The Clinton New Era, 1921-6-30, Page 61`e NAGE SIX The Vinton New Era ....m,.,ZMIIMSEBEGIISSEZZI=91 101=7a48.4a - Cr1111..1161:111., .111.11.C.116.11,1110M1rn =110271...T11.11.11‘,.. r1111913/1.1217611 Seasnable Goods At reasonable prices Paris Green and Arsenate of Lead in 4 ,/ and 1 Ih pakages. We have digerent styles of Track and Hangers. for sliding doors, among them the Hatch Garage dour outfit which will run your door around' the, corner_ inside the building, also the Flexible Trolly Hanger with Tubular Track. Make your Calves grow with Herbageum, we have it in 2 lb and 4 Ib packages. Corless & Venner PHONE -53 Hardware and Electrical TRY awki FO': PLUM ?UNG HEATING AND ROOFING -0_ Reppailring Promptly 1. Done Phone 53 'Reda Furnaces Lead There is a Reason :risk Us. ryUi; yy+if 0it,. Summer Pric s April this year presents an except- ional opportunity for the coal consum- ing public, in the advent of the Annual Summer Prices: • EGG, STOVE, & CHESTNUT AT $16.00 DELIVERED Owing to a slight 'reduction in the tirrice of Straight -Line Coal at the mines, we are now allowed to make this spec- ial offer so as to keep the miners° in work, 1,1.51211/.111:11Crnm * * is n .. * * a * a u NEM WANTED —0— Our advice would be to market your Poultry early this year while 'prices are high. Fall prices are expected to be much lower than llast year. Sell now. Enquire of us for prices. it is the custom of the mine opera - ''tors to raise the price each month from now till fall, but we are going to try, to, hold this special price for APRIL, MAY, & JUNE This will give you an oppportunity to have the coal delivered when the ground is fit to drive in to your yard, but be sure to place your order now at the old reliable stand. ( We guarantee satisfaction as we ready have our large sheds full of aWn coal of high class quality. ORDER,NOW • 1;. al - our ' JNO. B. MUSTARD, Clinton & 13,0,d -tea a shone for Clinton No. 74. iPnnosne for Bruoefietd 11 on 418. Boys Get Busy Six Season• Chatauqua tickets are hidden about the business section of your town. Find them, Picnic. The Young Ladies and Young Men's Classes of Ontario St, Sunday School held a piciilc at Bayfield on Wednes- day afternoon. Milk Test. ' The Inspection of milk supply by the Board of Health for the present month is as follows; Milk Cream. L. Lawson 3 4 2.4 E. Jackson , 3 9 2.6 Transfer of Father Gnam. It is announced at London that Rev. Father P. J. Guam, of Aylmer, Ont., his been transferred to Goderich, where hewi 1 succeed Rey. Father Mc- Crae, as pals priest, the latter having retired. Father Guam's successor in Aylmer has not yet been named. 1922 Motor Licenses. Motor license plates for the year 1922 will have white background with black numbers slightly larger' than those on the 1921 license plates, The embossed, feature of -..the 1921 plates will be continued on the 1922 markers. Tenders for their manufacture will be called for within the next week or two, according to F. C. Biggs, minister of Public Works.. EYE SPECIALIST A. L. Cole, Eyesight Specialist, an Honour Graduate of the Canadian GUNN LANGLOIS & CO, LTD. Ophthalmic College, of Tornntaa Office,in Masonic Bldg., West, SL, Clinton, Ontario HOURS: -9 A. M.-5 P. M.—Prac- N. W. Trewartha Local Manager tice Limited to the Eye. The up-to-date Firm SCRANTON COAL F. A. Acland, deputy minister of labor, has been appointed king's prin- ter. ' For DIARRHOEA —0— Don't forget to leave your order for HARD and SOFT COAL with E. WARD, if you want satisfaction. -Chestnut and Stove Coal on Hand DYSENTERY—We will look after you— Te-ms—Strictly Cash—Phone 155. ,' E. WARD AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS. GIVES INSTANTANEOUS RELIEF It has been a household remedy for the past 76 years. You can always rely on it in time of need to do just 'what we claim for it. A NEVER FAILING REMEDY. Mrs, Fred MacDonald, Sydney Mines, N,SL, writes:—"I take great pleasure in , recmnnos.ling Dr. Fowler's IfLxtract of Wild Strawberry as ,a never failing remedy far summer complaint. 