The Clinton News Record, 1923-10-18, Page 4f31L8oussrE:33-SIGs U£ADACSL'.
call for An. Tablet, (c vegetable
aperient) to Loop and etrengtheo
the organs. of dtaanttou end 'Wird-
node.. teeprgvea Appetite. Re11ovos
Cu0etipatloo. '
Get e r 2tsed 2d er
aelBox � ,,,,...nee-,,,. 4 ti 3 ears
Your / nsu M
, Drugyi� M.
':ua.. • o.-3rFp'aHi'gY *cd;
thips'off +he OW lock
%a JUtt1O1aS--1ittio'liah'
One-third the rogular dose; Made
of same ingredients, then condyt
coated. For. children and adults.`
Sold by J. E. hooey, Clinton, One;"
� :OSS
c fi d
s for 51.00.'
as Tor 41.00,
es' for 21,00.
pies for 51,00,
drill 13 clise.;' Kemp manure spreader;
Peter Ilaiuilton.17 teeth -cultivator
nearly new; Inter'nationai land roller;
set of disc harrows;; 3 sets of
harrows; 2 gang . plows- 2 walk
ink; •plows; riding plow; • ;fan}ring
mill;. sniffier; set of Renfrew scales,
1, tori; Adam wagon, nearly new; old
waggon;, light waggon; road cart; 2;
steel tire buggies. , Household furni
tare—Extension table; coal oil: stove;.
cream separator; a gctantity.01 hay;
grind stone; about 40,bushels o:f•itur
al Nev Yorlter• potatoes;; potato ilig'
ger; chains; forlrs;:'shovels; and oth-
er articles
ticerarticles too^ nr.entioi;:.
Terms -A15 sums of $10 and under,
cash. -Over that 'afiiount"12 months
credit" on furnishing _approved joint
'notes , ' Discount of 5 per, cent.- for
cash, Jeeeph L. Foster, Proprietor,'
George PI:Elliott, Auctioneer, 24-2'
02 farm, farm stock and tunne-
ls rents. , 'The' undersigned auctioneer
le ' has 'been instructed to sell by. public
auction 4!4 -Haile east of the village of
411 Brucefield,,on Thursday, November 1,
Farin is situated '/anile east of the'
village of Brltcefield and contains.
- 20 .acres. HORSES—General pur-
pose black marc, 7 years old. CAT-
TLE -6w, 4 years old due to freshen
17t11 of November; caw due to freshen
November 29811; row, 6 years old due.
to fi:esheli' Fe'bvuary 27th; t•oW„6 yrs.
clue bp freshen April 18th; year-old-
steer;, 2 spring calves. ' PIGS -5
pigs, weight about 175 lbs. HENS -
80 Barred Rock pulIetts; 20 1 -year-old
Barred Roche hens. IMPLEMENTS
1. —M. -H, binder, 6 ft. cut; wagon; wa-
1, gon box; set sleighs; cutter;;' culti-
8 , vat000 walking plow; scui5lcr; 3 sea
e tion harrows; hand nutting -box; root
pulper; set 2000 lb. scales; open bug-
gy; top ;buggy; cream separator;
churn; set' double harness; set single
harness; 100 feet hay Pork rope, near-
ly new; number of bee hives, sprayer;
chains; -forks; pulleys and-numerolss
other : • .articles. 11 loads of hay,
Maim te 200 bushels of oats H IJSE-
HD1D GOODS—I.itcben range; coal
or wood heater;'anumber of chairs;
tables; 2 rugs; 3, bedroom suites; it
quantity of jars, lamps, cooling uten-
sils etc. The 'Earn,: \vill also be of
for this district to sell our Fruit, Ornamental
Trees,' Flowering shrubs, dte. . Good Pay. - `EaclusiveTerritory.
This agency is valuable --our stock.
is the highest grade --all grown ,in
our own nurseries, and the list of
„,;varieties the vete-y best Prompt and
Gatfefactory deliveries, guaranteed.
:.Established•d) Yeare,' 600 Aines.
