The Clinton New Era, 1921-10-27, Page 2PAGE TWO.
Thursday, October 27th, 7921
4tiN' {i
J ll s
Last year we were asked to
make over ;five hundred sittings
during the month of November.
We didn't attempt to do this,
as in fairness to ourselves we,
cannot undertake ,to de rush
work and finish your photo-
'aphs as the deserve`" to be
finished. ,We would rather make
only a ,limited number and make
them right.
&s our ,appointment ,book is
already getting filled up, we
must again impress upon you
the necessity of coming this
10, r:.
You cannot visit all your
Mends at Christmas, , but your
dearest friends will appreciate
the spirit which prompts you to
send your photograph.
Roy Ball, Photographer
Phone 66
suet men as Fielding, McMaster, La-
oblate, Bureau, 13eland, ` McKenzie,
'Wailful, Kehnatty, t'araaee, Mii'iphy' and
a host of others whose names stand of
1s' ahtong''tlie leaders of•'iiragressive'
thought in the 'country.' Material
be there for a cabinet pf',big then,
who can guide this' chid#try•tlra`bugh'the)
trying'' tines which have to be faced,
and'briiirs'Canada back to 'a tooting of
prospe'rity. The 'People 'ate realizing
this' great .difference between the part -
les of Mr,' King and Mr.Meighen and
knowing that the present Prince Min-
ister has no cabinet material behind
him, even if he were returned to power,
they have given yip any 'idea of Mr.
Meigilen coming back, '•And;so has he,
if there 'is 'any 'truth in what his fol-'
lowers throughout] 1the, country are..
The Prime Minister i5 jumping about
the codittry tb Such an.extent that he
Is wearing•himself out. At'the finish of
his Maritilite tour' his voice had given
; out and'; is health'appdared to be poor.
1 And then, vaithout'taking' a rest of more
than two ' dal"s, he 'started out again
ori his 22 meetings in the Province of
:'Ontario, apparently unfit for the task
ahead of him: ' The Liberal chief on
the other hand, has beenconserving
his strength and his speeches improved
with every ineeting.. At' the finish of
the campaign he will still be incon-
dition°to tackle the strenuous days a-
head, with • the support of the strong
men of his party. a
That the poster campaign of the
Meighen party will be along the same
lines as Mr. Meighen's speeches thus
far, is evident from the posters which
have been put out. in all of them ap-
pearing so far, the warning against
"tariff tinkers" is conspicuous and the
government seeks to lead the country
to believe that if any other party is re-
turned to power Canada will lose some
45 per cent• of her revenue. The
absurdity of such a claim is shown by
the tariff speeches of Hon.. Mr. iKng,
who has pointed out that the Liberal
party is not seeking Free Trade, but
does demand tariff revision in the in-
terests of producers and consumers a-
The average farm value of milch
cows throughout 'Canada last year was
530, The highest average was $126
in British Columbia and the next high-
est was $92 in Ontario. The'lowest
was $61 in New Brunswick. '
During last year the average farm
value per head of sheep throughout
Canada was 51O. According to Pro-
vinces the highest average per head was
$12 in Ontario. The lowest was $8
per head in the Maritime Provinces,
Fo 'olds &
"u i l 1 s
IF it's cold ora chill, dig-~'
solve one or two Peps
in your mouth, inhale direct
into tile• longs the power-
ful healing and'germicidal
medjairfeS given 'off;tein: 'a;
tik(ioiir$tike "' These,
breatheable Peps medicines'i.
soothe 'the tender••air:pas+
ages,.;they quickly allay sore,.,.
taess, or; inflammation, and,'
Stop 'then most troublesome;
cough. At,.the same time
and prevent the onset of coughs 1
colds end chills, grippe, sore I
throatrbronchitis and olherShest
trqublea, 5 There's po inure
.valuable medicine than Peps at
this,'season: Freerfromdrugs'
they are perfectly., sets: ,-
afor ;children,
J I:.
'ff0o, brie (lit dealers,
' o'+7 1 oto,0,.-
Li?eQ�`%70d ,40 / ftstEDY
"The implements and instruments of
production in the basic industries" Mr,
King stated "must be as free from tax-
ation as it is possible to snake them.
Then there will be increased production
in those basic industries, and con-
sequent development of the other in-
dustries dependent upon these., In re-
gard to the 'necessaries of life there
must be relief, as far as possible, from
taxation. If a roan ca nafford It and
demands that his Suits of clothes, for
instance, be made in London and im-
ported to Canada especially for him,
then there is no reason why that man
should not pay for those luxuries. But
as Taught ' eke P.eople
ow to Deep Well
If '4 44'Y
TIME was, when the family physician
was the most prominent character,
in the community.
