The Clinton News Record, 1921-1-6, Page 5I'II URS M Y, J lith, 10~T,?r Ohinton News-Re04.r(i. Of Interest to You 11Y three have you ev.rieteti Toronto citizens •are,very loyal to .their Church, aren't they? A Brockville mart oftor3 to swat- Jew fine raw eggs in ten ntaiigtes op a ,bet, The bet would need to he lame one to cover the cost of, the egGe, e M. Owing to the high prise of paper .,and other costs there are now only 599 newspapers and periodicals of ••all classes published in., Ontarto against 745 before, the war.-Simeoe Reformer, M'Mw. • Editor Elliott of the Winghatn Times, was elected mayor of that town by_;aeclaniation last week. It beats us how these 'newspaper chaps rind Lime to ,properly fill 'the pesition •of mayor, .though there's'no :denying their fitness for it. w • If this new idea of community laundries, community ldtehens, con- -muuity canning factories, etc. once gets going" we Suppose, everybody'll have to eat baker's -cakes tinct canned . staff, There'll be no more such "pies -as. mother used to make."' W. R. Davis, Ontario's. veteran. _newspaper •publislier, celebrated his eightieth birthday on Dec:: 31st. Mr. Davis was editor and proprietor of the Mitchell Advocate from 1860 until the .beginning of 1917,• when it was taken over .by his son.. Fifty-seven years in the editorial chair is a good long period and wedon't grudge hint .a rest. May. he see as many happy returns of his birthday as lie desires: **M T Sometimes, school teachers f el that th t they are not appreciated by the stu- =dente who .come under their influence. ..However, one can never tell. Mr. 'William Williams,of Collingwood, who. for .nearly. hirty years was principal of the Collegiate, in that'.. town and who retired in 1901, re-. .-:eeived a letter Containing'3 five hun- dred dollar bank: notes on Christmas' • eve. An 'unsigned note, iit;eompanied. the gift stating that ft was from some of his old 'pupils 'acct that'tbey wished him to take a Holiday in ;the 'south.; Mr. Williams intends to go south, .accompanied by Mrs. WiI limns, as suggested by his unknown friends. Let all discouraged pedi- ;gogues take 'heart. Hullett Township Hullett election resulted as follows: For Reeve: Armstrong Watt �0-•,1 43 55 48 62 No. 3 85 6 :No.4 53 27 , No. 5 J 27: No. 6 8L� 25 No. 7 28 46 Total -- ., 261 230 - Majority for Armstrong: 31. Councillors elected by acclamation: ,.C. A. Howson, Robert Clarke, Alex, -McEwing, .John Barr. Holmesville A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles :Fisher' Colborne Township, at 4 *o'clock on Dec. 28th, when their .youngest daughter, Nellie Winnifred, was united in matrimony to Harold .M. Laois, son of 1tLr, and- lefts. Ed- waed Levis; of Goderien . township. The brida, .was given away by. her :father and was unattended. The wedding raroh .was flayed by Mrse (Rev,) H.; F. Kennedy: The •ceremony was performed by the Rev. H. F. Kennedy, of Benniiller. While the register was being signed Mrs. .Kemeedy sang "Love's Old Sweet .Song" and "Swett Voices." The bride wore a handsome gown of ivory satin .and georgette with -silver trimmings ..and a beautiful necklace and pendant set with pearls' and amethysts, the gift of the groom: Mainy other use= ful presents were given by friends. At five o'clock the guests sat down .to a very sumptuous •repast: The Imet wishes Of 'many friends are ex- tended to the young couple, ' Miss' Rhea • McRoberts off Toronto' -University has been visiting with her uncles, Messrs, Will -and Ezra Piek- ard. ; Mrs. 1). Calbick of Winona' spent a fewdays lastweek with her mother, 112rs..R,. Acheson„ - Mac. L. .Laehbrook and (laughter, returned to Mitchell on Monday af- ter spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs,.!;,. Pickard.. Miss E. Washington of Clinton spent the holidays at the home' of Mr. A. 