The Clinton News Record, 1923-5-24, Page 7y
boiling water
Use enough, to get
a big lasting suds
Big lasting suds—dne
secret of Rinso's ainaz-
ing power to dissolve Soak art hour
dirt. if you don't ; get or more oe(°-21.0ht awl
lasting suds, yen have (Colored olothe. onlyhalf an
not used enough Rinso.
After soaking, only the most soiled clothes need
a light rubbing with dry Rinso.
Your clothes don't need boiling if you use Rinso.
But if ou dike-- to boil' your' white cottons, use
enough Rinso solution to get_ the suds you like.
Rinso is made by the largest soap makers
in the world to do the family mash as
easily and safely as LUX does fine things.
Irritation by Day and Sleepless-
ness at Night the Result..
There is no torture more intolerable
than nervousness; The sufferer starts
at every volae, IS shaky and depressed.
The loos thin
With Boy, activities on 1VIaY 24th, irritation, and dight.. are often sleep,
Qn'that day the two local troops 5111 , 1ess, Often. although In a'corttplefely.
Fe hoeest, Fl tore thUeo fid°Pa from Sarnia, StrathroY Which I able totsit prrIle stillthThe nielt is um
rves are
Forest, , or lip E hi this jaded condition because. they
.are joining whichcm to the flrsteid i troop are being" starved by poor, water
,held day has been'lield in that, I &' Y
part af..the province. A complete pro,blood and to restore then to a normal
gramme et athletic and Scouting condition the blood must be Made
events has been arranged and every-. t'Ss:h,;red and pure. For. this purpoee
body is expecting to have a big time.
Assistant Provincial Commibsioner Ir-
win will attend as-tho representative
Petrous will be. very much alive t g produces' a teeiing of
of Provincial Headquarters,
Man cannot live by solid food alone,
so to a mixed diet of all of -the:pre
viously. mentioned elements, - liquid
must be added. Pure, Yater is the
" best beverage. Most foods, contain a
largo amount of water and, this is
particularly -true of 'fresh fruit and
green vegetables.But these do not
contain sufficient water,'for the'body
"needs. Soups, water; milk, coffee, tea,
cocoa, etc., make up the necessary
amount of, liquids,
Cocoa and chocolate, milk and alco-
hol are foods as well es beverages.
But, foods may be harmful as well as
beneficial,' They may poisoirthe body
instead''nf nourishing 'it.` -Alcohol
goes on -this list, and should' be used
with great' moderation if used at all.
You can drive a horse to water but
you cannot make' him drink,.says; a
proverb.. So, also, you can tell people
what they should or should not eat,
but unless the,housekeeper chooses
her ..meals' with :wisdom, y' prepares
then in an appetizing, manner and
serves them attractively, she is not
likely to ' have the satisfaction of a
well-fed, happy family. And simple
food, well cooked, can be provided at
a reasonable cost.
For breakfast, 'milhF» milk and
water, coffee or tea or cocoa; with milk
and, sugar, bread and butter. A plate
of oatmeal' porridge :with milk and
treacle is a meal in itself, . Porridge
can be replaced by any .of the other
cereals. •
For lunch a'nourishing soup, made
with milk or barley, peas, beans or
iA • D AT ON
Provincial Board of Health, Ontario
Dr. Middleton will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat-
tere through this bcolum;n. Address him at' Spadlna House, Spadini
Crescent, Toronto. .
Toronto's Wolf Cub Exhibition was
a big success. Itwas held in one of'
the large halle ,of the Church of 'the
Epiphany and practically every Cub
Puck in the district was 'represented
in the entries list The many depart-
ments included Art, Collections, Do-
mestic. 'Science, Manual - 'Training
Models, and .Woodcraft. In the Art
section object drawings, cartoons and
advertising posters were prominent,
Collections, included postage stamps,
post cards and 'coins. Domestic science
featured cakes, pies, candies, biscuits
and jellies. All ]finds or: wood work as
well ,as articles made from, cardboard
and metal were'exhibited in the Models
lection.' In the. Woodcraft section
6wero quite a numberof exceilaut bird
houses, model, bridges, knots mounted
on boards and nature collections such
as leaves; plants and insects- ' , Tho
whole made a show of great variety
and interest.:
Mr. Rodney ,C. Woad, Dominion
Camp Chief for the Boy Scouts'As-
lentils, macaroni with cheese, or a
stew, or a ineat pie. To this choice
must be added a fresh vegetable salad
such as lettuce and tomato. A simple
pudding or stewed fruit should serve
as dessert.
