The Clinton News Record, 1923-9-6, Page 8(;into» Me
DAY, +'E
11,,13 11t (itlt, i.0
• Horne
Tie, W'. Di Fair Co.
Often the Cheapest ---Always the Best
,tll iIf i a Iiimnuatenonansa
Mr. J. D. Atkinson is in Toronto this
Mr. Stanley Shobbrook of Parkhill,;
was home over the week -end.
Mrs: 'Calvin Streets and Miss Norma
spent the week -end In Toronto,
Miss Minnie Falk of Gad's Hill :is -vis_
` iting with .her aunt, Mrs, Akam.
MT. Harold Kilty of Toronto was in
. town over the week -end and holi-
Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Hovey are spend-
ing a few days in Toronto , this
Miss Grace Shepherd left on Friday
for Ottawa to resume her teaching,
duties, c
Miss Winnie ()'Nei,]. spent last' week
at their summerhome at South-
Miss Mary Walls returned last "week'
front' a visit in Toronto and 'Tot-
tenham, ,
Miss ' , Edna Mceaughey is • visiting
friends in Buffalo and Toronto for
a week or so.
Miss Edna Wise returned on Satur-
day from a very enjoyable holiday'
'trip to Sault Ste, Marie. •
Mr. and.Mrs. W. Sl R. Holmes and,
family spent the week-endand holi-
day with Hamilton friends, '
Wr. Frank and Miss Jean Waugh of
Owen Sound are the guests of their
aunt, Mrs. W. J. Nediger.
Mr. A. J. Morrish • and: Miss Bessie
were in 'Toronto, for a few days
last week attending the Ex.
Mr, Edward Carter and • Miss Carter.
returned last week fro* a pleasant
visit in.Toronto and Uxbridge. •
Dr. and Mrs. Gandier are in Toronto
this week, having motored down on.
their return from Southampton.
Mr, and Mrs. 'JosephSlontan of Lon-
don visited the former's mother
and other friends' in town last
Week. '
Mr. and Mrs. Rowsarn of Ingersoll
spent the weekend and holiday as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs J. D. At
kinson •
Miss Ella Akam has returned to Tor-
onto after spending' a month with
-her another, who is in extrernoly'
' poor health.
Mrs. Helenuinn.. ':`has returned ed to
town .after a month's: trip through
' the Adiiondaeks, ,She had a most
Mr. and Mrs. Iddo Crich are' spend-
ing a few days this week' with ;
Hainilton friends and taking in the
Exhibition at Toronto. '
Miss Amy fiellyar left4last;'taeek for
Massey, Northern Ontario, where'
she ',has taken a ;position onthe
staff of the' Continuation school. �I
Mr. George Wise and his son-in-law,
ulIr. Vanderwerf, of Cleveland, Qhie
are the guests of the'fornier's ,bro-
ther, Mr, D, H,` Wise, of town,
Misses, Grace' ,and Violet Gliddon re-
turned home. Saturday after spend-
ing a couple of weeks with their
brother at Beaumaris, Muskoka.
Mr. and Mrs, A. O. Pattison and Mas-
ter Edgar'Maguiremre'turned Tues-
day after a ten -days'; visit' with
Port Huron and Detroit friends.'
Rev. Mr. Powell of Ridgetown has
'been in town this week in'connec-
tioe with the Forward Movement
wind-up campaign in the Anglican
Church. •
Mr. and Mrs. James Amos and Mrs
Ernest Amos and children of Ailsa
Graig visited for a couple of days
last week at the hone of the Rev.
T,, J. Snowdon,
Mrs.. George Burnett returned on Sat-
urday, from Sarnih, where she had
spent a fortnight with het daugh-
ter,' Mrs. Thos. Dunbar, and' with
friends all Port Huron.
