The Clinton News Record, 1923-9-27, Page 2ateTAGGARO"
al. D. NefAGGART,
'A general Sanbitig RtislneSs transaet,'
Notes Discounted, Drafts Isstted..
Interest Allowed on Deposits. Sale
Notes Purchased.
11, T. RANCE .
Notary 'Public: Cod'veyarider,
Fluancial; Real Estatel"ned Fire Io
titmice Agent, Repteienting 14 Fire,
lasurance cm-anal:des.
Division Court Office, Clinton.
W. .fiRYD014E
41arrieteraSoficit0re Notary Public, eta.
°Mee Hours -1.30 to 3.50 p.m, 7.30
to 0,00 lain. SiinclaYs,, 12.30 to'1.30-1),to.
Other houi's,by appointment only,
Office and 'Residence -- Victoria St.
Adde'ess communications to Aliironorbla 73 Adel id St We Toronto
The high plaee secured by Canada's
agricultural aml horticultu.ral pro
dues at ehows held in Great .Britain
and the United States, in 1922, is in-
dicated by the follewing summary:.
Is resuming practise at his restdenee.
Office Boursi--9 to 10 a.m. and 1 to 2
pan. Sundays, 1 lc; 3 pan., for con-
Office Flours,
1.30 to 3,30 pan. • 7.30 to 9.00 pm.
Sundays 1.0010 2.00 p.M.
Other hetirs by appointment.
Office, 218W Residence, 2183
, At the Imperial Fruit Show, held n
London, England, apples from On-
tario secured eleven first priaes; nine
eecond prizes and one third paize. In
addition to this, a splendid display of
comniereial apples arid pears was
made, Seventy cases of choice pears
and apples, and six hundred' haskets
of "Wealthy" apples, the only ,dessert
PionshiP in times ia, elevenIIOt ' yeare,
oxhi»ibing one year and taking
secerid the other.
ii the interval he Would pay Virgil "1 ago El. 1,4 a so,' claimed Kos,
00 cash in hand tr, bind the her. Toolsi
arid complete the traileactieti , "It °tighter be him!" .Naa Deb ern,
en the eertifieetee earite due. Mean- I phatically, "When I look At 11.01' 111ye
bile be wished -Le board at the Ger- ing there, as thin as a EillaVillg .0114
pot home and pay for the privilege,' with her eyes hlazing with fever, 1
He desired to begin certain improve,- feet jest exactly like 1 don't know
moats at once. I What! Te hoer her moaning and
Whets Virge triumphantly 'releted blah4g li'ereir. Cur the trouble Virgo
certain of the detaile of the transac„ I tv:xlhod into with hie eyee opera and
tion to Alma before it was coneum-' thee, trYing to loll lilra she leveS him,
nutted aad she offered timid etaections mighty near makes me bust tight <Mt
.. idloriiiwinnag aat pal locoqd, e obnavrginacie44, that he was bellerin'! Loves him ----the brindle cat's
and replied foot! I ewear, lf I had a husband like
in substance that wornen knew nothin
'''' tolfluttlire'dliTeTel4Itihilimh:'rloeuaTIti-lbleotli'nee'hadiel:
Once more Alberta -upheld its repo-
tation at the Interaational Bay and
Grain Show in Chicago, in 1922, when
grain from this Province secured no
less than three grand championships
another in rye. In vrheat, Adberta eit-
hibite gained 2nd, 8th, 10th and 11th
places, Tre pats, exhibits from Al-
berta secured' lot and grand cham-
pionship, as well as 12 ether pyizee
from 2nd to 24th. In barley, Alberta.
exhibits secured 1st and 511r, placee.
as Alberta exhibits secured 1st
one being in oats, another in peaS anci
,apples rady at that tune IPade a and grand championship, also 2nd,
most imposing exhibit' and attracted!
3 ..'d d 4th In rye Alberta was
. . 1 1 an . , „ ,
a great deal'of attention, „1 ze
isotren lot and grand champion, and
At the exhibit f Of Ontario dairy in alfalfa won second place. -
cattle at the National Daley Shoal At the International Live ,Stock
held at St. Paul, Minn., Ontario cattle show, Chicago, 1922, Alberta, stock
W055 two, championships, two lot won the following places:
prizes, three 2nd prizes, and five 31- .
Galloways, let and grand chain -
prizes, besides securing several other pionship; _Shorthorns, a 4t1:i and a, 7911
ards in "string" classes., In the : , prize...Herefords 2nd 9th and lltli
Office and Residence:
Huron 2treet Clinton, Qat.
Phone 69 „
, (Formerly -occupied by the late Dr.
. C. W. ThomPeon).
