The Clinton New Era, 1921-12-8, Page 5"t11urhfiny, IaCCCffibiint . tl
NOW. Sell foe
These are double sided 10
inch Records. Not reduced
in quality, but in price only.
W. 11. IlERVAI'
...Jeweler & Optometrist
phone No.174w; House 174 j
New Valencia Raisins, per lb 30
New Bleached Sultana, per Ib 33
New Seeded Raisins, per Ib 23
New Currants, best, per lb 22
Good Currants, per 1b ....19
Fancy Lemon 'Crisp Biscuits
per lb 22
12 lbs Granulated Sugar ..99
1 pail Syrup (5 Ib s) 45
W. T. ('VEIL
Phone 48
Feeder s Special'
f - . Western Oats
Kiln Dried Corn
Feed Flour
Oil Cake r miyertaL
Reeve Armstrong Is attending the
rano Dr.
Co. Council at Goderlch. . E
}bee s gilt-
) A
nor Iresema an4 Rkin Irrlta-
Good team—Mr,• Witliam'.Rinn) Wiir. It 'relieves at ones lane rlraeu-
whohas long been 'a breeder of` good any Beata damn` hoz D ..
(7Yt '. Ofn{anent `roe 1r you moBBtion thio
sheep, last weekpurchased from Mr.: :`rails joru§lorsndmri novo ram cob
Humphrey Snell a Leicester ram which rtniln, t. Tpronto
Will head Mr ' Rinn's flock took 2ndwent an'operation, but it did not prove
prize at reserved
London Fair this fall, and successful and he passed away on Sat -
will be reserrved by Mr. Snell until of urday as above stated. Mr. Esler has
ter the Guelph Winter Fair. His hew been a life long resident of Stamey
owner, who prides himself as a judge having lived on the Goshen Line till
of sheep, says this Is the finest two- • a few years ago when he retired from
year- old that he has ever seen. (farming and he as his wife removed to
The new Community, Hall at Londes-
boro is about completed and will be
opened about the 15th of December.
The following is taken 5rom the
Lucknow Sentinel;'—On November 21 leaves church anto
hu'd ' mourn his loss
before leaving for her new home in cchis elms, John and Allan in the West
Hallett Township, Mrs. Honking, (fortwo-
merly Mrs. Cannell) was presented on and three' daughter's, Mrs. Alex. Mc=
behalf of the Presbyterian BIble Class, Connell, of Varna and Misses Lillie and
Varna. Mrs. Ester died about two
years ago. Deceased had 'reached the
age of 78 years, He Was a staunch and
consistent member of the Presbyterian
with an 'appropriate gift and' -the fol-
lowing complimentary address;
Mrs, Bunking:
Dear Friend: in.behalf of the teacher
and members of the Adult Bible Class
of the 'Lucknow Presbyterian church,
we wish to express our esteem and
appreciation of, your service. as Presi-
dent of our Class, which you so ably
de arture from
filled. We regret your p
our midst, and you will long be re-
membered by us all. We are not ad-
dressing you .now as our President but
as a friend. We have recently been in-
formed of your new happiness, and we
congratulate you, and ask you to ac-
cept our good wishes for your future.
Please accept this little token of re-
gard and with it our united hopes that
every succeeding year may unite your
hearts more closely, and may 1. God,
bless you both in yournew home, is
the sincere wish of your friends.
Miss Carrick
C. A, McKenkie, Secretary.
Reeve Trewartha is attending Co.
Council at Goderich.
At the October meeting of Goderich
Township Council a bylaw was passed
prohibiting camping or the obstructing
of any highway in the municipality.
The minimum penaltx is fixed at $10
and the maximum of Poo. Neighbor-
ing townships have enforced this by-
law for a number of years. Action
taken as the result of many complaints
from residents of the township.
A former resident of Goderlch Town-
ssip pasted away last Wednesday in
the person of Mrs. Susan Caldwell,
widow of the late Janfes Caldwell, in
her 79th year. Deceased whose maid-
en name was Susan Lindsay, was born
in Goderich township and spent her
earlier years there. She married Jas.
'Caldwell and about 25 -years ago they
moved to Goderlch where they lived
until the ' death of Mr. Caldwell in
1913. Since' then Mrs. Caldwell "had
been living in Toronto with her dau-
ghter, Mrs. George Haley. - The 'de-
ceased was a life -Long member of the
Methodist church. She is survived by
two daughters, Mrs. ida Fraser, of Sar-
anac Lake, N. Y., and Mrs. George Hal-
ey, of Toronto; also two grand -daugh-
ters, Misses Marion and Lillian eraser
of New York. Mrs, • Edward Acheson,
of Goderich, is a sister. After a fun-
eral service in Toronto, conducted by
Rev. Mr, Coulter, of Danforth avenue
Methodist Church, the remains were
brought to Goderlch and interment
took place inllVlaitland cemetery. The
service at the cemetery was in charge
of Rev. H. D. Moyer and the pallbear-
ers were:. Messrs. Bert Lindsay, Ben
Lindsay and Alex. Sterling, nephews
of the deceased, and Mr,- Fred Ford.