For supper, bread and butter, cools,
ed prunes or apricots, a simple pud-
ding and cocoa.
Such menus contain the necessary
nutritive values at ,the lowest cost,'
They may be added to, or varied ac -
carding` to the income of the indi-
vidual, but overcoating must be
If an increase in amount is made
it must be in keeping with the occu-
pation. A man 'engaged at active
laboring work will need more food to
repair his wastedenergy than an
office worker who has little exertion.
Combined- with any rational diet
must be, added a sufficient amount of
exercise andfresh air to keep the
body fit. There must also be regular
and free movement of the bowels,"
Diet is a subject,well worth study.
The proper feeding of .: the family
should be the care of every housewife;
it is a laudable achievement, and not
at allimpossible, for her natural re,
sourcefuhtess the modern woman has
now at her service the fruit of much
patient, laboratory research. It is
within her power to assist in creating
inthis generation a race more equable
in temperament, of finer physique and
better able to withstand disease than
any previous generation has 'ever
known. •
no other medicine com.eqUe/ Dr. Wil -
item's' Pink Pills. '1'11ey act directly
union the blood; they bring to it the
element's necessary to . enrich and
-purity: it, thus bringing new'healthand
strength to Inn -down, nerve -worn lieo-
pie. There is no doubt -about this;
thousands lave'testified to the blood-
improying, nerve-restoringqualities'of
these. pills. Among these is Mrs. Aub.
rey Coldwell, Melaneon, N S., who
says:—''I was badly run down -and my
nerves were In a terrible, condition. I
wculd.'etart at the -least sound and
ertenfaint away: I could not sleep at
night, •and only those whb have been
a. similar condition can tell wliat I
suffered. At my mother's roquest, I
began taking Dr: Williams' Pink Pills,
and' after taking them :`for 'several
months I am surprised at my present
condition of good. health, My nerves
are as sound as ever;',I can sleep well'
and eat well, and have no more-fatnt-
ing spells. "I can only say that can-
not praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills• too
much' for what they have done for me."
You can get' these pills through, any
medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents
a box: from The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
soclation, is in England for the sum-
mer. He has been "loaned' by.. the
Canadian Association to Imperial
Headquarters,' In order that he may
take charge ofthe summer training
courses at Gillwell Park: 'The training
course in Canada this summer will be
conducted under' the personal -direc-
tion of Professor Sohn A. Stapes df
Ottawa, Assistant Cltief. Commissioner.
for Canada. Amongst his assistants
in this work will, be Mr. Frank E. L.
Coombs of the -Dominion Headquarters
Publications Department, Assistant
Provincial Commissioner' Irwin .of To-
ronto,and ScoutmasterRev. S. A. Mac -
dolmen of Stratford, Ont. .d full an-
t,iotincement concerning the 1923 train-
ing camps .is "expected from Dominion
Headquarters very Soon.
Merry Lord Marcus.
Of the five dare -devil sons of the
- fourth Marquis of Waterford, an Irish
peer, the most widely.known were:
Lord Charles Beresford, the admiral,
Lord William, military secretary for
years .to the Viceroys of India, and
Lord Marcus, long manager of King
Edward's racing stables, In their
reckless courage, wild spirits and de -
valor' to fighting, sport and "practical;
joking the three Ileresfords soon rath-
er to belong to the days and doings of
Charles Lever's hilarious heroes than
Of the trio, "Lord Bill" was perhaps
a \rifle .th1e, moat exuberant; Lord
Clkbrles could claim the most d'istia='
n gtllahed - service record and also the
greatest number of broken bones, for'
. 1n the course. of his gay and ,gallant
career he, had broken his chest bone,'
his t' llvis, •hes right' log, his, right hand,
a foot, five ribs, opt) collarbone three
thaw and' the other once. and his nose
three tines; and Lord Marcus, who has
recently- died at the age of seventy
four, possessed the readiest tongue,
At one time , when 'Loads, Charles
13eret,ford was standing for_Pariiamont
In opposition to Sir Christopher. Fur
Hess hie - two brothers helped him to`
make the campaign a lively one,. Lord
Marcns,was, however, - a novice in
Such things and 'when on acc:ompany
ing Lord. Charles to a meeting' he found
that he was'ntpeotod to make a speech
he was: for enno dismayed. "I .can't
possibly do it; he said bo his, brother,
"I dont know what to sa.yi"
"I told „him," n'ecOrds LordCharles
in hitt memoirs, "to begin because he
Was sure to be interrupted; and then,'
;being t�y i,151i lair, le would eert.igly
'j`ind `cote. ping t&' ay, toi'd I11 ,retia
tlroreiipon rose to his feet, and a voleo
inirnediately shontocl
•>b,,.. ami e,?i, t-.. ', o,w:'M-...:..
