The Clinton New Era, 1921-4-21, Page 1as•, ,We. O'stablishe 486.5, Vo1.5.5, No,11. Hope all our . u.., • IN SEASON A`NAMES WATER RATES MAY r A RHYME A BE ADVANCED When ,days are chill and cold of Wod , T And all looks blue and full Winds blow, L'EF'T OFF THE , What clears the chest ,with' a healthful glow, Wampoles Cold Liver Extract ' N• ERA G L I'N T QN,' Q.lv CARIO, Q, TJ URSDAY APRIL 1sT, 192°l W, H. Kerr & Son Editors and Publishers. , • scriber • w• ill Renew Pr napti .t w When growing boys and`girls look pale What best can make thein strong and hale ? .TNeRemedy Never Kndwn'to fail Wampoles Cod Liver Extract GET IT AT L' 51318 Phm 'B. .."' t STORE Tit•IE REXALt. ' ti1VV INCORPORATED N 1855 �iVI�� s . `�4 NS BANK Capital and Reserve $9,000,Q00 Over 130 Branches Buy Canadian Goods -and help to keep Canadian workmen busy, it wll help you. Buy wisely and save as much as possble and deposit your savngs in The Molsons Bank, Courteous service to all. H. R. Sharp, Mgr., Clinton Branch Safety Deposit Boxesto Rent. PROTECT' YOUR VALUABLES ) If kept in your home, 'fire or thieve§' may rob you ofth`etn. Our Managers will be pleasedto•te11 you about the' protection afforded by a SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX. THE ROYAL DARl:K OF CANADA; WAR MEMORIAL The following is a list of names to be'placed on" the Memorial in the Clin- ton Postdffte. If there are any oauis- s1o11s from, or mistakes in the list please let the Secretary -treasurer. Lt, - Col. Rance, know at once. KILLED Pte, O, Hannent Pte, William Walker Pte, D, A, Cantelon, M, M. ' Major B. McTaggart, D. S, 0. Lieut. J, K. Mair Sergt. R, M, Draper, M, M. Pte, Harper ,Cantelon Flt, -Lieut; W. Hall. Pte. A, L„ Fisher Pte. S. H. Brown Driver Newnan Cluff Pte, Riohard Walton Pte, J. Usher. ' Sergt. G. B, Sewell Capt. 'C. McPherson Pte. B, Furniss • Pte. F, C, Graelis Pte. C. A. Neidger Pte. F, Forrester Pte. 13 Blacker Pte. W. Seaward ,Pte. James Lockwood Gr, Frank Fair Pte. W. E. Morgan Pte. William Grant Pte, Arthur Grant Pte. E. 13. Hill DUD. Jack Hall E. Pattison i Il, Twyford Ray Cantelon FORI4 CLINTONIANS GO'TO CAMIIOSt ALTA. Mr.' J. A. 'Constiiitine, "Manager' Of Molson's Bank, Teeswater, and Formerly of Town 'Goes West. ;TeeSwater,' April ,19.—Mr. J, A. Constantine, local manager of the Mol - sons Bank •for the last six years, noti- fied of his 'appointnment' to a similar position in Camrose, Alberta, left this afternoon for his new post in the West- ern province, A number of the profes- sional and,business men and ladies of the village timet last night at the home of Mr. David Kennedy, and presented i"Mr. and Mrs. Constantine with two beautiful rattan chairs as a mark of the esteem in which tliey are held after which a dainty lunch was served by the ladies present, Mr. Constantine was a citizen who id'entitied himself with every interest of the town dur- ing his residence here. M-, Robinson, of Toronto, is his successor. Public Utilities•Comrnission Want I'o• Make This Department Self,: 'Sustaining -No De~finite'Acton tet." The Public 'Utilities Co)immission is considerbig the wisdom' of raising the water nates so as to make the Water Department self-sustaining,. it 'the past there has not been enought rev- enue to• pay the interest and pinking fund for the 'Debentures, and this shortage has been paid by the Council out of •tire taxes, The Commision thinks each Depart- ment. should pay its own expenses. The "Hydro" '13iparttnent pays all of its.expensse and the water Department should do likewise. No definite' action has been decided on yet, but it will likely be arranged before the end of the year. There are so many user: now, a small amount each, year''-', will rise the necessary amount. 