The Clinton News Record, 1923-7-5, Page 1No 22409 -4 -5th Year
Wheat ' $1,15
tilluckwheat, 75c,
rat's 50c,
Barley GOc:
Eggs 19e to 20c,
]lggas l7c. to :18c,
Live Hogs $8,00
Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Bing• of Bay-
field, Ont., announce the engagement
of daughter, hter Annie Louise to
their g
Mr. Frederick. G Ritchie, : Niagara'
Falls, One, son kif '',Me, and Mrs.
Geo, Ritchie. Ehnvale, the marriage
to -take place in the latter art of
1 n
ME 'A,P'.
Edward C. Ihunford, one of the
leadin • business men o1 Brussels for
the ant 85 ears pessed away on
p Y Y
Saturday in his 6e th year: He was
engaged in the merchant• -tailoring
business until about three months
ago, when he was compelled; owing
to illhealth, to dispose of it. The
causeof his death was anaemia,.
which was hastened by a bad fall he.
received on the icy sidewalk last,
winter, Besides his widow be is sur-
vived by two sons and two daughters,
ii third daughter having died about,
three months ago. Mir, Dunfeed was
a brother of Mr. James Dunford of
Toronto, formerly of Clinton.
(shah delight
The, beide can be found' in ,eam store, in great variety.
We have ''he' GIFTS •THAT LAST
You should see our Engagement and Wedding Rings put up
a case and are complete matches,
Jeweller and Optician Phone 174w
Residence 1474J
Making Money Grow
PERHAPS there, are many things you would like to
afford them now. Whynot
save up 'forthem?
There is much pereone!satisfactidn to be found in sav-
ing money -acne dollar grows to,two—in a short time it is
five—then ten and so on—bat if ypu are saving for a defin-
ite object, you should opena bank account. Whilst the
money is always there for you when you need it, there is
less temptation 'to spend small sums -it growg; nicker
s ruP P 4
'' and is safe from' loss; t' You'will'f1nd our'Manageis,and
Staff willing to help, you.
�►'�'' i ail
Bathimg Suits
Possibly yougoing are fro �r
t7 to the
lake, it so, take a -Bathing Suit
We have aline
111 e
and we are sure we can meet
your bathing suit requirements.
take a -Bathi
thatwill give you
comfort during theh.t days.
These suits come in Home-
spuns, Se
r: es and Palm Beach
Prices $1630 to $25.00
Interesting newcomers to town are
Rev. D. N. McCall -me and Mrs. Mc
Genus, late of -Clinton, who have
come to snake their home here. Mr.
and Mrs. McCamus, with their dough -
tee, Miss Bessie 1VIeCarnus, have taken
Professor J. D. Detwiler's home in
Queen's avenue,—Free Press,.
The followingaddress addwas nee-
sensed to the Rey. Dr. Medd by the
membera' of his ehua'eliP prior to his
removal- from Rid g •etown to Wheat
ley and he was; presented also with
a well-filled purse. Many of our
readers are personal friends of Di'.
Medd,' as he's an old Hullett boy,
and `this will be read by them with
interest: c ,
Honored and Reverend Sir,
As officers,members adherents
me e s adl e Pts
and friendso theRid •et wn Metho-
f g o
dist church, we desire hereby to eon-'
vey to yet -La. -the assurance of our a-
biding and increasing affection, and
,of the sorrow and sense of loss which
we feel at the thought of your -
being so soon to leave us. "We also
desire to express to you our sincere=
and growing appreciation of your life
and character, and of the eminent
gifts of heart "and mind and 'voice
which you have so freely placed upon
the altar of service in the great cause
of Him untowhomyour life has been
so completely consecrated. We real-
ize that one of the most 'precious
treasures is a human life. And the
'value of that treasure is greatly in-
creased when the human life becomes
a distinctly Christian life And the
value and influence of that treasure
becomes yet more distinctly inerease I
when the Christian -life becomes a
ministerial life set apart to highest
service in the cause of the Redeemer.
