The Clinton News Record, 1921-3-3, Page 8The .grocer who recor • mends to ou Red ]alt, • se ea o. which . a�.es less - r f it n �ae�n •�• o than on other �°� 1' teas, a1Z ' he does .}fie = when,meq cane trusted r goods. fGe7► eS1./yy1s other Why e East Wats Daylight Saving Within a few weeks, the questio'n' of :daylight -caving will probably once more :become the sulijegt of more or less heated debate in., winch business then, city fathom, farmers with cows to milk, mothers with children of seem! age to look after, and last but not least, railroads with time tables to print and traits to run if possible to the minute, will demand to Babe their say, The advocates for daylight es long—what 'aht wants is a dark- ness -saving law, ' The demand for daylight saving, however, is most in510100t in Eastern Canada and the Eastern States' and for every insistent demand there .is usually a real reason. The reason ate parently is that the so-called standard time in force in the area in question varies' considerably from the mean stat time upon which the actual length L 8/rigOEp AREASHbWs PRESENT eirrENT OF EASTERN T/AME MERIDIANS SNOW CORRECT SCIENTIFIC 0/VISIONS EF STANOA,O TINE NHY EW trosa G mulosu4io S P•�b • saving will pellet out that in England and 'intensity of daylight Je based. t le economy in coal consumption of Standard time is a convenient artifice fected by daylight saving during the established in order to secure uniform summer months amounted to $$2,500,- time for neighboring communities or 000, whereas: the dairy farmers of the places'. The sun is travelling from middle west protest that the horning East to West and the noon. hour origin- dews and the natural milking time for ally travelled with it, but it was found cows cannot be regulated by clock, advisable to rix definite areas is which while in the North-West, where the the noon hour and otherhours should summer sun shines eighteen or twee- remain the same for the cenvenienee ty hours a day tate mother of seven of the operation of railroads and tele - children wishes to goodness that the graphs and the transaction of business darkness and the hour for bed time wherein contracts Involved definite carte twice): as soon cad lasted twice timelimits. tm.'Elat VISOFfil tElt®Ng& V& 148.®x/1111. 510► .ra 0 _ .......... dEALI D EDUCAIION .. , .. . BY DR. J. J. MIDD.LETON Provincial Board of Health. Ontario Elee Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- 0. ters through this column, Address him at the Parliament Bldgs., 0 "1 Toronto, late& MIL Mt vak von %ALM& 11111i VA Ilk Ili 11110191 11111k Ilk VIL In 1111 VI MI Overcrowding is the friend of die -I cupied by twenty-four families. and ease. The whole world at the present ten lodgers. From the survey made time is suffering from this affliction, by the IIe'al'th Department during the the housing problem being one of the past few weeks these conditions have roost serious pr.'oblems of the day. actually been found to lbs existing, .Overcrowding is a menace to the and it was also determined to 28 per :health and- morals of the people and cent. of the total inhabitants of New to the stability of government. No york City are living in a state of man can he expected to • be a good over -crowding. citizen 11 he has no roof over his In spite of these terrible conditions, head,. or cannot get space to enjoy the infant mortality rate, viz., the what portion of the roof he has. • It number of deaths of infants under is •almost as bad as ,being hungry and one year of age per 1,000 births, me government is safe while large during the past year was only 85, the numbers of the people are living lowest on record. This is an extreme - under conditions that should not be ly creditable state of affairs, when allowed even for animals. one realizes that there were 133,000 I have just returned from New babies born in New York City during York, where I learned much about the past twelve months. housing conditions in that city, and Commissioner. Copeland, however, the reports are very disquieting, The dreads to anticipate what the infant Health Commissioner, Dr. Copeland, morbility may be in the near future. states that there are 100,000 more if the present lamentable conditions families living in New York City to- .of overcrowding continue. day than there are houses to accrete- Do the majority of these 133,000 modate. In some sections there are new arrivals belong to homes on 6th half a ,pillion people to the square Avenue or Riverside Drive? No. in- utile. ,nrei ten thousand people in one deed. Over 100,000 of then are born city block: That •conditions should be in tenements. 