The Clinton New Era, 1921-10-6, Page 6PAGE SIX
_. SBU T 1 I S~ LESS 7 HA. N THE
VTrTai--sOWi..•' U
The Clinton New Era
THE TIME TO DO ROOFING is right now and avoid
easy leaks, and other roof troubles.
"BIRDS" Roofing is fire resisting and weather proof. Then
Wall Board, etc.
We have the Rockland, Quebec, and Tortoise Heaters with
Oven. Also a good line of other heaters.
M. T. Corless
••• ammoseso=ommeoomaes
T. Hawkins
Repairing Promptly
Phone 53
Hecla Furnaces Lead
There pis a Reason
Ask Us.
tenuine DL. & W.
Scranton Coal
Our advice would be to market
your Poultry early this year while.
prices are high. Fall prices are
expected to be much lower than
last year. Sell now. Enquire of
us for prices.
Clinton, Ontario
N. W. Trewartha Local Manager
The up-to-date Firm
Centralia—The creamery ran out of
ice during the recent hot weather, but
they were supplied by London, having
received 30,000 pounds.
<° Yes we have, It in all sizes. Don't put I N F A T R "
off buying as the price is gradually
"stiffening. Delay will only cause a pan- slog SUMM I COMPLAINT
icky buying craze similar to that V. -,F CFLtr1?Sa
perienced last fall when prices went
R , t
orcazY. ; ,
Let itis advise you 10 011 up with
It answers the burning question.
We also carry in stock for your con-
1tardwood, in different qualities
Slabs, the ideal summer fuel, Cedar
rails, fine for kindling,Canada Cement,
the standard article, Threshing teal.
convenient and Safe.
Hemlock Lumber at new "prices, 2X,
& 5X Shingles, at your own price
hardwood, Slabs, Canada Cement, thest
nut, Stove and Soft Coal.
Clinton & Brucefield
Phone for Clinton No. 7'4.
'{'hone for Bruaefreld 11 on 6181
The trouble occurs mostly during the
hot seasons,' and is confined to infants
between the ages of from four to twenty
months, and generally happens about
the time of the cutting of the first teeth.
Mothers should look well after their
children at this stage and not experiment
with any new and untried remedies, but
procure ono having stood the test of many
years usage in thousands of families,
Dr, 'Fowler's ;Lxtraet et Wiles Straw-
berry h becln on the market for 70
years an 14 hcicnowledged by all who
MST use it to bo the very best remedy
for Cholera Infantum Diarrhoea, Colic,
Dygekteryy and all Bowel Complaints
W.. user in children or adults.
Mrs. S. R, Alcorn, 2 Black St., I•Ialifax,
N.S., writes:—"My little girl was very
bad with summer
complaint caused
frons change of rnillc,
and wad also teething
at the same time. I
tried several remed-
ies, but with no re-
sults until I was ad-
'rised to try 'Dr.
Vowler's.' I did so,
'and by the time ono
bottle was taken she
was as well at 'eve 1 cannot too highly
recommend it for both children and
Price, Me. a bottle' put up only by
`.Cho T. Milburn Co., bottle;
witted, Ti''nntb,
For Fall Planting
Get your Order in early and
Secure the Best to be had.
Clinton Greenhouse
Phone 102.
Thursday, October Gth, 1921
Local News
Started Work this Week
The Clinton Knitting factory started
to work this week and We hope it won't
be long until a full staff will be em-
Plum Blossoms Out,
Mr. Wm, Streets, of Little England,
had a plum tree in his garden that has
some fresh blossoms on. Does this
mean another warm spell/
Conservatives Have Invited Premier.
The Conservatives of town have In-
vited Premier Meighen to speak here
when he makes his Western Ontario
tour during next month,
Gave Shower to Bride-to-ke-
The girl friends of Miss Isobel Gunn
gave her a miscallaneous shower at' the
Willis Sunday School rooms last Thurs-
day evening. A pleasant evening was
spent by all.
• Isnpreveaw�4.
A new roof has been put on the
Creamery building.
A new shingle roof has been put on
the verandah of Mr. David Cluff, Wil-
liam street.
In Memory of tko Fallen.
The Dominion Command of the G.
W. V, A. has formulated plans to have
a red poppy worn on Armistice Day in
memory of those who made the sup-
reme sacrifice in the great war.
- rr
Will Meet at Exeter.
The 44th annual meeting df the
West Huron Teachers' Convention will
be held in the Exeter High School on
Thursday and Friday, Oct, 13 and 14,
Exchanging Pulpits. -
Rev. Mr, Hogg of Clinton, and Rev.
Mr. McConnell, of Hensel', will ex-
change pulpits on Sunday, each preach-
ing special missionary sermons.
Five Chautauqua
Concerts for $2.00
Plan open to Subscribers
friday, Saturday and Mon-
day, to the General Public
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Children Half Price,
Girl s Auxiliary
Tickets for Sal. at Fair's
Book Store
Named Chaplain et Military Hospital.
