The Clinton News Record, 1923-11-22, Page 7r irraI' r� a Women Now Testifies Iva Wate1T, 101 Lower Bagat:takon r-anlae myselt and know from 3t., itiugeton, Out., a well,ktscwn zttt! ,lrogreseive business " woman, pays Sigh tribute W the Taniac treatment, Kroh '{Aratell "owns and personally iuperintends ons of the largest ttnd nest up-to-date grocery stores in this leetiot of Canada, "X have sold lots of 'rankle here in nay store," says Hire. Watell, 'and most everyone who buys it Comes back any own eksperlenee that It le a won- derful ntomach medicine and tomo. After 1, had suffered a long time from stomach trouble and got so run-down and nervous I could hardly attend 'to business Taniac has made pre feel like a new'person. In fact, I feel One ail the time since taking ri'anlac/' "l'anlao is for sale by all good drug - with the itigheat prate°, I have also gists. Accept no substitute E L k■ f E DIJC 1 AOA ! BY D. ,I, J. MIDDLETON Provincial guard of Health, Ontario', llfiddroton will bo'glad to answer questions on Public )Health * tore through this column. Addrese'him at lipa+diaa Roues, Sgadtsdli Crescent, 'l'oreato. "The last three years .have seen tls combination of man and nature in the slaughter of Man by, man on a an incessant and successful props-, l ganda against the health of the na- scale heretofore unknown except in l tion " the lively imagination of the-Cluon- ervent teler of the OCings of Israel." hope that venereal disease may soon Professor Osler has the 'f These are the words or the late Sir be checked and.dontrolled, as typhoid ,___These, Osler, 'ono of the greatest is at present. Speaking in 1917 he had medical authorities of this generation. before him the wonderfully low record' "We are, however, beginning to real- o£ typhoid in :the armies. "To realize ize that it is Appollo, not :Mars,' who the magnitude of the victory," said, he, slays 'most in war," said 'Prof. Osler, "one must have lived and moved and "that Nature in the form of disease 18. worked year by year in typhoid more fatal to man than man with his stricken countries—helpless and hope, weapons. The needless deaths gI Peace less, without, proper, sanitary laws, or far exceed those of the most disas-°without the power to enforce them. trous wars, More people died •of To have succeeded within the memory plague in twoyears in India- that,},rof some who hear me reducing the have been killed on both sides `'sl'nce mortality of typhoid almost to the the great war began. IrE 1D15 .while vanishing point rs one of the greatest nine of our soldiers abroad -died every triumphs of modern medicine. It reads hour to save their country, twelve like a romance." babies died at home in'.the same time, to the scandal of their. country. ' :`The knowledge of Nature's laws las enabled man to devise' really mag-- nifieent' ways ,of wholesale butchery yet with a delicious rneonsisteney'the Mrs. Alfred Tranahemontagne, St sc sarue knowledge haea seless ,.Mahim he Michel des Saints,' Que., "writes:•— throue, of her and ceaseless, Warfare "Baby's, Own Tablets are an excellent through di°sease;:has enabled him to win :the greatest victory in the his- medicine. They saved my baby's life. ry-of' humanity. Even in war time mid I. can highly recommend •them to man, displays just as much hostility ail' mothers. Mrs. ". Trauchemon- o a hostile nature ass he does to the tagne"e experience Is that of thou - may in the field. Bitter experience sands of other mothers who have test- es shown hire that disease is more ed: the worth . of Baby's Own Tablets. atal than powder and shot. The new The Tablets are a sure and safe medt nowledhas- enabled him for the first time to reverse the ratio: between cine for .little ones and never fail to acilli and bullets. - Full details are regulate the; bowels and stomaoh,thus, of to hand for the Allied Forces, but relieving all the minor ills from which e know that, the destructive pestis- children suffer. They are sold by noes "have played a minor, not as medicine dealers or by mail at 25 ereto£ore the