The Clinton News Record, 1923-9-6, Page 4COOPER'
1 I' NlE",iWS
e ilav
all the Neeessay;
Se pp
To coot:
ming three days of this week atGode'-
" 6pp10
Mr. Melville McClymont of De-
troit is visiting at, his 'home here.
Mr;. A. MclCen zie has . been : attend-
ing Toronto Exhibition, he show
is larger and greater than ever this
;year. ,He also attended the Pageant
•Choxus in twenty-
ilio Coliseum of w y :
three hundred singers. His daugh-
ter", Miss C. A. McMenzie, is one of
the leading contraltos.
Whs. P. ;Peart of Ilensall visited
with her niece, Mrs W. French on
llI'r. Johnston of St. Louis, Mo„
wbo was visiting' here and:; in Hen-
sail, left Friday for his home.
Miss Jean Kerr of Ilensall visited
this week with her sisters,':Mrs. 'R.
B. and Mr's. J. C. McLean.
Mr. A. T. Cooper of Clinton is 'ex-
pected to occupy the pulpit of St.
Andrew's :church next Sunday.
' Mrs, Wm, Butt of Seaforth visited
this week with her son, Edgar and
her brother here, Mr. John Wiorkman.
Mr. Robt. Parsons and family of
the town line visited on Sunday with
his daugihter, , Mrs. Rycknian at
Mr. and Mrs -Alva Wav'ef the 10th
concession of Tuckersnitli is spend -
Mich visting the fair and also roll.-
tives there.
Miss Elinor Synder of Brucefiel1
and Miss Stevenson of the Goshen
line, Stanley,' were guedts of Mrs.
Peter Galneron last week.
51.; Helens
Mr, and Mrs. .Bowles' and :daughters
of St. Catharines; who have been vis-
iting friends around ,St. Helens have
returned hone. : Miss Della Cran-
ston and Miss Lyle. Iluntpltrey ac-
companied them home, and will spend
a few days there.
Mrs. McVittie of Westfield has been
visiting her daughter, 1Mrs. Wm. Tay-
Miss Margaret Miller is visiting
her brother, Mr. Wallace' Miller.
Mrs., R. •J. Woods and daughters,
Misses Clara," and Winnifr'ed and
' son,- Alvin, spentthe week -end with
friends in Stanley.
Mrs.; John. Radcliffe, who has been
visiting here, has returned' to'''per
hone at Rapid City Manitoba.'
'i Exeter business men (16 11ot observe
'the Wednesday hall holiday durino'
September, „
,Awell-known oltizen of Goderich
township pass d••away,en'Friday last
in the person sou of Ann Sturdy, widow
of the lata Robert Acheson, who ' 1
eighty-11fth err
i1r hoty
who as e daughter
Mrs. Acheson, v w ghter
of the late Christopher 'Sturdy, was
burn in the township and had spent
Her 1 s
her whelp lits in it. Ti imsb t d
t o ,
the late Robert Acheson, died thirteen
years age and some years later she
left the 'farm on the 14th and Paine
to live just at the edge o1 Holmes-
ville. ,She is'survived by one son,
'George, . of 'Whitla, Alta„ and four
daughters, Mrs. S. Calbick, Winona,
Mrs,'(Dr.)' J-lowcll, 13aypomt, Much.,
Mrs, W. J. Nesbitt, Coald cit-, Alta.,
Clothes a Good Color
To have Clothes perfectly clean-
sed and good color, the Soap
must remove all the visible and,
invisible impurities. SURPRISE
will do this thoroughly.
irEmirErErEsSr.E; Es.
just use' soap and hot Water to clean -
SMP Enameled Ware. It is so clean
and so pure. As smooth as china
and as strong as steel. Amino metal
touches the food,., Be 'sure you get
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of pearly grey enamel
inside and out. Diamond Ware, three Coats, light blue and
White outside, shite lining; Crystal Ware, three coats, pure
white inside and out, with Royal blue edging.