Forparriculars write
Toronto, , Ont.
,buy .SUPRISE, -,
ig, bright, •
3t gree household
s always the sarrle,'`;'
e ',' g:r d So``i
fere(' Tor sale ii, not previously sold,
"'1'FRlf.4.- ALAI. sums of $1.0 an4 un•
der casks; 12 will be giv,
CO). ori' approved Jahns notes, 4 Pei'
cent, off 'for cash dM0eredit emountei
'forme of farm mAdo kr da
of sale.. N raperie as proprietor in
giving nit ftilhkling, Geo. 1l, 1plliatt,
Aactie:men 'd, A, Rase, Prefnietor,
ltuetibd Sele of IiouseheldEffects
A.n.r;uation sale to be held on Sat-,
uday, October the .20th,.at 2 pan, of
household effects, consisting of bed-
room and diningreem furniture,
etpve> chairs; rocking ehaire; 105V -
tors; folding leaf table and nti'naerous
other articles including onefine up.
right piano and sewing' m,calzine.
Textus, cash, A11 goods" to , be re.
Moved immediately. el'aco L. Shoe-
ley, Proprietress. Geo..1I. Elliott,
Auctioneer. (,over Cluff's'shoe stord,)
j . A5ction',ale
Oi faricr stock and implements and
household furniture. The undersigned
auctioneer has received instruetions
to sell by public auction at lot 28,'
epncession 1, London Roadg 2 miles
south ,of Brucefielcl, on Tuesday, Qct.
30th comnioneing at 1 o'elock sharp,.
the following: IIO1ISS+:S-TIeavy, draft
•fiaare,g years old; pair heavy geldings
12 years old; choice grey driving
mare 9 years old, pair heavygeldings
„CATTLE-2 Durham grade -cows due:
in January; Durham grade cow due
in February; 2 Durham grade caws
tine in April, Durliani'grade cow, due
in December; Ayrshire cow due in
lVlaiy; 2 steers rising' 2 yrs; 2 heifers
supposed to freshen in April; heifer
rising 2; yearling steer; 8 spring
calves; ,,47 store pigs; 100 hens; 50 pirl-
letts; 12 pigs 8 weeks'"old; 22 rows
el -corn. IMPLEMENTS' -- Rubber
tire' top buggy; set single Harness;,
new; Portland ` cutter; disc harrow; '
side, delivery ,rake, nearly new; pea
harvester; 1918 Chevrolet car in good
running order; set scales, 2000, lbs.;
'1900 Gravity washing machine; cream
separator Economic King '000 lb. ca
pacity, new; Moffatt range; Garnet
Range; Detroit vapor oil stove; 130-,
egg..inouhater; 2 brooders; chicken
coop;"lawn mower; 250 bricks; sap
pails and spiles; ,kitchen cupboard;
1 dozen kitchen chairs; 3 large tables;
2 fancy tables; 2 "sofas; davenport;.
China cabinet; drossmakers' • form
beds; dressers; setee; pictures; stands
rugs; carpets; quilts; 10' dozenseailers,
dishes; pails; crocks; jars;` lamps;'
lanterns; cooking utensils. TERMS
—Chevrolet ear and all sums of $15
and under cash, over that amount 12
months credit will be given on fur-
nishing approved'joint\notes or dis-
count of 5 per cent. for cash. 3AS,
)8. Aikenhead, Proprietor. Geo: II;
Elliott, Auctioneer. 24-2.
