The Clinton New Era, 1921-9-1, Page 1Established 486$, Vol, $6 No. 9
September,1, 1921.
W. H. Kerr &' Son, Editors and Publishers.
Lik' to
"'°,w° Slaughter of Ontario
MANY THINGS YOU VALUE. Game Caused ��1Iaa,J('' r (� h
MU�lg6d 11�1��61iA P9o�U�1
Can be made permanent fixtures for all time to come if you
use a KODAK and get us to develops your films and
print yoiir pictures.
Many of the yood pictures you see are made by us. You
can get a Kodak from $2.50 up. Do it Now.
S. R. tO G:MS Phm. B.
Capital and Reserve $9,000,000
Over 130 Branches
Buy Canadian Goods—and help to keep Canadian
workmen busy, it wll help you.
Buy wisely and save as much as possible and
deposit your savings in the Molsous Bank.
Courteous service to ali.
H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch
Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent.
• r)
If kept in your home, fire or thieves
may rob you of them.
Our Managers will be pleased to tell
you about the protection afforded by
S 1100
Right now is the time to save money
on your School Suit.
We 'have not taken the cost of these
suits into consideration but have reduced
Them to such an extent that you cannot af'
ford to miss this opportunity.
Boys $18.00 to $20.00 Suits to Clear
Boys $10.00 to $12.50 Suits to, Clear t' 7.50
Boys $13.50 to $15.00 Snits to Clear
15 only Boy's Suits in broken lines
mostly light ht natterns, all wool, sizes 30 to 35'
'Regular $7.00 to $10. Your. choice of
the lot for "" ,"' ' ". ..... .... ......... .... .:.$3.90
The Morrish 9
Square Deal tor Ever- Mali
, yi
a Century Ago
Fintlocks of the Early Settlers
Wrought Havoc Among Deer,
Duck, Geese, Turkeys, Part-
ridge, Quail, Pigeons .-- First
Game; Laws in 1821 -- Start-
ing with Deer, Law Later Took
in Game Birds and Moose --
How ,.Regulations . Gradually
Tightened as Game Grew
(Toronto Telegram.)
k 1821—First game law. --deer
L only protected.
1839—Partridge, wild turkeys,
etc. protected,
1845—Wild ducks, geese, pro-
1860—Moose protected.
1868—Sunk punts, batteries
• irohibited•
1878.—Dogging of deer regu-
1880—Shipping game out of
• OntarIo prohibited.
1886—Spring shooting stoop-
1888—Deer limited to 5 per
1889—Insectivorous birds pro
1890—Sale of qauil prohibited
1892—Deer limited to 2 per
Bunter. Bag of duck limited.
1894—Sale of partridge pro-
1898—License to hunt deer re-
quired killing deer in water pro-
hibited temporarily,
1900—Ontario prepares to co-
operate with U. S. in protection,
1908—Deer limited to 1 per
1908—Partridge protected en-
1916—Sale of duck prohibited.
1921—Sale of Venison stopp-
0 0
Mrs, J. Wiseman is visiting in Tor-
Miss A. Wallace is visiting' friends in
Barrister Best, of $eafortlr was in
town on Monday.
Miss Belle Draper spent the week-
end at Stratford, •
Mrs. H. W. visiting with her
family in Toronto.'
Miss Elva and Master Jim Betts are
holidaying at Georgetown,
Mr. Jacob Taylor, of Toronto was in
Town this week on business.
Mrs. 0, Roberton leaves this week
to visit at Toronto and Uxbridge.
Mr. Archie Kennedy, of Detroit is vis
iting with itis mother and sisters.
Miss Emma Higgins and her girl
friend are home for a few holidays.
Mr, Norman Counter returned home
this week from his visit to Buffalo.
Miss Gladys Draper is the guest of
Miss Gladys Marty at New Hamburg.
Miss Helen Grigg returned after a
delightful visit with London relatives.
Mr, A. E. Betts and Miss Cora, mot-
ored to Ridgetown over the week -end.
Rev. Capt McKegney M C was in Tor
onto last week to welcome Lord Byng.
