The Clinton News Record, 1923-9-6, Page 7Make the Rinso. liquid first Do not put Rinso direct from the package int(' the tub, Nita half a package of Rinso in a little cool water until it is hire cream. Then add two quarto of boiling water, end when the froth subs side's, you will have i clean amber -coloured, liquid, Add this liquid to the wash tub, until you get the big lasting Ritmo suds. Then soak theclothes clean. Rinse is as splendid for Ow , reg$uCer family wishing as L a is for fine fabrics. Lever Brother. Limited Toronto 8305 Early Start. In, an assay entitled "Our Country" a student, after referring to- the Anti= Dodos, explained: "One reason why we keep so far Pi EA LI H EDUCATION 131( 1)11. J. J. MIPDLET(J 1. Provinelal Basal of Health, pnterl• Middleton will be glad to answer question* flu Pubite Health etas tux's through this outman. Addcesr him it Spading), Rotes. 8Pridlwl Cres•eont, 'Toronto, f On the international boundary be-, against some person, if we do not l/ve .ween 13/41401 Columbia and the State with peace and harmony in the family of Washington stands a largo white circle, think of what /nay happen, and arch of artlstle design. Along,the top is `slcopK wito ll bo impa redPtttst night.11 l ossa!i; et the crib rs inscribed in the atom* of sleep, will bring' about lrrltaljlb / Work these words; "Children of a and nervouszlc: s, `Chose latter w'11 af. Common' ¥ether.' • In the arch be- foot our digestive app,ti,atus and cause low are two iron gates, wide opc.nr and loss P a elite, heartburn and •nianY Nut into the wall above is the signift- a pP cant phrase: "May these gates never other symptoms of physical illness, be closed;" Yet the primary;. cause el all the It is a nice idea, this memorial arch trouble is mental.' -We sometimes he+:r built to commemorate 100 years of oP individuals Ruiferinl from an pt - tack of nerves,":^ and while the cause peace and concord between Canada may have something trifling it 'irl a and the United 'States. It brings Very ,real cause bo,tlte sufferer and pleasant thoughts; and pleasant play be attended with a complete thoughts' bring a general feeling of brat}kclown in health, comfort and well-being. In this post wai period of lznzest In our efforts to promote good ehd, distress among' the nations, Cho health among the' public, I'�think this Mehaoriel Are between Washzngton question of our mental attitude to- and British Columbia stajids,forth as wards our neighbors or even towards something refreshing and hopeful, It the members of one's own family, has tends`to allay international Hysteria not been given the attention it de- and sots an example which the rest of serves: We have emphasized the value the world rnighta follow ,with, ad- ofa healthy body; We have warned vantage. people 'against the practice of neglect- The "value of courtesy and friend - mg ;Seemingly trifling ailments until ship is no more necessary among na- they become chronic; we have told the tlons than among individuals, Let, us the dangers arising from a focus ` of by all means have pure water and'safe :infection 'poisoning the blood and milk; let us 'have sanitary eonven- damaging the heart, : kidneys,; etc. iences and garbage disposal plants, These and :many more dangers we but in our efforts to promote good have pointed out, but have we made it health and protect ourselves against plain that without a'contented mind, the ravages of disease let us never ,the body will never be healthy? If loo forget the value of a happy, contented are incessantly worried about some- mind, and harmonious > relations with thing or other, if we harbor a grouch those with whom we ,come in contact. Finding the Weight of Fisk by Measuring Them. In a camp where there are no scales at hand to weigh the prize sonic one Is ahead •of other nations, is because 'we sure to ;eateh a big rash.. Here is a aro getting up and going to work ;simpleformula for determining the every morning ..while people: on the weight of afislz from its length and other•Side of the globe are just going its, greatest girth_' in inches: •Square to bed," the girth' in inches; multiply the re- salt by the length in inches and divide Keep Minard's Liniment In the house. the 'product by 800. For large sea fish, lilte the tarpon. The introduction of a small quantity that are symmetrical in form the rule of a recently discovered "sneeze gas" into illuminating gas' has sug- gested by an American export, with a view to lessening suicide', by gas. poisoning. gives a shoes aliilroxdmatio5t to the exact weight, and 'indeed for symmet- rical fish ,of any Wed the formula' is accurate