The Clinton News Record, 1921-10-27, Page 5eren,1tSIDAa' , .Ul ER 'Ith, IO 44#' interest to'You and )Vire .. The Brussels tax rale this yogi:is A0 anills, 4 ),.ills higher that, 'last year, Ilon. Meehan* icing was badly shell-shocked one day last. weak, nitre ly three years after the WAD; closet(.' De Valera )lust be an irishmnn, Spite of his name, He can't keep himself out of the light. * a . * t, if Seaforth Collegiate got hold of Clinton's formula for whining' banes ketball games, Clinton at least man- .aged bo get Sonforth's good -weather formula for sports' clay.—Soafal'UI) News. &dentists any that the MOOS 'IS out of her course and ahead of tine. • 'There seems to he nothing for us to • cio b` get up a little speed and try to catch up. Who's to stay her majesty, the moon? 4 fi s Ex -emperor Karl of Hungary )night be excused now if he cause to the conclusion that he is not wanted in that unhappy, country, But the worst of it is that he 'has worn out 'his welcome in Switzer/'Incl. i * i Y Idr, A. Rieke, N.P.P., is reported as saying that the women in Toronto all have their ears covered, It may be a good thing for him that that is the case. They may not have heard the other uncomplimentary things he said about d abo tt tl em m m 5 * Mr. King, U F. 0. candidate in North Huron, at Wingham the other day reiterated the foolish story of Mr. Meigheu having called the far- mers Bolshevists. It only proves that a lie is hard to overtake and harder still to kill. e * a 5 The president of the Liberal As- sociation at Midland the other day said. that he "didn't care two straws who the candidate was so long as he was a winner," that "we should unite -it beat -the Government candidate." No straining -after an. ideal there, its anything to win, evidently. The Globe woulil'haire Canada clic- arm even before the cdiem:Minuet conference _ meets, if one is to judge by the friss it is )laking over'the ar- rival in Canada of seine militia equipment awarded to the Dominion .after the war to replace that sup- plied during its progress;- It is said the election is Causing -business uncertainty, Why should it? 1V Ir. Fielding made a tariff once be- fore, and the country never had a . better one.—Toronto Star. Not much chance of lowered tar- iff if there is any chance of the Lib- ' orals being returned. The tariff is three ,per cent. lower now than the Fielding tariff was. . * * m Ex -emperor Karl had a notion that he would like to give his wife a crown as a gift on the tenth anni- versary of their wedding. Ile may not have remembered Mit this an- niverary is called the "tin wedding," but the Hungarians evidently resent- . ed the imputation that the crown of Hungrily is a tin crown. • w ♦ .5 . A Scottish physician in London, England, says, "Old age is just a pose—a perfectly nonsensical peso." Perhaps so and perhaps some people begin the pose ton_ early, but yet there's nothing much . more ridicu- lous than the spectacle 'of an old codger of sixty -;five trying to put on the airs of a young fellow of twenty- five. ' Ontario looks like a good plaice for hank robbers. During the past 'few Months between $24,000 and $25,000 has been taken from bank branches by bandits in. broad day and with the bank staffs at their posts.. In the case of the Wyoming robbery on Thursday one of the clerks succeeded in getting out and tried •to give the alarm but he was thought to be jok- ing. • + a5•r A train at Beaverton pulled out just as Premier Meighen, had his mouth all fiked ready to )take a speed) as he passed through that town the other clay, This just proves that, the railways, under Govern- ment )management are thoroughly ,dern:ocratie. The train runs en time ,and. as it wouldn't wait for either yon or me, neither will it wait for . arirtme minister. p nISter, • m . 