The Clinton News Record, 1921-1-13, Page 7Notice Bill's Bank Book
13p1 and Dan worked the name amount of land and bad the name
Labor and expense, except that Bill used Gunna "Shur Gain fertilizer,
They both plant+d good send. Bill's fertilized crop came up first,
looked better during the, growing period. matured earlier, wta her.
vented first, produced n better 3 ield'and brought a bigger prise on the
early market.
"The extra yield obtained by union "Shur Gain" fertilizer made the
diffezence in the bank account.
Guano "Shur Gain" fertilizer is sold tnreughout 'Ontario by repre.
sentatives who are formers and are using "Blur Gain" ferti,izer themselves, Every farm is a factory—keep your "factory" running
at maximum capacity.
//there isnot a "Shur Gain" representative near you.
write us regarding an agency,
®To, Fria, lamlieea& vb. lank la WA& eL lift,01111, 11111. r MI lel
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
$ Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat- 0
0 ten's through this column. Address him at the Parliament Bldgs., 0
a Nola 111MkIL Isa max ma, vs. ve,es, Ilk vs& 9sk via vik
Cancer is increasing—in fact it ie vestigation, xt is not the natural
one of the four greatest causes of method of the' onset of the change of
deatf,in this province. This.inerease life, and in a large number of eases
is probably not altogether real, but is
to ,some extent due to better diagnosis,
and oertfying of the causes of death.
The disquieting fact renfaine, •how-
ever, that the number: of cases of
cancer reported is steadily increasing.
Tit e causes determining the preval-
enee-of this disease are still wrapped
in obscurity, but certain recant itt-
vestigati•ons "would seem to indicate
that cancer, like enteric fever, is pre-
valent in certain places, and that it
occurs more generally among people -once arrived at by an expert micro -
living in low-lying valleys with clay scop") -eat examination whether it is care,
soils than among those on high, dry,
and non -retentive soils.
It has also been claimed that "can-
cer houses" or groups of such houses,
in which successive families have suf-
fered from cancer, thought in no way
related to each other, did exist in cer-
tain bloenlities. Although the evidence,,
both as to infective areas and cancer
houses is by no means -strong, it is
desirable that rooms occupied by,.a
person suffering from cancer should
be cleaned and disinfected from time
to 'time.
All races of mankind aro liable to
-cancer, and likewise all vertebrate-
animals—with the possible exception
of reptiles--ztvltether they be living in
a state of nature or in captivity. Cen-
ter in the lower -animals bus the sante
:increased prevalence in old age, and
-therefore the same relation to the dur-
ation of life as in man. The disease
;has been cuocesafuley inoculated from
mouse to mouse, the new tumor being
,exactly the same nature as the origin-
al .one.
Why -do people, suffering from can-
ter, not apply for medical advice soon- beyond individual control; others, ihow-
,er than they do? Because most peo- ever, such as occupation and habits
pie think that "pain" is an early symp- of life (determining a localized
chronic irritation or iniiammatione.
and sus acinus growth rowth i
n connection
curs the disease is usualiy advanced: with old scars and simple tumors call
The only cure for cancer at present • for more general recognition among
known, is its early and -complete re -1 the public, in order that preventative
.oval. Cancer, if removed early, has
been proved conchrsively to 'be a cur-' in
es and early treatment may be
put in ,operation.
-able disease. If neglected and not re -I These facts in eancgr prevetitiou
moved in its -earliest stage, it is prole-! should be given the widest publicity
tienily invariably fatal, and both the throughout the province. They are
medical profession and the public of vital importance to all classes of
Nave a seriows responsibility in utak- the community.
ing these facts well known.
The following information should
be of vital assistance to the public.
It is no exaggeration to say that, if
,.acted upon, the result would be the
saving annually of many hundreds of
lives, which at present aro inevitably
Read these fonts carefully and rem-
ember them;
(1) Cancer, in rte early and curable
•stage, gives rise to no pain or symp-
tom of iii -health whatever,
(2) Nevertheless, in its -commonest.
situations, the signs of it in. its early
,stage are conspicuously manifest.
(3) In case of any swelling occur-
ring in the breast of a woman after
40 years of age, a medical ntan should
.at once be consulted. A large propor-
tion of web swellings are cancer.
