The Clinton New Era, 1921-10-6, Page 3Office Phone 311.
Howe Phone 95.
The T
ird 17 age
The Clinton New Era
Thursday, October 6th, 1921
01101s 1. -General Purpose
Foal: E. Diminiek.
Gelding or filly, 2 year old: Wm.
Stewart, Robt. McKinley.
Team: Wm. Decker, Del Gardner.
Class 2.-Percheron
hree augh toll.
year old: J. R. Stirling, D. Oear old: Morton Elliott, D,
Ms& e.
.,VoFrank Denomy, T. Snow-
Glom l.,-Agriaulteraa
J,rood mare, aeeompanied by foal:
A. N. Keys, D. A. Sterling.
Veal: W. N. Kaye, D. A. IltWr-
Redding or filly 2 years old, J. Mc -
* Way d9 Pea..
Gelling or filly 1 year old: Wan.
**Allister & Son, J. R. Steeling .
fisam: John Stephensoa, Sam. Me-
Clan. 4.--Isavy Draught
*rood Mart, aesompanied by foal:
Wes. ]leAlli..arJ& Son, W. W. Wise
Foal: Wm, McAllister, W. W.
Gelding or filly 6 year old:. Wm.
IiieAllist.r & lSon,
Gelding or Ally 2 year old: Wm.
McAllister & Son, W. W. Wise. • •
Gelding or filly, 1 year old: W. N.
Team: Robt. Webster, C. Trum-
Class i,-Roadaters
Gelding or filly, Si year. old: Wm.
Meeker. l i'•i MAOISM
Gelding or filly 1 year old: Wm.
Decker, Robt. Blair.
?ream: W. W,. Cooper, Wm. Tay-
Single Roadster: Dr. Whitely, John
McKinley & Son. •
Class 6. -Carriage
Single Carriage horse: H. H.
Neeb, Robt. Webster.
Best Gentleman's outfit: Dr.
;whitely, J. McKinley & Son.
Lady Driver: Bart Laois, W. N.
Robt. Penhale's Special: Frank
Dummy, Thos]: Snowden, E. Dimin-
Claes 7. -Grade Cattle
Milch Cow: J. R. Reid, E. H.
Wise & Son.
Heifer two years old: W. W.
Wise, W. W. Wise.
Heifer, one year old: W. W. Wise.
Heifer calf: W. W. Wise.
Steer calf: E. H. Wise & Son,
E. H. Wise & Son.
Steer, two years old: Wm. Tay-
lor, Wm. Taylor.
Steer, one year old: Wm. Taylor,
E. H. Wise & Son.
Fat Cow: Wim. Taylor, Wm. Tay-
Class 8. -Durham
Milch Cow: E. H. Wise & Son,
E. H. Wise & Son.
Heifer, two years old: E. H. Wise
& Son, E. H. Wise & Son. • •
Heifer, one year old, J. & R. Reid,
E. 11. Wise & Son,
Heifer calf: J.\& R. Reid, E. 11.
Wise & Son.
Bull calf: J. & R. Reid, J. & R.
Class 9. -Jersey
Milch Cow: Mrs. Brandon, Alex.
T. Eaton's special: Wkn. Taylor..
Class 10. -Leicester
Ram, two shears or over: Wm.
Stewart. G;
Shearling Ram: W. W. Wise.
Ram lamb: Wm. McAllister &
Son, W. W. Wise.
Ewe, having raised lambs in 1921,
two shears or over: Wm. McAllis-
ter & Son, Wm. McAllister & Son.
Shearling ewe: W. W. Wise, John
Ewe Iamb: John Stewart, W. W.
Wether lamb: John Stewart, John
Class 11. -Lincolns
Ram, two shears or over:
Penhale, Thos. Snowden.
Shearling ram: Geo. Penhale.
Ram lamb: Geo, Penhale, Geo.
Ewe, having raised lambs in 1921
two shears or over: Geo. Penhale,
Geo. Penhale.
Shearling 'Ewe: Geo. Penhale, Geo.
Ewe lamb: Geo. Penhale, Geo.
Class 12. -Fine Wool.
Ram lamb:(Prank Weeks, Frank
Ewe, havingraised lambs in 1921,
2 shears or over: Morton Elliott,
Frank' Weeks.