'J. Courtice and Mas. Walter, Our teacher, Miss. D. Robinson, re - tinned to her duties on Monday after .spending the , holidays . et her home . .near Kincardine. . Miss' D. A; Helenas spent the hol- :idays visiting friends in Goderich. The Misses Sterling of Detroit and. ;Saskatchewan have been visiting their ,sister, Mrs. Jos. Jervis. • - - Once again the village School Bell is heard calling ,the *,pupils to their,•, daily toil, i lefibing the hill or difllcul- tee Miss Miller of Toronto has been visiting at the home of Iver. and Jl(rs. A. 3: Courtice. 1Yliee Mary 13, Howell of .Goderich has been the guest of her aunt -and uncle, Miss D. A, and Mr, J: R. Holmes, About fifty of the members and friends of .the congregation of the . Methodist church met at the Home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Win. Mulholland the• other evening) the purpose of the ,gathering being to present to Mrs. Iulholiand a token of appreciation for her long service in Looking after the house of Go& Aeeordingly ttn appreciative address wad read by Mrs, Schwann end a purse of money was presented to Mrs. Mulholland, •on behalf of the corcetiany by Mrs. +Geo. Tebbutt, Mrs, Mulhoiland xe- plied suitably and the evening Wes then very pleasantly spout by all* The address did net reaoh us in tine to publish this week, Bonfield At tiro s contl nolnntatioil culled on .7 nesday' Messrs; -A. E. Erwin and Da- vid Dewar were nomipated for the office of reeve and the following councillors were elected by aeelania- tion:an S reel Cleave, Higgins ltobt, Ponhale and George Lindsay, The election -for reeve will be held on Tuesday next. • • Mr, and Mrs,'11ose of Toronto are the geusts of l'4r. end Mrs Gillies, Mr, A, Weloh of London is spending a few weeks with his family in the village, ' • The fowl supper on Wednesday evening of last week in connection with the re -opening of 'the town hall was a grand success, • Much credit is due to the ladies for the excellent way they looked after the furnish- ing of the provisions of which there was a •bountiful ' stjpply. After the supper, which was served in the basement, a program Was given 'in the mairi'hall consisting of readings by Rev. R. C. Pitts and Mies Jean Woods, addresses by Rev. Si Quinn and Dr. Metcalf,. songs by Rev. A. Macfarlane azul Wm. Taylgr, Violin selections by Wm. Taylor and W. Hayter. A splendid dialogue by pu- pils of Miss Peck's school, etc. This was followed lowe by a dance, to which a large number remained. . - Mr. and Mrs. W. G, Johnston of Milestone, Sask., arethe guests of Mrs. Jolinston'sparents, Mn and Mrs, • William Eagleson, Miss Edith Spackman,ef Toronto is spending her holidays in the village. Mr. Arley Attwood of Detroit is visiting his 'parents, Mr, and Mrs. William Attwood. • The Public school opened on Mon- day. with Mr,' Allan Fislier as prin- cipal and Miss Davey as assistant. Miss Norah Ferguson is• spending the week with friends in London. Mrs. Tough leftthis week to spend the winter with friends at Hyde Paris and Celt. Mass. Ruth Houston of the London Life Insurance• staff spent' New Year's under the parental roof. Mr. MoNara of London, was a guest of the Houston frailly over the..ho1- iday, • Goderich Township .: :'School 'section. No. 4 held a very successful • Christmas entertainment .this year, a good attendance being. present and a most enjoyable pro- gram. given. The program consisted of Lorenzo's Christmas cantata, en- titled, "Mr. Richman's