The Street Metal II"'.rOdUCt5 Co. of n,"j mac
Montreal TORONTO Vilnnipeo
'Edmonton Vandouver Connery.
SUTTER & rl^RD ,•x; .a? ,t'.,, IDAWKINS & MILLER
and Miss 130sie, at horse. ' .Mrs. Ache
son was, until the commencement of
her last illness about four years ago,
a very active woman and was interest-
cti i;
�,iu� z community na v
tcl in c,l t ch and
ties. She was a member of the
Methodist church, at Ilolmesville and
was regular in her attendance as
long as health permitted.
The funeral took place from her
late residence Sunday afternoon, the
services 'being conducted by 'the Rev,
A, Y. Walden assisted by the Rev. T.
J Snowdon of Clinton, a former pas-
tor. the pallbearers were: Dr.
Rowell, N. W. Trewartlta, 3. A. ;Verd,
Fred Ford, Howard Sturdy, W. Ed-
wards and George Croaks, Inter-
ment in Godortsh cemetery.
Stanley p
Clinton New+ -Rear rd
good' win and beat wishes of the
01)011011 and :eonnmtnnitY rind see pray
that in your now home and new sUr-.
rountding;s'thet you may find joy and
happinessand that you may be
spared many years to enjoy a' well
caned rest •front the ;strenuous life
0 11v .
t th i
form new
We ho that as you i 1 a
W r0 ti
1 a
aequaintallces and new friends that
you will still_ keep a; place in your
�i : t Goshen
the Duds t n i t1
memory fon t i� friends 1
aid that the; Rand o1 the Unseen
One may guide your: pathway and
ours until we shall all meet where
parting shall be no more.
Signed or behalf of the' eonnintinity,
• iMr,s. 'phos, Robinson.
Mrs, David Stephenson
Mrs. 'Robert Ma(!lihehey."
Mr. Harold Ponhale; and Mr, Chas.
Stotclnner motored to London on Stn-
cla'y' last.
Miss Margaret' Penjtalo,: who has
spent the past week in St. Thomas,
none on Sunday, ••
Mr. Clifl'ord Scotchmer oB Detroit
spent the weer end under the par-
ental roof on: the Bronson line,
Miss Freida Talbot has returned to
Seaforth to resume• her duties et
high school.
Mr. Milton Pollock intends. going
to Flint Mich, for t,thnc
On Saturday evening the barn of
Mr. W. J. Taylor of the Bayfield road
was completely destroyed by fire, a-
long with all the season's crops, The
fire was caused by, spontaneous . com-
bustion in the hay, About siic o'-
clock different parties along the road
saw a piece of roofing'fly up about
thirty 'feet in the air 'and the lbamn,
was immediately 01 mass of flames.
By the quickwork of the family and
the neighbours, who gathered quickly
the most of the stuff below was saved.
Mr. Taylor was away at the time and
knew nothing' about it until it was
completely destroyed. Russell. Tay-
lor went ;west on the harvest excur-
sion, The loss will be about $10,000
partly covered by insurance. '
People hi the vicinity of the Tay-
lor fire were alarmed_when they no-
ticed •signes- of another fire at the.
same time in the direction of -the .se-
cond concession, but it proved'• to be
only a straw stack.
Mrs. Chuter and Mrs. J. W. Reid
have' been holidaying at the Reid
cottage,, Bayfield.
Mrs. R. Woods, Alvin and the Mis-
ses' Winifred and Claire Woods of
Luck -now spent the week -end' with
relatives in Stanley.
•.Mrs, John L. Parke hasleft for her
home in Alberta, after spending the
sumnto1, visiting relatives and friends
in this vicinity. •-Slxe will visit in
Toronto on her way.
..Miss Calvina McDonald who has
been visiting' in this vicinity and in
Clinton, went back, a week • ago to
take up her nursing in Cleveland.
,. Miss Vera. Pepper, resumed' her
school 'duties on Tuesday.