- 1,
t,, ou it ih'o 'I 1e 1
I� r�i , g�r the cine
tdid ire VTh?', cried 5„,,,,04 ,`tv4A du
111 toil yeti ';tib Cve al, g Ash thlhe
rot?�; ers,: lull Mir n..6 1.6,, life Sha,dmaoh;
iosltacii and'A.bednego. Afid we haVe
0i t 'thebaselineiter.
,ire+o to put t
'acne here y
1• No Beresford could endure being
Men' ,oil alley, a.nyong else to be,
1V1'irlio tit btpther iVlarcuswas travel'
ng 'b1 fill ii,itli, kine 11londs, aint rig
wfionl was Mr. Dudley Milner," Lord
Charles relates,- "Marcus= kindly re -
levet" the tedium of the jourm,y, Dud-
ey Milner had fallen asleep. 'Marcus
took the ticket from Milner's pocket,
PIe then woke up. Milner, "telling him
the -tickets were about to be collected.
Milner, after feverishly searching for
pia ticket, was 1es'ced to the conclusion
that he had lost It and, finding that he
had very little money, begged that
sone one would lend ,him the requisite
sum. One and all witlCprofuse apolo-
gies declared themselves tobe almost
penniless, and Milner was nearing des-
pair when my brother synipatltetically.
suggested that as the train-approachedthe station Milner should hide under
lire seat: Thereupon Milner, assisted
by several pair -tea feet, struggled un-
der the seat, and his friends am•oened
him with their legs. In a short.
the conductor appeared, and Marcus
gave.him all the tickets,
"''Here's six tickets for; five gen'tle-
men,' said the conductor.'
" 'Quite correct,' said the .outrage-
bus'Marcus blandly. 'Thee other gentle-
men is under the seat. .He prefers
traveling like that.' " •
Motor Run by Moonlight. -
Among the most curious su0tara ever
invented is one devised by A It; Ben-
nett :and intended for delicate expert,
month in heat, measurement. It is so
sensitive that it begins to revolve the
moment it is exposed to daylight,.even
when the sun is hidden, and in clear
weather It will work all night, affected
even by :the radiant heat of moon.
Matti The motIVe -power is doe- to
convection currents set up inside the
glebe efiade witjt,: tvhirhl tete inetruniont
4 CMie'reti, While the glass. is not
wa)'hed by the radiant heat of daylight
a} timenllp4'pasetng through 1t, the
1 • trj`ptu 41 tic,motor 'are
are and
tiledifference's jieifl 0atul'
l'idsgialle6 'start
Th ail <�lxt .
• Visitors to Oanitd tttiro impressed
h the inusical r0 res. of e
wit 1 the Do -
r g
In reply to a telegram despatched by
152.e Petrone. Boy Scouts -to Sir Robert
Baden-Powell -during his recent visit
to Ontario, the Chief Scout wrote as
follows: .
"I was delighted' toget your tele-
gram: Please thank your boys•, for
their kindly .welcome and tell diem
how sorry I am that time andmy
many' engagements did not permit' of
my coming to Petrolia. I should 'so
much have liked to have seen them
and to' learn first-hand how•they were,
getting on. I hope'that 'they are be-
coming good backwobdsmen and camp-
ers, but most especially I hope they
are not forgetting to carry out 'every
day their good • turn.
"Wishing you every success,
Yours truly,
Chief Scout."
Nature's Clerks of the
A -Secret of the Ages.
How did the ancient' Egyptians,, with-
out the aid of windlass, block, or
tackier, succeed in erecting their gl-
gantic obe'l'isks?•
ror ages this problem shas, engaged
the attention: of antiquaries' and me -
charas., -and itaias been solved at last
by Mr. R. Dngl'elbach, Chief Iaepeetor
of Antiqulties' in 'Uppyer Egypt, whose
explanation is very in'terblting.