Reeve M. Elliott is • attending C6.
'Council at Goderich this week. ,
Another old and highly. respected
resident of Stanley . passed away at
Toronto Hospital on Saturday, Nof-
ember 26th, in the person of Mr. Jas.
Ester, of Varna. He had not been en-
joying good health of late and went
to Toronto last week where he under-
We have all these lines in stock
as well as, numerous others and
they are being sold at pre-war
Our stock of High Grade Flour
includes — Purity, Five Roses,
White Seal, Rainbow, Golden City
and Gold Seal (Pastry).,
Highest market prices paid for
:.all kinds of Grain, If you want to
buy or sell it will pay you to give
.us a call.
• 4PHONE:-199 RESIDENCE: -13i
. rR
S.' M
The remains were brought. home
and the -funeral was held from his late
residence in Varna on Tuesday.
Mr. Fred Watson has purchased the
farm on the Sauble Line, Stanley, from.
Mr,, Robt. Greer, who purchased the
same from Mr. Samuel Sterling a few
years ago, Possession is given next
Mr. Wm. Britton was at Forest for
a week or more helping to care for his
father-in-law. Mrs. Britton was call-
ed on Saturday morning owing to the
serious illness of her father.
The Sunday School is busy prepar-
ing for the entertainment and Xmas.
tree to be held on Dec. 23rd;
Quite a number around here are
laid up with a severe -cold.
The Excelsor Mission Circle have
packed a box to be sent to the Fred
Victor Mission at Toronto,
Miss Lily Adams is spending a few
days with her friend, Miss Mabel Har-
Mrs. Derwin Carter and baby spent
a few days last week with her mother
Mrs. Geo. Garrett.
Everybody come• to the opening of
the Community Hall at Londesboro,
Dec. 16th. An old fashioned tea meet-
ing is to be held.
Wood Bees are the orders of the day.
The following is the November re-
port for U.S.S.. No. 2, 1•Iullett. The
names are in order of merit: -4th Class
Bill Glew, Lillian Glew, Annie Hun-
ter, Stanley Shobbrook. 3rd Class—
Ruth Shobbrook, Frank Dale, Anna
Batchelor, Charity Snell. 2nd Class—
Archie Dale. Frank Smith. Prirner—
Marion Bayley, Hazel Van Egmond,
Harold Tyndall, Murray Dale. Miss J.
O. Lindsay, Teacher.
8.v. Clinton No. 28, 6.28 a.m. daily
8.v. Stratford No. 28, 7.45 a.m. daily
Lv, Kitchener No. 28, 8.25 a.m. Daily
LT Guelph No. 28 8.51, a.m. Daily
Ar Toronto No. 28, 10.15, a,m. daily
(Except Sunday)
,Lr. Toronto No. 37, 6.10 p.m. dally
.Ar Guelph No. 37, 7.43, p.m. daily
Ar. Kitchener No. 37, 8.11, p.m. daily
Ar. Stratford " No. 37, 8.5S, p.m. daily
:An Clinton No. 37, 10.03, p.m, daily
(Sxespt Sarela,)
,Ileffet-Parlor car and Bretelade tesIlliflI&
eoaslaars fat match diren'tt*at
John Rumford & Son, City Pawn
,ger and Ticket Atlanta, PHONI3t—b,.•
elk,O. PATTISON, Stadion AS•rrt.
present, / . `•
Engagement announced—Mr, and
Mrs. Ephraim BroWn, of 4on4esboxo,
announce the engagement of their dao.
ghter Flossie Isabelle to Mr. George M.
Curts, of Thedford. The 'marriage to
take place this month
the Presbyterian church and opPostte
the Lyceum Theatre,
HensaU.--"Rev. Mr. Naylor of near
Orangevili'e in the Toronto Diocese has
been appointed to take charge of St.
Paul's Anglican parish: Rev. Mr.
Naylor will commence his duties as
Rector, early in the new year.
BRICEFIELD. Zurich—Mr. Sdward Schnell, who
Mr. Cartwright, has sold his Earns a spent the past couple -of months In the
mile from our village to a party from West arrived home here on Friday
evening. He advises us of the cold
near Auburn
m wintery weather prevailing in that
Drew Swan has sold his farm on the country for some weeks. In Northern
London Road to James Berry, of Eg•, Ontario there is about a foot of snow.
