The Clinton New Era, 1921-10-13, Page 1CL1NTON NEW ESA
Pstabllshed 1865, 'ytal, 56. No.15
C L I N T o N, ONTARIO, THURSDAY OCTOBER, 126, 1921 W, Ii. Derr 8E Son, Editors and Publishes(
Genera1jEiectiOn, Tuesday, Dec. 6; Norninations, I
Can be made permanent fixtures for all time to come if you
use a KODAK and get us to develops your films ' and
print your pictures.
Many of the yood pictures you sea are made by us. You
can get a Kodak from $2.50 up. Do it Now.
W . S. e V LATNIS Pllm11. B.
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 Branches
Buy Canadian,Goods—and help to keep Canadian.
workmen busy, it wll help :you.
Buy wisely and save as much as possible and
deposit your savings in the Molsons Bank.
Courteous service to all.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
What Is A Canadian ?
By Byron Stauffer, in Toronto Star
A.Canadian is one who believes that
Caij Ila is
worth while. He believes
that for the invisible line running a-
cross this continent from east to west
there is a reason; not a mere senti-,
Mental loyalty to a: crown across the
sea, but a sufficient reason rooted in.
the act that his fellow citizens are a
superior people, Otherwise there is
no sufficient excuse for maintaining a
small nation, with comparatively high
overhead expenses in government and
manufactures; alongside a ',bigger
country of the same blood and lang-
If kept in' your home, fire or thieves
may rob you of them.
Our Managers will be pleased to tell
yott about the protection afforded by
We take pleasure in announcing Our Com-
plete readiness for Fall i'usinness. We wel-
come you to see our a nPnauaal display of new
Fall styles for Men and toys,
And to sharean the distribution of our qua-
lity merdhandise at moderate princes.
The NEW ,OVERCOATS and S U 1 T S,,
MEN Will Surely Please YOU 1
A' Canadian is a man who has a
pardonable pride in the sturdiness of
Iris compatriots. 1t is evinced in our
press, for example, who tendency is First Year Term.
continually to put the emphasis on Emma Adam, Seaforth.
news of good, rather than news of
evil. If that be doubted, buy a news-
paper published in New York, Chicago
or San Francisco and compare it with
one of Toronto's dailies—any one. Our
character Is more stable; we are Less
mercurial than—well, some other folks: Jos. Washington, Goderich
We have the grace of continuing, Norma Wightman, Wingham
We may take our time in getting to ' Second Year Term
like strangers but when we do, we Margaret Hogarth, Exeter
take thein to our hearts for keeps—. Violet Parker, Blyth
our wives included,
O U O O 0 tr 0 0 0
o 0
O Ottawa, Oct, 7,— It was an 0
O pounced today that election day 0
O would be held on December 6 0
0' and Nominations on November 0
O 22nd. 0
O Parliament has been called 0
o for January 17, 1922. • 0
O 0
o o0,000000
Huron Pupils at
London Normal
Following is a list of the names and
addresses of Huron County pupils in
attendance at` London Normal: --
Kate Bone, Belgrave •
Evelyn Goldthorpe, Goderlch
Mary Hays, Seaforth
Ida Hogg, Seaforth
Flora Walker, Gorrie
Wm. Lang, Seaforth
Then, too, he is conscious of the
efficacy of his national lnstituti/s, the
integrity of courts, the speed -of crim-
inal trials and their usual justice, the
wholesale dignity of tribunals, the
unshattered confidence in police offi-
cials. That these salutary conditions
may continue he will not neglect to
exercise his right to vote at elections.
Nor he will not be blindly partisan,
but will regard his enfranchisement as
a sacred trust, too serious to treat as
.one would the functions of a fan at a
ball game.
A Canadian worth the name will tell
the tax officials the truth, the whole
truth and nothing but the truth about
his income.
Like the citizen of Zion described
by David in the psalm, he will swear
to his own hurt, which means that he
will tell the truth even when it is
damaging to his side of the case.
