The Clinton News Record, 1921-11-24, Page 4HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J, M DDLETON Provioglal Beard of Health, Qnterlo Pr, Middleton will be glad to eoswor questiont on Public Heeler mat. fere ihrcegh tills eotunla. Address bent at Spading Nouse, S )adlua Craecont, 'Toronto, With regard to me ts:len, whooping - :cough, unci other dLseasea common among children you will aoculantee hear (ho rot lark front a parent that • the scones' the 'thrid gets measles or whooping -cough and hue done with it, the better, Until very recently when "health eciuetrtren neaen to reach the mascot of theeolle there was a aee- vriling notion that a child head to have one or two of these communicable :disease, no part of their nor'nmal growth tend development. It flavor; (seemed til 'lawn en many ,parents that there is no need at ell for a ehitd to, take any communicable disease, in thtot, ii a child does develop: dinner) such as measles; evhooleng tough; scarlet fever, etee there is a pocsibil ity ofits being 'permanently injured as the reedit of complications that occur mein leave their traces all through life. ' Some of these cotepli- nations are 'deafness heart disease, elemer tti•rot, kidney disease; etc. That there is a lot of wrong in- formation going about concerning simple diseases one who handles cor- respondence on health topics can readily see. Here is a sample letter I received a few days ago, which shows the anxiety of a prospei:tive mother to know the truth, and tells of a woman in the same town who actually tried to ,bring out hives. on her -baby five days old: "What Bae hives, their causes rind effects? Not lone ago I saw a mother giving settee infusion to a (baby of five days ca'd. I asked her why she was giving Medicines to a baby, which seemed to me fan tee young to support them, and she told me that she 'gave 'the•'baby safraaar so as to make the hives come out. Then I asked • her what was the (hives, because I never 'heard of such a thing before, and she said that it was a baby's J nee, that She heel five children, an they ell load had the hives when they ware :babies, She could not exploit _,just what it 'areas, :butt she told me that she knew 0- another whose baby hers died, 'because the -h'ives did net come oat weld, "I shell. like t0 know your ordain •nabtut,that, es else if yen think that 'tits urcthel did( well to give safren tq r," such a young baby; or if you bleats lee No. I 'eaun'ot blame this woman for having given cancel to the baby, -be- nne at the time •site did so thinking •it aright do the baby seine good. This is entirely wrong, but the mother bed believed it, dotub:bless Shaving been told it lav some se called "wise 'old wo- liiantl',0f the villaage. Am'tettru's;Ward once sniel very tguly, "We lenow rte many things them( are not so." • When I think of tIee harm that can be done by, these samp'l•ee of advice handed out by "wine" women, I have in mind the old lady who' -left a Child Welfare meeting au disgust. (Shaking her hand at the speaker, she exclaim- ed, 'The nerve of him trying to teach ME how to bring up children. I've buried sir of them." Hives should never be encouraged to "come out" oat anybody, whether infant or 'grownup, They are caused by same irregularity' in digestion. The eruption is in the Were of a neur- algia and consists of .raised,, red. weals.•which are intensely itch eenivee ere believed to be caused by the per- son eating some substance that dis- agrees 'with him, and which on being absorbed from the intestines acts like a poison, , To counteract this condi- tion, the diet must fbe regulated send the bowels kept open, Moreower..the family doctor should he censulted„but remember,' never give safran to "brine out” hives. A Butterfly -Breeding Ranch. A butterfly ranch is the interesting and lucrative venture of a Maine wo• man. While the ranch does not pay her so well es the chicken farm, which , she also owns, it calls for less work, smaller equipment, and nowhere near so large an investment. A few boxes, seen bark, moss, gravel, and earth, foam the whole outfit. Ltt the early days of her venture she depended upon finding the cocoons from which the butterflies and moths are Matched c ed in the ewes ads neaa• her home, but for some time she has been breeding them on the ranch. Hatch- ing boxes are manufactured at home. The great difficulty in the breeding of moths from home -produced co- coons Is abet of keeping the caterpil- lars where it is possible to get the Cocoon once it is formed. The teethe lay their eggs on the bark of trees, on leaves, and in other places. The eggs are closely cheer -red until the cater- pillar, which is the embryonic butter- fly or moth, hatches. -Then the cater- pillar is placed •ou a tree branch until the cocoon has been