The Clinton News Record, 1923-5-24, Page 8LEADING JEV
Wing Presents
the June Bride
our :Peesents at Ilia store.
lave a gpod aesertment iii
your Engagement and Wedding Rings
Next,`Hoves'e Drug Store
'11211.1m9311162 -mi",
Cdn ole°ins
eanest, most sanitary floor coverings you c'an
time the greatest values
while 'you are busy house-cleanins, to replace
'ng carpet or rug with a new modern Rug of
are offering scene extra low prices on these
ndsit will mean dollars saved if you get our
stain Nets and Scrims, they are wonderful vat-
etc, up;
steed Bros.
PHONE ' 25,
The W. D Fair Co.
Often .tote Cheapest•=Always the Beat'
1101115 II III g1111111%
„n..-ynlleal I l 6.
Mr. Ernest Livermore "af `Varsity, is
home for the long vacation.
Mr. I -I. E. Rorke went to Toronto. on,
Monday to attend. the funeral of
his 'brother.
Miss Ida Walkinshaeb is spending a
fortnight or so with Hamilton and
Toronto friends
Miss Edna Wasnian of ' Toronto is
spending a vacation at•the' home of.
her parents in't'owxd
Miss Maybelle Coley of Montreal,
is visiting' her sister, Lieut. Coley
of the local $. A. corps. '
Miss Joy Lobb of the Bayfield road spent the, week -end in town as the
guest of'Miss Edna Wise.
Miss Nornia Bentley of London is
town this week, assisting at the
Doherty Pianos office.:
Mrs. W. Walker is in London this
week, visiting friends and attending
.the W. M. S, Branch meeting:,
Mr and Mrs J. F. Wesman and their
daughter, Miss . Edna, visited
friends in Brussels on Sunday last.
Mr. `and Mrs. J. E, Shepherd and babe
• of Toronto .are expected this week
for a little .visit with the form
er's mother, Mrs. J.,Shepherd. •
Mr. Athol •McQuarrie, manager -of
The. Goderich Signal was in town
on. Saturdayeveningand made; a
:friendly call on The News -Record,
Mr. Chas. Twitehell of, Windsor,
was in town the beginning of the
week. Charlie's old friends are al-
ways pleaSe( to welcome him back.,.
to the old, town. '
Mr. George. Disney, who has been
visiting his, mother in Wingham
during 'the winter, spent a few
days last week with his aunt, Mrs.
Smeltzer of town, and left on Mon-
day for New York.
Mrs., N. D. McCamus and Mrs. R. E.
(Manning are delegates from Wes-
ley W. M. S. and Mrs, Edwin Jer-
vis from Ontario street. church W.
M. S. at the Branch meeting in
London this week.
Rev. J. E. Hogg was. in Grand
Bead ;on Teusday attending the
into the Presbyterian churches: of
induction of the Rev. A. M. Grant
Grand Bend and Corbetton, Mr.
Hogg gave the charge to the
Mrs. J. Lutton;intends leaving next
month for a trip to Ireland. Mrs.
Lutten has .a daughter in Belfast,
whom she has not seen since com-
ing to- Canada nearly three ,years
ago: ,She, will probably be absent
most of the 'summer
Itrs. F. F.'Gillies and Miss Marion of
'Kitchener are the guests of the
lady's parents, Magistrate and, Mrs.
Andrews. Mr. Gillies will be here
over the . holiday. and Mrs. Gillies
will return with him but Miss
Marion is rernaning fora longer,
visit. o ' -
Rev. S. E. McKegney, who addressed`
a public meeting in the town hall
-on Friday evening, left Saturday
morning for his new' home in Ford,
Ont. He was accompanied by his
ilittle daughter, Miss Mollie who
(waited. over for 'hire with friends
Mr. Victor French, editor and pro-
prietor of the W'etaskiwin (Alta.)
Times, and only serf of Mrs F.
French of town, has been suffering
for.weeks with an attack or rheu
ss atisnl and is at present taking
a rest cure at Banff,
Mr. W. G. Strong is motoring to Ot-
tawa this week to confer with the
(Board of Education in that city
eerier to signing contract with them,
Mr. and Mrs B. J. Gibbings and
Miss Manion Gibbings accompany
hint and will' visitfriends enrouter
Mr. George J. Buchanan of Boston,
were in town this week visiting the
scenes of his childhood. NIr. ,Bu-
iihanan is the son of the late Jameri
Buehananr who et one time' carried
on a shoemaking business here but
who left with his family for Tor-
onto in 1870. Mr. Buchanan has
never been in Mitten sinco 1eays
Ong it as a small boy and having
motored over to Toronto he thought
he would like to rein up and look
over -the old town. Mr. Buchanan
' although finding many changes,
met a -number of people who re-
membered his father and a. few who
attended school when he did and
he said on leaving yesterday that
he had thoroughly enjoyed his
it. Clerk D. L. Macpherson, with.
true Scottish hospitality, consti-
tuted himself Mr. Buchanan's guide
philosopher and friend" and saw
that he met the people who would
remember hien and would r eeall
sena of the :former memories. Mr,.