Mr. Mervin Farquhar and Mssrs: W
J. and E. J, Smith of Detroit have
been visiting at the home of the
former's mother, Mrs. G, M. Far
guitar, just north of town,
Miss Norman. with whom Miss Jes-
ale O'Neil was associated last year
in Japan, 'silent a few days last
week with Miss O'Neil rn Clinton'
itndat her ;summer cottage, at
Mr. arid 'Mrs. Roy Ball and Miss Thel.-
arta returned to town yesterday af-
ter having ,attended the funeral of
the former's father at Sombre. Mr,
Ball "had been with his .father, for a
week before' his death, Mrs. -Tull
and Miss 'Thelma going down for
the funeral.
Miss Elinor Kern) left Saturday .for
Bruce Mines to resume her position
as principal ' of the Continu€ttlon
sehool there. Miss Kemp was of-
Itered a position en the staff of tile
Flesherton .High school at.a 0Alary
Of 81800 but decided to return' to
Bruce Mines.
Mrs. Gordon Cuninghanie.1. a visitor
thio Week at the Toronto'IllAihition
and befere,:the retmi,s will tock
' hot' ` brothers, Mr, COrl East of
North Bay and Mr. ;Edgar hast aC
Oshawa. ' Nn++se Cooper is lo
r c of Mit. Citnin t
E, Ldhai ae a child
rein during 'her absence.
any Specials Coin
1 1
or Your .'Pontiff on
To the first customer with a $5.00 order cash)
we will give FREE one picnic roll or smoked
lam (Straight order of groceries.)
9 lbs. o£ Granulated Sugar for.:' •••$ 3-00
21 I3ars of .Lenox Soap ..:.. -... ; . , .....: 1.00
6 lbs. -Seedless Raising u : 1:00
24 lbs. Rolled' Oats 1,00
51/ lbs, of Shortening 1.00
5 pounds of Lard . , .. , 100
5 .large tins of Salmon ... 1.00
17 tins.,of Sardines . , . , .. , . 1.00'
13 Jelly Powders . 1.00'
Soaps deals, regular 55c., for 1.00
3 bottles .Salad Dressing . , .. ... 100
13 tins Tomatoes ':.. 1.00
10 small tins of Tomatoes 1;00
10 small tins of corn . 1;0p
12 packages of Quaker Cern Flakes 1.00
6, 21 otmee %ars. of Soap 1:00'
10 tins Aylmer' vegetable and Tomato soup 1,00
4 tins Pork and "Beans, large size :.. 1,00
25 rolls toilet ,paper, . 1.00
12 bars toilet Soap r .... , 1.oa
5 lbs. of Princess' Soap Flakes 1.00,
Many other DOLLARbargains on sale for this day
Special_. Price ion Sugar by the . Bag,
Ask us to explain our new system of allowing you
trade price (one cent per dozen more than cash) on
your egg -grading gg-g g . certificate from, Gunn,`. Langlois.
Cash 4 Carry
2 Deliveries
Averyyrettyeddnigtooklace is .Mere' ow ' leerRoof?•
on Saturday,, September
tembei 1st, at the
home of the•bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs, Ji 0, Howatt, `i.1.1illcrest,Farm,"
;Seaforth, when. their elder daughter,
Lila Marguerite, was united in mar-
riage to Mr. J. Percy Manning` elder
son of the late .Joseph E. and; Mrs.
Manning of Londesboro, the Rev. ' W.
D. ,McDonald *elating. The bride.
entered the drawing :room leaning on
the arum of her, father, to the strains
of Lohengrin's wedding .march, play-
ed by Miss Sallie Howatt, her sister.