A Canadian is a promoter of Cana-
dian prosperity, No natter whether
he is an employer or an employe, a
.city man or a farmer, a mortgagee or
a mortgagor, an eastener or a west-
; erner, he knows that, as Ben Frank-
lin said to his fellow signers of the
declaration of independence, we must
all hang together or we'll all hang
Come and see them now
while the. new styles and
patterns . are here in
great abundance. Men
who recognize the ad-
vantages of an early
choice are sure .to be
impressed with our ex-
xcellent showing of Fal
$15 to $40
The Morrish Clothing
it Square Deal tor Eeter3fbl p
Try The New Eras �(��
for Job Work in
Postage Rates to Great
Britain are now Higher
Country District Awakening to
Opportunity Offered for Power
Rural Ontario is awakening. in earn-
est to the advantages of Hydro -electric
services, and applications are pouring
into the offices of the Commission for
the appearance at country meeting of
Hydro evineers, capable of explain-
ing the procedure to be followed in the
case of rural installations.
Work upon rural extensions has be-
gun at two points in Ontario—in the
township of Nepean, Carleton County,
and in the township of Saltfleet, Went-
worth County. Materials and equip-
ment have been laid down at several
other places and actual erection of *War tax included,
lines will proceed until halted by frost
A real''Canadian will take pleasure
in Canadian biography, lle will have
some national ]zeroes about which to
telt his children, some pictures of our
immortals on his walls, some books
of early Canadian achievements on his
And he will encourage present-day
Canadian efforts in ant and literature.
He will chuckle when a Canadian
Caruso is discoyered, watch for a Can-
adian Rembrandt, pray for a Canadian
Carlyle or Dickens,
A Canadian will occasionally take
time to glory in his country's wide
spaces, its vast forests and its treas-
ures in the ground.
A Canadian will obey the laws of the
land, all the, laws, all the time—laws
against ' smuggling or boot -legging,
speeding or joy -riding, combining or
conspiring, M For he will know that
these statutes are made for the good
of all, and that a loyal citizen's motto
is an adaptation of the slogan of a
"What sort of nation would ours be
If every citizen were just like mei"
The best Canadian, knowing that
this. big country has two distinct types
of people, differing in language, religion
and race, will a>otd and discourage all
fomentation of race prejudice and do
his utmost to fulfill the ideal of another
psalmist who exclaimed, "Behold, how
good nide how pleasant it is for
brethren to d'welI together in unity!"
With the inauguration of the new
postal rates on October 1 scores of
citizens are apparently encountering
greet difficulty in determining what
postage they should affix to their Mail,
Following is the latest schedule of
rates, which became effective October
Canada, United States and Mexico—
*3c for first ounce, 2 c for each ad-
ditional ounce,
Great Britain and all other places
within the Empire_*4c for the first
ounce, 3c for each additional ounce.
Other countries—roc' for the first
ounce, Sc for each additional ounce.
Canada, Great Britain, and all other
places within the Empire, United States
and Mexico—*2c eacb.
Other countries --6c eacb.
'Canada, Great Britain and \ certain
other places within the Empire, the
United States and Mexico -1c per 4
Canada, United States and Mexico—
lc per 2 ounces. services in the Methodist church at accepted a position as miller at Schoe-
All other countries—ic per pound. Northwood on Sunday, nhal's flour mill and has moved his
LITERATURE FOR THE BLIND Mr, and Mrs, John Ransford attend- family to town, They have taken the
ed the Ticket Agents' Association meet house on Joseph St., recently occupied
Canada, United States, Mexico and b Mr. D. Steep,
New Foundland—Free. Ing at Ottawa this week.
