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The Clinton New Era, 1921-4-21, Page 3
• • Office Phone 30, House l'holae FLAVOUR ge2s its all'resh, Havoury young leaves that 'yield geneirausiy. in the teapot. Always reliiable. THE SPOUHT CORDON WALDRON. Under the aboee heading the Toron Daily Star publishes sketches of men before the publle eye from day to day. Mr, Gordon Waldron, who is sketched in the following article, is a native of the London Road and has made a mune for himself in Toronto: • • Nobody could possibly be as soler as Gordon Waldron looks. Nobody el in this world smiles more sweetly more rarely. Nobody 'can. get mo happiness out of rendering a phial service Which the public declines t appreciate. He' has no predecessor. i the public life of this community, W shall not see his like again. He has no reproduced the mould in which he wa cast, Only a very honest, very courag •eous barrister could complain that hi native 'province is turning out far to many iwyers. Waldron does it, inti dentaily to his rejoicing, 'because th university is not likely to get as muc money' from the government as who its champions desired. Waldron . cam from the farm^ -for the "good. of -lbfarm. If he had remained among th furrows he pound not, have been member of the University, Senate, an he would not have been a possible at torney-general kir the first Farmer Gov ernment in lariat history. to up se Or re is 0 n o , • ,.rg4h .,J.N..e •w,...,v• e Grant Hall, Vice President of C. P. R., b who denies he was offered an impor- t taut post on the Canadian National a. enamored•of the Liberal party. He ran d as an anti -prohibitionist against Hartley Dewart in Southwest Toronto, in - 1916. He opposed Sir Edmund Osler in West Toronto in 191s, and fought against the Union candidate for Park - dale in 1917. Defeat makes no differ- ence to his courage -,for which let in- finite appreciation be rendered him. tF * -0F * # 8 - dr a re • * MEZ4 AND EVENTS Railways, The province is running to frills. Its expenditure on public machineries has long appalled frugal Gordon. He says, that we are spending too many scores of millions on municipal taxes, school taxes, provincial taxes, dominion taxes. Very likely he's right; but he needn't get so mighty explosive about it. Here he is talking out loud about the "D -d impudence of this city," the city in which he studied and practices law, and has run for parliament and legislature, and whose courts he alternately adorns and condemns, About a'year .before Mr. Drury be- came premier an agricultural statesman who holds high office by grace•of the • Drury government,was eliscussing the F.O. prospectsQwith one of its leaders,, aid ggve this advice;,"Whatever you do keep clear of the Sun crowd," in other words, ,keen ..clear • oft.Gord'on Waldroii and, his colleagites, eThet was. a great compliment .to Gordon Waldron, who was -;then ea, ,p.ro.prietor ;of • the paper G,p(dwin. Smith .founded, and was writ- ing its editorials, in. which he stead- fastly • refused ''to print • names- with knightly .prefixes: •Measurably the U P.O. is a't:hild'of'tlfe Sun. J. J, hior-'._. • rison 'found a'Gamhliei in Gordon Wal- drton,' He Went to hint for inspiration and attviee, ,Which was always. candidly given, ' Sometim.es'it wasn't necessary to go for it. The best of the Waldron wisdom has been without manes 'and vt ith out price, When Drury arrived, if Warwick Morrison had had. his way, Mr. Raney would have beef ,saved unmeasured, unmerited abuse, But Drury did not relish the prospect of there being two kings of Brantford. Waldron speaks with sardonic humor of the brief period when he looked like a great officer of the crown., Judges left the bench to grasp his hand, Lawyers who had been cert became. courteous. The street was a streak of facial sunbeams. And then it'tvits "as you were," . , _ Waldrein . observed philosophically --the phenomena .that accompany a '.dissolving „dignity. ire • still laughs-. :over the experience ,and ;bears