(4) Any 'bleeding, however trivial,
.occurring after the ehange"'of life,
means almost iinvariably cancer, and
cancer which is then curable, If neg-
lected till pain mouth, it means cancer
which is almost always incurable. -
(5) Any irregular bleeding °ecur-
ring at the change of life should in-
variably besubmitted to a doetor's in -
means commencing Dancer.
(6) Any -wart or sore ooeurring
spontaneously on the, lower lip in a
man'eover 45 years of age is almost
certainly cancer„ If .removed at -oreee
the euro is certain; if neglected, the
result is inevitably fatal.
(7) Any sore,or swelling occurring
on the tongue or inside the mouth in
a man 'after 45 years of age sbould
be submitted to investigation without
a moment's delay, and the decision at
cam or not. A very large' proportion
of suaah sores or swelling occurring at
this time of life are-oaneer, and if
neglected for only a few weeks the
result is almost inevitably fatal. If
removed at once the prospect -of cure
is good.
(8) Any bleeding occurring from
the bowel after 45 years of age, cern-
monly supposed by the public to be
"piles, "should be submitted to invesbi-
gation et once. A large proportion of
such cases are cancer, which at this
stage is perfectly curable.
(9) When warts, moles, or other
growth's en the akin are exposed to
constant irritation they should be im-
mediately removed. A large number
of them, if neglected, terminate in
(10) Avoid irritation of the tongue
and cheeks by broken, jagged teeth,
and of the Rower lip by •clay pipes.
Ibiany of these irritations, if neglect-
ed, terminate dn. cancer.
Certain predisposing factors in the
-causation of cancer are now pretty
generally •accepted. Some of these are
tom. Pain, however, is usually not an
early synpbosh, as by the time it cc -
The Weight of Light.
It seems odd to talk of such an un-
substantilti thing as light having
Yet each hie been proved to be the
can, and the . principal proof came
from tests made during the famous
eclipse of the sun on May 29th, 1919.
It was. then shown that a ray of
light had sufficient "body" in it to be
acted upon by the sun to the extent
of being displaced by a certal1 defin-
ite amount The light, dh short, might
for all the, world bare been matter,
bet natter of an- extremely "light"
That being so, a facetious reader
might ask how much of it goes, to the
ounce. But a brilliant astronomer hast
been able to calculate oven that; it
is an appalling amount.
For example, the cost of light sup-
plied by gas and electric light com-
panies wares out at something like
810,000,000 an armee. Yet the sun
gives us no less than one hundred and
sixty ton of this valuable stuff every
CI (I I I II Ii 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I IIIIII IIIi11
• A Rea.dy-Cooked Food.
a ra uts a.
E_.. -.a
For Breakfast or Lunch
Crisp granules of wheat and malt
ed barley "sweet as a nut" from
special p rocessit and long . baking .
1y P � � �
No need to sprinkle sugar on your
cereal when you use crape=brute
I w Ir4lllallu1WuIilD"iwIuu1ulNwnIui111)lflwH11rllitftilll CIIIIItlliaiillalli1111f1
"There's c'a RR"asOn `►
A Paradise for Ski -men.
Preparations, are alreadybeing made
Or the annual carnival to be held at
Bane amidst the glomie* of the Cana-
dian Pacific Rockies, Banff is Ideally
situated for winter sports and dile
season the dates. have been fixed from
January 29th to February Stilt inclu-
sive The Secretary writes that the
programme is to be cousiderabiy ex-
xtended, He says: -
"Our Ski Hill hoe now been com-
pleted in a000rdanee with the suggese
Mons made by the world's champion,
Andere Iiaugea, of Brooten, Minn., and
we are confident that a new world's
record will be established on our Hill
Mee Camaival. We have decided to of -
ter a eubatauttal cash prize to the man
Who can beat the present world's re-
cord and to supplement this cash prize
with a further prize of $10.00 for every
foot or portion of a foot by which the
record is broken 'ou our hill. We will
also follow the same principle in con-
nection with the amatoi - champion-
ship only in that caee the inducement
or reward will be in the shape of an
especially attractive prize. We have
at the present time four different
jumps, so that we willbe in a posi-
tion to stage competitions in all class-
es of this very spectacular and hair-
raislug sport. -
"We expect that ladies hockey will
be a very. Important factor in our
aports this season. We have already
been "advised that the ladies of Van-
couver, under the leadership of Mr.