A man of intelligence and ability, he
commed confidence and respect, and
SserYficed his tinie, strength and pleas-
ure for those who needed his care and
skill. . . _
, These were the conditions when,
after graduating, from the University of
Michigan, at Ann ., Arbor, Dr. A. W.
Crises Settled down to practise his pro-
fession; in Vial well-known college town.
The Dr. Chase Plan of
To reach patients at a distance, the doctor
had his most successful prescriptions put up
in handy form for 'mailing:' 'In time the
demand became so great that the doctor
decided to. give these great 'medicines ter the
public, and arranged for their sale through
the drug trade throughout Canada and the
'United States, .,
In this • way Dr'. Chase's Sidney -Liver
Pills, Nerve •Food, Ointment, Linseed and
Turpentine, Catarrh' Powder',' "and Otter
medicines found their way into general 'OM,
until now one or more of them is found in
almost every home'in the land." s• .,`
,,,Every, Man His Own
pp� ysician
But the doctor soon got the idea that
_ people should, Imo* how to look bitter •hlioir
own eominon,Ws; and'set about in'rt'large way
to sit_, `them with' th 0 nbeetksAri! fintafrio'a- ry
tan;n� 2; 1 .. `7,' - . ill •:A5:'i .1 d1 fi •'. RA
By means of his Receipt Book, the cl:P "e5
ealation &Which has since rini lnto'4mnliona,
mid; his well.irnows ; Ai nauae" Suit' tltiokleta ',s;",
o 'rainy kings, Dr. Chase has spread through-
' but`'tfie civilized woktd the gospel of "Every,
„ Maid"Ilia `f3svti lsl ynieian."
Confidence in
Dr ; Chase
Founded on His- Integrity of Cbaractor and '
the Vnusnal Merits of lits' Medi Ines.•
If there was ever a physician who cora- ..,
mended the •con5denee b1: bis•:patiente • that
phpsfelan was -BR. C73AS1>1:. e • •
'NO'one''eould meet"him and `converse with ,
bIs n without 'realizing that he was a. man of
sknirwho was -in love with his••Pzofesaion and
only anxious to relieve the suffering and dis-
ease of 'bis fenowmen.
You ealaniit read the famous Dr. Chase's
Aeceipt Beek without appreciating the untir-
ing •teal of its author in. searching out the
best receipts and prescriptions which were
]mown 'to 'the medical profession: •'!
When hie attention • was turned to,selecttng.l
medicines to be . placed on the market for
Public, sale ft wag, with whole -sowed. effort
"that he tested out the presckiptl'ons which he'''
considered .moat sfl1table'for•tbis piit'jioset,' '
• Arid so i ie Wiat 'trio Iateerit of]' char- '
actor which marked the".effOrts 0f • ,DR.;
CHASE are indelibly'stamped' ont everyr'aibdi
• bine ^which";teal's"his.,port$aiti ands'bigaatnre,
and a people' have 'Carved' lo have then, ututost
confidence ;In thelia' tbeeause'• of' the- splendid
•.resnite which "they'.•have accomppfshed.:.:.t.
,Piree Samples
„ �.,W,
g Be. Magee
Sitar .ion experience with
••trr:'theta 'aro noon couvfnced„of their xeep-
bona; merits. •,
Thin plan enabled the doctor to devote With these time -tried medie:les at hand, We have published thousands Of lettere to
ills, Attention 'td snore serious eases, assn'' 2io rid' can' teal that you are Irioteeted against:
soon' Became' known lar cad i wi3b air a the "coram'on flip of life' by 'did Most' • rieetive atop; you ari't'8denof'the' benefits otbers,.have
.eWarr t'•obtained'.by'their Ttse,••but'•df you are..atf11
spgclaSist iii tho'treatment bt didegsls'of the s'trettttienYn orjiiah i>r.'t`has; g' e' o• Mtn
i sisepttcah we shalt he glad to sena yen ..our
orgnh p otbtlisf humthe an system 'g dtiier' vital —Cover sese during a ;rife lite• of+ d3ngen. stud d
”, Free "Gembination Pa kage.
.ew,.rls..,d...m..W .+.......®,®.. owWon. .m.m =,...,�,........ e:n....nom.11 ,sem...
