The Clinton New Era, 1921-10-27, Page 1W . t ...t t19r R+ Established 1865, Vol. " No tit koshmil3• hr'. .n ralv91 al EW GLINT 1N. O'NTAiR1O, THU1 'PAY' OCTOBER, 27th, 1921. W. H. Karr & Son, Editors and Publishers. GeneralElecij�n, tar MANY THING OU YALE �: 1 • � a + •-. Can be made permanent fixtures for • all time to come if you use a KODAK and get us to develope your films and print your , plctuaes. Many of the good pictures you] see are made by us. You can get a Kodak from $2.60 up. Do it Now. W.I . Po. HO LM 33S Phm, B. A. THE REXALL STORE li INCORPORATED 1$56 THE MOLSONS BANK, Capital end Reserve $9,000,000 - Over 130 Branches There is no safer or surer way of safeguarding your surplus money than placing it in a savings account with The Molsons Bank. Why not begin to -day? H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deliosit Boxes to Rent. PROTECT YOUR VALUABLES If kept in your home, fire or thieves may rob you'of them. Our Managers will be pleased to tell you about the protection afforded by a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX. THE ROYAL BANK OF GUAM S P E C T A• L FOR SATURDAY 100 Men's Suits and Overcoats, regular $35 to $40 your pick of the entire lot on Saturday for $25.00. Sizes 34 to 46 MAKE YOUR SELECTION EARLY 1r IND'`BLOWING AGAIN? HICKS IS SILENT NOW The Morrish Clothing 9 Coe A. Square Deal for Every Man Try The New Era �9 , Jobfor Work in 011 U. F. O. Whip Refuses to be More Specific in Connection With Timber Matter (Toronto Monday's Star) Andrew Hicks, member of the legis- lature for South Huron and government whip, Is again in the spotlight. At an open-air picnic lash summer at Lon- don he got into,the headlines with the startling statement that attempts had been Made to bribe members of the legislature.When pressed for details of the "scandal" later, he gave the ex- cuse that- the. "wind was blowing" and the reporter could not have heard him well. When a special investiga- tion was.made at Queen's, Park, Mr. Hicks was unable to back up his charg- es, which were dropped. Last week in a speeck in Huron County Mr, Hicks again .,startled the public with a statement to the effect that Hon. Beniah Bowman had been of glory and the Liberal leader is now fered $150,000 in settlement of the home again and ready for his tour crown's case against a certain lumber through Ontario points. From Sydney company. Mr. Bowman's answer, he to St. John the people of the Atlantic said, had been: "No, you owe the provinces came -out in thousands to province $3,000,000." hear the inspiring messages of the The Minister of Lands. and Forests young leader of the Liberals, and in on Saturday would'n't confirm the Hicks many cases, to compare his frank ex - statement. position of the problems of the day "The crown's case," stated Mr. Bowman, "is in the hands of counsel and is about to be adjudicated upon by the courts and it would be 'pre- mature to make any statement as to what tine crown expects. There have been suggestions as to settlement, pp make comparison, the comparisons but no specific amount has been amen- 1 were all in favor of the Liberal leader, tinned to me by the company. Counsel ; who won friends everywhere for him - for the crown in this action is deter, I self and the Liberal cause.- In the pro - mining the amount which the crown . vinces visited there are many voters, may claim through the courts." formerly Conservative, who have de - To -day Mr. Hicks refused•to be more clared openly that they will this elect - specific when The Star telephoned him.. ion give their support to the Liberal Upon being informed that Mr. Bowman i candidates and thus help to end Mr, did not confirm his statements, he re- I Meighen's career as Prime Minister. plied: "Well, just let it go at that, Everywhere the optimism for the Good-bye," and he hung up the re- Liberal cause is the same. Nova Scotia ce)ver. and Prince Edward Island will return ossssseseee•os fessoo • WITH THE CHURCHES, R to•7C®f1044014sr640sllgl9w4gM'' St. Pauls Church At the usual hours on Sunday Rev, Canon Hill will conduct services in St. Paul's church. , St. Josepbls Church The Catholic Womens League will hold their monthly meeting on Nov. 8 at three o'clock, instead 'of the first Tuesday of the month. Ontario St. Church. The monthly meeting of the Ladies', Aid of Ont, St. Church will be held in the basement next Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, at half past two o'clock, for quilting. Picnic tea will be served. A fullattendanceis requested. ' Willis Church The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at the morning ser- yice next Sunday, Oct, 30th. Rev. Mr. Chidley, of Thames Road, will conduct the pre -Communion ser- vice on Friday evening at 8 o'clock. The SVssion will meet at, halfpast seven On Sunday, Nov, 6th, at the morn- ing service the Soldier's Memorial Tab- let will be unveiled.: ' The W. M. S. held 'their annual Thankoffering on' Friday last when Dr. Annabel! McEwen