major, role. And it cents a box from The Di. Williams es been the same in the German Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, rmies in which the deaths from dis- 1 ae have been. about 1- to 15 killed nd died of wounds. The story of the EASY TRICKS niluest of the great infections is the ightest single chapter in the history No. 58 science. The humanitarian aspect ppeals to our better feelings, and The Balanced Cigar opo for the betterment cf the race ave been centred about health and ome and habits. There is a fly in re amber of course, and the vision is lurred (narrowed ,indeed to dark - Os!) as one looked in two directions towards cancer and towards vener- 1 :disease., Against the latter purge, a great „awakening. has taken lace.` Among infections, venereal iseases .stand alope. Against' all there man wages a keen warfare, hey present the remarkable and sub - SAVED BABY'S LIFE hristnaas Gifts for the{iddies uy now. 01:00, lariats Dressed. Dell, 'nt-out Toy, Clockwork Model,'. Art rayons, Palating Book. Postage Paid. ddrese:-13ainbovr Novelties, 878 roadview, Tatonto. MATCHES Remember to ask for EWA when you order matches ON.9ALit corm: Ess IN CANADA 0 Can you balance' a. cigar on the tip of your forefinger? Not for very long, perhaps,' unless you make use of a little scheme that will add one more to your repertoire of pec- ket tricks: The Illustration shows how a pen- -knife comes to the aid of the cigar. Stick the point of one of the blades of the knife into the cigar' near the end. Open or close the knife until you have it in the right position to hold the cigar nearly upright. The same trick; can, of course,. be done with a pencil instead of a cigar. (Clip this out and,paste it, with. other of the series, iii a scrapbook.). November Ram. The rain is dripping from the trees, And running from the eaves, . And Splashing on the open road Bestrewn with sodden leaves, And every bush and leafless twig And withered plant appeare' . Impearled with countless tiny drops - Like melancholy tears. S 55' porno AWARDED QUEBEC SCHOLARSHIP .As the result of her distinct artistic r appeal, ;Antoinette Giroux, La petite Canadienne of the Stage, has been "awarded a Scholarship by the Provincial Government of. Quebec, entitling her to three years' dramatic study at the French Capital, Photograph taken aboard the Canadian Pa - Ode S.S. Minnedosa en route 'to Paris via Cherbourg. • Ingenious Means Used in Surveying Operations Ira Those who go down to. the Sea 1n ships are not the only ones who see the 'wonders of the deep and': of the sky. The engineers who go to meas- ure -tile land witness wonderful-phe- nomena' onderfulphe nomena and even make use of them in. ,heir daily operations. The engl- nee9s . of ,,the Geodetic Survey of Canada in the - triangulation •of the vast areas they are.: called .upon to measure are sometimes forced to 'se- cure sights between points which tax the maximum resources of their equipment and indeed -sometimes ex- ceed them except under extraordinary. conditions. Higher towers at times are not .feasible and more powerful lights= or,telescop'ea are useless it the line of sight' is obstructed, When some part of the earth comes between the two observation points it -would seem that'tbere is nothing left _for the surveyor to do, but Geodetic,en- .gineers have found that by taking ad- vantage of times when the beam of light beetle conveniently they can make their observations. • For example in observing points on the north shore of the St. Lawrence from .the. south .or Gaspe coast 'it was found that the straight line (about. 