And of this life you have been and
are a vivid illustration,. Your life
with all its manifold possibilities -and
energies has been Most heartily giv-
en to the Lord foie the promotion of
His work in our'midst. The three
years of your greatly valued ministry
here have' been three of the except-
ionally difficult years in the world's.
history.., The reaction and unrest
which followed the strain and tension
of the 'great: war produced a condi-
tion in which Manyr minds deemed to
beeonie-'tion responsive co -LI a gospel
niesage. ; Indiffernce, uncertainty
and unbelief spread themselves like
deadly poisons everywhere. Even the
'great Forward Movement-` was not
generally a movement into that con-
d.ttion of social andspirituallife' for.
which' you have so faithfully striven.
These things, however, did not dis-
courage you, In the midst of the
desert -like indifference your life and
ministryhave been a feentaiu of re-
freshing and a stream of blessing.
Your preaching has been a contin-
uous :bringing• forth of treasures as
old as eternal verity and as new as
the believer's .eonsciousteess of spirit-
ual 'experience,. You have neither
been the servant of narrow literalism
nor the slave of theoretical vagaries.
In the grand work of preaching you
"have sought to be always "approved
-unto God, and•a workman that need-
etis not to be ashamed, rightly divid-
ing the word of truth;" Your pub
,lic prayers •have been wonderful in
their tenderness and simplicity, and
beautiful. in theirappropriateness
and cominprehensivenessYour, care -
ful methods of stud , your edueation-
al standing, your culture of heart
`andmind, your wide; outlook 'upon
the affairs of the world, yam!' ex-
teasive kndwledge of the wonders of
nature, your lobulate acquaintance
with all the treasures of Art and
Literature,and your unfailing ` in-
teres,t in all that seeks the betterment
of mankind and the incoming of the
Kingdom of Gird have made you
abundantly worthy of the place you
occupy in the minds of, a large circle
of admirers who regard you with sin
dere and grateful affection. You have
proved yourself always hospitable the
ward all •that is Pure and good and
uplifting. You nave been insoles`-
ant only of that which is evil and
deceptive and injurious. You have.
always been Toady to rejoice in the
joys of everyone and you have been
quite' as t-oady 'o enter into the sor-
rows of all the sorrowing ones, To
those who have had the sail ex-
perience of loss and affliction and
bereavement you have been atm inn-
failing inspiration and strength and
c nif rtYour devoted and, gracious
'Wife, gifted and accomplished
w your g d p tshed
daughter,' your ideal home life, and
the friendships by which you enrich
the lives of so many have united in
greatly iitereasing your held upon the
grateful affeetion of those in the town
and community unto whom your
faithful ministry has been a constant
blessing For all that you -ere and
have been to us and to this commun,
ity,,we desire to express our deep and
abiding gratitude. We unite in the
earnest prayer that you and your
loved ones may soon be comfortably
sett]ed hi your new home, and
that you : may there • be grant''
ed abuiidaut health and
strength and the wholehearted co-
operation of the congregation and
counnunity 'unto whom you will be
made Mighty in : • ministering the
treasures of the kingdom, and that in
your heart and home and field of
Ieber you may enjoy mans yecu's of
abundant blessing and lasting pros-
Signed on behalf of the conmiuttee.
tidgetown, Ont., .rune 19288
The Goderich . L. 0. B. A, visited
the Clinton lodge on Tuesday, June
25th ,and put on the first degree in
yery fine style, After the business
meeting a pleasant hour was spent in
music and a tasty lunch was- served
by the local member's
Thane who were ;feeling sore be-
cause the Tories .were "putting ,one
over" by.using theband at the wel-
come to the successful Huron, cancii-
dates on Thursday evening last will.
feel relieved to know that the band.
concert on that evening, while list -
coed to by everybody, with the
speeches thrown' in, is being paid for
by the Conservative Association.