5 The change in the postage rate deals a sort of "a knockout blow to 'any ambition one might have of 1)oosting one's circulation in foreign •countries. The News-Reoerd has al- ways had a few papers going to such .eouittries as China and Brazil. It is new necessary to pay four 'cents on each of such papers, bring- ing the postage up to ever two dol- lars per year instead of fifty-two cents, as formerly. Either we shall `have to raise sur rates accordingly •at• cut off these subscriptions, We are not looking for a big circulation in China just now. +*a�w , The Toronto• Star doesn't think the tariff of sufficient important* as to warrant it Swing Made an lamm 1* the present election 'hut Aeclares tile` -the country "wants a change". Not that there's anything' so much wrong, it would appear, but just a change. Well, there have been times when a. •change of government could hardly result in a worse condition, as, for instanee; when the Ross Governlnen(: was turned oat in Ontario, when the people toe in disgust and ousted if, meek and crop, but that condition does not eatiet in the Doininioe and until there is a inueh better argn- anent than that the "people Want a shengel: the govelennstt will preb. 4tbly hi, retaieed, .Pee¢ lei afton' get a bit; tired of the monotony of life aucl would like to dump it but sens- ible people eetelly stole shoat of inti• ling their home down about Weil: eel's "just for a ehenge," • , f•I olid 3 w .e b. >ro, Mrs, 1Vi, Mains, wbo had the naisfor* tune to fall from a ladder and was very badly .hurt, is still eontned to bed. We hope Mrs, Mains will seen he out again, • The new Comiiumity Brill is now nearing' completion and it is expect- ed to be openad in about three weeks, The workmanship is a great credit to' Mr. Dave Floody of Blyth: ,who liar the' contract, BverY detail that wool() be advantageous to the conn• munity,has been seen to; and the hall will be free to any body of people whe wish to use it. The,,,Guild of Knox (lsurch met for the first time this fall at the hem of Mr. Caldwell last Friday night. There were about fifty pres- ent incl an enjoyable evening con- sisting of the regular .pi)ogrannnle, and election of officers followed by a social hour of games was, enjoyed by all, The new officers are; President, Miss Jewel Grainger, Vice, Mrs. Thos. Oliver. Secretary, Miss Belle Roberton. Treasurer Miss Lillie Govier. Mr. and Mrs. I. Fingalnd, of Londesboro, announce the engage- ment of their -daughter, Flora A,, to Mr, William E. C. Jones, son of the late Rev, J. W. Jones, London, Ont., the marriage to take place early in Noovinber. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Institute will be hold in the Forester's' Hall on Thursday, Nov, 3rd. Roll call answered by each member reading a verse of Longfellow's poems. Solo by Miss Abrey. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fenwick of Niagara Falls, Ont., spent the hast week at Mr. Will Caildwell's, Mr. Arthur B. Reeve of the Royal Bank, Toronto, spent a few clays of last week at Rev. 3. Abrep's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Brnuscion vis- ited at Blount Forest over the eyeek- Mrs, Jos. 'Maiming .and son, Will, spent _Sunday with Blyth friends. Mr. •acid Mrs...Pi7i11 Govier visited at Mr. Chas.. -Watson's : on Sunday: • Mrs. John Harvey and Miss 1VIabel spent Friday in Clinton. Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Abrey, Mrs.