Auction Sale i
Of fares, farm 'stock and imple-
ments. The undersigned arotioneer
has received 'instructions to sell by
public auction at lot 22, concession 9,
Hullett, on Friday October 26th com-
mencing at 1 o'clock sharp the fol -
'lowing: HORSES --Heavy draft rna,re:
9 years old; heavy draf5mare, 6 yrs.;
big driving horse 10 yrs. 'CATTLE
Cow. due in November; cow clue in
January; heifer due in 'February; 4,
yearling heifers; 4 yearling steers; 2
2 -year-old heifers; 2 2 -year-old steers
4 spring calves;; 2 sccclirner calves;
Thorobred Tamworth sow with litter;
7 chunks. IMPLEMENTS--M,-H.
binder 7 ft, cut; M.-11. mower 6 ft:
cut; M. -FI, 13 hoe seed drill; M.H. crtl.
tivator; Oliver riding plow; Finery
walling plow; 4 -section diamond 'Tar -
rows; .soufiler;'hay' rack, good as new;
'gravel box; 2i/s'h.p. gas engine; set
bobsleighs; 2' wagons; light delivery
wagon; buggy; set single harness; 2
sets'donlile harness; 4 horse collars;
141. -II. cream separator; Daisy churn;
coal -oil tank; set scales, 240 lbs.; a
number of hens;3 ge'ese and gander;
about 13 tons of hay; a quantity of
oats; about 150 bushels mixed grain,
wheat, oats and barley; a quantity of
turnips; hay fork,•, set slings,, ear and
150 feet of rape; wire stretcher, rope
and pulleys; logging chains; forks'and
nunferous other articles. TH'E FARM
'West half of lot 22 and south half
'of lot 28, ,except railway part, con-
cession 9, Hulletttownship, in all 95
actos .inose on loss, conveniently lo-
cated near Clinton and a Londesborb
stations, is of good soil, ;welt culti-
vated, and has a good frame house,
bank barn, etc.' TERMS—A11 sums
of 410 and under, ,cash; over 'that
amount 12, on approved
joint notes or discount of 4 per cent.
for cash. Grain and hay, cash. On
Farm—Ten. per cent. en clay of. sale
and 'balance in 30 days. / Possession
• to snit puiichaser. Sale, subject to
reserve bid. W. II, Stevene, Propri-
etor. G. H. EIliett, Aue,tioneer, 24-2,
Mortgage Sale of .'Farrar Property
Ender and by. virtue of the powers
contained: in a Certain mortgage' which
will be produced at the time of sale
there will -be offered for sale by pub-
-, 11c auctionby .George II. lilliott, auo-
tioneer, at the Council Chamber, Min-
ton, on •Saturday,; October 27th, 1323,
at the hour of 3 o'clock pail, the, fol-
lowing property:
Lot number 82 in the 0th concession'
of the township of, the
county of Huron, :containing 80 acres
of land more or
On the propertyare a substantial
house and outbuildings and all such
improvements as -are,: common to
farms iai, the region. .The soil is
Olay loam and has been caref011y cul-
tivated. .
T1 18558 10 nes cont. 01. purchase
is on,,d'ay of sale and balance in 80 days.
Salo subject to reserve bid, Con-
ditions of sale rri<tde known on appli-
cation to t
W, 13ryilone, Clinton Ont,
George I"I, Elliott, Vendor's Solicitor.
Auctioneer, 28-3.
,Auction Sate
Of lame stock and implements. Tho
'undersigned auctioneer has received
instructions to sell by public auction.
tt lot•' 28, .concession. 4, Buliatt, ono
and a 'half . ittilee north of Clinton,
',Base line, on Wednesday, 'October 24,
hooch enciek of 1 o'clock sltnrp the
HORSES ---Horse, .Il ,y,5456'
Iola; herse,'0 years;: filly 2 years; gold:
ring years; 'Hives, 10, years, CAT.,
I'.t,x--cow., 5 yeitrs, dim to freshen
in December; cow, 3 years, due to
freshen in April; cow, 4 years, due
i o ,l reshelr in :play; cow, e years; 7
steers, 1. year old;'tlrorobred Ppiledr
Angus heifer, 1 year, witll pedigree;
5 heifers, 1 year old; 6 aprhri; carves;
PIGS broad sow in pig; 8 store nigra
100 hens, 1 year old; 50 pulletts, 2
geese;. 1 gancle't'; 3 duck's, 1 drake,
IIPLE5VLENT•S-,-F armor's Friend.2-
'furrow gang pli w largo else, Ser
either 4 .or 5 hirers, new; 'single p1QW
Yea sty No, 7, ,hew; i,l ufflor,, new; wa-
'on, new; wa4im 1 c x; grovel bore;
loot pulper; ter,- big; .2 ,sets siilg•]tt
harkens; 2 sets; double harness; De
Laval ..,cream separator, nearly now
and numerous ether articles. Every-
thillg with , be sold. TERMS --A11
sums •. of $10 and under, dash; •over,
that alnpunt 12 months credit on tli•
•preved joint. notes or diseonnt of 3
per •cont:. for Gash. Walter Mail',
Proprietor,., George II, Elliott,. Arte_,
tioneer. " 23-2
Auction Salt
Of farm stock and Implements; at
Lot 10, Hayfield ,Road Ye mile west
of Varna, an Thursday. October 256.
