wind be ready fox any call and yet be earning; interest. H. if. Sharp, Mgr., Cliinton winch, Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent. ,, 1 TlifriAttuts 1921 The President, Directors and Officers of T _ Yi^ y, L desire to offer' to the Customers and Friends of the Bank their best Wishes for a Happy Christ- mas a;d a Prosperous New Year s ▪ al'l`ot Ton cat/ WEIRS, e e▪ iretsaissriY®e'eti9WOtne•n*''1•er St, Joseph's Church There will be mid -night mass in St. 1,; Joseph's church on Christmas eve, Wesley Church ChristmasTree, Thursday of tlhls week at 7.30 p.m, A song sermon to the Sunday Sehool and Congregation Sunday at ii a.m. Sunday -School, open session at 2.30 Eveninyservice of Christ nas char- aeter. ' Sermon. by' Rei: Kenneth 13ea- ton'B.,A.;*MTsslonary' of 'China. Young .People's At Home`llnd Rally Wednesday, 28th, 8 P.m. Willis"Chimcli " • rst id •a zzle i er 'for',the'•great •'hol•i-> si a stock • ;of 're erchatYlltlifl;ee .- ur'selettir>< 'l'of }' ' •Siu�ieaters $1.50: lo; $i10+QQ Shfrts''�; , $1:50 'Gloves $1.00 to $3.50` rhirbrdllas $1.50; to $5.00 Pyjamas' $3.00 to $5.00 e ^.Coats; • Hats,,Caps. stmas...,Specials fdr'$25t hritstmas°'SpecYals Lor $25. .#t. t' .'ir9Pi�Yt.+. e 7M ; "'• r0fr", ru There will be•Christmas sermons in Willis church on Sunday by the Pastor and at the evening service Miss Mary M'cMurchie will sing,'' In the ' aftetnootP ' • at the Sunday SNhooi;' pictures will be shown of "The Life of the boy Jesus."' On Tuesday evening of this week' the:annelid' Christnas''entertaimn:elit aiid ChrIstnias'' tree was 'hel'a in the School room: .A cantata "The story of a Star" was well rendered and dealt with the birth o`f Jesus and the influence of the story among' the nations. The choruses Were well rendered., .A very pleasing event for the younger folk was Oe Christmas tree. S. Paul's Church It is expected that Rev. C. E. Bilkey the newly appointed Rector will take charge of the Parish New Year's Sun- day; The Sunday School' will hold their annual Christmas tree on Tuesday, Dec. 27th, in the Parish Hall. Rev. Canon Hill will conduct special Christmas services on Sunday. There will be special music by the choir. 'Choral Communion at it a,ni. .A Carol Service in the evening. The choir will be assisted at the evening service by Mr. Phalen with his violin and Mr. Morgan Agnew, with his saxa- phone, ,I. Ontario S. Church. The Sunday" School will present a cantata "The Home-made Santie" in the Town Hall on Dec. 29th. There are about 50 taking part. The following program will be fol- lowed at Sunday's services: MORNiNIG Organ Prelude Doxology invocation Hymn -116 "Hark the Heralji .Angels Sing." Prayer Lord's Prayer • Anthem "Be Joyful O Earth" Responsive Lesson,' Psalm 72 Offertory Solo 1'0 Little Town of Bethlehem" Miss McMurchie Hymn 118 "it came upon the midnight Clear;" •- f ,Sermon—"The Divine Child" Quartette "For the Chllet''in a' Manger' Lowly ;Hymn 120 "0 Come .all -Ye Faithful"' benediction''' • j0'•rghn a•Pdstlhdtea' EVENING' tergal• Preltid'e iii Hymn -t27 127'"When Marshalled on the Mighty Plains'! °Prayer Anthe1tf''"Tidings+bf,"Meat •Joy" rSc-1 ftiite' E'esholf3,a;, 4 'Quartetfe'' "Th'ea 'Moeningte•Stais•'Sang 'Hythi ;idb,+'r10"Lillie' ToWn of Beth,•, I a: leheiii' i;-• , ?t iSekHoh—"r hristinat Medi tign"• abffertory •" .Anthem""Behold'#I t bring '''you -Good '111 Trdiiigs!"• Hymh'ff 6 •"Siltnd>•Nlght Holy Night". ipengthetiorii' Vasj3'e0'11i *.•the Day i3 Osier"' O�gan'yPostlftde? ' De!athar,.,. RATHWELL-,-In Clinton'8n Tues - „day, Dect.-20thizBdWard Rathwell, aged St years. ' McKENZIE—.ln Seaforth,'Catliunie Mc rlftflleu, relict of th'e' late 'Simon Mc'' 'Kenzie, aged 90 years and 8't nonflis, McEWEN,—In Clinton on, Monday', December'- 19th, Mary Tinhes;' bales -Veil .wife of NIL Duncan':'McEweri,''aged' Y1' years 'and 4 months,' ' P odla rued 4Hol:day, r Day: ;After"-Christrlligs OTTAWA,• Dec. 18..