• H. Quinn and Miss Anne Abrey nn"_ tored to Toronto, visiting for a week with relatives in that city. Mr. and Mrs. John Fingland and Mrs. Robt•. Young, enjoyed Wednes- day of last week with realtives in Goderich. Mr.. Wallace Allen. of London is spending a few days at Mr. Bert Allen's, Harlock. Rev. W. R. Osborne preached in the Methodist church, Auburn on Sunday, as Rev. Mr. Millson had charge of the anniversary services at Kinburn. Mrs. E. Ball of the 13th con, spent Sunday with her brother, Mr, Thos. Sampson. What might have proved to he a serious accident oceurred on Main street Sunday evening when two buggies collided. Luckily no one was hurt, but one -of the buggies was prety badlyebroken up. It is about time our villagers joined toegther to erect • some kind of a t on light the t g corner of Main St.as it is a much travelled. roast, and very dangerous to pedestrians, The Woman's institute held a ba- zaar and social in the township hall last Thursday evening, The proeeecls, which amonnted to aver $25.00, are to go to the new Community Hall. Anniversary services will be held in Knox church . next Sunday, Oct. 30th, Services at eleven a,n. 'and seven p.m. Rev. E: A, Thompson of West Meneton will preach and. the Wilson Bros, will assist in the sing- ing. Hol;mesville Death. claimed a •former resident of Huron an Friday last, in the person of Mrs. Philips, relict of the late Stillwell Phipps, of this township, who -died at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. James Burnett, 381 Sym- ington Ave., Toronto, in her 83.st year, For some time Mrs. Phipps had made her home with a relative at Whitby, but recently went of a visit to her daughter in Toronto, passing away after a brief illness. Deceased wasfor many Yore n resident of ti ; township, and wits particularly well known in the neighborhood of Holmesvdile; she was held in the very highest esteem, and was a zeal - 005 and faithful member of the Meth- odist Church. In addition to her.• daughter in Toronto, she leaves a 'daughter in }jowmanville. Mrs. 'Frank Swallow, and three sons, George, until recently a resident of this township and now of le - mete, and ;lames. and Still- well, residents; of Manitoba and Sas- lcatchewae respectively. On learning of her death, quite a number of her old Huron :friend, now resident hi Termite, paid 0 lash tribute of Te- speet to her 105010ry, On Sunday ev- ening a funeral soviet: was hold at the House by Rev. Mr, MciCerrall, the remains being taken to Whitby ;for inttmttent. Preparations are being )lade for the mens' services to be held in the Methodist church. on the lath of No- vember. o-vember. Rev, 3, W. Johnson was at Shar- on last &Imlay taking anniversary 'en'vi`es for Rev. Mr. Quinn, who exchanged with Mr.'Jolnlson, taking Ilohncsviflo and Ebenezer services, Rev, J. W. Johnston and family visited with friends at ,Listowel 011 Tuesday last.. Dr, T. Holmes of Detroit has been visiting his. brother and sister, J. R. and Miss IJ. Holmes here itnd, with Cllinlp>!!Nevv:q,•,lter,ord other friends, celebl'ated the .a'nnlvers• tu'y.of Miss Itohnes' 'birthday., We won't soy wbleh one, buthose' who aro nc queeiilltell with Kiss Holmes call testify that she is: still quite yptutg, Wo wish her malty happy. ,While the stow)) shovel was en- gaged et the hill near the English elaurell a spark is.'sepposed to have sot flee to tho roof and had it not been noticed in good time no. doubt the cbuaxlI would have been burned down. A very high.wind was blowing et the time, but willing hands soon had the fire out, • Klplpen The' anniversary services in St. Andrew's church on the 10th Inst: were of more than ordinary interest: Large numbers greeted the speaker.