The Clinton News Record, 1923-7-5, Page 5THURSDAY JULY 5 1922
1'h. G`RIIiitt Newt
Of Interest to Your
and Me
flacon's young members -elect 'are
'learning,, something of what is ex -
Pouted oS mien in pnblie positions,
Mr, Wiglo was attending a gather-
' n ' in Walkerton en Thursday even-
• last, an ,engagement into which
I e had entered a fortnight before,
and was unable to ';et to Clinton for
the gathering held -in honour of the
liaxee candidates and Mr. Tr'ewartha
was ouite late arriving on account
of having attended two picnics that
afternoon, the Huron County Council
picnic at 13ayfield and the Doig ;fain,
sly re -union in Tuclaadmith.
Public School Report
Div. II'`
Honours -Dorothy Manning, Harry
Venues Cvelyn Hall, filbert Salter
Helen Nedjger, Margaret "Cudmore
Myrtle Cole, Jack Twyford, Bill Ball,
Isabel Pickitt, Madelon Streets, Hel-
en 1(ni rht; Roy Fitzsimons.
Piss -Jessie Gree, Eddie Scruton,
're ma Stevens, Jack Scruton, Marion
Iluritor, Grace Evans,,' Jennie Lavis
Mildred IIolloway, Dena : Bolton,
Jean Weir, Viola Holland, Hazel
;Recennnenled-Dorothy. Ilart-
lilt, M_,zzio Groahs.
-Isabel Draper,
Div. III
Honours -Margaret McLeod, Roy
Cook, loan Dew✓ Regia Noble, Cyril,
.Hale,' Lottie Livermore,' Benson• Cor-
less,'- Marion Dew, Morris Rozell,
Marion Scrciton, Irene:' 'Nash, Ev-
erett Downs, Jim Kennedy, Isabel
Chowen, Billie McGill, Dorothy
Mutch. ,
Pass Harry Watkins, Bub IIudson,.
Bill Jackson, Edith Hunt, John Peck-
itt, Wayne Bozell, Deloris Harris,
Clarence Pugh, Gordon Marshall,' Bill
MbLinehey,-Bruce Tasker, Paul Hov-
ey, Russell Miller,. <-Bruce Biggart,
Jack, Elliott, Grant Rath; Douglas
Kennedy, Hugh Ilawkins, Ernest
• Brown, Eileen Ruinball, Edith Glaz-
Recommended- -Jinr. ;Chowen' '
Recommended on Acyount of ilhYress
-Irene Doherty, Frank,' Dale
L. Ford
• Division IV
.Honours -Helen Manning, Charlie
Andrews, Isabel Biggart, Margaret
Plumsteel, Edward Rorke; Janet Mc-
Taggart, Robbie Hale, Billy Watkins,.,
Susie Livermore, (Kelso Streets,
Brenton Heliyar, Jean Twyford, Jean,
Pass -Jim Turner, Helen Dew, Car-
rie Davis,'Dorothy -Nash, Gerald
Holmes, Bessie Livermore, .,Grace
,Seeley, Frank IcEwaa, Ross Car -
..ter, Ruth Cartwright, Violet Morrison
G•ordon.Cudmore, Harry Iieland,''-Os'
Wald' ' Hamblyn Kenneth;- Pickett,
Billy Murch; Wilbur Cytmore, Kath
leen:Nickle,- Harve'y'.Gooper,..Marion.
Pickett: a
Recoinmcincled Barlett Taylor
Dorothy Steell,^ Robert ;;Jervis `Beth:
a',fright Grace Me7ntyre .Edna
t1i Tiarry Plumsteel r ,
=A 'Farnham
Honours -Dorothy Watts Mary:,
Andrews;' Joe Gandiei , . Elliott` ::Bart
•liff; Irene Swinbanl ,•FrankHooper,.
Lawrence Plumtseel, Grace Fitz-
simmons, •Norma Stree'(s Isabelle
Lawson), Helen Decves;; Grace ;Hell
- yar, Carl Furniss, Jack Sarit7i, Eld-
red .Rowehiffe, Donald ]levy Beatrice
Moore; Ernest Hovey Dungan Cart
4 x' t?econmended Josie : Fitzsimmons,
dna•'Antone, Stewart Caa'k Beatrice
McLinchey,; Dorothy ;Cowan, mole,
Cooper, BillyDraper.