formed. The lat- ter is placed in the hatching box to remain until the moth comes forth, when the process is repeated. The moths are mounted and scald to col- lectors, schools, and museums. Hens That Hatch Fish. • Earning pocket -money by selling empty egg -shells is how many Chinese boys add to their savings during' the fish -hatching season. Fish hatching in China is often con- ducted with the aid of a hem First, the fish spawn is collected front the water. A quantity is placed in each egg shell,. the open and of which is sealed with a special kind of wax. This done, the eggs are placed under sitting hens. After the third or fourth day, each egg is tested. If the hatching is com- plete the shells are broken, and the spawn is emptied into water and placed in the sun's powerful rays. Soon the little fish axe strong enough to be moved. Their next home is in water a few degrees colder, and this lowering of temperature goes on until they can stand cold water of the lakes and streams, The Chinese boy, by selling empty egg-aholis, earns more money during the hatching season than at any other time of the year. • Handelacmbts were used in warfare es early as the 15th century, New Moving -Picture Camera Records Operations. Moving pictures of surgical opera- tions _have heretofore not been cone pletely successful, owing to the Ike bility of one of the surgeons getting in front of the crirnera, A recently deg veloped camera is reported to have overcome this difficulty. The camera is completely inclosed in a globular metal case, which is located in a tube projecting front the ceiling,' directly over the operating g table. By means of a motor 0 or located outside of the room the camera may be raised, lowered, or turned at any angle. A telescope attachment makes it possible to ad- just and focus the camera promptly, It has recently been tried out in a Ber- lin hospital with great success. Find Worth a 'Fortune. As the result of a new discovery, valuable by-products such• on oil, mo- tor -spirit, and dyestuffs are being pro- duced front coal,elack, says an English newspaper. Each ,ton of slack yields three gal- lons of motensplrit,.about fifteen gal- lons of burning and lubricating ell, six thousand feet of gas, fourteen hun- dredweight of domestic feel, anti a quantity of sulphate of ammonia. This domestic fuel it claimed to yield twice the heat energy of ordinary coal, and to burn without ash. The value' of the discovery may be judged. from the fact that about a third of the coal mined in England is slack, which hitherto has been regard- ed as of littl•o• commercial value, You Can't Freeze It! A peculiar liquid has been discover- ed by a Birmingham engineer, who claims that because it is impossible for it to be frozen it will supersede water for use in motor vehicle radiat- ors during veld weather. Frost is a great enemy not only of motorists but also of airmen and en- gineers. A crude liquid was' discover- ed, but owing to its high cost it had to be discarded. Now Mr, W. H. ISerdnere has found a.'liquid which, apart from its wonderful.powers of re- sistance to cold, is a send -lubricant and non -corrosive. Above all, it is very cheap. In the course of tests the Iiquid was submitted to a temperature equal to thirty-seven degrees of frost, against which it wee thoroughly proof. Earl Haig is GO years of age. The 'Block Signals Are Working__ In some respects, human experience is like railroading. Every moment of the business and social day the block signals aregiving right of way to keenness and alertness —while the slow and the heavy must wait on the sidetrack for their chance to move forward. The ability to "go through" and to "get there" depends much on the poise of body, brain and nerves that comes with correct diet.. and proper nourishment. That's why so many choose Grape - Nuts for breakfast and loath. Served with cream or milk it is completely nourishing, partlyre-digested, and it supplies the vita mineral salts so necessary to full nutrition. GrapeNuts has a rich, delightful flavor, is ready to serve oni, the instant —and is distinctly the food for mental and physical alertness and speed. At all grocers. "There's d Reason' for Grape,Nuts DURING WINTER i Colds and Diseases May be Avoided if the Blood Is Kept Pure. Do not let your blood get thin this Winter, leer people have whoa a deny towards anemia, or bloodless-- nese, loodless•nese, winter is a tidying season. Lack of exerelee antifresh 'lir, mild the More reetrlrter' diet, are eneong bine meaty things that combine to lower tblileood, tone of the hotly Intel deplete the As eon as yon notice the tired feel- ing; lack ofappetite and shortness of breath that are Warning symptoms of thin blood; take ashort course of treatment with 'Dr. li'llliarhzsr Pink Pills, Do not wait until the