enough to be useful.' The 'fol- lowing examples of its accaracy ars taken from the records of fish entered FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE in the fishing ooautestS of a sporting TP' YOU HAVE ANY HOUSES, magazine: stores, apartment houses, . furans„ A grilled -bass that, took a first prize Western land or business to exchange, was 49 lastest long and 28 inches in _get in touch with 1 , H. DAVIS & CO., Aon Txcalriar Life Building, Toronto, greatest girth. The weight as found by the ,formula was 48% pounds; by scales It was, 48 pounds.. A trout that took -a first pulse was 24 laches long and 14% inches in girth, It was reported 0s weighing 7 ponds; the formula gives 61;pounds. In the rainbow trout class a first prize went to a fish that actually' weighted 13s/y pounds and that was 33 inches in length and 18 incises in greatest girth. The formula givea a weight of 13 pounds, and 6 miaow. • Even in bhe' cases of compafrstiveiy small fish that are' symmetrical the formula gives fairly accurate results,. Far example, a brook trout that was 153 inches; in length and 11 inches in girth weighed 2% poundo. The form- ula gives• a weight: of 2 pounds and 6 ounces. tett your Stock and •r ltry with SAPHO O: Tlie same Sapho Powder that rids your home of flies, • mos- quitoes, roaches and other pests Will protect y o us livestock; poultry and . pets from ` flies, gnats, lice and otherparasites. rows. protected from flied, give more.: milk. Masao do plore work:,; Hand; free from lice, lay:. better. .Sepho kills II parasites. Start using It . to -dap. . t wilt not stain or. irritate, Is ZION. 0150140'0B to Bureaus,animals or tris, and can : even be applied to -- open, sores aad puts without minis or Canepa50e. , - Oee apDtteatien keens Daws free. from flies dot two days beetdos kitbag othog llnpho - Powder Is also useful In kill, Ing grubs or edible plants. !Order ' roar Senile Powder ter-dar. 84 Ind 6,o prate, 090 In Liao. tauho Bulb Bprar'ei Si.ee. ppoclal: Offer. 0r i'ho Puffer, ready fez; pso, j6 gent.. cud 4oepan to -cloy • KENNEDY ;MANUFACTURING CO.; 136 Bonn! Julien Avo. i MCNTREAL. The 'real difference between men is energy. A strong will, a settled pur- pose, all invincible determination, can aecomplis'h almost- anything; and in this lies the distinction between great men and little men. --Fuller. • Ask for Minard's and take no other.' Partnere' organizations in ' South Africa have destroyed during the last five years 66,184 baboons, 224,642 jackals; 18,380 lynxes, and 54,963 wild cats; there are, 'however,; enormous numbers 'still remaining. OWDIR n0 n yi �l. M4s C i6 coma oin liter, .1tennod enz•1 sullen. lyu£tcr nn r„pclored li pl oats fury kllnng r ,y .,- ",� Adarese N Have Suns? or ]Elea# A Warm house and acool cellar day and night thewin- ter through:And a saving ha your coal' hills 01from Eta A KELSEY s WARM AU3 GENERATOR. in your cellar will ensurethis. �" •The Kelsey !stile nioetefficient end economical system,ot �/ home heatin�everdevised end will heat the smallest cottage or the largest mansion / properly and healthfully, MAY WE SEND YOU PAOTICU LABS? With The... BoV D__ IITS On the Horns of a •Dilemma. "What are we going to doabout it, Service of Music CIubs. The music club can absolutely fix and mainta,tu the standard of 'musical appreciation of its ,rlommunitY. It can malts a music loving community.. out of an lnd,ifferentor really antagonistic atmosphere. The pioneer work of a music club is directly responsible for most of the visits of•proniinent artists to ,the pities, while indirectly the musk: cal progress of the community can be dnvarlably traced to theumeelilsit`work B111I It riglst 011. if our camp �tltis year accomplished hy'the. club's agency. ` will be night off. Out Scoutmaster and Bit after, all a real musical Canada the Assistant Scoutmaster have" quit depends upon; the musical education the town. The tents and equipment of our bays and girls, while they are have" been requisitioned and are in Cho,public schools. And we hnye freighted, here charges collect, Who's - never yet Bal the prosper recognition to Pay, Where's the money—aid who given to music by all our public wfll attend to :the ,manyr�eta,ils inci- dental schools, lox Sad, very few of. them to Preparing for camp?" have even approximated it.' - The Time : the. Scwtts 0f Merlin discussed8trmade club can render a very definite thesbtuation as they found it three cervico En its community by securing, weeks before camp was due, with thn'ough, enlightened, public ,opinion, their organization like a ship without the proper recognition of music in