Mss( kathleen• Livermore has al-
most fully recovered from r hetr
operation and is verygrateful
for: all
the elcindltess. shown her and the
flowers soul her during her illness,
Miss Kathiedsi leaves` about the first
of -Sepember to take a course' in
The ladies who 'havebeen giving
the play "Strictly Business" desire
through The News -Record to express
heir thanks to thosewho so kindly
offered the use of their cars to convey
them to and leoon the two or three
occasions when '• they performed out of
Miss Emma Lavis'was'successful in
carrying off first prize; for'decoeated
auto in the 'Dominion Day parade at
Goderich on. Monday.'Miss' Levis' car
was certainly eautifull de
w s b coratedit
y ., Y. ,
would have been hard tobeat it,
Young .Rn rrd, h
motorcycle sksseiddeofd Standatforan intolvtheose
wire fence during the races at Gode-
rich on Monday, was •:sii'seriously in-
jured thaehe died on Tuesday. ,
Murphy, I. 0." E. No. 710 will at-
tend divine service at -Willis Prosby-
teriain=church, of Sunday, July 6th
at 2.30 p.m, Rev,. J, E. Hogg will
preach.- Visiting brethren welcome:
Next regular nneeting of No, 710 will
be held on Friday, evening July 6th'
Full attendance is'requested.
The meeting of council on Tues
,day evening was se- hat' "a short one.
Mayor Cooper was not present when
the time came to siait"`and'• Reeve
Miller took the,'"chap The mayor
came 'in a . little later':`, Councillor
Livermore was not\present.
R. We:teener was given a rebate of
dog tax on dog which had died just
after tax was' paid.. A request for
refund of overpayment of tax from
R. Rowland was referred to the Court
of Revision.
The chairman of the street commit
the reported the ttu•via on and a num-
ber of improvements on street. The
matter of the Cowper and, Erie streets
'drain caused some discussion, and a
majority of the council voted that -the
report on it be not adopted.
The , fuel con unittee t<eported that
the stove' coal. ordered !tiad been de-
The property committe : reported
that the work on hall had been de-
layed owing, to lack of acne but "would
be gone on with now Work of de-
coration will now be gone on with at
once, also. teltairman Paisley rec-
onimencled that steeplejack Me0osh be
employed to paintand repair t
er and .roof of hall.
CharrmaMiddleton reported that
the band had given three open-air
concerts and thought they had been
very satisfactory . He said the last
concert, that of June 28th, would be
paid for by. the Clinton Lib- Conser-
vative Association, The bandsmen are,.
to be paid at the rate of one 'dollar
per night per maim, up to the number'
of eighteen.
Regarding the gosoline tanks on
the streets Clerk Macpherson report-
ed that he had •conferred with the
town solicitor ainl it was his opinion
that the town was liable for any
damage oraccident caused by them.
Slayee Cooper commnented upon the
amount of .taxes already paid in and
commended Collector .Stong for his
O,ut motion of Councillors Middle-
ton and Paisley the matter of weigh-
ing flax avas left to the property com-
The matter of parking cars "-was
discussed. Councillor Nediger ob-
jeeted to:the parking in the middle of
the street, on account of the lack of
width. Chief Stong, 'on being asked
by the mayor to state his opinion,
said he thought •i it the best plan; if
it could be carried' cut.- No 'rigs
should be allowed to stand at the curb,
however. Mayor, Cooper said lair.
Langford had offered his,vecaut lot.
u cil or
for ,pailing .purposes and. Con 1
Necliger' said he had some vacant
space which could be used. Councillors
Paisley 'and Kerner thought that was
too far away, people didn't want to
run away there with and for their
cars, The matter Was left in the
hands'of tine Street corninittee and
Reeve Miller; complained that those
working on the streets were putting
in short hours. ,Chairman Middle-
ton thought if there was anything' in
the complaints the matte should be
looked into.. He had not heard the
eomp'aints, Reeve Miller also
thought, $0 per day, too high for work
enthe roads, said if itenized ac -
conn twent into the county eauncil the
town weehln'ti get% grant, Ile said
•1 81200 to he paid
there a a genet of
own t l
over to Clinton disci anotheren
$1200 we
l,elrl in i c urve.