-Dr: A. Newton Brady Dayfield
'Graduate Dublin University, Ireland.
, 'Late Extern Assistant Master, Ro-
tunda Hospital for Women and Chil-
dren, Dublin. "
Office at ,residence lately occupied
by_Mrs. Parsons. "
Hours 9. to 10 a.m., 6 to 7 pm.
:Sundays 1 to 2 p.m, •
Dairy Herd Class, Onttirio etood sec-
ond in the exhibite,
At Chicago, where the International
Live Stock Show has become the
greatest world's shew of its kind, On-
tario achieved' gyeat distinction, in
Clydesdale horses, carrying off the
Reserve Chairmicnship, two let prizes,
three 2nd prizes and several 3rd and
4th prizes, all classes being Very
strongly contested, '
The outstanding achievement was
the awarding of the champion carlot
at the show to Ontario, and the carry-
ing off by an Ontario breeder of the
grand championship wether under
two years, and the grand champion-
ship of the shoW by, the same exhi-
bitor. This was the first time 1.11 the
history „of the show that the top
prizes were all won by one,man.
The, province was .represented in
the following classes: Southdowns,
Oxfords, Linceins, Leicester -s- and
Shropshires, and the exhibits won in
all classeg eightchampionships, thirty-
two first prizes, twenty=five second
prizes and several third prizes. '
In the Shorthorn and Artgus'classes
of. general cattle, Ontario again stood
hi h and the fa.ct that Ontario
,places; Grades, 1st and 4t11,
Shorthorn „epecial.
The livestock exhibit was prepared
by the University of Alberta.
The grain exhibit at Chicago was
made up by exhibitors from all over
the province, and was in` charge of
the field crops commissioner of the•
Departhient of Agriculture,
The winnings of the province of
Nova Scotia at the Imperial Fruit
Show, 1922, were as follows;
British Empire Section -
'Dessert apples, best 20 boxes, lst
Culinary apples, best 20 boxes, 159
prize, ,
'The prize consisted of a gold medal
Graduate Rival College of'Deuta: Sun
goons and Toronto University
Hes' office hours at Bayfield in old
Pest Office Building, lilondaYi Wed"
neclay, Friday and Saturday from. 1
to 5.30 '
Conveyancer, Notary Public, Commis.
; stoner, etc.
Licensed Auctioneer ','or the County
• of Huron.
CoraesPpaileaee promptly answered.
Immediate air*a,ngernents can be made
for S,albs Date at The Nesivs-Becord,
' Clinton, or by calling Phone 203"
Charges Moderato and. Satisfaction
. Guaranteed.
and,£50 cnsh itt. each class.
tia took third place, being preeeeded by
Ontario and British Columbia.
The combined winnings in the two
seotions were two firsts; three seconds,
five thirds and £183 cash.
In the Overseas Section Nova See -
A PrettY Fall FashlOri. .
Vkrorrien Need More
,elad Better Biegle
To be 6ttort, Well, equal to delnande
of home" sooloty, piiiee or shop,
It le NSA 1/11:41TO thouseade of
gretefal letters that liood'a Swett-
parilla 'remarkably beneficial to
yeang or elder wernea.
The moet eouurrell ailtneals 01
women dram and weaken the e1e1e01
atal Sometimee reenit anemia, aer-
voes weakiiees, general breali-down.
loodf e tiareaparilla givee the blood
more vitality :nal better ()elms malthe
'stronger nerves, and emaributes te
Gt length Pald enloYfeent of life.
,tive deal Aunt Tools hastened to eoneY And a good deal more al tine ----- --
ahOtit businees, Learaing, of the pies-, , ,
the Gorrett farm and endeavored 'to s°rt. t the bottle was about tWo-thirds empty
reeson with Virgil and had her ob- /1Y and by Virge quiet:1Y descended it wae again filled with water, and thio '
s kept up until the solution became
jection snorted doWa. the back stairs, and passing part. way wa
"Aw, let him go ahead and get nroned the lions?, Stopped at 911.0 oPen very light in color, When a fresh lot
awn p, advised Dog, window of the sick room anti listened was n.„ade. Two taaapoonfalo el this
theA illiitrteide l:itzli; 'WS, Tevis reported to for a little while to tao weak, hopoess
, eolation is enough to col ee the water
in an eight or ten quart pail. This
voice begging and pleading for fel,-
Skerry is making a lot ofi‘givenese, And seeMinglY the ecales sons the ,( 4,v drink the fowls got dux..