Frank Patrick, of professional hockey
fame, expect to compete, The Re-
gents, the Champions of Western
Color in Diamonds,
Diamonds of bright CliMPotedli and
gr0te'ns into 111109, tiro inlnloltdely- vain"
able, but where rho tint Is slight, it
only destroys the dlamwrd's beauty:
Colas' and slits ' tiro dee to the pre-
Renee of lnipuritle' Testing the
gonulnouess of n diamond le ditlleult,
and only tin expert call bo absolutely
sore, lntltntion• gams aro made lams.
nitros by Cementliig a thin layer of
Deal (Monona on a glass or, other crys-
tal body. If such it gear Ie plaeerl In
oil the diviaioit betweelt thereal rend
fake oi'ystal can be 'nem -
There aro a few other erystels that
will out glass, Se tlitit tills teat is not
fully relia-ble. Ordinary fakes can be
detooted by 1'unntng a nail file ever a
cornet' of the gem A diatiiotld can
not be e-aratclied: No acid will affect
the brilliancy of a diamond.
)''California Syrup of Figs"
Child's' Best Laxative
-e- ...!•Geeta „
Canada, 08 Calgary, the Patrlclab a so
of Calgary, a team freer Edmonton a
team front Vulcan, Alberta, and per-
haps teams from Winnipeg and Ottawa
ams all expected to be on hand and
compete with Vancouver and Ottawa
for tee Championship of Canada, A
very elaborate trophy, together with
ten very attractive and costly prizes,
will in all probability be announced a
little later la -.connootiott with this
"An ice palace will be constructed on
a basis far more extensive than any-.
thing heretofore attempted and tlhe re-
sident engineer of the Dominion Gov-
ernment itenow at week preparing the
plans for same. We expect this pal-
ace, when illuminated, will he a view
that will long live nth the memories of
those who will be fortunate enough to
visit us and see it. The palace witiebe
stormed at different times diving the
Carnival by representatives of all tllie
element sports indulged in, and it 18
expected that the flrewoe'Ie display
on these occasions will be most in-
"Specie attention will again be
given to art and fancy skating; and
competition in these items on our pro-
gramme promise to be very .interest-
ing. The.Oonnaught Skating Club of
Vancouver, with a membership of al -
roast three hundred, has written say-
.ing .that the Club will be well repre-
sented, and if we could be assured of
some entries. from Eastern Canada
and the States, together with the as-
sured entries we will have from Win-
nipeg, Calgary,"ltdmonton and Saska-
toon, this feature of our programme
would be one of the biggest events
ever attempted in Canada, . Applica-
tion will be made to the Amateur
Athletic Union of Canada to have all
these contests •reprdsentativo of the
Canadian Championships:"
Rich, Red Rlood Needed to Keep
Up Their Vitality.
If growing girls aro to become well
developed, healthy women their blood
supply must be carefully watched.
Mothers should net ignore their un-
settled moods or the various troubles
that tell of approaching womanhood.
It should be contently borne in mind
that pale, bloodless girls need plenty
of 'nourishment, plenty of sleep and
regular open-air exercise. But a lack
of appetite, and tired, aching limbs
tend to hinder progress. To save the
weak, thin -blooded sufferer she.,ntust
have new, rich, red blood and nothing
meets a case of titin kind so well as
Dr;,Williams Pink Pills. These pills
not only enrich and increase the blood
supply, they help the appetite aiel,aid
digestion, relieve the weary back and
limbs, tbus promptly restoring health
and strength and transforming anae-
mic girls and womou into cheerful,
happy people. Among the thousands
who have obtained new health and
strength through the use of D1'. Wil-
liams Pink Pits is Miss Violet Booth,
Gleuarm, Ont., who says:—"For a
long time I was ina badly run down
condition. I was pale, breathless at
the least exertion, and could hardly
do any housework without stopping to
rest. I often had severe headaches,
and my appetite was poor and fickle,
and I would get up in the morning
without feeling the least bit rested. I
had tried several medicines, bat did
not gat benefit from anything until I
began the use of Dr. Williams Pink
Pills. When I had taken two boxes I
could see an improvement, and after
tieing six boxes I found my health tally
restored. I feel altogether different
since I used the pills that I strongly
advise then for all weak, run down
If you axe weak or ailing ,yin any
way, avail yourself at arae of the
splendid )tone treatment which Dr,
Williams Pink fills so easily afford!'
and you will be among those who re-
joice in regained health. These pills
are Bold by all dealers to medicine, ot
may be had by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The
Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville.