•, the Rev. 3', R, Ferguson of Win- throp and his messages were most Inspiring and helpful, The - music was enjoyed very much, Miss Mar- garet Finlayson sang a Solo in the morning and Miss Etta McKay at the evening' service. The Monday ev- ening concert was much enjoyed. The people had the opportunity of listening to Jessie Alexandra who is an artist in her profession. Het elocutionary ability is unsur- passed. Each number was heartily encored. The Seaforth Male Quar- tette also 'did a large share and each number was nWch enjoyed. The an niversary collections dmounted to quite a large suns. A young people's club is to be organized the end of this month. It will be starter) with a social evening. llSr. and Mrs. J. Smith of Zurich were the guests of their son, Em- merson, and family this week, Mr. J. C. Clausen of Regina called on friends here this week. Mr. W. W. Cooper, our entofn'is- ing fanner, has such a fine crop of turnips that he has disposed of ,four car loads. Mr. and Mrs. Rout. Dinselalo, Mr. and Mrs, W. French and Mrs. Mc- Kenzie attended the Premier Meigh- en meeting in Clinton last week. Mr. and Mrs• W. C. Pearce of Hay were recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs:. A. McKenzie'. -- •- Mori; 'T. A. Crete(' spokein Wing- ham on Thursday last and Hon, 'Hugh. Guthrie on Friday ev- ening, Deaths GROOS—At Auburn, on Oct. 21st, Elcla, daughter of Mr. -Geo. Oros, ]n her 23rd year. BR.OADFOOT—In Tuckersalith, on Oct. 14th, William Graham Broad - foot, aged 77 years and 0 months. ?I MEMORIAM DIEIiL--In loving memory of Pte. Percy Arnold Diehl, who died in le amsllott Military Hospital, Eng- land, on Oct. 29th, 1918: Three years have past and gone. Oh, how we miss him His cheery ways and striding face, Are a pleasure to recall. Had we but seen him at his last, Or watched his dying breath, Or heard the last sigh of this heart, Or held his aching head, Our hearts we think would not have felt This bitterness is ttte mess of grief. But God has ordered otherwise And now he rests in peace. —Father and Mother, LEPPINGTON--In lovin'g memory of our dear .father and husband, William Leppington, who departed this life Oct, 30th, 191.0. "A hitter grief, a shock severe, To past with one we loved so dear. Our loss is great, we'll 'not cmjllain But trust in Heaven to meet again:' • --Wife and Sons. WOODS—in loving memory of our dear,. daughter and sister, Sadie J. Woods, who died of influenza, at Brigden, Ont., on Oct. 26th, 1918. "10 the cemetery softly sleeping Where the 'flowers gently wave, Lies the 000 we love ee clearly, in • slier lonely, silent grave. • The flowers we place above you, they wither and decay., But the love we bore thee, darling, will never fade :teeny." -Mother, Father, brothers and sisters Wanted to Buy Near Clinton, small farm. Please aye give size and .full particulars to 0. M., Care News -Record, Clinton. —21-5 Private Sale Of household furnishings, cow, 3 dozen pulletts, 3 dozen hens, ete., at the premises, Ontario St., East, Clinton, on Saturday, Nov. 6th and Monday, Nov, 7th. The following: Solid fumed Oak dining room .501te, consisting of, buffet, round extension table and six chairs; 3 large leather upholstercel rockers; mahogany par- ler table; jardiniere stands; Singer sewing ntaehfne; 3 reeking chairs; kitthen table; 4 kitchen chairs, high chairy. Composite range, PerteeLion 0001-01) stove with oven; 2 Control - eine ,nags; 2 large pieces of linoleum; h2ase bed; iron bed. springs; mahog- any dresser; white enninellaci bed- room suite, wooden ,had; electric in- cubltto't chime; buttes' ladle and bowl; cream separator; cupboard; 50 feet lawn hose; few 3x4 cement tile; compressed air sprayer; 40 -;ft, teth- ering chain and halter; 60 -gallon h'on coal -oil herrei; 150 plum eas- kets, a number of stove pipes; about 2 tons of alfalfa and timothy and about two tots of greet,feed, garden tools; 5 -gallon eoal.oil can and we - era] other