The Clinton New Era, 1921-10-6, Page 5• 1"ThltrSday, OdOber ail, 1 921 "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Stands for The Best In Music ' "HELLYAR"-i—, Stands for and when conjoined -guarantee . SATISFACTION"" FOR MUSIC SEE 1 W. IL N[LLVAR 4' Jeweler & Optorkietrist phone No.174w; House t74 'j 1 11 i 1 I 41110MOMMIZ CANDY DAY SATURDAY OCTOBER 8 A Special Candy Day All Over the Dominion See our Window of Bon Bons, Chocolate Bars and Fancy Candy.. Buy a 139X for the Love a Ones at Home. TH,E. HU:B. GR OcE4 Phone 48 lowinu.....biplirriewuti.......kwary PT' CORN -Thera is a vast difference In the 'Grades of Corn. Our CPre, Is No. 2 ellow which we believe ii the bete grade on thn market.; :• fr‘ur from Iwoliiin'Keininla, albs and Dist. ' .Gisn us a call and let us lour" your require. =tints.. Hate The Clinton New Era ws of the istriet ....,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••, HULLETT ,. Of/convention at Itensall last week. The following Is the September re- A large crow(' •attended the sale of the Estate of W. Harvey on Tuesday, John McEsven lately got a consign- ment of Milton red brick fromour station for his new house. • Lyle Hill left for Moosejew, Sesk„ 'where he has a position on the rail-. Way. librt or S. S, No., Hallett, Hama In order of meritl-4th Classi31.11 Giew, Lillian Glew, Stanley Shobbrook, Annie llunter, 3rd Class—Ruth Shob- brook, Anna Batchelor., Frank Dale, Charity Snell. • 2nd Cines—Frank Smith 'Archie Pale, Primer—Hazel . Van Egmond, „Harold Tyndall; Murray Dale, Marion-Eayley, O. Lindsay, Teacher. SMITH Mr. Prank, Carr, who conducted a bookandIstationery store on Danforth Avey•Toronto, until a few weeks ago and has since with his family been visiting his father, Mr. A. B. Carr. and other relatives here, has purchased a book and itifionery. business 'in Inger- soll and left on Monday to take charge. Mr, John Barr was last week act- ing as, government judge of cattle at Fairs at Ripley, ilighgate and. Alliston. Mr. T, C. McElroy, who has con- • ducted a grocery and restaurant busi- ness in the south corner of the Com- mercial House for a number of years, on ‘account of the change of manage- ment, has received notice to vacate the store on October 1.5th. Mr. McElroy and his two sons have purch- ased a large grocery. business In Wal- iaceburg, and will leave here with his fmily to enter the new firm. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA • J. s WINGHAM. • The death took trace on Friday of an old and highly respected resident of this town in the person of Margaret .A, Mansfield, relict of the late 'Rev, N. S. 13urvlaah, tin ,her ,B2nd year, The de-. ceased had made her home with heg, daughter, Mrs, H. E. Isard, on John Street, and Will lin, Mnch, iniaSed by a large circle of friends, The funeral took place • on Saturdayl 'afternoon to Wingharn, cemetery... '• • CONSTANFE . • , Mr. Robert GrimbOldby spent a few days at home taking up his potat9esfor the winter. Mr. Thos. Riley has taken a position with Mr. Elliott of Clinton. ,Don't forget the Fowl supper to be held in. the MethOdist church on Oct. 26t11.orgse and Stella Clarke, Mrs. Robt. Clark and Mrs. Tudor spent Thursday afternoon the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Graham in Goderich Twp. Mr, and Mrs, Fred. 'C. Stanley, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley, of Clinton visited the fornser's sister, Mrs. D. Tudor on Sunday afternoon. The anniversary services will be held on October 23rd. Rev. Mr. Milson, of Auburn, will be the preacher, BRUSSELS -- Brussels will hold: races on Wednes- day, 0„ct. 12th, ,when three races will be given at the race track: 2.15, trot or pace_ purse $300; 2,22 trot or pace, purse $300; 2.50 trot or pace, purse $150. The 001'01410e _reserves the right to postpone' or • declare off on account of weather conditions. J. M. knight, Of Grey Township, brought to town three ears 6f ripened corn that weighed four pounds and one Ounce, On one of the cobs there are 1,250 kernels. Mr. Knight has 15 acres like this. Rev. J. P. McLeod was called to Belleville on Thursday owing to the death of Mrs, McLeod's mother. Mrs: ' McLeod 'hat 'been there for the past six weeks. Elizabeth Gallinger, wife 01 AridreW Johnston, an old resident of Wdlidsi died on Tuesday night at the age of 7i years. The funeral tok place Friday afternoon, Services being conducted in Duffs, Church, Walton, and interment made in 13russels cemetery. There passed away ',in Brussels on Wednesday afternoon, Mary Jane Vance wife of Thomas Angus, aged 81. De- ceased had been in failing health fo? some time. Interment was made at Brussels Cemetery on Saturday after.: noon. BRAN, WORTS, Now is the season for Bran A Short*. 