at 1 o'clock, the following' HORSES
—Heavy draft 'horse, 7 years; heavy.
draft aged horse;: grey driving .mare.
CATTLE—Holstein cow, 7 years, due
May 5th; Durham cow, 7 years, dtie
May 10; Polled Angus cow; 6 years,
due May 7; holstein calf/15 months;
yearling :seer; 2 spring calves.. IM-
PLEMENT—Deering binder, 7 ft
cut with ,tongue truck; Deering mow-
er,. 5 ft, out; M. -1-I, fertilizer disc,
drill, 11 disc; 'M. -H. steel roller, 9 ft,,
new; Noxon spring' tooth cultivator,
Deering "corn .cultivate): with bean
attachment, ' nearly new; 14. - disc
harrow with '8 - horse equaliz-
er; Clover Leaf manure spreader;
Deering, side delivery rake; sulky
horse rake; wagon; nearly new beb-
sleighs; cutter, nearly new; set scales,
2000 lbs., new; .Syrup evaporating-,
machine 3x8 Grin: Mfg. Co., '70 feet
pf steel:: piping; 2 Wooden trotcghs;
200 sap buckets with steel covers; 22
steel, staunehions, single stall, nett',
3 31 steel posts 8 ft. long; top, buggy
democrat; cart;; 2 furrow gang plow;
Prestonwalking'-plow; fanning mill;
3 -section iron harrows; hay fork with
car; 150 It of "'rope, slings etc:; post -
hole auger; Carter fence machine; 12
wino' 'Tramee, 6 12x16 panes; sit- of
double harness'; set' single harriers;
saddle; 2 ladders 24, ft,; number of
cedar pasts; quantity of hay; grind-
stone and numerous other: articles Scs-
aally found -about a farm. ' Every-
thing must be' sold as proprietor is
giving up farming. . TERMS:—$10
and under, eaah,'or 12 months credit
on approved joint notes or 6 per cent.
for cash, A. Robertson,*l'roprietox.'
Geo. Id, Elliott, Auctioneer..,.
In each of its• many departments,'
cateringtoall elasses and all ages,
the Family Herald and Weekly Star,
of Mofftreal, has continuedto improve.
each. year over the last until now it
would ,seem perfection, were reached.
Yet' for the coining Obasoii, that re-
markable farm and family journal a-
gain pronlises-•anll the promise will
surely be fulfilled—still further im-
” prorements in all deparments. It is
a profound mystery to publishers the
world over how the Family Herald
and Weekly Star can continue to pub
fish a 72 -page ;weekly paper continu-
ing . such a wealth' and variety of
reading natter for a subscription
pried of only. $2.00 per year, -
12 this were: riot enough, we hear
that, added to the amazing value of
tlhe paper itself, each subscriber this
season who xelnits in time will re-
ceive free a most beautiful picture
in colors of a lovely .and •heroie wo-.
pian, whose remarkable life story has
been published; in 'booklet form;' and
con -be obtained. without charge from
the "Family Herald and:_ Weekly Star
of Montreal.—Advt.
Marriages are said to be falling off
in some of the States • of the Union
and divorces to be increasing—Would-
n't it, be a funny state of affairs if
there should eoine to be more divorces
than marriages?