Rev. J. A. Agnew, Methodist minister
of Ridout Methodist church, at London,
and former pastor of Ontario St. church
Clinton, has been appointed Chaplain at
Westminister Hospital by the Ottawa
officials and Col. E. G. Shannon, ad-
ministrative head of the district D, S.
R., made the announcement last Sat-
urday. The Rev, gentleman should
fill the bill alright, l was served in their owh home by Mrs.
Minor Locals. .. . Gilbert Gjliies and Mrs. Murray D.
C. C. I. Students Will go to Seaforth.
Seaforth Collegiate is holding their
annual field day on Friday of this week
and the local C. C. I, students will go
down for the afternoon games and
at home in the evening.
Remembered the Editor.
Mr. Henry Livermore, who is now
residing in California has been sending
some of the San Francisco daily Bul-
letin's and the Oakland Enquirer to
the Editor of the New Era. There is
some pretty good reading in then!.
Some Went to Fullerton.
Several of the base ball sports went
to Fuliarton on Wednesday afternoon
to see the tie game played off between
Zurich and Woodstock. There was a
good crowd to witness the game and
Zurich won by a score of 8 to 3.
Presented With $Fr. Dunn Cup.
Monday at noon Miss Ethel Hogg
was presented with the Fr. Dunn Cup
by Principal Bouck at the Model School
for having obtained the highest marks
at the Entrance examination last sum-
"Flier's" Engine Breasts
i The "Mer'' from Toronto dud to ar-
rive in Clinton at 10,03 p. m. was de-
layed about two hours Monday night
on account of a breakdown in the -en:.
{ gine near Melton, The engine could
I not be repaired in time to pull the
train to its destination, and so the
train consolidated with the train that
runs to Stratford one hour later. The
heavy load prevented the train arriv-
ing on time at Strrtford,
Horny Beacom Passes Away,,
One of the early Wiles of Huron
County passed away here on Saturday
in the person of Henry Beacom who was
born 111 Ireland 92 years ago and
from there emigrated to Canada with
hit parents, settling on the Bayfield
line. Ile married Eliza Thompson, who
predeceased her husband many years
ago. For the past decade lie has lived
in town with hit sister, Miss Margaret.
In politics he 'was a staunch Conserva-
tive and lci religion a Methodist, lie
has not been in good health for some
months but prior to that time was
a Iielitlry roan. The funeral took "place
front his late !residence on Fulton
street on Monday Member) and in-
terment was made at the IlayJielil CMS.
C. C. I. Annual' Field Day. -
The Clinton Collegiate Institute are
holding their annual field day on Fri-
day, October the t4th. Besides the
usual 'track events there will be games
of basketball and baseball with the
Seaforth Collegiate.
Married at London.
The London Free Press reports the
wedding of an old Cllntonian In the
person of Mr, Geo. Webber, and his
old friends in town offer hearty con-
gratulations to himself and bride. The
press report says:—A pretty wedding
took place at New St. James Presbyter-
ian church on September 27th, when
Miss Pleasance J. McTavish was mar-
ried to George Webber, Rev. James
McKay officiating in the presence of
immediate friends of the bride and
groom, The bride wore a navy trico-
tine embroidered suit, black picture
hat and ermine fur. Her corsage bou-
quet was of Ophelia Roses. After the
ceremony a dainty wedding breakfast
The New Era gives the News.
Fading leaves spell out Fall.
Pumpkin pie crop seems to be as-
sured for this season.
Council met oncMonday evening.
Thanksgiving Day, November 7th.
5 Sundays in October will afford
a good chance to do some church go-
A Son Was S. A. Officer Here.
Col, Jos. Pugmire who held the post
of 'Canadian Field Secretary of the Sal-
vatln for 16 years and left for Eng-
land in 1913 to take the office of Chief
Secretary of the international Training
garrison, has been appointed as Gen.
Both's A. D. C. The Col, visited Clin-
ton when a son was Captain of the
Corps here, and brought along the
Headquarter's Band, His old friends
will be glad to hear of his new ap-
A Change in Bakery,
The Lucknow Sentinel refers to a
business change in that town of which
a former Clintonian takes a partner-
ship In another column will be found
an announcement by Hollynan Bros.
of their purchase of Mr, W, J. Spind-
ler. Mr, Edgar Hollyman has been in
the shop with Mr. Spindler for the
-past nine years and his brother,. Frank
has come from Clinton where he was
employed as baker for the past 8 years.
With there experience and energy they
should give their patrons first rate ser-
Married Wednesday.
The marriage of Isabel, elder daugh-
ter of Dr, and Mrs. Win. Gunn to Mr.