..Shearling ewe: Morton Elliott,
Frank Weeks,
Ewe lamb: Frank Weeks, Frank
Best fat sheep, any breed: Geo•
Penhale, W. McAllister & Son.
Class 13. -Berkshire
Brood sow, having littered in 1921:
Thos. Snowdon, E. & R. Snowden.
Sow littered in 1921: Thos. Snow-
den. •
Aged boar: Thos. Snowden.
class 14. -Yorkshire,
hasbeen the
standard *east
in Canada. for
ever 50 years, and it
is a wen morn feat
that brawl made
with Royal Yesot
possessor a. greeter
amount of neerisk-
meat than that
made with *ay
Brood sow, having littered la 1921:
Rost. Blair, Robt, Blair.
Class 16.-R.fl Pias
Brood sow, having littered in 1921:
Thos, Snowden, E. & R. Snowdem.
Boar littered ia- 1921: E. & R.
Sow littered in 1921: Thos., Snow-
den, E. & R. Soundest.
Beet Boar, any breed: Thos. Snow- son. -
den, (diploma). Plate 12 peaches: Mrs. Hewson,
Best Sow, any breed: Thos. Snow- Plate plums: E. & R. Snowden.
den (diploma). Plate prunes: F. Keegan.
Plate yellow crabs: F. Keegan,
Thos. Brownett.
Plate red crabs: Mrs. J. Heard,
Thoa. Snowden.
Collection of pears, five of each
variety: F. Keegan, Mrs. Metcalf.
Plate fall pears: Harold Penhale,
Milne Rader.
Plate winter pears: David Dewar,
Colin Campbell.
Collection of apples, four fall, and
six of winter six of each variety:
J. R. Stirling, F. Keegan.
Winter apples, four varieties,' five
of each: J. R. Stirling, F. Keegan.
Fall apples, 4 varieties, 5 of each
variety: 3. R. Stirling, F. Keegan.
Plate Mann apples: J. R. Stirling,
F. Keegan.
Plate of Spitzenburg: J. R. Stir-
ling, F. Keegan.
Plate of Northern Spies: J. R.
Stirling, Robt. Turner.
Plate of King Thompkins: 3. R.
Stirling, F. Keegan.
Plate of Greenings: J. R. Stirling,
F. Keegan.
Plate of Ribson Pippins: Don Mc-
Kenzie, F. Keegan.
Plate of 20 ounce Pippins: J. R.
.Plate of W.agners: 3. R, Stirling,
F. Keegan.
Plate of Golden Russets: J. R.
Stirling, F. Keegan.
Plate of Blenheim Pippins: J. R.
Stirling, Don McKenzie.
Plate of Snows: J. R. Stirling,
F. Keegan.
Plate of Ontario: J. R. Stirling,
Thos. Snowden. "
Plate of Wolfe River: F. Keegan.
Baldwins: J. R. Stirling, Geo.
Class 20. -Vegetables
1 peck Early Cobbles: Geo.
Greenslade, 0. Truemner.
1 peck early potatoes to be named:
John Stewart, Wm. Edighoffer.
Metcalf, F. ,Keegan.
Pickles, pints: E. & 11, Snowden,
Mrs. Metcalf.
8 jelly and 3 marmalade In glasses:
Mrs. Dr. Woods, F. Keegan.
Catsup and meat sauces, bottles:
Mrs. Metcalf, F. Keegan,
Layer cake: Mrs. John Stewart,
Airs. Geiger.
Class 18. -Grain and Seed's
Bus. White Winter wheat: Geo.
Greenslade, 0. Truemner..
Bus. Red Winter wheat: en.
Johnston, Mrs. Geiger.
y3aa. Spring Wheat: Milne Rada'.
Bun. small white peas: C. Truant,:
mor, J. E. Stirling.
Bee. six rowed barley: 0. Trvloia-
nr, W. Johnston,
Rue. two -rowed barley: helm 1s41-
er, Gee Rdigkoff.r.
Sus. White oats: C. 'diuenlaer,
W. Johnston.
Nalf bush. timothy bead: C.
Trusmnair, J. R. Stirling.
6 oars yellow corn: Peter Clark,
Rost. Blair.
6 ears dent cora: 1. k R. Snow-
den, Thos. Snowden.
e ears sweet corn: Joins A. Mur-
ray, Mrs. Tough.