Buchanan' was impressed with the
beauty and neatenss of Cinton and
also With the, to us comonplace,
:fact that Dur population' Was made
ulr entirely of Anglo-Saxons. Ho
was sorry lie had Mit brought his
wife along, as he would haVo done
had he not beer. n little afraid of.
the roads between here. and '.toren,
les He may ttsit us agtii'n, now
that 'ha has broken the ice after
to many yearns.
real & Shipleg
pies ,>r .. Pineapples
son is now et its peak—Choice Pines now on hand
Dairy Butter and fres! Egg's Bought and Sold
s, Prunes, Raisins (seeded& seedless), & Currants
ins, Breakfast and Back Bacons, Bologna, etc.;
ue of Christies's'Biscuits—ALWAYiS 'FRIDSH
r service and we invite you to come and deal
with us,
Grocers Phone 125
Spring Styles -
n Clothing
our new spring sidings. .
spring styles are here.
e time to order your new suit
so as to have it when the spring
n and inspect materials
and discuss styles
is&& Herman
ically ' Cooked Food
stionably the Best
'o retain all the goodness and nat
t flavor, cools it electrically—an
est unbelievable difference in
or. exists. For example, take
oast of beef, : cut it in hahl£, cook
ne portion in the ordinary way and the other in a
eClary's Electric Range. The latter will be say
y, rich in its natural juices, tender, appetizing
ram its outside to the very center, and far slips
ed by other means, It is not difficult to under-
urn" while the juices will not be consumed through
and' air. The air -tight oven of McClary's Electric
i to r•etaih in every ounce of a small or large roast
nerally lost when cooked by ordinary methods. This
e 'many intsances where electrically cooked foo
Electric jleat Plates and Grills, Flotience Auto -
Perfection Stove and Ovens.
ter . " Perdue
Fivitltrls, Chits, 1roi 8
Apo i8'1neeic
(:Berton News -Record
pedal in Pineaptiles4 of
We are receiving a big shipment of Pineapples this week.
Large size, of beautiful color, and we -'believe this is'.the week
to buy for canning, as they are very 1_ikely to advance ,as soon
as canning starts. r. If you are too busy this week, we have
some. whichwill be riper for next week. DDoenot'wait until it,
is impossible to. secure large sizes.
,Pineapples, large size, well colored, 25c per dozen $2.75
. 30c <. :. 3.40
' . `` larger. size, per dozen '
Special for May. 24th
w Potatoes New Cabbage Florida Grape Fruit
Blue Goose Oranges Cucumbers
Strawberries Tomatoes
Sugar mar et is -very firm- again, we quote $11.50 per cwt.
re deliver bread, Seaforth and London, to all parts of, town
cash & Carrig � �
2 Deliveries
People YOU IIIE w
Mrs. Harriston and Mrs. McLaugh-
lin of Parkhill were the guests over
the weekend of their aunt, Mrs.
George Davide of town.
Miss Bessie Porter was in town yes-
terday and 'on her return, to Lon
desboro was, accompanied' by Mrs.
Searle, who is spending a few days
with her.
Direct .Connections, to Ottawa;'Via
Canadian National Railways'
With the new train service arrange-
nnents which were put 'into effect
May 13th, on the lines of the ,Canad-
ian roved ser-
Raihvays, p
vice is being operated between Clin-
ton, Toronto, Smith Falls and Ottawa.
Trains leave Clinton at 625 A. ;M.
2.52 P. M. daily except Sunday, con-
necting at Toronto with "Tate Capital
City" leaving Toronto at 12.10 P.M.
and the "Ottawa Express" leaving
Toronto at 10.30 P. M. Returning ex= �
cellent connection is made at Toronto
with night 'train leaving Ottawa 10.30'
P. IPI, Train leaving' Toronto 6.50 A.
M, and arriving at Clinton at 17,.10 ,�
A. M„ daily except Sunday 03-2
The 31st annual 'Coniyention of,
Goderich District Woman's Mission-
ary , Society'' convened in Constance
Methodist ehurdh on Wednesday,
May 16th.. 'Despite the" ivct weather
and; bad roads there was an except-.
tionally large attendance. Mrs. Mc
Camus of Clinton very ably presided
The meeting opened by singing hymn
133,' after which Mrs; R. F. Irwin of
Seaforth conducted the devotional ex -
ns aid other
Ph'tiie d"i5IW
The reports of the auxilliaries
showed a sustained interest, in the
work, eleven auxiliaries having a
splendid increase in finances, the re-
maining seven a decrease. - Notwith-
standing the fact that this year we
have, had no District Superintend-
ent. ',Che reports, of the Circles and
Bands were very encouraging show-
ing a deeper interest in the work.