14Ioreover, there are so serious is hardly believable, and 1,000.000 children attending the yet this state of affairs exists in schools of New York every year, 750, - New York to -day. 000 of whom corse from tenement Dr. Copeland is working energetic- homes. ally to relieve the situation„ but is The whole resources of the State handicapped at every turn by the and Natlon should be at the back of necessities of the moment. As a re- those who are trying to rectify con- sult of a recent survey, it was 'found ditidns>euch ns these, and yet eoiitpar- nr_ceesary to reopen far human habi- atitel little can be done through gh tack talion every old slum' in the city. of funds for Public Health purposes. There is nothing else to be dobe,' Dr. Copeland, who returned recent - said Dr. Copeland, "except let people Ier from the inter -allied conference on live on the street." housing, held recently in London, In Brooklyn, four married couples states that the house ehortage is a serious problem all over the world. There were 29 countries represented and 600 delegates, all of whotu had the same overcrowding story to tell. 'rhe same conditions prevail in To- ronto and other cities and towns in this Province. Overcrowding is in- deed a world problem. If "W. D." c/o The Elm vale "Lance." will send me his address I and a baby were found to he living in three rooms, a four -fancily house in Brooklyn was actually occupied by fourteen families. The Bronx is lit- tle better, for two louses there that were builtto accommodate six famil- ies are housing fifteen families at the present moment. A largerhouce, built to accommodate eight families, new contains sixteen families and twenty-four lodgers, while a twelve- fanci y douse is at present being oc- will communicate with nim personally. Its '•pp al Grows Many people start to use INST.NT b temporarily in place of coffee or tea forealC $ reasons. But they soon learn to love its rich &lavorrA and. its pare" wholesoine Qualities are so apparent that _. they adopt Posturn as their regular meal -time beverage. SOLD BY G. I CU S EVERYWHERE • Tite s tl t o was contnl!a tad, Par' ate' 111 •IIA '1 n the E e to States d t t t 1 ..1 a i s Cattada, by the railways tIemselvee, Where ill actual practice 11 was fouled neoassary to fix the thee-breakieg Zones at terminals yr points. As branch tales have been e'oeett'uot- ed, the earriers have extended on these the standard time observed art tete junction point or upon the ntaitt line. There are htytencee where the 122'041.011 lines radiate put of one zone into a'ncelter, thus introduclug a time alt variance witlr the theoretical -title of that zrone, The contention of tate railways is that time should be changed only. at the points at, the ter - of train dispa'telling dtetriete when train crews are volleyed. They claim it is hazardous to require train mews to change froth one standard operating time., to mother during a trick of duty, and impthcticable to have train dispatenoro operate trains under two standard's of time. Now it is noticeable that the de- mand for adoption of daylight saving time by the larger towns and cities: ie almost exclusively confined to Eastern Canada, New England States and the City of New York. On examination, this appears, to be due to the facet that Eastern Standard timewhichtheo're- tipally extends only between the 76th and 90 meridians, has been carried in actual praotlee a very conetderable distance east of the 75th degree. Ac- cording to this meridian places all of the Province of Quebec end all of New England, New `Yorke City and Part of New York State in the Atlan- tic should belong to the Atlantic Time Zone, and if this time were t'ean- Btated there would be little or no call for daylight saving now. The rail- ways have carried Eastern time too far east, and the States and Provinces and. Municipalities which have adopted the same' time for the sake of uni- formity are realizing that this does not correspond with natural time. On the railways, Eastern standa`rcl time is carried from Gaspe, in Eastern Que- bec, to Fort William, in Ontario, a dis- tance of 25 degrees, or 1,200 miles, in- stead of the 711.70 miles of 15 de- grees. On eastern stardard time as at pre- sent maintained in New England and Quebec the sun n-ises from May to September two or three hours before the average person Is about in the morning, and seta at an equally unser- viceable hour. Hence the natural de- mand for daylight saving legislation lu these parts. If New England, Que- bee and the Maritime Province were to adopt Atlantic standard time, which is their natural specific time, they would save hundreds of thousands of dollars all the year round for fuel and light, and incidentally the agitation for daylight saving would be buried iu oblivion. R CH, ED RBLOOD g t:49! MEANS HEALTH Pale Cheeks and Bloodless