Drury, no grudge. Waldron isn't a,jgyial man, but he is a clever one, 'a,; con. scientlous ' one and cares •intensely for the constttutlondl coVenapts- 'Which is snore than .cab be spid of lois 19f jolly go' bel fellotes, • -' -It wound be is cruel untruth even to suggest that 'Gordon-Waldron's inter- in est the Ontario ti a o farmers hag 1 , allY • derivat len from the f t ac that he is the solicitor for the U, F. 0. His mind and heart .dwell with the people who are fundamental to .Ontario's prosperity. He doesn't get people to love him, and • he doesn't try•very hard, If he de- lights in anything of a social'sbrt, it is in ,emulating • Joe, a'Pickivickiau'im. mortal, who revelled in 'Snaking inno- vent persons' flesh creep. • ^SRO_- Waldron is 'a Liberal, but not avidly Thir The Clinton New Era Mr. Lloyd' George visited Birmingham and received the freedom of the city. - The Premier delivered an important speech chiefly with regard to the revision of the peace treaties. TRACES OF POISON FOUND THE PLAIN FACTS ASTrA USERAZ-M'AH Just Swallow a Capsule RAZ -MAH Is Guaranteed to restore normal breathing, stop mucus gatherings in the bronchial tubes, give masons nights of quiet sleep; maina no habit-forming drug, 91.00 at your drug- gist's. 'Trial free at our agencies orwrite Templeton., 142 Xing. W., Toronto. LOCAL AGENT - J E. HOVEY IN HASTINGS STOMACH .1 ABOUT THE PRICES ' NO Smelting -No Spraying -NO adult { OF NEWSPRINT PAPER May Have Hastened Death Jury) • Finds -Indirect Report of An- alysis of Dead Man's Stomach l Presented - Jury at Dubiiyt Out,Two Hours -Mrs. Hastings Will Appear. in, Court in Day or 1 Two. Dublin; April 12. -This afternoon the coroner's jury investigating the death of Daniel Hastings of near this village, after two hours' deliberation, brought in the following vrdict: "We, your coroner's jury empanelled 'to investigate the death of the late Daniel Hastings, find that the said Daniel Hastings died on the 21st of Marcia, 1921, at his home on the first conces- sion of the township of Logan, and that his death may have been hastened by strychnine poison, some of which was found in the viscera." This verdict was returned after two hours of consideration of the evidence placed before the jury at the adjourn -1 ed sitting here, opening at 11 o'clock ? this morning. Coroner Dr. Armstrong, 1 of Mitchell, presided, and the Crown : Was represented by Mr. Q, G, McPher- son,!County Crown Attorney. The lat- The Canadian Export Paper Com. pany, Limited, has announced that its export price for • newsprint paper bes 8110 per ton, or equal to five and one-half Cents per pound,' price becomes effective on April W are subject to change every three ec-'that prices may not again advance be- fcefore the year is out. Prom this full nd I and frank statement of newspaper costs, it will be seen that many more ng'' reductions in the price of newsprint, in not to speak of metal, ink and labor, to will be necessary before the publish - to ers could begin to consider any reduc- sal tions in rates, The truth of the mat - of ter is that n/wspapers' during the past year or twq ; have, been content to maintain a bare existence. Many' le have been overwhelmed by the in- creased costs and have passed away. re 'Those which have survived are now es looking for the reductions in the er prices of their • necessary materials a to make good the losses they have h sustained m hanging on, or to enable ng 1St , months. There is no assurance. and remains in 'force during the s and quarter of the year. This pr is a reduction of one cent per you over the e;2port price now prevaili We call attention to this reduction the price of newsprint in order snake it known to the public and our readers. and advertisers the r facts In connection with the price newspa, r prodrbtlon. r eat' I^ ' There art no doubt many peop who have been vrondering why the has been 'no drop in paper pric and in the goods • which a newspap has to sell namely copies of the p per and advertising