ethbla,ontIggehS;.tPhtletthinogusiell ry%nuninkfloWw'atVeliraglal .9.eslltebre°IngeholtsleeYgeixaln1dichelolstdaWsvh,ri:Yriwifteo ing tal° 1 1.. '3.- ',2----Hue.1.—.-'' —
has a windmill and tank for the love, chetiehe and protect as long as
' - Ifs life lasted • . •
A Live Northern Institute.
otoek—" ' - ' • Thme are many items of interest
"And leis Alma Plvaialt ,littetrt from a tumPlb'eis:denrtaxlaiyuchhelecaisothinvvbili2,cdodhtlihinnedtlifett hay,
in th
the well!" concludediss un, e,ban, , ▪ tuto ei-TlYeNali•p'eisteviontgit; ofTitcheemCeaolivhienrIealsitvie-
"Yes, and Skerry is installing long distances apart' but the raeetiagS
. are regularly attended, Li order to
portable plant and having the entire Lying tbn6 he shook with 'sobs of re- - .
moase arid beat his' hands on the bay ' ,
eGeeewhieg, commented Debby. until the 'dust theacof stuck to tne
' .. have programs of interest to everYone,
the members are asked to hand la
house wired for electricay," '
"11 • g ' to put i a heeter with 0 is wag ri. , i . . . , . , , . wii ten suggestmns Sol subject , e
tears that wet his faee. ' , . et. , . , . s n w
porcelain sink has come for 'the kit- when Mrs. Tevis took her pen ia hand ideas for work, or anY
tion for improvement in any way- ' in
registers all through the house. A big Came .D.,,,, day not long alto/wales
chen. Iie plans to' add a screened and wtoth, in Part as follows, to one
h er May a program committee is appoiat-
verandah at the back, repaint the Paul J. SkertY,
; 6 t ma ria • .
son of cme e'f "er ed to frame a program for the year
house,' and so on" - - , ll'ace's -rs ' 7 gq ' ed
those suggestions. II; is a stand -
Thus things proceeded for a space. a "Girls' meetings" in August and a
practice in this Institute to have
"Whew!" ejaeulated Miss Quatts. ------ if your vacation did you a• nrd
tenth as much,good as it did Alma You
Virge aside and spoke her doubts con- amends.,1sandgc.niont on'hlyissabyesstthatot the ill./7_, I arY.
finished convenienees will be ceroTlet''' girl to be married during the year.
."Grandmothers' meding" in Febru-
I and paesented to the first lasidtute
Each year a comforter is made
Aunt Tevis went to the Gorrett place can feel that your time was well spent.
every little while and generally took -Virgil,
others tionfientsmtaeldl ftohre Aerlemdait' es Last year the sum of 123.90 was
raised on an autograph quilt, and in-
ceraing the whole matter, Who knew
but • that the stranger was playing ed, but actually seems trying to find
some sharp game? It seemed to, her
that the improvements ought to wait its°°ntbdaptrti les-
, vested in clothing for fire relief in
Notthern Ontario, The Institute has
Until the entire purchaseemoney was will be responsible for any debts lie I
Paid.. Thereupon Virge would distend May be -unable to pay, but it is my in -
I alse sent clothing and rnoney to buy
.out for himself.' ...NobodY could put clothing, to new settlers who are in
his chest. ,He was capable of looking tention to let liiin do all the paying he:
anything over on him. ' ' ..
can without my aid. .
Alma is growing p ,
lunip and her '
I need . ,,.
1 Of theia latest venture the SecretarY
says; "This year we are to
Then one night, for no apparent color is like that of a young girl.
Little Alma has earned to love her
rea4on, Skerry disappeared, leavin'g no I have a school feta. This :will be the
f fi. • t f • • to be held in this part of
trail behind' him. . father. Come down here next summer ,
in as there is no Agricultural
is au.
''' ' • the real Virgil As Deb-savs 1 t" v''''' ' .
. "Virge is acting like a'crazy man," for Your vacation and get acquainted 1 eTie,ss. g
reported Aunt Tevis. vntb ' Virgib. - 'I Representative here, but through the
kindness of the , repreSentative for
' "I betcha he blames Alma fdr it all," "Darned if he ain't got the makin's of
A navy and white costume for cool
fall days is compoeed of a striped
skint, and a coat trimmed with white
stripes' and suede ,belt., • The -sleeves
have tiny turn back cuffs.
She thinks his 'Word is law, and , he
thinks so 'too."
"Yoh!" 'sneered the old maid.
"When he is hungry his wife has got
to eat, and when he sleeps She must
snore. Ketch me catering to any darn
man that way. What was it riled his
bile this time?"