, r
romaNSON; ISATES & Co., Ill'D.,
.DV: Chase Bldg., Toikint0 t
Stn will pteaaa'send ine free 1 --
One sample box Ar. Chase's KidneyLiver Pills.
'. One sample bon Dr. Chase's Ointment. ,
. One copy Dr. Chase's Recipes.
N7alhfile ..... • ...: ...... • ....dti. • ..;'.1..6[71 • &ddiesi4 .... ..... i:'.:r^•,G":7":
Anne of this ...... -
'Yy. ptrr. ..»M -v., riffs+.—.: r :.. •:..•.., ... RxoY..-:.. ....rtc . - 0 crawl...ikm.N.....Wei.......q.imInsum,h.lonima a....rarer.em1,,ae m...nn Invim..iiiil,i.o.., tone.10.01
the workingman must not be taxed In
order maintain a decent 'standard of
living, Witen the tariff Is revised, and
I believe we will be called upon to
revise it, We shall, .keep In mind the
primary need 61 rei'enue, buf'olir te--'
vision wilt•be b,#sed up,on the home and;
its needs, and not on• the needs of a
few sp
e.clai1Yprilleged" interOtS. That
Is the real difference b'et'ween' our tariff.
and Mr, Meiglien s • ills revision will
be in .thei'ititerest' of his dwn friends,"
Whet; Attorney -General Raney. de-
vised a system,' of'appointing‘a county
Magistrate ' in deacli''county he either
consciously or "unconsciously found ;a
Way to'' make defendants ,pay exhorb#c
tent 'court costs;' 'A case in ••point is
given "by the Siincoe Reformer; 'Joseph
McKee, an Irishtnanr appeared, before
The magistrate on.a ch'a'n'ge of, common
assault. ' 'Apparently, ' from the eviifettee
McKee's "il'is" was limited to words,
and a few, gestures. It seems, he was
driving in the country and took to the
side of the road because the road's
crown' was piled with crushed stone.
A man by the name of Sinden, who was
using a rake in. the ,approved ,manner
on the stone, ordered McKee to drive
in the middleof the road on•top of the
stone. ut was said that Sinden brand-
ished his rake at McKee, who told him
to get out of the way or he would drive
over him. Words followed, Accord-
ing to the evidence that constituted
the common assault.
Because there had been high words,
some threatening, the magistrate
thought it incumbent upon hien to line
the defendant, but imposed minimum
of.$2.00. But then the costs 'plied up
to $27.70, because ,mileage fees, etc.,
had to be paid witnesses from the
That is what the Police Magistrate's
Jurisdiction Act did for McKee.
Children -,Cry
R 1 A
and LIS some cases above,
"this ruling Wtll be applieable to'
1929 and subsequent returns and will
also be applied to all .unsettled eases;
for ptevlous periods," .. ,
Travelers Must
Pay on Expenses
Dominion Income Taxation Office
Makes a Ruling—$1 per Day is
Taxable—Decision of Commis-
sion Breadner Settles Question.
If you have suffered from consti-
tion for years,i au
Pa plied, ai lads Of Kew"
dies without getting relief, if you have '
t;eeu,s4pjeet.,tq all the miseries associa-
ted 'with' const'pati4e:''bvduldn't•,you 5
consider, it ry blessing to be able to keep
the bowels in•i;"Fgoethealthy condition
and prevent disease getting qfoothold
On your system?
ere indicated just for' this purpose;
eir regular use relieving the worst
Lases of constipation, '
;''Mrs: T. Thompson, Bounty, Sask.,
wr#test"I have been troubled for years
with constipation and tried varjptie,
remedies .whichdid,. ,;me no good. I
thetl.,,tried.,lJtilburn's axe -Liver Pills
and they have done me a World Of goo'd;
they are indeed a splendid pill, and I
heartily recommend them ttt;,all, whos,.
suffer, from ,constipation."
Price,;25e; a'fyiatl.t alt dealers, or
whiled direct, oh, aegeipt of prig by
The T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto,:Oht.
and he fell heavily to the ground,
distance'df Ifotirtetelt,feet,
Colborne'''ttwip:---'t*hel telephone dig-
pute'oµef the erection of poles, an the
9th and Goth concessions .0f Colborne,
b the•Colborne,Municipal!system, du.
pIleatlll 'the :,polls (. 1'l the Jiurai Go,,
has been settled by the order of the,
,Railway..board last
wee k
,whleh re
the,Colborne Municipal to remove the
poles In question and to pay $100 Of
the expenses,
'"t)ungannon--Mr. Herbert Caesar Who
had been a sufferer, for over a year,
passed, away on1 Friday afternoon,. Ott.