7• * .. * * e• * * * * * Over ti1e •Teacups NEW RATES FORIll USER'S .OF TELEPHONE Mrs.''Rumball; of `Bell'TelepHone' Company, 'Explains New Raters.' Mrs, Rumb'all, di the• Bell`Telephone' 'Company gave the,New Era some In- teresting data concerning .the .new classification of long distance telephone service, which'accordiog to the (Weis - EX -MAYOR coLECLINTON AGAIN PASSES -AWAY ,, t --,- VOTS IN EAVVR•: Took a Weals "SpeYl ,On Monday Morning ancll Died Qn Wednes- 0' ENIPE A NCE' " day.=Funeral' �wil]'`Be Private A " � R 'On'Saturday. Citizens in general were surprised to hear Wecllnesday morning' about noon that Ex -Mayor Thomas Cottle passed away, as many bad been un- aware' that' he had been' sick, Monday horning he took a weak Spell lu' his greenhouse 5051 dial:bag the i ion of the Board of Railway Comics- night Was very bad. tie Was in' his Jotters, become. effective April list. 73rd year, and for years had been a long lis faithful servlet of the town It is evident that users of ce" would be• well repaid its )mak- Last year he was elected Mayor and to n ing careful study of their' business as some years ago had been on the Coun- related to the new classification. Ob - be assessor, a job lie held for many viously such study will snake possible many economies under the new plan, Said Mrs. Rumball, "The 'principal changes in long distance practice deal with What are called "Station-to-Sta- tion,"and "Person -to -Person" calls. Hitherto, the calling party wh o was content to speak to ANYONE at the distant telephone; paid the same rate as the caller for whops a particular person had to be located and summon- ed to the telephone. Now, when you •f•' •k ,e * * * * * * x * drake a long distance call without Mr. Fred L. Ford has returned from specifying that conversation is desir Detroit. ed with a particular person, and the Col. McEwen, of Byron, was in -town connection is established and conver- oh. Friday last. sation held, you have made a "Station - Mr. Gordon Hall was a visitor in to -Station' call, and a lower rate will London on Saturday, apply than when you ask to speak to Mr, 3. J. Merner, M. P„ of Seaforth a particular person. The word "Sta- was in town on Saturday. tion' means simply telephone instru-, Mr. Fred Thompson, of London, was ment .home over the week end. "When you place a call specifying, Miss Myrtle Mair; of. Kippen, vis ted that you want to talk to a particular at her home here over, the week etyd. person and connection Is established' Mr, H. C. Struthers, the new /flax and you have your talk, you have proprietor, is in London this week. made a "Person -to -Person call. As Lieut -Col, Combe inspected the Sea- operating service performed and the forth Collegiate Cadets on Tuesday. circuit time used are greater than Alderman Wesley Walker, of Code- with the "Station -to -Station" call, the rich, 'was in town on Wednesday after - 'rate is about one-fourth greater. i on f "You will observe," said. Mrs, Rum - Mr. 'V, F. Libby left on Monday for ball, "that under this method the user New York lin the interests of the who is content to use the type of long Clinton Knitting Co. distance service requiring less operat- Mrs. Geo. McLennan returned on i ing labor and circuit time gets the Friday from her months' visit with her benefit in the, rate' charged. "Again, wlsen a "Person -to -Person" call is made and the person desired is not in or will not talk, or when an exact telephones address of the per- son wanted has not been given and brothers in Detroit, Miss Wallace and Mrs. `(Rev.) Diehl were calling on old friends in Gode- rich on Wednesday. Miss Jean Chidley returned to Tor- onto last week after visiting with her he cannot be reached at :l telephone mother, Mrs. '1'. Jackson• I within one hour, a "Report' Charge" Mr, Angus McLeod has been con- applies. This charge is to snake par - fined to the house with a severe cold, tial compensation for the operating but is now able to sit up, work performed and tate circuit time