Mails Delivered at Sea...
by Airplane. -
A new method of delivering mall
from an airplane to a vessel at sea 1e
the invention of William Crunow, of
Newark N.J.
An essential feature of it is a cylin-
drical mail -holder whish floats upright
in the water and. is nonsdnkable, so
that it may be picked ftp readily if it
falls into the water,
Suppose the ship to be going at fall
speedout to sea. The airplane par -
sues and, overtaking herr,nli'ects its
course so es to Baine alongside the
vessel. At the proper moment it flt'es
a cast -line across the forward dace,
When the cast"line has been secured
on board of the ship the carrier, at-
tached to the east -line, le dropped into
•the water and nosy bo readily pulled.
aboard. •
On the other hand, if mail' 1s to bo
delivered from the vessel to the air-
plane, then -tiro carrier (attached to
the end of the cast -litho which has
been fired across the deck) is thrown
into the water and pulled aboard the
flying macltttte.
The earrier is palated bright rod se
Ws to attract attention, and it there is
tallttro to deliver the mail properly
slid the cylinder Is. lost it will float
byuflrlght to the water until platten) tip
a fsassitlg vessel,
Mlnatyd's Liniment for Ournet ate,
Boy Scout Notes. ;.
, Three new proficiency badges will
soots be available for Canada's Boy
Scouts. They are the Athlete's, the
Oa.noeman's and the Beokbiiecier's,
* 0 * 0
Scouts throughout the province aro
making plana to celebrate Sir Robert
Baden-Poweli's sixty-fifth birthday on
February 22nd. Since the British
"Chief Scout" founded the Boy Scout
Movement in 1908 his citizonehip
training plan bias spread to almost
every civilized country, and probably
five to six million boys and young
men have come into co.utaet with it.
e • • *
The Ontario P'rovineial Council of
the Boy Scouts Association will this
week publish the first issue of its nbw
monthly paper for Scoutmasters, As-
sistant Scoatinasteis and other Boy
Scout workers. It will be called "The
Trail" and will be the first publication
of its kind in Canada. Its colnnms
will, be devoted to general news of the
organization in Ontario and to special
articled intended to help the Scout
officer in the efficient conduct of his
troop. It is to be mailed free of charge
each month to all registered officers.
* • •
The Canadian General Council of
the Boy Scouts Association has last
appointed a publications beard con-
sisting of the following: W. J. Sykes,
Librarian, Carnegie Library, Ottawa;
Russell Paterson, Executive Secretary,
Montreal Boy Scout Connell, and also
a writer of Bays' Stories; Gerald H.
Brown, Editor of the Boy Scout Cana-
dian Handbook; John Dixon, Adver-
tising Manager for the Conservator
Commission, Ottawa; Harry Hereford,
Industrial Engineer, Ottawa; Lawrence
Burpee, Secretary, International Joint
Commission, Ottawa; Scoutmaster
Frank E. L. Coombs, writer of short
stories, Simcoe, Ont.; and Professor
Gill, Director of the Government
Technical Education Department, Ot-
tawa. This Board will control the edi-
torial and business policies of the Boy
Scout Magazine, "Comedian Boy," and
under its direction will be lntblished
all future editions of the Boy Scout
Handbook for Canada and of all other
ofkfcal books, booklets and pamphlets
of the Association.
"Pape" s Dlapepsin" Corrects
"Pape's Diapepsin" 1s the quickest,
surest relief for Indigestion, Gases,
Flatulence, Heartburn, Sourness, Fer-
mentation or Stomach Distress caused
by acidity. A few tablets give almost
immediate stomach relief and shortly
the stomach is corrected so you can
eat favorite foods without fear. Large
case costs only 60 cents at drug store.
Absolutely harmless and pleasant.
Millions helped annually. Largest sell-
ing stomach corrector in world,—Aly..
ro ,
American Students Increase
in Britain.
There has been a considerable in-
crease its the nutnber of American.
students who aro attending British
universities. According to the latest
official figures there are now 180 Amerce
cnns at Oxford, 60 at London line
varsity, 87 at Cambridge and 21 at
Edinburgh, with others at the smaller
axe that tiro next term
It is 1 ectad e
will bring a big morose in the pre-
sent number of Anteracati stedelite,
Thirty American Rhodes scholars are
due at Oxford la Sianuary, and in ad-
dition there are 23 Canadian )),Mottos
saheb t'e to residence tit Oxford. aim
George Parkin, Who retires as con-
troller" of the illlodes sebolad,ship
trust in .London, will 110 succedaeii by
it Tawara Grigg, W110 wee MAMMY
secretary 'e the Pringle of Wein dur-
ing his Canadian tour.