1i4,.thr• l,p }lis 46th,year, • He:,had lived
on the 6th concession of Ashfield all
his life, ;
Exeter. -The Y M. C. A. held' Its
organization ene'gting on 'Wednesday
evening and appointed committees, etc,
The Ascendancy of -
Lib'eralisirir in Quebec
There is no denying the fact that
the Province of Quebec is destined '18
play an influential part in the coming
election, The fontunes of the Liberal
party are mainly dependent upon the
solid bloc of Liberals that is expected
from that province. it is predicted that
the big majority from Quebec, . sup-
plemented by a strong following from
the Maritime Provinces and British Col-
umbia, with an increased representation
from Ontario will give the Liberal lead-
er, Hong Mackenzie King,the largest
numerical section' in the new Parlia-
ment. All this figuring, however, is
purely problematical, as there is noth-
ing more uncertain, as the late Sir John
Macdonald was wont to declare, than
an election and a horse -race.
Inspector George Tambling, of the
London district of the taxation branch
of the department of finance, received
from Ottawa a ruling adopted by Tax
Commissioner R. W. Breander to gov-
ern the amount of expense allowance
which commercial travelers shall be
permitted to claim in filing their in-
come returns. Hitherto there has been
considerable difficulty in some districts
in arriving at a correct. estimate of a
commercial traveller's ,gravelling ex-
penses, and it is to overcome this that
the latest order has been issued from
Ottawa. The memorandum which is of
importance to all commercial men, is
as follows:
"In making a return of their incomes
commercial travellers shall show all
monies received by thein from their
employers; including' expenses. 'They
wiit'be allowed, as a deduction expenses
actually and necessarily incurred in
connection with• their business less the
sum of $1 for each day's travel, which
.sum is intended'to'represent amounts
includedin expenses but not directly
attributable to the 'earning of the in-
"Trabellers' are roughly divided into
three' classes:, (5) those who travel with
grips 'only, (b)'those who travel with
trunks' containing samples up to 1,000
pounds 'weight; ' (c)' those who travel
witit trunks containing samples'weigh-
ilig' over 1,000 pounds.
"The following' figures'show the gen-
eral average of expenses fur: each of the
three Classes' and Whtre`the figures re-
turned' in any 'individual case exceed
the amount specified' an explanation
'should be called for:
Week of Week of
,5 days.,' .S` daJcs
gob , $ -5b
$60 $ •80
41.$80 ',_ $4o0
"A traveler makltsg' his return should
shoW the number.•orlveeks he was on
the l'oad, tf necessary by; dividing the
weeks into. • weekS of five.days 'and
Weeks of seven days.'"
^''Whe'rd'an explanation is. asked of a
trei"eler with regard to a, charge ex -
ceding the average and lie is unable to
'give illi details' the inspector should
procure an' affidavit vouching that,. the
•Charges made were'actually and neces-
sarily indurred in the conduct of his
business, together with all information.
"'Form T-4 will be drawn up so as to
show the classification of travelers ac-
;cordiiig to the above classes and to
show the total monies pant travelers
by employers.
"Inspectors sliould note that the
figures given above are neither niint-
luum tor, maximum and may expect
that 111 same cases the ainount of ex-
peliSes will be belovi the'ilguies given
The province of Quebec has not,
always been solidly Liberal. In past
years it has given Conservative maj-
orities, and on five occasions in its
political history has discarded Liberal-
ism for Conservative principles. In
a867, at the time of Confederation, the
province returned 45 Conservatives as
against 20 liberals, but from that time
forward, with only one lapse, continued
to elect more and more Liberals until
at the present .time the prospect of
any strong contingent of Conservatives
from that province is very remote. In
the second election held in federated
'Canada in 1872, Quebec returned 38
Conservatives and 27 Liberals, but in
1878, the year the National Policy was
introduced it dropped back to the figur-
es of 1867. The fourth Conservative
majority in Quebec was in 1882, when
the government of the day succeeded in
electing 48 candidates as against 17
Liberals. In 1887 the Conservative
vote was 33 as against 32 Liberals.