Miss Edna Alexander is holidaying
On'•:Friday evening last Mr.' and
Mrs. Sohn McKinley, who 'recently
left the township to reside in Clinton,
were surprised at the, hone oftheir
son, Mr. Elgin' McKinley on the Louie-
stead, and were presented with a00rn-.
plimentary address and a writing desk
by their old:'.friends and' neighbors
and the members of the W'.MSI' of
Goshen church presented Mrs. Mc-
Kinle'y ,with a charter members' cer-
tificate and - an address. Mr. Mc t
Kinley and Mrs. McKinley each ex-
pressed their sincere titanic§ for the
kind' words of the addresses and for
the kindly gifts and assured their
friends that they would not forget
blest,. nor the, many pleasant associa-
tions of their old home, The Rev.
Mr. Durant, 'the pastor of Goshen
church, also spoke briefly. At the
conclusion of the presentations'.a so -
sial hour was spent ancl the ladies
served refreshments. Following are
the two addresses:
To Mrs. M01finley:
"Our dear sister of the W.1M.S. of
the Methodist Church, : Goshen. Aux-
iliary, as we meet 'this evening our
hearts realize very deeply how very
true thewords of the poet ars' when
he stated, `Blest be the tie that binds
our hearts in Christian love.' The
Chritian love tie that has cemented
our mutual interests' as co-workers just now, having nnotored home with
together for., .the extension of our Mrs. Innes.last Sway.
Father's Kingdom in home and die- The monthly meeting of'the Maple
tant lands.
Upon this occasion we meet with Leaf Club was held Tuesday at Mie,
James Jaekson's. .'
mingled feelings, thankfulness' and :Mrs. Ed. Glen, Sr. and Miss Ag -
EISDAY,SL+'lzTl'.1611D11lt gill, 1943
The following teadhers took tip
their work in the several schools of
'lackerstnith vlue week:
S. a, No, 2^ -Miss M. Mollis,
N. 3—Miss McNair.
No. 4• -•Mess, Jennie Grant.
No, 6—Mr. 111 T, !Beatty.
No. 6— Miss McMath.
7 T 's NoM McNau hton, l g
No, S--iVliss Alice Kneichoh
No. 9—Miss Grace ROOs,
No 10�-ss Jean Iask
And' rho following, in Mel illoii
S. S, No, 1 --Mad, Agnes Kale:'
No. 2—Miss Elva Staples,
No. 4 ---Miss Grace Kerr, daughter
Mr: Geo, 1Kerr of McKillop.
No. 6=1VIisi3- Marion Searlelt,
No, 7: dMiss Elva Little,
No, 8 --Miss R,ag'an, Logan township:
No 9 --"Miss Sterling.
No, 10 —Miss liidna'Jamieson,
No. 11 (ilnion)-1V.I'r, Hood,, Walton
and Mrs. I-Iolmes, Brussels.
No. 12—Miss Vera Hoist, Winthrop.
No. 13 --Miss Hutton, Lorne, Ont,
Sep. e h i
S n No. 1 ( Bec wood) M ns O'-
Hara, 11111:'Ctirmeh
Sep. No,'3 (St. Coluniban)=Joseph.
John Joynt, M.P,P„ for North Hui' -
is On a trip .along the Atlantic
Coast States, IIe returns house ear,
ly this, month.
regret. . Thankfulness as wereview
the life of our Auxiliary of the;past
twenty years. Youwere the 'first
to bear the responsibility of leader-
ship'. ,
eader-ship', Each succeeding year you
have given faithfully and generously
of your time, your ,intellect, your
prayer's and yourself and by love have
served hint whom .not having seen,
we love.
-Weregret—and we pause here, for
we are reminded that life is full of,
change and that now one of 'these
changes has come and we must part:
You, to, go to labor in another field
in his vineyard, and we to remain.
We will miss the inspiration of your
presence in many ways. Still we ;are
confident your interest in the Goshen
Auxiliary will not die and that you
may be permitted to .visit our society
many tunes in the future.