Mrs. J. L. Kerr and Miss Mary are
visiting relatives am friends at Toron-
Reading tales of the abundance of
game in Ontario fifty years ago, the
hunter of to -day might incline to re-
gard the game laws as safeguards of
comparatively recent cfeation. It will l last week:
in Londpn fPostmastear and Mrs.. Dunsmore of
be news to many such to hear that a i St. Thomas spent the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs, W. J, Paisley.
Miss Sadie Draper has gone to Shel-
bourn where she has been engaged as
teacher for the coming year.
Misses Eva and Edna Lavis who have
been holidaying with their mother re-
turned to Toronto on Tuesday.
Rev. E. 0. Porde, Mrs. Forde and
chilsren, of Toronto were renewing ols
acqaintances in town last week.
Miss Florentine Marquis of the Base
Line was successful in the first part of
the course iso elementary agriculture,
Mrs. -Moyer and Master Robert of
Chicago, were visitors with the form-
er's uncle Mr. J. Wiseman last week.
Mrs. Jas. Gledhill, of Welland who
has spent a week with her sister, Mrs.
Nott, left for her hone on Wednesday,
Miss Grace Shepherd who has spent
the 'summer with her mother, Mrs. Jas.
Shepherd, returned 'to Ottawa this
Rev. Fr. Gaffney and Mr. Jas. Rey-
nolds were at Goderich on Tuesday
evening attending the funeral of the
late Jas. Kidd.
Mrs. E, Floody and Master Wallace
and Miss Catharine returned to Toronto
after spending a month with Mr. and
Mrs. H. B, Chant.
Mr, Wm. Wallace, wife and daughter
left this week for Sarnia where they
took the boat up the lakes enroute to
their hotne in Dauphine, Man.
• Mrs. Clara Elliott and little Miss
Katharine returned to their home in
Toronto yesterday after spending three
Weeks with' the former's parents.
Rev, Mons, West of St. Thomas was
a visitor with Rev. Fr. Gaffney on Tues-
day and- called • on a few of his old
friends. Tithe Is dealing gently with our
former citizen,
Mr. Robs. Dunsmore and wife 'and
baby of Chatham were visitors with
'Councillor and Mrs. Paisley, Mr, Duns-
more jr, is the first great grandchiid &
our worthy citizen;
Mrs. A, .J. Holloway was called to
Peterbore owing to' the illness of her
daughter,. + Mrs, 1.• Rattenbury. The
latest exports state that Mrs. Ratten-
bury is niuch improved.
Brussels Post,—Elton and Mrs. Rozell
and 4 sons, ,Clinton, Ware in town last
Saturday calling 00 relatives and' old
friends, Mr. Rozell was 8 former well
remembered resident of this locality,
Blyth Standard:—Miss • Madeline
Stothers received word last week that
e ❑ioY ata
aS$e het U
had d
Sire 7
* �:. 5.. .X. .X. .X. 5 * h
Miss Annie Metonnel returned to
Buffalo after visiting at the parental
Mr, and Mrs• J, J, Ward and soil,
Douglas of Woodstock are visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Wheatley and other
Miss Agnes Wacker left for Fordwich
where she has accepted a position as
Mr' Robt. Pearson and son of God-
erich Twp. are taking in the Toronto
Mr. G. E. Hall attended the Huron
and Perth Press meeting at Goderich
on Friday last,
Mr. W. Jackson attended the funeral
of the late Jos. Kidd at Godericis on
Tuesday morning.
Mr. Charlie Cook is vfciting in Tor-
onto and may continue his vocal studies
while in the city.
Mr. W. D. Pair is in London to -day,
Mr. Wallace Wheatley was A vis>,tor.
whole century back thoughtful people
in this country were seriously concern-
ed about the destruction of game, and
, that the first laws for its protection
were passed exactly 100 years ago. Yes,
at a time when primeval forest still
clothed the land, when feathered creat -
1 urea thronged the marshes and woods,
land deer ventured to the very outskirts
of what i
n now Toronto -
Searching diligently through the
Provincial Statutes, the writer traced
the game laws of Ontario back by years
and decades to their early inception.
On 14th April, 1821, the Executive
Council of tlse then Proving: of Upper
Can.:dr passed "An Act for' the I'ro-
tection of Deer Will: in this Province."