the a rudder. school curriculum. It oan encourage Anyone vvho knows anything at all the esltablislinient oY music apprecia- about camping is aware Qat le the high tion claeaes, 5Tasses for the study of spot in a bay's life and experience; applied instrumental music, and of eagerly planned and looked for long public sehaol orehestnae! • which will months ahead, ultimately provide the material `fez. the A Scout smiles and whistles under synipltony as'oIvestras, • and will nn all difficulties, but even that is nota doubtedlily make for the greater appre. solution to every problem. These' fel- ,elation of mesio as played by'the lows were on the horns of a dilemma. viaslittlsg orahleptras which some' from What did they do? What Weal& you larger musaoal ceati•es., expect of them' in the aircumstOnces:? aid a W ell -mean - g loan you the DELICATE GIRL expenses of getting to camp, You can �1�'� ��', • repay me later," But •this was not the Scent 'way—he doesn't borrow. They. quiokiy saw ,that was not the right solution 01: taxa dliticuity, and with mazy thanks the .offer was turned down. "I have ih," said 13,111, "we'll earn the wherewithal," • And they did. For two Saturday nights iaz:'suecessioiu the citizens c were amazed •to find tile boys ocaurpyfng Main Street corner selling "Hotdogs," which were kept meal hot by an apparatus attached to the Hyalite pole. Rot Dogei Soouty Hot.Dogel was the r0Sounding cry—and they or bocLilY exertion, inritabLlity and 0. went like a dog with a bee on his tail. 1oelim of Eatlgue. "-Later comes the Difficulties. usually oanue in a bunch as the sparks, fly onwards, and Bill's palpitiation of the hearrt, ,headaohes, neat oon,emas was the food and camp dizzineae foi0owing a stooping posi- cooking. Ohl 7:'Si send you along a tion, frequent baokaelies and breath- cooking. stove, 'that'll be all . right," • said a lessness,. In a majority of cases. `can - sympathizer. Again a council of ...war StiPation Is present, There may be no was- necessary and again the .true Scouty spirit revealed itself in".theta, refusal of the' stove and the unani- moue deeisibu to do the cooltimg,in. the Scouts' way, and none other.. :. - "Look mere, boys," s in merchant,• "I'll freightage au the camp outfit and Cha • Rich, Red Blood Means Health and Strength. The anaemia of young girls may be iftheinited, or. i8. may be caused. by bad ala, ;,uznsnitable' food, hasty and . lrre- gular eating, insumcient out-of-door exercise and not enough rest and sleep. rt "comes OIL gradually; begiaming with ,languor, •indiaposttion to mental great loss .o1 flesh, -but usually the complexion tiptoes on a greenish -yellow pallori • ..._; Oaisesi of this kind, if neglected, be- come mere serious;• but if taken in Now it s rightly htly regarded by the tine titers ie n0 need to woiry...Dr. ' i•g Williams' Pink Pills, which are free tBoyats Scouts Association t indeed d very a frons any harmful or habit-forming catisfactory -tawithout t Itfor a drug, afro just the tonic needed to prcamptoexist without ad adult ee0.tt nr • remedy this Wretched state of health. at this to Troop's exp and ea repetition Though. it is, not noticeable, improve - of th'�s•' TrooP's- �0xperiences in this matter are not desirable by any meat begins with the firslt dose. As weans the blood is made rich the pallor iV fortnight they camped without, any- gradually return and the danger of i•e --Nevertheless,, it is a fast haat for a leaves the face, strength and activity A F I CANADA OUNORIES 1£ FORGINGS ttHrtra JAMES SMART PLANT BROCItVILLE ONT aye r r it's not just custom that mattes people 1 take mustard with Blair itteals Must•l and aide digestion and helps to ped habitmb late the Meats,]t is a g.meal.acquire. Mix it; freshly for every fatherly sune,rvision of a Scoutmaster lapse is. very slight. SY TRICKS ( No, 42 gilts Coin And The Goh'!e Put a derby hat on 0 goblet ao. in the illustration, Put a half dot- lltr;on the top of the bat. The problem Is to knock the Mit - away so that the half dollar will fall into the goblet, There are two ways in whish the trick may be Pre rented. The first is to tell 'What.. is. to be dpne and,lettingyour friends, try lt, After they have felled,, as they will, you can show how easy it le, to do 1t. - The bettor way is to practice the trick until:.,yeu can do: it well, Then` do the, stunt, relying upon your skill to hide. the method by which the result is accomplished. Pretend t4 strike the bat.two or three times 'as 11 you, were gauging the amount of force needed and the exact direction of the'blow.. When you .strike, however, `do not strike. the outside of the hat, Strike in. sid, as near the brim 'as possible. If you do it that way, the coin: wilt .fall into Cho glass. A. little clever acting will persuade your friends that you struck, where you pretend- ed you were going to strike—on the outside of the hat. Try it. (Clip tants oat, dad pasta it, with other of the series, in a scrapbook.)'