Christmas," which was very well rendered, in- deed, and musical and other members, all nicely given, Then followed the distribution of gifts from the Christ mas tree, always a very interestin feature of such a gathering. Th entertainment was much enjoyed 13 all who attended. The annual school meeting was held on Wednesday afternoon last and theear' business wound theyear's s up. Mr. Bert Lobb, the retiring trustee, tru see, was re-elected for another term. Goderich' District L. 0. L. will hold their annual meeting in the lodge room of No. 306 on Tuesday' afternoon, San. llth; at two o'clock.' Mr. and Mrs. Rot. Pearson re- turned on Monday after a visit dur- ing the Christmas holiday season with their- son and daughter-in-law, Mr. ancl hers. George W. Pearson of Wayne, Mich. 1Vtrriae,eb 13,ti11IBAI4L-=-1 A0111ViAN At Blear ,$trent Pros'bytor'ian Chea ch; Toronto, on Jan, 4th; by the Rev, Dr, G. C. pigeon, Vera Marie, -daughter. of Mrs, : D, F. Hageriian,. oh Rush sae Road, to John Rudd lfuna-, ball, son of Mr. and Mrs, George- : Riunball, Flint, Priebe and nepheW of Miss M, G,°Rucid, Clinton. COUNTER-SW,A,RTS-in Winghain, op Dee. 28th; by the Rev, Horace W. Snell, Mabel Florence, youngest daughter of Mrs. J. 15. Swart,, to ' 0, Morley Com;ter of l3uffaco, old- est son of Mr, and Mrs. W.. R.: • Counter of Clinton, ItAVIS-FISHER-In Colborne twin. ship, on Dee. 28th, by the Rev. H, 1+, Kennedy, Nellie Winnifr'ed, • daughter ,of . Mr. and Mrs: Chas. Fiisher, to Harold M ,Laois, son of • Mr. Edward Laois, of Goderich township, WILLIAMSON-• HARRISON-- 'At Empress, Alta„ on Dec. 24th, Flor- ence Adeline Harrison, formerly of Bayfield to John Relines William- son of Einpress, Alta, • Births McLEAN-In ' Tuekeismith, on• Dec, 25th, to i• . M ,andMrs, Samos Mc- Lean, a son, CHARLESWORTH-At Grand Forks, •North Dakota, on Dec. 31st, to Mr. ' and Mrs. R. J. Charlesworth, (for- merly Miss Zada MacRae), a son. 'Deatisif. JOYNER-In Clinton, on Jan. 1st, Hannah Wheeler, wife of Me. Hen- ry Joyner, aged. 85 years and 4 months, MUST BE FILLING. It is hard to tell sometimes wheth- er the humor of a child is intentional or accidental. The following is an extract from an essay on "Why Can- adians Should Eat 'More Fish" from 'a little materialist -in -embryo in Nova Scotia: "Another reason why we should eat more fish is that we should all follow the example of Jesus which es found in Matthew, 14th chapter, which tells how he fed the multi- tude .of five thousand men, besides women and children, with five loaves and two fishes. It don't say what, kind of fishes they were, but fish must certainly be very filling," START THE NEW YEAR .RIGHT - Theretime is a t n do the right t g thi5,ig, and the man who does the e right thing is always conscious of Y having done his duty. New Year's is a good time to start, so before you renew your subscription to any paper, think a moment of The Farm- ers' Sun, and what it means to your- self selfand the farmers of this Province. The paper is owned by the 'farmers, and published solely in their inter- est. No: othee caper donates its en- tire energy to the farmers' cause. When sending in your, subscription, get your neighbour to subscribe, then you will both be doing the right thing at the right time. Think of the price, 104 issues for only $1.50. There is no other paper just like. The Sun. The Farmers' Sun Toronto, • ELECTION RESULTS IN HURON. Clinton -Mayor, A. J. McMurray, (acct.) Reeve, Jas. Miller; Council, B, Langford, W. 5. Paisley, A. T. Coop- er, J. E. Johnson, S. Kemp, J. W. Nediger; Public Utilities Commis- sioner, S. 3. Andrews, (ace.) Goderich-E. R. Wigle