'The (belay Ic gtiodfand the prices ram. onable. SWIFT'S. DIGESTER TANK40..K. - Fignini stock and home-grown feeds the use of "Swift's, Digester Tankage" will re- turn more profit to the hog ratio., than ever before in its history. SWIFT'S FERTILINRS Blood, Tankage' Ond B Proacced by the,. slaughtering business of Canadian COmpanT1 are ,aused is girlies High Grade FerteIixer • RESULT:—Lerge profit to you, 'Our Stock Includese—PurIty, rte. Itasca, White Seal and Golden City. WAenkins&Sort • a • •••••mia01•1•11.111•11a Catharines also survives. Pour sisters, Mrs, Ford and Mrs, Johnson of Van- couver, Mrs, Steep, Detroit. aisd Miss Maud Pickard, Standish, Mich, with two brothers, Pred Pickard, of this township, and William Pickard of De- troit, also survives. The., body was brought back to her house on Wed- nesday' and the funeral will take place on Friday afternnon at 2 o'clock, and interment will take place in the Gode- rich cemetery, Service will be held at the house an half hour earlier.. To the kusband, son and other relatives we extend our sympathy hi their loss, 000000000 °.- DATES OF FALL FAIRS .„ o. o so o o:' 0 n 0, Dungannon Oct. 64 ••••••• Cook's Cotten Rod compoingt A Bale, reliable reoulliti.id medicine. link Oreo do gees of streugth--$0, 1,1171 W'. 2,es; No. 355 per hot Pad by ell'dimnibin, or Front' prepaid on reaelpt qf prim.' Fre., pamphlet. detrees 1 THE coopc IIRSDICINE CO,, TORONTO. op. omens wildsso Goderich—The• ratepayers will have an opportunity to vote on an expendi- ture of $.55,000 for new filter and chlorinating Ant. HENSALL Tommie, the little son of George Smale, fell from a wagon, the wheel 'passing Over his head and causing a deep cut, requiring nearly 10 stitches to close it. Harry Joynt, son of Mrs. George Joynt, was struck by an auto, and while fortunately no bones were broken the little fellow was badly shaken up and his clothing torn and his face and back slightly injured. With the coming of the month of October the half -holiday season enjoyed during the summer Will be discontinued and all places of business Will be open on Thursday afternoon§ 1111 Same as other diys. ' The bean crop in this section has turned but Very well and also the root crops. The isitIldr baseball club pia tip a good game CY the silver prize kindly donated by Mr. Ma Murdock, of this village but lost tc tieh by a few runs, BRUCEFIELD. The CominutiiOn of the LoYd's Supper will be held oti Sunday nekt. Rey. mr. of Ktppeti, will preach osrt N'Aday afternoon. PotatoeS are mostly lifted and the crop is 11 Much better (hie than was expected. Applla are' a Very poor crop in the neighborhood. Mr. Scott Is having the interior of his store redecorated, My: Jackson is dointhe work. Fred Tomlinson and wife are visiting 'S_PHQSPHODINCN are' Great' English Prepiratitin. tones and Meng -wanes the whole nervous system. makes new Blood in old Veins. Used for Nervous Debility, Mentatand Drain,Worry, Despondency. Loss of inerv. Palpitation of She Heart, FaiiintMenio4. Price St pet box,3 foe $5. Sold'bralidruggists,nr matiked InplIn pkg. on receipt of price., New pamPaka P014111tWOOD MEDICINE COMMONTO.ONT. 40•••••••,4, SASKATCHEWAN'S NEW MINISTER OF EDUCATION Hon. S. J. Latta Is a Teacher, Fanner and Editor—An Old Huron Boy. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Mrs. Donald MacKenzie, df "beech - wood" Gortirich township, announdes' the engagethent of her daughter, Jessie to Mr, Sherlock Keys, of Stanley town- ship, the marriage to take place early in October. Reid Bros., of Seaforth, have in- stalled an electric lightning plant at rIVMMININIONNIWOMMIN1111.11011011=1•1101•1111011001•1•Mi HURON COUNTY NEWS IN BRIF,F In the last eleven years the Province Of Saskatchewan has built 4,406 schools East Wawailaah—Tflaie PaaSeil away it the rate cal one a day. This an- on Thursday last, September 22nd, nouncement has no particular signr- old and highly esteemed pioneer re- ficance Until it is considered in con- nection with the present ,personell of the Govertinietit Which has been re- sponsible for this progressive . educa- tional program, For the last live' yeaf the education- al policy of Saska(CIewan has been directed by two Huron Old Boys, viz: William Melville Martin and Sam J. Latta. Mr. Martin is a former Exeter boy and for years Mr. Latta was Sec- rethryrtre aSlirer of Hay township. Until June of this year Mr. Martin had been Minister of t heath:At front the tine that he assumed the duties of, Premier in 1916. It was then that certain changes were made in the Cab - he had found the borer in almost every inet and Mr. Latta succeeded him in cob of corn. To see the destructive the Department of Education: work done by the little worm one can readily see the danger it Is to Huron's Exeter—The Canning Company coin pleted the largest corn pack in the his- tory bf the company on Tuesday. The whole district surroundibg Exeter has been gone over by the Government inspectors, and they have 4061(111. all sections ;free from the corn-boreg, (12111111g home froin school, Aileen Freeman met with in accident. She Was having a ride with Mr. Wm. Tait, of Goderich. Evidently she was standing on the fender of the 'car frog', Which' she either fell oy'junipi ed off, 'rendering- hitseff UncOnscious' and receiving ,several_ outs and bruises on the had and ' Stephen Twp.2-Mr. Dearing Of the 3rd of Stephen, met with a painful accident on Wednesday of last week. He was assisting the threshers in back- ing the separator into the barn and while holding -the tdngue Of' the i'vagOn one of the- wheels struck the floor be- fore the other, with the result that' the tongue swayed sharply, striking Mr: Dearing In the side with sisal force as to break a rib. . • Exeter—Rev. S. F, Robinson; rector of the Church of St. John'thi Evange- list In Strathroy, for the past 16 years.' and the first rector of the•TriVitt 'Mem- orial church, Exeter, is about to retire from the active ministry after a long period of able and faithful iervfee. His application for retirement has been passed by the executive of the Dio- cese of Huron, and Mr. anck,Mrs, Rob- inson expect to remove to London to reside. Mr, Robinson has been up- wards of 50 years in the service of the 'church. He is chaplain of the Middle - .sex regiment, holding honorary rank of rActia, Ftvz. Tailored $uits At the Price of • ileady Manes • We have just received our new Suitings and are more than pleased with both quality and price. Blue Bla lc and Grey Serges and the prices are roc1 bottom They onsist of beautiful English Worsted and Tweed and Every- %lit tailored to your measure and a fit guarantecdi Prices range from $25.00 to $50.00. Specials On Friday, Sept. 9th, we WM have with us Mr. Legg to asSist with. measurements, etc., arid also to show the season's newest models and we would be glad to have you come in on Friday and inspect these models and loot over our range of Suitings: ' . EM.MMOMIIMISMEMOI...1 ...PlumsteeL. Bros. Small Profits., More Business r.; ' e" 11 1 John's church, Brussels, for the past gradated' as an electrical engineer thiS springd has peen 'appointed to ithe stag of Toronto University as a dem-. onstrator at the School of Practical Science, year, has tendered his resignation to the 'Bishop and if accepted will be re- mbving from town. St. George's hurch, Walton, is also associated With 41. John's in this parish. sident bf Egst Wawanosh in the person of Martha Scott, relict of the late Rob- ert Coultes, in her 82nd year. Mrs. Coultes was born in the County of Wellington and cense to East 'Wawa - nosh in the spring of 1861 settling on the 10511 goitcession with her -late hus- band, who passed away seven years ago. Hensall--MY. Jas. Priest 611 Monda3i brought into our office a cob Of corn on which the corn borer was actively at work. The borer was about an inch in length and had worked its way up into the cob from the stock and had bored through the kernel into the cob hi two place's. Mr. Priest stated, that Heneall—What might have been a serious accident happened when M. Wm. Bell, on the Bell homestead farm, was throwing up sheaves in the barn along With a neighbor and while Mr. Bell was crossing from one place to another in the loft he just chanced to come in contact with' his neighbor's . fork, who was throwing it up with a sheaf. One of the prongs entered some inches into his hip, and penetrated the bone, . Godes-Mr. M.s Macdonald, K. C., M.L.A., is announced by the KIWI- ano Times (Vancouver- as the man who will no doubt be the popular choice of Burrard Liberals as their standard bearer in the • coming Federal electron. Mr. Macdonald was a former, student at the Podgier' Collegiate and Aehtleld old boy, ding took place at the home of Mr. and• Mrs. Thos. 