She looked very sweet in a"
frock of ivoryreantoit.crepe with em-
broidered neb.veil and carried a Show-
er bouquet of Sweetheart: and ,Ophel-
ia -.roses. Her only ,ornament was a
string of pearls, the, gift of the
groom. Tho groom's gift tothe pi-•
mist was an ivory 'clock. After the
ceremony' the. bride' 'led thea.way to
the., whigb was ,prettily
decorated for the occasion in pink
and •w;hite, where a, dainty luncheon;
was served by the 'bride's most inti-
mate. girl friends., immediately of
teraVards the 'happy couple leet;,aniid,:
showers of confetti and good wishes
an '5 siiator trip through Western Ara
tar:le and'the States, the bride travel -
]mg 'a dress .of grey taffeta with,
hat" dnd shoes to match and a navy
poiilpt twill wrap 'with grey squirrel
triindiings. On their return Mr. and
Mrs ;Manning will reside at Londes-
boro,, a'
A„ very pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday, August 29th, at 11 a.m.,
at :the home of Mr. and'Mxa...Herbert
Mogridge, Hallett township,' when
than;;, elder daughter, bora Mae, Was
united in marriage , to Mr. Bert
Marsh, youngest son of Mr. an M
rs,/1Gcorge Marsh also of Millet
iip, The bride entered ,thparlor
on ;:the arm of her father, ; to the
strains of 'the bridal ehores, played
by her cousin, Miss Nellie Manning
of lipndesboro. The.groom awaited
her `.beneath a latticed arch banked
with, ferns, and ,pink and white asters,
The' bride looked charming gowned in
white French voile trimmed ' with
white satin ribbon and wearing a ori..
dal Veil trimmed with orange bios-
stems. Her bouquet was oe 'Write
asters, Miss Edith Mogridge, .sister
of the bride, aeted arbriciesntaid and
wore a dress of, pale green voile,trini-
med with lace. She carried a bon-
quet of bink asters. Little- Miss
Lois' Manning of London made a
charming flower girl, gowned in pink,
as site scattered Bowers before
the Bride: The groom wasattended
by blr. J. Arthur Dickinson of Tor-
onto. Rev.' W. R. Alp was the offs
crating minister, During the eign-
ing.,of the register Mrs. W. R, Alp
sang, "0 Perfect • Love," Tmmed-
ately after the ceremony the guests
to Vic number of forty, adjourned to
the dinning room where a dainty wed-
ding breakfast. was served by four
girl friends of the bride. The din-
ning :room was tastefully decorated in
pink and white. The pride and
groanam wore the recipients of manyy
iloautiful. !and ,costly -'presents•, ina
eluding .a five hundred :dollar Victory
Bond frpm the brrde's parents, a
check feN "one hundred dollars £rem
hen's*siet,,`taith, and a shower of sl1-
vert from the people of tie eoniinui ity
and "from Knox church choir, of
which tiro bribe was a member. The
greet:fa gilt to the bridesmaid and
In Bric1 s or Bulk
Candy is always'.in season we have
all kinds at all prices.
Confectionary and Restaurant
"We aim: to' please."
the pianist was bar • pins add to the
flower girl a gold ring, The happy'
eouple left an the afternoon train.
frond .Clinton for Detroit and. Toren -
to, The bride's ' going away suit
was of navy blue poiret twill trimmed
with strawberry embroidery and with
hat to match and:,a brown fox fur, =the
gift of the green, ' • The best wishes
of all their many friends Inc a long
and'happy married life go: out to Mr.
and Mrs- Marsh.
doderich Township
Mr. and Mrs. S. Millson of St, -
Marys motored up, on Monday to vis-
it at the home of the lady's sister,
Mrs W. 11.' Lobb
The Council met' on Monday after,
noon for their regular meeting. Ow-
ing to the death gf the township clerk
the late A. oantelon, N. W. Trewar
tha, M.P;P., a former occupant of the
position, was appointed to act for the
session and until another was ap-
A deputation was present' from the
Goderich Development Society, con-
sisting of Judge Dickson and Mr. J.
W. Craigie, asking for a grant to-
ward the road to. Blue Water'Beach,
A grant of 848 was •given for the
placing of cinders.''
Three applications were in Inc the
position of clerk. Two of the Coun-
cillors voted for R. G. Thompson and
two for Howard Sturdy, Reeve Lind-
say, giving the earning vote in fa-
vor of Mr, Thompson, who was there-
fore appointed to the, clerkship. Mr.
Sturdy was then appointed as col-
lector, to 911 the vacancy caused,by
the resignation of'34v. Thompson, and
Mr. Bert Murphy was appointed as-
sessor in the Place of Mr. Sturdy.
