The Clinton News Record, 1921-1-13, Page 5r.. 411,IJR!DA.T, .1.A: 13111, 1'021,, ,.,•. Clinton NcwswReccrd,,, Of Interet to You wend Me An open winter moos .a fat Coal blit. w o s v '. Whether or not boxing was taught in the schools in which lion, R. II, Grant was educttvd ha seems to have. (earned the manly art of self- defence, pretty thotough1y, The two highwaymen -who attacked' Zion, R. H, Grant, Minister of Edu- •nation, in Queen's Park the other night• and, who had the "minister's -cane broken over their heads no -doubt got the surprise of their lives. A despatch from the north tells of a Gree Indian, by the mine of Mac- Leod, "with the '.manners of .a Chesterfield and who apeako Lt itg- lisii withoutslang." It seems a pity 'that a number of our •young Public sclibol and Collegiate graduates could ;tot he mint up north for a poet -grad - nate course. The Goderich "Star is boasting, of a -good-sized' lemon which has been grown in that town. We're not at all surprised: We'd expect Goderich- to 'be specially .adapted to the growing of 'lemons. We do not grow Tem- onsit Clinton, but. we may.begin to grow nice, sweet oranges any time now—if the present weather contin- ues t A couple of Toronto mechanics who 'have no doubt been supplied with lit- erature from Russia giving rosy pic- tures of the wonderful democracy be- ing worked out there and who, no -doubt, find many things wanting in the democracy 1 in force •m'Canada, lave gone to Russia expecting to find •a•'worker's paradise. The worst we wish them is that they niay get safe- ly home again and may have learned •something from their experiences. ar*r It might take more courage than it looks,. at this distance, we've never been "covered" by a revolver in the. hands .of .a highwayman, but if a. few such sturdy resistances as .that of the Hon. R. H. Grant 'and the 'young. Toronto woman, tvho •attacked, a burglar with a skate, were met It might do, much to stop the `.` wave -of crime" of which we hear so much. To throw, up one's hands and give a robber all he asks encourages, not only that one but others in their. evil -ways. Those 'naval balloonists who drift- -ed over into the wilds of Northern 'Ontario andlost' got 'in the woods will go home with a larger'vision of Canada but before they gq home they should be given afree trip through 'the older and more thickly populated parts of the province, taking in 'the larger towns and cities and . visiting the fine farming districts of the pro- vince,. Otherwise they may give .a 'Very untrue idea of Ontario to those _in the- United States who know lit- tle ofitsgeography. Ontario has reason' to be nroud Of the integrity of the civil servants of the' Province. The will of the late late Road Conunissioner of the North, Mr. James 'Whitson, under whose di- rection great sums of public money were spent, spent,'disposes of realty worth '32,030 -and a: personal estate of $5,977. And yet, has The Globe always been quite innocent of the fault of tasting suspicion upon the names • of public men without having any real reason for doing so? The: honour .and honesty • of a nubile servant should not, be questioned without the "'soundest season and ,when once Pound wanting that, man should find it impossible to again have the sup- port of. the public. .But while some newspapers are so ready to impute -evil and dishonest motives to pub- lic non with whom they happen to disagree politically and for no other reason than that they do so disagree, it would be a wonder if a few real- ly dishonest men clid not get a chance to gain public office. The newspap- ers have a great responsibility m matters of this kind and should be very careful not to give a wrong lead. Iroquois Falls Board of Trade ur- ges the Ontario Government to ap- point a commission to direct all pub- lic works in that part, of Northern On terio. Wni. F. Steel, aged 22, after 'a quarrel over unrequited love, shot Miss Merle Edwards, 