All other countries—lc per pound. Mrs. J. B. Wittingham and son Fred, i A Few Went to Wingham,•
COMMERCIAL. PAPERS of Herschel, Sask., is visiting with her' There were a few base ball fans went
All countries other than Canada -10 mother, Mrs, Wm, Argent. . to Wingham on Monday afternoon to
cents for the first 10 ounces, 2c for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jackson were at see the baseball match between Zurich
every additional 2 ounces. Ottawa this week taking in the Ticket and Wingham. The visitors won out
Agents' Association convention.
SAMPLES in the 9th by a score of 4 to 3. The
Mr. Arthur Clarkson is going to I return game is at Zurich on Saturday'•
Canada, United States and Mexico—
take a trip to New Ontario to see what afternoon.
is per 2 ounces. the prospects are for takinga settlers'
All other countries -4c for first 4 Sold Business.
ounces, 2c for every additional 2 clalnn. Last week Mr. A, E. Betts sold itis
Mr. Robt. Roberton underwent a bakery business to Mr, R. S. O'Ntil of
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT. minor operation on his left arm at Milton, and on Monday the new pro -
the Hospital last week and he has been prietor took possession. Mr, Betts
Canada and all other countries --10c taking some enforced holidays.thand family left Wednesday for Ridge -
if requested at the time to posting of Miss Bessie Porter, having disposed town, their former home, where Mr.
t ngof the if requested after the of her home is holding an auction sale Betts will take it easy for awhile as he
posting of article, (For registered of her household effects and will move nas been in poor health for the past
articles.) to Blyth to live with Mrs. Tamblyn. month. We are sorry to see the family
Mr. Wm, Townsend was in Exeter leave and we welcome Mr. and Mrs.
on Sunday, conducting the strvices in O'Neil to town.
Trivett Memorial church, in the ab- "No Good"
scree of the Rector, Rev: A. Trumper, This is the proper designation for
Mr. and Mrs. Moore,\ Hot Springs many of the matches on the market
Va., are visiting with the latter's sister these days. From 5 to 20 have to be
Mrs, (Rev.) Hogg at the Manse. The struck before the desire;, service is
visitors will snake their future home i secured• Such a condition is not only,
in Florida. i annoying but is wasteful of both time
Miss Margaret Holmes, whose ac- ' and money. The manufacturers should
cident we mentioned last week, is also I surely be aware of this state of affairs,
0000000 t) 000000
tj° •�` a
Miss E. J. Becker visited in St. Marys
last week. �.
Dr. and Mrs. Shaw were Ottawa
visitors this week.
items of Interest Picked Up Hera
and There About the Town.
Miss. Lizzie Ford was a Stratford I,ibtral Rooms Open Monday Evening(
visitor on Saturday. The Liberals of Clinton have secured
Mrs. W. Carter spent the week end the rotunda of the Normandie Motel for
with Mis's Vera Pepper at Stratford. their Liberal Committee • Rooms and
Mrs. Howard Williams, of Detroit, is they will be open on Monday evening
the guestof her mother, Mrs. C. of 'next week,
Powell, of Seaforth, was a visit- Teachers Meeting Here Today,
P"1 :wMth her lc andtnother, Mrs.H. The School Teachers of East Huron
Watki•ns, Inspectorate are meeting at the Owen
Memorial Hall today and tomorrow for
Mrs. S. T. Murch, of Sarnia, is vis- their annual convention. Tonight Rev.
Ring at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Mr Fotheringham, of Brantford, will
Courtice, I give an address in the Town Hall.
Mr. Richard Walton, caretaker at Minor Locals,
the Postoffice is 6ff on a hunting trip ,
to Muskoka, I Snow—Oct. 12th.
Postmaster Sutherland and Miss H. A, heavy frost last night.
Sutherland of Hensall were visitors in Rain, Rain go away.
A big crowd will go to Zurich on
town on Sunday. Saturday to see the baseball game be -
Mrs. J. G. Quennell, of Toronto, is tween Wingham and Zurich,
spending a coupit of months with her,
mother, Mrs. Argent.Takes Position Hire.