gave, a very inspiring and instructive address. They real- ized $220. •- The 'Bazaar held on Saturday by the Mission, }Baird was quite\ successful. They will add some $80 to their treas- ury. OUR OTTAWA LETTER Ottawa, Oct. 21, 1921—The Mari- time Provinces tour of Hon. W. L. Mac- kenzie King wound up in a blaze of pictlinations;-:N LIBERALS ARE PREPARING FOR THE ELECTION Electors Must See That Their REGISTRARS APPOINTED Liberals Held Organization Meet- ing , Monday -- Officers Ap- pointed— Good Address Given The Liberals of Clinton met in their, committee' rooms, in'a goodly number on Monday evening of this week to or- ganize fon.the Doming election. • Mr, Geo. McLennan, who is chair - Man for the .Municipality' called the meeting, to order, and Mr, Thos. Haw- kins was. elected Secretary., The Chairmen of the, four Wards were selected and they are to choose their own committee to include '!tree women voters, Those selected as Ward Chairmen are:— St. Andrew's Ward—Dr; Shaw St. James' Ward—Alex. Cudmore St. John's Ward—Thos. Hardy • St. George's Ward—L, Paisley. Mayor Goulding, •of Seaforth, was present and gave a"short address, which was well received. Mr, Thos, McMillan, Liberal Candi- date, fo- South Huron, also spoke on the work to be done by these new committees; the work of the riding, and also dwelt upon some of the phases of the Liberal campaign in Can- ada. Dr, Shaw also spoke a few, words, The chairman, Mr. McLennan, an- nounced that there would be arrange- ments mad e to keep the rooms open during the evenings from now on, 00000000000000000 OVER THE TEACUPS g o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mr. Henry Plumsteel was a London visitor on Tuesday. • `Mrs. G. D. McTaggart is visiting at. Morrisburg and Toronto. Mayor Goulding of Seaforth, paid Clinton a visit on Monday. Mr. Ferguson of Exeter, was reliev- with the attempt of Rt. Hon. Arthur ing at the Molson's Bank. Meighen and his supporters to distract Mr, S. Carter, of Brussels, was a all attention from the blunders and Clinton visitor last Thursday. autocracies of the government by Mr, George Elliott spent a few days shouting "tariff". Where the people visiting with friends in Goderich, were able to hear both ,leaders and to Mr. G. D. McTaggart has been a Tor- onto visitor during tate past week, Mrs. Allan, of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Warrener, Mary 5t. Mrs. Lewis, of Niagara Falls, is thS guest of her mother, Mrs. E. Herman, Mr. Ernie Walton left last week for Montreal were he has accepted a posi- tion. Mrs. McEwen, of London, was re- newing old acquaintances in town last week. Miss Norma Jeffries, of Seaforth, was the guest of Miss Madelon Shaw last practically solid Liberal tickets and week. New Brunswick will do better this year Mrs. Tierney, of Blyth, is the guest than ever before in that regard. ` Re- of her sister, Miss Thompson Albert ports from the other provinces are also Street, most encouraging. Splendid candidates Miss Emmeline Holland, of Mildmay are being placed in the field everywhere spent the week end at her home in W. L CONVENTION TAKES PLACE NEXT WEEK Women's Institute Delegates to be so that when election day is over, the Guests of City of London; Hon. Liberal party will have in parliament an Manning Doherty to Speak. array of strong men, ready to take up • The convention of Western Ontario, Women's Institutes, to take place in London on November 1, 2 and 3, prom- ises to be one of the most interesting of the W. 1. gatherings yet held. With the Honorable Manning Doherty Ontario's Minister of Agriculture, as a special speaker on Tuesday' evening, November 1, and with Gen, Sir Arthur Currie,' and other notable Canadian speakers as possible additions to this program, the meetings will be of very great interest. Delegates to the number of several hundred will register in the city on Tuesday morning and the subsequent sessions will. be held in the Masonic Temple, A .civic banquet, for"whici the McCormick Manufacturing Com- pany are loaning their dining hall, on Tuesday . evening, preceding Mr. Doh- erty's address in the Masonic Temple, and a trip to Byron •Sanatorium as a concluding event on Thursday after- noon, are among the municipal recogni- tions of the convention, which will in- clude much important business, Consideration of the federation of institutes, the -present system of organ- ization, and other general matters will forte a portion of the agenda, which will cover souse attractive lectures and demonstrations, in addition to the branch reports. Mrs. (Dr.), Fowler will be the dele- gate from Clinton Institute. Will Hold a Rally The Young People's Societies of the Presbytery of Huron intend holding a the burden of administration and carry it. on successfully: And while candidates for the Liberal party are coming forward splendidly, every day bring new word of one or other of the Meighen stalwarts who has become disgusted and is refusing to stand the