color has entirely left your cheeks, until your lips are white and Your eyes dull, It Is so latch easter to correct thinning of the blood in the earlier stages than later. This is well illustrated in the case of Moe, B, Williams, Elk Lake, Ont., who says: "I take great pleasure in letting you know the benefit I have found in the use of Dr, Willie,ms' Pink Pills. I was in an anaemic condition, and was very week and run down. The least exertion 'would Ieave ine breathless and it was with difficulty that I did household work, I was ad- vised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and after the use of four boxes I felt like a new person. In fact any syetezn seemed filled with new energy and new life. I strongly recommend this medicine to all who feel weak or run down." The purpose of Dr. Williams? Pink Pills is to build up the blood. They do this one. thing and they do it well. They are for bhlsreason an invaluable remedy in diseases arising from bad or deficient blood, as rheumatism, neuralgia, after-effects of the grip or fevers:, The pilla are guaranteed lib be free from opiates or any harmful drug and cannot injure the most de- licate system. You can procure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills through any dealer in medicine, or they will be sent you by mall at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing direct to The Dr. Williane' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Told by the Finger -Nails. The Ideal finger -nail is longer titan it is broad, of firm texture, and deep pink in calor A half-moon moon oC white should appear at each base. Usually specks of white can be traced to an illness or some nervous clisordee. A cluster in the shape of e half-moon running front base to tip -is very lucky but tincommon. It is said that Cleopatra had such a mark on one finger during the height of her reign, Wide, short nails indicate a quarrel- some nature, • Long, wide nails are supposed to show a deceitt'ui, crafty disposition with a touch of cruelty. When deep red, the evil is initeneille_d. Short, nar- row nailsoften indicate a childish charcter. Ridges appearing on the third and little finger are said to be very lucky, Good lucid will follow you as long us the ridges remain. Machine Distributes Hay in Loft of Barn. The hayfork, which lifts hay from the wagons to the haymow, has been one of the greatest labor savers on the farm and it is now supplemented by a 'mower," a machine which dis• tributes the hay in the loft and so eliminates one of the most disagree- able parts of the work. The mower consists of a board platform swung front the middle of a ateel frame in the loft. As the hayfork brings up a load, the mower stoves under, it, re- ceives the load and moves along the barn on a double track to the point whore the hay is to be deposited, It then tills, to one side or the other, and dumps the bay in the desired spot. Mlnard's Liniment for Distemper. Capturing a New Market. Canada's flour is the standard of the world. This is pretty generally ad- mitted, The writer knows one citizen of the United States who, on every visit he makes to Canada, carries home, under strict instruction from his wife, a number of. loaves of bread, she claiming that no bread obtaittahle- in the United States can approach that' made front Canadian flour:' .As an instance of the increasing popu- larity of Canadian floor, it is interest- ing to note that Die A. II, Stafford, born in Winnipeg but for sone time past domiciled in Jamaica, recently said that until the steamships "Canadian Forester" and "Canadian Fisher," of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine Service, came into Kittgstodt last spring, every pound of 'four u sed. on the island carne from the United States. Now it all conies from Canada. This 'very valuable market for Canto dean products has been captured :by three ways, Dr. Stafford affirms: First, the fact that Canada had ships to de- i.iver it them; second, the quality of the flour itself; and third, the fact that the people of Jamaica desire closer conmrercial and social relations whit tide people of entadn, High Pries for Stock. The auction ,gale of animals that have Tassel the Culling Committee has always been a feature' of the Toronto Pat Steels Show, and the prices paid by the various local rind out-of-town packers and butchers have always well repaid exhibitorsfor the extra labor and feed necessary to pr'o- d'uce shell, stock, It is anticipated that there will be a large tnuuhbee of buyer en Banti this year and prices obtained be more than satls'factory to the large member of exhibitors Who food animals of the highest (reality for show and sale, laelrles close Novenrboe 25th. Price I,,st and Entry Forth op lrppll- cation to Secretary, r/o Coln Stook "erd'a, Toronto, M infi'rci'e Lin !hiant Used by Veteeine Nee Creature That Never Die If Yon tahoe a drop of waiter f any paddle, a lotrl)owered iniclros. will reveal the preemies of or eros that never dies, Marring, about in tate .drop that examine are number of weird` ah that look like tiny jellypeh. Tlhey made of the Caine tranolrat'ent stance, but Instead of ewinuttitag . crawl, leech of them le an atsunba, The aatnebe hies,. no eyes, 11e ears, and no brain. It is nothing but a stomach surrounded by jelly, It has no limbs, yet it can move by expand= lug tutu contracting the jelly of which it is made. It can increase in one way only, and that is by dividing itself into two. If you watch one of these creatures for a tote you will see that . a kind of waist appears maritally le the middle of it. At first it is round; their it be- gins to look like a dumb-bell. At length the waist becomes thinner and thinner, until finally it breaks, and there ate two' complete creatures in - steed of one, The creaturee we see- to -day aro merely subdivisions of remote ances- tors that hived perhaps 100,000,000 years ago. $, concopei tne'e 'vs aim With The ere (p �t tr ) n___._, -- Animals' Sixth Sense. Animals have a ,weird sixth sense which few human beings possess•. Sea birds know in some curious way whoa a sterns is approaching, Though the weather is fine, and the barometer gives no waning of a doming tempest, they are moved suddenly by some Common impulse to make their way Inland, And sure ,enough the storm burets within a few hours.. Ants will desert their hills, taking their babies and' eggs with them, twenty-four hours before the. outbreak of a forest fire, while rabbits will leave burrows made in low-lying land long before the flood occurs. They have some weird premonition which forces them to seek higher ground be- fore the danger is upon them. Fish; birds, and animals afford surer indications of the coming of bad weather than even the most cielicrtte scientific iuetm•uments, WOULD NOT ISE WITHOUT BitBY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. W. Beesley, Mille Roche, Ont„ writes: "I have used Baby's Own Tab- lets for the past eight months and would be without them. t I used them u for t o i cellon and teething g gild my baby is cutting his teeth without any trouble whatever. I can highly recommend the Tablets to other mothers" Whet Mrs. Beesley says thousands of other mothers say, The Tablets. are a mild but thorough laxa- tive whieh regulate the bowels and sweeten• the stomach, thus driving out constipation and indigestion and stale Ing teething easy. They are sold by medicine dealers or by nail at 25 cents a box, from. The Dr. Williams' Medicine•Ce., Brockville, Ont, The Greatest Life Enricher. I would ranter he a radiator of sun - seine an encourager, a helper a lifter, a friend to the friendless and the down and out, and yet be poor in ma- terial things, than have the wealth of a Cronus, a"starved, pinched, gloomy nature, and a loveless life therewith. A love that reaches out to every living thing on God's earth is the greatest of all life enrichers.—O, S. Marden, You're Constipated! Take "Cascarets" for Liver, Bowels Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, or sour, gassy stomachs—a3- waye'trace this to torpid liver and de- layed fermenting food in the bowels. Cascarets work while you sleep. They immediately cleanse tire stomach, re- move the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the consti. paled waste matter and poisons in the bowels. Get a 10 -cent box now and let "entente" straighten you out by morning, • Canada Second in Wheat Production. Canada is now the second wheat producing country in the world, ac- cording to 1921 statistics. We produce about 'half as 'touch wheat as the United States, but they, it roast be remembered, have ten inhabitants to our one. Russia, at one time an im- portant factor In this fundamental In- dustry, has apparently fallen by the wayside, for she does not appear in the 1021 list. The C,N.R, has carried this season—September let to Novem- ber 13th -4.1,320 ears, or approximate- ly nine and three quarter million bush- els, For the Similar' period in 1920 the number of ears- handled was 21,353. Mother! Move Child's 'Bowels With California Fig Syrup I-Iur-ry mother! Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Fig Syrup" and it never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day may prevent a sick child to -morrow. If con- stipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, lees cold, colic, or if stomach he sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a, good Cleansing of the little bowels Is often all that Is necessary, Ask your druggist for genuine "Call- foenia rig Syrup" Which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mothea'1 You must say "California" or you may. get an imitation fig syxnp, In. France the elod:br'e claim on the estate of a deceased patient has claire. over all ethers, MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail sone a Dominion !express Money Order, Haddock will lay as many as 1,- 500,000 eggs each in one season. Millard'a Linitttent for Garatef le Cecina, SSilehreo is golden, which eepleins why theca is se little of it, ••Under' the leadership of Scoutmaster W, E, iiratiley and Aenlelflnt Semite master Rev. Tallies' J. A. Murreer, sMx- teen members of the 1st Penotairgui- shone Troop had n wonderful canoe trip during Oetolaer. On the tifteertth of the month they ieftPeu•etnugutslsene Inc slx canoes and crossed Ooo'giau Buy, paddled fry the Muskoeit (Mus- lcobne) River to Bala on Lake Muelcoka ll"rom this point the party proceeded through Lelle il'tuslcoka and the Indian River to Port Carling. Lake Resnais was then .crossed to Its west end, or Morg.t,':i..Bay. The party then port-. aged tmerocs to Little Lake Joseph and returned by Big Lake To, Joseph River, West Lake itosseau, Port Carl- ing, anti from that paint back to Pene- tauguishene by the outgoing route, On October 25111. the Sento reached Pinery Point, four glees' front ]route leaving paddled over 45 ladles' that day, portaged ton times (two of the Port; ages being over half a mile long),'and crossed Georgian Bay (19 ranee) by moonlight. According to Mr. Bradley it was "a great trip!" * * * a Ten years ago Scouting took its let- ter form,- that of training boys for the duties of citizenship, Various ideas of training the youth of a people have been suggested an practised from the tine of.Epictotus, by the Spartans, by Pestalezzi, by Peter the Great, by Cahulain in Ireland, by John in Ger- many, by John Pounds, • the Zulus, Slnrot of Spain, the Boy Orderlies of Mateking, Sir W. A. Smith, Thomas Seaton, Dan Beard and a number of others', i There is nothing especially original about Scouting. It de a natural evolu- tion of many ideas reduced to a sys- tem, the main point about it being to recognize the baste needs of the na- tion and to have an elastic system whereby to encourage the individual future citizen to develop in himself the qualities that are wanted. The Manchester Guardia it says: "Boy Scouting will not, as a few of its most ardent oulpgists suggest, solve all our moral and social difficulties. But it la one of the few great original social inventions of our time, It rests on real insight into the mind and soul of boyhood, and the training that it gives is attended by elle delight that fuses a, new piece of knowledge right into the character anti makes, it a trea- sure for life." ' A31ne.r,l',: Liniment Co., Ltd,t�' ib, 6, Clentlemen—I hare used Minard's Liniment and have found it a good rem- edy. After the explosion I was pretty well shaken up, having quite a number of bruises and cuts, but thanks to Min- ard's Ziniment I am my old self again. It itealeci the sores and bruises and gave me much relief. It in true to Its name as the Icing of Pain, for it stopped the pain almost at once. 1 first noticed the ad. in the Montreal Standard and decided to invest in a bottle, for which I nun not sorry, but can say with truth that I.am thankful far it baring done all it claim- ed to dl,, and In my case much more, and a satisfied customer 1s the best ad, one can possibly and. That is my view of it and I think you will agree with me too. Tours very Indy, (Signed) ALFRED SLAIN, 134 Agricola. St.. %s.ltfnx. N.S. Magnet Cranes, Mater trucks equipped with magnet cranes have been designed to handle loads of iron, the magnet being ener- gized by the engines of the trucks. DANDER1NE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. WONDERFUL GAIN IN WEIGHT REPORTED YOUNG WOMAN WEIGH, ED ONLY 7$ POUNDS. She Now Weighs Over One Hundred and Is Improving 12 YJ il,g Every Day. a Y before .I began taking Tanlao 1 only weighed 70 pounded I now weigh over one Itu•nch•ecl en•d ata gaining ovary day," salol linea Lanni) Davis, of Chattanooga, Tenn, "I bought my first bottle cf Tatllac at Gus City, Ind„ and it heilesd me an much that I continued using It. I have always been very delicate ani racffer- od a greet deal from stsoniiach trouble and rhrunmtlsm, I rarely ever had any appetite and simply could loot re- lish anything, I fell off until I only weighed 7(1 potrtuls ant was so thin I looked perfectly awful. Tin is the ecndiiton i was In when I negate taic- in_g Tatman "Oh, I feel so different now. Even my complexion is il•aproved. My ap- petite is good and f can hardly get enough to eat. Taplaa is simply grand, and I can truthfully see' it is the only medicine that has eves' done me any good." Tan.lae is sold by leading druggists everywhere. Adv, Any