A 111tif, Ai 16
Daily Except Sunday.
Lve Goderieh .., 6.00 a.m. 220 p.m.
Lve Clinton ... 6.25 a.m. 2.52 p.m,'
Lve Seaforth a.m: 8.12 pan,
Lve Mitchell . , 7504 a.m. 3.42 pan;
Ars Stratford 7.30 a.m. 4.10 p.m,
Arr I%itchen a'... 8.20'0a.m, 5.29 pan,
Arr Guelph , , . 8.45 amt. ;5.50 Pan.
Arr Toronto' .. 10,10 amt. 7.40 p.m.
Leave Toronto 0,50 8.10,; 12.58 pant,
and. 6.10
Parlor Cafe car Goderich to Te-
rmite onmorning train and Toronto
to Godorich.{b15 .0,01. train.
Parlor 13ccifet cap; Stratford to Te.
ronto 05 afternoon •train,
015.,ilorninn, b.P.A., G;T.11.- 8ysteo
Sohn ;Itansinrd .3 Son, Plunk) 55,
,ilptowri Agent4,
( .INION ¥ QY, orrimNh,S 'vox
4k' "Y01.1NG PEOPLE O
iA few weeks ago the Toronto Con-
Bran � psi 1 � r
f . va Y ng of ie s Loagne held
its convention at Bi nrptpn, wben"iV 3
5. 'S. Livermore, a: stlidont at the
University of' Toronto, was ; one oil
1'onr of .the young people who adares-
;ea the gathering... '13tamptolr paper
prigted tho spaaoh in 1141. and , we
take the liberty of repradueing
knowing that many of our readern.yvill�,
be inievoetod, "Ernie" is known to
be 0 young pian who does his own
thinking and he certainly possesses no
'Mean' conception of tire'. task; whieh
eoni'ronts the young people of Ids
day. It is well to seo the young
mon and young women taking life
•apr,•iously enough to try to think out
its prpbiems And endeavor to hind so,.
iutions fel; thenr:
Mr, 'Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen..
It seems to me that the teak of our
young people maybe summed up in -a
brief phrase talon from one of our
well-known hyllriffins, "To Servo the
Present Age." That, in a general.
statement, is the task of the : young
people d : to -day. What are the
ways in which rho' young' people n)ey'
servo the present age and lulfrli their
task? There are three ways, The
first is to re-establish' the Christian
Clhurch in elle minds and affections of,
the. great masses of risen; secondly, to
aid in the formation of a newsocial
order• based upon more equitable
Carristiyan principles, and,. lastly, to
purify our political system And ele-
vate the moral tone of public life.
I am confident that you will agree
with me when I say that the church
today is not 'making the progress
which it . should . make, The "church'
to -day has not the grip upon the af-
sections and' sonic Of men which it
ought' to have. and which itformerly
did have, The church no longer:'
:seems to appeal to the masses of hu-
manity. In our cities end towns, 'ev-
en in rerncste`country districts, our
ohbrches are. 'only 'three -parts- filled,
with few exceptions. In this country
there :.are .thousandsof habitual non-
church goers, Even within the nar-
row circle of my own 'acquaintance I'
.know of several who have never been,.
inside of. a ehnrch, for years. " Men
to -day are sneering at the church and,
s4offing et its pretensions. , Organ
'bed; yes, and unorganized labor; if not
hostile,is at least apathetic toward
the Church. They accuse it and some-
times not without justification' of be-
ing an organization of rieh andwell
to-do. The General Conference of:
the Methodist. Church met in the Chi
. of Hamilton- in 1218, I believe. At
that conference many pious and well-
intended resolutions were passed.,res-
pecthig shorter hours, better working
conditions and dther labor questions.
What has the. Methodist Church ..done
to implement those resolutions? 'No-
thing! As a result many labor men
to -day hold the church in contempt
and no longer have confidence in its
expressions of opinion upon labor',
The Church ;is not increasing in
membership very rapidly. In some
eases itis decreasing.' The Toronto
'Conference -last year reported -an in-
crease of over one thousand members.