1 am raising a family of ton children, and Burins the summer and autumn months wilnn thus tr,mpl»int is so prevoiest I use no other remedy. We are never without a bottle of it in the house." , Price, SOc. a bottle Manufaefured only by Tho T. Milburn Co,, Limited, Toronto. Ont. RESIDENCE—HURON STRUT The . Corner Grocery CALL ON US FOR YOUR GARDEN SEEDS A full Assortment of Ferry's, Rennies and Steel Briggs Seeds In Packages, also Dutch Sets, Gar- den Peas and Sweet Corn, and Beans in Bulk. For good value try our Bulk Tea and Coffee. Fred. W. Wigg Phone 45. 5Y. Driving a Car, Mr. R. Fitzsimons is now the Dos- sensor of a Chevrolet car. Goes t Wailterville, Lieut, .Bradford, Who has been in charge of the S.. A. forces here leaves this week for Walkervil1e where she 'Joins Capt. ' Scott, a former, officer here. Her many friends wish her success in the new 'field, 'Lots of Invitations.' The New Era\ecknowleciges ti:ceipts of invitations to Walkerton Old Boys'. and Girls' Reunion July .23-30 and similar courtesies from Listowel who Jubilate from July 30 to Aug. 4, and also from Brantford who celebrate from July 31st to Augustth. Gave Address at Seaforth. Seaforth News:—On Tuesday even- ing- at the meeting of the Epworth League a splendid address 'vas given by Miss Grant of. Clinton on the different phases of art: Miss Grant is one of the finest china painters of Ontario, A musical programme was also provided during the evenig, , _ New Officers Coming. This week new officers will be here to take charge of the Salvation Army corps and will hold services on Sunday at the usual hours. - The newofficers ar Capt. Smith and Lieut. Lightowler, who have been stationed at Wingham. Capt. Smith, was here for about six weeks when Capt. Jones was recover- ing from her broken limb. We wel- come the young ladies to town. "Hurons" Did Good Shooting. Lieut -Col. Combe, commander of the 33rd Regt. of Huron County, received the following frons; '1-leadquarters':— "Herewith for your retention copies of Company and Regimental Musketry Re- turns of your unit covering the firing performed at the recent camp. The firing of your unit as a whole is very creditable indeed and Sergt, Cecil 'Cooper (Clinton) is to be congratulat- ed on the high mark he obtained. School of Commerce Notes ' Miss Bessie Morrish has completed her course at the school. of Commerce, taking honors with an average of 90%. The pass standard required by the school is.75%, Honor standing S5%a. Miss Phylis Crich and Miss Mabel Grigg both of whops graduated with honors, have secured positions with the Robert Simpson Company, Toronto. Forithese positions they were chosen in prefer- ence to two other applicants, both of er• whom had experience, one having five Voters' J.ist Changes. years. The 'high standard required by the school, means a year of hard work "Public attention should be tailed," states Allan Dymond, chief election officer for Ontario, "to the changes made in the Voters' List Act at the recent session of the Legislature, un- der which it is necessary that Part 111, of the voters' list, containing the The Blyth Standard makes reference names of persons entitled to vote at to the death of the aunt of Mrs. A. J. elections to the Legislative Assembly Holloway, and many years ago she re- only,,, is not. to be printed until direc- sided at Stapleton before moving to tions for printing are given by the Blyth. In the death of Mrs, Dodds on Chief Election Officer, nor is Part 111 subject to revision by the county judge There seems to'be some misunderstand ing among municipal officials as to the effect of the legislation; and the muni- cipal clerks throughout the province have been circularized and a copy of this act sent to them." rr s'+r' ' a( r sa•:.•sr ^ar.rcelAe.:^xAa�e x -C ..