articles. Everything is practically as gond as new, having csnly been it use about three years. Totms: 'Cash. A. V, 'Quigley, Pro- •pi'ietor".... • —21-2 • That Brisk Fiavour found in every cup of the genuine !t is the true flavour of the perfectly preserved leaf, This unique flavour haswon for Salada the largest sale of any tea in America. "02 .C.MOMMIKIMOM 404104141...1 \ '%l U IS- It That our Coffee trade ]las trebled In the past year. Why? Simplybe. cause we have the Coffee that they enjoy, After buying it once theal- Ways come back for the next pours cls Our price to you is 560 • per lb. Always freshly ground while you wait, 3 plcgs. Ammonia 260 1 lb Bilt. Tea315y 3 bars soap, any brand259 3 lbs. 1311c . Tea , .. . 0154' 13 bars soap, any brant $1.00 2 lbs. �clless Raisins 550 1 tin Salman, pink ,,.... . 101' 3 pkgs, McLarens Jelly Powder 321' 1 tin salmon red, large. . 3844 2 cons S,ines .,., .... . , 2 6415 lbs. Rolled' Oats ., , , 215,1 , 8 cans Sardines 215¢ Wo have a bigger 11 st at our Stahl 3 lb. lois. Highest pricey for bo - re oi:'Fall Bargains. See our prieestter, eggs and dried apples. GET TIIE HABIT OF DEALING AT The store for everybody JOHNS( N & CO'S GROCERY ^'Hone flldfl Hand Bag Lost In Clinton, on Wednesday of last week, a beaded velvet bag. Valued as keepsake. Finder kindly leave at or communicate with The News -Re- cord, Masquerade Hallowe'en Social In St. Paul's Sunday School, on Friday, Oct. 280, at 8 o'clock, Ac - mission 150. Everybody conte. -21-1 Notice: of First. Posting Of Voters' List, Town of Clinton, 1921. Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the parties mentioned in Section 9 of The Ontario Voters' Litt Act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to the said Aet,' of all persons appearing by the last re- visedic Ahsesslllent Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections; and that the said list was first posted up at my office in the Town Hall, Clinton, on the 20th day of October, 1921, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correc- ted according to law. Dated at Clinton this 20th day of October, 1921.—D. L. Macpherson, 'fawn Clerk. —20-3 Highest Price For Poultry It will pay you to get my price list. Phone 003 ring 3. W. D. Wil- liams, Porter's I1i11.—20--6--p Apples For Sale, Cider and cooking apples fin' sale. Apply to D. C. Galbraith, Bayfield. Phone 11 en 609, Clinton. —20-2 Bain Wagon For Sale Bain wagon, nearly • new, newly - painted. Also cutting box, cant be driven with 3 h.p. gas engine. These articles will be sold cheap, McEwan Bros„ Varna. —20-2 Horses Wanted Two good work horses 'wanted by farmer for .one month's plowing. Leave name and amount wanted at News -Record office. —20-tf Cottage Per Sale The cottage :formerly occupied by the late Mrs. MacRae, an Rattenbury St. Apply to Mrs. Geo. McLennan. —19-tf For Sale 4ee la.it. Massey-Htn•rfs gasoline engine, mounted on trucks, nearly new, also aged grey mare, bred to Brown's Percheron, Apply to R. A. Roberton, phone 19. —19-tf For Sale . Shropshire Down rani and ewe lambs, also a'n'ew good ewes and one Shorthorn bull, 9 months old, sired by Imported Gallant Sceptre, and it number of young cattle. W. G. Ross, Londesbo•o, Phone 26.15, Blyth Cen_ tral.