Our sincere and earnest prayer is
that you may continue yoiu faithful
labors in the great and noble work of
the W. M. S. in your new surround-
With your' departure from us we
unitedly and heartily follow you witt
a prayer, for. God's choicest blessing
to go with you. As a slight parting
love -token please accept this Char-
tered , Member's Certificate, trusting
that your . life may be spared for
many more .years of usefulness.
This paper ,which; I -'have been re-
quested to read, g7cpre5ses very' little
of what we might atty."
Signed on behalf of the Goshen
Attxiliar y. ' •
'Goshen, August 24th, 1928
' To Mr. and Mr's. John Me Hnley and
Miss Elinor
We; your'neighbors'aocl friends are.
assembled Here tonight to. `spend :a
sueial'.hour ,.with you and to express'
our regret at your ,departure froth
our midst, and our :appreciation of
your worth as neighbors. .
We ni'e sorry to lose you from our.
community. During the years of
300r, sojourn here you have always
taken a deep interest in all religious"
social and moral work, yonx aim has
been to 'help those about you and
your influence lha's always .counted on
the side of right," We vnhl 10151 YOU
in every department or our cbi13rch
works, where you have always worked
so "2011111011y, and, in our community
life, where your counsel has been val-
uable, We will miss` vets words of
cheer and comfort in times o:f sorrow
and Wo will miss yon i11 our social
gathering's as well. Now as a token
of our esteem Nye would lam esesic you
to kindly accept this writing desk,
not for itsshore value but for the
Summer Asthma
Will spoil Yotir sunnier and make
your company distressing to your
friends unless you get relief.
Get a box of RAZ -MAH today. Most
people feel better from the first dose.
Your druggist will refund your money
if a $1 box does not bring relief. Ab.,
Mutely harmless. Generous sample
for 4e in Stamps. Teinpletons, To-
ronto. itis
uoltl by J. E. 11evey, Clinton, Oat.
nes McFarlane spent a few days last
week in. Toronto.'
Mr. and Mrs'. John Innis' and Miss
Dorothy motored .• to Toronto last
week to visit relatives and attend the
Exhibition. , They were accompanied
by Mr. and Mrs; L. J. Wasnnan, who
spent the holiday period with relat-
ives: in Clinton and Stanley.
'Miss.Myrtle Pearson 'was a visitor
last week with ,Miss Ida ,Taylor of
Science Hill. '
The following teachers have left
fortheir respective schools: Miss Ag-
nes - Glen, Georgetown, Miss Abbie
Stewart to. Alnna; Miss. Margaret Mc
Gregor, Lucknow, Mr. Will McGregor
to Napanee.
Mr. and Mrs. McDougal, are visi-
tors with Mr. and Mrs. John. Butch
Mrs. Alex. McEwen and daughter,
Marjorie, have returned after a pleas-
ant trip to the west. -
A. very successful corn roast was
held last Thursday evening at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Glen,'Jr.
A fire was built in•the lane over which
a pot was hung and the corn boiled.
The first part of evening was spent
in games, then the corn was passed
around, followed by 'sandwiches and
pie. • There was also some singing,
after whicheveryone left for home,
feeling they had spent a pleasant ev-
ening. •
Miss Edna Reid has begun her du-
ties as teacher in;S;'S. No. 1.,
B fter'fhanPills
Ion' Liver I11s,.
You can't
feel so good
' but what
wall .make you.
feel better.
Sold by 3. E. I -lover, Olmton, Ont.
, .
Daily Except ` Sunday. 1.
Lve Godorieh , . 6.00 aan. 2,20 p.m.
Lve Clinton . . 6.25 a.m. 2,52 p.m
Lve Seaforth .. 6.41 a,m, 3.12 p.m,
Lve Mitchell :. 7.04 a,nn. 3.42 pin.
Arr Stratford .. 7,20 a.m. 4.10 pan,
Arr I{itOhenur .. 8.20 am. 5.20 p.m.