•w:.. �.Yr✓4'Y.L:a kt `Iiia du'v1W�.A. "X��1N 3'�TP..h3.ig}iF - icloy' is n Publio Holiday. priday Dominion Day will be a pubo Ile holiday and business places will be closed. The postofflce will have the us nal holiday hours. Irmprovemennts.. Air, Gen, llohsid lilts"had Ins repainted. Mr, T, A: Greig is having his house repainted, Mn. . Harry Gould is remodelling his house on High street„ . Rate Increased, The letter rate of postage from the United ,Kingdom has been raised to two pende (4c) for t1'e first ounce and three half pence (3c) for each additional ounce. On post cards the rate has been increased to three half- pence (3' cents), These new, rates will be effective from the 13th June 1921. house Parcel Post Rates. ' Postage rates on parcels weighing over one pound, mailed in the Province of Ontario addressed for delivery, to any post office beyond 20 Miles but within the Province of Ontario, to any post'office in Quebec or Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Maritime Provinces or Alberta, will be increasedby one cent per poinud. G. T. R. Connection from Buffalo. The G: T. R. announces an import- ant change in the Buffalo train services The train now leaving Buffalo at 4.10 p.m. will leave at 3.55 and will con- nect at Stratford with the train reach- , ing Clinton at 10.03 p, m. Since the speeding up of the night train passen- gers from Buffalo could reach Clinton by the afternoon train from that city. This is now remedied, Minor Locals. Friday is a Public Holiday. Schools are now closed for the sum- mer vacation. The 12th will be celebrated in Bay- field this year. The Junior Baseball League will coo mence next week again. Many will take in the baseball tour- nament on the 151 at Goderich. Council meets next Monday Evening. June Roses are blooming. Many went to'Goderich on Saturday to the Circus. Our waste paper basket is the only entity that values u nsigned letters; so will correspondents please note that all such are imnsediately consigned thith- for the students who measure up to it, bttt when they have to compete in the business world, they find the high stan- clard pays. The Late Mrs. James Dodds Friday last, there is removed from out midst, one of the oldest residents of the village, one who, by her kindness, neighborliness and good will played a conspicuous pari in the life of the com- munity of over half a century ago, and her demise is sincerely regretted by a large circle of friends and acquain- tances. The date Mrs. Dodds had been Umpire Wanted to Wager. ill for many weeks and almost from the The Sub-comnnitte of the North Well first it was thought that her chances of ington League has handed out the foli- recovery were slight from the fact of owing decision in regards to the pro - her advanced age, and in the above test entered by the Clinton Juniors mentioned day she passed out, leaving behind her the remembrance of a well spent Christian life, worthy of emul- ation by all. Deceased, whose maiden name was Mary Denholm, w,as born in Duinrieshire, Scotland, nearly 79 years ago. She came to Canada. when six years of age and the family settled in Paris, Ontario, Later they moved to the Township of Beverley and here she was married 59 years ago to Mr. James Dodds and came to Blyth as a bride. To this uniona faintly of four girls and three boys were born, two of the lat- ter died in infancy, while Miss Janet passed away about five years ago and Mrs, Win, McCowan last year, leaving to mourn the•ioss of a devoted another one son and two daughters, namely, 'Councillor James and ' Miss Cassie, Blyth, and Mrs. Wm. Robertson, of Wingham. The late Mrs, Dodds was bereft of .her husband some twenty- five years ago and during her lengthy Widowhood her kindness and interest yin the welfare and prosperity of her family was the very essence of her life. She was a woman of Christian charac- ter and to know her was 10 win your love and esteem. Ail her life she took an active interest in church work and her counsel and assistance was much appreciated by the church as a whole. The funeral took place from her late residence on Monday afternoon, ser- vice being held at 2 o'clock by Rev. Geo. Telford, pastor of St. Andrew's age and playing in the junior series. Church, followed by internment in the Stratford junior club will be drafted in to this junior group, � Union cemetery, The pall -bearers J K P, which will now ler.,.,, r� k� .e, s•� ,�� � � �u were;_ Messrs, James Laidlaw, A. J. Milton, Seaforth and Stratford, Strat- kY ai „ holth, James Gosinen and John Ping, and Holloway, R: 13, 7,icGowan, ,lis, Den., (Ord will play out the Exeter schedule (4'l°101,-,"SEDE t TH.4 SATISI Y'..5 given dates to equal games,,,.