Pass -Cecil' Pugh, Elwood, Camp-
bell, Mable •.Bezzo, Robin Lavis, Hilda
Thorne, Toni Twyford, Muriel Downs,
Ruth. •Castle, Kathleen ' Cameron,
Laurie Hudson, Laura Thorne,, Har-
old Glazier, Archie Dale:
-Helen Rodaway
Div. VI
Junior Second, -Honours -
Marion Smith, Jim Niekie, Stella
Deeves, Mmlue Hudson
Recommended -George Gould.
Pass -Stewart, Farquhar, Harriet
Kennedy, Charlie Peckitt, Emily
Scruton, Mildred Cooper, Bert ,Ire-
Senior First-- II o, n o u rs'
Thelma Ball, Eddie Eliott, Harold'
Gibbs, I-Iarriet Gandier, Lorne Browns
Josie Carter,- 'Owen Combe, Clara
Ball,, Irene Veneer, Florence Mc-
Callum, Jim Doherty, Josephine Har-•
Pass -Isabel Cantelon, , George
Ruinball, Charlie Johnston, Joe Doh-
" erby, Minnie ,Nash.
Recommended- ' Reggie Cook,
Div, VII
First • Reader-, Honours -
Dorothy Carless, Raymond Cantelon,
Irene Holloway, Olayton Dixon, Mur'=
• ray Cudmore;' Mary Cowan, Lillian
Pass- Isabelle llolmes, Roby
. Clement, John 1VIcGi11, Norval Fur -
;111.8, Jack Dorsey, Jack Dorsey, Clifford
Kennedy, Mary, Lavis, -Norene Finch,
',Frances Fitzsimmons;,. Marion, Ilud-
Reconmiended-,Jade •Cree, Edna
McCool, . Ross -Fitzsimmons, Ledith
Steep, May.Venner.
Primer Class--Honours-Dor-
orothy Glazier, Beatrice' Sharp, ;Mur-
ray ,Dale, Ruth Pickett, Orpha Per-
• due, Bob Doherty, Whitney Canter,
Pass -Gordon Iloy, Margaret Car-
—M. Wiltse
Grade' VIII Promotions
„Honours -Dorothy Cornijsh, Gene. 'Lndrews,'Margaret Moss, .Com ',urn-
uer, Cameron Henry, Billie McIntyre,
George Elliott, ` Arthur ' Rozell, 'Reiss
Cantelon, Blanche Clement, • , usan
Steep,Holmes, r h
Cecil I nesD o of y GooT{,
Pass -Gordon McCool,Doris' Cilich;,
it,ennothJones, Beecher Streets,,Helen
Rurnball, George Twyford, Jaek
Murch, Frank hoard, Glen :Cfart-
Wright, Vera Jbneo, Margaret Tat..
,ken;,, Grace Lavis, Bud ,Harris.
The Misses Emily' N. Rankin and
'Katherine P. Rankin of Detroit are
occupying their summer r'osidehees
the ferrate,
Mrs': S. Trolley and Mis, Supnick:'of
Detroit are now enjoying their sn:n-
riser residence 011 the -.err ice.
IVI s, E. A. Sande* and family and
inlaid of Kitchener. ere 'occupying
their euaunor residence on Main
Mr. and NIrs. W, l5, May and fam-
ily of St. Marys are occupying their
summer residence ori Cuyli street.
Mr. and Mrs: M_ eConkey and tori of
Stratford Mr. and Mrs, IP, V.
Grainger' and family Mr, and Mrs.
L. d', Hamilton, Dy. and Mrs. Thomas
-and daughter, Miss Thomas, of Lon-
don spent the week -end -and holiday
at their summer. cottages.on Huron'
Miss' McIntyre of Strathroy is a
guest at Mrs, J, McLeod's on Ann
Mr. and Mrs, William Asnussen of
Waterloo and Mr, and Mies, Jellai A.
Hagen of Kitchener spent Sunday in
the village. •
-Mr, and Mrs, II, Lawson and family
of. Stratford are now occupying their:
-summer residence in Lake iJe.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Boi's Smith, Mr.
and Mrs, G. B. Gallagher, Mo. and
Mrs.' C. P: Rogers• and Mr. and Mrs,
C, E Kelly of Flamilton are occuPY-
ing' Dr. Partridge's Cottages in Lake
Side for -the season:
'Mrs. F. Heath and family, Mies•
Dorothy and Mr. Harold Heath, of
Hainilto`i, are enjoying their summer
cottage, The Cedar`s" on the Ter-
Mr. and 'Mrs. ,Harry Cantelon and
family of London have 'taken• Mr.