In part this pioneer' statute states:
' Whereas it is .:tnedient to prohibit
the ki;ling of deer within this province
at +:,.proper seaso-ss'of the year, be it
enuc.:ed—That no person or persons
shall within this pr wince, after the 10
th day of January it: every year,here-
after kill in any manner whatever any
deer, ferae naturae, until the 1st day of
Forty Shillings Fine—Doubled Next
Offenders were to be tried before
any J.P, The fine wits 40 shillings for
the 'first offence and double for every
subsequent offence, and of this fine, so
said the statute, "one Moiety thereof
shall be forfeited to his Majesty and be
paid into the ']sands 'of the Receiver -
General of the Province to and for the,,
public use, and shall be accounted for
through the Lords Commissioners of
his 'Majesty's. treasury its such manner
as form as his Majesty will be pleased to,,
direct, and the other moiety thereof
shall be paid to the infer:not or whoso-
ever shall sue for same • "'
Indians Were expressly exempted from
the act. - ;
Sunday Shooting Stopped in 1839.
Not until :18 years later .However,
did the.' legislators see the necessity of
protecting `game birds—acid then only,
wild turkeys, partridge, etc., were pre-
served. Strangely enough the Wild pig-
eons, posSlbly on account of their en-
ormous numbers, do not appear to have
received any consideration until they
had practically vanished, 'InJhe amend-
ed game laws oft839 the open season
for deer and fawns was set froth 1st
August till 1st, Februsiry—though ,as
heretofore, moose and caribou were un
Illegal to shoot
protected, it was made
p t ur-
wild turkeys, partridge, woodcock, etc, ion examinations and site intend, p
(Continued on page 2); 'suing her studies at the Gunton Colle-
Try The New Era 1()��
for Job Work in
Mrs. Arthur Murphy,—Known to the
Canadian reading public as "Janey
Canuck," whose appointment to the
Senate is urged. y
Stanley and Tuckersmith Residents
Hear Hydro at Meeting at
An enthusiastic meeting was held
last Thursday night in the township hall
Varna, when representatives were pre-
sent from Stanley and Tuckersmith
townships, also, the villages of Bayfield
and Brucefield. Electrictly under dis-
cussion, and if one could judge from
the deep interest taken. by those pre-
sent it will not be long before a start
is made to supply power to these rural
Special meeting was held on Tues -
O • wi't`h TUR CIIUtsCFIBB, o
o eeoeteop eo 090 O: e 00
Willis Church
day evening, all members Rev. J. E, Ilogg will occupy his own
present,•pulpit on Sunday and his subjects are:
Morning:—"The Parabel of .a Bean"
Evening:—"A Labor Day Sermon"
A .special meeting of the Council -
was held on Tuesday evening and all ' Salvation Army
the Council was present, Mayor Mc -1 The Salvation Army on Thursday
Murray in' the chair. i September 15th at 8'p,in., staff Captain
By-law No. 10, 4921, to raise $6,-1 and Mrs. Lewis; after twenty years In
000 for the purpose of sinking a new India will Lecture on "India, Its People
well for the waterworks system was and its Problems". They will Dress in
read three times and passed, the Uniform of that Country, Sing in
The debentures run from 30 years its Language and Display Curios. Ad-
an(1' will bear 6%. The Railway Board .mission: Free—Will. Do not fail to
of Ontario will hive to pass on this by- Hear them,
law before it becomes effective. If they Ontario Str Church.
refused a by-law 'will be submitted to The Ladies Aid of Ont. St. Church
the electors. win meet in the basement, for quilting
Council adjourned, on Wednesday Sept. 7 at two o'clock
The ladles of the Huron Road and St,
i WWrtt'trb-Ytn{'It1s rtrv's Geooge's Waid will serve tea. A large
attendance is requested.
Rev. S. Anderson has returned from
his holidays and will occupy' his own
pulpit next Sunday, Morning and even-
ing and at Turner's in the afternoon,
His morning subject will be "Sowing
and Reaping."
St. Paul's Church ..
The Catholic Women's League will
street at 3 o'clock on Sept. 6th at St.
Josephs church. A full attendance is
Rev. Fr. Tighe will hold his first
solemn mass on Sunday morning next
at 10.30 a.m. Rev. Fr, Bondy of Assump
tion College will preach and Rev, Fr.