17, of Cheedle, Alta., dangerously wounding her, and .;hen committed suicide. ]REATII OF REV, R. J..TRELEAV- EN, A FORMER HURON COUNTY BOY Rev, Richard Johnston Treleaven, D. 0., pastor of Ryerson Methodist (hureh, Hamilton,•died Monday‘anorn- ing, after a short illpess, in his sixty - Eleventh year. He was very Well known in various, . parts, ofthe prow- ;nee, having been pastor' of some of he best churches in Toronto, LQndon, • • St. Thomas, Aylmer, Brantford and Chatham during his more than forty .4xgears in the ministry. In 1016 he -was elected President of the Toronto "-Conference. Ile is survived by his Wife, five sons and one daughter. Mr. Treleaven was held in high esteem by ;his ministerial brethren, acct the con- .-gregations to which he ministered.' lie was regarded as a particularly ;"safe" minister, confining his sernnons ito what Was distinctly the gospel, as •.taught by John Wesley, and never getting on to what were regarded: as apeculatiVe ar sensational themes. He -:Was born in the township oft, Ashfield a short distance from Dungannon/ .and has many relatives 'still there. When he entered the ministry as a young man, his first appointment was tat Bayfield, as assistant to the late ,, Rev. 'James Livingston, who was then ;;:]:the minister in charge of that cit. - Ault, and later of 'Wesley Church, .Clinton, Mi. Treleavcii'a term at Ryerson would have expired in June :next, and he bad eaten -tea 'd tail to Weodctock, after filling which Tie had intended to superantntlaee, Marwingas ,. GIEI:,—f)URST-.-4t Willotii hby, per - amigo, Welland, on Dee. 29th, by the Rev. I'I. E, R•oilj,el, Rosetta M. Durst, 'Youngest daughter of Mr, and ilirs, Wnt. C. Durst, to Edward 'el G, Giel of Hanover, VANSrONE-PEAGAN— COI - borneborne township, on Pee. 29th, by' the Rev. H, 1c„ Kennedy Luella , dauelt 1 ef Mr. tutu ,rs John Foagan, to William Stanley Van - stone son of Mr. turd Mrs. C. A, Vttnsione of Goderich, BELDEN—QUIGLEY—On Jan. 1st, at Utica, N. Y„ Iv& Quigley of that city to Jackson St. Clair Bel* den, son of Dr. and Mrs, Belden, Homewood ave„ Toronto. Births HERMAN—At Craighurst, on Jan, 10th, to the Rev. Frank and Mrs, Herman, a daughter. Deaths CROOTf�S—Tn Goderich township, on Jan. 7th, William Crooks, aged 87 years, 1 month and. 7 days, HOUNEY-=In Goderieh, on January 5th,James os Horne aged S, t,ed 82 years. CROOI{ER—In Exeter, on January 5t11` Mrs. Richard Caie ner, aged s5 years. AGNEW—In•Wingham, on January 2nd, Thomas Agnew, in his §nth year, IN MEMORIAM MILLEt---In loving memory of my dear husbancl, James S. Miller, -who passed away Jan. l0th,-1919. "Two years have ,passed since that sad day, God called the one we loved away, Forget him, no, we never will, For in our hearts he liveth still" Sadly missed by his wife and fancily. Homemade Cooking Sale T'he Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's church will ]told a sale .of homemade cooking on ,Saturday af- ternoon, Jan. 22nd. 'Further parti- culars next week. . —80-2 For Sale Good driving horse; also steel range, nearly new. Apply to A. Mc- Cartney. . —80-2-p Custom Sawing Will be done by -the undersigned at Clinton as soon as spring .opens. For further particulars call McEwan Bros., Bayfield. —80-tf Turnips for Sale Price only15. per 1 4bushel. . Order us quick, they are going fast. Apply to W. Doherty, Clinton. Aucton Sale • Of farm • stock and implements, and household furniture. Mr. Geo. Elliott has been instructed to sell by public auction, on Lot 19, B. R. N:, adjoining the Village of Varna, on Thursday; Jan. 20th, at 12.30 o'clock, sharp, the following property, name- ly: Horses: gelding rising 4 years, mare rising 3 years, both from GIen- rae; gelding 5 years, driver, gelding 8 years. Cattle: Two steers rising 8 years, three heifers rising 3 years in calf and clue in March, 2 steers rising 2 years, heifer rising 2 years, due in April,,2 farrow cows, 2 spring calves, cow 5 years, due