6 ears any other variety: Lamm -
lot Beatty,
Bus. Held 'beans: Wm. Edighoffer,
C. Truemnor,
Class 19.-Irl+ait
Six bunches grapes, 1 variety:
Mrs. Hewson.
Collection of grapes: Mrs. Hew -
(Best pair bacon hogs any breed:
.E & R. Snowden, Thos. Snowden.
Class 16.. -Poultry
Pair Rrahmas, cock da hen: Dr.
Pair Plymouth Barred Rocks]: Dr.
Pair Plymouth Barred Rocks, cook-
erel and pallet: C. Truemner, Rev.
R. C. Pitts.
Pair Plymouth Reeks, White, Thos,
Snowden, Robt. Blair..
Pair Plymouth Rocks, White, cock-
erel and pullet: Thos. Snowden
Robt, Blair.
Pair White Wyandottes: E. Dim-
iniek. '
Pair White Wyandottes, cockerel
and pullet: Dr Woods, Dr. Woods.
Pair Silver Wyandottes: Robs.
Pair Sivler Wyandottes, cockerel
and pullet: Robt. McClinchey.
Pair White Leghorns, cockerel and
pullet: Robt. M'cClinchey, E. Dim-
inick ,
Pair Anconas: Mrs. W. F. Met-
Pair Campines cock and hen: Mrs,
Pair Oampines, cockerel and pul-
let: Mrs. Metcalf.
Pair Bantams, any other variety:
Rev. R. C. Pitts.
Pair Pekin Ducks: E. & R. Snow-
den, Beatty Bros.
Pair Rouen Ducks, Beatty Bros.,
Beatty Bros.
Pair Toulouse Geese: R. Blair.
Pair any other variety Geese: E.
& R. Snowden.
Pair any other variety of Turkeys:
E. & R. Snowden.
Pair Pigeons: Dr. McKinnon.
Class 17. -Dairy Produce
10 labs. Salt butter: Mrs. John
Stewart, Don McKenzie.
5 lbs. butter in 1 ]b blocks: Mrs.
John Stewart, Mrs. R. Geiger.
6 lb crock butter: Mrs. John
Stewart, Don McKenzie,
Cottage cheese. 1 Ib: Mrs, Dr.
Woods, Mrs. Metcalf.
Half ham, home cured, smoked: E.
R. Snowden, Mra. Metcafl.
3 lbs. home -cured bacon, smoked:
E. R. Snowden, Mrs. A. E: Erwin.
2 lbs. home rendered lard: Mrs.
Dr. Woods, Mrs. R. Geiger.
Pair dressed chickens: Mrs. Dr.
Heaviest dozen lien's eggs, white
shell: Milne Rader, Mrs. J. W.
Heaviest dozen hen's eggs, brown
shell: Lancelot Beatty, Mrs. J. W.
Best display of bee products:
Lancelot Beatty. •
1 quart strained honey: Lancelot
One quart •maple syrup: Frank
Keegan, Mrs. Geiger.
1 Ib home-made fudge: Mrs. Met-
calf, E. & R. Snowden.
Loaf home-made white bread: Mrs.
Dr. Woods, Don McKenzie.
Loaf home-made Graham bread:
Mrs. Dr. Woods; Mrs. J. Heard.
Loaf Boston brown bread: E. & R.
Snowden, Mrs. Metcalf.
Loaf nut bread: E. & R. Snowden,
Mrs. Metcalf.
Six buns: E. & R. Snowden, Mrs.
Six baking powder tea biscuits:
Mgrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Dr. Woods.
Six ginger hermits: F, Keegan,
Mrs. Metealf.
Plate cookies: E. & R. Snowden,
Mrs. 3, Heard.
Apple Pio :J. R. Stirling, Mrs.
Dr. Woods.
Lemon Pie: J. R. Stirling, Iv1ag-
gie Campbell.
Plain baked beans: Mrs, Geiger,
Mrs. Dr. Woods.
Most suitable and appetising cold
lunch for one person: Mrs, Metealf,
Mrs. Geiger.