Gaffney will assist. The public is cordial
ly invited to this sermon as it is the
first young man to go out from St,
Joseph church as a Priest.
There will be no evening service on
Sunday as service will be held at Blyth,
Wesley Church
Engineer J. H. Caster of Toronto'
was present and gave particulars as to
the rates and contracts, and several of
those present signed up. It will be
necessary to get an average of three
users per mile before the Government
will undertake the work and when these
are secured the farmer will only have
to pay one-half the cost of the prim-
ary line, under certain conditions. The
service charge is to be uniform but the
cost of power will vary, and in this
vicinity the price will be seven cents
per kilowatt for the first 70 hours and
three and a half cents for all over that,
less 10 per cent -S. F. 'Glass, M. P. of
London was present and gave an ad-
dress; also did S. J. Andrews, P. M.
and chairman of the public untilities
-committee, Clinton. Mr, Caster said it
was one of the most enthusiastic and
largely attended meetings he had at-
tended on this campaign.-
3 Local News
Death of Mrs. Geo, Ladd,
Death came suddenly to Mrs. George
Ladd on Wednesday morning about 8
o'clock although she had been in ill -
health for the past few months, Deceas-
ed was married to her now bereft part-
ner at Delhi 47 years ago and after
residing their and at Aylmer moved to
Holmesville where they lived for 16
years coming to Clinton 6 years ago.
Mr. Ladd retiring from active work
with the G. T. R. A,family of 2 sons,
(William of town and John in the
West,) and one slaughter Mrs, O'Dell of
Toronto) survive. The funeral will be
held on Friday afternoon from her late
residence Joseph Street at 2.30 p.ns.
Service at 2 o'clock. The deceased was
an active worker in the Ladies Aid
Women's Missionary Society of Wesley
Methodist church,
Died From Injuries,
As results of injuries received early
Sunday morning while working on the
Hydro Canal, Daniel Livermore, aged
42 years and 2 months passed away at
the Memorial 1•tospitai Niagara Falls N.
Y. shortly after being admitted to the
hospital. The body was brought to
town Tuesday evening and the funeral
was held on Wednesday from St. Paul's
church, the services being conducted
by Rev, S. E. McKegney. Besides his
wife he is survived by seven children';
Lyda and Mildred of St, Catharines, and
John, and Harold, Lottie, Susie and
Norah at home. The late Mr. 'Liver-
more was a former employer of the
Doherty Piano Co. but for the past
few months had been working down at
Chippawa and expected to move his
family down there in the course of a
week or so, Messrs. James and Fred
Livermore are brothers of the deceased,
The pallbearers were members of the
C. 0. F. ofwhich the deceased was a
member Messrs J. P. Sheppard, N.
Kennedy M. McEwan; E. J. Johnson,
deo. Cook and I•l. Glazier.
It has been estimated by a Britis.,.
expert that a single mine in the Yang-
tze valley of China can produce 9,000-
000 tons of iron ore in a year.
Goderich, Aug, 27.—Death. last
night removed one of the best-known
citizens of Goderich, in the person of
Josph Kidd, uptown agent of the C. P.
R. after a lingering illness. He was in
his 59th year and had been almost a'
lifelong resident of the town. He was
born in Dublin and was the son of the
late Joseph Kidd, of that place.
When a young man Mr. Kidd came
to Goderich and managed the Internat-
ional Salt Works for his father. Later
he operated a planing spill and some
time after entered the stationary busi-
ness. When the G. P. R. opened a
branch office here some 19 years ago
he was appointed agent and had been
connected with that company ever
since. He took a prominent part in
public affairs and was an active mem-
ber of St, Peter's 'Church and of the
Knights of Columbus. •
Besides his widow he is survived by
two daughters, Mona and Helen and
five sons, Ney, Gerald, Charles, Ter-
ence and Jack. -
The funeral was held �on Tuesday
morning to Colborne Cemetery.
The High Mass was sung by Mongs.
Kidd a cousin of the deceased and was
assisted by Fr, Moran as Deacon and
Fr. Gaffney, seb .Deacon, Rev. Mangs
West, 'of St. Thomas was the preacher
and Rev, Fr. Gnain. Master of ceremon-
ies. .,
The annual Flower show
of the Clinton Horticultural
Society will be held iii Mr. S.