Rev C. S. Hawke conducted the I. Mr.. W. Jenks, of Campbellcroft, has
or extremely cold weather, r....,_. �, ,,
Nearly '2,400 contracts with new 1 .......... .""'�"
consumers have been entered into by
the Commission in the case of rural
services alone; these contracts call for
tate erection of about 500 miles of line
and for the energetic use of be-
tween this date and the of
Another Stamp Iniquity
(Brantford Expositor)
This country seems to have got far
away from the "Imperial Penny Post-
age" Which brought so much credit
to the Laurier Government and the
then Postmaster -General, Sir William
Mulock. Note the fact that over the
'Foreign Letter' box in the local post -
office appears the warning: "Be care-
ful. Postage increased to all countries
except 'Canada, Untied States and
Mexico." Titus the Mother Country is
in the "foreign" class as regards post-
age, and the British preference which
Laurier •instituted is displaced by a
preference for tate United States and
Maxieo acid a penalty against Mall for
all other points within the Empire,
This is hardly thething
one wou!
d ex -
from a party which would.ltave no
"truck qt trade with the Yankees," and
IMAMS fondly of its lfnperlatisni.
Furthering the scheme of rural ex-
tension, Ilydro engineers have ap-
peared at no fewer than 180 meetings
throughout the Province, and the com-
ing winter months should see consid-
erable activity in the shape of rural
educational campaigns, regarding the
practicability of Hydro services for
farms and farts hones.
eii®®®ueetaO 120secoo't
• r fit
St. Paul's Church'
Rev. Canon Hill will conduct the
services on Sunday at the usual hours.
St. James' Church, Middleton
11 a.m.—Children's Service.
5t. John's Church, Holmesville •
2.30 p.m,—Children's Service,
Ontario St. Church.
The Ontario St. League will make
their annual visit to tine Huron Co.,
Home next Monday evening, Oct. 17th
The Leaguers are requested to be at
the church at 7.15 p.nn sharp.
Rev. J. S. Hunter, M.A, B.M., of
Lanibeth, will preach anniversary ser-
mons 021 Suhday next. the choir will
also have special music for the oc.
Turner's church will hold their an-
niversary on Sunday afternoon, Oct,
23rd when Rev. Capt. EdWards, M. 'C.,
of Seaforth will preach.
An interesting Book.
Hydr9-Electric Power in the Niacara
District, Province of Ontario, Canada"
is the title of a handsomely printed
bulletin of the Hydro -Electric Power
Commission of Ontario. The informa-
tion is eyactly What .a well-informed
citizen of this Province Wants to have,
and the illustrations stake clear the
wonderful developments in the Niagara
district which are making history. A
copy of this phamphlet will give the
teacher of geography and civics fresh
and interesting material, and will be
valuable also to the •teacher of com-
position to furnish torn with data re-
garding our electrical development acid
Brucefield on Oct. i oth
Donald *Milian Ross, aged
d 55 years
and 2 menthe.
NEWS IN RRb t, r
Gorrie.—What might have been at
serious accident occurred. on Saturday
when Master Jack Toner, son of A. E. ! suffering from three broken ribs. The through the retail handlers and s to
Toner, Gerrie South, got his 'index reports from the Hospital says that her t give better value than is now being
finger of his right hand accidently ,Irish wit" has never left her while obtained. '
caught in a cog of the power washer suffering from her injuries at tine bos-
on exhibition at etre Fair grounds. Hon. Arthur Meighen Coming!