,llilnardri Liniment Relieves Dlsttmpel
Mrs. Emile Malette, Montpelier,
Que., writes:—"O have used Baby's
Own Tablets• for some time and am
well satisfied with them. They are
surely the best medicine I know of
fon' little ones." What Mets. Malette
says thousands of other mothers say.
Once they Ihave used the Tablets tor
their children they would use nothing
else. The Tablets aro a mild but
thorough laxative; aro absolutely free
from oplutes, narcotics or other harm-
ful drugs and may be given to the
youngest baby with perfect safety
aid good resui.ts. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr.: Williams
Iti:edlctne Co., Brockville, Ont.
Indian\Princess Buys Watches
for Subjects.
The Begun:. (princess) of Bhopal, In-
dia, who bought 4,000 silver watches
to take back to her people in tiro cen-
tral Italian State when .visited Swit-
zerland in 1911, has. just sent for an-
other lot of 2,500 timepieces, says a
Geneva nd wanher sub-
despatch: t: Sh o
jects to be punctual nud not rely on
the sun for the time of day.
The- Begum, or Mohammedan Prin.
cess of Bhopal, probably is the only
female ruler of a state in India and is
also called Sultan, The 'throne of
Bhopal has descended in a female line
for more than seventy-five years. and
many of the Begunhs have displayed
modern tendencies in looking attar the
welfare of their subjects, watt number
066,000. The Sultan Jahan Begum
succeeded to the throne he 1901. 1310 -
pal is the principal province of central
India and it capital, the, city of Bho-
pal, has about 75,000 population,
flDAf "iDERINEi' ,
Girls I Save Your Hair,
Make It Abundant!
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most.
harmless physic for the little stomach,
liver and Bowels. Children love its
fruity taste. Fall directions on each
bottle. You mutt say "California."
Extra Suns.
An imaginative, writer in a current
magazine tries to speculate do regard
to coudtbions on a;planet lighted 'and.
boated by More than one sun.
inasmuch as very many suns are
"doubles;". and doubtless others occur
in bunches, the notion of a planet en-
joying the luxury of more than one is
at least plausible. Presumably there
are plenty of planets thus eitua.ted.
Probably there are in the universe
billions• of inhabited planets, each one
having its own conditions- more or less
unlike ours, and occupied perhaps by
living creatures altogether difeerent
from ourselves or any that we know.
Only "Bayer" is Genuine
Warning! Unless you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting Aspirin et all. Take
Aspirin only as told in the Bayer Pack-
age for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia,
IRtiveuntatis m, Earache, Toothache, Lum-
bago and for Path, Then pox will' be -
following the directions and dosage
worked ent by phyeiciane physiciansduring
twenty-one years and proved safe by
millions. Handy tit boxes of twelve
Bayer Tablets ot Aspirin cost few
cents. Druggists also sell larger pack-
ages, Made in Canada. Asperie is the
trade' mark (registered in Canada),
of Bayer Manufacture ot Monoacet-
cactdester of Salicyllcacid.
The World's Largest Cities.
Teeth's population is 2,147,190, ac-
cording to the result obtained -by the
census bureau atter the. recent census'
taking. The number of families is
Both 'Greater London and Greater
New York claim the largest popula-
tion •of any city in the world, sash hav-
ing more than seven million tnhabt-
tants. Next in order comes Paris.
According to the census figures just
announced, Tokio ranks as the seventh,
city in the world in point of popula-
tion, basing'a comparison on the latest
available figures, same of which go as
far back as 1911. Besides New York,
London and Paris, Tokio is exceeded
in this respect by Chteagte Petrograd
and Vienna, Berlin, Moscow and Phik-
deiphia, in theorder named, rank just
below Tokio.
Lumberman's Friend,
Tho original ani only Genuine
The Latest in Knitting
"Falll end ne it1'1 iter ellcor'oaklv,o. 9 hila
abuelc Pnil of the nlftlost alai niat,t
up-to-date solar illustrations and
knitting directions for Winter wear.
Capes, vests, scarfs; sweaters, stook.
ince, toques, ala. ....,
,sand Alto' in laminae for copy.