Lips Are a Danger Signal. To be pale is no longer the fashion; to be languid is an affliction. To -day the most winsome girl is the one with the pink tinge of health in her cheeks, I(ps naturally red, and eyes sparkling with life. Add to this a quick, active step and everyone can tell the girl whose veins are full of the pure, rich blood of health. How different site ap- pears from her ailing sisters, whose aching limbs au'd weak backs make them pale and dejected. Anaemia is the cause of so much suffering among girls and wopte'n that it cannot be too widely known that Dr. Williams' Ptak Pills have transformed thousands of delicate, anaemic invalids into happy, healthy women. These pills help to put rich, red blood into the veins, and this blood reaches every part orf the body, giving strength, rosy cheeks and brightness in place of weakness, proa- trattng headaches and a wretched state of half -health. Miss Edna E. Weaver, P..R. No. 1; Chippewa, Ont., says: '•I was very much run down, weak, nervous and troubled with pains .in the side. I tried different medicines but without any benefit until I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Theder,the use of this medicine I gain- ed strength, had better appetite, slept better kind the pain in my side tlasap- Peered. My health has since remain- ed excellent sad I advise any one troubled With anaemia, or weakness, to give Dr. Williams' rink Pills a fair trial." Try ler. Williams' Pink Pills for 0 anaemia. rheumatism,.neuralgia andd nervousness. Build up your bleed and note how the purer and richer blood fights your battles against disease. Take Dr. 'Williams' Pinit Pills as a tonic if you are net in the best physi- cal condition and cultivate a resist- ance that with the observance of cee dinary rules of health will keep you well and strong. Get a box frath the nearest drug store and begin the treatment now. or send to The Dr. Williams' efediciue Go•, Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be sent you postpaid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for e2.50, England's Midget Express. Canadian visitors to Britain, on landing at Liverpool or Southampton, are at once struck b' the small size of. British locomotives as compared with the mighty machines in Canadian rail- way operation. Their astonishment, not unmixed with amusement, is, how- ever, soon supplemented by adtuira- tian for the excellent running made on the English altars lines, but if one's Itinerary tastes him into the lakelands and highlands of Cunt'berlend he wilt there find att independent little line which Is said to be "the smallest pub- lic railway in the World," 'L'itis tine•I•s kaewn as the Eskdale Railway, and is seven and one-eighth t111t614 to length, The rail gauge is one of fifteen inches only 1t is leased to a Leaden compn.ny--Narrow Gauge Itailways, Limited, Tho passenger working is curried 011 by midget ex- press engines, built to a scale of one: ttttatter the size 01- ordinary teritislt nista-ane locculotivos, but in other re• speots ekaetly the Wails int NI- estt•ite- Ceti and appearance, Th Outdoor '•e of rf '"the Scout. Tito great Inoroase of the number, of Scoutmasters and other Scout of teere during 1920 means 11 groat stitnulus to the outdoor aettvlties Of CRtladlatt boys, 'It le probable that t1rougltout the past year more boys have spent clays and 'slights in the open than ever before in the hialoty of Canada eine() plon'eer,deyd; and beetlese Boy Scouts have taken oris message of tate out- dpotts into their homes, have conduct• ed open-wlo.dow campaigns and fresh - air orusades, it is. likely that more give:u nps have breathed' pure air (lur- ing 1920 than inns been tate case since the tinter of our great.grandfathe•re, * 1' Boys have been taught to care for ferests and to fight forest fires. They ltave,gathered information for numer- ous ciepartmente of forestry. They have engaged in fights against insect pests and have 'macro notes on. differ- ent varieties of birds. Thousands' of Canadian boys who a year ago or so were absolutely5holp- less in the open, can now be depended upon to find thou way about, to cook thetr own meals, to choose a proper `Camp site"and to erect a comfortable shelter. Thousands of Canadian boys who formerly knew little or nothing of nature can now recognize different traria- of trees, and give the name of Weems of wild flowers; can easily re- cognize the more common birds, and know enough about mushrooms to avoid being poisoned, r 4, 0 As a result of Boy Scout training, the energy of the Canadian boy has become a force of great value to the Dominion. More and more are recog- nizing Its value, and are • taking ad- vantage of it to reduce loss by fire, control crowds and to