was re-el- ected mayor for the fourth time by a majority of• 154 over his opponent, H. C. Dunlop. Reeve, T. M. Davis; Deputy, W. F. Clark; Council all by acclamation, The two by-laws met with favor with the voters. The one granting a fixed assessment to the Western Canada Flour Mills carrying by 561 for;, and 254 against. The Goderich Manufaeturing Company carried its by-law granting exemption from taxes an& minor concessions. A re- cord vote was polled. Seaforth-Reeve, John Grieve. Councillors• --J. • W. Beattie, Robert Smith, W. A. Crich, G. Canino, 0. D. Haig,' R. G, Parker.• Public Utilities Commissioner -J, J. Cluff, Wingham-Mayor, H. B. Elliott, (acct,), Reeve;=A. Tipling; Coun- cillols-,••W. H. Greer, S. Mitchell, S. Bennett, W. Haney, . F. Houston, A. E.. Lloyd. Utilities Commissioners -W. H. Gurney and W. Holmes. The plebiscite on the gticstion of permit- ting a.second poolroom resulted in a majority'of 35 for the ofilrmative, Blyth -Reeve, Di. W. J. Milne, by 33 over J. Taman. Council -S, • Moody, E, Hilborn, James. Dodds, E. Geddes. ' Hensall-Reeve, Alex. - Snaith, by majority of 15; .Council by acclama- tion. Stanley -Reeve, Morton Elliott, (re- elected. Council -W. Douglas, John Etue, 3,.. Manson, G. B, Hanley, Goderich township -Reeve,' N. W. Trewartha, and Council by acciama-. tion. . Teekeientith-Reeve, J; McNaught on, Council -R. Watson, R. Kennedy, I. Moore, 0. Riley. ilullett-Reeve, M. Armstrong re- elected by 80; Council -11„ Clark, J. Barry A. McEwen, 0. Bowson. Mortis -Reeve, H. Elston. Coun- eil-John Shartreed, A, Procter, 5. H. Fear, J, Johnson, E. Wawanosh-.Reeve, J. Currie. Council -W. Strachan, J, Coultas, A, Robinson, E, Gillespie, Turmberry-Reeve, James Porter. Council -J. J: Moffatt, 13, Mines, John Meliwen. • One member of the Coun- cil is still to be chosen. Williaiii Austin and Robert Stokes were noin- inated, but could not stand as they Were school trustees. Nominations Will be held at Bluevale next Monday and should only one of these nomin- ees stand an election will not be 00- eeaaary, Bayfield ---i leetton for rcovo on Tuesday text, Councillors -•-S, ,Cleave, W. Higgins, ft, Plisile, George Liixlsey. i GIPSY MAID It will be good news to the people of Clinton and vicinity that the Na- tional Opera Company will play here in the Gypsy Maid on Thursday, Jan. 20th ' Under the auspices- of the Pastime ,Club. This Company has been play - beg the big theatres and the public is promised that the same personnel, staging and costumes; will be seen in their entirey as in Massey Hall and the theatres of London, Brantford, etc, The management is authorized to refund your money if you do not like this production and they guar- antee the greatest entertainment of its kind ever, shown here. Thousands of dollars have been spent in cost- umes and equipment; rear opera sing- ers who can act as well as sing, have been engaged; the gypsy story teller is none other than Pearl O'Neil this country's best entertainer; and the exquisitely beautiful dancing et Miss Sternberg's Classic Dancers complete the sensation of the hour.. The plan opens at Fair's Book- store, on Monday, Jan. •10th. Don't fail to order seats early as there is no doubt such a wonderful show, positively guaranteed, will be greeted with a capacity house. Ad- mission, reserved, 750; rush, 50l, Annual Meeting Huron Central Agricultural So. ciety will hold its .annual meeting in the Agricultural Representative's office on Saturday, Jan. 15th, at two o'clock, p.m. An -invitation is exten- ded to everybody to come.. -79-1 ' Farm For Sale In Goderic-h township, containing ninety-three acres of first-class