Mrs. Tevis gave the desired in-,
"Huh!", ejaculated Miss Quatts. "It
might just as well have been the un-
handy Ilona selected for the eclipse
of the moon or b'cuz Wednesday don',t
come on Saturday. But, just the same,
I betcha he ett the peaches!" ,
"He was devouring the biggest one
h ,I left and remarking tha.t that
New Brunswick fruit gyowers did
1101. 9eXhibit at the Imperial, Fruit
Show 1922 It might be mentioned,
breeders were chosen as judges at this. however, that at the show held in
show attests to the character of the' 1921, New Brunswick apples achieved
stock that is being raised in this a notable simcess. In that year her
province. , exhibits of McIntosh and Fameuse-
At the London show, one thing was two el Canada's most famous varieties
brought out very clearly, and that wast of apples -obtained first prize with
the need foa establishing grades and! gold medals and two special prizes of
uniformity in order to compete in the: £5. Third prize medals weae secured
British market. For example, but- for Golden Russets.
ter, Australia scored 100 points fiRrl'ISII COLUIVIBIA.
Clinton, Ont. '
Gendralffire and Life Insurance. Agent
-for Hartford Wiild5t01111, Live Stock,'
Automobile aucl-Siekness and'Aceident
Insurantde. Huroh and Erie and Cana-
da TOust,130nd5. Appointments made
to meet -parties' at Eirucellelcl, Varna
and Bayfield. 'Phone 57. -
against 97 for Ontario, and won fii•st, At the Imperial Fruit Show, 1922,
second and third prizes in the salted/ British Columbia suffered from the
as .well as the unsalted classes. fact that the Okanagan and Kootenay
The same thing was true in cheese; c •
, , _ growers were practically unrepresent-
South Africa winning first prize, anal ed, although, in 1921, they were very
Ontario coining sdeond, with another snoo fai
ess •
entay being 'highly commended. A special prize of £20 was awarded
This competition with producerstoCreston for the best British Colurn-
from other countries opens up to our bia, exhibit in the British Empire sec -
farmers a vision of what world trade tion. The variety was •Cox's Orange.
means,aand what must be done in In the Overseas section, Creston and
.order to compete. Kerowna each won a first with Cox's
SASItalcrIBW-Ph Orange' and Spitzenberg, respectively.
- At the International Grain and Hay, Creston won a third with Fameuse
Show, Chicago, Ill, 1922, Saskat-I apples, and a first and third in any
chewan growers won eleven prizes for 1 other variety, besides a first for pears:
wheat out of 26, thus maintaining the Two special prizes in this section were
province's reputation for the produc-1 awarded to. Creston for the best.Brit-
tion of the finest hard spring wheat. ish- Columbia apple exhibit.
Many succesSes were -also secured in 1 At the Portland, Oregon, Interne:
aither sections. The complete list iS ; tional Live Stock Exposition of 1922,
corainented Miss Quatts, and stated
the ease accurately. e ,
If Alma had not displayed so much
interest Sherry would not have gone
to such lengths, Virgil raged. He was
'ruined. The cost of the material was
unpaid. Certain of the jobs were not
yet finished and must be carried
form of fruit yielded too uncertainly in through to comPletion or they would
this latitude to be Worth fooling with." be total losses. ,
"I. betchat" Nice, Clever. sort of. a Alma suffered even more than did
husband -treats his wife with less Virge. His conceit was badly bumped,
coneideratior/i than. he would a work but she was cut 90 the heart. Often
mule, 13'euz a mule 1411 stand just so at night her pillow was wet with tears.
much ar.d then lash out, while a wife One day soon, following a,visit to the
will endure anything," asserted Miss Gorrett hozne, the widow told Deb:
Quatts. ' "Alma has broltert down under the
Some days later Mrs. Tevis made a strain. She has a fever and is de-.
h 'ed' trip to the .city, grumbling to iirious part of the time,"
herself as she went and Chuckliag at "Just as I _expected!" declared
times during the return joUrney. Debby. •
• , After,vards there appeared at the The doptor gave to Alma's case a
a man in hint"
Your affectionate grMad-aunt,
The flicKillop Mutual
Fire Insurance Company
'Head Office, Seaforth, Out,
President, James Germany, Goderich;
'Vice, James Evans, BeeeLwood; see;
easurer, Thos. Hays, Seaforth.
Eitrecitors: George McCartney, 8ea.
forth; D. F. McGregor, Scaforth; J. G.
Grieve, Walton; Wm. Ring, Seatarth,.,
meRwen, cliaton; Robert Ferries,
Barlock, John Benneweir,Brodhagen;
:Tat, Cranially, Goderith.
Agents: Ales Leitch, Clinton, J, W.
Goderich; laInchray, Sea -
forth; W. Chesney EgmondvIlle:01.