Mr, Roy Choweu has finished his usd, and is usually about one-fourtif year's course at Toronto Universit y, of the "Station -to -Station" rate. and is !some for. the holidays. "There are also special rates for Mr, d Mr',Ogle Miller and child, "Appointment" and "Messenger" calls, nn . O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of Goderich, spent the week: r.ad in and for "Evening and Night" service O 0 town with the former's mother, on the "Station -to -Station" basis. I 0 THE k IALFi' HOLIDAY 0 ; Dr, J. C. Gandier has been laid up "There are other features of the I 0 0 with the grippe and is taking some new schedule," Mrs. Rumball con - No Man will want to appear on Easter Sunday in the dulled 0 ' Nearly all places of busi- 0 "holidays" as it consequence. eluded, "that will repay study, but the • 0 ness in Clinton will close O i t Rev, Mr, Burns, Baptist minister, above are the main points, We will O every Wednesday . after 0 took charge of the services in the be happy to give our patrons every as - O noon commencing inMay 0 Goderich Baptist church on Sunday, sistance in adjusting this new plan to Mrs Geo. E. Ferguson and Master the special needs of their business, and dingy clothes he has worn through the Winter. Don't Do It. The time is ripe'to buy. In one season's Nerv'est Models of a Suit or Raincoat a Man Proud 'of'his appearance. • a 0 . and continue unitl Oct of'this '�° j O Ober. This holiday is a 0 Russel Boyd, of Toronto, were visitors Careful study will mean economy in 0 • popular one and is being 0 this week with her sister, Mrs J. L the use of "Long Distance." Will be ' carried out in nearly all . 0 Kerr, to r;', ?"+« s` 'n r' "�°` - t d 4 Suits $15.00 to "$50.o0 Raincoats $7.50 to $30.00 Handsome Outfitting for Boy's of All Ages. ' Don't overlook the Boy's Easter Outfit! Our Hats and Haberdashery •Departments are also in the bloom of Easter freshness. New, Correct and Exclusive tyles in Toggery at evry turn ,JUST . COME, SEE! The J larrLsh Clothing C A Sqi ttre'114411 for'Eviry clan U of the towns in Ontario, O i sir, and Mrs, W T. O'Neil re erne C. C. . CADETS :U Keep in 'hind the fact' G last week from their winter's vacation . 1 Ia rime t O •thatthe holidays will 0 in Florida. Both had an enjoy, 'O' dommence on the first O ' while away. 'O' Wednesday in May. The 0 I. Exeter Times:—Mr. F, Wiley and 30 .blacksm!itlli: shops of 0 Mrs. (Rev.) Hoyg, of Clinton, were (CI Flynn, Rands and Jones 0O the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mc - will also close on Wed -..O 'Innis last week, . i:. uesday afternoons. O Mr. Hutchinson, of Ottawa, sl flax O "O man, was in town last week. Ile has O 'O 'O 'O '0 '0 'O 0 0 just recently returned Irons Ireland, 5. _ 4 where the flax and linen prospects at present are not bright. INDUCTION AT THAMES ROAD M Betts as called to Ridgetown Tr...5Thi ,,New i4 '. Work for Job Won k i years. He had also been a faithful member of the School Board.. The funeral will be held on Satur- day afternoon and will be private. More fuller particulars ' of the de- ceased will be published next week. To the widow and other relatives the synr- pathy of the community -,goes out to them. ONTARIO VOTES 'RONE'DRY' BY Not'Mus E, citement in"xowri=•• Many Votes not Cast on Marr ,. day. 13y a'majority of 360 the Temper- ance forces captured Clinton on Mon- day and while Some predicted iarger- majority, most of the citizens fi(;ured that it would rain anywhere from' 25o to 400. It is estimated roughly that over 400 citizens did not vote on Monday and a peculiar'' flecture about ,hose • who registered recently for a • vote, nearly every one voted! There were' only a few ballots rejected. There was hardly any stir during the - 'day, but the Temperance forces were bringing in all tis votes available, to. the variolic polling booths. In the evening many came