in May, al- so thoroughbred' Yorkshire hog'ris- ing 4 years old. About 60' hens. Inn- plenents: Deering 7-f t. cut, binder, Noxon seed drill with seeder, Oliver bean scufier with harvester attach- ment, I. H. 0. • s'o11er, Deering 6 -ft. cut mower, Noxell disc, Noxon rake, horse seuffier, , gang plow, walking plow, Perrin ' riding plow, scraper, sot bobsleighs, Massey -Harris spring tooth cultivator, light wagon, 2 wag- ons,, hay reek, open buggy, Clinton fanning mill, extra set of screens, set of scales, hay fork, car, pulleys, 120 feet of rope,- sling ropes, scoop shovel, iron kettle, rubber tired bug- gy, hogstead, sap pan, spiles, about 80 pails, cross cut saw, cutter, grass hand seeder, scythe, a quantity of hay for cash, 2 seta harness, set plow harness, set ,single harness, forks, chains grain bags and other articles. Housetold effects. Boardman Al Gray piano, to be cash, dresser, 2 writing desks, iron crib bed, Singer sewing machine, 3 bedsteads, three rocking chairs, 4 cane bottom chairs, 8 kitchen chairs, 2 arm chairs, 3 stands, kitchen cupboard, Route Comfort -steel range, cream separa- tor, conch, dining room extension table; parlor table. Terms: All suets of $10 and under cash; over that amount 12 months' credit' on ap- proved..joint notes, or a discount of 4 Per cent. for cash. 'Geo, Elliott, Auctioneer. Jahn Wanless, Proprie- tor. —80-1 GIPSY- MAID It will be good news to the people of Clinton and vicinity that the Na- tional Opera Company wilt play here in the Gypsy Maid on •..Thursday, Jam 20th Under the auspices of the Pastime Club. This Company has been play- ing the big 'the'atres and the public is promised that the same personnel, staging and costumes, will be sten in their entirety as in Massey Hall and the theatres of London, Brantford, etc. The management is authorized to refund your moneyifyou do not Jiko thie production and they guar- antee the greatest entertainment of ;t5 kind ever shown hero. Thousands of dollars .have been spent in 'cost- umes and equipment; real opera sing- ers who act as welt as slag, have been engaged; the gypsy titer,' teller is hone' other than l'eard O'Neil Dile country's best entertainer; and the exquisitely beautiful ;lancing of Miss Sternborg's Classic Dancers complete the sensation of the ]tour;; Tho plan is open at Fair's Book store. Don't fail to order, seats early is there is no doubt such a woitdorftti shoal," posit;vely guaranteed, will be greeted with a capacity house, Ad-' mission; reserved, 754; rush, tif4, Meeting of. Heron County ()mead' The Council Of the Corner otiose oft the County of Huron will meat itt the Council: Chamber, Goderieh, at i o!cieek in the" afternoon :of TneaiiaY, the 25th day 0f January, 1-921. An aeeourits against the PouIt must be in th 'hands h e. o ler] pot o' of t c War t; than the, .trecedit there 'n Y L g meeting g of Council. Geo, W. Holmmn, i;oun- ty, Clerk. Goderieh,; Jan. 7th, 1921., WANTED A number of hand. sewers, Work will be sent out and called for, ' Ap- ply at Office of Jackson Manufacturing Co. Ltd. -80-1 House for Sale 8 -room, solid brick house, town water and electric lights, gopd gar- den and chicken house. Apply on Premises. Corner of. North and Spencer Sts.—A. 0. Clarkson. -80 -ti Auction Sale •0f Choice Dairy cows and Short,- horn hort,horn bulls. The undersigned has re- ceived' instructions to sell by public auction at lot 57, Bayfield Road, Goderich township, on Friday, Jan. 21st, commencing at 1.80 o'clock, sharp, the following. 