land, nearly all tile -drained; 85 acres plowed, 22 acres Lucerne clover, 11 acres clover and timothy, 8 acres sweet clover. Small amount of bush. Two acres of orchard and small fruit. Story -acid -a -half reel brick house with all modern conveniences, including bathroom, furnace, hard and soft water. Good spring well with wind- mill which pumps water to house and hare. Good hank barn, 30x70, with steel roof; good drive shed. Barn and house have lightning rods. Situated three miles from Goderich, on Huron road, Apply to Alfred Tebbutt, R. R. No. 1, Goderich, Phone 18 oe 601. -70,4-p For Sale • 'rue comfortable, economically heated, nicely' situated, 9 -roomed house; electric lights, double baso- mcte, hard and soft water, good barn, garage, heti house and,gayden on beet St., Clinton, Apply to 0; II., Holland, Clinton, Got, - 76-3•,p A . Sappy New Year. oO '�' and Ail GET TIM HABIT OF DEALING AT The, store for evexybeciy JOHNSC N & . CO'S GROCERYii Phone 111 w.. DOMINION ' -ICE CREAM PARLOR WE HEARTILY WWI 10154 ALL OUR CUSTOMERS SND EVERYBODY A HAPPY NEW YEAR E. WENDORF An Automobile VICTORY BONDS AnallMunicipal tl a and Government Bonds supplied At market prices and delivered at your bank without charge. W. BRYDONE, Clinton GRINDING GRAIN CHOPPING. DONE AS 'U'SUAL, EVERY WEEK DAY,. SWEET CLOVER SEED HULLED, PRICES REASONABLE. F. W. ANDREWS No Trespassing No hunting or trespassing allowed on Lots No, 11 and 12 (Bridgewater Property) Huron Road, E. 3. Tre- wartha.--64-tf For Sale Two six roomed houses, on' Fred- erick rederick street, near the new flax mills, will be sold cheap, and an easy terms. Apply to Jacob Taylor or C. B. Hale. -54-t5 Boars for Service Champion bred, big type Yorkshire and Cheshter White boars for serviee. At home every forenoon. -A. C. Levey, Phone 5 on 639, Clinton -28 Does not educate your family much, only to blow your money.. But the price of an auto spent in a piano and victrola with $50.00 per child spent when they are 8 to 12 years old•in music lessons will mean more than words can tell in years to . come.. And 6 years after your purchase of a piano it has, prac- tically, depreciated nothing. A car will have probably eaten the price of itself and worth little in cash. 1 will now put in a piano . or Phonola less war tax, and at a price where they used to sell before the war. I have moved my orifice to my residence on Lot 23, 'Con. 1, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, Phone 6-616. For partieuiars call night or day. All lines of mus- ical instruments handled at closest prices, also Pianos and organs moved. Pianos rented for enter- tainments. If yea want to see the goods, call any time or come in and spend the evening., I will guarantee to save you $75.00 on every piano through this system of selling, ' If 'writing orders address: JONATHAN HUGILL SEAPORTti PHONE 216 OPPOSITE DALY'S GARAGE To The Electors sac1 e La iand Gentlemen:- I wish to take the opportunity of thanking, the electors of Clinton for their generous, support of my candi- dature for the reeveship on Monday and for the satisfactory majority given me. I shall endeavor to use the office tiros bestowed upon hie to further, to the best of niy ability, the best interests of the town. R. J,MILLER No Trespassing Persons foetid trespassing on Iots 23 and 24, Con. 14, Goderich town- ship will be prosecuted.' James Fer- gusson. -69-13-p Houses For Sale Two houses on Bond street, prop- erty of H. Livermore, town water in both, electric light in one, also stable on premises, Good gardens. Also a steel range, nearly new, and driving horse, Apply to A, McCartney. 