—19-0-p For Sale A new Maple Leaf Composite kit- chee range with high oven and burns either coal or wood. Price reasonable. Mrs. E.. B. Hili, HurOn Street. west. —19-tf NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by his Ironer the judge of the County Court of the County of Hilton, at "the Township Hall, Varna, on Friday, the 28th day of October, 1921, at '9 o'clock, amt. to hear and determine complaints of error( and onissiens in the Voters' List of the Municipality of the town- ship of Stanley for 3921. Dated this lith clay of October.' --J. E. Barn- well, Clerk of Stanley, —1.9-3 'Por Sale House and lot. Story iced half frame )rouse, eleetrie. light¢, town water, furnace, rift -acre lot, with ftuit trees, apples, pears, plums, and cher- ries. Large stable en prermises. Apply to A. Seeley. leer Sale .. A number of atom windows, 7 ft (3 in, by 2 ft 8 in,, and 7 ft, 6 in. by 4 ft, 4 in. Apply to Geo. McLennan, --17•tf, Mortorcycle For Salo A' twin cylinder, 3• -speed, Melt starter, incline. motorcycle for sale. In the best of moelianieul conditiep. Apply to Wilfred Seeley, 'Clinteit, I1; 1.. VICTORY BONDS New Issue of Hydro -Electric bonds, Guaranteed by Ontario Government. 83,300,000 at We - And all Municipal arid Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at your bank without charge, W. BRYDONE, Clinton Piano Tunei. Our professional tuner will be here from Bell Piano Fac- tory 'soon. ' All those having tuning to do. Phone 6.616 or address, J. E. 1I1JOILL. Box Seaforth COAL At. a• Having several cars of coal com- ing I will receive and fill allorders fqr nut, stove and egg coal and de- liver same at once. Orders received at Residence King Street, or phone 119 R. J. lVIflLLER Don't Throw Your Old Carpets svvag They snake new reversible "Velvetex" Rugs Send fbr Velvetex Folder 41 CANADA RUG COMPANY LONDON, ONT. Wanted To purchase, Green Flax straw. Apply at Flax Mill office, South of Rattenbury. House, Clinton. —10.3-11 Farm For Sale 100 acres in the townshiprpf Hal- lett, lot 28, con. 4. 1',e miles north of Clinton on the Base Line; well fenced, well watered, good bank barn 40x60, frame house. Terms to suit purchaser. This is one of the best farms • in Mullett. Will rent if not sold. Wialter•Mair, Clinton. , —20-tf Farm For Sale Lot 15, con, 4, Stanley; 99 acres, about 65 under cultivation, balance, broken pasture land. Abundant water supply, good hank barn an,1 frame dwelling. Price reasonable. A. T. Scott, Brucefleld, —14-8 Spirella Corsets Spirella Corsets for healthfulness, style,• comfort and durability. Ev- ery corset made to measure. Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy, Ontario street, Clinton, —124921 House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, �'Oed gar- den den and chicken house. Apply on premises. Corner of North and Spencer Sts.—A. C. Clarkson. -8041 Clothes Cleaned and Pressed Clothes cleaned pressed and re- paired. Woollen goods dry cleaned. Rooms over Heard's barber shop. W. 3. Jago. —88-tf CLINTON GARAGE • ANID—•— I A'I'TERY SERVICE STATION The enforcement of the headlight Laws, means that auto owners must equip their cars with approved lenses. We have the following to choose from: Levelight Holophone ' Legalite Shalee Roadlighter Clamert Primolite Macbeth Conopher Clear Conopher Novial Come in and let us fill out your ap- plieatioiis and show our lenses. , J. H. Paxnian Agent for overfeed ; Care. f)xamitiet for licensed drivers Phone 80 .:" les, Phone 1.40 1 Big Bargains for Our Fall Sato 11 lbs sugar, ............... 0e9 3 lbs, ,?'Nell'' f3ltfek Tea `411,00 Regular Odd' port 1b4. , 15,lS tea is .well known all ever the country and sells itself. 6 lbs. Newly Seeded Raisuss L145 15 lbs, Seedless Raisins> , (Per Pound 241') (Pet' Pound 27i') $1" a0 2 lbs. Dates :Por , 5 lbs. Currants for 97,; 5 lbs, Rolled oats' 2174 22 lbs, 'Roiled Oats 5 lbs. Corn Meal , , G lbs Loose Cocoa 25'0 G bars Lennox Soap (Per Pound 160) 50 21 bars Lennox Soap 970 .12 bars Gold.and P.. & G.. Soar Good Pink Salmon, per' tin 900. Good Red Salmon, large size 400 Pilchards19th Cooking Onions r, 4 lbs. for 250 Mixed Peels; per lbs 501' 2 lbs, Broken Sodas. :for 250 Sardines; regular 250 for 154 Do not fail to buy our GOOD COFFEE, always the best HIGIHEST PRICES, FOR BOWER AND EGGGS $10026 706! W. T. O'NFIL THE HUB GROCERY -�� _ _ ..