space, while of er commodities have been coati down. The above announce= makes cleat the reason. This redu tion in price, which does not becom nt them to make extensions which have been held up by the prohibitive costs. c - e • �^* ter left Mien the jury went out and so I s nointimation was forthcoming as to p ,the 'next step., Coroner' Armstrong d signed the verdict and the finding was k at 'once forwarded to Mr. McPhe"son. ` m ffective until April 1st, is• the fir ign of any halt in the soaring of, pa- er prices. Even after other articles ropped in price, newsprint prices ept soaring, and right at 'this m ent they are still at their , highest level, The costs) of production of th st , 611E 'ITS97 FOLLOWS FLU. The .epidemic of "flu" left in its train a_' many weak hearts and serious nerve troublea. h'Irs. L. -Wilson, 63 Ridout 9t,, Ring-. e . ston,•Ont., writes: -"Over two years ago I. r was taken very ill with Spanish influenza, of rfollowed• by neuritis of the head, high blood pressure and congestion of the brain, e- and I was left in a • Very weak state. e- My heart and nerves were so terribly • bad I would have weak, fainting spells 11 sometimes twice a day. It really seemed to me my heart would stop beating. I doctored, and they seemed to do all they could for me, but .I grew so bad, day after :day they thought I could, not get better. It had given up all hopes of ever getting well, as I was. failing very fast, It seemed to me f t was a God --send when I looked.in tho paper and read about Milburn'. Iienrt and Nerve- Pills. I Spare Strychnine Found - The report.Pahe analyst on the am 'lents of the tiomach of the dead man, oft"'ibhich the authenticity of the con- fesiiiyneof the.; deceased's wife hinged, Was slot' presented directly. Instead, 1 raw material and of • its manufacture 'i 1 sl • tb e nto the finished product have n town any appreciable decrease, b ruse the scarcity of the kind .of 1 or necessary has kept wages at a vera increasing figure. Mr. McPherson had a letter from At- •torhey-General Raney stating that an o analysis bad been made by L. J. Rod- m gers of the University of Toronto, and, 'au In case, however, that ' any reader r .advertiser, "seeing1 the announce- ent o1; the price''retiuction ntentiott• Shove, should look for- .r•drt •" in ., ." chat o ne-fourteenth of a grain of a stryclihiae had been found in the atemach 'bf the late Mr, :Hastings, • This report to the Crown Attorney ponsidered sufficient to go •oti with and another medical map was called, Dr. W. Hall, of Mitchell,„ to testify regard- ing the :fatal . properties of strychnine. Dr.. Hall:. gave evidence corroborating that, of Drs: Murray and Smith at the Previous sitting,.. and stated that one - fourteenth of• a grain of strychnine would not cause either. convulsions or 'death inn an adult, Strychnine which had permeated the system might so however,• have more serious effects. to No further evidence was taken and fir ' CASTOR I For Infants and Children • h Use For'Over30Years Always bears ' the /4 �2 - ! Signature of f��Gltf/l/ bots it Fit You? The complaint is sometimes heard in small towns that witile•some 'snc- iety's or church's ,gatherings are re- ported in the local pt;ess, others are not, In the one case' the particulars are furnished, Ily. , , sutpe• enterprising person hrierested-int. the, other case they are not •It 'would take •an army of reporters to cover all the gatherings in a local newspaper's constituency,. and the editor can be in only one place at a tine -usually ills sweat shop. Send in' the NEWS la riraal' kAlit notch: .v'".'7a11014eall +la IettfFe'3Ht'. Coo t_,t Io ADD SICK HEADACHE ��„t, ..,� Th "Great Success of Carter's 'CAp .; , Little Liver Pills is due to the com- plete satisfaction of all who use them. 11" Not by purging and weakening the 1bn FE'IR towels, but by regulating and strength - c" ening them. tc. Don't He .italic -Get a Bottle - take one after each heal and one at bedtime. They act as a elatural laxative to the