78-tf House For Sale Desirable cottage, formerly oecii pied by the late Mrs. MacRae, on Rattenbury street, west. For partic- ulars apply to Mrs. G. A. McLen- nan, aclministratrix. 78-tf Annual Meeting The annual meeting of The Clin- ton Horticultural Society will be held in the office of Mr. S. )3. Stothers, on January 1011), at 8 p.m -C. D. Houck, President. -78-2 Building for Sale Frame building, with heavy elm timbers, in first class condition. Suitable for balm or straw shed. Price reasonable. M. G. Ransford. -65-15 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Pursuant to th urei The r eq i ttant s. of the Canada Highways Act separate sealed tenders marked Tender for Contract No. ". ,," will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock, noon, Monday, January 10, 1920, for the construction of concrete struc- tures on the Provincial Highway as follows: Contract No. 241 -Townships of El- lice ,Hibbert, Logan and Fuller= ton,' Contract. No. 242 -Townships of Hul- lett McKillop and Tuckersmith. Contract No, 243 ---Townships of Hul- lett and Goderich. Contract No. 244 --Township of God- erich. The above culverts are on roads on which tenders for pavement were called in advertisement of December 9, 1920. Plans and specifieations may be seen on and after Monday, December 20, 192 at the e ffic of theund� 0 th office er signed, and at the office of J. A, Tom, Resident Engineer, Stratford. A marked eheque for 9500.00, or an approved Guaranty Company's bid bond must aceoi:patty each tender. A Guaranty Company's bond for 25 per cent. •of the amount of the con- tract•wiIl he required when the eon - trent is signed. The lowest ex any tender Pot rte- eesearily accepted, Department of Public highways, Ontario, Deceutbcr 17, 1020. W. A, McLean, Deputy Minister of Milli- ways, Young Cow For Sale Young cow, due about January'8th, Apply C. W. Williama, Sr,, phone 4 on 602. •--78`2-A Raw Furs Wanted ' No need to ship your raw furs. I sell direct to the manufacturers and 'ani paying as much as any firm and more than some. Will pay up t o 0 7 0 for inndark m' is Iii For $ prime rn s ns. prices of other furs ring up telephone No. 89. H. A. Hovey, Clinton.-76-tf Farm For Sale Lot 30, Con, 5, township of Hullett, 21/ miles from Clinton. Convenient to school. Contains 117 acres, 100 acres cleared, 17 acres bush lot. Land is'all clay loans and in good state of cultivation. 5 acres'fall wheat. Good brick house and bank barn with cem- ent stabling. 2 good wells and never failing spring. Apply on premises, Ezra. M. Durst, R. R. No .1, Clinton. -76-tf Puncture Proof Inner Tubes Have your car fitted with the Areo Cushion tubes. No punctures, no blowouts. All sizes of tubes kept in stock. W, L. Peffers, Albert street, Clinton. -74-tf House for Sale Comfortable 8 -roomed house, on Albert street, North, with good atone cellar and town water. Also stable on premises. Apply Miss Moore. -69-tf House For Sale 8 -roomed house with 3 piece bath room, Hot Air Furnace, Town water, good garden and chicken house. Ap- ply on the premises. W. S. Her - land, Princess street, east ' -61-tf For Sale or to Rent Two lots with comfortable house, furnace, town, soft water in house. Garage and stable, situated on Mary street. -Apply on premises to W. H. Cole, phone 138 53-tf CREAM WANTED We, are in a position to pay the highest market price for butter fat and to give the best possible service, OUR GATHERERS WILL BE ON THE ROAD REGULARLY THE YEAR AROUND, WE WILL AP- PRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE. CLINTON CREAMERY timrrsD Phone 145 Mr. Car Owner This is to remind you cold weather iswith us and you must care