down street, buts owing to the recent storms, telephone' and telegraph 'wires' were not svork- ing extra good and so the full votes could not pe given. What returns came were announced at the Princess Theatre, Following are the results by divisions as obtained frothe Deputy Return, - Mg officers:— •ST. ANDREW'S WARD Yes R en' t�]® T 79 A'DIC F1oiE No. tta 92 27 ST, JAMES' WARD ,Only Two Counties Vote "Wet" —A smaller Vote cast in the ' Yes No :'Province 'than- in 1919—All 82 51 No, 2a 90 4 Huron 'Votes Dry.' Maj. No Dry 23 56 65 MAKE' `GOOD SHOWING Toronto, April 20—With forty-eight electoral districts out of fifty-one No. 3 heard frogs, and returns from these No, 3a centres only paritly complete, Pro- ! ST. GEORGE'S WARD hibition leaders estimate that Ontario has declared for a hone -dry province by a majority of 113,645 votes on No, 4 computations made this morning. No. 4a FORSEE 200,000 They claim that only sixty per cent. Tanis 630 270 of total vote of°opproximately seven hundred and fifty thousand las been heard from, and point out that their majority will reach two hundred thousand when the complete returns are available, as it is. understood that th remaining sub -divisions to be heard from are essentially dry districts, i DOES NOT FEAR COURT ACTION Monday afternoon the '0, G L, Cad- ets paraded down town and went ,through their paces in the Main Street to the delight of many citizens, Upon marching back to the C, C. 1, grounds, they were inspected by Lt. Col, McCrlmmon of Headquarters' Staff at London, and the boys made a credit- able showing. ST. JOHN'S WARD Yes No Maj. Dry 31' 49.- Maj Dry- 82 ry 82 26 56 52:. 85 33 Maj.. Yes No Dry 67 34 33 53 35 58 r, e' s w' The cadets were under command of to attend the funeral of his brother, Mr, Fred Wallis who. had as his assist- , Exeter, April 15.—Rev. 0. M. Chid- Mr, 13, 1•i. Betts, who died on Tuesday. ',tilts, Messrs. 13, Livermore and Fred ley,,new minister of Thames Road The deceased had beenoperated an for Ellioft, Presbyterian Church, was inducted appendicitis last week, • yesterday,. A large congregation wit- Miss P, Dinsmore, who has been ceremony. visiting ler sister, Mrs. R. Roberton, left last week for Vintage, Sask., where messed the CHAUTAUQUA CONCERT APRYL 22ND In IN TOWN''HALL R K BREED Boston's Noted Humorist And EDNAII'CAUGI•IEY A. T. C. M. A.dmis'sion.-50c st 75 Malan Olben at Wr b. FAIR'S f: iAr • Grcl s.Auxil y TUCKERSMITH. On Tuesday evening a meeting was She rias secured' a position as teacher held at Turner's Church to elect the in the school there, Rev, D. N. MtCanius took the even -,1 ing service at the Seaforth Presbyter Ian church and addressed a mass meet- ing in the Methodist church ,at the close of the church service, r A few cf the lady friends of Mrs. A, J. Holloway paid her a surprise visit Johns, Mast Thursday evening and nlad 'present on account of her birthday, A pieasant time was spent during the re- niitinder of the evening. Crich, Dr, 1', C. Bruce, of Calgary, and a The following teachers were appoint - officers ' and teachers for the ensuing year. Superintendent:—Mr, 11erbert Crich Assistant Superintendent —Mr. L. Tcbbutt, Secretary: -Mr. Nelson Crich ' Assistant Secretary:—Mr. Howard e her a Treasurer:—Mr, John Turner. Organist: —Miss' Mabel Crich. Assistant Organist: — Miss Edna Rev, Dr. Grant, of the Ontario Re- ferendum 'Committee discountenanced report to the effect that court hearing relative 10 the deciding constitution- ality of Referendums would effect tune limit for inauguration of Sandy Bit, prohibiting inter -provincial traffic and reiterated his former statements' that Ontario would be bone dry after July 18th: ,HURON COUNTY GOES "DRY" , . former dentist in 'town, 'vas renewing old acquaintances- Iii town on Tuesday. The Dr, has just heart deiroblized after serving overseas; at Camp Borden and