- Christmas taoming''on, Sunday this year. Monday, 3Deceinber•26, will ;i be observed as. a liolidi<y%; Ihrotghout; the Dominion. An torder-in-Coutteil.p",roviding for. fhis'has lbeenpassed. •Another order provides Ifo"•+paying+tbe temporary employees of the,+Civil+ Service on the 22nd of the aho><tthMOM, of,on.the last, day, it has custoi9ary"•to db this 'for some 'years' "p181 Iris' probdble that provision will ibe made'rfor the•r1bservation of the Molsday,,follotlilig'New Year's Day as a lioltdaYllio,:•::•`, BrtglL. p CEMBER 22nd, 1521,, W. H. Kerr & Soup 'More and PU Mishers, Tis the night before Christmas" I Whisper' tile' rhy'he And wander in fancy' '0 °togdE, on time,” 1 seeifhe"iig`fireFitface The girls and the boys, The long, heaped up stockings, The'drunfs' anitliiie"toys: " Tis the night before Christmas"' Remeiiibtances stir As sweef ats'the cherished Fraliekln'cense and ,myrrh, And hark! as the visions Grow dim to the sight, There comes: -"Merry Christmas! And oy-days, goodnight!" JUDGE ERMATINGER CALLED BY DEATH Succumbs to Pneumonia at Horne in St. Thomas — Former East Elgin Member — Noted as Author and Active in Anglican Church — Wife a Former Resident of Clinton. 444414244.44.44 St. Thomas, Dec. 16—Charles Oakes Z. Ermatinger. Judge of the county court of Elgin, died at 11.'15 to -night at "Bella Vista," his home here, in his 71st year. ITe had been ill for some weeks, but was believed convalescing when pneumonia set in. The late Judge Ermatinger was one of most prominent figures in the life of this country during the past half - century. Bern here in February, 1851, son of the late Edward Ermatinger, M. P., be was educated in St. Thomas Public school and Galt Grammar School Heread law with D. B. Read, Q,G., Toronto; was called to the bar of On. tario in 1873; and created a K, C., :in 1885. file served several terms in the St. Thomas Council, and represented East Elgin in the Legislature, 1883-86, In 1890•he was appointed junior judge of the county. MADE ':PRESIDING JUDGE. In January Of this year,'toilowing the retirement. of Judge'Colter, he became' presiding judge of Elgin County Court, but was prevented through his ilines's ,(oh coind'uctfngthe December• sessions ' An Angiican in religion, his, honor' sas prbmiifeht in many activities of • the diocesZj'and'tvas Many 'Hines' a delegate to the Synodoit Huron,' to the debafes" of which'' he.freguently contriliuted. in' 1905 he WAS presented to' the •Prince' of Wales;'Lnow KingtiGeorge Jud'ge'Ertnatingef''w'as a j<een stud hl of Canadian 'history and was the au thor'i'n'1'9b4'"of''Tlie"Talbot Regiirle." He also published a wortk.'"on election procedure, "'Canadian Franchise •'and' Election-Laws'in f886 ''He Was''for many years an 'at!, curlei and. in'late years .enjoyed golfing, He'\sas twi'c'e married, his first wife being a' daughter of Hon.,'Hugh Rich-' ardson, senior, judge of the Supreme. Court,' Northwest Territories, His second wife, who'Was. Miss'Annie Potts; of Toronto survives him,' as well las one 'son, Percy, of this city, and one daughter;: Mrs. 14. K. Moorehead,'*hos, husband'was formerly a United 'States consul, in England, and who is now in Serbia. Mrs, Ernnatiifger, when Miss 'Potts,. resided in Clinton, when her brother; Rev, O. Potts, was Rector at St. Paul's church; and her friends Will sympathise with lief• in.her 'loss. Met: Here' Monday: The Goderich Twp, Telelhone Coui- nrissfoners "net hereon Monday 'and closed np their year's business. C. C. 1. Commen'd`enteirt: The Clinton Collegiate students had .10 repeat .their concert again on Satur- day night, after playing to a packed' house Friday night ' The -program was well "ncoelJed' a'fftl' donsist"cict df` drills, ,folk -dancing atifi solos `'The"varitiYis ceftlh@ktti:s a'n'd 'dapponias"talking 'With medals we're'''Ptesefited'Eo"thet'Warlbus ,ptiplls, Mr. Ernest Livermore dellveeed the valedictory, address .'•.The concert closed With a', play "The Mall erf'y,Ba- zaar," 000000004) OVER THE TEACUPS O 0 O O O 0 0 O O O 00000+000000000 Mrs. John Wiseman is visiting in Kingston with her daughter, Mrs, (Dr.) • McCallum. Mr. Wiseman goes down • for the Christmas holidays, • Mrs. Greig, sr„'returned from Tor• onto and will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. T.. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs, F, W, Johnston have got settledtn their hone on Rattenbury street, where Mrs, Johnson will be at home the first and hird Thursday in every month. Rev. 11. Chas. Du nsmore, Independ- ence, Oregon, who preached so accept- ably in Ontario St. Methodist church Sunday morning and evening, spent the week end with his cousin, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings and his aunt, Miss Johns. Mr. George 'Rathwell, of Toronto; was called to Clinton owing to the death of his 'father, the late Edward Misses Jean and Mary McMurchie of Toronto University are at home for the vacation. • Mr. W, riot Cochrane underwent an operation it his leg at file ClintonHos- pital last Sautrday. Miss Altalind McCartney, of Whitby Ladies' College is hone for the vacation Hockey Schedule Or., ,t ISfrge r^— January 4—Goderich at Clinton January 5—Mitchell at Exeter January 6—St. Marys at Clinton •v 9—Goderich at Mitchell January 9—St Marys at Exeter January 13—Exeter at Mitchell January 13—Clinton at Goderich January 16—Clinton at Exeter January 1S—Mitchell at Clinton January 20—Exeter at St. Marys January 24—Goderich at St. Marys January 24—Clinton at Mitchell January 27—Exeter at Goderich January 27—St. Marys at Mitchell January 30—Exeter at Clinton January 31—St, Marys at Goderich _ February 2 --•--Mitchell at Goderich February 7—Mitchell at St. Marys Physicians Don't Mr. Foster Copp, of Toronto Mediral Agree on Ages of 'College, is .home for Christmas, Mrs, W. Greig and babe, of Toronto are spending a holiday with her par- 'ents; Mr. and' Mrs. Jos, Copp,' Mr. Ne11es; Anderson of London Nor- mal is-homefor Christmas. Mr:land'•Mrs, R.' I. Colquhoun, and :childl'e'n, o£' Wfnhipeg,: are the ,guests of.Mi'. end' Mil;'liarry'Fitzsinions,'on Town'shehd''Street ` M s. F ' Mi Ewen `and' Mrs H. Alex-' f.,t . ;aider; of Lbndtin, were'visrtors`fni'towif' this week att ,riding the funeral of the ate Mils. D tiMcEweri:' Mr.`W nines of Tavistock was n. toWif attending tine funeral of the late Jdrs. McE�en. Mr; H Archibald, ' of Winnipeg,' fs herd for ..the 'Winter. ' • Mrs. Morley. Counter, of Buffalo, was 'a'visitor 'with Mr, atrd, MPs,.. W. B.J 'Couaiter..this week and is now vista, at her hone in Wingliam. • TheAlvatiof Arinytbificers Were al ,Straffi3l•d or Tiiesday'''eveniiig to wel• crime .their new Commanding 'Officer arld''lis 'wife',' Comm'is'sioner 'S wton and Mi:'Sowton, •whowfll now have charge di Canada Dr. and' Mrs. Gunn left itis weejc to spend Christmas with their dahgiiter, Mrs. E. A. Cross at Williamsjiort, Pa, Miss Marion Gunn, 'of Detroit also ac• c8npanied her parents, Miss Annice Bar•.tliff, nurse at Detroit is hone for the ‘'Ghristnaas vacation. Mr. Jos.' Townshend has been con- fined to his bed this week with a high fever. The friends of Mr. Hugh Cameron "are glad to see hire: out again. Mr; Spencer, of Owen Sound, is a visitor with Mr, and ` Mrs, E. Oriels, 0antario Street. ' Miss Stone of the Clinton School of Comfnerce is speniifng the Christmas holiday at her home in Essex. • , Miss L Thornton returned to her hpnte in Preston after visiting' tier aunt;' Mrs. C. Bartliff. Mrs, (Pr.): Squires, of Otterdan, N, was called home owing to the death of het father, the late Edward' Rath - White -Haired Men ,. New 'Cork; Dec. t6.—Two, white haired mien, among the best knewn Persons on the continent, engaged in a story -telling contest about thel.r ages yesterday ;during the meeting of the major league baseball clubs. ' Said Judge Landis: "1 am 55 years old, but riay doctors, after, an exiaustitve examination,,have ,told me tkaf 1 have the physeal fmakepp of a boy of 34''1' "But listen!” commanded Got. George 'Haar, of Moiitteal; 'Official .of the Canadian Pacific Rahway -:,"Listen. i am 75' years old. I have had more doctoring than any ,other man on tht ' continent, at least 1have had more doctors than any.,man 1 known, and they tell me that 1 ani 120 years old, Who are. your physicians nnyivayt" Then Judge Landis sat down, Storm Played Havoc. The B'liziard played, havoc„with the electric "lights in town .and mauyaec- tions were.without street lights for a day or so; 'Everything Is alright now. L. '0 L 'Notes. ' 'A big, Arch meeting' will'be held pri Friday evening, Dee. 3011; Keep the date in rnind. `" • On Jsi1i.4nd, 11 8 o'clock the District Lodge Wilf;fneet for their atonal meet•. Ing analfettibis of officers, "' Huron old Boys of Toronto Name Officers Annual Meeting Held on Saturday, Night New President is an Old Goderich' Boy. 44.44444•4444 i The annual meeting of the Huron Old tioyrs' IAssoc4atiorr of Toronhol, (was rhielcf'in`One 'of'1helro'om1 of`'tje'Y. M. 