Beldlng*Ci)l"'ifgell+i ).)mita.):
'Wellington BIOS., " Toronto, Gat.
Holland's Famous Gyke,
Jlollmtd views with feelings of deep-
est veneration her most ancient dylce,
centre that) forty miles, long, that has
been holdingback the waters of the
eea for more than levan centuries.
Berlin is the third largest ally in
Pay your out-of-tovrn accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order. Flee
Dollars costs three cents.
Two Scottish universities aro the
only ones in the United Kingdom to
elect rectors, although this is done
by the French universities,
Minard's Liniment Relieves Colds, etc.
Self-help has accomplished about all
the great things of the world.
Classified Advertisements.
'Can and price. John J. Clank.
Ohlnoewa Valls. Wls.
LAN 1) SAL7-
num Carlots
l Pf?/C.E 25 v
America's Pioneer Dog Remedies
Book on .
and flow to Feed
Nulled free to any Ad-
dress by the Author.
E. Clay (Plover Co„ In0.
1LS West 31st Street
New York, U.S.A.
Poor tired feet—
Walked all day
danced all night
for quick and sure relief. Soothing
and refreshing.
31.00 a tube.
Agents ter Dr. Jules BenguS
IKidney troubles are frequently
caused by badly digested food
which overtaken these organa to
eliminate the irritant acids
farmed. help your stomach to
property S
digest the food by
taking 15:to 30 drops of Extract
of Roots, acid aa Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup, and your lcidnel
disorder will promptly die -
appear. Get the genuine. 7
.LCRSI9igl ..110. P4^J�t'- ®are '.d' ®GD
.®.v1.14,aemr»®eea.ose.e,ILIIaa=.10= a1101)
A Kidney Remedy
Mrs. As Crawford
Tells Hoa Cuticura
Healed Little Girl
"My little girl's trouble started
with small pimples on the back of
her head and they spread
downherebahardck. Tanhcpim-
(Illllijl� d
*a a� and they itched and
e" burned scratched - and irritated
) them and they later de-
veloped Into sore erup-
tions. Her hair fell out and became
thin and dry, and scales fell err on
her clothing.
"I used a free sample of Cuticura
and the pimples commenced to dry
up. I bought more and when I had
used one cake of Cuticura Soap and
one box of Cuttaura Ointment she
was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Alonzo
Crawford, 83 Pare'& St„ Bangor,
Maine, Jan. 22, 1920.
For every purpose of the toilet and
bath Cuticura Soap, Ointment and
Talcum• are wonderfully good.
Soap2Se. Ointment 25andSea Telcam23e. Sold
throughout thetominion. CanadianDepot:
L enol Limited, 344 SL Paul SI., W. idontnal.
(urians Soup ¢haves witteout mag,
Immodiatoly after a "Dandeflae
massage, your hair takes on new tife,
lustre and wondrous- beauty, appearing
twice as Heavy and plentiful, because
each hair seems to fluf't and thicken.
Don't let your hair May lifeless, color-
less, plain or scraggly. You, too, want
lots of long', strong, beautiful hair.
A fie -sent bottle of delightful "Dane
serine" freshen' your stale, chocks
dendruff and falling hair, This s,tntes
Iattng "beauty -tonic" gives to thin,
sail, fedin•g hair that youthful Bright"
nee and abtntdatbt thickness..—All
Envelopes will stick much ,better if
yotl will wait a few minutes after
ineistentn•g to seal, This rale eppilies
also to postsgo stamps,
Minard'6 Linlirient Por "teendjent»:
They Weren't Straight Lines.
Itinerant Preacher (to farmer)' -
"Did you ever stop to think who set
111e stars lit the heavens, lay good
Partner Hitehtman--"Nops! B_ut the
feller that diel the job conic) staler set
tertnatens for too, by gum!"
Always open to bay, and
always prepared to give
IOtt the highest price and
a equate) deal. Try as.
esTAtLi0bltu"1) 1010
Pt -this
Jl, E1 teltellly
always ready In
s' A '1 tine very first twinge, down.
Q-A cones lav bottle of $loan's"
then ihtic relief, without. rubblug
i"or it a simulating and scatterd
congestion. The boys use itfor
still inmates, and it helps S y
backaches, too," 68a, 70c, $1.40.
et tome —^ strut Ca b
lGS'UF. No. 3—'21,