'Congram, East Wawa -• nosh, south of Wingham on Wednes- day, September 21st, when their only of Mr. Roy 0.•RisCbrough, of Toronto. daughter, Ida M., became the bride Western Fair, London, our local branch of the' United Farmers' Co -Operative Company aline off with flying colors, for. graded eggs in competition with securing first, second and third prizes dealers from all over Ontario. kins, contractors for the Sturdy Drain, work and .now have Snell Bros., with their tractor ditcher working on the have made good progress with the last portion of the drain, 'an a good deal of attention at Wingham vitt, This quilt was patched by Mr. Fall .Fair was owned by Miss Jean Ter- Aofildttgreevi itiLIII:IiltatIveraswbbooiiihsciobvyer 'hgiso East Wawanosh—A quiet home wed- Wingham—In the egg exhibit at the Auburn—Messrs. Bradnock & Jen- Wingluim—A Eluilt Which attracted. syiesaters( rtia409 Bluevale—Morris .dosman had the mis- fortune to lose a hOrse one day last :t dropped dead at Mr. Mather's gate„„ week. He was on his rural route and EthelLast week'. reference Was' the demise of Norman Addy Mrs, Catherine Young who is 85 years but particulars were not to hand then., of age. It was eitillteci by the ileices of . lie was employed in a saffilill At' Tio. _ this youtsg-niti bother end Sitter. nage, Parry ' Sound District, and 11.1.t4 Monday of his death was running' a gang saw, The stick of timber being cut was about 16 feet long and in, as0n1:111.- wasvi5' Yh u loosened bitafdfrird it :a:ter it'k:Iiiii:g7ti iii: deceased on the him 10 or 15 feet. In his fifi lid struck his forehead crushing his skull. lid was at once hurried off on a locomotive for a •hospital. gt Folliette, bit -died 'an the way, only haVirig lived an hour, in an unconscious condition. The remains were taken to Sudbury$ 130 miles dist- ant to au'undertaking- department and prepared for burial', the casket being dispatchect for' Ethel,' in charge og George,Cole, of this place: Ottasva;: who was in Charge of this • -Grey Twp.—Inwin Peters, of Grey boundary had his collar bone broken last •Monday evening when the horse he was riding stepped into a hole and threw him. Hay Twp.—Hay Township Council In the September issue of School Agriculture and Club Leader" the fol- lowing interesting reference was made to Mi. Latta which will be rid with interest:—"Hon; S, J. Latta, Minister of EthicatIon far •Saskatchewan, has been In' close touch with educational matters in the Province ever since he carne here front •Ontario, where he 'taught for 23 years, Jisst before com- ing west he was Principal of Colborne street school, London, Ontario, -and strangely enough, one of the boys who wrote on the high school'entrance ex- aminations' while Mr. Latta was presid- ing examiner was William Melville Mac- -tin, Premier of Saskatchewan since • 1916, and Minister of Education from with relatives in Toronto. that date until June of this year, When several changes were made in the dab- , Earl 'Collins, Stanley, had the mis- the farm horde of Mr. Robert Sloan near fortune to hay; his hand hurt while Porter's Hill. inet. At that time Premier Martin, ollissg his tlirelhing machine last week. My. and Mrs. Wesley 'Cole, of San- while retaining the Premiership, became He was at once taken to the Clinton Attorney -Genera) of the Province, and Hospital Where' it was fared Ise will loose a little finger. His sleeve caught in a wire that was lacing a belt, Mrs. McIntosh, of the Manse, is visit ing her mother, pi's. Nicholson of North Brube. Dr. Stephens, of Manitoulin Island visited last Week at the home of Mr. Wheeler. . Mr. Haugh and wife, James Dallas 'and wifelltigh McGregor, Mr.Welsh and wife, were delegates to