B. Stothers office. on Satur-
day, September 1 oth. -• The
exhibits this year will be con-
fined to cut flowers. Any per
son wishing . to exhibit will
please bring the flowers on
Friday night. The Society
will call for flowerstif notice
is given to Mr. H. R. Sharp.
• . ..
The largest shipbtillding crane tss
tlte Philadelphia nat'y yard, est electric-
lsetric-ally operated ntotister of 350 foes esp,r
The last of the Union Services be-
tween the two Methodist congregations
was held on Sunday last, good con-
gregations were present at both ser-
vices. In th morning Rv, McCamus
spoke on "The second coming of
There was a ''good attendance at the
League services on Monday evening.
The Presidents of the two Leagues
were in charge, An Oxford debate in
which practically all the numbers took
part was the chief feature. Messrs A.
K. Leonard and W. McCamus were
chosen as captains of the affirmative
and negative sides. The subject that was
debated on was "Resolved that a
young man should not rnary till he has
enough to keep Isis wile. "Some very
interesting points were presented by
both sides. Rev. D. N. McCamus who
acted as judge gave his decision in fav-
our of the affirmative side,
Winghans Advance.—Mr. Norman M.
Murch B. A. of Toronto, who with his
wife, is visiting at the home of Mrs.
Murch's mother, Mrs. Jermyn Blue -
vale road, sang a couple of solos in St,
Andrew's Presbyterian 'Church on Sun--
un-day Aug. 28th, he will sing in the Wing-
ham Methodist Church. Mr. Murch is a;
member of the staff of Toronto Univer-
sity, and his singing is always appreci-
ated. at i. °"raI
Ontario Legislation 1921
Mates on Legislation Considered and Enacted
during the Session of 1921
Continued from Last Week)
A penalty of $500. has been imposed, portant provision has been made for the
upon any person who, not registered handling of cases which do not corse
with and certified by the Provincial strictly within the terms of the Act by
Secretary, solemnizes or undertakes to which the Lieutenant Governor in Conn
solentinize any marriage, and such per- cit, upon the recommendation of the
son shall also be liable to imprisonment Commission, nsay grant an allowance
to a needy case. This clause is very
important and far-reaching and wil'
cover a number of deserving cases for
which provision could not otherwise
be made, Negotiation may now be en -
Secretary and the clerk of eitery city, tered into for reciprocal arrangements
town and incorporated village and every
police magistrate having jurisdiction in
territory'tvithout municipal organization
shall be ex officio issuers of marriage
The fee for a marriage license or
certificate is fixed at $5,00 of which
$4.00 is to be remitted by the issuer to the age at which children may be employ
the Provincial Treasurer, The issuer Is ed in strops has been raised from twe1-
allowed to retain the sum of $1. for Isis ve to fourteen years, Like The Mothers'
own use unless and until the council Ailowanees Act the age limit has hem
of the municipality commute the said raised to bring this Act into conform -
allowance for a fixed sutra, ity with The Adolescent School Attend -
Labour Legislation —The Mothers' ince Act and after the later Act copses
Allowances Act has been broadened into force a child under the age of six-
th include the • another who has teen 'may not be employed without a
deserted for five years and Special permit ina factory shop or of -
the mother; with one child un- flee building,
der fourteen who has also a child over The power to.suspend or revise its
fourteen or a husband Who is henna's -
(rimers acid to set different Wage rates
eptly disabled. A grandmother, sister, for tate same industry in different local -
aunt or suitable foster mother who hies has been granted the Mittimuttt
Wage Board, The Trades
Brandt now gives the Lieutenant pover
Continued on Page 4.,
for any term not exceeding twelve-
Marriage licenses and certificates in
lieu of marriage licenses are to be is,
sued from the office of the Provincial
between Provinces to another. Probably
the most striking change in the Act,
however, is the clause raising the age
limit to sixteen years when The Adol-
escent School Attendance Act copses
into force.
Dy an amendment to The Factory Act
]t s the care
orphan c)
tildreh Mida o f two p
toadsn nate Means to support
than is
for at allowance, hoe.
Most hit-