G Jannuth, 13rodhagen.
Any money to be paid la may be
paid to Illoorlsh Clothing Co, Clinton,
omit Cuta's Grocery, Goderleb.
' Patties desiring to affect Insurance
or, transact oilier buslue=s will be
piorhyitl attended to on application to
en} of the above officers addressed to
their respective pest Losses
inspected by the Ditecttor who lives
neat est the scene.
Our forefathers reasoned that much
of the sickness among fowl vvas dile to
impure water, and they reasoned
right.The Mist sure and rapid way
by which infectious diseases are trans-
mitted through a flock of fowls- is bY, P
means of the common drinking aossem reports frein Dept. of Commerce Inc.'
In a few districts the
No drinking fountain has yet been 1 in England.
devised that will not be contaminated use `'' tractura is hicreasing, but not
by litter, manure, etc., being scratched generallY.
into it, unless such vessels are set) 4
upon a table loWenough that the fowls The largest co-operative creameay
can fly upon it. Therefore a harmless in the world is said to be the one at
antiseptic should be used in the drink- Bareon, Wisconsin, . In the period
ing water, , e a 11902-1919 it paid 14,707,079.19 to pat-
Permanganate of potash is the best' roes for butterfat. In received
harmless antiseptic we have tried. Wel 6,150,429 pounds of cream, for which
uSed it daily for chicks, putting it in it paid the patrons 1787,639.26.
their dainking water, and the result -- -
was that they were free from colds, rt costs 11,82 to keep a rat for a
which ale so common among young, Year. . That T6olts high, but if we lop
growing stock, especially during rainy of the dollar the rat is still an ex -
and chilly weather, NVe noticed that pensive luxury. The eighty-two cents
the chicks were more vigorous and would pay big -interest on , money in
active, and from babyhood to meter- 'at -proof cribs and 13ins.
Parry Sound, we' have secu
and other supplies, and he has offered
to come and judge the exlihbits. The
Women's Institute is donating all the
prize money except small 'donations
from school boards." -By Ethel Chap-
. ,England is going back to the use of
horses, 'because of diffictilty in getting
t men to operate tractoasesay,
Gorrett place a pleasant-epoken strati-, long-tailed Latin name, but the widow
ger who intioduced himself as P.• .1..` and Deb knew it for old-fashioned
Skerry. He had a mind to quit the brain fever. Thmeafter one or the
roaring city and seWe down in the' other of them was there almost con,
country. Followed considerable spealt-i tinuously. Virge did what be could,
ing, and presently Virgo sold the farm for he was not wholly callous. The
to Skerry after this fashion: days dragged on., '
The price, a good one, for Virge One afternoon when Virge had gone
prided himself on being a shrewd bar- to the upstairs chamber to take a nap
gainer, was agreed upon. The larger 1 Mrs. Tevis and Miss Quatts were in
part of Siterred,s funds, so he Stated,' the sitting morn below. There was a
'were at Hie moment in the form of 1 stovepipe thimble in the ceiling,...ex-
bank time deposit certificates whichltencling up through the float. Possibly
would not mature for some little while. the widow had temporarily forgotten
If he should demand the cash on them its existence and perhaps she had not.
before the expiration of that period "DO you s'pose she is going to die?"
he would forfeit the interest1 the hired girl asked.
as follows: • • British Coluinbia live stock winnings
!Ionic Education
Threshed wheat,. Sweepstakes,, 1st were as follotvs:
'The Child's 'First School Is the Family"--Froebel."
and 5th (Hard Red Spring) 6th, In the classes for Clydesdale horses
1291), 13th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 25t11 (Re- the winnings were, Senior and Grand - , .
serve), lth (Hard Red Winter). Champion' Junior irm
Chaion and When Shall We Teach Betty to Pick Up Her Piaythirtgs?
'Threshed oats, lith, 18th, 26th, 29th, Reserve dread Ch,ampion. Also seven •' -
34th; threshed barley ' (two -rowed), firsts and a number of seeond and 13Y 0,114.A. CLEMENT.
8th; threshed rye, 12th; threshed third prizes.