16 choice cows, mostly all Durham grades, Fresh calved cows, Springers, others to freshen in March, April and May. The above have been carefullyselec- ted by the undersigned. Come and get one or more of them at your own price. At the same time and place Mr, E. H. Wise will sell two choice Shorthorn bulls, Ramer, No, 133623, age, 16 months. Victor, No. 145538, age, 13 months. Terms: Six months credit will be given on fthnishing ap- proved joint notes, or a discount of 6 per cent. per annum for cash. • Guar- antee—Any cow sold to be with calf not proving to be so one month from .date of sale 10 per cent. of purchase price will be refunded. Sale will be conclueteci indoors, W. H. Lobb & E. H: Wise, proprietors, 'George H. Elliott, auctioneer. —80-1 Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the McKil- lop Mutual Fite Insurance Company •will be held at the Town Hall, Sea- folth, on Friday, Feb. 7th, 1921; at two o'clock p.m, to reeelve the annual statement and report. ' The election of threedirectors and' -two auditor e and other business which might be considered 'tit such. meeting. The re- tiring Director's are R. G. McCartney, D. F: McGregor and • Malcolm Me - Ewan, who' are eligible for re-elec- tion. James Connolly, Pres,dent, Thos. E. Hays, Secretary. —80-4 Public Auction Sale Having sold my place on Dinsiey Terrace .St., just across the river, I will offer for sale the following prop= erty: household and kitchen furni- ture, etc., at two o'clock, sharp, on Saturday, January1.5th: Sewing machine, kitchen linoleum, 12x15 extra heavy, one barrel churn, one driving horse; lady broke, a quan- tity of hay, about 80 bus. of oats, potatoes, beets, apples and onions, a quantity of earned fruit, empty seal - ars, etc., ladder 20 -ft. Iong, ladder 15 -ft. long, 3 pig troughs, 1 wheel barrow, walking plough, cutter, top buggy, set of single harness, a quan- tity of lumber, cutting box, cross cut saw, stone boat, pig crate, axes, shovels, hose, forks, and other arti- cles too numergus to mention: Terms: Cash. Geo. H.. Elliott, Auctioneer, Earl Gibbons, proprietor.—80-1-p Auction Sale Of farm stock and implements and household furniture. The undersign- ed has received instructions to sell by public auction on the 2nd eon. of Stanley, Lot 30, 3 miles south of Clinton, on Wednesday, Jan. 100, 1921,at 1 o'clock, sharp, the follow- ing: Horses: Percheron mare, 6 years old, Belgian mare 7 years old, in ,foal, both of these are good brood mares, Percberon filly colt, 6 months old, Percheron filly colt 8 months old, Cattle: Durham, grade cow, 4 years olcl, :freshened in November, Durham grade cow 6 years old freshened in November, Durham grade cow, 3 years old, milking, Dumont grade cow, 7 years old,. due to freshen at time of sale, Durham grade cow, 4 years, due to freshen in February, Durha:if' grade cow, 6 years, due to freshen in May. 2 good Durham grade heifers rising 3 years, Her- ford grade heifer rising 2 years, Polled Angus :grade heifer • rising 2 years, 2 yearling steers, 8 Durham grade calves, 2 months old Ilnple- nients; Maxwell binder 6 -ft, cut, Deering mower 7 -ft cut, Internation- al roller, nearly new, 10 -ft. Maxwell rake, Mann cultivator, Massey -Har- ris fertilizing drill, disc harrow, set of 4 -section harrows, Coekshutt rid- ing plow; 2 -furrow plow, Fleury plow, No, 21, Chatham wagon, near- ly new, truck wagon, set scales, ca - unity 1,600 ib., Chatham fanning mill, With bagger, nearly new, new steel tire top buggy, steel tire open. buggy, bean cultivator, nearly ne*. International 1% horse power gaso- line engine, almost new, pump jack, root pulper, cutter, lawn swing, 2 ladders, 2 barrels, 20 rod No. 9 wo- ven wire, ,2 rolls of fence wire, 1,000 feet of good hemlock lumber, 1 set of double harness, set of single har- ness, stoneboat, wheelbarrow, about 6 toils of first class timothy ball,. 5 tons of pest class alfalfa, 5 tons of green feed, 300 bus. of 'good seed barley, 200. bus. turnips, 200 bug. mongols, eodle stove, Acme B. in good repair, geed heating stove, kit- chen table, 'Noisy churn, washing ata.. chine, forks, chains, shovels -.and nu- merous other articles, Terms; Tur- nips, ntangels and "all stints of $1.0 aiid under, cash; over 'that ''atnount 9 nion(;hs credit will ,be :givent Olt fur - Melling approved joint notes, or a discount of •4,0 *eight aliewed for cash on credit amounts, Everything to bp gold as the proprietor has solei his farm and is moving, away; Wm, Taylor & Son, Proptietars, Geo, 1I. Elliott; Auctioneer. —80-1 A IRE p NOW M i�. Starting a. new roar raid we should, .start fight, Wo invite A. share of your business this year you will find our pee rir,i;i and cur aim is to satisfy our customers. 