John Pierson's cottage on Tuyll Street
for the season and now are occupy-
ing it.
'',Misses Eileen, and Helen' Davis of
Mitchell are sunnnering in the. White
Mrs. Erwood and family, Miss Elva
and Weir Elwood, :,: of, Toronto are
spending the summer in'Mr. Ken.
Moorhouses's • cottage on . Colina
- Mrs, -Angus Welsh and- daughter,
Agnes Welsh of Toronto are ''the
guests of the lady's' mother, Mrs
Mrs. W. Clement and family of
Kitchener are summering in- Deer•.
Lodge: "
The, lake front was the' scene of a
great crowdonDominion Day, almost'
every available spot being taken up,
by picnics ;and, private parties.Sev-
eral large' neighborhood ' and family,
picnics were held in Jew,ett's, grove,
Willis church Clinton, and some fam-
ily picnics were held in the Square
and at every:point where access could
be made, to'.' "the .beach, which places
are,becoining feeVer every year„part''
les Were found enjoying the breezes,
or indulging in a swim. Bayfield as
a sunliner play grounds is becoming,
increasingly- popular.
4A'14uiet'weddmg•toljlc place in'Trine'
rty,._church; on',Thursday -afternoon,.
June29th; when }Mrs: Isabelle Hew-
son wa married -to Rev Basil R, I sate
Leod, Rev. Basil P.- Coiclough per-
forming the ;cerenrony, Mr. and Mrs.
McLeod left •for • a trip Co •London and-
The -Dominion Day "sports 'at Gode-
rich on Monday drew a large crowd
to the county towns the 'day's pro
grain was a fine one and the result
was the "finest Dominion Day •celo-
hration in years.” ,
The morning's program, which was
easily above the usual, consisted .of
a parade headed by the Seaforth.
Highland Band, and was composed of.
decorated motors, industrial floats
and bicycles.- The -children's "ganies
were pulled; off in the park and a
baseball game in the agricultural
park between the Purity Flours and
Mitchell, the former winning, out by'.
,5 to 0 in. a well contested game, fea-
tured with brilliant playing on both
One of the features of the day was
the baby ,show held in the park. Dr.
.Tillman of London, was the 'iudge,
and front the 26 in the contest, Ted,
the son of Mr and` Mrs. Ed. Watson
,.was first; Charles, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Moran, second, and Freda,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Barber,
In the afternoon as program, of,
`sports was pulled off 'at the Agricul-�,'
turalParlc,,consisting of motor cycle
races, ,rotor races grid horse running
races. The motor cycle racing was
exciting and, considering the shape
of the track,, was fast. • Two 1.10-'
fortunate accidents occurred during
the races. In the firstrace ono
of the machines skidded on the back
turn and threw the driver. Medical
attendance was necessary. In the
motor sidecar race. one of the mach-,
hies skidded' in the same place and
Went through the wire fence, Essen
the driver from Stratford, WAS badly
injured in the head ,and was re-
moved to the hospital in the ambul-
In the horse race one of the drivers
was badly injured and had to bo tak-
en -homo,
In the evening s baseball game
was played' between a London Colored
baseball teat, and the local Purity
Flours. On account of darkness
only :Cour inhings were played,' tho
locals winning out 4. to 0. •
The ladies organizations of the
town took advantage of the big
Crowd a•nd'increasoci their funds for
the new hospital to a considerable a-
mount. 'dee of the features was the
,rile of coppers placed on the side-
walls around the square. By this
,effort alone it is reported that
$500 was collected, • ;"
An interesting partaker 'of the
clay's proceedings was W n. ` Crimp-"
bell, the venerable tax. oolleetor "and
assessor of •tho..toWii, who on Mon-
day celebrated his 80 birthday, and
who took! great pride in•placiirg his
89 coppers in s row, for the ladies,
Ili the eVeniug a street carnvial was
held in the square,
Mis Marry •Ryan' was elected queen.
o'f the oa-nival. ;and this feature add-
dd-ed over 1100 to' the' funds.
People You Know
Mr, Hately, soloist' in West. Presby.-.
terien church, Toronto, who was
visiting Mr•s. Quinn, sang "Tho
Pubiieiiu;" in Willis c1101011 on
Sunday mor'niti3'.
Mr, Bert Gately of Toronto and Mrs,
Helen Quinn and Miss Spencer of
Clinton spent the holiday at the
lioins o5 Mrs. Quinn's Ii'other, Mr',;
W, Caldwell of Londesbero..