the U. P. FLOUR AND FEED PHONE: -199 RESIDENCE: -131 GRAND TRUNK rritliV'M IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE BETWEEN CLINTON AND TORONTO t'Lv. Clinton No. 28, 6.28 a.m. daily LY. Stratford No. 28, 7.45 a.m. daily Lv. Kitchener Noe 28, 8.2S a.m. Daily Lv. Guelph No. 28 8.51, a.m. Daily Ar. Toronto No. 28, 10.15, a.m. daily (Except Sunday) Lv. Toronto No. 37, 6.10 p.nl. daily Ar. Guelph No. 37, 7.43, p.m. daily M. Kitchener No, 37, 8.11, p.m. daily •Ar. Stratford No. 37, 8.55, p.m. daily Ar. Clinton No. 37, 10.03, p.m. daily (Except Sunday) ',BuffetRarlor car and firstclass vestibule coaches In each direction John Rensfoni & Son, City Paesecal. -ger Una Ticket Agents, PltiONIty*-1).. )A, 0. PATTISON, Station Agent, corn crop if a niegfid lit tidt soon' found to 'destroy this pest at dna • ' Zurich.—With profOntid regret the sad news was received oil TtleSclay 'evening last, Sept. 20th, that Mt. Daniel Kipfer had passed away at lite board- ing place; New Hamburg, at 'the Coni- nierdial Hotel, after but a few days illness from pneumbnia. He complain- eecif 'feeling unwell last Friday atici' his condition grew gradually worse and on Tuesday morning became critical. •He was born in Hay Township, and reached the age of 35 years, 2 months and 18 days. He is survived by his aged father Mr. Andrew Kipfer, four brothers and two sisters. CreciitOn—Since the proposition sub- mitted by the 'Hydro Commission is not' very favorable 'there is a strong feeling among our,people to buy an engine and dynamo and obtain our lights in this manner until such time as better airangetrients can be obtain- ed from the Hydro Commission. No doubt our town fathers call a meet- ing to discues' the matter, Wingham—A former highly respect- ed resident of Winghan" passed away in ColOissay, Sask,, on Saturday, Sept. 17th,•In the person of Andrew fluggan. lie was in his 84th year and had re- sided with his daughter, Mrs. John Leary ;since going r to ,Saskatcliewan soma three or four years ago, For many years he resided in Wingham and was an employee of the Bell Factory. Grey Twp. -We are pleased to state that.Miss Jean, daughter of giver and Mrs, Turnbull, 15th con., carried off 1st prize in Boys' and Girls' calf com- petition, fed and exhibited by them, for best Shorthorn calf at Western Fair in London, The award being $20. For the sweepstakes there was a class of 33 and Miss Jean landed 31-6 prize and $80. The calf was later sold at a fancy price to a well known stockman, Brussels—The Post is sorry to hear that Rev. Mr. Johnson, rector of St, dusky, Mich., accompanied by Mr, Comber and Mrs.. Crandall, motored to Godern.l. Twp., to visit with the for- mer's brother, Mr. Peter Cole. Death took. place on Sunday last of Mr. Wilson Salkeld in his 78th Year; He had been Making his home with his neice Miss- Mary Ferguson, ' Bayfield 1 Mr. Latta succeeded him as Minister of Education. "Before coming to the Province, Mr. Latta was for a number of years, secre- tary -treasurer of the rural municipality of Hay, Huron County, Ontario. Since coming to Saskatchewan, he has farm - Road, and it was here hiS death took ed, run a newspaper,' was a councillor place. Mr. Salkeld was a native of and SedretagYrtreasurer of Last Moon- Goderich; being a ion Of the late Mr. John Salkeld, who came here from tarn Local Improvement District before t became a rural municipality; than a Hescote, England. He was the young- . member of the Saskatchewan Legisla- est and the last to survive of a. family . ture, and since 1917 a, member of the of ten. His wife died in the West -last Saskatchewan Government. .H0ii still November, and he is survived by four an. editor and still a farmer, although children, Ernest, Mattie and Fred, in he has very little time to spare from Vancouver, and his eldest daughter, his duties as the head of an exceeding - C. McDermid. ly busy department in the Province Dominion, in its educational develop- ment. which has broken all records for the • funeral took place on Wednesday' af- Mrs, Sparkman, in Gerald, Sask. The ternoon ta Maitland cemetery, the services being conducted by Rev. R. Word was reeeived from Detroit on "A favorite text of the Minister of Tuesday afternoon that °Amelia L. Pick- Education is IDemocraey,' and he holds ard, wife of MI, W. J. Patton, of the that the school leads all other institut- 7111 con., had passed away that moils- ions 111 building up the right kind of • ing following an operation the day be- citizenship capable of perpetuating and fore,. The deceased had been taken to \developing democratic institutions. 