Bowels, and a regular an(l healthy doll- ition of the system. with freedom from'Cons i Headache isVegetable, b n and Sick 4; the result. They are ystrictly VegLtaL�let p -.Small Pill Small Dose Shinn Price Q00,41no moot bear aitj76olturo .ee4.4 ewspal•,n• s lbscri f.tion and :trivet l's 5 thought that there was a lithe 1 Ing rains, we put before our reader the facts. in 1917, newsprint page iva5'ceaing at ;536 a tcin, The fo?ow ing year the price had risen to ap proximately 643 per tot, In 19t when control was established, an the price fixed. by the paper control ler, the rate was $62,per ton' for hom consumption and $75 per ton for ex to r where therewas a spark of life ieft. -, I commenced taking;. them right away and I am now an my fifth box, and - can safely say la Writ a lot better. 1 9 truly think that is it had not been for 6 your wonderful medicine 1 would nob have been here now." • - Price 50e, a box at all dealers, or e , mailed direct by The T. Milburn Co., _ Limited, Toronto, Ont. port thsttis, for about eighty-five per • cent, of the output of the C an anadi milts. u L .ter the price again rose. Early In 1920 it was IAO a ton, in the nimer if rose to 690, In the fal $110 per ton. The price for 'the st quarter of '1920 was fixed at 6130 the; jury retired at 12.i to weigh the evidence.presented at this and the pre- vious sittings. Two hoprs later the verdict, its quoted, was returned, duly signed and the inquest. declared over, The verdict is virtually an .open one, and its result on the fate of Mrta Hast- ings tvhi trot be known until the Crown stakes the'next move,` She is still on remand in the county jail, and will appear in Court ie a day' or two at the most, its LESsoN lily m.laV, P, }3, FITz}VAran, n. n.. a 'Ott, which was the -highest • on- re- TOSPaur of IDPsllsh nisi,,h, Ino aooay 731bie InstD hie or CrgFo ,) cord, illtd„that is the price which is in t©, last, \VgPtorn Neivapapoi Upton,)„ force to -day. • From these figures it will be seen LESSON POR 'APRIL 24 that even althoilgh the price for the second quarter' of the yeah i's .$110 per ton, it will still be considerably, above what it was in ;1920, it will be from thirty lo.tliirty-five dollars a ton more than it was a year, ago: While ether commodities are considerably s that they ware in the early part 1-920, nett/Sprint paper is from thirty forty per. cent, higher, and prices -a les of Spring -Work is On._. 10 Bonfires are a certain sign of spring and the smoky atmosphere is ample proof that numerous cleaning -up parties are ht session. The sound of carpet beaters are also music to the ears of those who await. the arrival of warm weather, and who have others beating 'their carpels, and this music added to the croaking of the frogs and 'the chirp- ing of the birds mikes both old and young feel that ,life Is again worth the livhtg, The People's 'Choice For Over 70 Years ears for digestive disorders ha been Beecham'sPills.Y'oucanhavecon. fide:me in this remedy for bilious. Hess, headaches, flatulency, con. stipation. Sluggish organs are stimulated and the whole systena benefitted by EECIIr `">1t POVERTY AND WEALTH. LTvSSON '.1't1 f r -Asa. f:S-10; Amos 5:4-7; Lune 16:19-25, OOL.t,5ff IrPX l' -.For where your treas- ure Is, there will yopr lleart be also,- 141ity 12:34, it ti N..- �1¢1;G•t',1t1aNOTa MA.rtvR1AL OW, 10: 5 5; rlrn8tlart.,6:6.106:19.64;,17-16, . 15:25; Lutre 6 24 12115-54;. 1 Nfi21I1145' TO1'TC--A Bled Woman, - Li g.hmsa 4:5-11, 351141015 TOPIC -What Two hien nal With Their Money. -nubs 1376 -sl; Acts 4:80, Y7, i 1'rlsstaslDIATI6 AND 8EN1011'roE'IO -Larning sail 1Jsing Money, YOUNG 1'11OT•'L1 AND ADULT 'TOPIC -Problems or 1?overty. 80,1 Wealth, I. Wealth In the Hands of the Pew (Ism. 5;8). n . 1. "Join house to Mame" (V. 8). 