' In the first place, a sloping embank
meet was erected, having on its high
end a funnel -shaped :• pit - descending to
the prev'dotisly" prepared pedestal on
which the obelisk was to reat. A gentle
curve led down from the surface of the
embankment until it met the sloping
wails of the funnel.
The funnel was filled with sand, and
the.,obolisk was rolled up the embank-
ment until its' base wase overthe open--
ing. The base of the obelisk was then
allowed to sink into the funnel and
the sand was removed"frant,the foot
of the funnel' through tunnels:
All the time the Sand was being re-
moved - the 'obelisk. naturally sank
lower into the cavity, and., at last, rest.
ed'on its pedestal. •
Mr. Engelbach, had a model obelisk
made and, putting, 1110 theory to the
test; found thaatit worked successfully.
Scientists have given ' a different
name to each type of cloud.
The four main types are cirrus, cu-
mulus, stratus, and nimbus.
Cirrus clouds •are the fine wisps or
shreds of white, like thin plumes of
feathers, often seek against a blue
background. Usually ,they herald the
approach of wind. They are the high-
est of .all the clouds, averaging about
50,00011, above the earth's surface.
It is; by the way, aeommon error to
Suppose that clouds are -at much treat-
er heights from us than they really
The Latin word "cumulus" means,
broadly' speaking, a. heap, and it is as.
heaps of white one ntay regard the
cumulus clouds•; though often, •.and
especially against a setting sun, they
will appear as dark masses edged with
Ili the dit;ys'of tThb iE'efelit Egyptians
great armies of men were engaged on
this work. As many as ten thousand
were sent at a time bo.transport monu-
ments of less ;weight -than an obelisk.
Convinced Min..'
• Mr. Tightleigh, stepped aboard the
car -and p:tiid`his fare, but the conduct-
or, who was very busy, forgot that he
had ::received the "nickel, and at
Thirtieth street held' out his hand.
"Fare," he said.
"I paid you, half a mile back," pro-
tested Mr. Tigbtleigh,
"I think not," said the conductor.
"I say I did."
"I say you didn't."
'-Mr.r. Tigh'tleigli hesitated a moment,
and then said, with the air of an in-
jured man:
Don't you remember that a man got
on about five minutes ago and held on
tohis nickel ds if he didn't waait to
give it up, and you almost had` to pry
it out of his hand?
"Well, that was ,mel` .
"I remember you now" said the con-
ductor- with a grin.
Good for Almost Nothing.
Alice for the 'first time saw a cat
A Checker Diversion
-lits next time you' play check-
ers, introduce to your friends tike
little scientific problem, Make -s-
pite ot, a'dozen or more checkers,
making certain' that each checker
rests firmly on the one 'below it '
and that the pile is not "wobbly."
With" the back of a knife strike
'one of the men a sharp blow. The
lowerthe man to the pile, the bet-
ter will be the effect of the trick,
If you strike quickly: and careful-
ly,.you will. knock the man out, qt
the pile and the rest, of the check-
ers will remain just, as they Were.
The trick should be repeated -un-
til nothing remains In the pile -ex-
cepting the, top and bottom check -
An interesting (and 'more thin -
cult) variation is to strike two
man'e same ;time, using 'two
knives and: striking from opposite
'sides of the pile..
(011p'thiis out and paste it, with
others of the aeries, in 0 +Ierap-
Mrs. Matthews Pay's I -Ugh
bete to Tarlac for Encling
Stomach Trouble. -
"I am BO thankful for—the,, wonderful
benefits I 'have'reoeived from the, Tan..
lac treatment" just want to tell every-
body in Toronto about it,"- declarer
Mrs, Ellen Miattlrevss', 10 4'Eae,tern`Ave<,
Toronto, Ontario, '
"I suffered so terribly witb,stomseh
trouble and a rim -down condition that
I feared nervous collapse. MY a8pe-
tite almost deserted, me and' even the
little I did, manage to eat disagreed
With n>e, and I bloated• with gas t111 my
heart palpitated and I was dreadfully
short of brettlt. I couldn't get a good
night's sleep end 'res so worn out I,
couldnrt :oven, do illy 'errands to, the
"I heard so much praise of Tatelao- I
finally bought a bottle, and it Waw
worth its welgltt in gold, Six bottles
have. made me perfectly well, without
a sign of the old.'troubles 5 had suffer-
ed with for seven years and my
'weight has been Inoreased, too;' Feoii-
Sfilm;tit a ditty tic recorndnend Tanlac,"
Tanlao is for sale by all good drag -
gists, Accept 110 substitute. Oyer 37
million bottles/sem,' .