Harry Simpson of Hamilton, son of I Wingham—TWo popular Wingham-
late George Simpson, is visiting re-' ites were married in St. James Ca
latives In our village.
The usual amount of excitmentat-
tended the election this week. Nearly
alt who were eligible to vote went to
the polls.
Miss Alice Davidson of London visit-
ed at her home last week.
Usborne Twp.—Mrs. Eleazer Willii}ms
died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
C. Pym, 5th concession of Usbone on
Saturday last at the ripe old age of 93'
years, 1 month and 17 days. Although
nearing the century mark the deceased
active for one of her years. Mrs. Wil -
Barns' maiden name was Ann Wakelin.
She was born in Cambridgeshire, Eng-
land, in 1828 and in 1838 she came
to Canada with her parents.
Exeter.—A serious accident war
averted by a very close margin at the
corner of Main and James streets on
Monday morning, A young lad was
riding a bicycle south on Main street.
He was proceeding at a fast rate when
he turned out to pass a;wagon. An
automobile was coming from the op-
posite direction. To avoid a collision
the lad turned to cross -in front of the
auto when his bicycle skidded and
threw him off. The brakes were ap-
plied to the auto and it slid for a
couple of rods. it missed the boy h}
the narrowest margin. -
Wingham—After a stay of eleven
years inifs present quarters, the Times
removed to tart,:_ and more convenient
premises in the Ritchie u. _`, next to
Election day was the busiest day
Hayfield has seen for some time. The
Conservatives were- mustered in over-
whelming numbers. The Liberals had
secured cars for the fight, but the cars
Were privately bought off. The 1.113-
erals then took to their horses and
plunged in the battery smoke, right
through the ljne they broke,. Progres
Styes' and Tories, reeled at the sabre
stroke, but when the gong sounded at
6 p. m. all parties. retired from the fray.
As the crowd assembled at the hall a-
waiting the returns the Liberals sat
grim and silent, while the all -confid-
ent, but when the final news came of
the mighty Liberal victory, the des-
pondent Tories disappeared under the
cover of darkness without even the as-
sistance of John Barleycorn to forget
their sorrows. But when the Liberal
rally was sounded a small number were
.found fighting gamely, but scarce en-
ough to retain the name of "The thin
Red - Line,"
Mr. Itrank Lutes, 71 Terrace Hill St.,
Brantford, Ont„ writes "I have been
troubled with palpitation of the heart
for a number of years, and by spells it
would bother me a lot. The doctor
told me it would stop on me sometime
if I did not cut out tobacco. When 1
would get a spell my heart would pound
and I would break out in a perspiration,
and get so weak I would have to sit right
down and 'quit my work; also in the
night I would wake up and my heart
would be going, I should say, about one
hundred and twenty beats a minute,
About three year's ago I got a box of
took them and found they `lid the job,
mid I air feeling fine and have gained
over twenty pounds in weight/'
MilbttrN Heart and Nerve P11fs
are 50e. a box at ail dealers or mailed
direct 015 receipt of price by The T,
Xtdilburfi, Co„ 7Ziinited, Toronto., Ont.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Knbx and family
are home from the West, and intend
making their home here in the future.
Mrs. M, Braithwaite is ill at present.
„Mrs. George Brogden does not tttt-
prove very rapidly. '
Everything Is gain; along fine 10 '
connection with the new hall, A new
piano was purchased this week for the
hall, and the opening will be on Fri-
day evening, Dec, 16th. Supper will
be served from 6 to 8, after which a
grand program will be given, Every
body Come.
Mr, Fred Johnston• is home at pre-
sent. •
Mrs. (Dr.) Young returned Monday
after spending a week in Toronto and
Tile two Sunday Schools are busy
practising for their Christmas .enter-
tainments, -
Mr, and Mrs, Geddes and Mrs. 'Camp-
bell athetided the anniversary services
at Blyth Presbyterian church on Sun-
The Women's Institute mat at the
}Mine of Mrs, Mathes on Thursday with
alt attendance of 40, when a splendid
report of the convention at London
was given by the delegate, Miss Brig-
Miss Abrey is visiting la Toronto at
dral at Montreal on Tuesday of last 1
week -viz, Mr. Edmund Bradwln and
Miss Minnie Fessant.
Fordwick ' A charter is being applied
for by Community Committee, to erect
building to be used as Agricultural Hall
Skating rink, etc.• Shares are $10 each.
Hay Twp.—Mr. Albert Hendrick has
purchased the 120 -acre farm on the
Sauble Line, Hay, from Mr. John 41.
Taylor, who recently moved to the
farm he purchased near Brucefield, Mr.
Hendrick gets possession next April.
Jamestown. — On Thursday morn-
ing, Nov. 17th,, fire destroyed Sam.