'Owing to lack o:f space •rho -iivatt-
ciai r°ep,orthas ]iacl to be omitted,:_,
The mayor at the town council
meeting on Tuesday evening commend
ed Collector Levi Stong on the amcnit
of taxes already turned in to the,
treasurer; nearly $18,400. Isn't those
an historic tax -gatherer by the name
of "Levi'? Probably his,, modern
namesake is but living up to his name.
The name el the member -elect for
Centre l-Iuronr is Wigle; pronounced
as if the i were Y. It would be
very simple if it were spelt "Wygle
and is just as simple if it is.renlem-
bered that that is th way it is pro-
nounced, Spine few people tearing for
the first time the name of the mem-
ber elect for South Huron, N. W.
Trewar•tha, seem to he in sonme doubt.
as to the proper pronunciation but
it is pronounced just as it is spelt,
with the accent on the "war". r„ . P
newts P. Psi
s not a
t all a warlike
individual, although line, can hold his
own wth the best of Mn.
There is no need to comment at all
on the name of the member fox the
north riding., Everbody knows
how John Joynt's name is ,pronounc-
ed. -.
A pretty wedding •-was• solem-
nized at the home of the bride's
mother, Mrs, •Emily Bankes, of Dor-
chester, on Saturday June 30, when
Miss Evelyn Rhinos Basil es became
the bride of Lawrence David Mc-
Camus, principal of Trafalgar. street
School, London,
The ceremonywasperformed to• m
p mm ed by
theof rr h
g o u's'fat et, Rev. D. N. 1VIe-
Cainus, London, formerly of Clinton,
assisted by Rev, S. J. Thompson, of
the Methodist church, Dorchester.
The charming 'bride was given a-
way -by her brother-in-law, Lloyd
Buckberrough, of Toronto, while Mrs,
Lloyd Buckerrough' acted as matron=
p1 -honor. The groom was sup-
pelted .by his brother, W. R. Mc-
Call -les, B. A:, of the Brantford.
Collegiate. Institute staff.
During., the signing of the register
Mrs, R. A. Logan, of Dorchester,
sang "The Crown,” accompanied by
Nord ,Campbell, who also played the
wedding march.
After a dainty wedding breakfast
the happy couple left by train for
Eastern points,'yy
those present were.; .Mr.
and 'Mrs, -Lloyd. Bucke rough,; Miss
H ,K. McCamus and J; A. McCainus,
of Toronto; Rev D Nheand Mrs, Mc-
Cainus, lilies B. IVIeCainus, Mr. anis
Mips,, D, C McNaughton and daugh-
ters, Inspector Geoffrey Wlreelele and
Mrs. Wheeble, Mr. and Mrs. Sanies
Campbell, and T. Baker, of London
Mr. and Mrs, W. Logan, Ford Gould,
B. A., Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Logan,
Rev, S. J. and Mrs. Thompson, Mr.-
and Mrs. Shiels, D. 3', Campbell and
Mrs. S. Daw, of Dorchester; Miss
Christina Dean, of Maple Grove and
the Misses E. Mbxey, S. Gill, A. Rem-
ington, M. Doan and T. Logan;
Baptist church
Neelt`Sunday morning the pastor's
subject: will be "Sanctification its
Significance." In the evening Rev:
Ernest Parker will exchange pulpits
with the Rev. W. F. Alp, Knox Pres-
byterian ' church, Auburn. All friends
Prayer meetinginthe Vestry on
Wednesday at 8.00. All believers in-
Wesley church
The new pastor, the Rev. A. A.
Holmes, preached at both services
on Sunday.
On Monday evening next the League
will hold a missionary meeting, the
program to •be given by the C. G. I. T.