Terms or snuscrIptioo--42:00 per y;Ber,
in advance, to Cane,dian addresies•
ity kept in the best of health. Six million children are born in
. A crate of cockerels, from a man China every year.
who was raising poultry for us, ar-
rived on the farm in a pretty bad con-
dition. Fully two-thirds of the birds
developed colds, and someecases were
quite serious. The sick birds Wete
placed in separate.enclosures and Were:
given no other treatment than per-'
manganate of potash. in their &ink-
ing tvater. With the exception of one
that was too far gone, ail birds 're-
One hen on the farm tia'd cankey
the mouth, 'and another had. a "tat-
tling in the throat." These were at
once removed to 'separate quarters and
given the permanganate treatments -
and in about two weeks' time their ail-
ments were gone. ' 1
• A neighbor had two cases of
chicken -pox, and we prescribed, along
with a phycie of Epsom salts, and •
carbolated vaseline -nubhecl on the
sores, that nothing butoermanganate
water he given for, drink. One bird
was worse than the other, and its head
d' 1 into the water. Botheases
Betty'S mother had 'just gotten- the be successful as a poultry woman -you
in connection with the above, it winnings comprised two • elm/Union- letUc f ur year old settled diram for must work With 'Nature -you can t
clover, 9hh; threshed peas, 1st. In the classes for, Dorset sheep tbe
may be stated that Saslmtchewan ships, and 14 first and five second a
her afternoon nap - • '• oppose her.'
A.ncl now , not much more She drew a thread thoughtfully and
dae Did ou ever think
1 Will growers have won the wheat. cham- prizes.. ' than get this rooni put to righta be- then went'on: "It is odd, and it is still
now a primary teacher, wile was what a poWerful urge there must be
spelicling a few days with her. , in the little child to keep him tryiae
"Why not leave the playthings gto walk' in spite of the cliscoutagmg ••,.
stood for an instant or so, listening asked. 1;outh she will be led by instincts and
g ? . I rapidly recovered. ,
1 Another hen with a cough and a
yell that Could be heard a hundred
as she stepped rip onto the Porch and, them 'up when she wakes?" the friendr7All flmough 13ett,v's childhood' and
where they are and let Bet y pie i.I a
fore she wakes up again," she laugh= More interesting to wateh the same
The tirade was of sufficient loud-
ness to enable the Widow Teviss, who
had come over in her hiccoughing fliv-
ver her farm to fetch a' basket
of her big, blushing peed -hes, to hear
Virgil Gorrett was indalging in one make the sound of one anworthY of 1 takes more time to keep her Melt than manhood, And in, 111Indling children,
which Nature strives yards away, was successfully, treated
• in the same way -she was given no-
• . .
• i shamelessly. . There Were flivv.eas; degemetimes I do, but she- alwatas , desires through
----, enough passing along tne road to warits to inalte play of it and it really , to produce and develop perfect wo-
of his periodical pouts, and the unite -notice. .Virge did not own one. Nor' a, does -to a '9 y lf " i • It , - 'e• • ' saves thank,
11. thing but the permanganate watea M
ingly remarked' to her college friend, Ailing in chil n.
the bane of old age,
is not to be eured
by harsh purga-
tives; they rather '
aggravate the
trouble. Fora gentle,
but sure laxative, tthe
Chemberlein, StomaCh
and Liver Tablets. They
stir up' theliver, tone tlie
nerveo and freshen the
stomach .and bowels just
like an internal bath.
s ...
Woman's best friend.
yrar.1 gimx.od to old ado,
those little red health re -
_ starers are pm ungailing
guide to. activBilverand
a clean, healthy, normal
otonlach: Take a
Chantherlain'a Stomach
Tablet at night and the
sour stotimob nnd fer-
mentation, add the
headache, have all
go. by morning.
All drumriats, 25e.
or by meal f rem
Cluanherlaii1 Miklos
seemov, Torontol.h5
stronger grew his determination not In a little vvhile the visitor backed minutes and Nvhuo she spoke again, it' Natute, I iAv° easet" of roaP by first Pressing 01.„
.• . . . .A rriead assured as that lie cUred,
°us now 15 passing throagh
o o in se . , in poultry aiemg, us rnue
his wife strove to placate him. the did lie taise any peaches. Her visitor said nothing for a few pant and troeble we tvoik with
to be appeased. \Alien Virgil felt that off froin the porch an 1 ti t v s withoet reference to Betty. "Whd,t, "I t Betty •
, len s eppec Rio nosti of die Mid so as to loosen
d then nlungin the •4•L
waY, :whatever All'iln did was` in 'Ids up on it and approached the open door' did you do with those cunning. chielIS, what students of 'child life. call t le e TIME .TABLE
. 1 the discharge, an
estimation done wrongly, and that with tread unifecessarily heavy for so 9002 took out of ihe incubator this hiaitative age.' She imitates every- head a the letrl int° th° Perinaltgan-
which she did not she ought to 'have slight an old lady. Vir '' 1 '
s estsea. tlung the sees yoo do." Traine will ,urrive at and depart
done and according M specifications disgruntled declaiming gl°Iecetavsaesd 111 nlii i divided them up among three The mother siniled knowii 1 ShavThis, he said, distributed the solution , Clinton as follows;
inte w, 1-51 for ,aboat half a minute.