Mr. Chas. Cuninghame o,'5:Grand Rap-
ids, Mich., has ,been visiting at the
horns of his brother, Mr. John Cun-.
inghaiue, during' the past, week.
Official gteturis
The following is the official results
in Centre, and South Huron of the
election on June 25th: -
Centre Huron
Poll Wigle Goven. Somer.
lock vale'
Brussels 198 143 75
Clinton 469 323 74
Colborne ', 225 64 • 255
Goderich "126 ' - 708 112
Grey_ 210 173 577
I4'ullett " 235 292 336
McKillop 173 241 464
Seaforth 357 466 96
Total 31`31 2410 1992
Majority of Wigle over Govenlock
721; over•Somerville 1139.
South Iiuron
Poll` McGreg. Medd Trewar,
Tuckersruith 179 359 411
Hay • 280 493 300
Stephen 472 358 298
Usborne 313 388' 107
Bayfield 141 24 .39
Hensel., 157 43 188
Goderich. Twp. 507 214 116
Stanley 286 ' 275 199
Exeter,' 464 200 1.60
'2800 2363 1818
Trewartha's majority 'over ,Medd,
437; Trewartha's majority over Mc-
Gregor, 982.
eter, on June 30th, by the Rev. Mr.
Ferguson Mary II., daughter of Mr.
Mrs. T. A. Gibson, to G. A. Wear-''
chester,: on June SOth, ,by the Rev.
D. N. McCamus, father' of the
bridegroom, assisted by the Rev;
S, J. Thompson, Evelyn.; Fllinbr;
daughter of Mrs. Ernily;Bankes of
Dorchester, to Lawrence',Dayid Mc
- Coitus, son of the Rey. D.N. and
Mrs. MMCarnus of London, -form-
erly of :Clinton.
MCLEOD-HEWrSOI ,-•AU`• Trinity
church; Bayflel_d;::or .Iitne.28th, by,
the Rev. Basil P. 'Coicolugh ,Mrs.
Isabella Ilewson'to RCv., R I NI11-
Beads Presbyterian church,
onto, on June 26th, by the Rev J:.
A Cranston IRuby, A,,' daughter,
of Mr !"and 011,3. s'uentner Hen
sail, to, -Alexander ' 1I. ' Mathesonjj
Kippen;'by Rev, .R.11A. Lundy, pn
June 21st, Henry Albert Fuss, of
Hay townshiPr to Elizabeth Coch
rano;of Hills Green.
Kippen,' on June 27th, by Rev. R.
A. Lundy, Elmer Deitweiler, to
Nellie Cochrane.
DOWNIE McLEAN---At Detroit,
on June 19th, -Lillian McLean " of
;Goderich, to Harry MoInray
Downie, of Detroit. -
burn, on June 27th by the Rev. W.R.
Alp, Mary, younger daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Patterson, to
Alexander Manning, son of ` Mr."
Chas. Manning, of the Loudon road.
STANBURY—In Stanley, on July
'4th, to Mr. and Mos: Wm. Stan
bury, a daughter. • -
STEWART-In Iullett, on 'June 24th,
to Mr.' and Mrs; Chas.' Stewart, a
son. --Kenneth Woon.
RUM,BALL--,In the 'General Hospital.
Private Pavilion, Toronto, on June'
30th„' to Mr. and Mrs. „ John It,
Ruerball, a son.-dohn Hagerman.
McKillop on June
241h; 'to Mr. and Mrs. °Peter Hick-
nell, a ,so.
DAER-Ii , Goderich, on. June 24th,
'to Mr. and NIrs. Will Deer, a Son.
Williaarr Bison
WALKER -In East Wawanosh, on
Rule 24th, to Mr. and Mrs, George
Wilke , a 'son. •
WILLPAMS-At Oak Paris,- Illinois,-
on June 20th, to Mr. and 'Mrs. Dan
Williams, formerly of Seaforth,-a
VANCAMP-In Morris; on Juno
.20th, t/'. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Van -
camp, a son.,,,
WI-IITTING-SIAM-At Herschel, Saslc.
on /tine 261h, June Muriel, infant
daughter of. Mi, and 1VIrs: J. Whit-
dj ngllturr,
GAUER-e-At Ontario California, on
dune 28th, •John Harold, son of Mr,
and Mrs, M. Gauer, (formerly Oliss,,
Oliver' Cooper,) aged 14 months.
LEE -In loving memory of our clear
husband and father, Samuel Ruses`
sel Lee; who dioc ruly 7th 1022.