711s week we Offer it few of oun stock -taking one elals. 3 s Ivory soap 25d, SWEPT D T EXTRA XTIo SPI0T x TU ICY' 3 bars Lifebuoysoap,20e, •ORAl'lGES 3 for Palen Olive soap 1'sloz,`for 40e, • for 233e ' 0 bars Goblin seai> 25c, i DON'T.' FORGET We have Grit lt and 5 lbs, Rolled Oats 250, 8 .pans Cleanser 25e, Oyster Shell for bens, 2 pkg.% Corn Flakes 25e, 6 cakes Peerless Washing They need it to fill Valencia Raisins for pies Compound 25c. the egg basket, per-. lb. 30c. - GET THIS HABIT • OP DEALING i.' The store for everybody ,JOLiNSC. N & CO 'S) GROCERY Phone >f>!t • DOMINION iCE CREAM PARLOR • WE HEARTILY WISH ALL OUR CUSTOMERS N D EVERYBODY A HAPPY NEW YEAR E. WENDORF A Automobile Does not educate your fancily much, only to blow your money. But the price of an auto spent in a piano and victrola with ;150.00 per child spent when they are 8 to 12 years old in music lessons will mean more than words can tell in years to conte. And 5 years after your purchase of a piano it has, prac- tically, depreeiibtecl nothing. A ear will have probably eaten the price of itself and worth little in cash, 1 will now put in a piano or Phonola less war tax and at price' where they used to sell before the war. I have moved my office to my residence on Lot 23, Con. 1, H. R. 8., Tucker - smith, Phone 6-616. For particulars call night or day. All lines of mus- ical instruments handled at closest prices, 'also Pianos and organs moved; -Pianos rented for enter- tainments. If you want to see the goods, call any time or come in and spend the evening. 1 will 'guarantee to• save you $75.00 on every piano through this system of selling. If writing orders address; JONATHAN HUOILL SEAFORTH PHONE 216' r. Annual Meeting OPPOSITE DALY'S GARAGE The annual meeting of the Bay; field Agricultural So tety,• for the purpose of receiving the financial statement and auditors' report and appointing officers and directors for the ensuing Year will be held in the town hall, Bayfield, on Wednesday, Jan. 19th, at one, o'clock. D. Mc- Naughton, president, .A. E. Erwin, secretary. —80-1 Auction Sale 0f • farm stock and implements .twill be held on Jan. 26th, on lot 56, Maitland Con„ ' Gocies6ch township, at twelve sharp. Horses: 1 heavy mare, rising 6 years, General Pur- pose horse rising 6 years old, Gen- eral Purpose mare supposed to be foal, Team of agriculture mares ris- ing 5 and 6 years, driver rising five, driving horse, spring colt. Cattle: Thoroughbred Polled Angus cow with pedigree, 4 cows supposed to be in calf to Polled ' Angus bull, 5 fat steers rising 3 years old, 3 steers ris- ing 2 years old, 2 heifers rising 1 year, 7 spring calves, 1 young Polled Angus bull, five months olcl. Sheep: 19 well bred Leicester ewes. Pigs: Brood sow, due in Feb., 8 store pigs, three months old. Implements: Mas- sey-Ilarris binder, 7 -ft cut nearly new, Deering mower, Deering culti- vator, Oliver corn cultivator near- ly new. seed drill, manure spreader, hay loader, roller, Sullcey rake, near- ly new, 3 buggies, democrat, fainting aril], 2 cutters, 2 set double harness, set plough harness, double set of driving harness. 