Canned halite, pints; F. Keegan,
Mrs. Metealf,
Canned vegetables flints: MVfrs.0
For Infants and Children
lir Use For Over 3OYears
Always hears
Signature of
Keeps Baby's
Skin Healthy
1 peck Green Mountain: Rost. I
Turner, C. late potatoes
1 peck potatoes to be named: �
John A, Murray, Wm. McDool.
3 mangolds, long red: David Dew-
of . R. A
3 mangs d, yellow o globe: E.
Snowden Robt. Penhale,
3 intermediate snangolde: Peter ' Aka Seftries 25 Y.rrs, Completely
Clark, J.' W. Reid. Rottesoi ds' NFRUIT-A-TlVILlr
6 field carrots: Rost, Penhale, E.
R. Snowdon,
6 table carrots: Geo, Greenslade,
Maggio Campbell.
6 table beete: Gem. Gr..aslads,
Maggio Campbell,
o parsnips: David Dewar, J. A.
Iturray. .
9 field trraiys: Milne Rader, W.
R. Talbot. •
S sugar beefs: Thos. Browaett,
Wm. Edighoffer.
® salsify: Mrs. betel¢,
■ head, eabbagis: John Murray,
Petr Clark.
g head. wallflower: Mrs, Hewson,
John Murray.
s heads whits calory: Mrs. Geiger,
Peter Clark.
2 muskmelons:
John Murray.
2 Watermelons:
old. Talbot.
2 Citronsc C.
Best pumpkin for table use: John
Murray, H, McClinchey.
Beat squash for table use: tars.
Hewson, Maggie Campbell.
Largest pumpkin for feed: John
Murray, Robt. Blair.
Largest squash for feed: Mrs.
Geiger, John Murray,
142, peck large English potato on-
ions: Peter Clark Wm. Edighoffer.
12 large white onion': Mrs. Met-
12 large red onions: F. Keegan,
Ed. Talbot.
12 large yellow onions: F. tKoegaa,
Wm. Edighoffer.
12 large red tomatoes: Geo,. Green-
slade, E. & R. Snowden.
12 large yellow tomatoes: Mri.
Metcalf, Thos. Snowden.
Plate peach tomatoes: Mrs.
calf, E. & R. Snowden.
Class 2L -Ladies Work
Ladies' knitted sweater:
Tough, Mrs. Dr. Woods.
Pair knitted socks: Mrs.
Stewart, Mrs. R. Newcombe.
Pair men's woollen mitts:
Ross, Mrs, Newcombe.
Pair ladies' knitted mitts:
J. Stewart, Mrs. Ross.
Ladies Crochet sweater: C. Truem-
ner, Mrs. Ross.
Crochet cap and scarf, wool: Mrs.
Sufficient crochet wool lace to trim
garment: Mrs. R. Newcombe, Mrs.
Collar and suit set, embroidered in
wool: Mrs. Dr. Woods, Mrs. Ross.
Irish crochet, lace: Mrs. Newcombe,
Mrs. Woods.
Fililet crochet: Mrs. Woods, Mrs.
Thos. Cameron.
Fancy apron: Mrs. Geiger, Mrs.
T. Cameron.
Plain kitchen apron, machine made:
Mrs. Newcombe, Mra, Geiger.
Darning on worn socks: Mrs. J.
Stewart, Mrs. Ross.
Eyelet embroidery: Mrs. Woods,
Mrs. Newcombe.
Roman cut work: Mrs. Woods,
Mrs. Metcalf.
Hardanger embroidery: Mrs. Met-
calf, Mrs. Ross.
Etching or outline stitch: Mrs.
Ross, Mrs. Nedreombe.
Modern cross stitch: Mrs. Ross,
Mrs. Newcombe.
Braiding: Mr. Brandon, Mrs. J.
Drawn work: Mrs. Rosa, Mrs.
Luncheon or tea cloth, embroidered:
Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Ross.
Luncheon or tea cloth, crochet:
Mrs. T. Cameron, Mrs. J. Stewart.
Luncheon •or'tea cloth, lace: Mrs.
Ross, Mrs. Metcalf.
Washable tea cosy: Mrs. Woods,
Mrs. A. E. Erwin.
Bedroom slippers: Mrs. Ross, Mrs.,
Embroidered sofa cushion: Mrs.
Geiger, Mrs. Ross.
Crochet trimmed sofa cushion:
Mrs. T. Cameron, Mrs. J. Toms.