"This day brings back to nreieery
A dear one gone to rest
And those who think of him today;
Me those who lovuil hint best
When alone in my sorrrow, and bitter
tears flout a --,
There stoaleth it dreamt of•'da1s long
And ulilcnown to the; world
Von stand by my', side;
And whispeir, "Dein! wife, �death can
, not divide.”
Ever IoVed l y wife and children,
1)0 YOU
Enjoy ar'geed Oup of Tea,,,Cofteo or Cocoa? If yotl do our blends
of Black Orange Pekoe or Green Japan 00 Our Own Coifei has
thio flavor you are looking for, Try them and enjoy .a REAL cup
of Tea, Coffee or, Cocoa. ,•
Get our prices nn Laundry soap, Toilet loops, Dux, Ammonia,
Poarlino and all rho articles you need;50- the annual tering clean up.
Highest Prices for Eggs
Got the Habit of Dealing at.
JOaNSC N a$C cO' + GROCERY , 'Phone
" bread delivered to all part of town
Fresh for your Stable daily
We make Wedding cakes a Speciality
Neilson'. Ice Cie..? -I
and Chocolates
Phone 1
The Great Comedy Drama
Pam P:amga' :Players and.. Sgers
Lillian' i,Johnston Company
Troubadour, Male Quartet
Cope, Humorist -Extraordinary
Notable° Lectures on TimelySubjects
Friday and Saturday
Monday and Tuesday
Aug. 3, . 4;,
Season Tickets $4.00
Tax Extra
The "wets" put the Hearst Govern-
ment out of business, anis have r�e-
peated the•trick with 'the Drury Gov-
ernment.-Goderich Signal.
Lost on Monday, July 2nd while .go-
ing from. High .street to ' Jackson's
house on Bayfield, road, ,one saddle
girth. ;-Pinder.piease cull 114 Clinton.
Board wanted
For .three' months, by ,young lady,
lvrivate hoarse preferred. Kindly
leave 1101110 and rates with The News-
Reeord. 00.1-p
Debentures for Sale
The Corporation of the Town of
Cilinton offers for sale to local in-
vestor's ten debenture of 5500. each,
issued for Hospital purposes.
Full particulars on application to
the undersigned. D. L. Macpherson,
Treasurer. 07-tf
Piano Pupils Taken
Pupils accepted in piano playing. j
Special Instruction will be given in
tone production. Pupils of all grades
accepted. For terms of tuition
please phone 203 Clinton -Geo, B.
Clarke. . 8-2-p
Cockerels For Sale r
Single Comb White Leghorn cock- Steer Strayed
rebs, 10 weeks old, .bred from Guilds '
special, .1220 pen, from hens wires° Strayed from the premisos'of the
dams have records of 220 eggs and u31 •underisgned, a red -yearling steer'
per year. $1;25 e11.c11.. H. J, Trewar- Witli white markings. Any inform-
tha, R. R. No. 2, Clinton; Phone 21- ation gratefully received. Rat. Cole,
601, 09=2-13 R. R. No. 3 Clinton. Phone 24-606
Clinton •central, 08-2-p
House For Sale, '
Eight roomed house and ,two lots." Teacher Wanted
on Victoria st,, hares and soft water For S. S. NO. 10, Stanley; '.pale
and oleclsid lights. Applyto Mrs. Ed- teacher with ,experience 'preferred.
ward Walters. 05-15.2-p State qualification, experioneo and;
• Salary expected. Applications . a o-.
13intdex,.For Sale ceived up to -Saturday, July 14111., J.
Deering binder, 7It cutsheaf; car+ Sitl'Cpper, Sec„ 1t. L 115o., 1 Bptlee-r
tier and ,truck Conrplote;`in good're- ,.•'etd. 08-13`
Pair,: Apply ,to'. ,Axries Chrhwrig1ht ,,.''. --•
Phone. 74, " , ,44-4f 1tending Hay, ,
0" orcins o sweet clover, 5 Ser+es
Hemstitching Machines alfalfa and 10 aer'55 'mixed grass for
ItoDstitchmg acrd' Piceting attach,..,,private sale, standing. Also farin,
,10,14, Fits any sewing spaehine, price: lots 7.6-17.180, Maitlatrri eon, Colborne
$2.50, . Personal eheSqttes- JOih sxtta, j township. for -sale. or rent. Apply W.1
I3ridginuin's Sales Agenoy, liog 42 St,,{ B. Potato!, It, It. No. 2 Clinton,
Catherines. 134.49 1 :Phone 1130 GolbOrne, 074.