domination of the "hidden hand" behind the Meighen party; The loss of W. S. Middlebro, chief Conser- vative whip, is one that Mr, Meighen will not soon overcome. Mr. Middle- bro was one of the strongest men in the party and as Chief Whip, claimed that he should have been extended at least the courtesy of a telegram ad- vising him of his Chief's decision to go to the country. But Mr. Middlebro, common with other men supposed to be influential in the government party, was left to learn of his chief's decision from the press notices, It is hard to see where the Meighen party would se- cure any strong men from among its present tohof candidates, should ail indications be reversed and Mr. ,Meig- hen again given the reins of Tower. Among the rankand file of the party there has been a general rush to "get from under" and appointments to the Senate and the bench have been a mat- ter of daily occurrence, ' And there are more of them ,yet to come, if in- dications run true to form. Por months now .Mr. Meighen has been beseiged by a clique of office -seekers until Isis life was made almost a misery, and finally he -sent Half his old cabinet to the Sen- ate along with a few of the more per- sistent member's of parliament, and took in a fat of new blood which does not seem at all likely to get him tiny - When Mr. King comes back to par - ratty on Monday, Nov. 70, Tlianksgiv- !lament he will have in his following jog Day, int the Brucefield Church, : l . Continued on Page 2. Clinton. Mrs. S. Carter and Miss Myrtle, of Brussels, have been the guests of Mrs. Geo. Levis. Mrs. W. S. Lawrence, of Ottawa, is visiting her sisters, the Misses Whitley in Clinton. Mrs. W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. kerr this week. Mrs. Coulter and children of Port Arthur were visitors with Miss Jennie Holmes last week, Miss Jean Farquhar, of Clinton spent the week end with her sister, Mrs, Joe Clegg, of Morris Twp, Mr. Frank McCaughey has accepted a position at St. Lambert's andleft re- cently to commence work. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cantelon and sen, of Lueknow, accompanied by Mr. T. Smith Were Sunday visitors In town. Miss Marion Gunn has gone to De- troit where she intends baking a special course et the Harper Hospital. Mr, R. G. Warrener • retuned :.home after spending a couple of 'weeks visit- ing relatives in and around Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Sutterhasreturned to her home in Kitchener, after spending the past Six weeks with Mrs, T. Hawkins.. Mr. Harold Kitty, of Toronto, was the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Draper, over the week end; ' Mrs. Cranston left on Monday for her home in Port Arthur, after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, John Tori:atz,ce, Walkerton Telescope—Mr, and Mrs. 'John Holmes, of Clinton were week- end visitors with . Inspector and Mrs, John MECooI, Mrs, Chas, Libby who has-been visit- ing Iter mother, Mrs. E. Walsh, and other friends has returned to her ironic in Cleveland. Continued on Page 5. Names are on Lists Those Appointed Registrars in Town and Goderich Township. Mr. Hunkin, Returning Officer, for South Huron was in town on Wednes- day and appointed the four Registrars for the making up of the Voters' List. They are;—. St, Andrew's Ward -W. S. R. Holmes St. James' Ward—A. J. Grigg St. Jonh's Ward—Fred Ford St. eCorge's Ward—Clif. Andrews. Goderich Township No.t—Kenneth Ross No. 2-0. Ginn No, 3 -Mrs. John Stewart No. 4—Robt, Cluff No. 5—J, B. Miller No. 6—Adam Cantelon LIBERALS ATTENTION ! In a few days the work of preparing the lists will start and if the electors are not sure about their name being on the list call at the Liberal Committee rooms and there find out. If your name is not on the list, it can be put there very easily by calling at the proper place of registration. With a big and serious issue in the election, it is urged that every eligible man and woman of Liberal leaning see to it that his and her name are registered, or confirmed on the present list—and then to vott en December Ith, Men and Women Equal. The franchise is very broad in this election—the broadest in history, in fact. The ladies are on exactly'the same footing as the men for the first time in a Dominion election.. Except for a few special exceptions the qualifications for voting are: 1. You must be a British subject, of the age of 21 years or over. 2 You must have resided in the electoral distric't of South Huron for at least two months prior to October Stlt of this year, the date of dissolu- tion of Parliament. , 3. You must have resided in Can- ada for one year at least prior to the date mentioned. As a patriotic citizen -man or wo- man—see to it that yogi are in a posi- tion to give a Liberal vote on Election day. Appointed a Delegate to U. S. Convention Capt. (Rev.) 