Arr Guelph .. 8.46 a.m. 5.50 p.m,
Arr Toronto .. 10.10 a.m. 7.40 pan.
Leave Toronto 6,50 12.55 pan.
and 6.10 pan,
Parlor Cafe car Goderieh to To-
ronto on morning train and Toronto'
to Goderich 6.10 oat, train.
Parlor Buffet car Stratford to To-
ronto eh afternoon train.
Horning, D.P.A., G.T.R. System
Joann,' Ransferd & Son, Phone 55,
tlirtowla Agents,
A recent report that Oliver Gold-
thorpe, newly -appointed game warden
at Bayfield, is the chauffeur of Mrs.
David Stott, is denied by Mrs. Stott,
who states that Mr. Goldthorpe is, her
adopted son, and that while she is an
American citizen, the latter is a Can-
adian, with four years' overseas ser-
vice. Mrs. Stott also states' that she
and her adopted son live in Bayfield
six or seven months each year.—Lon-
don Advertiser.
4o1ort Apsliin, of Winehann, was
almost instantly - killed on ,)Monday
when ho ii nlped from fi alloying' mo-
tor 001, near that town. IA) appar-
ppar-e tl became trine-stri01Gen When the
axle, of rho car'- broke,' The widow'
of •tihe deeeased lives at 42 Wyatt st„
Shortly after eleven o'eloelc on
Tuesday morning the 'body of &tines
O ver o1t
.of Goderich who ho lies -penrod sone timeMonday morning,
was found in the harbor in front o1
the elevator by dragging parties. Just
-what h nencd will never be known
but 11 14 'thought that in coming down
the ladder from the boat on which Inc
had been working he lost his rooting
and full in.: The, deceased, who was
GO years of nge, leaves a widow 100(1
family,. XIi -roar had been working
witii, him unloading the boat but had
gone Bonne ;somewhat earlier,
Nr. and Mrs, 0, II, 0. Thomas of
Zr1'acebeidge, 41141011114.0 the engage-
ment of their only daughter, Slielagln
Evelyn, to Russell Maxwell Best of
• 'o �e not Mr. J, M and
Brae hili. , so c
late Mrs. I3ost of Seaforth, the Mar-
riage to tike 'pito? quietly in Septem-
jelliest. S oL
Mr, and Mrs.T c ort ,
Seaforth announce the engagement of
their daughter, Edith llaryiet, to
Janes Burn Russell, B.A., of Hart-
ford, Conn son of Mr. and Mrs.
'W. J. Russell, Guelph, the marriage
to Lake place in September.
�®� Fill lire Children
Serve them
Morning Noon -and Night
High in Arrowroot Food
Give them to
and See Him Grow. ®��r
3 `�•
Pt �0��
The University offers Gen-.
eral Courses, Honor Courses
and Special;Courses. It has
130 professors, instructors
and assistants. Degrees
and diplomas granted by
examination are: B.A., B.
D. LL.B.,- ,M.A., M.Sc.,'.
M.D., D.P.H., C.P.H.N.,
and D.D..'
The University is developing
an Extension Department
for the benefit of all
(Waatern University)
classes, rural and urban, ;within its terri-
torial constituency. It is: affiliated with
,the University of Cambridge„ England.
It is recognized everywhere as a"standard
institutionofhigher education.
The University requires, for admission
to degree courses, Pass Matriculation
or Honor IMatrictilation or equivalents.
Qualification certificates must be filed
by September 20th.
Openingday Oet. lst,1923
For announcements and further par-
ticulars apply to
K. P. R. NEVILLE, M.A., Ph.D.,
St. Georg111
e St.
and College' Ave.,
p. London, Canada. I
of a
tarts you
toward the
a: , uc
' It Week1. r Purchase
Planis.. 'now ready
car helps sa for freer.
Ask us for further p
rticu Ors
nle� Bros.
Clinton, Ont,
OED, oId'CA1£t.ti