Burke's barn and contents 134. 'miles
west of Jamestown. The neighbors
had difficulty in saving a team of
horses. 4 head of oattle, 14 hogs, a
number of hens, the season's crop and
farm implements were consumed by
the flames. Cause of the fire is a
mystery. Mr. Burke has been team-
ing in Wingham for the Brennan Com-
tracting Co., and was not at home at
the time of the fire. The building was
insured in the Howick Mutual.
Wingham--Jas. Walker moved from
Brussels to Wingham on the 22nd day
of November, 23 years ago, and has
conducted a furniture and undertaking
business in the store in which he con-
tinues to do business. On Nov. 23rd
1898, snow came and came with a ven-
geance and Canadian banks of snow
were still seen late in April of the next
Spring. Mr. Walker says wheels could
not run that winter, even for a couple
of days. -
Heneall—While Mr. George N. Hill
of this village, was assisting at Mr. P.
D. 'Bell's in sawing slabs and while
operating the circular saw had the mis-
fortune to have the mitt on his left
hand catch in the rapidly revolving saw.
Olt 1,
.....o.0 u.aasnae •
othingl Prices
Greatly Reduced
The prices of Clotli%og, for oris Season show a marked
"' linin .
crcatie on last year's price, :.�t.•y.,...: ax '�•
Lei us quote you to NEW price on a Suit or Overcoat.
We can interest you.
About 2 dozen Suits to clear at real bargain pricee
Men's odd pants from $2.00 up.
Full range of Shoes and Rubbers at Right Prices
Pl-umsteel Bros.
Small Profits Phone 25 More Business
and cutting open his hand so badly that
it required a good many stitches to
close the wound.
Corrie --Messrs Dougherty and Ful -
ton's sale of over a hundred cattle at
Mr. Thos. Bradnock's barn on Tues-
day was well attended and good prices
were realized. The cattle were shipped
from the Manitoulin Island.
Goderieh—Miss Clark, the only dau-
ghter of Dr. W. F, and Mrs. Clark, of
Goderich, has been appointed school
nurse. She taught school here for
four years before entering Grace hos-
pital, Toronto, as nurse -in -training.
Blyth—Mr. Henry Plaetzer has been
confined to the house owing to all in-
jury received while working on the C.
P. R.
Dungannon—Mrs. J. R. McNabb re.
ceived word last week of ,the death of
Mrs. Robert Stoddard, formerly Mrs,
Gordon Anderson Mrs, Stoddard had
not been in good health for some time.
She died at her home in Fenton, Mich.
Goderich—While driving out to his
farm in Goderich township recently
Mr. John Young, Lighthouse street,
narrowly, escaped a serious accident.
The horse which Mr. Young was driv-
ing became unmanageable and when
he lost control of it he was thrown
from the buggy. Fortunately, he suf-
fered nothing more than a severe shak-
Ing up.
Ashfield Twp.—By the death of Mrs.
Henry Johnston on November 16111,
the township of Ashfield loses one of
its early settlers. The deceased had
reached the ripe age of 91 years, and
her death took place exactly 21 years
after that of her husband. Mr. and
Mrs. Johnston were natives of 'Ireland.
Exeter—Mrs. J. Jarrott, who for a'
number of years was a resident of
Exeter and now is residing in Hay
Township, has received word of the
death of her daughter, Mrs. Maggie
Hart, of Seattle, Wash., which took
place on November 14th, 1921. The
deceased was 54 years of age, and had
been a long sufferer from cancer.
Goderieh—A most unfortunate ac-
cident occurred on Thursday of lash
week when Mr. Neil McKenzie, Gode.
rich's oldest resident, slipped and fell,
breaking his hip. Mr. McKenzie's
many friends will be glad to know that
lie is resting comfortably at Alexandra
hospital where he celebrated his 100th
birthday on Friday.
Bayfield—The residence of Mr. John
Sturgeon was completely destroyed by
fire on Wednesday afternoon. The
origin of the fire is not known as no
one was home at the time, and the fire
had gained such headway before being
discovered that very few of the con-
tents were saved.
A Christmas Box
or You
Owing to the drop in price of nearly all commodities The New Era is
going to make a decided drop, in the interests of our readers, and we will
commence N 0 W with putting the price at $1.50 a year for the paper.
All new subscribers can have the p aper from now until Dec. 31st, 1922,
for $1.50
• /72.77Q7Wil "; %'- r- 4211
Papers going to the United States and other foreign Cd3asrlries will be
Do your absent sons, daughters o r friends receive the weekly "letter
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sent to any address in Canada for $1.500 JJei'
The New Era feels sure our res ders will continue to show their appre-
ciation in the Old Home Paper, an d will be grateful for the reduction in
the price. Send in your Subscription N 0 W:
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Phone 30.
We Club with all the worth.while papers.
Clinton, Ont.