teach the people the laws of safety and sanitetiont Many lives are saved by Snouts: who, because of their special training, be- cause they carry a first-ald kit or a' safety -first rope, are prepared to act when no one else is. The good which is accomplished by boys of this type, and the good done to the boys themselves through their activities, can hardly be over estimated. Tho Secretary in charge of the Ontario office of the Boy' Scout Aesoclatiou at the corner of Bloor and Sherbourne Streets, Toren- to, is always glad to provide full infor- mation about Scouting, and to help persons interested in securing tate formation of local Troops. WINTER HARD ON BABY The winter season is a hard one on the baby, He 1s more or less confined to stuffy, badly ventilated rooms. It is often so stormy that the mother does not get him out in the fresh air as often as she should, He catches colds which rack his little system; his atomach and bowels get out of order and he hecioneee•IiereekJ and croon. To guard against this the Monter, should keep a box of Baby's Own0Tablets-{it' the house. They regulate the stomach and bowels and break ap colds. They are sold by medicine dealers or by mall at 20 cents a box from The Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Oo., Brockville, Ont. New Moon Notions. The new moon has always been re- garded as a bearer of good fortuae, and from the moon itself this: belief gradually spread until it included ar- ticles which were crescent-shaped. Iron, too, has always been surround- ed with a similar ltato of luck—the ancients evidently believing that it was so essential to commerce and manufacture that it possessed a dis- tinct influence for good. These two beliefs date back to the early history of the 'Egyptians and Phoenicians. Gradually they spread until they reached the British Isles, where, in those days, the horse was regarded as a beast of good omen— probably for the same reason that iron was favored, because of its service to mankind. In the itsnseshoe we find these three ancient beelefs combined in one ob- ject—a piece of iron, a crescent, and sometimes pertaining to a horse— which accounts for the esteeltt in which the horseshoe is held. rn✓4n,,4n,,,✓4,\rV V V,MY,K FREEZONE. 4.un,n.n,wn Corns Lift Off with Fingers in,nu^„v„•,la,yr.,•4v,•,nt✓„•wn.n,,w•,d.w„nr,r•.i Magic! Drop a little "Freezono" on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right of with fingers.: Doesn't hurt a bit, ' Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezone" for a few cents, sufficient to remove every hard' corn, soft corn, or coru between the toes, and calluses. The Weleld's highest dant Will be built across a river gorge in India, 895 feet deep and more than 1,000 feet wide. MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dotuialon Express 9I-oitey Order. A pair of healthy rats will have at the end of two years something like 90,000 descendants. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Colds, etc, Wet umbrellas should be stood on their handles to dry. This allows the water to run out of them instead of into the part where the sill: and' ribs meet, thus causing the motel to rust and the silk to rot. • AUTO iiEPAIR PARTS for moat makes and models of care. Your old, broken or ivorn-otlt parts replaced, writs or wire tie doscrlb, lag what yeti want. We carry the largest and most oantptoto stock in Canada of slightly used or new parts anti etittomobife equipment. We ship CAD, anywhere In Canadre entire: factory or rafund in rult rutour Witte, Bhaw a 0,uto Salves's Part Iittpply, 100.951. DttftetluSt. , Torotite, 0111, 13SU'F No, 10—'2l, Used u to s Real Fresh,. to nteeKEIY 131P11elee 'rTTDM; t1SI71) JI -F. Fars .of alt typal; all aro cold put?. josto delivery tall to 100nliles, or teal carne run of distanceIf you wish. In sal 5000 order es purchased, orperch's* price refunded, o 67s£ITNQ moehanlq of your .own 0rroleo AA )) to look them over, or ask Tie to take any oneto city representative 200 nspeotion, Very largo stock albays 00 rand, Breakeyr s Used Car MarketMarket405 T9a59 fareet, Tow** Works of Art, Stolen by Ger- man Arany, Reappear.Numerous works of art, heirlooms djewels stolen during the war by the Germans 111 o0Cupied territory are gradually coating to light, and in many oases finding their way back to their owners•, says a London despatolt. Tito Rumanian papers publish.the story 02 a cache of stolen writhe of amt which the palace have found in the Transyl- vania home' of the father of a one-time Hungarian ofileer. Ninety-two well known paintings, eight vases• and two onyx clocks, were found at the home of a mine engineer, who said they had been given btrtt by hie.1s011 on Ills return from the war. The son was an officer