�.ay.�cx•.,......„,zciac+ara'rnx+r_aacm Genuine D. L. e& �J . Sopanoll Coil Yes we have it in all sizes. Don't put of buying as the price is grad- ually stiffening. Delay will only cause a panicky buying craze similar to that experienced' last fall when prices wort crazy. Let me advise you so fill up with MUSTARD'S COAL It answers the burning question. We also stock for your convenience AT CLINTON , Hardwood, in different qualities. Slabs, the ideal summer fuel Cedar rails, fine for kindling. Canada Cement, the standard art- iele. Threshing Coal, convenient and safe AT BRUCEFIELD Hemlock Lumber, at new prices. 2x, 3x, & 5x Shingles, at your own Price. Hardwood, Slabs, Canada, Cement, Chestnut, Stove and Soft Coal, j. .: ,U T tt RD CLINTON andaRUCEFIELD' Phone for Clint 74. Phone for Brucefieid 11 on 618, THE CORNER STO Phone 45 Our rocories E Are always fresh, and our aim is always to give Matrons prompt and courteous attention, to sell nothing but honest goods at• honest prices, giving honest weight. SPECIAL 4 bars good Laundry soap ter .. 25t' Regular 25e a Ib. Soap Chips , , I90 Goods delivered tc•all parts of the town. Fred W5 Wigg LIVE AND LET LMS FEEDERS SPECIAL WESTERN OATS • KILN DRIED CORN FEED FLOUR BRAN • SHORTS OIL CAKE 'We have all 'these lines in stock, as well as numerous others and they are being sold at Pre war prices. Our stock of High Grade Flour in- cludes: PURITY ,FIVE ROSES WHITE SEAL RAINBOW (;OLDEN CITY GOLD SEAL (Pastry) Highest market prices paid for all kinds of Grain If you want to buy or sell it will pay you to give us a Call. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOUR AND FEED • Pboneet Elevator 199, Residence 141 Boars tor Servibe Champion bred, big type Yorkshire Mid Cheshter White boars ter service, At hotne every forenoon.—A. C, Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton 1'••428 Scranton Coal We have 022 hand for immediate dlata delivery . HARD AND SOFT COAL Also some good Hardwood. Leave orders at my Residence, Hurog street, or Phone 165, TERMS 'CASA E. WARD • South End Grocery A. full stock of . Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT • YOUR PATRONAGE Levi 'tong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY (1111 CONTENTMVIENT DWELLS in homes where Port Hope`Poreolain Enameled Ware is installed,a,We can advise you on any plumbing necessity TINS. HAWKINS.. Agent fol' plecla Furnaces PIumbing and Heating Phone 53 Shop over Corless 4. Venner's Car of Shorts JUST RECEIVED Those in need of anything in our line will do well to call or phone us. Prompt and courteous attention to your wants assured. Flour and Feed Always en Hand J. A. FORD &. SON Phone 123. Live P<r;,, ltrg WANTED We handle all kinds of live and dressed poultry. Special prices paid for properly milk fed chickens It will pay you to finish your poultry, as our extra, price will more than cover cost of feed used. Inquire for prices when ready to sell. Our prices are unsurpassed for all high grade poultry, GUNN9 .LANGLOIS C N. W. TRE•WA.RTHA,• Manage Phone 190; Rolmosvillo 4 on 141 5, CREAM WANTED! The demand for our hotter is 1n - creasing. To supply this demand we require more cream. We request you to ship no your, cream. We guarantee yon the Ptighee Market Prices, aeenrate tecta and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and need' no further recommend. We pay all express charges, turn. lib cream Cane and pay twice each month. Write for cams or farther informs. tion fie the 'NILE SR/WORM Cit11AlitElly CO, ", A, IOARB1:R, MANAG1:. ft.