All the young people of, the "con-
gregation are invited. A bright serv-
ice, one hour long, from eight to nine
Ontario street church
-The regular ,meeting of the W. 1V1.
S. will be iirthe lecture roon. on
Tuesday, July 10th, at 3 o'clock. At
this Meeting the mite -boxes are to be
brought in. Will all those 'having
mite -boxes, either bring or send, and
any one wishing to contribute, and
having no mite -box kindly place their
contribution in an ordinary envelope,
Anunterestieg program is being pre-
pared, Light refreshments will be
The newastor, the Rev., C. J.
p ,
Moorehouse, preached to good con-
gregations at both services on Sane
clay. -
Willis ehulcln •-
:Next Sunday the pastor's subjects
will be: Morning: "Christian Hope,"
Evening: "The Significance of Man,"
In the afternoon at half past two
o'clock the special annual service to
the, Orangemen will be held iii this.
The pastor will :begin his' holiday
next':weeli, when he and his family
will go to their summer cottage on
Southampton beach. Holiday services
will lie as :Follows:
July 15th Rev. V. , h.'. Mooney, B.
A..c? Pont lIlgin, Co-operative servi-
ces will be, heldeavitb. Wesley church
tor' six Sundays asfellows:
!Sundays July 22 and 29th and Aug.
Rh, Rev. A. A. Holmes will be the
minister in eltarge, and services will
be in Wesley church int 11o''clocic
and Willis at 7 o'clock.
ISu det s Aug, 1lth 791h 26tla
,I, E.' ll willhe n' i i `
Hogg, the rte t i to run
clurrgct and setvtces `sill he held in
Whale eine:ell and Y.I o'clock and in
'. eslo at 1 o'cleek.
The following is the xepec't of the
work done by Miss' Lawrence; Fedrool'
Nurse, of the Clinton Unit:
Number of visits made to scheels 223
Number of children inspected 0349
Number, of physical defects ter-
Numberof visits made to Ghon es
'� 527
Miss Lawrence says that it has
been a great privilege to render as-
sistance in many emergencies, to aid
in lessening the amount of commen-
icable diseases, Sc,•devise ways and,
means to correct physical defects
that are definately handicapping the
children and to stimulate a greater
interest in personal and community
hygiene filed the practice of health
Dominion on Day passed off
quietly y in Clinton„ as it usually does.
Many citizens went to Goderich, Bay=
field, or Grand Bend, others made
longer trips while' still others'espent
the day quietly at home. Clinton
does not pretend to celebrate this
holiday but it would be possible to
snake a bit- more display of. the Can-
adian flag. :After all, JuIylsf., is
theanniversary of a very important
event in our history; it would, not be
amiss to make a little more of it, for
the sake of the rising generation. And
when the children ask: "What mean
ye by these signs," some useful in-
formation could very suitably- 'be give
en, Everything should not be left
to the schoolmaster, '
the hist st regular meeting Of Clift -
ton Lodge, A. F. Se A, M., No, 84 Cs
R. C. the following officers were in-
Italled and invested .by Rt. ;Wor. B.
H. E. Rorke, P. D. D. G. M.:
W. H. "S, H. Roze11.
I P. M; Jas. Forts
Se W., C. Verner,
J. W., ,C',Draper
S. D, W. Holloway
J. D., W. Clement.
1. G., P. Jenkins.
S. S., T. G. Sct�lifens. y` "
J. S., C. Cook, •
T., A. Castle.
Secretary, II: B. Chant.
Treasurer, W; D. Fair.
Chaplain,_ Dr. J. S. Evan
iD of .S,, N. Ball,
'Anditors'H. Gould an „Gag Hale.
The funeral of the late Miss Lila
Powell took place on Saturday after-
noon last, the :services at the house
and graveside being conducted by the
Rev, A. A. Holmes, Rev, T. J, Snow-
don and Rev. J. E. Ford of Goderich.