in the Hungari- an artillery, and had fought on theGambrel frost. The objects d'art were found to have been taken from the chateau of the Prince de •Chimay, itemChambral, and were returned to their owner. Some of he pictures, including worksof Joseph Borger, Millet and Van der Hetet had been hacked out of their frames and badly damaged. DANDERANE Stops Hair Coming Out; Thickens, Beautifies. A few cents -buys "Danderine." Af- ter a few applications you cannot find a fallen hair or any dandruff, iiesides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and abundance. Why we See "Stars." Each of tate five senses has its special set of nerves through -which sensations are recorded in the brain. With the exception of tire. nerves of touch, which extend to all parts of tate R;dT, three perform special fuuctior:, for certain itse..'i'lual organs—the nerves of sight being cotiheeted with the eye, those of smell with the nose, those of taste with the mouth, and those of hearing with the ears. iirbenever the brain receives 0 sud- den shock, such as. would fellow a blow on the head, the vision nerves are disturbed in such a way as to pro- duce the- effect of seeing dashes of light, or "eters." The. sensitive eye -nerves cannot be jarred without producing this effect of light, while a severe blow will often react in a similar manner upon the nerves of hearing, thus leading the Person who is struck to Imagine that he is listening to unusual n'ois'es. ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine Warning! 'finless you see the name "Bayer" ou package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin at all. In every Bayer package are direc- tions for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia: Rheumatism, Earache Toothache Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents, Druggists also sell larger packages. Made in Canada. Aspirin ie tate trade stark (registered in Canada), of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Snlleylleacid. Typical of the Race. A Jevrislt boy was sent to school for tate ,first time. Whoa asked to state his ago he replied, "Sixteen." As he was obviously not more titan eight, the teacher sent hen home with a note to his fattier requesting that he should be whipped for telling a bare -faced He. His bewildered father asked hien to explain why he Lad lied to the teacher, and the boy replied, "1 thought he would try to beat me down." a"Cascarets" To -night For Constipation Just thitikl A pleasant, harmless .Cascaret works while you sleep and has your liver active, head ciente stotn- ach swept and bowels moving es re' pular as a clock by morning, No grip- ing or leconvtndence. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes. C'hildreu love tits candy :athartte toe, Canada has^10fi 600 Indians, found in every Province, They have nearly 100,000 acres under cultivation on their reserves and have n total an- nual income of $8,300,000. Twelve thousand Indian children and young people are in 34 schools, Over 4,000 Indiana enlisted in the war, tbetigh they did not Mod+,vithin the Con- set'ipttolt Act, Mleard'e Llttitnent for Burns, eta. The 011103' day, rather onrly lit the f too alt outs' the oral n A W tad Y it 'e a an i a p graeer"s "t:.hon and Inquired: "Any really fresh eggs to -day?" "Yee, ma'am," replied the grocer. 1've get sante that were ortts laid this mooring." • A day or two later, somewhat ear. lion• in the forenoon than before, the woman called again, "Any more of those really fresh eggs?" site inquired, Whereupon the grocer said to his asststontt "Run to the back room, boy, and see if this morning's eggs are cool enough to be sold yet." MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative • e Class $s eats t dAdwe t"rrt rte -.: FARM WANTED. .w•,...,..,.w.,,, Y�lArm 15`ANTsm ShIND AI,H03t11'. 1.' TION ,Lard price. John J. Intact, cid poem!. U'alt, tale. A (DINTS WAarrien: 1611.110 N1TIVEI .L•'- herbs le a remedy for the relief of Collatlpattcu, Indigestion, litilousnoss, Rheumatism. TCidne ^ Troubles, It. -Is well-I:fOWlh having been extensively ad- verllseit, rinuflfl It was Rest manufactured in• 11680, by distribution of large aututti- lies of Almanacs, Cook Becks, Health I3oolss, oto„ tyhlch aro furnished to agents free of charge. The t•uusdlos ars HOW at a price that allotvsagents to double their+ money. Writs Alonzo O. 1311ss Medical Co., 121 St. Paul 5t. Nast. Montreal. Mention this paper, Vogetohle, Farm, Flower, New Improved Strains All tesled, sureto grow. aondkrCe%/oi America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Book on @DOO DISEASES and How to Peed Mailed U'reo to any Ad- dress h the Author, 11. Clay .Glover Co., /no. 118 West 3101 Street New York, 'ELS.A, r ',,/,/• Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then you are 00x0 your child i e having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Chit?