2. "l.tty Oehl to 'field" (v. 8). The uvttplrMous ],teed of tlteaa•nten caused theta kr enlarge their estates a(;rViet lta.ryd mo• t sr dis%Mitts tl �to (� fh f. of land -grabbing and the ,ovictim of o e.dilla fn Boase 3oldcrerr. the srnnb 5 fetid@or, +entd 'in the vow- . case IS Cnapolt • nlerfdle, centers the eeowdtng 051 of the small concerns by the large cor- porations. Cx1hates the spirit of avarice. II. Methods Employed in the Ac- quisition of Wealth (Amos 8)4-0), 1, "Swallowed up the needy" (v, 4). "Swdllowed up" literally means to punt Aft4r, 'like abeast utter its prey with¢eagerness to devour•, afany to- day eget rich by swallowing up the needy. 2, "TO melte tate poor of the land to fait" (v,..1), They were grehptng after the houses and lands of thepoor, and' to order to aeeompl1sll t'llls they hitpoverisbed' then) in every Way 1)os- sible so as to Mot them out of the land,. This they doubtless did by withholding froth them their lewfiul wages, an ex0ntple of Which we find fn Juines 5:4, ,lull placing• -exorbitant taxes upon thein and cheating thein in the courts. -3:. Begrudged the loss of holy days (v, 5),, They were restlessly impatlent because of the t'ostra:lions - of those -clays,- Though outwardly' conforming to the Sabbath they were seeking all the while to commercialize it. Many today go to church for the sake of respectnbfiity while impatiently wait- ing for the day re pass In ,order to to pursue their business, 4: Dlshonosty in business dealings (v. 5). 11) They made the ephah. small- Their measures were less than the price paid for, i(2) They rade the' shekel great. The shekel being the cafe used to pay bilis, :he mer- chants put into circulation e;e1'iveight shekels thus getting a higher price for their grain. The purchaser was thus cut on both sides. (3) Falsified their balances. Even the scales by which the gold and sih`er were weighed had been tampered with, mak- Ing them guilty of cheating in three ways, 5.. They bought the poor for silver (v. 6). The poor were reduced to such poverty by the above means of cheating that' they were obliged to sell themselves Into slavery> even for a pair of shoes, 6 Tltey sold. the refuse of the wheat (v, ti), Ip time of.famine they even sold to the people that part of the wheat which was intended for the cattle, • • lid: God's Judgment Upon Them (-Amos 8:7:- cf. Ise. 5:9, 10). God says "1 will never forget.", Not one act of greed and oppression will escape God's notice. 1. Many houses shell be desolate. , 2. The land unproductive (v. 10). IV. A Picture of a 'Rich Man and a Beggar (Luke 16:10.25), 1: Their lives: (1) The rich man. Re had much goods. Lie operated In the highest society. (2) The beggar. 1Ie root Only was poor, but helpless. Lie had no place lit the social order. 2. Their deaths, (1) The rich utau was taken by dentis, Ile amens to have had a great burial. ('?,) The beggar. There is nothing told ajs to what was done with his bogy when he died. Per- ham the very (logs who licked lis sores fed upon it. 3. Their destinies, .(1) The rich man lifted up his ues in hell. The beggar wns curried by the angels Into Abraham's bosom. (2) What dotes Mined them. The furtive life grows wit of the present. 'l',he tleh roan was interested in the Uinta's itf this life, so selfish that even when the poor beggar was (aid tit• his .ante he gave him do attention. ile+ not only lacked the kindness of seeking opportunity to' do good, Mut recused the one op- 11ur'tuni6' that was thl4lst before him. (3) Their fixedness. 'l'heh' destluies were determined by their actions while alive, and after ocelli there was nq possibility of a change. Lesson FAbm Singing Birds, In the deepest niglrt oft sorrtiiv God gives us so tmit"h to be Ilinnkfnl for that we need never tettsei,.our singing. With all our wisdom purl 1'nrestght, we can take rt lesson •. in gladness ' and gratitude from the ' hn71»'. hied 'that sings ;til night tis it' the Any vera not long enough to tell Its lot. --i.'1`, Col. cringe, Best to.Truct, It is hortet to suffer wrung than to r happier It end ht r to do t t b. e an 11 uulnna e. (merited than moi: to trust, -Johnson, GENUINE ASPIRIN ) HAS "BAYER CROSS"' Tablets without w "Bayer Cross°, are not Aspirin at all Get