Four modern hand -made handker-
chiefs: Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Ross.
Tatting: Mrs. Geiger, Mrs.
Pair curtains, hand -made: Mrs.
J. Stewart, Mris. Geiger.
Table runner. Mrs. J. Stewart,
Mrs. J. Toms.
Fillet crochet yoke: Mrs. J. Toms,
Mrs. Geiger.
Pin cushion, washable: Mrs. Geig-
er, Mrs. Woods.
Embroidered centrepiece, white:
Mrs. Geiger, Mrs. Rods.
Centrepiece colored: Mrs. Woods,
Edna Wise.
Embroidered dresser scarf, Mrs.
3, Toms, Mrs. Geiger.
Set hand -made bed linen: Mrs.
Three embroidered towels: Mrs,
Newcombe, Mrs. Ross.
Three crochet trimmed towels:
Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Ross.
Bath towel: Ada Galbraith, Mrs.;
Ladies' underwear, strictly hand-
made: Mrs. Woods, Mrs. Geiger.
Men's cotton shirt, strictly hand-
made: Mrs, Ross, Mrs. Newcombe.
Child's dress shade from old gar-
ment: Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Newcombe
Woman's . dress 'made from old
garment: Mrs. Ross, Mrs. A, E,
Patched quilt, cotton: Mrs, Goig-
IIF everymother could only
realize the danger whieh
lurks in the neglect of chafing
and skin irritations she would
not take chances on being
without Dr. Chase's Ointment
to apply after baby's bath.
It arrests the development t�
esarema and makes the skit; soft,
gmnoth an,.; velvety.
AA calls a box, all healers, ok wdmu Boa,
Bates & 00., Ltd., Toronto.
Wbn. Edighoffer,
Goo. Greenslade,
Truemner, John
Met -
ria. Gi' eema
Mfsratien r Pane, Nimmons', P.Q.
"I as in say Viirk year. diest 1fI
years sets, 1 Geon se saw *palls with
my S*eneak Oso deator said I bad
Gamer; asolhar acid, Ulcer of the
Mamma ; as W3wr, Gall ificnee; others,
Moore of the Liver and Inflamma-
tion of the Gall Bladder.
Three years ago, I consulted one
of the beet specialists in Montreal.
He said I must go to the hospi-
tal, have es Ulcer cut out of my
stomach and gall stones removed. I
was then 74 years old. I said "N0,"
Then, 1 began se take "Fruity -gives
I found they helped me a lot, and I
etiIl take them occasionally, and I am
go much better that my old friends
often ask me what I have done to
myself to look so well. I am gaining
in weight and enjoying life very much"
50c a box, 6 for 32.80, trial size 23c.
At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-
st-tives Limited, OtSansi,
er, Mrs, T. Toms.
Patched 'quilt, cloth: Mrs. J. W.
Reid, Mrs. Ross.
Goose down comforter, home-made:
Ada Galbraith, Mrs. Geiger.
Braided mat: Mrs. Woods, Mrs.
Hooked mat: Mrs. J. W. Reid,
Mrs. A. E. Erwin.
Class 22. -Plants and Flowers
Bouquet, large: Mrs. Hewson,
Mrs. Metcalf.
Bouquet, small: Mrs. Hewson, Mrs,
Collection of glaiodlus:
calf, E. & R. Snowden.
Collection of dahlias:
calf, Mrs. Hewson.
Collection of fusehias:
son, F. Keegan.
Collection' of pansies: Dr. McKin-
non, Mrs. Metcalf.
Collection of geraniums: Mrs.
Hewson, F. Keegan.
Collection of asters: Mrs. Met-
calf, Mrs. A. E. Erwin,
Collection of Petunias: Mrs. Met-
calf, Don McKenzie.
Collection of house plants: Mrs.
Collection of ferns and foliage be-
gonias: Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Ilewson
Collection of Colens: Mrs. Met-
calf, F. Keegan.
Collection Of gloxania: F. Keegan,
Mrs. Hewson.
Class 23: -Fine Arts
Oil painting, original: Mrs. Met-
calf, Mrs. 3. Toms.
Water color painting, original:
Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Ross,
Pen and ink drawing: Mrs. J.
Toms, Mrs. Ross. -
Pencil drawing, line: Mrs. Woods,
Mrs. J. Toms.