fornished by himself. esPeciallY fond oC Inc Wife's aua;t. l'1° -ie fou'r hens who 'Nett simply wild to 'eyed the baby's little Ramie and -Coder-di Div
UpoU this occasion she had ventured efficiency with which she carried on be mothering something. Now the lit- dSho plays set table and sews,1 Pertnanganate of potash (potassium
'maa'logee'o'lle.,a through the nostrils and the canals.
is a dark reddish 2a2 paa,
the suggestion that the poultry might her farm withont his advice grated on tle ones .are cuddled tip snug and sweeps,„ kneads .irread and makes beds Permanganate) Going* East, depart 6.ti5 a,m,
be made to return a better profit if the, him. • . umrin under real feathers, arid they as you do. If you tvork with Na tire 11.10 AM,
boarder biddies were . culled out and! The visit was not prolonged,
' ' '- • that 'the w II will save ourself and Belt
and have no idea in the ivoild Y no , yo y . t intrple crystalline:substance which can Going Avast, ao,
" . " sr, lathe .dp,. 6.51 p.m,
sold, and the layers provided with soon the widove climbed into her 'ilia- 'I lea] of rief- in the years to ha marthesed at any drug store.
More suitable 'rations better quarters ft, r et el went hi hi t ei I machine-hatehed little orphans." , come." '
axe, by rigitts and inheritnnoe, poor, a great c g . /'. For convenience sake we put an s p ,,9, 10.04 9,m,
a, rikirr of the, playthings a ttle 0 • water, and bet I set Going bon li, ar.
ounce of permanganate of potash into '' London, Huron a Bruce Die.
et foreign and so on;all 'aS a result ef 'words farm. y
1 "Why did ou pa theta with the "You br 8.23 dp, 8.23 a.m.
4.15 p,m.
$2,t0 to the U.S.' or oth , ' I i b la A d tilt •al R esen-i
tet y ie gi c uz epr a on..the floor,' exclaimed the hostess, i
, cl.. 1 This n adc ft stoelc satuaatetll Going North, depart 6,60 p.m..
tl t tl t 1 Id e
h ing atne em.- , If "Y hl Tett rtnts to ao ust is° ve• • •• '
- over night, so ia le eitys a s WOO
" " 05 11 12 a m
, , e i ccoug ng °Noel ler t ' e i
Rio option of the publisher. Tho ' had no selfish motive, fot the 'egg ' o mq arm much Nveight , ?,, - I ege will not last long. -Aftei that --
until they wore a week oa so old, rin as YOu do', train her in habits of otder-1._______,_____j._._.a
strong enough to run with the older linets and cleanliness. The'imitative'l _
solutiOn, very heavy in color: When 1 " 11. , • • ,
countriee. No paper discontinued tatives Ilorne Demonstrator. a Tew i the time " sh said, relat
That is the way he does most of bens S° soon? Would ll," nob have iron
until all arrears are paid uniesi at days before. . In thus saying 'Alma' ood a) ' al c Q '
e t , De it, natts. ,, or hired gill,.
,, • , safer to have cared fox -there, yam oe es. W 1 c ) y w, j
date to which every subscription . -,- ' t
Advertising Rates -Transient 04 nel ' ' •• • g ' "If I had a linsband like that" de-
r. Betty's mother laughed, "That about'tho time she goes to school, there
chicaens -
paid is denoted on the 191 -Al. •
Is I money was not diverted to her use and who was of s°rne - '
be f t but lost ite ideatity in the en- aficl very plain speaking
tisements, 10 cents per bon von' eral faim. fund, , a , e owsyou 0 no.' ' 0 , • , , .
eared Mase ()mitts, I'd take Iiirn by I tried that plan filo , year ,I used' girl will be lawless, careless and self -
h that 'y d t 1;e tv chickens 150111 vome a period whert your little
per line for each subsequent inset+ the raet that he had riot of No darn 111511 could hunt:rag el
-rneu'd-ngli a Mc -abater and I learned something,. ish, inclined to put her will and her
t ; ed tl di t In-• 'It 's only'COI' a felv days; that a foster jedgment against yours in everything,.
line for first ineertioa, and 6 cents Virgini .01sjection Came chiefly from the hair of Isis head, or ---s n il I
exceed elle inch. such as ,1,05t,,, ing, of .tapass - ao - ecovery en o 1 b ii od (I t i bat If slie has become ordealy and neat
"Strayed," or "Stolen" ole,,I led hi, wiCe' .