No otlterc)m•edicincgives the -game
satisfaction to mothers as do Baby's
OwTablets, They are equally good
for'' the newborn babe, or the growing
child find are absolutely guaranteed' to
be free from opiates or other harmful
drugs. They are a mild but thorough
laxative and cannot possibly do harm
-they 'always do good. Concerning
them ',Mrs. 'Jos. Ache, Coteau Road,
N.B., writes:—"I think, that Baby's"
Own Tablets' are a marvellous medi-
cane for little ones. 'I gave them to my
little girt with such good results that
I now strongly recommend them to all
mothers." The Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cts,
a bo :front The Dr, Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville, Ont.
There are several engaging thoughts
esto what the outcome of the wide-
spread use of radio will be. Not the
least pleasing of them is the idea that
thousands of boys and girls will listen
for an hour or more a day to a fair
sorb of.spoken English, clearly enun-
ciated: Youth is_?luick and, imitative.
Let us hope that on the waves of ether.
may come lessons that .will enlarge
our vocabulary and improve our pro-
Johnny was not very bright at his
lessons, but he was lively. His father'
asked him if he was pleasing his'teach-
-"Oh, yes," Johnny replied. "Teacher
said that if I went on like I was' doing
he'd give me a. soldier."
• "A soldier? Do; you mean.a box of
soldiers 7"
I o'pose so. He only said one,
though. I forget hie 'nante. "
"Whose -name?' 'as'ked the puzzled
"The soldier's name. Lot me see.
O:bi T remember! It was Corporal Pune
Flat at the base, domed at 'the top,
usually small in the morning and in,
creasing in'size'toWasels the early;af-
ternoon, they are to be seen on many
daysof spring and sunnier. Their al-
titude es a rule does; not exceed 5,000
`,`Stratus" is a word derived from the
Latin far a layer dr sheet, and 'any
clouds spread in a veil across the sky
may be so oallec1 coun-
Sar as this com-
try is: concerned, strettis'cloud implies
only too ..:,ten gloom with "high fog"
and cold.
The "nimbus 'is the black mass of.
the storm -cloud, bringer of rain.
Iu addition to these toter main terms
two others may be given, spice they
belong to clouds of welhkuown types.
"Thunder -heads" are cumulo,nlnrbus
clouds—it is easy ,to soothe' deriva-
tion of the name; while' the scientific
term for the white flocks that form
"mackerel sky" is "ci.rro-cumulus,"
An English gentleman Who t
cotnos ovor twice a year says that lie otic against some nobler Cared'
readily notes; a stride forward on each in the future, We had ail best
occasion _ bestir ourselves to the utmost
Mlnard'a i Iniriiont fol' Gcugh3 & colds while we. have the time.
carrying her kitten by the nape' of its
"You ain't lit to be a mother," she
cried, scathingly. "You ahi't hardly fit
to; be a father!"
M!nerd's Liniment for Corns and Warts!
The Medical Research Council of
England found difficulty in getting:
fromthe abattoirs' enough pancreas
for the preparation of ,insulin. Now
they have discovered that it ;can be,
In i
extracted from fsh, Insulin s
new remedy -for diabetes that Was dis-
covered at the University of Toronto.
Miaard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Its similar configuration, the pre-
valence of sudden storms and the
numerous defeats of those who sought
to climb it have caused Mount Assini-
boine; in 'Banff National park, Al-
berta, to be known as 'the "Canadian
Matterhorn" though it hasno such
black dist of fatalities on its record
as the ' Swiss peals. .
Tactless Bachelor.
A bachelor visited the proud parents
of a baby boy.
'The mother held up the bundle' for
inspection, and asked, gaily, "which
of us do you'thinit he is like?" ,
After a careful 'examination of the
baby the bachelor replied: "Wel, of
aourso, iC doesn't look very+ intelligent
Yet, but ho'S 111c0 bout of;
If .we are indeed here to
complete and perfect our own
natures, mill grow larger,
more s m
�jpg)rr Id•v.
rico 0NDED tv 001)1 BY S11115010'530 00050/0535
aaitPon MIL 01.0 43,51 5004 NUatNt 000,411000,,00A
The N+ .wee
.Smastt'5 Mowers ase m3 tje
guaranjee durable and
&a#isjiiatory service.