Miss Powell,j/ttvho was a daughter of
the late JohnePowell, had not been in
good health 'fee' meyear' and spent
some time at her home in Clinton but
several months ago she returned to
Toronto and it was thought site had
somewhat unproved."` Two weeks be-
fore her death shewas taken'ill incl
for a few days she had been in the
hospital. Her death came as a shock
to her relatives, however,, as her con-
dition was not supposed -to be so ser-
ious. Her sisters and brother were
sumtinoned the day she, passed away
'but' didn't reach bee in"time to see her
alive. She is survived by .two sis-
ter•se Miss Susie Powell and Mrs J.
Stirling jr., of Clinton, and one bro-
therW. Powell of Godennoh', Thepal-
bearers at the e funeral r
ne al � ere': Messrs.
J. H, Kerry H. E. Rorke, A. T. Coop-
er, W. Clement, N, Kennedy and A. F
Mrs. Stirling and Miss Powell wish.
to express their thanks to their
friends and neighbors for their kind
mess andsympathy in their bemave-
On Thursday evening last the Lib
eraleConservatves of Huron aerang-
ed to have. a little celebration in
honour of the election of three party
candidates to the Legislature, it being
the first time that three candidates of
the same party had ever been return-
ed in the •County. The notice was
short and many did not know until
they came to town biz band night that
such a celebration was to take place.
All the candidates promised if pos.
sible to be present, but Mr. Wigle was:
at Walkerton attending another ghtli=
ening, an engagement made weeks be-
fore, and, Mr. 'Prewartha had to at -
ten opicnicsh'
tend two that afternoon -arc
was 'a bit late, Mr. Joynt was on
hand in good time •and gave <a
characteristic little speech„ He said he
had always been of an independent.
turn and intended to maintain his in-
dependence but that his support of ,the
Drury Government had been great
ly over -advertised, lie had olnpoi-
ed them in many'' things • and dis-
approved of many of their 'acts. Ile
thought the province had done well
to elect a Conseravi,tve m
with a good majority.
Mr, Trewartins thanked the, elec-
tors toe the support given him and
said he icnew that he had malty sup••
potters other than Conservatives and
that he eon:dilatecl himself the tep-
rosentativq of all the people; nteespec-
t%ve of polities, and would do his best
for the riding of South Huron and to
put through baeasltree which would the
for the good of all the people,
He outlined a few things which he
thought might be for the boitoft 'of
the; province', Both speakers were
given aIneai,ty greeting. A lin
numhor of pmllhc were present turd
the band gave a most pleasing Con-
cert, Mi'. C. 0, Middleton acted as
Miss J. I, McDougall, who has been
a member of the Collegiate stall for
the ( p< est twelve years, has resigned to
take a positlon on. the i.'or`t Arthur
staff, Miss McDougall is an ex
eelleet teacher -and it will be calf
ficult to fill the vacancy caused by
(her resignation. She is the sort of
teachers whotakes an interest im
each one of her pupils,
The other e morning Mr. WI llam-
blyn-.laid on our`,desic a nice, welt -
shaped, red -ripe tomato, which lie lead
picked .from a vine in his garden. au
Juste 29th. It Was „110i very large
bu•,ti was a good :specimen and had ae'
fine flavor and was the first, of
many which are beginning to color,
Considering that this has been a
fatter backward d season June 29thTo
earl ' tohave ripe tomatoes. toer.Can
other gardeners beat this record?
The rollicking comedy suecesa.
"The Bubble"; the always popular;
Troubadour Male Quartet:. Edward -
Burton MaeDowell, well, known tray.
eller; Arthur Welwyn 'Evans, noted
Welsh orator; Pam Pamga Players
and Singers, native Filipinos; Lillian
Johnston Company, premier` enter-
tainers: Herbert Leon Cope, humorist "
extraordinary -these' are attractions
which will appear here at the coming
Four -Day Dominion Redpath Chant
auqua winch opens on Aug 3rd. Ad-
vertisements on another' page give
further panti 1 rs.