Fortunately the little fellow had the tion. Arthur Meighen, Canada's gift -
presence of mind enought to reverse Mr. and Mrs. John Schoenhals at- ed prime Minister, will address Massthe machine and release his finger, tended the funeral of the late Nathaniel Meetings on Wednesday, October 19th,
The result was a badly lacerated and Cunningham at Port Albert, recently, at Clinton at 2 p. m, and at Goderlch a
painful finger,
Goderich—Tice fine of $200 imposed
on Mr. Walter Buchanan, manager of
the Goderich Amusement Co., for giv-
ing away tickets for a drawing for
some silverware, with the ordinary
dance tickets sold at the Pavilion one
night last summer, has been reduced
to the nominal sum of $10 and costs,
by the Minister of Justice, application
having been made to hien to exercise
Isis powers in this regard.
Auburn—Mr, James D. Howatt, of
the Blyth gravel road, has disposed of
his farm to Mr. George Bean, of Col-
borne. The price realized was in the
neighborhood of $t0,000. Mr. Bean
gets possession on the 1st of March,
Benmiller--.Mrs.• Ambrose Vanstone
passed away as a result of an attack of
appendicitis and other complications.
She is survived by husband and five
Mr. Schoenhals was 'one of the pall-
bearers. The deceased was employed
lett The flour intilll (there wheel /11r,
Schoenhals Mips• proprietor.
Tuckersmith Twp.—Mrs. Samuel
Hart, passed away on Tuesday at Bot-
tineau, North Dakota, Mrs. Hart was
born in Tuckersmith township in 1843
and fifty-five years ago site was married
to Samuel Hart. Mr. and Mrs, Hart
lived for many years near Benmiller.
After Mr. Hart's death, fourteen years
ago, Mrs. Hart moved to Goderich
where she resided until a few years
ago when she went to the home of her
daughter in Bottineau, N. D., where her
death took place. One son, Secord, of
Florida, and one daughter, Elisabeth,
who is Mrs. R, W. Wilson, of North
Dakota survive,
Prime Minister's Meetings
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen, Prime Minister of Canada, will
address a public meeting on
Wednesday, Oct. 19th, at Clinton
at 2 o'clock at the Skating Arena i
And in Godericlui'n the Evening at 8 p. In.
These will be the only opportunities for the Electors of
Huron' County to ,liear Canada's gifted Premier. Ample
accommodation will be provided ill comfortable buildings
and special attention will be given to comfort of ladies,
8 p. tn. This will be the only oppor-
tunity for people of this section of the
Province to hear the Premier during
this campaign. Ample seating capac-
ity will be provided in comfortable
buildings. Reserved seats for ladies.
Bands and Orchestra in Attendance.
Both meeting will also be addressed by
the two Huron candidates, Merner and
Spotton.—See Advertisement on first
page, -
Hospital Notes,
The Hospital Board wish to convey
to Mrs. Ferran, Miss Archibald and
Mrs. Rance, sincere and hearty thanks
for a donation of ten counterpanes fof
the different beds at the Hospital. The
gratitude of the Board is also tendered
to the Odd Fellows who have recently,
decorated a room at the hospital. The
ceiling, walls and floor have been made
beautiful with fresh paint, while a rug
and a handsome oak rocker add to the
comfort. Mr. T. Hawkins and his Com-
mittee are to be congratulated upon the
harmony of their different selections.
Mr, Levi Stong ;addeft ,g5 to the Hos-
pital Bazaar Fund last week. this
donation is gratefully acknowledged, •
Not Resigning.
A rumor has been circulated more
or less widely during the past couple
of weeks that Mr. Thomas McMillan
the Liberal candidate for South Huron
in the forthcoming election, had de-
cided to retire, There is absolutely
no foundation for such a report. Mr,
McMillan was the unanimous choice
of the Liberal convention held in
Hensall on September 13th, last and
he is in the contest to stay, There
'is no manner of doubt but that both
the other candidates would like to
see ltitri adopt such is ^curse, but
with 'prospects of 6icrory, becoming
brighter every day, why should lief'
Moreover, he is not the quitting kind.
Gorrie—,A Cotuntittee of Gerrie Citi-
zens has arranged wwith the
Chautauqua to furbish a series of High
Class etttertaintnettts for the coining
Fall and Winter,