80 miles long) between the two Points passed, under the _ surface of the'water. ' It was im- possible to use higher towers .and on several clear nights tests showed that the, lights were invisible. Then came sevoral nights when the condi- tions of refraction were -abnormal and. when owing to the upward arching of the line of sight the north +^and south shore lights intervisible,. and it. was' possible, to complete the required angular measurements. More- over the refraction 'was on its good. behavior., and while it conveniently bent the line perpendicularly so as to pass over'•the hill of water, so to -say, between the lights, It did not bend it horizontally, and the meas uremente. were consequently. accurate. How the engineers assured themselves that the line did not bend horizontally is another story, but they .also deter- mined that point At other times abnormalrefraction develops in other forms, In taking observations' at night between Cape Breton, and the Magdalen Islands .11 was necessary to take readings on the image of the electric light when it Tracks In the Snow, What p , wonderful teacher and playfellow is the snow! Nelsen` it Brat comet, how the children shout in an. ticipation of the good tithes they will hare with it, snowballing, .coasting, slid building forte! But I wonder how many Scouts ever go to it quietly and rile it to toll yola,some of the strange and wonder• fol tbi'ngs it knows? Sometimes can tell most interesting stories and toll then very plainly. We like to read stories of the Indian hunters who follow "trails" 80 skillfully, but how came they to have such keen eyes? Yours and mine areprobably just as good if we only knew haw to leak Let us see whether we can read a few tracks in the snow, taking the very eeriest and nearest at hand. Can. you tell your Malta cat's track from that of your nolghbor's terrier whose foot are no larger? ,Look sharp! Oh, yes: Puss draws back every Claw inits sheath s; and loaves only' the mark of a velvet pad with four toe dots in front. Nipper's nails "do not retract and each leaves its nark in front, of the toe. ' Also Malta's hind feet drop neatly upon the front paw'e tracks, so that she seems to walk two - footed. Nipper cannot.' match his tracks• like that. ' Study the tracks of yourchickens and pigeons and the birds pf the street; even the tracke of different people are very interesting. _• ,On my way home from school one winter evening, I saw the tracks of two persons whichpleased me .great- ly; ono of a tall man—I knew he was tall by the long steps -and beside these tracks were the mark of some wee rubber boots, and I smiled. as 'I1 pictured a little man wearing his -first pair, and going proudly out to meet father 'Presently I turned' the corner and came in View of the track -makers, and the little man turned out to be a little girl. Do . you not.; think she enjoyed wearing' the new rubber boots aa well as any boy would? ' But it le the country lad who oars play at trailing: About the poultry yard comes the marauding skunk, fox and, weasel, and every wood path tells a story if the snow is just right, - I remember 'one March morning when a "snap snow" covered the ground. and I was on my way through a little wood to a' country school, I came across a most remarkable track. It looked just like a tiny baby's foot. The welhdelined heel, the slender sole, each -dainty separate toe—it was, perfect! It led down to- the recently thawed brook. Much puzzled I went on school and asked my pupils abeut it, and there was a shout, "'Twos a coon. Oh; teacher, coons have waked up!" Through the pastures and brash'lots Bunny:Cottontail goes;; but look' out that you do not trail him backward, for Bunny overreaches and at every jump plants his larger and longer hind feet well in front of the tracks made by his tiny forepaws. Squirrels, with the exception of the ground squirrel, are ready to come out every warm spell and sealch for the nuts they have hidden. And mice! They are everywhere; especially, along the end :of themillet field. • They do not seem to take winter naps.