„,w,c+u,,,n,,,ms,,a+on,na„u;,,irypu,me,n.,m-.-. against Exeter, -Clinton club had a pro- test in against Exeter on the grounds of playing a roan by the name of Pin- combe over age in a game at Clinton. Exeter had advised they had not suf- ficient funds to defend but would send proof that they were O.K. The associa- tion secretary had received a birth cert- ificate which'showed this man over age no certificate had been signed, and F. M. Boyle, of Exeter had written a letter to Manager T. Hawkins, of the Clinton club, admitting this man was over age, also advising that Exeter was going to default, and in conclusion asked for a game in Zurich, 'Clinton to play the same team as they did in the game pro- tested and Exeter to play.the sante team with the exception of Player Pincombe, on whom the game was protested for a side bet of from $100 to 8500. This man,,F. M. Boyle was on the official Inspire list of the N.W.B.A. The sub- committee decided to take the name of F.M. Boyle from the list of official Umpire list of the N. W, 13, A. The sub- and place this man under 'suspension until the could clear himself of the charge, In the case of Exeter no deposit was made to defend' the protest, This club Is to be given a chance to prove why they should not be suspended, and this not forthcoming suspension wili,be put into effect. Player Pincombe will al- so be nyder suspension for his action in submitting a certificate when over da 3,0111, Julae 3,0tii, 4921 1. ('louses are ,to the Body, nexus Wall Pay ten to the HOMO he Few people e cwn afford to be badly dressed; an few people can afford to live with old or in- harmonious wan papers. n They affect the sp-rits, They decrease sell. confidence.. They reduce morale. `kltey a're unbealtiay for mind and body, Harmonious Wall Papers are a Tonic.. They influence the whole atmosphere of the house. 0 you have bis view a change ;Jo the atmosphere of yosaa' home .tve invite inspection of our stock and prices. • • Often the ehe6pesg—Haws S the Bele mera„ermmm: .,••mem Za&m •'wrE.LMearainatt 37F0 fifes-Ban••rsmn i1Mraww GOOD OLD DAYS Our Prices, you will notice a few here are getting back to Good old Days. Give us a Call. z pkgs. Corn Flakes 25c 2 pkgs. Toy Gusto 25c 4 can, Corn or Peas 15e 7 cans, Corn or Peas $1.00 3 Bars Soap, any brand ' 25c 25c 3 pkgs. Anosmia 3 pkgs. Rinso 2 pkgs. ,Lux 25c 25c the - 1 tin (small) Salmon 10c 4 tin (large) salmon 32c. 4 jar Pure (Jam 29e' 1 11) Black Tea 35c 3 lb s Black tea 95c 3 pkgs Jelly Powder 35c: 3 cans Spaghetti 25c (Only) BAND NIGHT (Only) 2 cakes Palm Olive Soap ...35c GET THE HABIT 01' DEALING AT r • ” J PHONE 111. THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY Clinton Garar,e and Battery Service Station The Enforcement of the Headli ght Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved Lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophane Legalite Shaler Roadlighter Clamart Come in and have us fill out your applications J. H. PAXMAN Overland Agent EZAMINER FOR LICENSE DRIVIN G Phone 80 . Residence 140 CLINTON, ONT. e Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear 'Conopher Novioi 1 F.� Call and See Ford's New Universial Electric Washer For $85 One ideal Hand Power Washer For $ll.00 1.5311111.11.1111111111111113.11111101. SUTTER & PERDUE Hardware Plumbing Electric Wiring Snow -White The new white shoe cleaner makes your white shoes ICuSitIBfA'°.RTrr•'c.."._. , WATERPROOF Ph4c-AAT on Sale at land, play by Exeter,