for your storage battery. Send it to us we will keep it in a charged condi- tion ready to go to Work in the spring all for only $1.50. ' We repair any mance of Battery and carry a full line of parte. HaVe usgive you a price on 3 and 5 coat work When you want your car painted. All week done by experienced workman, Clinton Garage and Battery Ser- vivo Station. J, I. Pa. ....i �l Phone 80 rtes. Phone 140 e Ua1? I'll say we have, all kinds of it including: CHESTNUT STOVE EGG BUCKWHEAT , PEA CANNEL COAL COKE SMITHING And SOFT COAL Try a ton of ; Bucicwheat or Pea Coal to bank your fires, 'Twill save your coal and keep your fires from being to hot dur- ing. mild spells, We also have a variety of wood, cheap and clear, but all worth the honey. The winter is still young. Difficult transportation and American demand may yet cut oil' our supply, so come across with your orders now while we have the goods. Orders and settlements'.take�»', at Wiltse's Store. We are now boom= ing orders for smmner delivery, and ,respectfully solicit t Your patronage. We do not want all the business but would like to have yours. J. B. MUSTARD CLINTON and BRUCEFIELD. Phone for Clinton 74. Phone for Brucefield 11 on 618. THE CORER STORE Phone 45 A Happy New Year to all LIVE AND LET LIVE FredW.Wig andFeo d tie* FEED CORN If you are feeding Poultry Hogs, Cattle or Sheep try some of bur Kilt dried Corn which we are selling at very reasonable prices. SALT Now is the time to lay in your supply of Salt, We have it for Dairy or Table use and also for feeding purpose$, FLOUR • As the Flour Mills have just re- cently been allowed to return to their Pro war grade of Flour, We are now prepared to supply you 4 high grade of Flour for Bread or Pastry. Try a sack and see for yourself. W. Jenkins & Son. FLOtIR AND PEE)) Phoned Elevator 199, Resldente /,41 BIG Stock takillg Sale Il bars' Lennox soap ,:$ ,00 2 Tbs. R. Tea ,, .65 2 ,lbs, broken socias • .25 5 lbs, Rolled oats ,25 These are only ak few of many bargains. We will advertize more as we proceed. O'ei1 . 1111 U The flub Grocery SCRANTON COAL ALSO. WOOD Any who wish to Ieave their order for future delivery can do so by leav- ing their orders at my residence Huron St. or phone 155. Terms strictly cash. E. Ward. -3445 South Elle Grocery ai full stock of Groceries & Provisions WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGI?, Levi Stong PHONE 144 • PROMPT DELIVERY, IVANTED for knitters and learners ALSO 111010EN for menders and inspectors APPLY AT ONCE Clinton Knitting Co. LIMITED HAAPPY. NEW YEAR TO ALL THOS. HAWKINS. Agent for iiecla Furnaces Plumbing and Heating Phone 53 Shop over Corless & Venner's We are in the market for: ..WHEAT BARLEY OATS -ALSO---- MAPLE ---ALSO-MAPLE ELM I 1 BASSWOOD • AND WHITE ASH- LOGS • . I'•lour • and Feed always on hand. ; J. A. FORD & SON Phone 123. '1 3000 CHICKENS 2000 HENS • 600 DUCKS WEEKLY Top prices will be paid by us for all kinds of poultry taken at Clinton ev ery day and at Holmeeville every; Wednesday morning.. We pay three cents more per lb. for properly fat. toned milk fed Chickens. GUNN, LANGLOI,S CO, N. W. TREWARTPIA; Manager1, Phone 190; Holnesviile 4 on 141 , CREAM WANTED! The demand for our butter is creasing. ; I To supply this demand wa requital more cream. We request you to 'ship tie you* cream, - We guarantee you the Highest Market Prices, accurate testa and prompt seniee, - Our firm is known to you and needs( no further recommend. Wo pay all express charges, Turn. ish cream cans'and pay twice each month, Write tor tans or fuktther %forma. tion to the # This Seatolrth Creitdnl'ery,CoAe 0. A., BARBER, 5IANA0llt