- Thoy make miles of little runways through the grass under .the anew, which are uncovered when it melts, and seem to have a social time above it as well, from :the "numberless tracks,, Some- times you catch sight of a mouse track that is perfect from each tiny claw mark to the knitting needle ecrateh of mousie's little tail. Do not fail to make walks In -win- ter weather and question the snow. Keep a record of all the- different tracks you find. , If. you do not know what animal made the tracks, send ns drawings of them, Perhaps Scout Headquarters can tell you what they are. --Ada E. Georgia. GOOD REDBLOOD I'ONIC RYE T ARBALI�E For all the radiant floral band That made the,autumu gay, The asters and the goldenrod, Alas! have passed away, And. o'er her flower children dead Upon their woodland bier, Le! sorrowful November tcepps, The Rachel of the ,year, —Minna Irving; GIRLS! HAIR `GROWS THICK AND BEAUTIFUL 35 -Cent " panderine" Does . Wonders for , Lifeless, ' Neglected Hair. A gleamy mass of luxuriant halt full of gloss, lis- tre and life short- ly follows a genu- i the toning up of y neglected scalps ( with dependable "Daua erdino. " Falling It air, itching' scalp and the datldruff is corrected immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly invlg- orated, taking on now strength, color• and youthful beauty, "Danderihe" is delightful on the Bair; a ,refreshing, stimulating tonli -•- riot sticky or greasy! Any drugstore, The pouch of a pelican Is large enough to aontaiii seven quarts of water. Alpha Centauri, the nearest staff' to the earth, le 26,000,000,000,000 miles nWay. Mlnaid'e Llolrnent Flea l8 tuts, 1 0 Santa Pe superior service row scenery eFlu> Red HarVeY, metals -your assur, , axee- of alea'$ant u1l rxtey .dere. journey ,vitt Grami canyon Nanghal l'ax _ open all fiayear 800 t T. I1lNt)kY des, h t. Sentare Ry. d0a ihes Flet .151-:batrclt;Fiick, Mao M AMilEthe aK!I6wo�}t n j OU �00 INGS CAl1FPANIA LIVED Also detolls es to colt of ea ail ihls od 48 Weak " Watery Blood the Source of -A11 Nervousness.;. "If people would attend to their blood, instead of worrying themselves ill," said an eminent nerve specialist,` "we doctors/would not see our con- sulting rooms crowded with nervous wrecks. More popple suffer from worry than anything else." The' sort of thing the specialist spoke of le the nervous, rundown eon- idition caused by overwork and the many :anxieties of -to-day. . Sufferers find themselves tired, low-spirited' and unable -to keep their minds on icily - thing. Any sudden noise hurts them' like a blow. They are full pf ground- less fears, do not sleep well at night. Headaches and other nerve pains are part of the misery, and it all comes from starved nerves. Doctoring the nerves withpoisonous sedatives is a terrible mistake. The only real nerve tonic is a good supply of rich red blood. Therefore to re- lieve nervousness and run-down health Dr, Williams' Pink Pills should be taken. These pills enrich the blood, which tones the nerves; improves the appetite, gives new strength and spirits, and makes hitherto despondent people bright and cheerful.' If you are at all. "out of sorts",,,,you should begin taking Dr. Williams' Pink Flits. You can get these pills through any dealer in medicine,or by mail at 59 - cents a box from- The Dr. Williams ,Medicine Co., Brockville, Out,' Entertainment. . I stoped at an inn one day to 'dine; The h10st was a generous fellow; A golden apple for a sign Hung out on a branch so mellow, It was the good old apple tree Himself so nobly dined me; "Sweet -fare anti sparkling juices he Was 'pleased and proud to find hie; To his greenhouse came many a guest, Light winged and lighter hearted; They sang their best, they at his best, Then up they sprang and departed. per packet a lb, tare 4111111111 11111 111®11 If you roll your own, 6 g ask fax TObC @UT (Leon lata() .49 CaOC VOtedOG70p al ia; ..Naw,... l:Yrc..,i.i..tT :iv . According to Race. American; There goes the beauti- ful Smith girls into the theatre. Let's join them. • Sect; Not so fast, my boyLet's see whether. they've 'bought_ their tickets yet. ' I found a bed to 'rest my head— A bed of soft green clover; The hosta great cool shadow reread appeared as a vertical pencil or band Fora quilt and covered me over. approximately fifty Leet wide and half' a mile high. Sometimes the image appeared as a series of disks one: above the other. At times the disks were all of one color, yellow or white, AO