Crayon drawing, blend black and
white: Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Ross,
Water color painting on silk or
satin: Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Ross.
Hand painted china, two pieces.
Mrs. Metcalf.
Class 24. -Manufactures
Set single harness: Thos. Camer-
on, J. W, Tippet.
Set double harness: ' J. W. Tip-
pet, Thos. Cameron.
Skein twisted yarn: Milne Rader,
Mrs. Geiger.
Skein woollen yearn, ten knots or
over: Milne Rader,
Best quart jar soft soap: 3, E.
HarnweIl, Mrs. J. W. Reid.,
Best 2 bars hard soap: F. Keegan,
Mrs. Woods.
Corn husk door mat: Milne Rader,
Thos. Brownett.
Speeding Contest i_withdrawn, not
enough to fill the race.
Mrs, Metcalf: Egg plant, Gumbo,
and peppers.
Mrs. Metcalf: Kidney beans.
McClinchey, Plate ground cher-
'a C. Truomner, Alsike clover seed.
Milne Rader, Golden. Wax garden
Wm. Edighoffer, Dutch setts.
H. McClinchey, Sweet Potato
Geo. Greenslade, small red. tomat-
Geo. Greenslade, Peewaultee apple,
Horses: W. R. Elliott, James Mc-
Cattle John 3, Biggins, Robert
Sheep & Pigs: G. C. Petty, Hen-
son, H. A. Snell.
Poultry: 3, W. Ortwoin, Bengali,
Dairy: Jas. Connelly, A. T.
Scott. ,
Mrs, Met -
Mrs. Met -
Mrs, Hew -
Grain & Seeds: Les. Williams.
Fruit: John Porter,'W. 11. Lobb.
Vegetables: Wm. Johnston.
Ladies' Work: Mrs. Jamey Conn-
elly,x cL
Mrs. Alex, M ennan,
Plants & Flowers: George A..
Stewart, Godorich,
Fine Arts: Miss Grant, Clinton.
Manufactures: James Connelly, A.
T. Scott.
Baling: Mrs (Dr.) McKinnon,
lire, Kerr, and Mrs. Archibald.
Not So, Democratically
Governed, After All
Are We
Kitchener Record (Conservative)' •
Premier Meighen has it is his power
to appoint 10 new senators. He need
sot consult anyone, and the appoint-
ees will really represent Mr. Melghsn.
Yet the Senate, though not elected
by Ike people, can block legislation by
the House of Commons, whose mem-
bers are elected by the people,
The Prime Minister will undoubtedly
give these ten jobs to his political
friends. That is natural. 11 has al-
ways been done that way, by both
But, look at the result. The Senate
of Canada now has a large majority of
men favorable to the present govern-
ment. The ten to be appointed will
make it still more so. Thus the only
way of changing the Senate is by
death, and new appointments by the
Premier who happens to be in power.
Thus, if the Government is defeated
in the coming election, as seems en-
tirely probable, a Senate favorable to
Mr, Meighen will remain, even though
the people have elected a House of
Commons that is opposed to him.
We shalt thus have two legislative
bodies: The House of Commons, fresh
frons the people and representing them
directly, and the Senate, a life -appoint-
ed body, in this case, directly opposed
to those whom the people have chosen.
All measures passed by the Com-
mons must pass the Senate before they
become law. The latter body of un-
representative men can nullify the will
of those chosen directly by the people.
Only death can change the Senate
and then the old party game is repeat-
ed when the appointments are made.
We are not so democratically gov-
erned after all, are we?
Once a mother has used 'Baby's Own
Tablets for her little ones she will use
nothing else. Experience teaches her
that the Tablets are the very best med-
icine she can'give her baby, They are
a gentle laxative; mild but thorough
in action and never fail to banish con-
stipation, color, colds or any other of
the many minor ailments of childhood.
Concerning thews Mrs. J. Bet. Charest,
St. Leon, Que., writes "My baby
cried continually and nothing seemed
to help' her till 1 began using Baby's
Own Tablets. These Tablets soon set
her right and now 1 would not be
without them." The Tablets are sold
by medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont.