Adult Bible Class—Mrs, R. Fear other military centres, with the Dental Assistant for .junior 'Bible Class:— , corps, His olds friends were glad to Mr, L. Tehbutt. • see him again. Enfant Classs-'-Miss 1.1 Ina Crich, Miss' ivy lvison, who has been in lnteitnediate Girl's ,Classy—Mrs. L. Barrister Brydone's office for tlas past Tebhuti. , year, has resigned her position mid', Intermediate Girl's Class Assistant— , after a short visit at her horse in Kip- Ni I Pear Crich. pen will leave with relatives to visit iii I intermediate Boy':6 Class — Caen ,Oregon and California, Matheson. ed,-- Junior d,—Junior Bible 'CIasJ,—Miss Hattie Huron county gave a dry majority of 50,682„ or over three to one, not a single municipaltiy going into the wet columns, In many of the polling divisions there were less than a score of "No" votes. The following is a summary of the majorities:— SOUTH HURON Clinton 360 Seafotta .. , 3-57 Exeter ,559 I3ayiield 72 Henson 204 Goderich Twp, Hay.... hullett Stanley Stephen Tit ckcrsmillt Usborife ,1'icK lion Goderich 360 ri,8di,swiamaestiea•e►earotVOee ae, o e • WITH TBI4 CIIURCIIRS e' s eecooennoneeeieme''aeta Baptist Church Rev, J. E. McCauley, of Goderich, took the services in the 'Baptist church on Sunday. Air. McCauley has resign- ed his pastorate at Goderich, to take charge of the church at •Cochrane. Willis Church The Pastor's subjects for, next Sun- day are:—Morning "Lighting Life's gidonr,", In the evening "The mis- understood Jesus." The Synod of Hamilton and London will meet at Chatham on Monday next April 25th. Rev. Dr. Campbell, of London, Eng., will deliver two address- es at the meeting. Ontario Street Church The regular meeting of the W. M. S., of Ont. St. church was held on: April 12th, After 'a short business 'session and the appointment of dele- gates to the Branch meeting at Lis- towel and to the District convention at Goderich, the Society elected the fol- lowing officers: -- Hon. Pres. —Mrs, E. G. Courtice President—Mrs. 0, Shipley . 404 ist Vice—Mrs. Beaton . • y " a 41 349 417 499 466 642 223 Total 4,593 NORTH HURON fWItight nr Itlyth Brussels • Wroxeter Ashfield Twp Colborne Grey' liowick Morris 102 531 140 260 137 536 447 S37 808 539 Turnbcrry+ , , .. r 463 Bast Wawanosh 544 West Wawanosh 464 Total.. 6,088 'Grand Total . . • 10,682 LICENSE PLA 'ES MUST BE KEPT FREE FRbM '1510.T.1 Stratford Beacon:—Mr, Passmore, of the department in tisarce .of the ;LI- 1 niirjisttration of, .iae .it,:ai;; Vehicles Act was in the city yesterday and is- sued a warning that infringements of s . the set such as dirty license numbers, etc., must cease or they will be stint- niarily dealt with, and Vice—Mrs. W, Shipley 3rd Vite-- Mi's, J. Steep, Ret, -Sac, --Mrs, 13, Jervis. torr -Sec, -Mrs. Dr, Thompson 'Treasurer—Mrs. R. Tiplady Supt, of S. ,G.—Mrs. W. Walker S, and Citizen Comj—Mrs, Govett. and Mrs. Govier. Pianist—Mrs. B. J. Oibibngs. Asst. Pianist—Mrs. 13 Jervis Supt. Mite Boxes—Mrs. Rodaway. The delegates appointed areiTo Lis-- tosvel, Mrs. Govett, alternates, Mrs. S. 13. Stothers and Mrs. Downs. , To Goderich—Mrs. Geo, Shipley or Mrs E. Jervis. The Ont, St. Epworth League elected.' the follo ving ntiicers , at the annual:' meeting last Monday night:- • President—A, J, McMurray ist Vlce—Miss Eva Carter 2nd Vice—Mrs, Shobrooke 3rd Vice—Mrs, F. Dixon 4th Vice—Bert ,Jervis : 5th Vice=4t1ss L, Potter Secy—Miss Ruth Evans Treasurer—Miss 11. Anderson .PreSSS Cor..—Miss if, Livermore • ., Pianist Miss C. Evans 1.. Asst PlaniSt—.Miss L. Crich, The Lesgaie irlteiidls holding a "Snipping Soctat" .on next Monday mig'.'a, La;h 'L'eltgdier'Is regdested Pm Isrlilg a sijtall atiicle, yalue riot more than 15c to be sold, 11,^,cli Leaguer in turn is to buyone of these article's for 25c. A .excellent musket again s c g and literary program will be given atter which a light lunch wilf.be served,