'C. E. Jeakins, of Brantford, and formerly of Clinton was advised this week that in company with R. B, Maxwell, President of the Donn - inion Command, G.W.V.A., he has been appointed a delegate to the American Legion convention which opens in Kansas City next .week. Admiral Beat- ty, Marshall; Foch, Sir Douglas Haig and General Pershing will also be pres- ent, Gone to Dogdona. On Wednesday morning when Mr. S. S. 'Cooper went to let out his two dogs he found "Captain" had died during the night. The dog was alright when shut in the evening before. Opening New Store. The Dominion Stores Ltd., which conduct a chain of grocery stores in. Canada, are opening up a store in Olin- part of the program and gave two ex- ton on Saturday in the store, fornerly celient anthems. Tire principal address oc*upied by Jas. Dunford, Mr. S. B. of the Convention was given by Rev. Atkinson is the manager. K. 0, Beaton, a returned Missionary from China, and a former Clinton boy. He dwelt on the important work going on in China and the great work yet to be clone, The Convention was closed with the Benediction by Rev, Kennedy of Ben-. miller, v.22 EPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION HELD ON WEDNESDAY Splendid Meeting Held in Ontario "St, Church ---A Good Rally for Leaguers— Officers Elected. The annual Epworth League Conven- tion of the Goderich District was held in the Ontario St. Church on Wednes- day of this week, and there were ex- celient addresses given on the work of the 'League. The morning session, which opened at 10 adv., was conducted by Rev. H, Royle,, of the Nile. An address of wel, come was extended to the visitors, by Mayor McMurrary, Who is President of the , Ont. St, League, and a reply to address was made lay the District Pres- ident,'Mr, Savauge, of Seaforth. The various committees were nominpted, and the closing address of the morn- ing on "The lneaning of this 'Conven- tion" was given' by Rev. J. L. Foster, of Varna. The afternoon session commenced • at 1.30, the opening exercises being conducted by Rev. H. D. Moyer, Gode- rich. Verbal reports were given front each League in the District and showed excellent results. Rev. Mr. A, E. Mill- •• son, of .Auburn, gave an address on "Recreation; its Meaning and Purpose" A well rendered duet was given by ' Misses Anderson and Treleaven, Clin- ton. Rev. W. R. Osborne, of Londes- boro, gave an address on "Evangelism in the Epworth League", Mrs. West- cott, of Seaforth sang a solo in good voice. Prayers were offered by Rev. D. N, McCarnus and Rev. Waldron, of Dungannon. The closing exercises of the afternoon session were conducted by Rev. Mr. Tiffin, of Blyth. The following •-officers were elected during the afternoon session as follows: Hon. President—Rev, S. Anderson, Clinton. District President—Fred S. Savauge, Seaforth. 1st Vice President—Miss Currie, of tine Nile. 2nd Vice President—Miss Florence Mooney, Goderich. 3rd Vive President— -A. J. McMurray Clinton 4th Vice President—Mr. 13. Webster, Varna. 5th Vice President—Miss Wheatley, Constance Secretary-Treasurer—Mrs. C, Mar, tin, Seaforth Conference Representative—Rev. l L. Foster, Varela. S. S. Representative—Rev, A. E. Aliii- sotn, Auburn, The following Resolutions were pre- sented to the Convention and adopted: That the Secretary at once procure from Headquarters full information• concerning each department of the E. L, wot'k and forward the same to each District Vice President-elect for the coming year. That each District Vice President- elect shall immediately on receipt of such information proceed to distribute it to the Vice Presidents of his Depart- ment in each League of the District. ti That the District Executive Meet at the call of the District President at a date not later titan Dec, 1st. ' That we receive invitations for next year's convention, to be held the second week in October 1922. Varna was the place chosen. That we urgently request all pastor's in the District to organize and develop the Epworth League in his circuit, That a vote of thanks be given to all who are responsible for the hospitality extended this convention in this church today. That we urgently request all dele- gates to be present at the opening !tour of our next convention; also that more Laymen be used in next year's con- vention program, That is District Convention put on record our appreciation of the efficient and useful service of our President, Mr, Fred Savauge. His enthusiasm has been an inspiration to the other mem- bers of the Executive,, while his visits to the various leagues have done much to arouse renewed interest in the Young People's work, and we herewith pledge him and the Executive our loyal co-operation and support. The evening session was taken by Rev. Mr. Moyer, of Goderich, and prayers were offered by Rev. 'Capt, Edwards, of Seaforth and Rev. J. F, Reycraft, Goderich. The Church choir had charge of the musical Winghem—Mr. David Hamilton, who has been an employee of the Bell fur- niture factory for about 20 years, has decided to try farming and has pur- chased the farm of James VaiffCainp, by East Wawanosh,