2 sets single harn- ess, set of `show bridles and back bands, 2 walking ploughs, 2 gang ploughs, 2 waggons, 1 waggon box, nearly new, 1 hay rack, wheel bar- row, 1 hay fork, rope, slings, 2 pair sleighs, 1 gravel box, set scales 2,000. ]15„ 3 loads oat sheaves with sweet clover, 20 ,tons hay, 12 bush. clean ret] clover seed, quantity of corn on cob, some green feed, 460 bu. oats, 300 bushels mixed grain, 50 pullets, 80 hens, 1 lawn ntotver, quan- tity of lumber, -1 cook stove, cook range, burns coal or wood, coal grates never used, horse pails, milk pails, 1 tot, 1 cradle, 1 wash stand, 3 bed steads, 2 springs, 1` mattress, 1 extension table, forks, spades, snov- els, chains,- 1 boolccasc: TERM'S:— Hay, grain, and fat steers, cash; • otherwise " all sums •of $10 and under, 'cash, over that .amount, ten months credit will be given on furnishing` approved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent, al- lowed on credit amounts. All must be.soid as the proprietor has rented his farm. Thos. K. Mair, Proprietor, Thomas Gundry, Auctioneer, Farm; For. Sale. Tet Godericll township, containing ninety-three acres of first-class, land, nearly, ` all file drained; 35 acres plowed, 22 acres Lucerne,. clover,. 11 acres clover' and timothy; 8 acres. sweet clover.' Sntall amount of bush. Two acres of orcha).ctanid.. alai] ft4tfft. Story -and -a -half red brielc'house:with all modern conveniences, including bathroom,, furnace; ,hard and soft. water, Good spring well with wind- mill which pumps. ,water to .house and barn, Goed bank . barn, 5040, with steel roof; ' good drive she3). Barn and house havelightning rods. Situated three miles from Goderich, on Huron road. Apply to. Alfred Tebbutt,. It, R, 100;, . 1, (ioder;ch. Phone 18 on. 601. For Sale The comfortable; ecmomtoally heated, nicely sitnatett, • 9 -roomed house, electric lights; double base- ment, hard and soft Water, good bark; garage, hen house and garden en Al- bert St,; Clinton. Apply to 0. Holland, Clinton, Orth - -. . - v711Y3-1) smodrometermairommet No Trespassing' Persons found trespassing on lots p &' 28 and 24, Con. 14, Goderich town- ship will bo prosecuted. James Fer- gusson, —69.18-p House For Sale Desirable cottage, formerly *occu- pied by the late Mrs. MacRae, on Rattenbury street, west. For partic- ulars apply to Mrs. G. • A. McLen- nen, administratrix. 78-tf Building for Sale Frame building, with heavy elm timbers, in first class condition. Suitable for barn or straw shed. Price reasonable. M. G. Ransford. —65-1f Farrn For Sale Lot 30, Con. 5, township of Hullett, 2, miles from Clinton. Convenient to school. Contains 117 acres, 100 acres cleared, 17 acres bush lot. Land is all clay loam and in good state of cultivation. 5 acres fall wheat. Good brick house and bank barnswith cem- ent stabling. 2 good wells and never failing spring. Apply on ,premises. Ezra. M. Durst, R. R. No .1, Clinton. —76-tf Puncture Proof Inner Tubes Have your 'car fitted with the Ateo Cushion tubes. ' No punctures, no blowouts. All sizes of tubes kept in stock. W. L. Peffers, Albert street, Clinton. —74-tf House for Sale Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on Albert street, North, with good stone cellar and town water. Also stable on premises. Apply Miss Moore. —69-tf House For Sale S -roomed house with 3 piece bath room, Hot Air Furnace, Town water, good garden and chicken house. Ap- ply on the premises. W. S. liar -- land, Princess street. east —61-tf CREAM WANTED We are in a position to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best passible service. OUR GATHERERS WILL BE ON T4E ROAD REGULARLY THE YEAR .AROUND. WE WILL AP- I,RECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. .CLINTON CREAMERY LIMITED Phone 145 Mr. Car Owner This is to remind you cold weather is with us and you must care for your storage battery. "end it to us we will keep it in a charged condi- tion ready to go to work in the spring all for only $1.50. We repair any make of Battery and carry a full line of parts. Have us give you a price on 8 and 5 coat wor4 when you want your car: painted. All work. done by experienced' workman. Olinton "Garage • and Batter 1 Ser- vice station. J.. Paxtnan G Phone 80 Res. Phone 140 VIC'T'ORY BONDS And all Municipal and Government Bonds supplied at market prices and delivered at ;your bank without charge, 'W. BRYDON,T'i, Clinton °MINDING GRAIN CHOPPING DONE AS USUAL, EVERY WEEIK DAY, SWEET CLOVER SEED HULLED, PRICES REASONABLE, F, W. ANDREWS No' 'Trespassing No hunting or trespassing allowed on Lots No. 11 and 12 (Bridgewater Property) Huron Road. E. J. Tre- artha w —64-tf Per Sale Two six roomed houses on Fred- erick street, near the new flax mills, Will be sold cheap, and on easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale. —54-tf Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for service. At home every forenoon.