P cud
People You -Know -
Master Frank Hooper is spending hint
holidays in London, `
Miss Agnes Walker of Clifford pis
for the vacation time.
Muss Lottie Sloman of . Toronto was
home over the holiday.
lilies Myrtle IVlair of Ridgetewn fo
, home for the vacation time.
Hiss Nora Kennedy of Mildmay is<
hone -for the vacation period.
Miss Winnie MoMath is visiting Miss
Marjorie Lyon of Londesboro.
lslrs., F. ' Lowry, of . Toronto, is the
guest, of her sister, Mrs. J. Ireland..
Dr. Ganciier's fancily have 'koiva to
'Southampton to their summer ,cot-
Cpt. Thorne and two little danghe.
tees, Misses Laura and Hilda, .are:
holidaying at Grimsby:
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams awry
family were over from Detroit foe
over the week -end and holiday.
Mrs -B. J. Gi,bbntgs is visiting his -our-
sin, Dr. W. P.'Holloway in Peter-.
Hit. and Mrs. L. J. Wasman of Tor-
onto are visiting their parents int
Miss Anna Holmes of St. Cat],
amines is visiting' her sister, Mrs. H,
B. Chant.
Miss Bernice Pennell of Stratfordis
the guest of her cousin Miss Muriel.:
Downs this week.
1VIr', Bert Sloman Ieft the beginning
-of the week ,to. take ,up Chautauqua;
work for •,the: summer:
Mr. Arnold Glazier, 'who has been;
teaehin> Port Arthur
6 is home 0
the vacation period.
Mrs. Harry Bartliff was in Brtissrl's
int Saturday attending the furlong
of her sister, Mrs,' Shouldice.
Mrs. C. C. Ranee, of Toronto, spent c
the week -end and holiday with no.•
latives and friends in town.' '
Mr, Norman Garrett ee Wroxeter
Iwas in town
on Tuesday, hit way
to Toronto to take a summer course.
Mrs. Ida Fennell of Stratford was is
visitor at the home of her sisters
Mrs, W. S. Downs, over the week -
Mrcee and Mn's, Geo.. Hawkinsand basis
children of Hantilton,s spent tat
week -end with Sic and Mrs. T.
Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Cooper, Mrs. 6:.
J.Wallis and Mrs. Beaton attended(
the W. C. U. County convention
in WBrussels .yesterday,
Mrs. C. D. Smith and daughter, Mize
Ettie, and Mr.; Wesley Richmond of
Toronto are the guests of the forms
cr's sister. 1 -i's T Mason.
Mt's (Dr.) R Gi'.Struthers and child!
'ren, who recently returned frail!!
China, are 'at; present visiting rela-
tives in Galt. Mrs, Struthe e
-come to Cliultotta+ later on to visit
her brother, Mayor Cooper.
Mrs. W. J. Ca'etle and Masters Ken-
' meth and Bully, of Toronto; leave;
been 'visiting ` at the hdirle of this
lady's another, Mars, W, Arent. 3tb
y g r
Castle carte' up for the holiday and
.all returned hone, on Monday,
:Miss Tend Marquis, who has beet
teaching int golden, Oxford ceue gxc•
for the past year, has gone .to I°rtst..
Onto to take. e, a short course .lar 3slry:e-
ical ennui* in September she will;
'resume her school work at Ftmidev,
at an advanced salary'
5115. and Mrs, E.:Pioody, Miss 0f ire
'Fioody and Miss Olive Harland
motored up from 'Toronto on Set-
urday morning and spent the week.
end with _ re'letives here. Mrs
.Moody met Mee, Rance of Toronto
in The News -Record office en Sae
urday and Me, Floody. remarked:,
'°Tlsc News -Record should consider,
Mrs. Rance a good friend for sit tsn
the lady who first gave nue"`ff
riwhen I started 1urtishtn
parser," nate News-Itecord is gin
to count both the lady and
P,'entlenman amongst its
Mite - file • rienticiiin