. CHOLERA INFANTUM Obesea^a intasstum ia; ane of the fatal ailments of 0lididiuood. It is a trouble that conies .ion suddenly, esipecrialty during the wnuavmer monith% and unless Prompt cotton is taken' the little one may soon be beyond aid, Baby's Own Tablets are' an ideal medicine in wend- ing off this trouble.; They regulate the bowels and sweeten file stomach and thus prevent all the dreraderd summer complaaints. They are an. absolutely. Sate medicine, being •guaranteed by a government analytst to cantata n0 opiates or narcotics. or other harmful drugs. Th,ey:eannot;tiossdbly do harm --they always do' good. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by mail at 26a a, box from The Dr. Wdl lianas' Medicine Co, Brookville, Ont. —all on their ewe, ,apart. -front. week If any symptom o3 anaezula appemrs,, end visits by friends aird adults 10- , prtulence suggests that Dr, Williams' tsl°esited in their "welfare', and tlio' en. Pitilt Pills should be given at dace, casional bringing down of suppliies.'by and the aaon,or they are' taken the otkerac more "speedily will their aotlon lin- The wriier.znade a Snir .rise visit to prove; the bloot1. Yom can get these the cam, and 'reseliin g -there lumen pills tharougil. any dealer in medicine, the. boys were batlnng#' was able to in- or •by Mail at 50r cents, a box or six rangenremts uuobseivad. It „was.really Medicine Co., -to--sodic, Ont, spect the tents; site, and general ars boxes (n• $2.6° from The Dr, 1V111ianis' amazing. 131amlrots were neatly folded after sunning, tents. Well aired and I• The Car's ba• by. clean, cooking utensils properly clean. r The motor -car was a thing unknown pd, and the whole Site, as it should be to a native of an oua th�esway part --a credit to Scouting: Patting' out of. Alaslta•, and he was ; astonished one. further1oslons, inquiries wore, made day when. he sale one go by without of neighboring campers as- to their any visible meads of owevartioi. opinions of the boys, and all spoke Ilia eyes bulged; however, when a well. riven the car conductor lied a "motor -cycle :followed olbsely In its good word -"Why, those boys are fine. wake and disappearedlilts a 'flash YOu Wouldn't believe they were alone Mound a bond in the road, unless told s,o. They are a great , Geo whiz!" ho said, 'turning to his 'r,credit,"" son; "Who'd 'a` s'posed that thing had I ' own tell yoillny heart swelled 'with- a ---' '' in Hie as I remembered all tine difficult, The cultw o of peen!' trees, is to bo. ties tackled b3 tkoso boy's,,, telldtlicr tried in China, wits tilts nismly wary shay were son - dusting th ooealres. Thstsi does Scout training inculcate and draw out of lards -ability to feud fon tltemnselves, and oylemome olisteelaa in a way, that tVill" make •theft eitizesist whotn no one lroseid be ashamed. Our' bodies are constantly Chang- ing, ottr nails grow, our hair grows. Solentists tell us we have an entire itOW body arida in seven years, 11 our Mina ore active Wo will be able to seo thing's differently than We did last Year, RY IT I-IundrodO hare found relief ler Ache%,, fault, I3zlttsos, and Cubs -in Mlnard'a, -w M Made Their Own Rale'. Visitor --"Wiry 10 it your onioiie look so much butter than anything else in this dry weather?" Farmer—"Weil, you sae,; whenever I work them they make lny'oyes water so they got all the moisture they meed." Minard's Liniment Heals Cats. We cannot make progress towards perfection ourselves :unless we earn- estly seek to carry ,our fellowmen along with us.—Professor; ',T. C. Sahairp, Corrugated 'Galvanized Steel Roofing Direct from Manufacturers to Consurher WRITE FOR PRICES W. E. DII.LON CO., Limited 189 - 101 George St, Toronto Attractive Proposltion 1 Fur tuna with all .round weeltly newspaper: experience and $400 or $600. Apply Box 24, Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd. 71 Adolalds Street Welt 6mer•1oe's vionoar Aog nomodiee lioo.. on DOG DISEASES fl k ,.11 and ilea • le /Abe Moiled Prue to tin,' Aa- ., dress by the Author. • a. clay tllotles Co., Yea 120 Weet 445.. latest "NAvi .8 ori.. r1.8..1. MATCHES The. Qleyou use them -the barter yorzilgee them/ Ola SALE EVERrwlniaa al CANADA ASIC POR TRAM BY NAME 3 SINEVEI Woken. res every Mo'* ring habit AoShine With IS'9t3E No,, St. ---21.