'C. 'A., on Saturday evening, and not-• withstanding the fact that the night 'w'a a most unpleasant one, there was ;a'' godlt representative attendance. Mr. t•[OdgseM Prespdk was in the chair. The rgRort pOzhtary Floody gave a gel• J{�umnaary of the year's ac- tivities, 'sbOwing',a registration of over 1200,while the repot of Captain Proudfoot, Treas'ureYi shovie l.,a• small balance on hand atter all liabilities had. been met, The election of officers resulted Id follows; . Hon. Presidents,•Sir' John Willison[ Senator Proudfoot and,F, G. Hodgson. President—J. A. McLaren Vice President, Mrs.- L, S. Scott, Chaplain, Rev. J. A. Robinson, Secretary, E. Floody Assistant Secy.—Miss Flynn Financial Selretary, Miss Grace New- ton Treasurer—Captain Proudfoot Auditors—R, S. Sheppard and John Robinson, Executive Committee -Mesdames. Martin, Beck, Ferguson,. Sloody, Mor- rish, Cobbledick, King and Miss D. Campbell; Dr. Stanbury, Major Beck, R. Holmes, 11. i, Morrish, H. Martin, N. B. Cobbledick, R. C. King, H. J. Hambly J. R, Lyon, R. Crocker, S. 1, Scott, J. S. Timmins, George Newton. The new President, Mr, McLaren, hails from Goderich, but has been In Toronto for a number of years. He is a well known and successful wholesale shoe inanufactprer. When it was men- tioned that the brand on his shoes was nonan American eagle, but a genuine Canadian Beaver, surrounded by a wreath of maple leaves, he was given a iearty round of applause. Mr. Sloody, the untiring and ever - zealous Secretary, has held office ever since the Association was formed 20 years ago. He is an officer in the Ex- cise department of the Dominion Gov- ernment, and his name has appeared in the press quite frequently of late in connection with the seizure of illicit liquor stills. He has a collection of tltepe, both elaborate acid crude, suf- ficient to supply the whole Dominion with liquor. It may be mentioned in- cidentally that Mr. Floody and Mr. Holmes were at one time publishers of rival papers in Clinton, while now they both work harmoniously under the same roof. Mr. King is a brother of the success- ful Progressive Candidate in North Huron. In view of the fact that General Otter Toronto, holds the longest record of any military officer' in the Dominion, the Secretary was instructed to send him a letter of congratulation. : Mr. Otter was born just about where the House of, Refuge,stands, 'near Clinton. The new, , Vice-Prtsident was for some time a resident of 'Clinton,,being a daughter of the late- Stewart Plum - „,Sir, John Vinson., though not actual- ly in neiyspacer. work "now,' is said:'to 'be fhe Cainadian correspondent of. the tohidon Times;` with'' a five=fiugre saluky. He''hs always been recognized as an able journ_alist,. S'0111E'e r? 'THURSDAY-' - Some break on press -•Editors, FRIDAY— Some Sluslt-Everybody. y Some night—Masonic 'Members, Sonne Concert -C, C. I, Scholars. SATURDAY— Some rain—The weatherman Some (•busy,) day -Merchants, SUNDAY— i Sonie blizzard—The Milkmen. , Some excuse—Church-goers. MONISAY— Soine Snow—The stow shovellers Some Reception -3,o days for a vag. .'ItUESDA —. • Some.Christmas tree—Willis S. S. WEDNESDAY— Some - ilolidays—C.C,a. students. Sonme'frOst--'Phe skaters Some Day—Shortest day in year. Minor locals. Nomination for Municipal offices in d;linton on Monday evening at the town. lfall, A Merry Christmas .to all. "Black 'Beauty" at 11e Prltfcesg• Theatre on Friday dhd Saturday of this, week and Christmas Monday. The continued rain all day, Satttirday, was not favorable .to good 'business,