genuine "Beyer Tablets of Aspirin° to a '.Bayer" package, plainly 'narked with the safety "Bayer Cross," The "Bayer Cross' is "your only way' of knowing that yon are getting genuine Aspiritn, prescribed by physicians for nineteen yore and proved safe by mita lions for headache, Neuralgia, Coldsy Itheantatiem, Lumbago, 1etiritis, and for Pain generally. Made in Canada, Randy tin boxea of 12 tablets -'-also larger sizei "Bayer" packages, Aspirin is the trade. mark (registered in Catiatla.), of Bayer Manufacture et Monenoelicaci,lestnv Of Strlioy-lieaoid. e »Wille 11 is well known that Aspirin uncoils Bayer mtutufacturc, to assist the tibia rgni.tst nnitaiiiotts, the'lablets of Beyer Company, Ltd., rill br1 stamped with their euneral trade mark, the "Mayer (Stat," :)lluirsday, April 21st, 2921, OZEM'.Youarenot49xparaegt{.< zn wise ist farasu'sp(Int- Wa r Eczema ann btolu TWO.- Sloes It relieves at unto and grade - rel heals Ilse ream harppie boa Dr, Ohese's ointment tree it yeti w.9ntien_litla 'ismer; llndealersnct �or stamp ito ;or postage. oDADS a' CO,. Llmitort. Toronto THOMAS GUNORY Live stook and general Auction 'a' QQOERioH ONT !'ar on allied moles n epsbaplf f, °teats #,#, NewEau mine, Obnton'pour or, atleads1a)reasonable: remove, gal.note ,. Better Pay 'the Price Don't be terppt"ed to choose cheap jewelery. liar better to poy a fair price and know exactly wba•t von are getting, Yon will neyer be sorry- for as av matter of money, it is easily the most economical. Vat has oeen amid ,o often dint everybody by this time should know it -and yet there is 31'4 scarcity of cheap, jewelry in Wte' land Now to get personal. -If you -Woo.; like to miss that sort altogether - GONE HERE It you would like to buy where nothing but high qualities are dealt in-rIOME'HERE And even at that, no person ever laid (=prices were unfair W, R. Counter Jeweler and Optician ti t r cf Marriage Licenses ON HAND --our-- Bran Shorts, Ail Cake Ground Corn, Salt and Tankage BEFORE BUYING See alI`Prices on Government I C.olandard White and. Yellow Blossom and Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Red Clover'tnd Timothy Also a Quantity of Wood For Sale.,) tl m A. Ford Ford& S Phone 123 OR. IF. R. AXON DENTIST crown and Bridge Work a Specialty: 1 :adnate of C.O.D.S... Chicago, nod Br0.D,& Toronto aylleld on alondays, May 1st to D DR. H. ElDW, Est, DENTIST. Offices over O'NEIL'S store, 1peoiai care taken to make dental tem rnent aetpainleas as noaaible, Piano Twang Mr. James Doherty wishes to IT' form the public that he le pre.. pared to do tine piano tuning, tone regulating, and repairing Orders left at VV. Doherty's phonte el,' will receive prompt attention. DR. J. C. GANDIER OFFICE HOURS 1.30 p, m. to 3.30 p. us. +t 7.30 p, m. to 9.00 p. Sunday 12.30 to 1.30, Other hours by appointment tnalpa Office at Residence, Victoria Street W. BitYDOND BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTAtt PUBLIC), ETO aLINTOLf H. T. RANGE Notary Public, Conveyancer, Financial anti Real Estate ins URANCr' AGENT-RSnresenting 19 Fire sunaa' ba Companies, ratites, Div islon Court rt plliice. G. D. McTaggart ea, 1). MoTaggar AlleTaggart ;tlg1,; r, 1fFtNETENS ALBERT ST , CLINTON G-eneral planking a1nairome traoppoteg acT.r,E Drafts Waned, Intra st allowed e depouite The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance eo. Porno and laofated Town Prop' arty E3.s.ly Insured, Head 1Diliee tortla, Ona; Officoro J. I Connolly, Goderlch, President; Ja( Evans Beechwood, Vice-Presldep4t Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Secretary. Treasurer. Agomts Alex, Leitch, Ito. t, Clinton; l;dwar'af Hfnchley, Se6forth; WM, Chesney Hi' mendviuel J. W. Yeo, Goderlch; R, -7 Jarmuth, Brodhagen. Directors Hrtr1, Pinn, No, cy, .ef. +•e..; 1013Jr titk., needs, erodbagenl Jamas Evans, t3e.ss, woods M. Mc3•Iwant Clfnioel, J1.ittlid C.nnelly, tiodoricht 1), 1'. MaCrs ;;j.r No. 3, Seaforth; j, Cl. allure, $10r •.f Wattan7 eabert Farris, tUarloakl Hetlsr/re, No. 3. Seafat'11t.