Edgar A. Cross, C.E., of Birmingham,
England, was celebrated quietly at the
family residence on the 5th. Mr. and
Mrs, 'Cross left soon afterwards for a
week or two in the Adirondacks before
settling down in the/ new hone In
Williamsport, Pa. Many useful and
beautiful gifts testified to the esteem
in which the bride was held in Clin-
ton and elsewhere, one of these being a
fine silver piece from her fellow medi-
cal students of Toronto. A delightful
i�cNnmorn. rf &nod thingcwgs riven by
the Girls' Club of Willis church and
other kind friends last Thursday, Dr.
Gunn's house was most tastefully de-
corgted for the happy occasion by Miss
F. Cuninghame,
As Clothes are to the Body,
so are Wall Papers to the Lome
Few people can afford to he badly dressed; and
few people can afford to live with old or n -
harmonious wall papers.
They affect the spirits. They decrease self.
confidence. , They reduce morale. They are
unhealthy for mind and body.
Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They
influence the whole atmosphere of the house.
if you have in view a change i s the atmosphere
of your home we invite inspection of our stock
ani prices. , �,r
The W. D. Fair eo.
Often the cheapest—Always the Best
Wickett, The bride was the recipient
of many beautiful and useful gifts.
The Lyceum Course.
The winter Lyceum course to be
given in Clinton under the auspices of
the Girls' Auxiliary is announced as'.
follows—October 12, Del Mar Quart-
ette; Nov. 29th, Arthur Welwyn Evans;
Dec. 12th, Patricia Trio; Jan. 27111,
Victorian Artists; Feb, 23rd, Martino
Company. The Del Mar Ladies Quart-
ette are singing maids primarily, but
they also play very well indeed and
delightful combinations such as cello,
violin, piano and cornet, add to the
popularity of their offerings, Then
they give costumed sketches, readings
and humorous skits, Arthur Walwyn
Evans, the distinguished Welsh orator,
is one of the most popuar lecturers in
America, The Patricia Trio consist of
Miss Patricia Gilmore, accomplished
pianiste and lyric soprano; ,Miss Beu-
lah Margolis, harpist, and contralto;
and Mr, Benjamin Schroeder, baritone
soloist. The Victorian Artists consist
of Mr. Hubert Small, flutist, tenor;
Miss Grace Callahan, bassoon artist,
cornetist and saxaphonist; Miss 'Joy
Wilson, pianist and contralto; and Mrs.
Vera Snrall, lyric soprano, The Mart-
ino company is headed by Josephine
Martino whose voice is one df intrinsic
sweetness and beauty; Armando Leuci,
as violinist, will be an accompanying
artist for Miss Martino, and Miss Flor-
ence Jane Stage, the other member of
the company, is an accompanist and
piano soloist of ability.
Wanted the Fun;
But Refused the Pay
The Cornnsittee in charge of the Old
Home week finances at Goderich, find
that direct income fell about $800
short of expenditure. As the town
and all its residents had several days of
good entertainment it was proposed
by some that the town make good the
deficit, It would amount to about a
dollar per household—but ;those in
charge deemed it much better to pay
so much on the dollar and call it
square, The New Era was one that
got so much per. We did the adver•
Using ordered in our best possible
manner, giving them every dollar's
worth—but the check sent did net
Before Buying a
Range Call and See
Our Line
Electric Wiring
It is
cover our bill at all. It's a great life ^
to be a tin -horn sport at the other
fellow's expense,
Don't forget forget to leave your
order for
with E. WARD, if you want
Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand
Also Some Good Hardwood
—We will look after you—
Tornas-_Strictly Cask—Mono 155.
We are Headquarters for the fin-
est blends of tea obtainable, grad-
ed up to a standard, not down to a.
Our Blends of Tea at 50c 60c
and 80c are tea's the most parti.-
cular tea drinks, will enjoy. Every-
thing in picnic supplies Lemonade;.
Orangade, Grape Juice, Olives,
Cook meats, 1
Fred. W. Wigg
Phone 4'�.
SPEED UP no Hard Times Coming—Its Just the Soft Times Going
We quote Just a Few of Our Money Savinv Specials
3 tb s Good Black Tea ' 95c
3Pkis. Jelly Powder 35c
5 tb s Rolled Oats 25c
2 Pkv s. Corn Flakes 25c
3 Bars Soac (any brand 25c
3 Pk3 s. Anomnia 25c
6 Pkgs. Peerless, washing pow-
ders 25c.•
2 Pkgs. Lux 25c:
All Sizes from 5c to 20c.
Clinton Garage and Battery Service Station
The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners
must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following
to choose from:
Levelight Primolite . ?�
Hoiophane . Macbeth
Legalite Conopher Clear
Stealer Roadlighter 'Conopher Noviol
Clamert Come in and have us fill out your applications
J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent
Phone 80 : Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT.
The new white shoe
cleaner makes your
white shoes
Now on Sale at
,1, , 151 •d,Bina P %,Sh"a>� 7i� t r"i,/r iN�nlidl3