clean cut and separate. At other tinter the disks overlapped and were WOMEN CAN DYE ANY red, white and• green in regular. order. Other Variations were noted when GARMENT, DRAPERY acetylene; lamps were used, but in all — oases the; images. were in a Vertical I asked ltim what I had to pay I saw his head shake elightly- O, blest be he forever and aye Who treated me so politely, Plane, so that rile observations :'far ` De > or Tint Worn, Faded horizontal Anglo were- hot delayed, Things New for 15 cents. the results being, quite satisfactory, The Stirrup -Cup.' Death, thou'rt a cordial old and rare; Lok - how compounded, with what care! Time got Ills .wriukies reaping thee '- Sweet herbs from all antiquity Daviel to tbY dlatilingo wont, itoatsl .and Gota= excellent, Omar ICliayynrtt and Chaucer bright, And Shakespeare for a king -delight, Then, Time, lot not a drop be. spilt: Hand me the CUD wllene'er thou wilt; "Pis thy deb. stirrup -cup to me; I'll drink it down right smilingly: —Sidney Lanier. DEAF? The Potter Blur Phone conveys to your oar a. (dear, healthy and natural sound. It, is the latest achievement, Wrlto for liarticula1s to H. Potter co., Ltd,, 116.18 Ryrie Bldg,, Torouto, 9111. Ask for the Vetter lllar Phone, Mother! Give Sick Child "California Fig Syrup". Harmless laxative for a Bilious, Constipated' Baby or Child. Don't wonder whether you can dye or tint successfully, booause perfect home 'dyeing le guaranteed .with "Diamond Dyes" even if you have never dyed before.. Druggists have all colors;_ Directions. in each package, Constipated, bil- ious, feverish, or sick, colic- Babies and Children love to take genuine "California F i g Syrup." No -other laxative regulates the tender little bowels •so nicely. It sweetens .the.stomaih and starts the liver and bowels acting without griping. Contains no narcotics or soothing drugs, Say "California" to your -druggist and avoid -counterfeits,. Insist upon . genuine "California Fig Syrup" which contains .directions. Japan has an avenue of trees fifty .miles in length, ' extending from the town of Nikko to Namada: MONEY ORDERS. Remit by Dominion'Dmpress, Money Order. If lost or stolen you got your moneyback: There are 598;498 words in the Old Testament, and 181,258 in the New Testament, making 774,746 in all. • Ask for Minard's-and take no other.. An English inventor' has patented a double parachute designed to steady the descent of a user. STOMACH MISERY S GAS, IDtSilhL � ( STION ' Tho rapidity with which the chains eleon strikes with its tongue at a flys ing insect is gsuch that the tongue cannot be detected'with the nalced eye. Use IN st F i roe ETES IRRITATED BY SUN, WIND,DUST &C1NDERS RalrCOMMENDED 6•SDLa 118' DRUIOISTS.& 081`501AN9, • tor,,..0a pees 5Ya 0555 0005 Maidee co.c0ICA00,Vaal!!! "Paptee-Dtapepsin" is the quickest; surest relief for iudigsstiou, -gases, flatulence,heartburn, sourness- or stomach distress caused by acidity. A Pew tablets give almost immediate stomach relief. Correct your stomach and digestion lfow :for :a ` few cents. Druggists sell Millions of packages. of Pape's: Diapepsln. ` A herd of"Caribou, estimated . at three million, has been seen in the Arctic regions, Keep; Minard's Liniment in the house. Horses, giraffes, and ostriches have the largest eyesof land animals, and cuttlefish of .sea creatures. Theskin of the human . palm is seventy-six, times as thick as that of the eyelid. Str ng, o ry s Pure organic Phosphate, known to most druggists as 13itro•Phosphate, is what nerve•exllaisted, tired -out .people must have to regain nerve force arid energy, That's Why It's guaranteed.. Price $i per plcge. Arrow Chemical Co„ 25 Front St. Hall, TOzouto0 Ont, iNPIA NI Aflf0N Of muscles, ligaments or jointe. disappears quickly atter' a few applications of Minard's. or Weeds to 'That 'Effect. - Itebby: My dear; you know we Can't afford to have such things. , Wide; Btit, John, .that's lust the roasou why I want them!, Minard's Liniment for Dandruff. WANTED. TEAM ENGINE, 12x12 CYL- Inder. Reid Bros., Bothwell, qnt. Keep