TherefOre he opposed both -... , ' e 1 •
would do v rrge a world of geed " int, the fleet few days of t 'min ives 1 .e i g. , ,
"A little of tiiot kfad of treatnient h"cks If they 'are.put with, her dm- frail habit before that time comes it
' - .1 '''' Mother can e 1 tr uce 13 nen or _
tiOn, Braun ad VOrilSeMenta no 0 thC' nThw'atlen h so f, a id, , pp v They re all alike cat feta- 'hin!"
once for 35 Conte, and each suba& the ides and itS parveyor, and without , a . , a • . ,
1 ' l' Wll 13 A. eeat comfort to you and of
toient Insertion 15 cents, ,,,, , onalyzing his' fetilinge was disgrinitleo a , - ,
, • agreed Mrs. aeviS. they Will adept her and follow hei ntestira-
' . able valtie to her while . she is
CemmunIcations intended" for ptibth becauSe Alma had accepted anything, You re darn tight!" indorsed MiS5 obedient y tilb A t'll 1 lf sown, like chick- ,g0itg through the trying 'Big Injun'
Quatts. '' "'They're all mean coots, ens hatched Am or, a ten, ) , a e , , , 0 o
°it'. -g 1 i uk ' ftor a At.e. it! she has not, you will have to
Think liow pretty-28.MM was wheahe week alone thdY seem to get, used to ntakc up yo
ur Mind t pick palter
MM,ried her-slMider„ and aS sweet fiS bob* orp'hano oril they -will not fol- her f
t 1 e a other t90se duringher
or ma ty years US coulee:flea there
'a flowee. Nett+ looky at her -growing totg a 11M1 no matter how mtich she will never h , rt , i .
thinner and fatlecler every day. There eotixes and clut-I9 'had SC01(18, Isn't childhood and, youths whoa it willbe
ain't ho shacider ' of eXeuee for it, it odd?" , easy Co teaeh Betty the lessons of
»either! He .can be decent Whoa he 'She heal the playthings 101 10 01•10Y 51f.4, , . 1.991 et re
. d ,'ettled herself with her mending ' Thenits- for your 1 0 le a ,
"It is his 'unchecked col -molt," said in her lap, , . , , , , , , , ,
Grace " ' said Betty'e mother as s c
. . " i,i I," a id the teacher. "Natme rolled two little etockings, into a ball.
hi "*Ae a he'd he WA8 5110110(1 IOS Ile . a , , ,
' '1 '1 t Ai had 1 e 1 ,
ii "I 1 Ile . thought of it that WaY
before -I - shall beg,in et Mice to train
Betty to 'follow% .
tatien Must, OA a guarantee of good
faith, be accompanied by tho nanie .of,
the writer,
Frog-slcin makes the toughest
leather known in proportion to 11;8
Prevention is better than a Atheral.
IS "•there iird through your bull's' raiirdiat faamers how te farm. A.11
jloae? • so on, to eonsitlevable length,
even adhice, that he bad not gracioasly
deigned. to hand clown to her from his
simerior altittide. •
, ho growled that the poultry vvils
'nothing but a hill of experise, aayhow.
Furtherrneoe, he didn't thank Miss
Dritt far dipping into itiS affaire,
'Those officious Heine DenionOtrators
arid Agriedittival Representat.ives
were nuisanceS, (mining around with
their confounded theories and telling
tbs At 1101110. NOW Ile AS merely tin over- Inits. an Prga into e
grown boy whong Alina coatituee to nistkee it seek nmother ,at the tittle
spoil by yielding to his evert+ Whim, 11,t needs, her Most, And if you are to
vccess - eltivra o
Whiit them mdn havo done, you can dot In your *ere tired
A home you on eAsSy muter the, secbeto of qollind that tea'.
Star Sslesreett. Whstever your experience h10 been -whatever
you May be dolOg noW—whether or not you think you ean
Just artsWer thia simetionl Are yotl ambitious to mon $10,000 a
year.? Then gel in teach with Me at ontel I will move to you
without tont or obligation that yos can caelly hererne a Star
Salesman. 1 will sliOW yoo how Om Sslesnumshin 'Finials,/ mai
rreo Employment Servits el the tl. S. T. A. will bolp you id tplick
encase it Soiling. ,
1 0 00 A Year Selling Secrets
lal la
I: IA et SW&Nkomo
t•thkoI,V,5.T/.4. 0
,o,il,11 55555050 \ " eo,,,,00,1.
505 .1 5 d iiit;llt
1,Wii 2,001 el ve 151,1' 00)
Cali orW
Nigeria Staefuneri's Trainitte Amooiation
. 6,640,,n Isis. Btra 362 Toronto, Out,