:goo sot euffier
amer da wild
Ing, or, Protrue-
InP 1I a s. No
sur io i
g a oPer-
ation reqquh'od;
Dr. Ohaqp's Ointment will relieve you at 011¢19
and aflm.'d lasting behest. OOo. a box• r,4
dealers, or ntlmanson, nates & Co,, L1mmttaet�y.
Toronto. Sample Box free if you mention Wle
paper and onaloee 20. stamp to pay postage. ,
Live stock and general
es.m took 151.. a epeesM9), V',cus u
Waw Ea& cSSoo, Ol�iatsn ®RAW; 9:y O&e',�a
Terms reasons le. Farnmre' sake riots
Better Pay
The Price
The combined area of Nova Scotia
and New Brunswick, 49,417 square
miles, is more than three times the area
of the Kingdom of Denmark.
An area equal to three times the area
of France, which is 212,895 square
miles, could be cut out of the Province
of Quebec, and there would remain a'1
area twice that of Hungary.
The area of Ontario, 407,262 square
miles, is four times as great as that of
Prussia, the dominant state in the Ger-
man confederacy.
The Empire of Japan, with its de-
pendencies, comprises an area of 235-
886 square miles, which is about fifteen
thousand square miles less than the
area of Manitoba, that area being 251-
832 square miles.
A provincial Legislature can amend
the provincial constitution, except as
regards the office of Lieutenant Gov-
Under normal conditions India sup-
plies the world with two-thirds of its
rape and mustard seed and nearly one-
fourth of its linseed.
Everybody Praises
Beecham's Pills aft rafair
trial. Those praisoudest
who have used the long-
est. The great merit of
I Beecham's Pills has been
proved all over the world.
Thero is nothing but
praise everywhere for
Sofa everywhoro niLLs,
in Canada,
In boxes, 28e., 60e.
Don't be terapleel to e2/seem oheay
jewol.ry. Fir better to pry, a rafe
prigs and know exactly what you
ars getting,
You will never be sorry -for ass,
matter of money, it la easily the
most economical,
Ttat bas peen said so often tlgat
everybodyland by this time should
know it -and yet there is Pie
scarcity of cheap jewelry in the
Now to net personal -If you wotk.J
like to mise that sort altogether, --
71 you would litre to buy where
ntlue q@ gh enmities are
And e, pn ever
said ourven price¢atthatwareno unfairerso
W.R. counter
Jeweler and ODtlelan
u ct ul Marriage Licenses
We Now Have a Car of
Shorts on Hand at
Our Feed Store
1. A. Ford & Son
Phone 123
Crews and /fridge work a epeelPy,tt "
raduate of 0,0.1,1„: Chicago, and B4Ot.s
ayaeld on wonders May let to D
Omees over O'NEIL'S stoma
Special care taken to make dental trey
ment no painless as possible.
Piano Tuning
Mr. James Doherty wishes to toe
form the public that he le pre:
pared to do fine piano tuning;
tone regulating, and repairing
Orders Pett at W. Doherty's phonfi
01, will receive prompt attention.
1.30 p. m. to 3.30 p. m.
7.36 p. an. to 9.00 p. se.
Sunday 12.36 to 1.36
Other hours by appointment easy.
Office at Residence, Victoria Street
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
Financial and Real Estate
INSURANCE ACIANT-Representing 14 Fire
suradoo Companies.
Division Court Ogle°.
G. D. McTaggart M, D. MoTaggar
McTaggart Bro9..
e General Banking Business
Drafts lashed. Interest allowed a
The McKillop Mutual
Fire insurance Out
Perm and Isolated Town Prop'
erty Only 1•napred.
a'u» Head OHice-Senfortll, Ont
J. Connolly, Goderlch, President;,fstt
Brans, Beechwood, Vice-Preshle22.f
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary.
Alex, Leitch, No. 5, Clinton; Users
Hlnchley, Selland; Wm. Chesney Il
mendvtllea J. W. Yeo, Oodericds R. G
Jarntuth, Brodhagen.
Wal. Rina, No. n, Sestbrtbl Jahn Bea,
newels, dream/ ns haat Outlast, 3450'
weodt M. Mealf+wss , Cartfant tasted
Conned , tlodesldht D. 1', IlMc0Rt 8
go. 3, Sidefonts J. O. Geleal,
Waltoaa Robert f'oo$e, lisoltaka
McCa7ttt9 0fe. 3, Seafattbi.