Man's Biography—Chapter born; chapter 2, "bred; ehaepber caught; chapter 4, wed; chapter worried; chapter 0, dead! Minard's Liniment for Colds, etc, 1, 3, 5, Christmas Cheer' PRETTY PRESENTS IN PROFUSION SEE OUR SAMPLES iForcan Fancy Goods Co., Ltd 7 Wellington St. East 8700 TORONTO WHOLESALE ONLY Trade Mark t it' di Oh El lot PETROLEUM JELLY' An application of "Vas- eline" WhiteJclly brings grateful relief when applied to cuts, burns, chafed skin, etc. cusssnxouous MAISUFAtecimti'Or 3 ohireer • 1a90 Chabot Ave., Montreal. Classified Advertisements. P'AYlilli PIAflu I.fOR SALT, ki1.1,, 1TLAY,LR 1'TANU fix4 GUQta condrtien, with a large uutuUOr of ntusit roils, for sale tit a bal'gtiin. L, Costello, 73 West Addenda Street. Toronto, . BELTING FOR SALE ALL ItLNDf3 Or h1: W AND tISI'D belting pulleys, saws, cablr.,ltosd.uclduy, stn., ehlpned subject to a nt,r,, yulne t lowest prices In ('anode• yona Iga1 T1Nti t;p:, lis YOiticltt'1t1Ufr7', I`U1tUN t'o, AiJil me \.:1:17 F:'L ._:r0 DU 1'l.A1N 94lsnuand clig' ed d, at home, whole urspare teeray; work sunt artyeuarocs paid, Senda Uuleto for pnrllauhu•s• Nenmi hi an oraoe to riot. Cu„ Montreal. SALESMEN We pay Weekly and offer Steady sum- ployraent selling our complete and oc- clusive lines of whole -root fraeleneg. to -order trees and plants. Best stock and service. We teach and equip you free. A mnuey-nutlting eppoetutdty Luke Brothers' Nurseries Montreal COARSE SALT LAND SALT Built Carlotsi TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - • TORONTO Atuer•lca's I'ieneer DAT r4erriedtas Boole on DOG DISEASES and flow to reed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. 5r, Clay Glover Co, See. 11tC Weet list Street. 6! New York 17,6.A. Bra :i "t 1 p,y This guaranteed health tonic Coots you nothing, the hens pay for it in eggs. It supplies Nature's egg -leaking elements. Pratts Poultry Regulator ADVICE FREE. Let us help you Pratt Food Co. of Canada, Ltd. Toronto Entries Close November s� for the TWELFTH ANNUAL TORONTO FAT STOCK SHOW Cheeses for Singles, note o'f Three and Carloads o•L Cattle; Lots of Three, Six and Ten and Carloads of Lambs; Lola of Three, Five turd Ten SIogs. , JUDGING Thursday, December 8th 010 AUCTION SALE Friday,' December 9th Premium Lists on Application to C. F. TOPPING, Secretary deo Union Stock Yards, West Toronto, Ont, CORNS Lift Off with Fingers OU will be astonished' et thereJ, sults we get by our modern s•.st�'p of dyeing and ,cleaning. Fehrii9 that are Shabby, dirty or allotted ate made like neW. We can restore the post delicate articles. • Send one article ora parte} of.goods 'by post or express. We will say care nage ono way, and our charges are most reasonable, When you think of. ,clean• log and dyeing, think of PARKER'S. 35 -cents buys a bottle of "Danclerine" at any drag store. After one applica- tion you can not find a particle of dandruff or a falling hair. Besides, every hair shows now life, vigor, brightness, more color end nhnndence, Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 "on„e St. orollo 3: a eeC t MEM Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a lit le "Freezoile" on an aching corn, rt- stantly that core stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers, Truly) Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn. or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without soreness or irritation. - MOTHER exe Never say "Aspirin" without saying "Bayer," WARNING! Unless you see name "Bayer' on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 21 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain timely tin boxes of 12• Tablets lloitlos of dl and loo -•-All Brueghel. leis. Malvin Is the bade intuit (registered 1n "notch) of re,,,,,,, tienu!aeler: et Mtono- aeoncaeldeeter'of snursticar iii, 'Whine Ii is well 'known rl It ]anion 1),•nna 7•„yor msnofaeture, to aesint iia ptotic ermine( 1,1,I, miens, An• 'r,,t.,, it or ;in,,, cern; any twit Ls ats:ttp:,d tvitk thtir general trade hark, the "i,ny,, Cre;5,'• SYRUP b's excellent for indigestion ecause it ossists stomach and liver to do their work naturally and efficiently. With the organs in perfect working order—indige,tba , he impossible. Try It today FOR INDIGESTION IiMotherScigel'oSyrup le sold t: 60c, and $1,00 bottles, DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR SLEEP? Itllpain and torture of rhea; ' maestri can be quickly relieved by tyn application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. Always have a bottle Maerdy and apply when you feel the first twinge. It penetrates wit/tont ru(bbine. it's splendid to take the pain out o tired, aching. muscles, sprains an4 strains, stiff joints, and lame backsl For forty years pain's enemy. Ask yoAturtimill dte g'itruger, g,etsL35c, 70c, $1,l Made in Canada.