!Mrs. W. 1i. Moss of Bemniller,
favored the convention with a solo,
which was mnrh enjoyed by all pres-
Miss 'Spading gave'. a very. in-
teresting address on her work in
China and epoke'of the school at Ten -
show being closed because some-
young woman in Canada disappoint-
ed God.
The Blyth T./ adios Quartette . sang
a beautiful ' selections which was
much appreciated.
The ` election of. officers then
took place. Mrs• W. J. Andrew of
Auburn was appoinited Distriet Sup-
erintendent: Mrs, A. Carr of Blyth.
Assistant, and Mrs. IT. Fowler of
Clinton: Secretary -Treasurers
A sole "Nearer ,My, God to Thee,"
was given by Miss Adams.
'r'.he quiet half-hour 'was ably con-
ducted by Mr's. Colborne of :Goderich,
The afternoon 'session closed with
prayer by Rev. It. F. Irwin.
During the tea hour an address of
welcome was given lby Mrs. W. Brit-
ton and responded to by Mrs. P.
The evening session opened With the
pastor, Rev, R.. W. Osborne, hi the
chair, the *opening exercises being-
conducted by Mrs. F. Campbell.
ItIrs A. Carr' gave the report
the District. The amount raised
Atrxriiaires alone amounted to $3,101.-
45, 'Total
3,101•-45,•'Total sent by'Auxilliaries, Circles
and bands, 35,607.601 an inerease over
last year of $187.50, - '
A well -rendered quartette was then
given by the Constance ladies and was
much enjoyed. Miss Sparking gave
an address on her work in Chung-
king,rwhich was listened to with deep
interest, after which Mrs. I,incb ay of
Constance delighted the audience with
her °beautiful rendering of "i know
that 1 shall 'Live Again" The con-
vention was brought to a'elose with
the benediction by Rev, --W 1t, Os-
borne One. bemire and thirty-seven
delegates registered.
Alice for the first time saw a cat
carrying her kitten by the nape of
its neck.
"You ain't fit to be a mother',"
she cried, scathingly. "You ain't hard -
•1y Et to be a :father!—Youths Com-
Clearing Millinery Sale
A Clearing sale of greatly reduced,
Spring Millinery Friday and Saturday
May 25 and 26th.
Spring Plants!
Our Green -Houses will he open
to visitors each evening next week—
May -2lst to 26th. Yon are invited
to conte and see our stock.
'We can supply you; with:
Tomato Plants Geraniums
dabhuge Plants Vines
Cauliflower PlantsHanging Basltets
Celery Plants Cannes etc.
All kinds of Annuals
Mr. niicl Mrs Jos Ante:, of Ethel;
anrtounae the engee'emeilt of their
d,tttgltteti. Edythe M. to C;eeil 'Pott-
man, Ethel, the ,marrimie to take
place in May,
Office Phone 31 : Residence 176w
Ice Cream Season
Is, Here
Iii Jlriclts or ;'Bulk
-Furniture Department,
Our Furniture Department will be most attractive to the June
Bride as we never had such a grand assortment to select from as
we have right now and we cordially invite you to call and see for...
We have some wonderful Bargains in Chesterfield- suites in
Mohair Plushes and Tapestries, Divanettes, Dining Room, and Bed
Room suites.
With an unusually large Stock of Beds ani! Bedding of all
kinds at extra special prices.
A Good Assortment of Rugs, Congoleure, Linoleum and Oil
Clothes to select from -at lowest possible prices.
A' Full Line of Paints and Varnilises at all Prices
Mureseo fora Beautiful WallFinish
Dust Bane for HIouse, .Cleaning
A Full Line of. Lawn Mowers Garden Tools and Garden Hoes
Galvanized Wash Boilers at 31.35 each
Calf. and Pig 'Meal at Reduced Prices -rr-
Mixed Nails - at 34.00 Per. Iieg.
Clinton Hardware and Furniture Co.
Furniture Phone .104. Hardware 195
anely is always in sensor, we have
all !rinds , at :di prices,
lt7 N On 1-74
Confectionary and Itestaurttnt
"We disc to lrielise."
Star Theatre
Elaine Hammerstein; in "Evidences
Harold Lloyd in "Asir Father
and a Hal Roach Comedy "Blaze Awai'
8 Great Reels of Drama, Thrill, Big Dynamic
Destroyers, hydroplanes, phantom
ships, and slinking smugglers all in
a terrific play! Sensations, sea -
capes; wonderful snatches of life and
strife where league -long rollers swell?,
Wed. and Thulrsdait
featuring ALICE BRADY
In aditdion to our regular program-
me commending Monday May 28, and
the remainder of the week, we are of-
faring two extra ,big vaudevillo at-
Pref. Meu. O -R a
(The Wonder Man)
World's Greatest Gifted Soni of the
Seventh Sot
Tho champion lady dancer of Scot-
land. in Scottish, Irish, Jig and Ped.-
estal Dancing
Vaudeville program will change
every cvellir?r;'
NOTE: 'During the 'week of May 23,
owing to the length ot? the pro-
(,sarin, show Will ,start at 1:30