From then an the Liberals continued to
produce majorities in Quelbec until
the climax of 1917, when the Unionist
Government returned three members
while the Liberals rolled up 62. ,
Canadan Government :Requests
Observance ,of Armistice ..�
:,•. • Anniversary. ,
. Ottawa, Oct. 21,411s Excellency the
Goveriioy-General'has'received a des-
patch 1'fozn 'the Secretary of State for
the Colonies, proposing that on Friday,
November 1ith,,the anniversary 4f the
signing of the Armistice, there' should
be -a 'complete suspension of business,
so far as`possiblebegihning at It a.
m., and eontinuing'for -two minutes. '
The Canadian Government has ad-
opted this suggestion, and accordingly
the Secretary of State for External
Affairs has issued a request that the
rite be observed throughout the Dom-
inion. ..-,
Social Evening.
A Masquerade Hallowe'en Social in
St. Paul's Sunday 'School on Friday,
evening, Oct. 28th, Admission, 15c.
Everybody come. Refreshments served
Local representative at Clinton to re-
present "The Old Reliable Fonthill
Nurseries," and cover surrounding ter-
ritory. Splendid opening for the right
man. Exclusive territory. Splendid
opening for the right man. Exclusive
territory, highest commissions•: paid.
While Quebec was wayward to the;:
extent of five tours of duty under the
Conservative banner, Ontario joined
the Liberal ranks on only.2 occasions.
First in 1872 Ontario rolled up a Lib-
eraI group of 50 compared with 38
Conservative representatives, and for
the second time and last time in 1874, -
when the returns showed 64 Liberals
and 24 Conservatives. It must be re-
membered in ithe case • of Ontario,•
however, that the Liberals suffered from
the distortion of .the Gerrymander Bill
of 1882, and the tnfamus Franchise Act,
of 1884, whereby the voters' list's were
placed in the hands . of revising bar-
risters of notorious partizan Leanings.
These lists were published at Ottawa,
and frequently sufficient names were
left •off to' entirely alter. the standing
of a constifuency.. In 1896 the Lib-
erals carried1'44 seats; in,Ontariot,and
the'' Conservatives 43, while the In-
dependents' cliptured
n-dependents'ctiptured five,
study `of the election returns for
the past 25 years in Canada reveals a
steady grow'th,of the Independentspii;tt,
in,'politics, ;This has gone on, to; such -
an extent that'at the present tithe it is`
impossible do place the majority of
the ,'constituencies in the "safe"
until of either.,party.,
C rA�
Foil Infants and Children
In 1lise For Over 30 Years
fltiitoN COUNTY'
.moo..®... ,.. r:.
BlythMt ''Jas'. ginith had the 'his-
forttthe to injure his back In a fail last
week, which has kept him to .lite house
since, 1•le was picking apples at Mc
Donald's orchard in "Morris, when the
limb ;an which he Was standing broke,
To Purchase Green Flax Straw. Ap-
ply to Flax Mill Office, Clinton.
Until further notice the Doctors of
Clinton will observe Wednesday after-
noon as a holiday. One doctor afwaya
remaining in his office to attend Emer.
gency calls of which he can be -uott-
fled by telephone.
For Sale.
A number of storm windows, ;7ft 6 to
2 ft 8 in. and 7ft 6 x 4ft 6 inches. Ap-
ply to Geo, McLennan.
Wantted. ,
We want a thoroughly capable man
who can sell to farmers. Musthave
horse and rig' or car. Best business
opening in 'Clinton, Exclusive com-
mission contract with the largest manu-
facturers in Canada of Farm Machine
Specialties. Good for• -82500.00 to
$5000 a year, Box N. Clinton.
The Dominion Feather and Mattress
Co., are In Clinton and making'•, your
old feather. bed into the, ten roll. Sani-
tary mattress or down comforter.
They also buy old or •new feathers.
Drop; a :card to Clinton and our, agent
will call.
Cottage for Sale. I
Formerly occupied by the late Mrs.
Arthur McRae. Apply to Mrs, Geo.
For Sale.
Cement platform and curbing for
top of wells, 1, 3 in. screen ventilator
,6 inches above platform, will sit any
size Well l and fit around any size ,
pump: Can be removed at any time.
jcuaraniteed @o hold. ,tip a tfeam of
'horses and to be muse and t, water
proof. Also cement soft water cis-
terns with cement platform With 12
inch rim around map-liole for4odding
to prevent frost and keep out isurface
water. H. H. Cantetoli, R. R.';No, 5,
Clinton,.. ,Phone 3, On 649,-w,
Brick Co"ttsge icor Salo,
One of the best brick cottages in
Clinton for sale. First classbarn on
the premises, All in good repair. Ap-
ply. at, New. Era Office.
We cast Points for any Plow
Bring old points when possible
Motor Works Righting