'Detroit the Saturday before by her "Mr. Latta was born in London, On - sister and doctors, after being in a ser- tario, April 13, 1856; educated In the ions condition for the past month, Mr,, public schools of Huron County, St.' Patton got a telegram early in the mora Marys Collegiate Institute, London Col; ing to come at once and left by car, Iegiate litstitate and Ottawa Normal hut did not get there until 7 in the school, He Is today as great a. student evening. The deceased was born In as ever, more especially of political picketing, Ont, auil was a daughter of economy and educational matters. He the late John Pickard, who afterwards i--------------pn civil service account - moved to Goderich Township, 29 years ago she married her now bereft partner, and one son Arthur, of St, Mr. F. W. Gray, Edmonton, Alia., writes: -"Last winter I was in. beci for a month with fever. My kidneys enn. stahtly gave Inc trodble, and %Rh Vgangcl to be very careful. On an en- suing attack of kidney trotible, by constant pains in my back, to -,k two boxes of Doan's lclduey Pills. Relief was quickly apparent,' and now nave no trouble. "Doan's'4 have saved inc much pain, and itm doei4 thankful to them." Price, SU a box at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by rat T, Milburn Co.. Limited, Ttironto. Seaforth—The brielt store on Main street, adjoining the Expbeitor Office to the north, belonging to the estate of the late A. G. Ault, was sold by the executors, Messrs, James Cowan and W. E-Iiinchley, to Mr. G. D. Haigh, who has had a lease of the premises since' he puNchased Mr. Ault's grocery business gime years ago. The bund- ling- is two stories and Is in excellent condition, and the price paid by Mr. Haigh was $1,800, ; Gorrie—Mr. G. W. Walker hal open- ed a grocery store in the block formerly occupied by Mr, Bremner. Gerrie—The Venerate Archdeacon SaciWden, Rector of St. George'S church Parish about 37 years ago preached a the Harvest Thanksgiving services in Fcirdwich, Corrie land Wroxeter on 'Sunday, *, • • • Exeter—Mr. R. 8. Southcott return- ed home hat the West.'where he has granted $10 each to Zurich and Dash.. been conducting a Methodist circuit on wood School Fairs and $5 to Grand 'the Shaunavon District for the sum- ' nier. He will continue his studies in theology at Victoria University. Usborne Twp.—On Sunday evening last while. Mr, James Ballantyne of the north east boundary of Usborne, was returning from church on a bicycle he Bend. Brussels—Word was received here last week of the demise of Mrs. Lorinda Pelton, on Sept. 22nd, at her home 825 Lapeer Avenue, Port Huron. She was 59 years of age. Deceased was a former resident of •Brussels, being a 'turned out to pass a buggy when he daughter of the late Samuel and 'Mrs, was struck by an automobile coming Pearson and was pre -deceased by her husband, Fred Felton who was engaged In business here for years. Irons the opposite direction. 1115 shoulder was dislocated and his thigh, bone fractured, besides other bruises. The lights of the car were not burn - car went over a bridge.: . 0 bard'irellv C 37 y Seaforth—Mr. KeHh McLean, son )F0111,111ETCHER'S i.i.4. Aill' of Mrs. Ethel McLean, of Toronto, who C ,..1. .r.1 :4. -0 R I A: 11111101011mR111011111111111110111111 1 ' Printing - - - hag at the time having gone out as the 3dA510ET REPORTS Butter . 30, 35c Eggs• .27, 28c Hogs $10.50c Wheat ...... — . $11.0 Oats . • 48c Barley , .. 60c ing and in art, and is author Of Latta's Peas $1.00 Drawing book, one of the first teaciters'. ........ $35,00 handbooks used in Ontario." ' Vein . 4 45 3 5.00 . Your Printing orders will be handled promptly and efficiently if given to The New Era's Printing Department. Up-to-the-minute presses and facilities, competent workmen and an organization for handling' large as well as small orders, will en- sure prompt delivery and satis- faction. Why not send yotar next order to THE NEW ERA'S PRINTING DEPARTMENT Telephone 30 14.11.1ft $111.11r 141110fA