But as over two thousand .were
brought into`the church from the Sun-
day school, there was in reality a de-
crease of approximately oneithousand
Ju, shut' large, alties, llr Me eountry
encl.' in the :11.8., many 'of ecu largo
downtown churches are grac dally be-
ing 'closed up. They are following
the Mere ]io o llto-dthe '
9 well-to-do into tl a >asidwa-
tial sections, They are •retreating
from the scenes, of sordidness and •de-
gradetion, of misery and povorty,.
leaving the fereingors and peor'er
classes of gamic -liens to have their
minds end souls polluted lry socialistic
and ethiestic literature.
The drug' menace 38 threatening. to
ualdsrmine the Manhood and woman,
hood of this country,: 'What' is the
Church doing'' to combat this evil';l,
(Continued on Page 8) ,
'uhn' iltlV�i'Iifldi; u>l. in)ploy09 V'h_
tbi- Ainent Mrll, hgoseodel510, 'C44100
,11µ11(1 <lestivycd in„ ll planer oco
f'J.11Vsciuy of last westr. He had ro.
moved the., protection over the knives,'.
Hove seine to re < ono ebstructibn and his
hand was drawn in.. So terribly was.
it injured that he had to have, it ani.,'
pnteted just below Om elbow, Mr:
Ilildelirandt"is sixty-five years of age
tetncoidpnt proved is aua .
slrgcndlc tohe his•pystnnr, seri
Roy, 'Dr. Colin 'Pletcher, for many
years pastor of the Thames Rd., Pros-
bytei'lan church, has •.purchased a
!muse in Iiensall and will eliorthy (4-
clrl)y it.
A Fitting Finish to :a
Well.Ordered Lunch
• +fir ,/ �jj,�-'
J�"i ' `-s
when:it's cooked by live steam in an SMP Savoy Cooker
is better. foo' you and tastes better, tool The inner
boiler is pierced with Mae holes around the top,' through
whichthe steam penetrates. The live steam does' the
cooking. No need for stirring. No scorch
ing. No trouble to clean; as there is no
burnt or dried meal to scrape off. The
Savoy Cooker is one of the most useful
utensils made, .Askfor
Try thesedishes in
this line ' pot:. out -
mesa porridge,
steamed Tice, steam-
ed oysters, corn,
cauliflower, veal,
chicken ragout,
mushrooms, : scram-
bled eggs, and a
host of others.
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two crate of pearly'
grey Oiamel inside and out. Diamond. Ware, th*ee :
coats, light blue and white outside, white lining..'
Crystal Wako,' three coats, pure- white inside and-'
0 out, With Royal Blue eding. ^
On the Sedan
the Ck4-0la e
On or about January 1st, 1924, the Ford Motor
Co. of Canada, Ltd. will be in production on'a
new Four -door Sedan and a new Coupe icier).-
tical with those now being produced in the
United States. The prices on these new
models will'be:,"
4 -door Sedan . $985.00
Coupe - • 755.00
We have on ; hand a limited number sof the
present Coupe and Two -door Sedans which
Can be obtained at the following prices;
2 -door Sedan - .-, $685.00
Coupe - - - 595.00
This frank statement of merchandising and
production ,,ppolicies is made to ,settle 'all the
rumors that have been circulated regarding Ford
cars and prices in Canada, The considerable
saving in price on present models gives you, the •
opportunity of driving your Ford closed car
this winter.
Prices of "New Models Prices of Present Models
4-titoorr' Sed l " $903.0 2-aLlOEQ31h° Sedan a SNasl Sdc to
Zte? xpe , . y . 75s5.00 ' Collage le ` a 590.06
. . Ali prices everted are F. 0. 8, Ford, Ontario
and do net include governinent taxes."
With wintet,close at hand this differential in
price should be ai, the more attractive.. You
can obtain the advantages of closed car comfort .
and distinction .•by availing yourself -now of
these prices,
l- a reg BrocaClinton, t.