Ytieltcenest caileryour
mongycnrabuy, A,kfer'
a Smarth Nowerbynide.
0)303111110 oils.
1,0033. Aso
fn omtatioa 4R
return h-i➢t.6
',rata, cora k
farming, Bot
ap,o n
1 ntzed
d acne
'1 hen o
f e for
' "Tito
Remit by. Dominion Express Money .
Order. 41 most or stolen you get your
money back.
A contented mind means a cared -for
Minard's Liniment used by Physiclens.
A man who was lecturing on the
importanceof women's work said:
"Take women out of society, and what
would follow?." "I would," said a man
in the audience.
Lift Off with .Fingers
150., 04,,.. •.r 00 >
So specialize in
-uniforms for Bands,
Police, Firemen, etc.
TV' rite for style book
and Sssso les.
Crown Tailoring Co., Limited'
533 College St., Toronto, Ont.
esaa wdzt
First in Safety
Firstin Comenience'
First in Rummy
Back to Work
Kendall's Spavin. Treatment will get that'
lame horse back on the Job again. For
more than forty years a. endall's Spavin
Cure It has been removing spavinssplint
ringbone, thoroughpin and all kinds of
body growths.
Get itaf goo, druggill's today • .also aminob k "A Treats, n"the gorse] and Ida
'Diseases , 01. 0,ite duce) to
DR. 0. .1. 55ND"AL1. COMPA-NV,
Enoaburg Fabs, Vt., U.S.A.
Kond& rs
Spavin Treatment
from soli,
Safe, plea
At All
fine rash
and seal
and whe
hie head
tions. H
and. hie 1
very 1itt1
A fri
Soap arc
he got re
was heal
Jan. 12,
Daily t
ment an
skin trou
6ample Each
ityd, 844 et
'here. goo
Weak a
Well by
weak and r
always tire
until I wen
mo at all.'
Lydia E. P
pound to m
, at, but it wa
that I tools
until S felt
me and my a
-I am a farm
things to do
millcmg, look
other chores.
Vegetable Co
same tropblo
cine for wome
ssce, Hilleres
Another Ner
Port Huro
' for two year.
if I worked
and just as ti
I went to bed
and didn't fe
was so nerve
nails. One o
Lydia E. Ph
pound, and it
soon felt fine.
501 -14th St.,
Women wh
ailment ghoul
Vegetable Co
4 Farms in 1
/and times ti
oris• la 4 n by f.
Xoucansp ¢y
"Resltits of fertilizing are4 to 1 in favor of fe
one farmer.
By fertilizing you save seed, save labor and
and make the most money out of
Consult our Agent or write uo.
Monts wanted in territories
whe'io;we are not represented.
"Metallic" Siding
Galvanized, or painted. Stone,
Brick, or Clapboard -patterns.
inexpensive and Quickly Lald.
Send for Circular•
The lVietall1c !mooting Co.
1194 gangSt, tw Toronto 02
gave vatorihary bills 'oh ;roru' stork 10 0)150
`,ln5ard'e, -000 for CI., nr1dts), Strains,
aaddlo nolle, i)IsteMtta'o, stn,
Doesn'thurt a bit( Drap a 111110
"Freezone" 011 an aching coin, instants
ly that corn stops hurting, then shortly
you lift It right off with;.funpers, Trulyl.
n bottle ri
ist sells a tiny 1e of
w cents sufficient
"Yrreezouo far a Pe
to 1'eln0Ve evety hard corn, soft corn,
or rani between the toes, and tho, cal-
luses, wi'ltout soaeness ea irritation,
•: ISSUC. No. 20—'23,
SAY 6 BAYER" when you
you 0001111111,0
"Bayer" on neuralgia, 1
paelCRf,e or tin tab you ou are 1101 get- Itis, and 101
115151 ire genuine Payer p'rodttet pre' only "13ayot
licribod ,try physicians over • twenty- proper dire
thrco years anti proved safeby m1111ous ttvelv0 tub1)
for ibadulehe, colds, tonothaolto, earache, gists,nlao 0+