—A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 039. Clinton —28 ave I BIG Stook -taking Salo. 11 bars Lennox soap .,$1.00 2 lbs, B. Tea ,,,,,,.,,: ,65 2 lbs. broken sodas • .233 5. lbs. Rolled oats .25 These are only a-few'of many bargains, We will advertise more as we proceed, W. T. 0 kil The Hub Grocery strictly cash. DB Ward. ab6. —34.1 SCRANTON COAL $ ALSO WOOD Any who wish to leave their order for future delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St, or phone 155. Terms strictly E. Ward. 34-tf. e Coal? I'll say we have, all kinds of it including: CHESTNUT STOVE, EGG BUCKWHEAT PEA CANNEL COAL COI{E - SMITHING And.' SOFT COAL Try a ton of Buckwheat or P Coal to bank your fires. 'Twill save your coal and keep your fires from being too hot dur- ing. mild spells. We also have a variety of wood, cheap and dear, but all worth the money. The winter is still young. Difficult transportation and American demand ma t y yet cut off our supply, so come across with your orders now while We have the goods. Orders and settlements taken at Wiltse's Store. We are now book- ing orders for summer delivery, and respectfully solicit your patronage. We, do not want ail the business but would like to have yours. Jr. B. MUSTARD A.RD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD.' Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brumfield 11 on 618. THE COP ES STORE Phone 4 6 A Happy New Year to all LIVE AND LET LIVE Fred 6V. Wigg Flour and Feed FEED CORN If yeu are feeding Poultry Hogs, Cattle or Sheep try some of our Kiln dried Corn which we are selling at Sery reasonable prices. sr♦ SALT - Now is the tine to lay in your supply of Salt, We have it for Dairy or Table use and also for feeding purposes. l.w FLOUR As the Flour Mills have just re.' Gently been allowed to return to their Pre war grade of Flour, we are now prepared to supply you a high grade of Flour for dread or Pastry, Try a sack and see for yourself. S,Q Jenkins & Son. W. en FLOUR AND PEED Phoned: Elevator 190, Itesidence,,b41 South End Grocery ,.ea full stack of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGFI +eta Levi stong PHONE 144 PROMPT DELIVERY GIRLS iNITED for knitters and learners ALSO 1NOMEN for menders aid inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL • THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for Hecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating - Phone 58 Shop over Corless & Venner's We are in the market for: WHEAT BARLEY OATS ---ALSO--- 1 MAPLE ELM BASSWOOD AND WHITE ASH LOGR • Flour and Feed always on hand. , J, A. ,FORD & SON Phone 123. 3000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS 500 DUCKS WEEKLY Top prices will be paid by us for all kindseaf poultry taken at Clinton ev- ery day and at Holmesville every, Wednesday: morning. We pay three cents more per Ib. for properly fat. tened milk fed Chickens, GUNN, LANGLOIS CO. N. W. TREWAETRA, Manager Phone 190; Hohnesville 4 on 141. CREAN[ WANTED 1 The demand for oar butter is itt. ereasil°rg. t '1•o supply this demand we regialrif more cream.. We request you to ship as you cream. We guarantee you the Highest Market prices, accurate tests and prompt service. Our firm is known to you and needs 116 farther recotnmend. We pay all express charges, fern. ish create cans and pay twice each month. Write for cans or further informs.. tion to the TUE ,i , CREAMERY ;CO. C'lll. SR1Ar'OILn.I � t. A, HAREEM, iitANAGEIt