Members of the comaeil,expressed
their regret at the sudden passing of
Mr. Oantelon and the clerk wag int-
streeted to send a letter to Mrs. Can -
talon setting forth their regret and
the sense of less the township felt
by this death,
Mrs. ,Fronk Lobb and little daugh-
ter arrived horde this emelt after a
visit with relatives in St. Catharines,
Miss Margaret Thompson of .Now
York City, aocontpanied by her niece,
Mies Mabel Thompson of Toronto,. are
Vetting at the home of Mrs. Murphy,
s'anior. . .
Mr, and Mrs. W,. A. Townshend
brave returned to Mpnilla, where Mr.
,xownshond zosutnes his teaching du-'
ties, after spending the holiday sea-
,son, on the farm. "Will. got his
muscles feta fine shape during tltq
haying and harvest„ Tho schoolboys
will Reed to take that into c!oiiaidera.,
tion be£ora they prov
c Min
use of the birch rod during/ the be-
ginning of the school term,
We are fully prepared to sitliply ,all your roofing requirements
with the old reliable Brantford Asphalt Slab Slate, 4 inches to the •
weather, best on the market.. A full line of Roll Roofing' all kinds
and pricbs.
Roofing paints and plastic cement for patching roofs etc, Look
yours over while the 'weather is good then look us over for :prices
-•we will use you right.
111 the, Fll?llitfe Store
We are ready for the long cool evenings to makes things coma
'hatable and,%cozy Colne in and look' over our ';`sto k of Chester:
field,: Suites, ,.Divanettes,.,Contfortable chairs and rockers, We at-•.
Ways carry, a. large stock of beds, springs and mattresses and prices
will salt your purse•:.
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Coe
Furniture 'Phone: 104 Hardware 195
Hydro Lamp
Buying HYDRO ,LAMPS by Hydro 1blunicipalities and Hydro cus-
tomers, is just like a baker's family buying •his own bake -shop's pro -
duets. •
What would a Man in business think if his family did not buy his
products, which are even better than those. of his ,eoinpetitors? Wihat,
would you think of a man in business if be himself did ,not use his
owe prociucts--good as they are?
Then what do you think of the hydro wren or hydro customer, who
is not using HYDRO LAMPS?
HYDRO LAMPS are made escluivsely' for the use of Hydro Muni-
cipalities and hydro customers.
The people own the, whole Hydro System. It is theirs. I1YDRO:
TAMPS, the LONG LIFE -LAMPS are theirs. Produced under their,
(Hydro) Supervision and sold by the Hydro Coinmission.
They are good (LAMPS too. It fact there are •00 others just so;
Are you tieing HYDRO LAMPS?
Mrs. Harold Graham and Miss
Eunice Reid returned home on Pri-
ddy last, after a very enjoyable' visit
with friends in Niagara, Toronto and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Grabill, Mrs
sea Mary and .Martha Cook and Mr.
Eddy Langstaff spent Sunday after-
noon at Bayfield and Grand Bend.
The Unity Club will meet at the
home of Mrs. 0111Ver Jervis ort Tito,
day afternoon next. Ae there is
some work to do it is hoped all the
member's will be preeent, and in good
Godefieln township baseball team
will play a gement the winter -finals
iii the Maitland League series with
lhe11 tz teamat'Gedc ielsonSe
12,i.h at four o'clock p.m, A col,
trop will' be taken in aid of the boys,
The congregation of Trinity.churo
Blenheim, and St, George's, Chacin
Cross, reeve been notified by 111
Lordship the Bishop 'of Huron th
he has appointed Rev. Mr. Roberts
Mitchell, to the rectorate there, All
that he will begin his duties in abet
six ,weeks time The vacancy w
caused by the transfer of the' Rev.
C.` McCracken after an eight yea
duty in Blenheim to a parish at Woo
Sb. and Mrs..John McClure
Ilenmiller are removing to Oodorieh
Miss blanche Senior, dauglitor'•
Joseph Senior of Tseter, wee singi
last week in a London theatre, II
repertoire rdludes classic and
War songs. ,She proposes making
tour of Canada and the United Stat,