Stomach. and Bowels Right . Bi giving. baby the harmless,purely vegetable, iaf aats'. and childr en' a regulator: ARS.0)11161134/.5 SYRUP brings astonishing, gratifyingroeults in making baby's stomach dlgest food and bowels move as they should at teething time Guaranteed ' free from narcotics, oDl- 'ates, alcohol and all harmful Warsdt. eats. Safe wad satisfactory. Ar eta preexists America's Plonow• Dog Remedies Door on ' DOG DISEASES and now to Pad Alsi1cd lase la nay Adaran by the Author. M. CLAY GLOVED 00„ Inc. Iso Wat 240 wee( ,-• NOW Yarla U.O.A. ASPIRIN Say"Bayer" and Insist! o ; Row to Prevent al - Biliousness Doctors warn against remedies - containing powerful drugs and ' , alcohol. "The Extract of Roots, long known as Mother Seigel's• ,Curative Syrup, has. no dope, or: strong ingredients; itchases away indigestion, biliousness and con• atipation. Can be had at any - drug store." Get the genuine. E , �'gf� 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. a Eli 1' 1 Unless you see the name "Bayer" an package or on tablets you are not get ting the genuine Baye: product proved sate by millions and preecribed by. physlclans over twenty-three years for Colds Headache 'toothache Lumbago Eareehe IiheumatiSm . Neuralgia Pelt, Pain Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" only. Each unbroken pottage sen- tains proper directions, needy boxes of twelve tablets ;cost few cents, Drug- gistsand 100. ,Aepirlii. ianaell the trade markbattles of24 (registred le Canada) of Bayer Mabufaetlire of alonoaccticacldeeto1' ,0E Shlleylicacld. While it is well knoPu that Aspirin Weans Bayer 1Vlannfaetill`e, tb assist the pubilo against imitations, the 'Ppb. lets Of Bayer Company will be ;Aaiun. ed With their general trade mark, the "ilayc1 tlro8Ai'' CUTICURA HEALS SKIN TROUBLE Eruption On Face. Itched and Burned. Lost Rest. "A small, sora eruption broke out on the aide of my face andkept spreading until it was the size of a quarter. It was rough and scaly, and at times I. was most crazy with the itching and burning. I lost my rest at night, and my face was terrible to see. "I tried different remedies without any benefit. A friend recommended Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I purchased some, and after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and one box of Ointment l' was healed." (Signed) Miss Eleanor Beekman, Springdale, Mont, Jan. 19, 1922. Rely on Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to care for your skin.,q aampleEachrreobyytxan, Adduce! 'Lymane.r,7m• two, 00180. Taal 05., w„Mutual." 8014 ems- wham verywhore. Soap 26c. Olatmont26 and 60c. Talcum M. Cuticura Soap shaven without mus. BACK ACHED JERRBLT Mrs. McMahon Tells flow She Found : Relief by Taking Lydia , Pinkbatu's Vegetable Compounn Chatham, Ont.—"X took Lydia E. pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a, run-down condition after the birth of my baby boy. I had terrible pains and backache, and was tired and weak, not ree little do my n, Oorkne day I rre eceived your little book and toad it and gave up tak- ing the medicine I had and began taking the Vegetable Compound. 1 feel much bettor now and am riot ashamed to tell What it'has done for me. I recommend it to any woman I think feels .as Ido." --Mrs. J. R. MOMaBBON, 168 Harvey St., Chatham, Ont. 1 Lydia L+'.: Michael's Vegetable Cent: pound, made from roots and •herbs, has fornearlyfftyyoarsbeenrestoringaick ailingwomen to health and strength, I� relieves the troubles which cause ouch symptoms as backache, painful periods, irregularrt{os, tired, worn-out feelings and rtervousriesti Til{e is shown a airtand again by such letters as Mrs, MCMalton writes, &swell as by ono woman telling another, These woman knout, and are willing to toll others,, what it did fOir thein; therefore, it ie surely worth your trial. W'onton: who stiffer should write to the: Lydia7C,PinkhamlVledielnsCa, CObotlrg, 0101'10, for a rTree copy of Lydia uldharn g Private .Tieet-Book upon "Ailments Remit= to. VVonien." d'. ISSI 1 No. eilee- 8,