^ea love its fruity Mate. Full directions on each bottle. You mast say "California" Real Courage. Heroes on the battlefield, Minstrel, famed is song and rhyme Might before the woodpile yield, Or run away at milking time; Rare are touted fields of strife, Seldom poet lifts a lay, But the little deeds of life Call for heroes every day. Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. Vast Plains In South America. South America has the greatest tee broken extent of level surface of any region of the globe. The plains close to the Orinoco are so flat that the mo- tion of the rivers: can scarcely be de- tected over an arca of two hundred thousand square miles. His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum iuveuted by A. O. Leonard, which is a miniature megaphone, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, is restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr, Leonard Invented this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so suceeetifut1y that no ane could tell he Is a deaf man. It is effective when deafness is caused by catarrh or by ;re—aerated,. or wholly destroyed man- ce druhee, A request for Information to A. O. Leonard, -St:-t;,e 437, 70 Final Avenue, New York City, will be given a prompt .reply. advt. When 'butter wilt not spread easily, turn a heated 'bowl or pan upside down over the butter dish for a few Minutes. This will soften the butter without melting it.. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk'Carlats TORONTO SALT WOI?K3 C. J. CLIFF • TORONTO • YF There is anything the average woman will not stand for, it is to hear her husband praise her neigh- bor's 'bread. Mlnard's Liniment Relieves Distemper Rub hot bran into your furs, and you will be surprised to see how much dirt will be removed in the process. The population of London to -day is fifty butes greater than it was in the reign of James I. Check that Cold with ae i .rF ENG N d Highly efficient in colds and Catarrhal affections of the nose and throat IIEWABE OF SUBSTITUTES ie 52.00 a cube. it THE LEEMINO MILES 00., LTD. MONT1CAL Ascots tar Dr. Jules Bengu6 RELIEVES PAIN c ®% i1t STANDBY, FOR AC DPr`tl2ttt Any man or woman Who keeps Sloan's handy will tell yo0 that mate tiring SPEC -!ALLY those frequents p attacked by rheumatic twittii'er. A counter -Irritant, Sloan's Luta ment scatters tltn congestion and nem - Pates without rubbing to the afflicted part. soon relieving the ache and pain. Kept handy and used orerywhcro for reducing and finally eliminating the pains and aches of lumbago, neuralgia, • muscle atrain joint stiffness, sprains. bruises, and the results of exposure. You just know front its stimulatin healthy odor that it will do you good t Sloan's Liniment is sold by All drug- gists -35c, 70c, $1.40, Y,'1RM0ITTI•f, NeS, T to Original and Only Genuine (Beware of imitations cold on the Merits of I�JINARD'S L1NIMEINT, WKS -WOOL -FM "With pricer; lots, it. Is necessary that you receive every cent pos- sible for what tildes and sittnn you have. Make sure you get "ants by shipping us your lot whether it Is ono hide or a lwn- dr•ed." WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED WOODSTOCK, ONTARfo ESTABLISHED 1870 t nal WI-iY'LOOK 7 When one applica- tion of Milton's Mar Restorative every s months keeps the hair natural. No oil, no dirt; the hair earl be waall ad When desired, Try it. Black Or Brown. Priori, 02.00. Sent prepaid to any address In •Canada, Powell ave., Ottawa a. • Carnooitan, CUTICURA PROMOTES THICK HAIR Cuticura Soap shampoos preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and Irri- tation are most successful. These fragrant emollients save the hair, clear the skin and meet every want of the toilet and bath. Soap 25e. Ointment 25 mine, Thiropi Oc, Sold throughout titopominion. Canadian Depot: L mon., Limited, 344 St, Paul 51,, 01. tdearreol. fip*'Cuticura Soap ahavoa without mag. "Use Imperial Mica Axle Grease and Imperial Eureka Harness Oil," --Save your horses, your harness, your wagons. Imperial Mica Axle Grease lightens loads. It smooths the surface of axles with a coating of mica flakes. It cushions the axles with a layer of long -wearing grease, and materially reduces friction. Use half as much as you would of ordinary grease. Imperial Eureka Harness Oil makes harness proof against dust" sweat and moisture. Keeps it soft and pliable. Pre- vents cracking and breaking of stitches. It pro- longs the life of harness and adds greatly to its appearance. Is easily applied and surprisingly economical Both Ole sold irx eortvonfent 51508 2Jy dealets everywhere.